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Bizarre Mag Write Up.

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hahahh wicked funny..

only problem i have is this insistance that its not sexual..

i mean the people hwo go on the tv shows, the people who go to these nurseries and talk to the websites and papers... all say its in no way shape or form sexual.....

i mean sure for many people its not..... but for just as many it is........

maybe its just for those of us who find it at least sometimes sexual... we don't feel the need to justify if by going on tv or being in magazines? I dont mean that in a bad way... i mean because we CAN say "oh its just a weird fetish i have" its easier for us to 'explain' it, than for those who its not sexual.... so there is a desire to try and get people to understand why they do it if it isn't a fetish.....

eitherway, those pictures were HILARIOUS!!!!!

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sorry i do want to say, i liked the article i thought it was fun to read and the pictures were great.... i was just curious about the whole need to continuously say it was non sexual.. then it dawned on me that they were perhaps protecting the nursery, if for any reason it was considered sexual the place could be shut down for prostitution.....

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To be fair when I did my TV segment I said it wasn't sexual for me most of the time, only sometimes, but that for others it was. And yeah, the nursery would certainly have to assert that what they did was not sexual lest our puritanical police call it prostitution.

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