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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Puck look down on Quinn's sleeping form. No she was not her formal self not the HBIC who always walked with her head held high no. She was an innocent little girl her hair slightly askew sucking her thumb with her purple blankee cuddled close her nightgown riding up slightly and her diaper sagging. Yeah Quinn had changed a lot since her accident but Puck thought that maybe it was for the better.

"Quinn baby it's time to wake up," he cooed as he gently stroked her hair. She whined a little and her eyes fluttered open and she yawned

"good morning princess," he cooed.

"Morning daddy," she said placing a wet slobbery kiss on his cheek

"You ready for you breakfast?"

Quinn smiled and nodded. Puck smiled and scooped her into his arms and carried her down stairs to the kitchen. He placed her in her chair and went to fix her oatmeal. "Here you sweetie," he said as he sat a bowl of oatmeal and a sippy cup of milk in front of her. "Quinny you're gonna go stay with Ms. Shelby and Beth today," Puck said as he ate his own breakfast.

"But I wanna stay with you daddy," Quinn pouted.

"I know but there's glee today so I'll be by to get you later," he sighed

"I like glee," Quinn squealed. After breakfast Puck cleaned up Quinn's hands and face and took her upstairs and got her changed.

"Do you have to potty Quinnie?" Quinn shook her head and Puck pulled the pull up over Quinn's hips and snapped up one of the adorable ruffly onsies that Kurt had found along with the pink skirt that went with it. "All ready to go," he cooed and scooped her up. After Puck got himself ready he put Quinn in the car and drove to Shelby's


"Hi there Quinn," Shelby cooed "You wanna go play with Beth?" she asked.

"Hi Bee Bee," Quinn said shyly with a nod. Puck smiled and sat her down and she ran inside. "Thanks again Shelby," he said.

Quinn and Beth were playing happily in the living room Beth played with her blocks and Quinn colored a princess book and happily told Beth about her day. Quinn soon came toddling up to Shelby.

"Bee Bee I hafta potty!" She said. Shelby smiled

"Alright Big Girl let's go" she said enthusiastically. Shelby led Quinn to the bathroom and set her on the toilet and let her finish her business.

"All done!" Quinn said clapping her hands together.

"Good girl!" Shelby cooed as she helped her wipe and wash her hands before going back to playing with Beth.

"Lunchtime!" Shelby announced as she entered the the living room. Shelby scooped up Beth and Quinn hopped on her feet and took her free hand. Shelby got the girls settled for lunch she set a PB&J with some carrot sticks in front of Quinn and began feeding Beth. Soon both girls had finished their lunch and it was naptime. Finally. "Okay girlies nap time!"

Quinn pouted at this. "No!"

"I know you don't want a nap sweetie but when you wake up it'll be time for daddy to come get you," Shelby coaxed.

"Otay" Quinn sighed

"Come one baby let's get you in your diaper,"


Shelby was right just as she went to wake Quinn Puck was at the door. Quinn looked him sleepily and lifted her arms to be held. Puk smiled and lifted her onto his arms.

"How was she?" he asked.

"Wonderful as usual she even used the big girl potty today," Shelby smiled

"That's my girl!" Puck smirked.

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Puck drove back to the school and took her to the choir room he quickly changed her nap time diaper and asked "Do you need to potty,"

Quinn thought for a moment but shook her head. Puck sighed and put the Pull-Up on her. Moments late Will entered

"Grandpa," Quinn squealed running towards him. Will smiled and hugged her

"Hi there Quinn," he said "I brought you a treat,"

"A prwesent fowe me?" Quinn said eyes wide

"Of course little one!" Will said pulling a small piece of chocolate from his bag. "Here you go," Quinn giggled excitedly and took it

"Dank you Grandpa," she said

"You're welcome sweetie," Will replied opening the wrapper before Quinn gobbled down her treat. Puck saw this and shook his head

"She's spoiled," He chuckled. Shortly after more glee club members joined them all greeting Quinn as they entered Quinn as always loved getting so much attention.

"Hewoo!" she would squeal to each student as they entered and hugged her or patted her head. The students waited for glee to start ans mingled and socialized with one another while Quinn sat on Brittany's lap and played patty cake over and over again when Will called the students to order Quinn walked over to a table and colored quietly with her blankee clutched tightly in her free hand. The glee club discussed Regional's and care for Quinn while they were there and ran their group number a few times. When it was time to go home Quinn waved everyone goodbye and Puck drove home telling him about her day the whole way home. Puck pulled up to his drive way and let Quinn out of the car.

"Daddy's gotta do his homework can you be a big girl and watch cartoons til I'm done?" he said

Quinn nodded excitedly happy to please her daddy.


Puck quickly finished his work and after some cuddles with his little girl he started dinner. After dinner time came Quinn's bath time. Quinn giggled and splashed with her toys and bubbles while Puck washed her. After he was satisfied she was clean he helped her out and dried her off. Puck sighed knowing putting Quinn to bed would be a struggle as always.

"Daddy I don't need that diaper diapers are for babies<" she whined kicking her feet.

"These are special big girl diapers though," Puck coaxed.

Quinn pouted and contiued to fuss while he taped it up and put her in a pair of pink and purple fleece footie pajama's

"I don't like these jammies," she whined.

"Quinn it's almost bedtime go pick a book to read while I go get you some milk," Puck said.

Quinn ran over to her bookshelf and placed everyone of her princess books on her bed.

"Which book are we having tonight?" Puck asked.

"Dese ones daddy," Quinn beamed.

"Princess you can only have one story," Puck said

"But I want all of them!" Quinn pouted

"Pick one please Quinn," he stated again

"All dem," Quinn said with a stomp of her foot.

"Quinn pick one or you can go to bed with a spanking and no story at all," Puck said he voice stern but calm. Quinn pouted but picked out Beauty and the Beast and climbed into bed. Puck handed Quinn her sippy cup and blankee after tucking her in nice and tight and sitting in the chair and begging to read. When he finished the book he looked at Quinn who was now fast asleep he placed a kiss on her cheek

"Sweet dreams,baby girl," he said before flipping on the night light and baby monitor before leaving the room.

Short and not proof read! more to come!

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