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Jordan felt the air be squeezed out of him as Allison hugged him tighter than he has ever been hugged before! "That sounds... Great... Can't... Breathe!" When he was finally released he smiled and sat down in his chair.

"That sounds great! If you have the money to spare... Tell you what! While we try this out; you don't have to pay me! Just give me a place to live in and I'll be happy! I can't take too much or I'll feel terrible..."

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Jordan blushed, he had always been the better of the two when t came to preparing meals.

"Sure Alli, if it makes you feel better you never have to eat another microwave dinner again..." He stuck his tongue out and took her plate to wash, "I know! This is so exciting! Now, is there anything I don't need to bother packing? Like do I need all of my plates and dishes and stuff?"

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"Yay! Home cooked meals!" She was practically bouncing off her seat with excitement. "Just your clothes and possessions are fine. Unless your plates and dishes have some sort of sentimental value then you can burn those too if you'd like."

She wondered if he's gonna confess to her about his secret once they've moved in.

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"Okay..." Jordan began to tap his fingers anxiously on the counter, his calculating mind already beginning to think everything out, "okay! Why don't you go to your place and clear space for my few boxes, and I'll start packing and call you when I'm ready!"

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Allison nodded. "Okay sounds like a good plan." She didn't even change out of her pajamas and went straight back home to clear the spare room up and then went to take a shower.

This is great she thought. She was already anticipating the sleepover but now they can have sleepovers every single night!

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Jordan quickly went into his room and changed clothes. It didn't take him very long to pack up his possessions in a few boxes and stack them by the door. After texting Allison to tell her he was ready, he made his way to the closet and grabbed a small box filled with diapers, pacifiers, and bibs. Making sure everything was there, he noticed his journal was missing. Frantically he searched before finding under his bed, throwing it in the box, and sealing it shut.

"Hey there boss!" Jordan said flirtatiously as he opened the door to reveal his best friends return.

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Allison came as quickly as she could when he called and stood in his doorway, rolling her eyes. "Please. Jordan just call me Alli." She helped him carry the boxes to her car and then drove back to her place.

"Oh Jordan. It's a dream come true today!"

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Jordan held tightly to the one specific box the entirety of the trip, before quickly rushing it inside and burying it with the rest of his stuff.

"I know..." He said nervously, sitting on his new couch, "I can't believe I haven't allows myself to do this yet... I mean, this is like the millionth time you offered..." He looked around and noticed how much nicer this apartment was then his crummy one.

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Allison noticed he held on to that box and suspected it was his baby things. "Yeah I can't believe it either but I'm so glad you finally agreed. I mean I'm so damn lonely here."

Well make yourself at home. "I've set up a spare bed in my room which I doubt will be used anyways." She winked at him.

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Jordan blushed and scooted closer to Allison on the couch. Resting his head on her shoulder he noticed how delightful she smelled. It was such a pleasing odor that it caused him to smile. Suddenly drool poured down his chin and the front of his pants grew wet as he wet himself. He heard Allison mention something about needing diapers, but at that point, Jordan snapped out of his day dream and quickly checked the front of his pants, relieved to find himself dry. He must have looked strange though, his hand resting clearl on his crotch.

"Uh, yeah... I'll probably be sleeping with you for the first few nights!" He said with a nervous chuckle.

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That's when it clicked with Jordan. She knew, she had to know. That's why she's been acting so pushy lately! Biting his lip, he considered running, but that was more silly than he could imagine. He recognized that he had to tell her. It was the right thing to do.

His hands trembling, he took Allison's hands and looked her in the eyes , "I have a secret... And I've been keeping t from you for years..."

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Jordan opened and closed his mouth so many times. It was so difficult to put into words. I'm a big baby. I like diapers. I've dreamed about you being my mommy. None off those we're appealing. Finally , "Actually... I can't just tell you... I have to show you..."

Jordan got off the couch, and went into his room, closing the door behind him. He saw the window and thought of one last chance to escape, but decided against it. Instead, after about twenty minutes, he opened the door and walked into the loving room , dressed in a thick disposable diaper, that was poorly taped on due to his rush and nervousness, and a powder blue tee shirt.

" I'm... Yeah..." He managed to say, holding his arms out and showing Allison his deepest secret.

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Allison looked at him from head to toe. He looked absolutely adorable to her. "I don't get why you had to keep it a secret from me. You know I won't judge you. Ever."

She walked up to him and gave him a hug. "You're my best friend Jordan. I'll love you no matter what." She looked up at him smiling. "I have so many questions though!"

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Jordan's eyes filled with tears of joy and shame. He found himself being led over to the couch and he curled up in a ball next to Allison, gripping her shirt tightly. "I just... I'm a failure... I didn't want you to see that underneath me having to rely on you for support that I was a stupid baby too... I'm sorry Allison... I'll answer any question you have..."

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"You're not a stupid baby." She gently wiped his tears away. "Honestly I depend more on u if u think about it. I'm always asking for your company and what not."

She gently hugged him. "Well let's start from the beginning. How did u get into this stuff?"

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Jordan sniffled and thought back really hard, "I guess I've always had those feelings... You know I was bounced around the foster system since we met... I guess it's because I never really had a babyhood that my mind always seemed to wan me to have one..." Jordan had never known his parents; he was abandoned as an infant and forced into the system early. Luckily upon meeting Allison's family at a young age, he was practically adopted by them.

"Well, remember when you babysat your niece a couple of months ago? That's when I stole my first diaper.:. Remember we went to the zoo and you were so frustrated that you couldn't find that spare diaper in the diaper bag to change her poopy one? Yeah.. That's y fault..." Jordan blushed but continued, "Of course her baby one wouldn't work for me, but I kept it, felt it, and dreamed of having my own. So I ordered some online, followed by other babyish items, and... Yeah..."

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She listened to his whole story. So he was the diaper culprit! But of course she didn't mind anymore, she asked a few more stuff and then decided that was all she wanted to know.

"Well I still wish you would've told me sooner. You know how much I love babies! And you're sort of my brother since we adopted you and all" She held him in her arms and kissed his forehead. I'm glad you told me Jordy."

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Jordan stared up at Allison for several minutes, his heart racing. He ignored the comment about being her brother. He had to if he was going to act on the actions placed on his heart. Without hesitance, he leaned up and kissed his best friend on the lips, holding his lips against hers passionately.

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Jordan, after several minutes of wonderful kissing, pulled back took a few deep breaths, before saying in a stumbling, nervous voice, "I'm... I'm guessing that since you definitely used some tongue... That you were okay with me doing that?" He smiled weakly, his cheeks red and his eyes filled with joy and excitement.

"And assuming that... I wanna tell you another secret..." Jordan licked his lips nervously, "I love you Allison... You're my biggest crush..."

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Allison looked into his eyes dreamily. This day couldn't possibly get better than what Jordan just had said. "And I'll tell you a secret. I've been secretly wanting to do that for as long as I can remember." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too Jordan. You're my best friend, crush.. Everything."

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Jordan smiled softly, hoping this moment would never end, "So... I'm not the only one withholding secrets now am I missy?" He chuckled and leaned over and kissed her cheek.

That's when he remembered he was still wearing a diaper and he turned crimson, "Uh... I should probably go change out of this..."

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