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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Personnal Story

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I don't like diapers and I rarely wear them because of my reasons , but I totally respect who like to wear diapers .

I just wanna tell you my story , just as it happen, I only changed personnal datas such as names and dates.

I have to make a train journey :

My name is Ernest Decortis , I was born March 24 ,1992 in Lille and I live in a riche suburb of Lille . In 2009, I needed to travel from Strasbourg - where I spent the beginning of my summer school holidays - to go to Lisbon with friends . My landlady a friend of the family , then offered me to wear diapers during the very long journey that lasted two days minimum and without stop ! At first I was particularly reluctant because of far back as I could in my memories , I have never worn diapers ! (It should be noted that I was potty-trained very early so I did not remember the time when I was diapered) I refused until the last moment: just an hour before going to the station ! And then I finally reluctantly agreed ... She then wrapped me in a giant diaper composed of 4 diapers all topped by a tight anti-smell plastic pant ! I can say that with all this gear , my approach was more of a penguin that of the adult man ! I pathetically marched room to the car and from car to train , with the belief that everyone looked at me and understood , immersing myself in the worst of shames ... In the bathroom of the station my landlady gave me a packet of layers: the Hartmann Molicare Mobile Extra Plus , and since this journey , it's the only brand of diapers that I support

Chapter 2: The Great Journey

Armed with all my game consoles and my favorite books, I began to live the journey quite quietly and slowly, the hours pass ... By the fifth or sixth hour , I Pee on myself for the first time in my true life , after a terrible battle against myself ! I was ruined internally : all my pride flew that night ... And the last pieces left me when the woman next to me said:

<< Come to my cabin ! I am a nurse specializing in incontinence and I'm used to this type of case ... Oh by the way ! I am Carolina ! >>

Luckily, she had whispered , and there was any person other ways that we in my compartment . So I went " home " and she explained that she had heard everything , saw everything and understood everything and that therefore she understood it had been hard for me ! She took off the soiled diaper and threw it overboard , then she put me on a changing table and asked me a double diaper in the packet taken from my bag . I found a strange feeling : I do not want to stop and put one of my normal pants but just to leave this dirty diaper for a clean ! It was the beginning of a new adventure ... We returned to our compartment and we made as if nothing was !

Three time , Carolina diapered me in the journey and since 2009 , I never wore diapers again because it's a kind of thing I would never do it again ( and because I live with my parents ) but the only time I do it , I LOVE IT!

You can speak about that and I would answer to the questions ! And please be tolerant with my english : I'm a french student and I didn't used a translator !

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You wrote very well .Merci Je suis Henri.

Thank you ! I saw in your description that you are incontinent : if it's true , I swear that I can understand you ! This story make me think about the problems , the fears of the incontinent persons ... I have been a supervisor ( in french we say a " pion " ) in my high school for 7 months and I often lash some bastards who annoy an incontinent student !

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