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Allison smiled happily as he suckled the lollipop. "And tonight Mommy has something extra yummy for her little baby." She chuckled slightly and looked at Theresa. "Was he any trouble?"

"Not at all. He just missed you that's all. I'm glad you're deciding to breastfeed. It is the best for babies." Theresa said. "Well I need to go back now. Call me anytime." She gave Jordan a kiss on the cheek and Allison a hug and left with Sally.

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Jordan finished off his lollipop fairly quickly, but the rhythmic sucking motions had lulled him into a sensitive spot of sleepiness, and his eye closed heavily, unable to stay open. When he would awaken again, he would surely be on a sugar high but for now he was definitely exhausted. "Mommy..." He whispered sleepily, dozng off on her arms.

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"Awww sleepy baby." She kissed his forehead gently and sighed. She knew that if he slept now then he'll stay up late tonight. But hopefully it'll mean he'll wake up late too the next day. She brought him to her bedroom and laid him down as he napped while she went to take a shower.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When Jordan woke up hours later he was a tangled mess in the covers. The first thing he noticed that his mommy wasn't near him and he felt a sudden sense of fear and desperation. Doing what he could only think to do, he began to sob and kick his legs, smearing the mess that had formed in his diaper and begun to smell. "Momma! Momma!"

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Allison had heard his cries and quickly showered and dress her hair still wet and tangled and went to pick little Jordan up. "Shhhh darling. Mommy's here now sweetheart. Don't cry." She rocked him gently and kissed his head. "I'm not gonna leave u baby boy."

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Jordan sniffled several times and hugged his mommy tightly, resting his head under her soaked hair, "mommy..." He whispered clinging to her like his life depended on it, "I tinky!" He giggled and cuddled closer to her.

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She smiled when he had stopped crying and kissed his cheek. "Yes you are, darling! Now let's go give u a bath tinky boy!" She brought him to the bathroom and sat him on the open toilet, removing his diaper while she prepared the warm bubble bath. "Did u have a nice nap, sweetheart?"

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"uh huh..." Jordan whispered tiredly, still a little sleepy from having just woken up. The bath water didn't do much to excite him, but he did find a little enjoyment in rubbing his hands across the top of the water line, like a baby in his first bath.

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She made sure to clean him up nice and clean. Washing his hair and taking a wash cloth, washing his body from head to toe. After she finished bathing him, she placed a thick diaper on him and dressed him a light blue sleeper with a flap at the bottom for diaper checks. "There we are sweetie. Fresh and clean!" She took a brush and began to gently brush his hair. "Are u hungry sweetie? Would u like some of Mommy's milk tonight?"

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Jordan squirmed quite a bit as he was washed, but he felt happy and wide awake once he was diapered and dressed in his comfy baby clothes! "Milky!" He demanded, not necessarily understanding where the milk was comig from, but knowing he really wanted some.

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"Okay baby. Just a minute now." She laid a pillow on her lap and cradled him in her arms like a newborn as she unbuttoned her pj's and unclipped her bra, revealing her leaking nipples. This was the first time she was breastfeeding and she hoped she could do it. "Here we are now, darling. Some nice warm milk for you."

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Jordan acted a bit hesitant at first. He wasn't sure what type of angle he should be in right now, but he Felt strongly compelled to grasp onto the nipples with his mouth, and began to suckle as if it was his baby bottle. His mouth was filled with delicious warm milk and it felt so wonderful in his parched throat.

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Allison felt strange as she had never done anything like this before. It felt amazing though. "Oh wow. So this is what a nursing mother feels. Lucky them! Sweet baby. Do you like Mommy's milk hmm?" She asked him as she smiled at him, cooing gently.

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Jordan smiled up at her happily, his lips suckling thirsting. This was the most wonderful experience he could ever imagine, and his diaper grew warm as he peed into it. When he was done, he let out a small burp, but the discomfort in his motion easily explained he needed to let more gas out, possibly from both ends.

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Allison felt a sense of closeness to him. More than before. She felt more like a mother when nursing and gently cooed at him while he did. When he was done she gently placed him over her shoulder and patted his back firmly. "Alright my little Jordan, burp for Mommy okay baby?"

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  • 1 month later...

Jordan felt himself raised slightly and saw over Allison's shoulder. He gazed around the living room and found himself staring at a room that was much larger than he was! His baby mind thought in wonder before t was suddenly distracted by the pressure building in his body. He suddenly erupted wih a loud burp, followed by a small amount of spit up, and drowned out by the sound of his bottom exploding into the seat of his diaper.

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"Oh goodness!" Allison exclaimed as she heard him burp as well as the sound from his bottom. "Oh Jordy. Good job baby boy." She said as she looked at him and smiled as she laid him down for a moment.

She took a wet wipe as gently wiped the spit up from her shoulder.

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Jordan giggled at the sound of Allison's soothing, loving voice and squirmed like a little baby he thought he was as she wiped him clean and tenderl cared for him. As predicted, he continued to mess himself for another few minutes before a satisfied drool bubble and the paling of his face indicated he had finished his business.

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"Are you done now my little baby?" Allison said as she wiped him up some more, applied diaper cream and sprinkled some powder to his diaper area. "Alright." She said as she placed a crisp disposable underneath him and pulled it up and taped it up nice and snug. "There. All done."

She gently nuzzled his tummy a blew a few raspberries.

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"Mommy tinky!" Jordan teased, sucking on his fingers and staring up at Allison lovingly, "Momma tin....tinky...." His eyes suddenly grew very heavy and the events of the day had caught up with him swiftly; the baby was exhausted and was in much need of bedtime. Within minutes he had fallen asleep in Allison's arms.

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Allison smiled down at her baby lovingly. Today was a great day indeed. She was tired but it was all worth it. She gently stroked Jordan's hair and kissed his forehead. "Night night Jordy. Sweet dreams."

She gently laid him down next to her and tucked him in as she cuddled him close to her. "I love you." She said and fell asleep.

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The next few days were filled with baby giggles, tears, fussy nights and peaceful mornings. The smell of baby powder and poopy diapers had become a common scent that it was hardly noticeable anymore. Eventually though, the end of the week came and Jordan woke up one morning with a gasp. His head felt cloudy and his throat felt sore. He fell asleep last night after a long crying.

"Allison?" Jordan called out groggily, leaning up and finding himself in his crib and he couldn't but smile.

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Allison yawned and woke up. She didn't get much sleep last night due to Jordan crying for a quite a while throughout the night. She walked over to his crib and smiled down at him. "Morning my baby boy."

"Did u sleep well?" She asked and picked him up, nuzzling his cheek and checking his diaper as she had been use to for the past week.

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"I did..." Jordan whispered weakly, enjoying the attention he was getting, "thank you for this sweetie..." His throat ached horribly and he was trembling as hi body began to recover from it's ordeal.

"I'm hurting..." Jordan said weakly, trembling a bit, suddenly feeling pretty exhausted.

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"Well someone was being extra fussy last night" She said as she hugged him and cuddled him. "You cried pretty much throughout the night."

She kissed his cheek. "Well, darling. After all this I think I can even handle it if we had twins!" She said and laughed.

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