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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Quick Intro. Hiya hiya all. I am Reyna Campbell. I'm a young trans woman who lives in Columbus, Ohio with my Mistress/Fiancee. We have been together for almost a year and a half now and have been learning more and more about eachother everyday. I recently came out and told her that I have an interest in wearing diapers and being treated like a baby sometimes. She has been hesitant at first but then this happened...

So after an all night chat with my Mistress about our different fetishes and such, I have got her extremely interested in my DL fetish. Enough so that today she let me order my first package of ABU Cushies and bought me a pacifier. She is finding it all very exciting and so am I. She called me Baby Pet today and I just went so wide eyed. This is so great and I am so happy about this recent development that I just had to post it.

Thanks listenting to my super happy life developments.

Much Love,

Baby ReynaPet =^-^=




Nice pic baby Reyna, but next one I hope to find you in more appropriate attire! The grown up pants and top have to go, a diaper and onesie are far more appropriate. Also the dark red polish is far too grown up, maybe a light pink if even allowed.

I do like the Paci, and hope you can keep it with you where ever you go from here on.

Dee Beth


Just awesome and have a wonderful time being a baby.


@Dee Beth

Yeah I agree with the outfit but currently just getting started so i have nothing really babyish to wear yet. I of course will be posting some better pics asap. My nail polish is pink, not red btw =^-^=. And I wore the paci out last night to dinner and I got a compliment on it.

Guest *~Andi~*


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