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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Heys, what can i say here. An ex-bf got me "into this". He was an ab/dl and liked me to play with him, both diapered and "cubbing out". Both he and i were furrs(cartoon freaks who love toons, kiddish stuff, cartoon porn..whatnot). Well I didnt really didg the wearing diapers part back then, (i had weird fears that the cops would bust the door down and id be taken to jail all diapered like that, i used to grow my own weed in the closet so..), so i could never relax enough and let myself enjoy it back when.

Well fastforward two years and im "cubbing out" by myself, cartoon pajamas/sleepers/whatever. A friend id met online, a babyfurr (furry ab/dl) and we ended up playing quite a bit at my place with the "hes a cute cub and im the slightly older "4-5?"brother type who took care of him game" and always had a great time playing like that. Well anyhow, ive just been getting more into this of late and while i did absolutely love taking care of my friend, i think i did kinda dig the whole cubbed out diaper trip back when. Guess im just here to sit back, check out and figure out whats what in my mind.

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Hi suede, welcome to the site!!! Nice intro! I'm not that knowledgeable about Furries, read about them, met one in chat here, but it's still pretty new to me. Anyways, I can relate to diapers and I'm glad you joined this site. Been here as a member around 4 months now and I'm having a blast. I hope you will educate some of us on the boards about furries as I'm always interesting in learning about related lifestyles. I look forward to seeing you around the boards and in chat.

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Hello, Suede.

I have occasionally delved into furry fandom, and considered trying it out some day. I also love animation, comics, and plushies!

I have imagined roleplaying scenerios where I play a particular species, e.g. a tranquilized (oh, say a wolf) being studied by a biologist, a white-tailed buck courting a "doe," or even a baby animal nurtured by my mother (whether the species I am "born" from, or a human caretaker).

Anyways, enjoy your stay at the Daily Diapers Community! :)

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