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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Lesson Learned (Private For Babygoth And Musicaddict)

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"Brat." Rachel teased before placing Kris back in her chair and getting up. Normally Rachel would have made sauce from stratch but as she didn't have the time or inclination, she settled for store bought. Once the meatballs, garlic bread, sauce, and pasta were done, she said, "Can you go tell them dinner is ready?"

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"ok then " kris says and walks to the living only to stop and look at jenny with a sad smile as her mum change her in the living room she then goes over to danni to wake her up "wake up danni it time to eat " kris kisses her intill danni wakes up

sally looks up at kris when she was done changing jenny " is it time to eat then kris" when kris nods sally picks jenny up and takes her into the kitchen and set her down on a chair " i'll be back in a bit " sally says to Rachel and walks out

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Rachel was confused when Sally walked in and sat Jenny down only to walk back out.

Danni woke up and needed a few seconds before she was awake enough to return the kiss. When they broke for air, she grinned, "I could get used to waking up like that."

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sally walk back in and said "sorry i just had to wash my hands and throw jenny diaper away"

i blush " so Rachel what we eating then" i said to get off the topic of my diaper

"mmmm.......and i don't mine as long i get kissed back like that " kris says

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"yum" jenny and sally said at the same time then sally says softly to Rachel so jenny couldn't hear " hey sorry does jenny use a bib or not"

kris laugh and says " yeah come on lets go and eat " she helps danni up and walks to the kitchen with her " oh sorry danni i don't know maybe as Rachel " she then sits danni down and puts a bib on her " don't start danni " she says before danni could say anything about it

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"It couldn't hurt with a meal like this." Rachel replied.

Danni sighed and remembered the rule. Turning her attention to Rachel, she asked, "Hey, how long was I out for?"

"Oh, you mean after your girlfriend was able to lullabye you to sleep?" Rachel teased playfully, "At least an hour."

Rachel set the plates of food in front of everyone with the garlic bread in the middle. Once everyone had their drinks, jenny's in a bottle and danni's in a sippy cup, she sat down.

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sally nods and gets a bib and puts it on jenny then kissed her cheek and sat down and starts to eat her food

i blush at the bib but eat anyway getting food all my face and the bib and starts drinking my bottle

kris says nothing and just eats

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Once Danni was finished, having managed to confine the damage to the bib, she finished her drink before whispering to Kris, "Alright fine, I'll admit it. The bib is a good idea....and I do need it."

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kris smile and laugh lightly " i know i have my times when i get good ideas" she said to danni

sally smiles at jenny and danni " well it looks like you got to messy little girls on your hands" sally said

i blush and look down

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Danni was blushing as well but managed to avoid looking down.

"Jenny's normally fine, but Danni actually needs the bib for the sake of her shirts." Rachel said, surprised at how messy Jenny's bib was. removing them from each girl's neck, she said, "Danni, Kris? You guys have dish duty tonight."

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sally cleans jenny face and smiles when jenny wiggles about "there we go now we can see your very cute face again "

i blush when mum cleans my face "mummy!!!!!" i whine and then blush more i go back to sucking on my bottle

"aww " kris cooed and nodded at Rachel about dish duty

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Rachel can't help but smile at that.

"We," Rachel said referring to herself, Jenny, and Sally, "are going to head into the living room and leave you to clean up both Danni and the dishes."

Danni blushed, realizing there was sauce on her face and reached for a napkin.

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i blush when mum picks me up i cuddle into her when we go into the living room she sits me down on the floor in front of the tv

kris starts to clean up

sally smiles and sits down next to Rachel and whisper " i don't know how far you want to go with the ab thing but i know a woman who owns a shop for ab's if you want the name let me know "

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"There are a few things I could probably use and Kris may want some things for Danni." Rachel whispered back and nodded.

Danni helped with the dishes, having removed most of the sauce from her face but not realizing she missed a bit.

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kris smiles at danni and cleans her face up for danni " thats better" kris say and goes back to washing up

i look at Rachel and sally i get up and sit on Rachel lap and cuddles up to her

sally nods and smiles at jenny thinking she look so cute right now

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Danni blushed but thanked her before going back to helping her. Once they had finished, Danni asked, "Now a bad time to ask for a change?"

Rachel smiled and held her, giving her a brief kiss.

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"why would is it a bad time " kris ask she took danni hand and walk upstairs with her when they got there kris clean danni and change her lovingly she then kissed danni lightly on the lips

i keep cuddling Rachel happily then blush when i feel my diaper get warm " what the how could i wet so soon again " i pout with my bottom lip shaking lightly

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"Well, you have had a bottle or two since your change and one before." Rachel reminded her.

"It was more my way of asking without actually having to ask." Danni explained as she laid down. As loving as the change may have been, it still got her wet and Danni needed a moment to regain control. "Thanks Kris."

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"your welcome" kris say with a smile at danni

"i know but still " i whine with a whimper sadly

sally look down feeling bad knowing she was the reason she was the one who caused it in the first place

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"It's fine, love." Rachel said rubbing her back. "Now cheer up and stop pouting before I have to tickle you."

Knowing they should head downstairs, Danni reached for her pants as she shyly asked, "Do we have any pacifiers up here?"

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