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When Jordan woke up, he, per usual; woke up before Allison. What's worse was that he desperately had to use the restroom. He considered using his diaper, knowing that Allison would probably get a huge kick out of it. He did love to see her smile. Concentrating , having never peed himself from a laying down position, he slowly coerced his bladder to let go and he began to pee himself, the diaper absorbing it all up without any hindrance.

Jordan couldn't believe it. He was laying in his best friend/girlfriends bed, in a soaked diaper. A smile broke on his face, and he decided to keep the game going. "Mommy Alli...." He whispered in her ear, "I go pee pee in my diapee..."

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Allison woke up and yawned. She gasped slightly when he heard what he said. She felt his diaper and it was indeed soaked. You could just tell by looking at it too. A smile quickly spread across her face.

"Aww my wittle baby made pee pees for Mommy huh? Do you want me to change u now or do u wanna enjoy it first?" She asked as she kissed his cheek.

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Jordan smiled and pondered for a moment, before replying, "Later mommy!" He rolled off of her, the diaper making wet squishing noises with every motion he made. He climbed off the bed and waddled out, joy etched on his face. He his behind the counter in the kitchen, giggling ecstatically.

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Jordan giggled and darted out from behind the counter, running up to Allison from behind and hugging her tightly, his soaked diaper pressing up tightly against her bare legs, "I wuv you mommy Awwi!" He lisped playfully.

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Allison squealed as she didn't expect him to hug her from behind. She felt his soaked diaper which was warm against her legs. "I love you too sweetie pie. Now about we go get that wet diapey changed hmm?" She looked at him and smiled.

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Jordan's face paled a little bit and he looked down nervously. Forgetting his baby voice for a moment he whispered, "You don't have too... I can change t myself.... I don't want you to, you know... If you don't want to..."

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Alli patted his cheek gently. "Of course I do! What kind of Mommy doesn't change her baby's diapers? Now come on! I'll change u on the couch. She laid out his diapering supplies and made him lay down as she changed him. "Oh baby you're so soaked. Yesh you are!" She used a high pitched tone that mothers usually used with their babies.

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"But, Alli..." Jordan begged as he was forcibly led to the couch. The momen his diaper opened and he felt the cold air breach his private areas he immediately covered his privates, trying to save some embarrassment, while his face and body was deep red in shame.

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"Oh Jordy. You're so silly." She took some wipes and began wiping his diaper area before sprinkling some powder and taping up the new disposable nice and snug. "There! All done! See? That wasn't so bad now was it?" She blew raspberries on his tummy.

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Jordan burst out into giggles as she blew into his tummies, "Alli! Alli! Stop! You know my tummy is ticklish! Haha!" He squirmed and took a few sharp breaths.

"You are absolutely no fair...." He said through laughter, "Hou know I'm not a real baby right?"

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She stopped after a while and looked at him. "I know. But you wanted to be treated like one so I am. I'll only be childish when you're not being a baby. Okay?" Even though she loved babying her best friend she still loved the attention she got from him time to time.

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Jordan rolled his eyes, "I'll treat you like a child anytime you want me too..." He replied with a smirk, rubbing his fingers down her thigh, "I just can't believe you want a baby so bad you're into to treat me like the baby you want me to be... Change my diapers and everything..."

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"Well you're always taking care of me. I just want to do the same to you. It's not just because I want a baby. " she smiles and stroked his cheek gently with the back of her hand. "Plus this is great practice for when we have a baby in the future."

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Jordan felt a chill of excitement run down his spine. A baby in the future? Smiling widely he asked, finally leaning up so that Allison was sitting on his diapered lap, "So, does this mean you definitely want to be in a relationship with me? I never officially asked my earlier before my nap... Allison; will you be my girlfriend?"

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Jordan smirked and kissed her forehead; "I don't think there's any chance of is being apart now sweetheart... What with you going all mother hen on me..." He took hold of her hand and massaged it gently, "What do you wanna do tonight?"

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Jordan trembled a bit in delight as Allison loved on him so closely, "I smell good?" He asked in a trembling voice, a smile of delight in his face, "I figured a smelled a bit like... Pee pee and baby powder?" He bent down and kissed the crook of her neck, right above her breasts.

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Jordan chuckled and thought for a moment, "I guess I can start making you dinner, and we can discuss where we want this relationship to go..." He stood up and made his way into the kitchen, "I think I'll make you my special spaghetti! Do you wanna be my helper?" He pulled Allison close and kissed her softly on her lips.

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Jordan enjoyed the kiss deeply and smiled at her, before his smile faltered, "Oh... Do we have to watch a horror movie?" He asked nervously, fidgeting a bit in his diaper. He bit his lips and pouted.

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