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Question For The Ladies

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Well this might be a little TMI.

Do you other girls have your urge to wear vanish when you get your period? Today I was planning to wear, I had everything ready and time cleared but I started my period midday and my urge just went poof. It is very frustrating. I want to wear but my period puts me out of the mood. :(

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soft cup i.e. moon cup, its literally like a little bowl that you insert and it collects the fluid than you rinse and reinsert, its low environmental impact and less risk than tampons carry.

For me, ab is sexual and when i'm bloated and cramping and irritable... sex is the last thing on my mind... so when i'm on my period for a few days I have no desire to engage in that at all!

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I haven't had a proper period in over 4 months due to the depo shot, which I will never get again. When I had my regular periods, diapers were the last thing on my mind and a bottle of moltrin would be the first!

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ohh i loved the depo shot... course i inadvertantly was on it for 4 years longer than you are supposed to be.. but man 7 years without a period.. fantastic!!! and i had no weight gain on it!!! best thing ever for me!

but i've heard some people have a large weight gain, and others instead of no period bleed non stop!

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In my case, it's the irregular non stop bleeding which really isn't blood... It's more like spotting old dried up gross ( I'm sorry if this is too graphic) blood that you get when you're ending but it never goes away! it's very annoying...I have to wear panty liner all the time. I don't get cramps which is a plus! I haven't gained any weight... I don't on any birth control but I've heard how some women claimed to have blew up on shot, my sister being one of them. I heard so many things and it all scared me so bad into not getting the second shot, which is probably why im spotting like this now. I'm way over due...I was due to go back in April.

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I really need to start birth control or something, I tried birth control once and got terribly sick. I swear I run 13-16 weeks between periods which is awesome but they are absolute hell when I get them.

On another note, I've been having problems with tamponds and I can't figure out why. This time around they haven't been fitting right and have been painful at times, I've never had this happen before and it's a little worrying.

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call your doctor and make an apt. its not normal to have such irregular periods nad could be caused by some underlying condition. Also talk about the discomfort w/ tampons and until you have spoken with your dr don't use them.

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