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Wondering If Anyone Has The Rest Of This Story

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I remember this story being on fox tales times a while ago, and was wondering if anyone has the rest of it.

It is called Ranma: Kasumi freedom in infancy

Prologue: A Wish! The Tendo family mother.

Kasumi picked up the phone and started to dial. She couldn't believe she was having to do this but the stove was completely unusable and the repair man couldn't come out until tomorrow. She'd tried to pull a favor but it just wasn't possible.

The Saotomes and her father were getting hungry and only take out was going to assuage their need. Kasumi was firmly against take-out but what was a girl to do without the ability to cook.

She dialed the number slowly and deliberately, not ever having been a major fan of phones. She'd preferred to talk face to face, easier to judge someone's motive that way and to connect on a more polite and personal level.

"Goddess hotline how may I help you?" A voice very much like her own answered.

"Oh My! I must've dialed the wrong number. I humbly apologize for any inconvenience."

"I'll be over to give a personal consultation shortly." The voice responded

"What? I don't understand." Kasumi answered only to see the mirror in the entryway shine brilliantly. A beautiful girl, robed in white and blue slowly pulled herself from it.

"I am Belldandy and I've come to grant you a wish." The woman, well apparently a goddess replied. Kasumi simply stood there stunned.

"Isn't there something you wish for Kasumi?" Belldandy said sweetly.

"I've never really thought about it." Kasumi responded

"Well, you certainly qualify, come on, anything can be yours."

"If...If I could have anything, I would wish that mother never had cancer." Kasumi said suddenly, she didn't know why but it just seemed right.

Belldandy's expression turned a little concerned from the look of pure joy she had been exuding. "Kasumi-san, wishes that alter the past can change everything. You do qualify, but even a small change can completely change the world you live in, are you sure you want to alter something and throw your reality to the winds."

"I want my mommy back." Kasumi said, taking a deep breath. "Not just for me, but for Nabiki, father and especially Akane. It made our lives so hard. I know things are okay now, but so much damage was made. If I get a wish, it has to be for her to be returned to us."

"And for that purpose you would wish she never had cancer?"

"I would" Kasumi replied finally. Suddenly a white light shot from the sky into Belldandy's forehead.

"Your wish has been granted Kasumi-san. Unlike standard wishes, those that alter the past only do system updates while people are asleep. Your wish will be granted when you wake up tomorrow."

"This is all a dream isn't it." Kasumi said, a tear fell down her cheek.

"Why does Kami-sama tease me like this.

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* * *

"Kasumi-chan, breakfast..." Kimiko opened the door to her oldest's room. "Kasumi!, you're not up yet?"

"Sorry mommy, I feel back asleep." Kasumi said rubbing her eyes and sitting up.

"That's okay honey, you've still got enough time if you don't dawdle." Kimiko replied "Breakfast is ready, since we're running late, I'll have to change you after we eat okay?" Her mother quickly left the room to return to the cooking food that was almost done, not really leaving Kasumi with much choice but to wait.

Kasumi headed downstairs and into the living room where the table was setup. She could feel her diaper riding low, sagging between her legs. Hopefully her pjs would be sufficent to cover it up through breakfast.

"Morning Kasumi!" Akane said, greeting her happily. "You're still in your pjs?"

"So are you." Kasumi said, noting that Akane wasn't ready for school either.

"Yeah, but we don't usually get dressed until after breakfast, your always ready before me and Akane get up." Nabiki said, explaining their sister's surprise.

"Oh, well I slept in today." Kasumi said flatly sitting down at her space with a audible crinkle.

"Breakfast girls, Soun!" Kimiko said calling in her husband from the feeding of the koi. Soun nodded and went to wash up while Kimiko set the plates out onto the table.

"Mommy is Kasumi still wearing a diaper?" Akane asked, a little timidly, "I thought she only had to wear one yesterday."

"Well, Akane, Kasumi has decided she wants to wear diapers from now on." Kimiko answered and immediately there was a paletable discomfort in the air, mostly emanating from Kasumi.

Kasumi sat utterly still, completely concentrating on the Miso soup which had been placed in front of her. She didn't add a thing to her mother's words and simply hoped that her sister would drop it.

"So Kasumi you're wearing a diaper right now?" Nabiki asked with a big grin. "I can't believe it, that is -so- funny." It was all Nabiki could do to keep it to a loud giggle. Her tough as nails sister who was the family martial arts heir was wearing diapers voluntarily.

"Now girls." Kimiko said sternly "You are not to tell anyone in school about this, it stays in the family. If Kasumi gets found out that's her problem, but you two aren't to make this harder on her than it already will be."

"Yes mother." Akane said, Nabiki looked a little less willing to comply. Kimiko regarded her with an even stronger stare.

"And if you don't- Nabiki this is important, I might send you to school in diapers as well." Kimiko added

"No fair!" Nabiki said, "Why should I have to keep Kasumi's secret."

"Because, we're family and we look out for each other." Her mother replied, and that was the end of the argument. Kasumi was decidely grateful her mother had kept her sisters from telling everyone. If her mom hadn't protected her, everyone in school would've known by lunch, or at least Nabiki would've extorted a decent amount of her allowance. Some things were the same as she was used to, and the cost of Nabiki's silence in matters such as these was an example.

The rest of breakfast was a rather subdued matter. Nabiki and Akane not wanting to test there mother, who was really only acting stern, to save her daughter embarrassment. Kasumi not wanting to say anything, but wanting to have her diaper changed as it had grown cold and the sensation was not as pleasant as before. Soun simply didn't want to be involved at all. He ate his breakfast silently, hoping his strong warrior girl would grow tired of this game soon.

"Okay, time to get ready for school girls." Kimiko said picking up the plates and taking them into the kitchen. "Kasumi, help me here."

"Sure." Kasumi said gathering what her mother hadn't been able to take on the first trip and following her to the kitchen.

"Alright, put those in the sink, then lets get you changed. We're running a little behind this morning." Kimiko said, Kasumi quickly putting the dishes in the sink and following her mother to the laundry room.

"Up we go!" Her mother said hoisting her onto the counter, not that it would have been a challenge for her to get up there on her own. Kasumi laid on her back as her mom took of her pj bottoms revealing a sodden diaper.

"My, you were really wet huh?" Kimiko said, Kasumi simply nodded, embarrassed to be discussing the state of her diapers with her mother. "Must've been uncomfortable, I'll make sure to wake you up in time to get changed before breakfast from now on."

Kimiko ran a cool wipe over Kasumi, cleaning her up efficently and added a little baby powder. "We'll have to keep this light so you don't get noticed by smell alone."

Kasumi simply nodded again as the new diaper was unfolded and slipped beneath her. Kimiko pulled it up snugly between her legs and taped it shut.

"Okay, that should do it. Remember to go to the nurse's office to get changed once you're at school, don't worry Takeshi-san is a very nice lady. Now hurry and get ready for school." Kimiko picked her daughter off the counter and set her on the floor. Kasumi took off to her room while her mother disposed of the used diaper. 'I should probably get a diaper genie or something' Kimiko thought to herself as she took it to the outside trash.

Kasumi discovered a new problem inside her room. A good portion of her outfits had little chance of concealing diapers. Well, they were tight enough to give a perceptive person all the information they needed. In the end she found the dresses were a god send. Unfortunately they represented a double-edged sword. She'd have to be very ladylike (which of course was second-nature to Kasumi) or someone would get a flash, and not of her panties. 'I guess that means -no- kicks while fighting' Kasumi thought as she pulled a white dress with flowers over her head. It looked very cute and feminine, undoubtly the old her would've never worn it.

Kimiko had to call Kasumi twice, which was a rareity, but then her daughter had to be extremely concerned about her first day in diapers so she let it slide. Soon all three of her daughters were out the door and on they're way to school. This gave her the rest of the day to attempt to clean up the mess they made while they were here.

"Ugggh, I've got a math test today." Akane said, remembering she hadn't bothered to study again.

"Mom's gonna kill you if you get under a sixty again." Nabiki said remembering the anger their mother showed to failing grades. Especially since she knew her children could do better if they tried

"If you want me to work with you a little later, I can." Kasumi replied. Akane nodded vigoursly, her older sister always seemed to know how to explain things the easy way. Kasumi had helped Akane through school the first time, it wasn't that hard to give her tips occassionally.

All three sisters really only had one thing on their mind. That was Kasumi's diapers. However their mother had given very strict rules, enough that Akane and Nabiki weren't going to talk about it in vicinity to the school. Kasumi was instead noticing how odd it was to walk down the street in public wearing a diaper. It was a secret, something that she shouldn't be doing. Kasumi never got to do naughty things, yet technically it wasn't naughty since she had her parents permission. Still, it felt like it was, and the feeling of being naughty was really exciting. Especially since it was so unlike her.

Also there was a giant wall of tension associated with the diaper. Would someone notice? Could people tell as they walked by? What on earth had she been thinking to agree to this, even if she did like diapers? All of this basically amounted to sensory overload, so all she really could do was walk to school in silence, saying acouple lines so her sisters wouldn't know how messed up she was. After their shoes were in their lockers Kasumi headed to to her classroom, ultra self concious the whole time.

"Kasumi-chan!" Shizuka yelled coming over to give her a hug. Kasumi deftly side stepped in such a way that the hug was avoided but it didn't seem on purpose. 'Geeze, this might be harder than I thought.' Kasumi realized

"Ohayo Shizuka-chan." Kasumi replied. "How was your weekend?"

"So-So I guess. I just sat around and played with my little brother. What about yours?" Shizuka asked

"The same, bored just playing with my sisters." Kasumi responded, perhaps a little too quickly. Anything to keep off the subject of how the weekend really went. Regardless nine year old children aren't that observant most of the time. A fact that had Kasumi praising Kami-sama.

Kasumi found herself completely unable to concentrate. Luckily it was all overly simple review for her, so she could answer the questions asked of her without paying attention to the lecture.

At about ten a.m. she felt the urge to go potty come to her. She could easily wait for morning recess, which began in fifteen minutes, but her thoughts turned back to her diaper. 'I could go right now and no one would know.' She considered, besides this wasn't going to be the last time she was in a classroom wearing a diaper. Sitting in her desk Kasumi looked around and found all eyes forward.

Trying to look inconspicous Kasumi attempted to wet her diaper. THe nervousness of the venture held her up slightly, especially since any attempt at forcing it would probably give her away completely. She waited, slowly relaxing herself until the stream of pee released itself and began to soak into her diaper. The warmth was pleasant as she sat in her own wetness. She felt relieved physically, but mentally she was still completely alert. 'I hope it doesn't smell' Kasumi worried, realizing a complication she'd missed, luckily no one seemed to noticed and she remained undected as class broke for recess.

"Kasumi, me and Sumire were going to play volleyball with some other girls from class E, wanna play?" Shizuka said as their teacher dimissed the class.

"No thanks." Kasumi replied, though she'd began to really enjoy playing again. She still had to get her 'situation' handled. "I've got some stuff to do."

"Okay, well, come over if you get bored," Shizuka said, taking off quickly out of the door, Sumire following her.

Kasumi waited for them to get reasonably away and the headed down to the infirmary. Nurse's office, whatever, it was a little room with a cot where the nurse stayed in case someone got injured. In a school of over two thousand in Tokyo's suburbs it was definite necessity. Besides, Nerima had a bit of a rep for oddly violent situations. Kasumi slid open the door and walked inside the sterile little white room.

"Kasumi-chan?" Takeshi-san said turning around. "Lock the door okay."

Kasumi nodded and locked the door. She was definitely grateful the nurse had remembered to lock it, because if she had forgotten she could consider the school year doomed.

"Well hello Kasumi-chan, I haven't seen you since you got that nasty cut beating up Yamada-kun." Takeshi-san giggled. "You mother called me, so I know you're situation. It's no big deal, part of my job deals with handling diapers, of course usually the kids don't have a choice."

"Well, I, I mean, sometimes..." Kasumi stammered, not even being able to explain to herself completely why she had chosen diapers.

"Kasumi-chan, you don't have to explain to me, I'm just teasing you. You're mother's a good friend back from our high school days. Now hop up on the bed and we'll get you cleaned up." Takeshi-san said

Kasumi hiked up her dress and laid down on the infirmary bed, feeling rather exposed. Sure she was a family friend, but Kasumi couldn't remember ever meeting her in person. Laying on a bed, with you diaper exposed and a person you've just meet coming to change you is a rather unnerving experience.

Takeshi-san walked over with some wipes and a fresh diaper and untaped the used one, which was rather heavy with wetness. "Wow, be careful not to flood these all at once, or you might find yourself leaking." Kasumi gulped and made sure she took that advice to heart.

"Up we go." Takeshi-san said raising Kasumi's legs into the air suddenly, "Sorry, force of habit, it keeps the younger ones amused." Kasumi giggled a little involuntarily, realizing the moment after how babyish that made her appear. Not that she really cared about it in front of Takeshi-san though.

Takeshi-san wiped her private areas carefully and applied a little rash cream, it was a little sticky and cool though not to unpleasant. Her mother hadn't used the stuff yet, but Kasumi realized she may soon be getting used to it. She felt a new diaper placed under her and her legs freed as Takeshi pulled the diaper up between her legs. Takeshi-san taped the sides a little too tight and stood her up. 'She not as good at changing diapers as mom' Kasumi thought, noticing at the same time it was a odd statment for a nine year old to think.

Also she realized that there was a definitely bias for her when it came to her mother. Everyday good or bad was in the end heaven with her mother alive again. This was a real childhood, unlike the first run. Still, how odd Kasumi was making hers made her wonder if the pressure her mother left her had made her a much more normal person. The controls she'd set on herself were slowly coming down, allowing her to shap herself more like what she wanted to be that what everyone needed her to be. That someone that was what she wanted to be appeared to be a rather odd character so far.

"Thanks Takeshi-san." Kasumi said, happily in a fresh diaper, "Just wondering, mom said there were other kids in diapers..."

"Ahh, well, you won't like the answer to that." Takeshi replied. "You're the oldest and the only one who isn't special needs, but heck it takes all kinds right."

"Oh, well, thanks I guess." Kasumi said, a little bummed no one shared her interest.

"I've had kids older than you diapered before though, so don't worry too much.I expect I'll see you again today. Now go play." Takeshi said ushering her out to the playground.

Kasumi went back to her classroom and whipped out a book she'd brought with her and read it at her desk. 'I can't do this everyday, someone will notice' She thought, enjoying the book 'Then again if I go play and someoone sees the diaper they'll definitely notice.'

The rest of the day went smoothly with Kasumi getting another change at lunch. By the end of the day however her bowels felt as if they were about to burst. She hadn't been since the previous day in the afternoon and she really didn't want to mess her diaper at school if she could avoid it.

Luckily, Shizuka had cleaning duty after school that day so there would be no one to stop her on her way home. The minute the class let out she hurried over to the lockers, changed to her outdoor shoes and took off across the schoolyard.

"Hey Kasumi Wait!" Akane called, Kasumi sighed and waited for her little sister to catch up. Her stomach let out a warning grumble.

"Let's go, Akane-chan, I want to get home soon." Kasumi said impatiently.

"Nabiki said to meet her here. She's coming here real soon." Akane replied. Kasumi sighed and tapped her foot. She couldn't hold it much longer.

A good five minutes later Nabiki appeared ready to go. Normally the wait wouldn't have bothered Kasumi in the slightest, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Let's go Nabiki, I've been waiting." Kasumi said haughtily

"Geeze, I was only five minutes, fine lets go." Nabiki replied annoyed "Still, mom asked us to pick up some onions and cabbage on the way home right?"

Kasumi nodded, but in actuality had completely forgotten. It was probably due to the mini farts she was trying to let out silently. It was completely unladylike and bugging the hell out of her. Still, when you've gotta go, you gotta go.

She made it to the market, and about a block towards home.

"Wait a sec." Kasumi said, handing Nabiki the bag she was carrying, and standing next to the wall. A moment later she turned beet red and sweat appeared on her forehead.

"What's up?" Nabiki said taking the bag, "Why are we stopping."

"It smells like poo." Akane stated sniffing the air as Kasumi made a soft grunting sound. She squatted slightly just praying no one but her sisters would notice. She felt the soft poop exit and push up against the resistance of the diaper.

"Did you just poop?" Nabiki asked in surprise.

"Lets go." Kasumi said taking the bag back and starting to walk again, not giving Nabiki an answer. She quickly found the load a little uncomfortable. It sagged the diaper pretty heavily in the back. She was glad for Takeshi-san's tight changes.

"She did, didn't she?" Akane said in awe as she looked at the odd way her sister started walking, though Kasumi quickly compensated so her walking appeared more normal. Of course this also smooshed more poop into her rear. It was definitely smelly, but the feeling itself wasn't that bad. Warm and soft were feelings she could live with.

"I can't believe you pooped your diaper on the street." Nabiki said, wanting to rib her sister but not knowing what could be more embarrassing than stating the truth.

"Enough okay." Kasumi said "I really had to go."

"Then YOU DID!" Nabiki said excitedly

"Wasn't it obvious?" Kasumi asked exasperated

"Well, yeah, but to hear you admit it..." Nabiki replied, it was like day had become night for her older sister.

The Tendo sister's walked into the house and off to their repective after school duties. Kasumi headed to the kitchen to give her mother the groceries.

"Here's your groceries Okaasan!" Kasumi said dropping the bag on the counter.

"Ahh, thank you Kasumi." Kimiko said, suddenly sniffing the air, "My little girl has a messy diaper doesn't she?"

"Mooommm!" Kasumi said scandilized, Kimiko was treating her like she was two. Though she hated to admit it, she kinda liked it.

Kimiko just laughed lightly at her whining daughter and picked her up. Kasumi was a little disoriented at being carried. Suddenly she was let down onto the counter and Kimiko pushed her daughter's dress up and out of the way and untaped it.

"Wow you're really messy!" Kimiko said a little louder than she had too, but not enough that anyone else would hear. Kasumi just sighed, it was clear the teasing from her mother was going to go on through the changing.

Still, considering that the mother, who had probably expected to be done with messy diapers years ago was changing her without complaint Kasumi knew she didn't have much right to complain.

"Here honey, hold your legs for mommy," Kimiko said, having Kasumi hold her ankles while she went to work getting her daughter clean. Kasumi gripped her ankles, glad she was really flexible from practicing the art.

Kimiko used a good five wipes cleaning her daughters hiney before rolling them all up in the messy diaper. She enjoyed teasing her daughter a bit as she changed her, but only because she could see Kasumi liked it regardless of the front she tried to put up. 'It's funny seeing her try to keep some level of maturity while getting changed from a messy diaper' Kimiko thought as she placed the diaper to the side, to handle after Kasumi was ready.

Baby powder was sprinkled on more liberally than in the morning, and Kasumi enjoyed the intoxicating scent of it as her mother spread it onto her. Next the fresh diaper came and Kimiko taped it up expertly.

"Right, I'm going to handle this bomb, and you should go see your dad. I assume he'll be ready for your daily workout soon."

Kasumi went up to her room and changed into some workout clothes before heading to the livingroom where she found her dad watching sports on the T.V.

"Ready to practice Daddy?" She asked, not to sure of his mood, it was the first day of his eldest being back in diapers afterall.

"Excellent timing, let's see how well you do today." Soun said, standing up firmly and leading the way to the dojo. Her father seemed more serious than usual, and while this made Kasumi excited, it didn't produce the worry it should of.

* * * *

"Are you done?" Soun called from his position on the mat. Kasumi simply grunted, trying with all her power to stand again. Her legs felt like jello. It'd only been two hours but her father had only drilled her a little before starting the sparring.

She could tell he went extremely easy on her. She knew his hits could fell men far bigger than himself, yet whenever he hit her it was hard enough to really sting, but not to draw tears.

"I'm still good!" Kasumi yelled with all the air in her lungs. She forced herself to her feet. It was exilirating. She'd missed out on so much by giving up her practice in the family style. Her body could go so much further now, so much stronger.

She quickly jumped into an offense stance and attacked her father with a right jab, his hand coming up to block it easily. Next a left hook, as he dodged she dropped into a crouch, flinging her left foot in an arc towards his calf. It connected hard as she dropped to the ground. Suddenly she felt fingers touching her forehead.

"I guess it's your point daddy." She said a little disappointed.

"That was excellent Kasumi, I don't think I've ever showed you the sweep before though, where did you pick that up?" Soun asked, impressed at the attempted technique

"Ahhh, I think I saw one of your students do it while practicing..." Kasumi replied, she really hated lying, but she simply couldn't explain that she'd seen Ranma do it a couple of times when he was fighting with his friend Ryouga.

"Ahh, maybe Suya," Soun said thoughtfully, "It's a good technique but you're still to small to use it. You saw how your body fell, and I stayed stable. However, against kids your size, it'd probably work like a charm."

"I'll remember that, thanks dad." Kasumi said

"You really impressed me today, not many kids can take sparring for over an hour straight. Heck, most adults can't. You keep this up and you may even be better than me one day." Soun said proudly. "Now, go have some fun, kids shouldn't have to study the art all day long."

Kasumi bowed to her father and headed back inside. She was completely exhausted but also giddy with the style of training. Ranma and his father rarely did kata training, it was almost all sparring. The more sparring her father had her practice the closer to her being a true martial artist.

The martial arts had become an odd thing to Kasumi. She knew from her rep that she'd been in loads of fights before she'd awoken from her wish. Still, she'd only fought two people since being here, having no problem talking the rest out of it. It wasn't that she didn't like the art, but unneeded violence was still abhorrent.

She stopped in the hall briefly to pee and continued back up the stairs to her room. Flopping onto the bed she once again enjoyed a little peace, quiet and a warm diaper. 'This is the life' Kasumi thought to herself, as she stretched a little to accomodate her aching muscles.

That's when she heard the front door to her house open and a familiar voice. She quietly left her room and went over to the landing where she could see the visitor.

"Sorry for bothering you Kimiko, I'm just checking everywhere they might have gone too." A short brown haired woman in a kimono asked. The sword in wrapping slung over her shoulder, Kasumi immediately wondered if she was supposed to recognize Nodoka or not.

"No bother Nodoka, but no I haven't heard from either of them, let's go into the living room for some tea, and you can ask Soun." Kimiko said leading them down the hall. Kasumi followed, wondering what had brought Ranma's mother here.

"Hi mommy, Auntie Nodoka," Kasumi said, bowing as she entered. She hated to be rude and intrude on adults (although in her head she was one of them) but she wanted to know what was going on.

"Ahh, Kasumi-chan. I'm so happy you remember me, I haven't been around in almost two years. Give your auntie a hug!" Kasumi immediately realized the downside to this, but being rude was an impossibility. The audible crinkle was ignored by both parties as the two embraced.

"So what has happened to your husband and son?" Kimiko asked as Kasumi took a seat next to her.

"Well, maybe nothing, but Genma wrote on the dot every month for eleven years while training our soon. The last postcard I got was six months ago and mentioned something about China. I don't think they're dead, but I definitely think something's wrong. So I started checking all the places they could be in Japan. Soon I'll leave for China."

"Ahh, Nodoka, what brings you?" Soun asked, seeing his best friend's wife.

"Genma hasn't written me in months." Nodoka said worriedly.

"Oh!" Soun replied, coughing slightly. "Genma got tied up in China, some sort of problem, he wrote to me and said he'd write to you again soon. Not to worry, everything like that. I just got it the other day."

"Really!?" Nodoka said full of hope.

"Ahh, yes, but he doesn't think he'll be able to come home with Ranma right away.... They have things to settle and such." Soun added

Kasumi and Kimiko were no strangers to Soun. Kasumi had watched her father try to lies enough to know when he was full of it. But why would he try to lie to Nodoka? Kimiko was thinking the same thing, but as they could think of no motive they let it go.

Nodoka left a number where she could be reached, in case Soun heard anything else, and went to check a few more places, though she was greatly relieved to know they were okay. As she exited the front gate Kasumi and Kimiko immediately turned on Soun.

"Husband, how could you lie to Nodoka!" Kimiko said angrily, Kasumi simply looked hurt at her father.

"Girls, it's not what you think!" Soun started hastily, "I did get a letter from Genma. I was just omitting the truth."

Soun took the to the dojo where he produced a letter he'd cleverly hidden in the rafters.

~Dear my old friend Tendo,

Ranma and I have been in a grave accident. Since we were held hostage in China by a group of female savages. Just last week I managed to secure our release and soon we will be on boat headed for Japan. Nodoka -must- not find out, our lives may be at stake. I hate to impose upon the promise so earlier, but I don't have much other option. I'll write you again just before we arrive.

Your comrade,

Saotome Genma~

Kimiko looked at the letter in shock. Kasumi was somewhat more used to Mr. Saotome's semantics, and though she'd never admit it openly, she could read between the lines.

"Soun, does that mean he'll be living with us?" Kimiko asked

"I suppose, still we have a guest room and he is a great friend." Her father replied

"You didn't consult me on this?" Kimiko sounded hurt

"He said it was a matter of life and death that Nodoka not find out, you women like to talk I was just protecting them."

"Hmmph, men. Well okay, I guess I have no say in this." Kimiko said sighing "Still I am the ruler of the house. They have to abide by my rules if they're going to live here."

"Of course, Kimiko, of course." Soun said readily

Kasumi was simply wondering what in the timeline had made Ranma show up so late. Still it seemed his arrival would be soon. Moreover, the -promise- still seemed to exist. Suddenly an interesting thought occurred to Kasumi. 'I'm the heir to the dojo now, plus the oldest, they're probably going to engage me to him?!?!'

She walked out of the dojo slowly, Kimiko and Soun oblivious to they're daughter, still discussing the Saotome issue. Kasumi didn't even know how she felt about that. Ranma was immature, easy going, and probably still had the curse to boot. Then again, he was courageous, selfless, strong... Akane had mentioned him even being tender at times (awkward, but still tender).

Did she want Ranma Saotome? It might not be a choice soon. Then again, unlike Akane there would be no pressure to actually marry until she was at least 16. That was a good seven years away. Plenty of time to see if it was going to work or not.

Things would definitely be getting interesting with the Saotomes involved. She was just beginning to be used to being a kid again.

Introduction: This story is a fun AB/DL thing. Alternate Universe from Ranma 1/2. Ranma will be a major character but won't come in for a few chapters. Story is from Kasumi's point of view.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, I don't expect to make a profit, I don't expect you to sue. If you don't like AB/DL stuff, you probably shouldn't read this.

Chapter Five: Ranma Saotome! Truely a cursed individual.

Kasumi laid on the floor of the living room watching the T.V in a t-shirt and diaper as the ran pattered down outside. A free, happy Sunday destroyed by rain. It was mildly disappointing. Her first school week in diapers done Kasumi was sure she'd made the right choice. Her mom had mentioned some cloth ones would be coming soon and Kasumi was definitely interested in what they'd be like.

Still no more word about the Saotomes, since she'd listened in on her parent's conversation a week ago. Her dad had said they'd be showing up soon, but how soon was anyone's guess. Kasumi noted absently that she'd wet a little. It felt quite nice actually and she had no intention of getting changed just yet.

"Hey Kasumi." Akane said plunking down next to her big sister on the floor. "Whatcha doing?"

"Just sitting around." Kasumi answered. "Just enjoying a little rest, since dad doesn't seem to want to train today."

Akane nodded, then stiffed the air. "Moommm! Kasumi's wet!" Akane said happily,

"Tattletale." Kasumi mumbled loud enough for Akane to hear it.

"Mom says you'll get diaper rash if you keep sitting around in em' too long." Akane replied, "You should use the potty like a big girl then you don't have to worry about it."

Kasumi sighed at being lectured to use the potty by her six year old sister. Their mother walked in with some wipes and another disposable tsking at her daughter.

"Honestly Kasumi." Kimiko said as she rolled her daughter onto her back Kasumi simply letting her like a bag of limp noddles. Kasumi's eyes still training on the T.V. even while being moved. "I don't have to ask you to study, and you train really hard with your father, but you're too lazy to come to me to get changed?"

"Sorry" Kasumi replied shrugging. It was true, she was sorry her mother was upset. Then again she was also sorry her mom liked to change her right away, she could sit happily in a wet diaper for a good fifteen minutes.

"By the way, I'm very proud of your scores over the last week." Kimiko said to Kasumi pulling out a wipe. "The lowest quiz score you got was a 95. It's amazing how much better you're doing"

"Wow, Kasumi did that good?" Akane said with awe in her voice.

"Your sister must really be hitting the books." Kimiko said proud. Kasumi felt a little guilty at the praise, the only reason she'd gotten the 95 was that she forgot to fill in the answer to a question. She hadn't studied a day since the wish had taken effect. The worst thing is the standard she'd set for herself would be so high she'd really have to cram all through highschool.

Kimiko undid the diaper and began to wipe her daughter. Kasumi winced momentarily at the cool wipe then went back to watching some cartoon that was on. Kimiko cleaned her daughter and tapped the floor. Kasumi raised her hips at the signal and Kimiko pulled out the wet diaper and slid a fresh diaper under her. A quick tug and the tapes pulled and Kimiko finished changing her daughter and went back to her romance novel. She'd actually managed to get ahead on housework by noon today and since lunch had been pretty basic she'd have a good amount of time to relax.

Soun sat in the entry way reading the postcard he'd found with the mail. Luckily he'd gotten to it before Kimiko today.


Dear old friend,

We should be arriving just about the time you get this.



He read it again, no mention of date, but if he was a day away the mail would go at just about the same speed. Did that mean he was going to show up today? What should he tell his family? Should he mention the promise, what would they say?

Finally, Soun decided he'd better say something rather than just have two strange men walk inside and suddenly annouce that he was letting them stay. He walked into the living room were Kasumi and Akane were sitting watching T.V. His eldest was lying on the floor wearing just a t-shirt and a diaper. 'Well, it's Kimiko's fault not mine, but it's so embarrassing since she's my heir' Soun thought

"Hi daddy!" Akane said from the place where she was lying next to Kasumi.

"Is something going on?" Kasumi asked, noticing the expression on her father's face.

"Kasumi could you go get your mother, and Akane go find Nabiki we're going to have a family meeting" Soun said and the girls nodded and got up. Family meetings were generally not a good sign. It meant either someone was getting punished, or all the kids we're getting a scolding. If it had been a few months later it probably would've been about the family vacation, but it was too early in the year for that. The girls headed anxious to gather the rest of the family. After a few minutds the Tendo family was gathered around the table. Soun put his cigarette out and cleared his lungs before beginning what everyone but Kimiko figured would be a long rant.

"Everyone, my very close friend, Saotome Genma and his son will be arriving at our house shortly. They've been training in China for some time now and due to circumstances beyond our control will have to be staying with us for awhile. I want you all to be on your best behavior, when they arrive, which will probably be this afternoon or evening." Soun glanced at Kasumi who looked at him uncomprhended "Kasumi, dear, could you put on some pants or something before they show up."

Kasumi blushed, realizing that she hadn't even thought about it, she was just comfortable going around the house this way. "Sure daddy," She said heading up to her room to throw something on.

"That goes for you other girls too." Kimiko added, "Femenine modesty is very important, and now that there will be men in the house who aren't related you shouldn't go around in your underwear it's embarassing."

The two sister's blushed, they hadn't intended too anyway, but sometimes when parent's talk it makes you feel like you've done something bad before you've even done it.

"Well, that's about it." Soun said as Kasumi came back in the room. "Ohh, Kasumi could you stay for an extra moment."

Kasumi nodded and sat down at the table with her mother and father as Akane and Nabiki took off, not wanting to be around if punishment for something was going to be dealt out.

"I made a promise with my friend Genma a long time ago that one of my children would marry one of his and continue the family martial arts style with the dojo. Since you're very dedicated, and show much promise, I think it would be most appropriate.." Kimiko suddenly put her hand over her husbands mouth and turned to her daughter

"What your father is trying to say, is he would be happy if you married the Saotome boy." Kimiko said "I think it's to early to say this to you, and it would be a long time before you had to, even if you decided you wanted too. Still the Saotomes are my friends as well, if you two really do get along, it would make both of our families very happy to see you two married when you grow up."

Kasumi thought hard about the way to answer this. She didn't even know that much about this Ranma, but she couldn't see how his life would've been affected by her wish. Her biggest problem with him had always been that he wasn't as mature as her. In the last year however she had seen him mature quite and knew in the end he would be a very strong man. She felt odd about accepting, when Akane had had him before, but then they'd never seemed to get along really well anyway, and it wasn't as if they even remembered each other.

"If he's nice and strong and cool, I'll marry him when I grow up." Kasumi replied and her father smiled happily. Kimiko didn't give any reaction. She would happy if the marriage took place willingly but she was worried that her husband might push to hard as Kasumi grew up.

Suddenly a door slammed in the distance. She heard Akane and Nabiki running downstairs to see who it was. The rain pitter pattered on the roof and Kasumi had a gut feeling that the meeting would be very similiar to last time.

She managed to get out onto the porch at about the same time Akane and Nabiki screamed at the sight of a giant panda. The panda held over his shoulder a little girl, probably a little younger than Kasumi herself yelling very much like a rough man to "put me down ya idiot"

Soun stared as the young girl was set down on the porch in front him. He looked at her oddly, almost certain Genma's child would be older than this by now. What on earth was with the panda? Was it a new student?

"I'm Ranma Saotome." The little girl said "Sorry bout this'" she said and sighed considerably

Soun felt his world crumble, just a moment ago the joining of the two schools seemed very promising, yet this was a girl and a child. What had happened? WHY THE PANDA? He realized he must be dreaming as he saw stars appear before his eyes.

Kimiko caught her husband, surprised at how shocked he'd been. Not that she understood any of this anyway. She nodded to the small girl, apologizing for the inconvience her husband presented and bade her to follow her into the house were she set her husband on the floor to recover.

Kasumi was laughing on the inside. Ranma, man amoung men was a little girl, but how did it happen? He shouldn't have changed because of her wish. I mean, if he was still seventeen without the curse then why did it make him younger. She considered getting some hot water, but figured it would probably be better for all involved if she waited until they asked. Genma-panda had already disappeared towards the furo.

"Uggh, what happened?" Soun asked sitting up

"You passed out dear." Kimiko said smiling. Soun's eyes scanned the room until they meet with the eyes of the little red headed girl.

"Daddy," Nabiki asked, "I thought you said your friend had a son."

"Well, that's what I assumed from all the letters." Soun looked back to the child, "You are the child of Genma Saotome right?"

"Yes" She replied sheepishly

"Where's your father?" Kimiko asked "And who's panda is that."

"Ahh, he should be here in a minute. He just umm, had to do something. He'll be here real quick." Ranma said, "He'll explain the panda too."

"Ranma, you practice Kempo right?" Kasumi asked

"Yeah why?" Ranma replied, hoping he wasn't going to be challenged by a little girl

"Well, come on, we can practice till you dad gets here." Kasumi said, grabbing Ranma by the wrist and pulling her out of the room. Kasumi was simply enthralled with the chance to fight the great Ranma Saotome. She knew she'd lose, but just to say she'd done it. A spark of fire formed in her gut.

Ranma eyed the dojo critically noting it's excellent construction and obviously use. It had the feel of blood and sweat a martial artist needs to improve. He liked it, and could see why the old man had bargained him off for it. It didn't excuse him of course, but he could beat the old man into submission later.

"So wanna have a little match?" The little Tendo girl asked him. 'Who does she think she was dealing with' Ranma thought, 'Another little girl' the other part of his mind answered back. He sighed and settled down into stance.

"Sure" Ranma replied "I'll go easy on you."

"Thanks." The other girl replied, Ranma was a little surprised at the humility in her voice. She had potential if she could guess at his strength in this girly form he was forced into. Then again he just could not picture the cute little girl in front of him as a martial artist. He noticed she was wearing pink overalls with a hello kitty patch on the bib. 'Real tough', he thought sarcastically. Especially the buldge in the middle, it made it look like she was wearing a diaper or something.

Kasumi nodded and initiated the attack, throwing a punch at Ranma just as she came within range. Ranma dodged it deftly, and then the next. He noticed the slightly off way she moved and wondered if the diaper theory had been true. After missing twenty times and having nothing thrown back at her Kasumi was seeing how Akane could get so aggravated. Nothing was working, and Ranma wasn't even breaking into a sweat. She threw a couple kicks and they were side stepped as well. He didn't even have to block her attacks, as if he could see them coming a mile away.

Suddenly an ephiphany came to Kasumi. She spun on one heel just a little too much, losing her balance. In one quick montion Ranma moved towards her to catch her and keep her from falling. Kasumi flung the leg harder and connected into his side while punching him in the gut. Although he didn't seem hurt him, he lost his balance and she was already commited to falling. At the same time as they ended up on the floor with Ranma on top.

"You've got guts." Ranma said, laughing "Did you do that on purpose?"

"I tried to fake you out into helping me, it's 'Anything Goes' right?" Kasumi asked

"Fine." Ranma said laughing "Your point." He said, moving a little to get off her. As he moved his it brushed against her midsection and he knew he'd been right. The girl was wearing a diaper. Poor thing, maybe she was incontinent or something. He'd heard old people got like that somethimes.

"Here." He said extended her a hand and she stood up. "For a kid, you're pretty impressive. Also sneaky." He added laughing a bit more

"Thanks...I guess." Kasumi said laughing with him, not pointing out he was a kid too right now.

"Kasumi, Ranma!" Kimiko called walking into the dojo. "Why don't you show her where the guest room is?" she suggested, "Ahh, I see you to have been practicing, after you two get settled in you should take a bath. We've got a big furo."

Kasumi showed Ranma upstairs to the guestroom and the little girl set down a giantic pack with a large thud. Kasumi was surprised at how strong he was even in this form. He turned to her.

"I don't want to be insulting, but I'm not used to taking baths with anyone else, mind if I take mine first?" Ranma asked, desperate to be a man again. His father had already had a chance to talk to Soun by now, and he did want to clean up.

"Of course the towels are on the third closet by the door. Let me know when you're down and I'll take mine." Kasumi said sweetly, glad that the initial problem of his stay last time could be avoided.

* * *

The whole family had gathered in the living room to welcome the Saotomes. Kasumi had seen that Ranma was indeed still seventeen normally after he'd let her know it was her turn for the furo. Now the teenage boy sat next to his father on the porch, the late spring air felt fresh after the rain.

"It's easiest just to explain like this!" Genma yelled grabbing his son's shirt and chucking him into the koi pond. In an instant the tall seventeen year old man turn into a girl of about eight or nine.

"What did you do that for!" Ranma screaming in a high pitched voice

"Ahh, my son, how it pains me to see you this way." Genma cried in admonishment

"THis is your fault in the first place!" Ranma retorted

"Were you not prepared to lay down your life for the art?!"

"My life yes, my manhood is another story!" Ranma screamed throwing a bucket full of water she had found next to the porch at her father.

"Let's give them a minute to get back to normal." Soun said seriously as an odd little girl vs panda sparring match began in the yard.

"So this is the girl we saw before?" Nabiki asked in shock, locking at the tall dreamy looking boy in front of her. That had been restored with a kettle Kimiko had brought out at Soun's request

"Neat, what's it like to be both?" Akane asked him, though Ranma just looked down embarrassed.

"Right, so how did this curse come about Satome?" Soun asked

"Well, you know the cursed springs Jusenkyo, it's horror as always been shrouded in mystery until now." Genma began as he went into a story he as getting progressively better at telling

* * *

"Ahh sirs, welcome to cursed springs Jusenkyo." A chinese tour guide said, "Each spring have special curse from each tragedy that happened there.

"Well are you ready Ranma!" Genma yelled jumping to a poll

"Man this ain't so bad." Ranma said hopping onto a poll "Ready as I'll ever be."

"Wait please kind sirs, I no finish my tragic story." The guide called worriedly

"I won't go easy on you Ranma" Genma said launching himself

"I wouldn't have it any other way!" Ranma said, following suit

"VERY BAD YOU FALL IN SPRING!" The tour guide screamed, but it was too late after a short arial battle the old man fell into the spring, only to surface and knock his son into another.

"Kind sir, you fall in spring of drowned girl...eh?" The guide said, as the girl exited the spring, who was working very hard to keep her gi top around her already having lost her pants in the spring. "You turn into very young girl. That odd." The guide replied

* * *

"It turns out that the springs are rather fickle." Genma added. "The general idea of the spring is female, but the age was based on Jusenkyo magic. THe guide said five different people could fall into the same spring with very different results that share the same thing. Still, usually the age of the female form is the same as that of the male's."

"I found someone in China who was very familiar with Jusenkyo's magic" Ranma started, Genma looked at him sourly at the mention of the old hag. "She said the spring's magic have two effects. The first is to show ourselves our weaknesses. For instant, my father's laziness is represented by the panda form."

"Show some respect!" Genma said, though all ignored him

"The second is to show what one was lacking. What one needs to be whole. The elder I came in contact with thought my curse changed me so that I could understand the opposite sex and children or something like that. To be honest I don't know a thing about either, being on the road for most of my life." He sighed, thinking briefly it was nice just to be inside a real house. "Apparently Jusenkyo curses aren't supposed to affect your age, so she said my male body would be in statis until the female one caught up." Ranma looked at the family, "Honestly the only reason I agreed to come here with pop's was because of your children. I thought maybe they would help me understand the nature of the curse. It kinda seems like fate that I ended up the same age as your kids, considering the bond between our families and some promise he keeps mentioning, which brings us here."

"Is that so?" Soun said surprised. "Well, your curse isn't so bad, Saotome-kun it appears that fate may even be conspiring to help us with our plans!"

"Indeed Tendo, but the price I paid for Ranma to get that knowledge was unbearable."

"I let Chinese Amazons lock him in a cage for two months for stealing food." Ranma answered, the Tendo's children looked at him shocked, Kimiko and Soun however knew Genma and figured if his own son did it he had it coming. "You'd have done it too, if you knew my father." He said defensively to the kids

"Ungrateful Boy!" Genma said disdainfully, standing up

"Hey, I got you out right!" Ranma said looking his father in the eyes and standing as well. In another moment they were fighting again.

Kimiko went and put her two youngest to bed, despite the argument that they wanted to see the fight. It was certainly going to be lively around here with the Saotomes. By the time she came down Soun and Kasumi were sitting at the table watching the fight wrap up on the lawn, by Genma being tossed into the Koi pond. Kasumi noted that Ranma didn't seem quite as good as he had been when she last saw him, perhaps life in Nerima had forced him to grow at an exponential rate.

Kimiko poured another kettle over Genma who asked that it not be boiling next time. Ranma and his father sat across from the Tendos and their daughter Kasumi.

"Saotome, your son's curse is not so bad. Perhaps it is fate that brings you here. I know understand why you made me be quiet to Nodoka in those letters, yet you should know she has been here but a week ago." Genma nodded gravely as Soun continued. "This is Kasumi, my eldest daughter," Kasumi bowed appropriately to the Saotomes and her father conitinued again. "She is the heir to my school, and, I think an excellent match for your boy, since because of his curse they will eventually, physically be about the same age."

"I agree" Genma stated, "They seemed to hit it off early today. They can get married when they're of legal age. That's only six years." Kimiko nodded her approval as well, though unlike the father's she had her misgivings.

"Wait, wait, wait." Ranma said abruptly, angry that he wasn't getting any imput "Don't I get to decide, I mean....what if I don't want to get married."

"I think it's fine." Kasumi said, "Mom said if we don't want to we don't have too. Still if it makes them happy we should at least give it a try right."

"Hey I don't need life conseling from some kid who's still in diapers." Ranma said dimissively and a little sharp, immediately regretting it as the little girls face fell to an expression of humiliation. All eyes on in the room stared like daggers at Ranma.

"That was a bit below the belt against a child, son." Genma said disappointed

"I'm really, really sorry." Ranma said quickly to the little girl who was pressing her face against her mother. "I don't know what got into me, just they're springing all this on me and not giving me any room, and I didn't mean to take it out on you."

"Okay, I forgive you." Kasumi said, trying to smile, but it was obvious she'd let off a few tears quietly. It wasn't that Ranma's words were really that cruel, it was just unexpected and she hadn't planned anyway to react. It didn't help that she had been wet a little too long and was getting uncomfortable.

"Alright." Ranma grumbled

"Alright what?" Genma said

"Don't push it, I'll go along with the arranged marriage thing. As long as if we don't like each other we can back out. I'll give it a try though." Ranma said, sighing. Kasumi did seem like a good kid. She was excellent at the art, the best he'd ever seen, perhaps besides himself at that age. Maybe Ryoga, he'd been really good at only 12, when they'd meet.

"Well that settles it then!" Genma and Soun said rising and patting each other on the back and breaking out a bottle of sake. Kimiko went to get some snack and Kasumi went off to her room, her mom having whispered she'd change her as soon as she was done getting the guys some food.

Ranma however quickly caught up to her just as she was heading up the stairs.

"Hey Kasumi?" He said tenetively as she turned around

"Yes, what?" She asked, not knowing whether he was their to be nice or to insult her again.

"I really am sorry about earlier, it just slipped out. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Ranma said sheepishly

"Come on, I've got a couple of minutes, let's talk." Kasumi said heading up to her room. Ranma followed her up the steps and into her room. He took a seat at the desk chair and she laid on her bed

"So fiancees huh?" Ranma said, having no idea what to say.

"I don't need them you know." Kasumi said, sharply, embarrassed she was bringing the subject up but not wanting to be misunderstood.

"Don't need what?" Ranma asked, being as dense as she remembered

"The diapers, I don't -need- them." She replied

"Well, then why on earth would you wear them?" He asked not comprehending

"I like them, and my mommy let's me." She replied grinning, as much as he might not understand she did consider it a perk that other kids didn't have.

"Oh, well I guess that makes sense, don't kids make fun of you though." Ranma asked

"They don't, and won't know, I usually wear baggy clothes or dresses." Kasumi explained, "It's easy to hide, and you don't have to get to the bathroom on time, and its comfy."

"Great, my fiancee, foremost diaper enthusiast." He said, with only light sarcasm

"Hey, how can you complain." Kasumi said, a little insulted "You've got a curse that makes you a girl. That's weird."

"Fine, fine, how about it, you don't rip on me, or tell anyone about my curse, and I won't make fun of the diapers, or let your secret out." Ranma said extending his hand. Kasumi shook it hartily.

"Kasumi?" A voice came from the door. "You ready to get changed?"

Kasumi turned red as Ranma tried to stifle his laughter. -Have to keep agreement- he thought.

"I'm ready mom." Kasumi said. Kimiko walked into the room, surprised to see Ranma sitting at the desk. He nodded to her before getting up to leave, giving Kasumi her, kinda, privacy. How embarrassing would it be to be changed by your mother. Then again, he'd just like to have his mother back at any cost.

Tired and worn out Ranma headed for the guest room only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Soun looking him directly in the eye.

"What's up Mr Tendo?" He asked casually.

"I'm sure you're a good man Ranma." Soun Tendo said casually "and I've known your father for a long time."

Ranma nodded, suddenly Soun's head grew infinitely larger and turned purple. His tongue dangled out in the way he'd seen that American band KISS do on some classic rock show. The man's eyes were know yellow and bloodshot and all Ranma could wonder was how this was physically possible, well that and the fear this transformation brough.

"But if you ever make my little girl cry again, I'll have your hide. Also, don't you *DARE* think of anything but kissing until your married." Soun hissed in a demonic voice. Suddenly his head returned to normal and he was just an ordinary human. "Goodnight Ranma."

"Yes sir, I'll remember that, goodnight." Ranma said gulping and heading into the room. His dreams that night were filled only with the demon head Soun.

* * *

Kasumi laid on the bed while her mommy started changing her diaper.

"So what were you two talking about?" Kimiko asked in interest.

"Well, he said he was sorry for earlier and he won't make fun of me wearing diapers if I don't make fun of his curse." Kasumi said aptly summing up the conversation

"That seems like a fair trade." Kimiko said pleasantly, "So Kasumi-chan what do you think of him."

"I think he's cool, but needs to keep his mouth shut." She said, giggling a little.

"Most men do honey, all women figure out that on after awhile." She finished taping the new diaper on and pulled up her daughter's pj bottoms. "Alright, well you've had a long day today and there's going to be school tommorrow, so goodnight. Oh that's right, your cloth diapers should be coming either tommorrow or Tuesday"

Kasumi nodded and then turned on her side to go to sleep. Kimiko closed the door leaving on the light from the small electric bulb stuck in the sock near the door. She didn't really need it bt a night light was a little comforting. Sighing about all the changes today would bring she stuck her thumb in her mouth and sucked on it slighty.

'This is kinda nice' She thought as she started to drift off to sleep 'I wonder why I didn't try it before'

The next morning Kasumi woke up bright and early figuring it'd be another pleasant, normal morning in the Tendo compound. She hopped down the steps two at a time, her diaper weighing a little heavy. She was planning to go in to the kitchen to get her mother to change her when she heard the grunts and yelling from the backyard.

"Ranma?" She said a little softly, groggily. Worried for only a moment the wish had been undone, then in a flash the previous days events came back to her.

She walked out onto the porch and watched the two Saotomes attempted to beat the living crap out of each other. The dirty tatics employed by Genma made her wonder how she'd managed to fool Ranma the other day. 'Well, I mean, who'd think -Kasumi- of all people was trying to trick someone.' She giggled a little to herself. It was

-anything goes- so a little dishonesty didn't count.

"There you are Kasumi." Kimiko Tendo said as she joined her daughter on the porch. "Quite impressive aren't they? I think they've been going for over an hour now."

"I've got a long way to go..." Kasumi said, both impressed with their skill and yet humbled imeansly as the seemed to float through the air and collide in giant flurries.

"You're also half his age." Kimiko said poking her lightly in the ribs. "Come on let's go get you changed." Kasumi nodded and Kimiko turned to the men "YOu two, breakfast's almost ready!"

"Thank you Kimiko-san!" Genma said grabbing Ranma's shirt and tossing him into the koi pond with a loud splash.

Kasumi followed her mother into the laundry room. Kimiko pulled out a fresh diaper from the package she kept down there while Kasumi removed her pj bottoms. Kimiko picked her daughter up and set her on the counter. Kasumi shivered slightly as her bare legs came into contact with the cold linoleium of the counter.

"Well you're pretty wet huh?" Kimiko said cheerily as Kasumi blushed a little. Kimiko untaped the diaper before realizing she'd forgotten the wipes. She went to the other side of the room to grab the wipes when the door to the laundry room slammed open with surprising thud

"Ms. Tendo, sorry but.." Ranma's voice sounded as Kasumi eyes went wide in shock. She frantically looked down to find her mother had at least left the diaper covering her. Ranma eyes followed her gaze before he gasped and ran out the door closing it behind him.

"I am so, so sorry!" He called through the door. "I...I just, I mean my clothes. Dad threw me in the koi pond." He'd already fixed his curse with the teakettle, but his favorite outfit was covered with...whatever fish do in a pond.

"It's my fault." Kimiko said opening the door and stepping outside. "I never mentioned I changed her here in the mornings. It's okay, just a little mistake. Leave your clothes on the floor, I'll throw them in the wash when I'm done."

"Thanks Ms. Tendo, I'm really sorry." He added

"No harm no foul. Now you know." Kimiko said and went back to attend to her daughter. Ranma's feet went quickly as he headed up the steps.

"You okay honey?" Kimiko asked her daughter.

"Well it's not like he saw anything." Kasumi said still a little upset. "But talk about an embarrassing position to see someone in. Geeze."

"I could put a note on the door that says 'changing in progress'" Kimiko said, letting out a little laugh.

"That would be -way- worse!" Kasumi said indignantly but her mother's cheerfullness caught on and she decided to let it go. Besides, that was the nice thing to do anyway, it was obviously it had been an accident. Ranma's fate seemed to throw him into as many inappropriate situations as possible. Her mother finished changing her and told her to get her sister's for breakfast.

Breakfast was pretty subdued at first. Ranma wasn't being his vibrant, usual self because he was still feeling guilty from the prior event. Nabiki and Akane could only be described as sleepy since Kasumi had actually had to wake them up. The were often like this on Mondays. The adults were just happy to have a quiet meal for once.

"Oh Ranma. I've got news for you." Genma said breaking the silence. "We're sending you to school."

"No thanks!" Ranma said waving it off. "I've got enough problems. Besides what does a martial artist need with education."

"Soun's got a degree in sport's medicine." Kimiko said politely, "It makes the dojo seem more respectible, and he can take care of mishaps. Even your father is a high school graduate."

"What do you mean -even- me, Kimiko?" Genma said slightly offended. "Still, she's right boy, your education is important."

"Come on old man. I don't know anyone in the area, we're probably gonna be on the move in other week or so anyway. Why bother?" Ranma said, drinking his miso. He had no interest in school right now. Still he knew that look his father gave him. It was gonna be a tough fight.

"Ranma, I told you, we're staying here. The training trip's over. You've become a fine martial artist. Now you need to focus on other aspects, while fine-tuning your art." Genma replied, a bit of pride in his voice. "Besides, you'll know people at school."

"Who?" Ranma asked exasperated.

"Well, the Tendos' daughters for one."

"How on earth does that work. I'm in -high school- for one and..." Suddenly it dawned on him what his father might be planning. "No you freaking don't- old man. I don't care about the curse you are not sending me to elementary school again!"

"Hahahah!" Genma slapped his knee as he laughed. "Okay, I know it sounds unfair, but in all seriousness, it's a good idea."

"You've got less than a minute to explain." Ranma said holding his fist trying to contain his fit of rage at the old man ripping on his curse.

"You're grades are abysmal son." Genma said quickly. "I don't blame you for it. I know I encouraged you in the art and not in scholastics, but nows your chance."

"How so?" Ranma asked, calming down slightly.

"Well, even if it was hard the first time around. Think how easy it would be now! You could get A's without trying. Get into a great junior high and high school and then switch genders back when the aging goes back to normal. All the rewards of hard studying with only half the effort!"

Ranma thought on this for a second. It was just like his father to think of a good way to beat the system. It hurt him that his father was right. He'd be ten years older than all the other college entrants and no one would be the wiser. Hell, if he really tried he might be able to get into Tokyo U. Well, maybe not, but the idea was insane.

"Okay- I'll do this. One rule- No jokes." Ranma said finally.

"I'd never make fun of my..." Ranma glared as Genma spoke. "Fine, no jokes- only about the school thing though.

"Well now that that's settled." Kimiko said "Perhaps you could lend your fiancee some school clothes Kasumi? I think his girl form is about your size."

"Sure." Kasumi smiled, 'I get to play dress up with Ranma' was what was actually going through her mind.

"Wait, I can't go today." Ranma interjected "I mean how are we going to get all the records changed? Did you ever think of that pops?"

"I already did the dirty work." Genma said proudly. "You're already enrolled."

"I knew you were up to no good yesterday!" Ranma replied, "Going to take a walk in the park my butt."

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"Well either way it's all settled. Go up and get changed with Kasumi or you'll make my daughter's late." Kimiko added and Ranma nodded.

He paused in the bathroom for a moment to splash himself, then bundling up his secondary outfit (his favorite one being in the wash) he followed Kasumi to her room.

"Thanks for lending me some clothes." Ranma said as they look in the closet.

"No problem. Oh I have some panties in the top drawer of the dresser." Kasumi said picking out a dress for herself. She doubted she could get Ranma into one.

"Why would I need panties?" Ranma said disgusted.

"Well I don't have any boy underwear, and it's not like I wear those anymore. Besides you'll chaff if you don't."

"Chaff?" Ranma asked "I'll take my chances going commando." The now female Ranma said pulling on a plain pair of jeans. The shirts were still bad. Finally he settled only a relatively plain on that had the name of the Tendo dojo on it. All the other's seemed to be covering in some minor form of either glitter or cute animals.

Kasumi sighed and pulled on a light green dress smoothing it out carefully before twirling in it a little. It was one of her favorites. She went over to her mirror to brush out her hair before they left.

"Kawaii." Ranma said as she twirled in the dress.

"You think so." Kasumi said, smiling at him. She sat down in front of the mirror her diaper crinkling barely audible. She was lucky classrooms were so noisy.

"It suits you." He replied "Anyway, thanks for loaning me some clothes. How long do we have before we have to take off?"

Kasumi looked over to the little kitty clock she kept above her bed. "Hmm, about ten minutes."

"Okay, well, I'll see you outside then." Ranma said still adjusting the pants a little. They weren't tight or anything, but girls clothes fit a bit more snugly than boys.

"Bye girls!" Kimiko called as her daughter left the outer gate. Akane waved happily and Kasumi and Nabiki followed in suit though a bit more subdued. They were going to school afterall.

"You'll like our school Ranma!" Akane said cheerily. "It's lotsa fun."

"She only says that because she's still in first grade." Nabiki said

"Its not that bad Nabiki." Kasumi added, "Still it is school. Don't expect to much."

"Whatever." Ranma sighed, "I'm sure it'll be fine. Just remember no one mentions my curse okay?"

"Mommy already gave us a speech about it." Nabiki said, "Don't worry"

Ranma continued to walk with the girls. Reflecting on how much his life was changing. At least Kasumi was nice enough, and a great practioner of the art for her age. These pants were a little tight though. As they rubbing against his- well, now her more sensative parts Ranma was finding it a little uncomfortable. 'Should've listen to Kasumi' part of his mind chidded, the other side simply answered with 'NO PANTIES, we're a MAN!'

Kasumi was in a pretty good mood however. She felt a little bad for Ranma, but it would be fun having someone in the same class. Her mom had told her on the way out that Saotome-san had already fixed it so he was in her room. It was funny thinking that the little girl walking beside her was the tough confident Ranma Saotome.

She also noticed his discomfort as he tried to move the inseam of the jeans around. Well it wasn't like she hadn't warned him. They made underwear for a reason afterall. She absently patted her diaper under her dress smiling secretly to herself. At least she didn't need underwear anymore. Plus her mother had said they'd be getting some cloth diapers for home soon. That held a special place, since the first time around she was sure she'd only worn cloth. Disposables hadn't caught on yet in the sevenities.

The school came into view and Kasumi saw Ranma gulp visibly. It would probably be the first time he tried to pretend to actually be a little girl before. Plus the consquences if his curse was exposed. She'd be a bit worried herself if she was in his position.

"Hey, what do you do for gym class?" Ranma asked, suddenly realizing he'd never thought about that before.

"Easy," Kasumi replied. " I pull my bloomers on under the dress them put the gym shirt on quickly. The diapers aren't that thick and the official rules don't say you -have- to tuck your shirt in, so it's almost as hard to notice as when I wear a dress as long as I leave the shirt untucked."

"Not a bad plan." Ranma said a little impressed. "Oh shoot, on that note- I forgot to ask dad about gym clothes."

"I've got an extra set." Kasumi replied, "Plus you don't even have a locker yet."

With that they headed up to Kasumi's class 4-B. Ranma was introduced by the teacher, which was a bit odd. Trying to explain why a father would take his daughter to China for martial arts training. Then again if they wanted proof of his skill he'd never minded showing off before. By the time he sat in his chair and the teacher began the morning lecture the whole class had already pegged him as the biggest tomboy ever.

"Well the class was missing a tomboy since Kasumi started wearing dresses." He heard one of the boys whisper behind him.

"Dude, she's living with Kasumi. Want them both to kick our asses?" A second boy whispered back.

"I'm not afraid of girls, Hiroshi." The first boy answered back.

"That's cause you haven't fought Kasumi yet." Hiroshi answered.

Ranma just smirked. It sounded like Kasumi may not be quite the good girl she appeared to be at home. Well, that was okay, spunk could be cute as long as the girl didn't go overboard. He laughed to himself lightly as he heard the line about her starting to wear dresses. They probably never suspected what he figured was the most probable reason.

The teacher's lecture was absolutely boring. However the homework that was assigned or passed out was incredibly easy, so it all kind of evened out. Ranma had stopped paying attention to teacher awhile ago and was finishing the last worksheet handed out. At least if he did it in class, it'd be done. He'd never bothered to do school work at home before.

"Saotome, what's 3/4ths plus 5/8ths?" The teacher said to the new student. First day and the kid was already focusing on something else. A bad sign.

"One and three eighths." Ranma called back without even looking up from the paper. He finished the last problem and put it into his desk.

"Good job, didn't think you were paying attention Satome." The teacher said a little surprised. I mean it wasn't a hard question, but it was new material for the fourth grade.

Kasumi smiled to herself as she saw Ranma was having about as much fun in class as she was. Well, at least her new fiancee might make something of his education the first time around.

Kasumi decided she needed to go a little bit and looked up at the clock. It was only ten minutes to recess so she wet her diaper. She knew it was a little risky, but she liked to wear it a little before she got changed. Besides, if she could smell it she'd ask to be excused before anyone else noticed.

The last ten minutes were quite pleasant sitting in a warm diaper, enjoying the feeling and pretending to be paying attention to the sensei.

After the bell rang the class headed out for the morning recess. Her friends knew she liked to spend the morning break reading by now, so they took off with the rest of the class leaving only her and Ranma.

"Whatcha doing Kasumi?" Ranma said leaning on her desk. "Well, you looked as bored as I was."

Kasumi beckoned him closer and Ranma leaned down. "I get changed at first break, but I pretend to be in here reading." She said. Now that everyone but Ranma and her was gone she put her book back in the desk and headed to the nurse's room.

"Mind if I join you?" Ranma asked, following her down the hall.

"What like this morning?" Kasumi asked, Ranma imediately blushed.

"Look, I said I was sorry. Not like I saw anything. I just don't know anyone, you know, I figured it was easier to hang around you. If you don't mind." Ranma replied sheepishly. He hated to admit he was rather socially inept. Making new friends was not really his forte. Enemies, now that is something he could handle.

"I don't mind if you hang out with me." Kasumi said smiling. Ranma followed her down to the nurse's office. "Look, I'll just be a second."

"Sure," He noticed the bathroom across the hall. "Actually, I'll go as well, meet out here in a sec?" Kasumi nodded and headed into the nurse's office

"Morning Kasumi." Takeshi-san said as Kasumi walked in "The usual?"

Kasumi nodded and laid down on the bed while Takeshi pulled out a fresh diaper and some wipes.

"I heard someone out there with you. Does she know?" The nurse asked untaping the diaper and lifting Kasumi's legs in the air

"Yeah, she lives with us. She's daddy's friend's daughter."

"Ohh, your mother told me she had some guests. She said they had a son."

"Long story," Kasumi said.

Ranma walked into the little girls room a little apprenhensively. It just felt sort of wrong. Still, it would be much worse to be seem in the boys room. Luckily no one was in her. He took the first stall, pulling to jeans around her ankles and sitting on the seat. At least the school had western style toilets. Peeing as a guy wasn't so bad in the normal ones, but he sucked at squatting as a girl. Generally half the piss ended up on his clothes.

As the flow subsided he wiped himself gingerly, finding the skin down there was irritated. Generally he tried to stay as far away from his girl parts as possible anyway. "Sheesh" He mumbled to himself, "Looser jeans...or maybe panties."

The thought was abohorent but it he could tell it might be a little painful by the end of the day. Not only painful, but it only served to force upon him what gender he currently was. Even worse, what if it transferred back to his male side.

"Hey Kasumi!" Ranma called as she stepped out of the nurse's office.

"Don't bring any attention to us here." She snapped. "People might ask, well, everyone's probably outside, but still."

Ranma nodded in understanding. Daily trips to the nurse's office were bound to bring up questions. They walked back to the classroom and Kasumi pulled her book out.

"Are you going to just read?" Ranma asked, a little bored at the prospect.

"Naw, but it needs to be were it was before." Kasumi said "So, what do you think of school so far?"

"The materials boring. It's kinda fun pretending to be a kid again though. Not that you'd really understand, but being older kinda has responsibilites." He said wistfully.

Kasumi thought how funny it was that she understood better than he did. Either way, he was being pretty nice. It was fun to be able to hang out with someone at school who knew her secret.

The next class was gym so Kasumi and Ranma headed down to the locker room before recess ended. It'd be easier to set Ranma up with a locker that way anyway. The P.E. teacher was sitting reading the paper in the cage where they kept equipment. She gave Ranma a free locker and the combo before settling down to read what else she could before the recess period was over.

Ranma heard the bell ring as Kasumi opened her locker and handed Ranma her extra set of clothes. Ranma sighed and started to pull off his jeans when he made a startling realization. He wasn't wearing anything under them.

Well, none of the other kids were in yet so he quickly shirked off the jeans and pulled the bloomers on. They were just as tight and almost more uncomfortable than what he had been wearing.

"Told you you should have worn panties." Kasumi laughed sightly as Ranma looked at a wall mirror. The stupid bloomers clung to his ass and it was rather obvious he wasn't wearing panties.

"Kami-sama." Ranma said, as he laughed slightly. Well, no reason to be embarrassed it wasn't his body afterall. He followed Kasumi's idea and let the oversized shirt cover his girl body. No reason to be more embarrassed than he had to be.

Physical education itself went over without a hitch and Ranma managed to change in a stall after class. Kasumi was ribbing him slighly about it, but quietly enough that no one overheard. As they left the locker room Takeshi-san was walking down the hall towards them.

"Takeshi-san, this is Ranma." Kasumi said as she walked closer.

"Oh, nice to meet you Ranma, you must be Satome's so..child." She said bowing slightly in sink with Ranma. "Actually, I was here to get you Kasumi. The thing is..."

Ranma watched as Takeshi whispered to Kasumi for a few moments with Kasumi nodding. They suddenly took off with Kasumi giving Ranma a signal to follow them.

"What happened?" Ranma asked concerned

"Nothing big," Kasumi answered, "Mom's not home right now though and dad's has his morning classes. So, I get to handle it."

"What?" Ranma asked, but the response didn't matter as they arrived at the nurse's office.

"Uhh hi." Nabiki said in the smallest voice he'd ever heard her use. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears, and considering the redness around her eyes she already had been.

"What happened?" Kasumi asked concerned.

"Well, she must've came down with the flu." Takeshi said,

"Well, I felt like I was gonna throw up, so I ran to the bathroom. I kinda hit the wall with most of it, then suddenly I had diarrea..." Nabiki said, "No one saw, I can straight to the nurse's office."

"Wow, that sucks." Ranma said, Nabiki just nodded.

"Your should take her home, Kasumi. I put her into one of your diapers for now and cleaned her pants the best I could" Takeshi said. The end of the passing period was signalled so Kasumi took Nabiki's hand and walked her out of the room.

"I don't feel so good." Nabiki said, breaking from Kasumi's grasp and running to the bathroom across the hall. Kasumi and Ranma followed in after her.

"What're we gonna do." Kasumi said as she and Ranma stood outside the stall. "I don't know if she can walk home. I can call daddy. He might not answer though, since he'll be in the dojo."

"No worries." Ranma said turning on the hot water tap and pulling to tightly rolled bundles from the bottom of his back pack. He quickly took off the clothes Kasumi loaned him, splashed himself and put on the male ones he'd kept on him just in case.

"Wow, you're prepared."

"With my curse, you quickly learn to be." He replied, in his male voice. "Nabiki-chan, if you're done for now open the door. I'll get you home real quick."

Nabiki opened the door crying softly, Ranma picked her up. She put her head against his shoulder and he headed home with Kasumi walking beside him. Ranma felt rather dependable as he carried the little girl with his fiancee walking beside him.

At least he got out of school the rest of the day. His true form had come in useful as well. Nabiki made him stop about halfway back however before having to throw up again. Ranma felt bad as he silently prayed he didn't catch the damn thing himself.

Soun went inside the house to have a nice cup of tea. His morning class had been pretty easy, he was glad he'd started it, kept him more awake in the mornings. He called for Kimiko only to remember she'd gone out for the shopping already.

He clicked the message machine, realizing someone must've called.

"Hi this is Takeshi, Kimiko you there? Nabiki's really sick, and had a little accident. I'm sending her home with Kasumi. Okay? Call back soon if you get this."

"Shit!" Soun thought, what bad timing. He went to look for the car keys when he heard the front door slide open.

"We're back!" Ranma called as took off Nabiki's shoes then his own.

"Ranma, is Nabiki?" Soun asked stepping into the entryway. "Oh, my poor little girl."

Ranma handed Soun his daughter and Soun hugged her tight.

"Not so tight daddy, my tummy hurts." Nabiki said

"Sorry honey, let's get you up to bed. Your mother should be home pretty soon." He started to carry her up the stairs. "Thanks Ranma."

"No problem, it seems like she just has the flu." Ranma added, Soun just nodded and carried his daughter up to her room.

"Well, at least that's handled for now." Ranma said sighing, "Poor kid,"

"Yeah, good thing you were there. It would've been hard her having to walk all the way home like that." Kasumi said.

"At least I'm good for something huh?" Ranma laughed. "Okay, well what now? I don't know about you but I don't feel like going back to school."

Since there wasn't much the could do for Nabiki, and they didn't have any homework, Ranma and Kasumi found themselves around their father's Go board.

"Wow, you're really good." Ranma said as the little girl enclosed another of his lines. This was pretty bad, getting beat by a kid.

"Well, I guess I'm a natural." She giggled. She never actually played that much, but after watching hundreds of her father's games she had the more basic strategies completely done.

"What are you two doing home?" Kimiko asked as she set down the groceries for that night's dinner. "Skipping school?"

"Nabiki got sick, so Ranma and me brought her home." Kasumi said playing another piece as Ranma developed a sad look on his face. This kid was -crushing- him.

"Nabiki's sick?" Kimiko said concerned. "Why didn't Soun get her?"

"It was during his morning classes, he didn't find out until we were already home." Ranma replied, Kimiko nodded and went up to check on her daughter.

Kasumi finished Ranma off relatively hard. With a score of 22 to negative 3 (Japanese scoring method, this is possible) he was almost to embarrassed to ever play the game again.

"Good game." She said smiling.

"Yeah, I guess. You're good." He replied, "So what now?"

"Well, daddy's gonna be busy until classes probably, wanna give me a lesson in Anything Goes?"

"Sure!" Ranma replied, glad to be competent at whatever they were going to be doing. Kasumi and him headed to the dojo. He figured it'd be fun to see just how good this girl was.

The virus that sweep the Tendo household was not in the least bit pleasant. Akane had come down with the thing only a day later and Kasumi shortly after. The next day Genma and Soun had gotten it, which left Ranma and Kimiko as the only two in the household unaffected.

"Ranma-kun, could you take this soup up to Kasumi." Kimiko said, holding a tray with two other bowls for Nabiki and Akane.

"Sure, Kimiko-san," He said, passing his father and Soun looking dejected on the couch, bundled in blankets. Well, at least he'd been lucky so far. He'd managed to pull a couple more days off school as well after convincing Kimiko she could use his help around the house since everyone else was sick. She called him in sick with her daughters and evertyhing was fine.

"Can I come in Kasumi?" Ranma said as he knocked softly on the door.

"Sure." Kasumi responded, barely awake.

He opened the door to find the little girl still under a million layers of blankets. How she could not be dying of heat he didn't know, but she'd been freezing earlier

"Got some soup your mom made for you." He said sitting next to her on the bed. He briefly felt her head for a moment, "The fever's gone away I think."

"I guess that's good." Kasumi said, still feeling awful. "Just put the soup on the nightstand."

"It'll get cold though." Ranma said, knowing she'd just fall back asleep.

"Feed it to me then." She said, starting to giggle, but immediately stopped as she felt a little sick to her stomach.

"OKay," Ranma said, playing along with her game. You needed food to get stronger, and she honestly didnt look like she was much in a condition to feed herself. He got a spoonful and brought it to her lips.

"Good." She said as she drank it down. "Another one please."

It took awhile but soon the bowl was empty and Ranma stood up preparing to see if Kimiko needed him for something else.

"Don't leave yet." Kasumi said, both tired, but wanting to do something

"You should get some rest though."

"Read me something, please." She said with bambi eyes. "My eyes hurt when I try to read."

Ranma was a sucker for that kind of plea so he sat back down on her bed and picked up the novel that was lying on the shelf above her bed.

"This one?" He asked breifly scanning the back

"Yeah, I haven't even started it yet, so you can read from the beginning."

Ranma opened the first page and was pleased to find it had only basic kanji. For a moment he'd been worried she might embarrass him again with some kind of educated reading material. It was a cute little fantasy novel about dragons and princesses and after about twenties pages Kasumi had already fallen asleep. He put a marker in the book and set it back on the shelf.

His connection with Kasumi was odd to say the least. Sure she was his fiancee, but she was eight years younger than him. So often though, they connected on a more adult level. She was impossible to read. Diapers, stuffed animals, and fantasy books made her seem like a little kid. Yet her dedication to the martial arts was unlike a child's. He knew she wasn't that great yet, but she was good and trained with a fervor and dedication somewhat like his own. She clearly knew it wasn't a game. He decided to put it out of his mind for now and headed back to the kitchen to see how Kimiko was fairing. He'd never understood girls anyway.

"Hey Ranma, did you have any luck with Kasumi?" Kimiko asked

"How so?" Ranma said not understanding

"Nabiki's already feeling better, but Akane wouldn't touch her food."

"Oh, yeah she ate it. Made me feed it to her though." Ranma said shrugging

"Is that so?" Kimiko replied, "Oh, does Kasumi need changing?"

"Didn't think to ask her. She fell asleep though."

"I'll go check in awhile then. Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll need you to do some shopping for me later though ok?" Kimiko asked. Ranma nodded and headed back to the guestroom, figuring he might as well take a little nap.

* * *

The next day the girl's were pretty much better, though they're mother kept them in bed for the day so they wouldn't have a relapse. Ranma had subbed in for Soun's classes the day before and was planning to do it again today, since the men were still a bit under the weather.

Kasumi however was sick of being in bed. Getting better be darned, she wanted to play, or at least do something. Her diaper was already wet, and she was considering getting up to get it changed, but really it wasn't that bad.

She turned over onto her hands and knees and grunted a little as she began to have a bowel movement. It wasn't a pressing need yet, but when you have to go you have to go. The warm poop filled her diaper and she relaxed as finished going.

She laid back down and decided poopy diapers weren't that bad at all as it mushed up against he bottom. Smelly, definitely, she thought as she wrinkled her nose, but they -felt- ok. After a few minutes the smell was getting to her, even if the feeling wasn't. After almost two weeks in diapers though she was getting pretty used to it. They'd been especially convienent when she'd had diarheea as a part of the flu.

Her mother hadn't seemed too pleased at changing those. With a sigh, Kasumi got out of bed pulling on a t-shirt since she'd just been wearing the diaper in bed and went out to find her mom.

Ranma was carrying sheets downstairs when he saw Kasumi exit her room. Kimiko had given him explicit instructions to keep the girls in bed unless they had a good reason.

"Kasumi, your mom told me she wants you to stay in bed today."

"I know, but I need to..." Kasumi turned sideways and pointed to her rear. It was obvious she was carrying a load and Ranma had to check his laughter as he nodded and let her by.

Kasumi went downstairs but couldn't find her mother for the life of her. Finally she heard the toilet flushing in the bathroom and ran over to it.

"Mommy, sorry to bother you but I need a change." Kasumi said into the door.

"Oh, one sec honey, I think I may have...Blarrrgghhh." The sound of her mother throwing up came through the door and immediately Kasumi felt guilty. "Oh, mom are you okay?"

"Yeah hon, it's just the flu you guys had. I guess I got it late. Do you think you could ask your father." Kimiko said apologetically.

"Sure mom, sorry." Kasumi said heading upstairs to her parent's room. She opened the door to find her dad fast asleep under as many blankets as she'd been using the day before. She felt horrible waking him up to change a poopy diaper. He'd never changed a messy one before and she didn't want to lay it on him while he was sick.

Still she was getting a little upset herself. The poo had grown cold now, and it was a little unpleasant. She definitely wanted to get changed soon. She went back downstairs to here Ranma talking through the door to her mother.

"You okay Kimiko-san?" Ranma asked

"It was only a matter of time, until I caught it." Kimiko said, "Could you watch the kids for me today. As soon as I think I'm done I'm going to bed."


"Mommy, dad's asleep." Kasumi said going up to the door and standing next to Ranma.

"Shoot," Kimiko said, though she should've suspected it, "Kasumi would you mind if I had Ranma take care of you today."

Kasumi looked up at Ranma with an expression that matched his own. Surprise and indifference.

"I guess that'd be alright." Kasumi said through the door. Really, she'd prefer her mother did it, but she was up shit creek without a paddle so to speak. Both her parents were really sick and she really didn't want to stay in that messy diaper anymore.

"Ranma you don't mind do you?" Kimiko said, practically begging.

"I guess, if Kasumi doesn't mind it's ok. I have no idea how to change diapers though." Ranma replied.

"Kasumi can tell you what to do. There's some instant miso and ramen in the cupboard if you could fix some of that up for the girls tonight I'd appreciate it." Kimiko said before beginning another round of vommitting.

* * *

"Okay, so what do I do?" Ranma asked the nine year old wearing a loaded diaper in from of him.

Kasumi handed him a fresh diaper and a box of wipes before hopping onto the counter in the laundry room and lying down.

"Well, take off the old diaper, clean me with those wipes and put on the new one."

"Okay" Ranma replied. 'Come on, you can do this Saotome. Don't be incompetent, think of it as training for when you have kids of your own.' He thought to himself as he untapped the diaper and his nostrils when assualted with the scent of waste.

"Woow, stinky." He said

"And I'm sure yours smells like roses." Kasumi said, teasing him. "Now lift my legs up and wipe my butt."

That had to be the weirdest order Ranma Saotome had ever recieved in his life, but he followed accordingly. It wasn't as bad as he would have expected, still it was smeared around pretty bad and took him ten wipes to get the kid completely clean. He slipped out the old diaper and replaced it with the fresh one, taping it only tightly.

"How's that?" He asked as he lifted her off the counter and went to wash his hands.

"Not bad, mommy's better at it." Kasumi replied

"Well excuse me for not being up to standard." Ranma said jokingly, "But if you need another change and your mom's still feeling bad I guess I can handle it."

"Thanks Ranma." Kasumi replied, blushing slightly as she went back up to her room to rest. Being changed by your fiancee was rather embarrassing, but she hadn't had much option. Surprisingly, it actually embarrassed her less than when her father did it. That was probably because she wanted him to perceive her as a warrior though.

Ranma walked up to Nabiki's and Akane's rooms telling them if they needed anything to come get him, since their mommy had gotten sick. The question of whether they still had to stay in bed arouse and he said they did. After all, Kimiko made the rules, he just enforced them.

It really wasn't that hard looking after them since they were supposed to stay in bed anyway. However he was growing mighty bored with everyone else in the house sick. At least he'd had Kimiko to talk to before. Giving up on T.V her finally knocked at Kasumi's door just for something to do.

"Come in." She said and he opened the door

"Sorry, I was just bored, thought maybe you needed something, or wanted to play a game. I didn't mean to bother you." He said sheepishly

"It's okay, I'm bored too." She said setting down her book. "We could play Go again."

"No thanks, I need some more practice before I go to get whomped by you again. How about some cards?" Ranma said slyly.

Kasumi agreed and soon they found themselves immersed in a game of old maid. Now Kasumi remembered how pathetic Saotome was at cards and felt slightly guilty using it to her advantage. Watching his expression as he hand moved over the cards made it all to simple to pick the right ones.

"Geeze, you beat me everytime." He said surprised as she one the seventh game in a row. "Am I really that bad?"

She nodded slightly and he sighed. "Well I guess games are a waste of time then." He said to the air. "Anything else you like to do?"

"Yeah, but I'm stuck in bed." Kasumi replied. "Unless you let me..."

"No, I'd like to, but Kimiko's trusting me, no one gets outta bed." Ranma sighed

"We could play babies?" Kasumi asked innocently

"I'm afraid to ask." Ranma replied

"You could turn into your girl form and try on a diaper. It's fun, I bet you'll like it." Kasumi said prodding him slightly

"No way, I'm a guy okay." Ranma replied indignantly

"I bet you'd like it though, just try it." Kasumi said, and Ranma just waved it off. Kasumi sighed as her fun plan fizzled. She bet Ranma's girl form would be uber cute in diapers.

"No way, I'll do something else though." Ranma said with finality

"Why don't you tell me more about your trip then?" Kasumi asked and Ranma started going into some of the sidenotes of his journey. He mentioned the amazon village briefly but quickly moved on. It left Kasumi wondering slightly how much the events were similiar.

* * *

The next day all the girls were healthy enough to go to school again. The same could not be said of their parents. The morning classes in the dojo were cancelled since Ranma was going to accompany the Tendo daughters to school. He could still sub for the evening ones however, and Soun was feeling a bit better.

Ranma missed his early morning training, but found it was probably for the best as he tried to make a decent breakfast.

"Mommy, I need a change." Kasumi said walking into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

"Your mom's still sick, but I got ya." Ranma said picking her up and taking her to the laundry room. He laid her on the counter and untaped the flaps. He was a little proud that he was getting decent at this.

He held her legs up gently as he wiped the pee from her and spread on some baby powder. The old diaper out and rolled up and a fresh diaper slid under her. Kasumi realised Ranma was getting a little proficient. He was actually pretty good at taking care of her and her sisters. She was surprised that the role of caretaker could be so reversed from what it had been prior to her wish.

He'd always seemed immature the first time around, but she realised that wasn't exactly fair. He'd never been asked or expected to show responsiblilty, but years on the road made him quite capable if called upon. He'd done a good job of feeding and getting her and her sisters to bed the night before.

He taped up her diaper snugly and set her back on the floor. "Right, go wake up your sisters and tell them breakfast is ready. It's just soft boiled eggs, toast, and miso but that's about all I could think of."

While Kasumi was getting her sisters up Ranma took a bowl of soup to his dad and Mr and Mrs. Tendo. It felt kinda good to be running things. Like he somewhat deserved to be here. Even changing Kasumi wasn't difficult, well at least as long as she wasn't messy. Those tested his stomach just a bit.

He finished getting the girls ready and then changed himself into a girl and went up with Kasumi to her room. It was time to test hios manhood and pick out another outfit for his female self to wear.

"Okay, I hate to admit it, but you were right the other day. Do you mind if I borrow a pair of panties as well?" He asked sheepishly as he stood their naked, leaving his male clothes folded by the door. It felt kinda weird to just be standing there, but once again, this wasn't really his body after all.

"Sure, pick one." Kasumi said opening her old underwear drawer. "Like I said I don't use any of them anymore."

After scanning the drawer twice he finally settled on a pair that had little ponies on them. Hey- ponies are kinda manly... Well they were the least pink and flowery of them. At least the didn't have a little bow on the front either.

He used the same pair of levis from the day before and a white t-shirt. It had some glittery brand name on it, but at least it wasn't as bad as some of the others. And at least it wasn't a dress.

Kimiko got up long enough to wish her daughters a good day at school and apologize to and thank Ranma for all the work he'd been doing.

"Considering you're not charging rent, its fair." Ranma said happily as he headed out the door with his fiancee and her sisters. "Hope you feel better."

"Bye mommy!" The other girls called as the exited the far wall.

Ranma's second day at school wasn't much better than the first, having to explain the the her dissappearence and the massive flu that the family had come down with. Luckily, it didn't take too much explaining since it seemed at least a couple of people in every class had been hit with it. That's flu season for you though. Still, there wasn't much of a chance to meet classmates on an individual level. Not that he was sure he'd get on with them anyway.

Ranma mainly hung out with Kasumi again, and since they made it to lunch this time she introduced him to her friends. They complained breifly about not seeing her outside of school in ages, which Ranma figured was another side effect of the diapers. He wondered briefly how long she'd actually be able to keep it a secret.

* * *

'This can't be right' Ryouga Hibiki thought to himself as he looked at the sign on the gate. Sure enough it was the school Ranma Saotome was supposed to be at...but it was an elementary school. He must've gotten bad information.

He looked around quickly to see if there was a highschool building attached, but to no avail. He'd always only been one step behind his rival, but now it appeared Ranma had managed to send him off in the wrong direction completely.

It was cruel! He had worked so hard just to get back to Tokyo. Hokkaido was rather cold this time of year though, so he was glad he was at least on the main island. Heck, it was a good week if he managed to stay in the Japans.

The bell rang and the little students began their exit of the building. 'Well if he isn't here maybe someone will know something about it'

"Excuse me, little girl." He asked a tomboyish looking redhead that was walking out of the gate with some friends. "You wouldn't happen to know a Ranma Saotome would you,?"

"Yeah that's me!" The kid piped up and Ryouga shook his head. Clearly he'd gotten Ranma's name mixed up with this little girl's. What were the odds, I mean it wasn't a common name by any means.

"Sorry, wrong Ranma, the one I was looking for is older. Like 17, has black hair."

He said sighing and started to walk off.

"Ryouga?" The little girl asked and he immediately turned around.

"You know me?!" He asked startled, a group was starting to form so Ranma suggested they go for a little walk and Ryouga complied.

"Do you know the Ranma I'm looking for." Ryouga asked once they were a ways away. Maybe they remembered each other because they had the same name

"Yeah, that's me...I got a Jusenkyo curse, it's hard to understand..."

Suddenly Ryouga's mind clicked, this wasn't a girl with the same name- this was him. His arch rival Ranma Saotome, hiding from his vengenance in the guise of a little girl.

"I understand! In that case prepare to DIE RANMA!" With that he drew his umbrella and launched at the little girl in front of him. Unsurprisingly the girl easily dodged the straightforward attack. Now he -knew- it must be Ranma, he'd recognize the stance his opponent dropped into anywhere.

Kasumi had followed Ranma from a little ways away, worried when she recognized the Hibiki boy. They were great friends a lot of the time, but they had those rough periods... She watched as Ryouga went ballistic and started the attack. Ranma moved well, defended reasonably but Kasumi knew that the size difference would wear Ranma down eventually.

"Hah! Saotome, you're as skillful as a little girl!" Ryouga laughed as Ranma dodged a punch to the gut, countering with a crescent kick that Ryouga jumped over. The girl was to short to even connect with his head without jumping.

"Shut up! Why are you fighting me anyway- I thought we were friends." Ranma yelled as he continued on the defensive, he needed an opening. He needed Ryouga to make a mistake...

"I've seen hell because of you Saotome, NOW YOU DIE!" He screamed throwing all his weight into a solid punch. It was the opening Ranma had waited for he quickly slipped inside the punch and brought a solid flying roundhouse kick to the head.

Ryouga didn't move. Suddenly his hand came up and caught the leg against his head. The kick clearly hadn't even phased him.

"Is that all you have Ranma, you can't possibly hurt me with such a small body." Ryouga said, gripping the leg and slamming Ranma's body into the ground with a the force he could muster.

"Gaaaa," Ranma screamed as he hit the pavement. Ryouga raised his fist again slowly for the finishing blow.

"WAIT!!!" Kasumi screamed running up and throwing herself on top of Ranma. "You won ok."

Ryouga shook his head slightly coming to his senses. The girl that had stopped him... Did Ranma know her? Suddenly he heard another sound..crying? Ranma...but Ranma was.

The balling didn't stop and as he looked down he saw it was Ranma...Her arm at a disporportionate angle, clearly broken. 'She must've taken the weight of the fall on it.' Ryouga thought 'It doesn't make sense though Ranma knows how to fall....'

Suddenly it dawned on the lost boy. At the angle he'd thrown Ranma the natural landing would've been on his back. He'd sacrificed his arm to make sure his spine wasn't damaged. Ryouga would've had to do it himself if someone so much bigger had...

"Oh shit." Ryouga said, realizing how much of his claims about killing Ranma were untrue. Sure he'd wanted to beat the crap out of him but this just felt wrong. Too much overboard, too unfair.

"Kasumi hugged Ranma as the girl just kept shrieking and crying. Ryouga pushed Kasumi aside and picked up the little girl. Kasumi looked at him in terror.

"Relax, where's the nearest doctor?" Ryouga asked an odd calm in his voice.

"Umm," Suddenly Kasumi realised she'd better lead him if she wanted Ranma to get help before complications arouse. "Follow me."

A few minutes later Tofu had the little girl on a bed, resting quietly after giving her some painkillers.

"Kasumi-chan what happened?" Dr. Tofu asked the Tendo girl. He saw he occasionally with injures that were out of Soun's scope.

"It's my fault" Ryouga said bitterly, "But she's not really a little girl either."

"Huh." Dr Tofu asked

"Ranma's cursed Dr. Tofu, he turns into a little girl when he's hit with cold water. Usually he's a sixteen year old boy." Kasumi said, Dr. Tofu just looked back on the little girl on his bed.

"There's no way. Magic?" Dr. Tofu said skeptically. Ryouga gathered up his courage and walked over to the sink filling two glasses, one with hot which he set on the ground and the other with cold, then he splashed himself in the face.

"My god." Tofu said as the boy transformed into a little black piglet on the floor crawling out of the mound of clothes that had collasped to the floor. The pig then tipped the warm glass onto itself and was suddenly a naked Ryouga again.

"See doc, he's not the only one." He explained as he quickly redressed himself "What should we do? I wouldn't have fought him, if I'd realized how big of a handicap he was under." Inside though he knew why he'd fought. To win, Ranma Saotome was a champion, never under any circumstances had Ryouga beat him. He thought Ranma could make up for any handicap, apparently being in the body of a little girl was more than his skill could make up for.

"It's not a bad break, just a minor fracture. But if the curse thing is true, I don't know what complications might arise from switching him back. Kids bones heal truer anyway. I think we should set it like this and keep him in this form until his arm is better." Tofu said considering it

"Will he be okay?" Kasumi asked.

"Oh sure, it shouldn't affect mobility or strength longterm. I'll need to take some X-Rays to be sure but it looks like a clean break." Tofu replied "Still no reason to risk it with the curse thing. Either way if I set it and he changes forms it'll have to be reset."

* * *

Tofu called the Tendos, and Genma and Soun showed up almost immediately. Soun drove them to the local hospital were Tofu set it himself, he simply didn't have that kind of equipment at the clinic. It was hard on the men though, still being at the edges of the nasty cold the family had had. Still, this was a bigger deal.

Ryouga spent most of the time apologizing, and saying he'd try and make it up to them. He was completely embarrassed at the amount of trouble he'd been able to instantaneously cause. Still, he would not forget his vendetta to Ranma. Ranma might not need to die, but as soon as he was better they were having a fight to settle this. Not just for the bread either...he had more than one curse to account for.

"So why are you after my son?" Genma asked exhausted as he carried Ranma's girl form back into the Tendo household. Ranma was still passed out from the pain but his arm was set and the cast finished.

"After he ditched out on our last fight I followed you guys to China...I sort of got cursed." He said, "I reached cliffs above Jusenkyo only to be knocked into a spring by a small girl chasing a panda."

Genma simply gulped in nodded. As angry as he'd been most of it was on Ranma. Ranma knew he was a practioner of the art and had to ready for anything. The Ryouga boy shouldn't have taken him so unaware.

"Still, Mr Saotome. I'm sorry I didn't have him transform back first. It was too uneven. I'll fight him once he's recovered. I guess I should take off for now." Ryouga turned to the exit of the house.

"Wait boy, you said you'd make up for it right?" Saotome said clasping his hand on Ryouga's shoulder.

"Ahh, how can I do that..." Ryouga said worried that a favor would be called in so quickly.

"Me and Soun are exhausted." He said "We're still getting over the flu, and Soun's wife has it even worse. Maybe you could russle up some dinner for the kids and help Ranma when he wakes up?" Ryouga nodded solemnly and Genma headed upstairs to get some well needed rest.

Link to comment

* * *

"Ummm hmm?" Ranma said groggily, the pain killers still muddling his mind a bit. "What happened?"

"Hey Ranma." Ryouga said apologetically from the other side of the sofa.

"Gaahhh, Ryouga, wait!!!" He said, trying to put his arms up only to see the cast he had on. "Shit what happened?"

"You broke your arm when I threw you at the ground. Sorry man, I went a bit overboard. But don't think for a minute we're even, after everything you put me through." Ryouga said clinching his fist.

"So I got some bread at your expense, breaking my arm doesn't make us even." Ranma said more than a little angry, suddenly he realized something. "Wait, if the cast fits my arm at this size... I can't change back can I?!"

"That is temporary- the curse you gave me is forever." Ryouga said pissed

"Curse I gave you...Did you go to Jusenkyo?" Ranma asked

"Yes, like I told your father, I reached cliffs above Jusenkyo only to be knocked into a spring by a small girl chasing a panda." Ryouga stated

"Then why the hell are you blaming me, blame the girl and the...panda?" Ranma said as it dawned on him, suddenly father scuffled through the hall in panda form, gripping it's head in pain.

"IT WAS YOU!" Ryouga said as he made the connection. It took every fiber of control in his body not to beat up the wounded little girl. "Suffice to say, we're not even."

"Fair enough, I'm sorry." Ranma said putting his hand up in the signal of pain, the other one forced to stay at his side. "But sticking me in this form goes a long way to even us. At least mine were accidents."

"What like leaving our man to man battle?" Ryouga said bitterly

"Hey, I waited for three days." Ranma replied

"But when I showed on the fourth day you'd already taken off to China!"

"Look whatever." Ranma said "Why are you still here."

"I told your dad I'd take care of you and your sisters for the day." Ryouga replied, "I figured it was the least I could do, I mean regardless of what I wanted to pay you back for, I didn't mean to involve your family."

"They're not my sisters." Ranma explained. "The oldest is supposed to be my fiancee- don't look at me you know my dad's a wack job. Anyway, it's an age old promise, honor obligation thingy."

"Whatever Saotome, a promise is a promise. But you're awake now."

"So what are the girls doing anyway?" Ranma said looking around.

"Well I already made dinner and they said they we're going up to do their homework. Kasumi was watching you with me for awhile but said she was taking off to find her mom."

"Oh okay," Ranma said sitting up on the couch. "I can handle the rest of it now. Thanks Ryouga- at least you didn't kill me I guess."

"I'll see you when you're better Ranma, then we'll finish this with a man to man fight." Ryouga bowed them attempted to head out of the house. After the third time through the living room Ranma showed him to the door, trying not to laugh.

After Ryouga left he noticed a note on the living room table in Tofu's hand writing. Hold about waist while sleeping, no transforming under any circumstances. Cast can come off in three weeks.

Three weeks as a little girl. Ryouga would definitely get his when he came back.

Running a household when all the adults are sick is hard. Running it while you're in an injured eight to nine year old girl body, it's near impossible. Akane and Nabiki were reluctant to take him seriously and Kasumi, well she was nice enough but she wasn't really helping that much.

Kasumi was enjoying watching Ranma trying to rein in Akane and Nabiki. It was already bed time and he still hadn't managed to get them into the furo. Not that he'd be able to take a bath for awhile himself with that arm. Cold showers for three weeks would have to suck.

"Come on guys, your parents are sick. I know it's a half day tommorrow but we still have school." Ranma said exasperated to the two Tendo sisters watching T.V they were't allowed to stay up for.

"Make me." Nabiki smirked

"Look I hate to pull this card." Ranma said, trying to sound serious. It sort of failed however as it came out in the voice of a little girl. "I'll rat you out to your parents, and you'll end up punished on Sunday. So! Bath- Now!"

"Fine.." Nabiki sighed and her and Akane went up to the furo. Kasumi smiled and followed them in. She didn't mind watching them in the bath but she had no desire to be disciplinarian. She'd dealt with that job before.

Twenty minutes later Kasumi put her sisters to bed and put on a fresh diaper herself. She really didn't like diapering herself but she was completely out of options. At least her father would be better tommorrow and her mom might be good enough to get around. She walked downstairs and flopped down next to Ranma on the couch.

"What're you doing?" She asked, though it was pretty obvious he was zoning to T.V

"Not much. Just bitter about the arm thing and the curse thing." He said, not really to her, just voicing his problems.

"It's not so bad right?" Kasumi asked "I mean, you use the body for school."

"Yeah, but it doesn't feel like -me-." He sighed "I feel so useless."

"It's not so bad, mom will be better soon and then she'll take care of everything," Kasumi said, concerned about Ranma a little, especially after the traumatic experience he'd been through "I was really scared when you starting crying like that."

"Geeze. This body has no pain tolerance. If I'd been a man, I'da gritted through it and smashed up Ryouga big time." Ranma said idignantly, "I can't believe I -cried-."

Ranma slumped back into the couch. The arm was really beginning to bother him. 'Three weeks my ass, I'll get it down to two.' He thought as he started concentrating his chi in a healing technique he'd picked up from the Amazons. It wasn't instantaneous or anything, but it'd quicken the process.

Kasumi grew bored and informed Ranma she was going to bed early. Whatever he was concentrating obviously was important because he only gave her a non-commital grunt. Kasumi went up to her bed and read for awhile before passing out after the long day.

Ranma however was still awake with his thoughts. Having slept through most of the afternoon all he had now was to reflect on the pathetic battle and even more pathetic state that he'd ended up in. Staying a girl for a whole day was painful enough, doing this for a week or more would drive him insane.

He felt tears coming at the helplessness of the whole thing and immediately brushed them away. 'Don't be stupid Saotome, you're a man. You need to think rationally, never should have attempted that damn kick while in this form. Should've... should've, I dunno done something else.' His mind chided as he remembered the fight. Ryouga had clearly outclassed him, he shouldn't have even tried to win. It was his own fault. Next time they fought he'd be strong enough to beat Ryouga curse or no curse. He concentrated his chi on the arm long into the night finally passing out on the couch.

* * *

"Morning Boy!" Genma said gently shaking the little redhead sleeping on the couch. "I'd ask if you were up to sparring but I remembered the Hibiki boy beat the crap outta you." He laughed as Ranma's predicament a little.

"Shut up old man!" Ranma said springing to his feet. "Just cause your curse doesn't affect your fighting abilities doesn't mean you have to rub it in."

"Ranma" Genma said his tone suddenly dropping serious, "Always know when to cut and run."

"Yes, yeah I guess." Ranma said non-committally. He hated it when his father was right. Running away was the best answer...In some cases.

"Breakfast will be out soon." Kimiko called from the kitchen. Ranma walked over into the kitchen and found her working hard at the stove like usual.

"Are you feeling better Ms. Tendo?" Ranma asked concerned.

"I'm still not back to full, but it's a lot better than yesterday. I'm sure I'll be well tommorrow." She gave a sympathetic 'aww' as she saw his arm in the cast. She knew he was really a man but seeing a little girl with a broken arm was just cruel. "Are you okay, looks painful."

"Yeah." Ranma said moving it awkwardly, "Just a bit uncomfortable now. Sorry to say I won't be much use around the house for awhile."

"That's okay. I've got it well in hand anyway." Kimiko responded "What does that Hibiki boy have against you anyway. Your father mentioned something about him."

"He's nuts." Ranma sighed, "But he's not a bad guy. I doubt he meant to hurt me this bad. That doesn't mean he's not gonna get his just deserts the next time I see him though."

"Mom." Kasumi said a little sleepily as she walked into the kitchen. She looked at Ranma for a minute before she remembered he was stuck as a girl. Well, she'd seen him dealing with it before. He'd come out alright.

"Okay Kasumi, Let's go," Kimiko said wiping her hands. "Ranma if you could just watch that nothing boils over for the next minute?"

"Umm," Ranma had a look of dread and apprehension, "If any hot water comes out I'm running. I don't want to feel the pain of bursting through a cast with flesh."

"Oh, of course, I'm sure it'll be fine." Kimiko said, turning down the burners a little more before ushering Kasumi into the laundry room.

"So how are you this morning?" Kimiko asked her oldest as she lifted her onto the counter.

"I'm a little tired after yesterday." She replied lying back as Kimiko went to work changing her. "Ranma's taking it pretty well. Still, with being stuck like that..."

"What's wrong?" Kimiko asked riping the tapes to her diaper.

"Well, if Ranma's stuck like this, and he's gotta go to school, maybe he should get some of his own clothes. I mean, I don't mind sharing but I'd be a little bothered having to borrow someone's clothes everyday." Kasumi said. It was actually true, she felt a little bad Ranma always had to come to her. More to the point, there was nothing Nabiki and her enjoyed more than dressing up Ranma-chan. It was silly, but he looked so cute as a girl and everything went well on him.

"I think that's an excellent idea Kasumi." Kimiko replied after considering it, "As long as your father goes for it we can go shopping on Sunday. I expect you want to go along right?"

"Yep" Kasumi nodded. Kimiko finished her work and taped up the fresh diaper. Kasumi adjusted it slightly before hopping off the counter to go find Ranma.

She found him in the dojo working out. It was rather sad to see him doing complex kicks and punches all while practicing protecting his arm. Still his skill was evident even with the cute body and the handicapped arm.

"Hey Ranma-chan." Kasumi said immediately covering her mouth as she saw him bristle slightly. She'd been so used to calling him that before, she'd finally gotten comfortable enough to forget she wasn't supposed to call him that anymore. It was one thing as a tease, it probably affected him worse to be called a term of am equal by a little girl. Still he took it better than she thought.

"Ranma-kun," He corrected, "I know you might forget cause' I'm stuck in this body..."

"At school I should call you that or everyone will think something's weird." Kasumi said, suddenly thinking of an excuse.

"Ah, I suppose." He said his shoulders sagging slightly. "So what's up is breakfast ready already?"

"No I was just gonna tell you I think I convinced mom to take us out shopping tommorrow." Kasumi said happily.

"What kind of shopping?" He replied apprehensively

"You know, some clothes for your girl side." She replied, "You don't want to have to be borrowing all of mine do you. You probably have a different style."

"I can't take your families money Kasumi." Ranma said, touched that they'd spend money on him just like that, but still. "Your hospitality is more than enough."

"Mom will have fun and we're doing fine financially. Don't worry about it." Kasumi giggled, "Besides we're gonna be family some day right?"

"What?" Ranma said gulping a little, "I didn't promise nothing yet. I mean, I'm not against it, but who knows..." He gained a deer-in-the-headlights look.

"Relax, just teasing." Kasumi said, as he visibly relaxed. She turned to leave the room. It actually had been meant seriously, but he clearly wasn't ready for any discussion yet. Kasumi had seen him in a very different light in the past few weeks, and was being to like the idea of keeping him.

Still, if things were going to be the way she remembered him he'd have all sorts of fiancees catching up sooner or later. She'd needed to get him attached before she had that kind of competition. If that was what she wanted... Besides, being Ranma's girl was dangerous to your health, if she'd learned anything from Akane's experience. She went in to get ready for school. At least she wouldn't be stuck in it as long since it was a Saturday.

* * *

"Thank god it's a half day." Ranma swore as the only break for the day started. Classes had been increddibly boring and Ranma had recieved over ten notes asking what had happened to his arm.

Kasumi didn't have to be changed yet so they walked out to the back of the building to talk a little more. Reaching a secluded spot Kasumi sat against the building while Ranma leaned up against it. A light breeze passed by and the sun fell brightly about ten feet away where the shadows from the building subsided.

"So why don't you have any friends?" Ranma asked, realizing belatedly it may have come out as an insult.

"What do you mean no friends." Kasumi said huffily.

"Hey, no offense, I don't got no friends either," Ranma said throwing his arms up in a defense manner to show no insult intended, "But then you're smart and cute and have a nice personality."

"Ohh, hmm. I guess I don't really connect with kids my age. I mean I have Shizuka and Sumire but they're just school friends. Well, also I kinda have to hide my diapers." Kasumi said blushing a little, "If people were close they'd figure it out. I'm fine with my family."

"I guess, seems like a big sacrifice." Ranma said, "I just don't get what you see in em'"

"Wear one, I bet you'll like it." Kasumi said. Ranma just shook his head a little, amused at how hard she was trying to get him into diapers. Suddenly footsteps came from around the corner.

Four boys took the corner somewhat like a phalanx, forming a line. There was a wall at the back that was to high for kids to climb so they were boxed in. Ranma could jump it still, but with a broken arm he didn't know if he could get Kasumi over with him and there was no way he could leave her.

"Hey, it's the bitch and her cousin." The first boy said grinning.

"You sure we should do this." Hiroshi whispered just a little too loud. Ranma caught the idea of what was going on. They thought they could take them now that he was injured.

"You might win one on one Kasumi but the guys are tired of it. You're gonna learn your place as a good little girl." A second boy added that Kasumi recognized from a week ago.

"Guys," Kasumi started politely, "I've been trying not to fight anymore. I haven't picked one with anyone of you recently, and Hiroshi, you forced the fight where I hurt you. Please, let's just let this go."

"Okay." The biggest, said stepping up from the back, "After we beat the crap out of you and your friend they'll be nothing to fight about anymore."

"Hey!" Ranma said in a tone that most girls, let alone most children didn't know how to use. "Why don't you four fuck off before I beat you into the ground. Kasumi said she didn't want to fight."

"Get Them!" The bigger one yelled. It was on.

The four boys closed the ten feet between themselves and the girls in a matter of seconds. The little red head was incredibly fast however. No one knew how good she was really, except that Kasumi respected her and that made her great. Still Sena was in awe as the girl jumped over his head kicking him in the side before he'd had a chance to turn around. How she did that with a broken arm he had no idea.

"Hey boys." Ranma said as she kicked the boy whose name she didn't know a second time

"I got this arm fighting a sixteen year old pro."

"Yeah right!" Sena coughed as he caught another foot to the gut.

Ranma was only playing around, these kids were nothing to worry about. He could've probably taken twenty of em' even with his arm broken.

Kasumi however was not used to dealing with multiple opponents. Not that they were very fast, but still three people attacking you is very different than one. Only the biggest had gone after Ranma, probably figuring she'd be an easy finish with the arm.

She dodged right, then left between two of the boys only to find herself a foot away from the third with his fist coming in fast. Seeing no alternative she caught it between her hands and threw herself backwards, forcing him to go flying over her.

As she fell and he lost his balance she suddenly remembered she was wearing a dress. They might see her diaper if she...but it was too late. In the moment of consideration she messed up the angle and instead brought the boy crashing down upon her. The scuffle lasted less than a second before she caught a kick in the side from one of his allies.

"Kasumi!" Ranma yelled running up and punching one of them with his good arm. The boy went sailing and had already began to cry before he hit the ground. Ranma should've held back more but now they were hurting an innocent girl. The one that was holding her down was shouting something.

"She's wearing a diaper!" Hiroshi cried and he heard it crinkle as he fell onto of her.

"No Way!" Satoshi said as he saw Ranma glare at him and immediately backed up. Satoshi would never learn what battle aura was, but it would be the only time he felt it. Luckily he had the sense to retreat.

Hiroshi flipped up Kasumi's dress as he got off her and his friend's verified that indeed the all great battling Kasumi was wearing attire designed for babies.

Ranma punched Hiroshi square in the gut for the dress flip. Kasumi had simply started crying quietly to herself.

By now all the boys had felt the violence of Ranma. It was completely different from Kasumi. Kasumi was good but she fought like a kid most of the time. Ranma could really hurt, and made it look effortless. The only one without tears was the boy who'd intelegently stepped back. Despite the fact that they had lost the battle however, they realized the war was their's.

"We're telling everyone what a baby Kasumi is!" Hiroshi said between attempts to force air back into his lungs and squelch the tears that were pouring out.

Satoshi helped him up and the four took off quickly chanting "Kasumi's a baby"

Ranma didn't stop them. He would gladly injure them for injuring Kasumi, but this wasn't his battle and the boys wouldn't threaten her physically again. The battle had changed playing fields and it looked like Kasumi was already defeated.

He calmed himself down and walked over to her. He lowered himself down next to her. She'd managed to sit up but the tears just kept pouring down her face as she hiccuped in attempts to get air.

"What's wrong?" Ranma asked, knowing damn well what was wrong, but giving her a chance to voice it. She wrapped her arms around him. It was a little uncomfortable for the arm but Ranma figured he could bear it.

"I feel so...violated." Kasumi said "They're gonna tell everyone..."

"So?" Ranma said non-committally

"So, everyone will make fun of me. They -saw- my diaper." Kasumi said, not calming down in the slightest.

"I won't make fun of you." Ranma said "I promised remember? Besides, who cares what they say, it's not like you connect with them anyway. You've got your family."

"That's true." Kasumi said suddenly as the tears slowed. She was thinking about this from a kids perspective. She'd gotten used to the wish. In five years no one would remember this. Who cares what a bunch of stupid kids thought? "You're right I shouldn't be upset."

"That's a good start." Ranma said, happy to see she was trying to get control, "Now, a little battle psychology. It isn't physical anymore, They're gonna try and make fun of you for the diaper. So you come back with how pathetic they are that they can't even beat two girls, and you don't care if people do know you wear diapers."

Kasumi nodded. It was completely sound advice. Teasing would go away quick if she didn't care about it. It might affect her popularity, but that wasn't something she cared about anyway.

"If there's one thing I know about kids, they drop an issue if they think you don't care." Ranma added sagely, "Or if they're afraid of you enough, but I don't think we should go that route."

Kasumi nodded again and allowed Ranma to help her stand up. The hung around the back of the building a bit while Kasumi composed herself and then she went to the washroom to clean up a little before returning to class.

"Break isn't over for another five minutes." Ranma said as she washed her face. "But I think you should get to class before the teacher arrives, and handle it quickly, so you don't have to deal with snickering for the rest of the period."

"You're right." She said, completely composed, though the butterflies wouldn't leave her stomach.

Heading off to a worse battle than before they headed back to 4-B, sliding the door open to already find the majority of the class, and importantly the four boys from before waiting for her.

"There's the baby!" Hiroshi said mockingly as she entered.

"Yeah baby, you gonna start crying again now that we know your secret." Sena added as they glared at her in triumph.

"So what?" Kasumi said confidently and she felt Ranma's hand on her shoulder, steading her. "Your even more pathetic. You lost to two girls 4 on 1. That makes you worse than babies right?"

"You just had your cousin helping you!" Sena growled, it was becoming easier to see he was the leader of the group as things progressed. "So what if your good at fighting, wearing diapers is pathetic baby stuff."

"Why do you care?" Kasumi said calmy, "I do what I want to, because I can. You try and gain something by beating me but any one of you would lose to this little girl in diapers."

"Hey I could kick your ass!" Sena said angrily, his temper getting the better of him. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Kasumi was supposed to be crying, and he finally getting the best of her.

The students in class were rather surprised as well. The toughest girl in class admitted to wearing diapers...and it sounded voluntary. Still that didn't really keep her from being cool, did it? She was still confident?

"Well, Sena-chan, that's not how I remember our previous fights going. Despite that I'd rather not fight, in case of your group I'll take any one of you one on one. OUr me and Ranma will take all four of you." She looked at Ranma briefly for conformation and he simply nodded.

"Fine, fine you go ahead and be a baby. See if I care." Sena said disgusted.

The sensei walked in the room and the conversation ended abruptly. The lesson started and Kasumi realized she'd made the right move. Sure people might think it was weird, but they at least realized she wasn't going to lie down and take it. Finally her reputation of being a tough girl would pay off. Up til now she'd have preffered non-violence. While she still had no desire to fight, after what they'd attempted to do to her, she could muster the will.

Class ended at noon without another event. Kasumi wet and got changed in the nurse's office before heading out to meet Ranma. She was actually feeling a little liberated, whatever happened at least it wasn't a secret she had to deal with. As she walked down the hall Shizuka and Sumire were apparently waiting for her.

"What's up?" Kasumi said, a little hesitantly, not knowing what to expect.

"Not a lot." Shizuka replied, since she was the more assertive of the two. "Me and Sumire were, well, surprised."

"I guess, I'm sorry if you don't want be friends anymore. I know it's weird, but I like it, and I'm going to stick with it." Kasumi said non-chalantly

"Wow that's cold." Sumire said and Shizuka nodded.

"C'mon Kasumi-chan we've been friends since first grade. I don't really care about it. Plus you showed those boys a thing or two." She dropped her voice a little "Is that why you haven't asked me over recently, I mean the diaper thing?"

Kasumi felt a little embarassed at this point. They were obviously good friends, and it was sad she'd taken them for granted. Still, she'd only met them a few weeks ago, so she didn't know how close they were.

"I'm sorry guys. Yeah it was the diaper thing, and well, with Ranma moving in we've been real busy. Plus the whole family was sick earlier. Really there's been a lot going on, but it was mainly that I was worried about you finding out."

"Well now you don't have to worry!" Shizuka said smiling, "We know, and we can still be friends right?" she extended her hand and Kasumi took it with a smile

"Sure!" She replied happily

"Well, we've gotta due something then, ya know catch up!" Sumire added

"I bet I could get mom let us have a sleepover!" Shizuka said as the thought struck her "How about tonight, no school tommorrow!"

"Well..." Kasumi said apprenhensively, "I mean, I've got plans tommorrow..."

"We can break it up early in the morning, it'll be great tonight!" Shizuka said, trying her best to convince her.

"Well, do you think Ranma-chan could come too?" Kasumi said, "We're becoming real good friends, and she's really cool."

"Sure that's no problem, you can make it to right Sumire." Shizuka asked, Sumire nodded, her parents had no problem letting her stay over on Saturdays. "Great then it's settled!"

"Okay, let me just confirm with my parents." Kasumi said, getting a little excited herself. She hadn't been on a sleepover in years. She just hoped Ranma would go along with it. She didn't really want to be alone with them yet, they seemed so nice, but she -knew- Ranma, even if he didn't know her the same way. Plus it'd give her a chance to strengthen their friendship, which she wanted regardless of anything else.

"Okay, give me a call as soon as you know, we'll figure out a time then."

"Bai Bai!" Kasumi said happily as she walked away her friends returned it in kind with waves as they went back to the homeroom to grab their bags. By the time she got out front a worried looking Ranma was pacing around the shoe lockers.

"I was worried bout' you after all the stuff that happened." Ranma said

"Sorry, got caught up with my friends. They said they were cool with the diaper thing and even asked if I wanted to go to a sleepover tonight." Kasumi said happily as she switched to her outdoor shoes. "Guess what else, they said you could come too."

"To a little girls' sleepover. Sorry to say it's not exactly my style."

"Ranma, what else are you going to do. Sit around mopping with your arm. Friends would do us both good. You said you don't have any either." Kasumi added

"Yeah but...you know what? Fine, I'll go, but if I get bored or I hate it you can't try to rope me into it again. Only cause' there's nothing else to do."

"Cool, we'll check with my mom as soon as we get home." Kasumi said happily

"Hmm, neverbeen on a sleepover." Ranma said to himself, "Never knew anyone well enough to get invited."

Kasumi arrived home a soon after, Ranma and her sisters in tow and immediately went to find her mother. Kimiko was a little tired still so she was taking a break on the sofa. She didn't feel like cooking for lunch, so as much as it bothered her to not serve a full meal, sandwhiches would have to do for the kids today. Usually she only made them on request.

"Mommy!" Kasumi said running into the living room.

"Quieter honey. Mommy's head still hurts a little." Kimiko replied

"Oh, okay sorry." Kasumi said lowering her voice. "Umm, Shizuka wanted to have a sleepover tonight and I didn't think you'd mind since it's Sunday tommorrow."

"Didn't you want to go shopping with Ranma tommorrow?" Kimiko said, worried her daughter had forgotten, she'd already cleared it with her husband.

"Sure, we'll come back early. Oh and Ranma's coming too, if he can."

"Well, that's fine then. He was willing to go?" Kimiko replied surprised. "What about your diapers though?"

"They already know so it's okay." Kasumi added happily.

"Well it sounds like you've got everything handled then. Go ahead and call Shizuka, and make sure I'm able to talk to her mother before you leave." Kimiko said, it was just a matter of curtesy that she and Katsu-san had developed before sending each other's daughters to each other. Plus she should really mention Kasumi's diapers to the mother.

Kasumi ran over to the phone only realizing then that she had no idea what her friend's number was. Or what the address was for that matter. She looked down in the phone book and tried to remember Shizuka's last name. Kato, no, Kada, wait, there it was- Katsu. Sure enough Shizuka Katsu was printed in her handwriting, well her less skillful handwriting from when she was a child. It also luckily contained her address.

"Moshi Moshi?" A voice sounded from the line.

"Ah, Katsu-san in Shizuka-chan there?" Kasumi asked.

"Sure Kasumi-chan, one moment while I get here." The phone was muffled slightly "HEY! SHIZUKA! Kasumi's on the phone, no now, look you've gotta clean your room if you want them to stay over!"

"Uhh hi Kasumi-chan." Shizuka said picking up the reciever. "It's all clear, except I won't be able to have you come over right away, gotta clean a little. How about 3pm?"

"Sure, that's great me and Ranma will be there. My mom wanted to talk to your mom though before is it ok?" Kasumi asked

"Sure, I'll put mine on." Shizuka said running off. Kasumi walked into the living room and told Kimiko that Katsu-san was on the line. Kimiko nodded and went to the phone while Kasumi took off to try and find something to do till 3pm.

"Hi Katsu-san." Kimiko said picking up the phone.

"Hi Tendo-san, it's good to hear from you." Katsu replied. "Shizuka's been a little worried since Kasumi hadn't been around recently."

"Well, about that, Kasumi is wearing diapers now." Kimiko replied, a little embarrassed

"Oh my, did something happen?" Katsu asked concerned

"No, it's a weird phase thing I think, I hope she's grows out of it. Still, she's not too much trouble for her father and me, so we're going along with it for now. I hope this doesn't trouble you to much." Kimiko said apologetically

"Ahh, that makes sense why she wasn't around. Embarrassed I'd guess, Shizuka hadn't mentioned that yet." Katsu replied, "So, what's the care for that. Do you change her?"

"Well usually, yes. I don't know if she can handle it herself really... I'm so sorry if you can't handle it. Maybe..."

"Don't worry Tendo-san, I still have a little one in diapers. A bit bigger of a kid doesn't bother me. Besides Kasumi's been coming around since she was only six, and she's always been very polite. You just send a diaper bag and I can take care of it."

"Thank you very much, I'm so sorry for imposing Katsu-san." Kimiko said gratefully

"Ah well, it's good our children get along. Keeps Shizuka out of my hair when Kasumi's around. Really I get the beter end of the deal." Katsu laughed slightly

"Great, well when should I send Kasumi and Ranma then?" Kimiko asked

"Oh that's right, Shizuka said Kasumi was bringing her cousin. What's this other girl like, I heard she's living with you?"

"Ah yes, a cousin. Her parents are having some difficulties right now so we're taking care of her. You wouldn't meet a nicer, more well behaved girl. Her speech is a bit rough, but her manners are acceptable."

"That's good, I think Shizuka said 3pm, and she should be done cleaning by then. Well, I'll talk to you later Tendo-san, I have to make my lazy husband get off the couch and go buy some groceries."

"Very good, I have as much trouble with my man, of course. Talk to you later."

Kimiko hung up the phone and smiled that it had gone so well. Katsu-san had always been a very nice lady, and considering how rough her Kasumi was on the schoolyard it was good for her to have a more normal girlfriend like Shizuka. Even if Shizuka did have a little too much energy for her own good.

Kasumi found Ranma, in the dojo practicing some more, even harder than he had this morning. Her father was going through some katas as well and they were talking as they made complex moves with seemingly no effort.

"So he grabbed you after the solid kick." Soun asked, about the previous day

"Yeah, I hit him near the temple, close to perfect- form anyway." he replied

"Well, the boy must be a great practioner if he could take that, even if you were a girl a full kick to the head with no effect." Soun said mildly impressed

"I don't think anyone's ever beat him but me. Dad and you could probably take him though. Mr Tendo, I've been meaning to say, I like some of the differences between the Saotome and Tendo ryus. Merging parts of the style could be beneficial."

"Ohh boy you don't know how happy I am to hear that... THE FAMILY LINES WILL BE JOINED!"

"Did I hear what I thought I heard Tendo-kun!" Genma said sticking his head in.

"HEY!" Ranma yelled "I said the styles, not the families! Geeze, not that I'm against it...completely, but" It was then he saw Kasumi in the doorway and blushed slightly, Kasumi returning it in kind.

"Geeze dad." Kasumi said, announcing her presence. "You don't have to embarrass him like that, and we have lots of time to think still."

"Oh well, I think you two make a good pair." Soun said happily as Genma nodded. "You up for some training Kasumi-chan, I hope you weren't getting sloppy while everyone was sick."

"You bet but I only have..." She looked at the clock on the dojo wall, "Hour and a half before me and Ranma have to get ready for a sleepover at a friends house."

"Then I'll make it quick and painful!" Soun said smirking as he began some heavy training.

Kasumi found that while training under her father was hard, training under him in front of the Saotomes was way worse. Soun pushed his daughter to the limit to show her off to his family friends. She may only nine but she was a Tendo and that was enough. He was still careful however to not put her beyond what she could actually do.

What annoyed her was Ranma completing the same exercises next to her with ease. The extra grace and flow of his moments set off a little competitive flare she hadn't even known existed.

An hour and a half later it was time to hit the furo before going to the sleepover. Kasumi sighed as she took a gym towel. Ranma hadn't broken much beyond a light sweat but she was practically soaked. With that thought she soaked her diaper as well, considering she might as well use it before she got in the bath

"That was really good Kasumi. You're coming along great as a martial artist." Ranma said enthusiastically. Soun had really driven the girl, but she'd given everything and kept up. Ranma knew most kids would give up under that kind of pressure

"Yeah, maybe someday I'll be better than you." She said, knowing it would irk him but wanting to say it all the same.

"Hey you're good, but I'm Ranma Saotome." He said with pride "Nobody beats Ranma Satome. Still, you can have second best-in-the-world if you want it." Ranma said, only half jokingly

"I guess we'll have to fight for it someday then." She said with a grin. "A friendly match though." She extended her hand

"Friendly match it is." Ranma replied shaking it.

"I'm going to take my bath now, we don't have much time." Kasumi said going up the steps.

"Let me know when you're out, I'll take a quick, cold shower." He said a little depressed at his inability to experience warm water.

* * *

Ranma and Kasumi took off at 2:45 for her friend's house. Kasumi was carrying her normal backpack with a blanket, pillow and clothes, along with another large bag. This second one held her diapers, wipes and powder. 'At least it doesn't look like a diaper bag' Kasumi consoled herself, though both were rather heavy.

Ranma had just borrowed a spare backpack from her and had packed it about the same. He hadn't wanted any nightwear but Kasumi had at least insisted he bring an over sized t-shirt. Everyone had to have pj's at a sleepover. Ranma was still trying to get used to the panties however and was feeling his manhood threatened again.

The annoying thing was that the damn things were comfortable. He didn't mind actually wearing panties, but he minded that he didn't mind. Weird logic. That and squatting to pee. That really sucked.

He was surprised that Kasumi seemed a little lost as the closed in on the neighborhood, considering this was her best friend, but after a few circles she saw the right building and they arrived.

It was a pleasant model home. One of the newer ones, small yard. Two stories and probably a couple bedrooms. It was no where near as spacious as the Tendo place, but then little in Nerima was unless you were wealthy.

"Kasumi-chan, Ranma-chan!" Shizuka called as she ran up to greet them. "Come on, let's take your things up to my room."

They followed her inside and up the stairs to the first door in the right. The room was easily big enough to accmodate the four little girls, though not much more. The bed itself was rather large though and could probably fit four sleeping sideways.

"See it's clean for once." Shizuka joked as they came in. "Oh bathroom's the first door down the hall if you need it." She turned to Kasumi, "Though I guess you won't anymore." She said, giggling a little.

Kasumi blushed and Shizuka apologized, it was just to easy of a jab to make, but they were all friends. Sumire showed up about half an hour later and the party officially started.

They ordered chinese takeout for dinner and watched some T.V in Shizuka's room for awhile. Ranma decided it was pretty harmless and not as boring as he'd figured. It was just hanging out pretty much. That was fine with him, although he'd have probably preffered a couple of guys it was doubtful it would be that much more interesting. Girl stuff or guy stuff all Ranma really knew or cared about was martial arts.

Kasumi fidgeted a little as the need to pee grew stronger. She knew she should just go and get it over with. Her mom had said Katsu-san would change her, and she knew Katsu family had known her for awhile... It was just odd, since she could never remember having been here before. At least Shizuka was talkative, she gave away enough information for Kasumi to catch up on her relationship while Shizuka was talking to Ranma.

Apparrently they'd met in first grade, where Kasumi had beat up some second grade boy who was picking on her. Kasumi didn't seem interested in making friends at first but Shizuka had worn her down over a few weeks and they'd been hanging out ever since. Sumire came in during the third grade as a transfer and since she was a little shy they ended up protecting her a bit from the other girls. Sumire had developed a bit of a spine since, but she couldn't stand fighting at all. Shizuka would take on girls, but she had no idea what possessed Kasumi to fight the boys.

"So yeah, that's what up with us." Shizuka said shrugging to Ranma as she finished the bowl of ramen. "So, what happened with your family, why do you have to stay with Kasumi."

"Oh," Ranma said, remembering the cover story they'd planned, "Well my parents were having a lot of trouble with their marriage, you know fighting and everything so they decided I should stay with my cousins for awhile."

"Wow that really sucks." Sumire said, Shizuka nodded in empathy

"Naw, it's not so bad. I never saw my mom anyway and my dad was obessessed with making me the best martial artist ever. That's why I'm better than Kasumi." He replied, they looked at Kasumi for conformation of his claim and she nodded.

"Wow, better than Kasumi, the boys didn't say why the fight went so bad but I guess that makes sense." Shizuka said "Oh, and don't hurt Satoshi too bad. He might hang around with those idiots but I think he's cute. No need to smash his face in."

"I can't remember who was who, but they had it coming." Ranma added

It was during that conversation Kasumi gave up holding it. Luckily she hadn't held back so long that it made noise, but it did come out in a rush flooding her diaper almost instantly. She leaned back against the wall where she was sitting figuring she might as well enjoy the feeling.

"So Ranma, do you like our school?" Sumire asked

"It's alright, I mean, it's school, but it's as good as any other I've gone too."

"You've been to more than one school already?" Shizuka asked surprised

"My dad likes to move around a lot, it's hell on making friends." He replied, non-chalantly.

"That sucks, Ranma-chan you're pretty nice for having had it so rough." Shizuka said, "I think you're pretty cool though, are you going to be friends with us?"

"Sure." Ranma said, amazed at the offer. He was happy with just him and his dad really, the concept of having friends was nice, but simply unexpected

The conversation paused for a moment until Shizuka sniffed at the air.

"Hey, I think Kasumi-chan wet her diaper!" Shizuka announced wrinkling her nose a little. Kasumi just blushed deep red and tried to fade into the wall.

"How does it feel?" Sumire asked tenatively

"I dunno, nice I guess." Kasumi asked quietly, "I like it,"

"That must be weird." Shizuka said grinning, "I haven't worn a diaper in like... 6 years I think."

"Me neither." Sumire added "Is it really that fun?"

Kasumi just nodded and the other girls begged her to show them the diaper. After a little prodding Kasumi raised her dress a little so they could see the soaked disposable. Kasumi could tell Ranma was doing his darnedest not to laugh, but considering the odd situation she'd gotten herself into she could hardly blame him.

The door knob turned and in what seemed like a second both girls were back to where they'd been sitting and Kasumi had her dress back down. Katsu-san peeked her head through the door to look at the girls.

"How's everyone doing?" Katsu asked

"Fine mom, geeze." Shizuka answered a little less respectfully than she should of. Katsu-san let it slide since she had friends over.

"Right, well it's getting later so you guys should get ready for bed."

"But it's only eight!" Shizuka whined

"Right, and I said you could stay up to eleven, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get ready for bed." Katsu turned to Kasumi, "Kasumi-chan, you need a change?"

Kasumi nodded and stood up grabbing her diaper bag before following Katsu out of the room. They walked down the hall a bit turning into the bathroom. Katsu closed the door behind them and Kasumi handed her the diaper bag.

"Lie on the floor Kasumi, I'll get you cleaned up in a moment." Katsu said pleasantly and Kasumi complied

It was really odd being changed by someone you'd just met that day, but it was easier and more pleasant than trying to do it herself. Katsu pushed the girls dress above her hips and untaped the diaper, grabbing the pack of wipes from the bag. Really, Kimiko could have just sent her with spare diapers, she had Taka-chan to care for so she already had most of the standard supplies.

She smiled at Kasumi as she wiped her though she could tell the girl was really embarrassed. Well, I mean what nine year old girl wouldn't be being changed by her best friend's mother. Katsu couldn't fathom what had gotten into the girl. She'd never have guessed Kasumi would want this, but well, kids are weird sometimes. Shizuka had taught her that if nothing else.

She finished cleaning up Kasumi and applied a bit of powder before taping up the fresh diaper. Kasumigot up smoothing her dress down, but she couldn't really meet Katsu-san's eyes.

"Thank you very much, Katsu-san." She said, picking up the bag

"No problem at all, just let me know if you need another change. I can handle messy ones too." Katsu said and Kasumi felt like she was going to die. This was really embarrassing, even though Katsu-san was being so nice.

She walked down the hall breathing a sigh of relief as she got back to her friends. Ranma was facing the corner as she removed her jeans and started looking around for the shirt she'd packed.

Shizuka was in her panties as she was looking for her pjs. Suddenly Kasumi knew why Ranma was staring at the wall. It was easy to forget he was really a boy sometimes, at least he was polite. Though to someone who didn't know him he'd just appear bashful about his body.

Kasumi figured she might as well change into her pajamas now since everyone else was. She pulled her dress over her head only to have the two girls turn to look at her now that the diaper was in full view.

"You look really cute, Kasumi." Shizuka said, "I'd say the diaper suits you, but I wouldn't want you to beat me into the floor."

"I'll take that as a compliment, I guess." Kasumi responded, Shizuka and her laughing a little. Next she looked in her pack for her pjs still dressed in nothing but a diaper. "Ahh, here they are." She proclaimed and started to pull the bottoms on.

"So what're we going to do now?" Shizuka asked as everyone finished dressing. Ranma finally found the darn oversized shirt and put it on, finding it came down to his knees. He felt rather embarrassed wearing only a t-shirt and panties, but wearing girly pajamas didn't seem much better. Sumire was the only one of them that actually bothered with a nightie type thing. It was rather cute and had teddy bears on it.

"I dunno, we get to stay up until eleven right?" Sumire asked and Shizuka nodded

"We could play Truth or Dare." Shizuka whispered excitedly, Sumire nodded in agreement. Ranma looked to Kasumi obviously never having heard of the game before.

Kasumi agreed but felt a little guilty for Ranma's sake. She'd heard of the game before, though she wasn't exactly clear on the rules. She hadn't had friends rowdy enough to play it in her first childhood. Still...it might be fun. Ranma wasn't worried in the slightest however.

"Okay, how do you play?" Ranma asked and the girls looked to each other.

"You haven't played before?" Sumire asked, Ranma just shook his head.

"It's easy." Shizuka explained, "Someone asks someone else Truth or Dare. If you answer dare you have to do whatever they tell you to do. If you answer truth you have to tell the truth to whatever question they ask. The way we play, you can switch from Truth to Dare once or twice, if you can't do what we said, but otherwise you have to do what you said."

"I think I get it." Ranma said, not really understanding since their didn't seem to be a point system involved. The best he could figure was you won if you didn't give up. "Okay, who starts it then?"

"Jun-ken-pon" Shizuka said happily as they put their hands in the center. Seven rounds later Sumire had been victorious. The girls sat in a little circle in the center of the room and Shizuka quietly locked the door before they started.

"Okay." Sumire said conspiratorily. "Ranma-chan, Truth or Dare?"

"Umm, Dare." Ranma said, considering how much truth had cost him in the past. Though he'd just have to find ways of answering without giving away his past.

"Okay, I dare you to.....spit in a cup and drink it." She said giggling

"Ugghh, that's gross." Ranma said but the others girls shrugged. Fine, he thought, there's now way I'm going to lose here, right at the first one. He grabbed one of the unused plastic cups and hocked a luggy in it, showing the other girls, then downed the slimy thing. Well, at least it was his own spit, it could've been worse.

"My turn then right?" He asked and the girls nodded, "Okay, Shizuka-chan Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." She replied confidantly. Ranma was stuck, he'd already thought of several good dares in the vein of Sumire, but he didn't know the line of what could be asked...

"Hmm, one sec." He said as he thought to himself "This Satoshi guy you were going on about earlier, do you want to kiss him?" That sounded like something that would embarrass a girl.

Ranma smiled as he realized he'd hit the game dead on. Shizuka looked to Kasumi as she blushed, since although Kasumi didn't know it, she was the only one Shizuka had told.

"I already did..kiss him, only on the cheek though." Shizuka replied

"No way, really?" Sumire asked and Shizuka nodded "When was that."

"Only one question." Shizuka said "It's my turn now. Kasumi-chan Truth or Dare?"

"Umm, Truth." Kasumi said

"Have you ever pooped in a diaper?" Shizuka asked

"Yeah," Kasumi replied "Usually once a day. Sumire-chan Truth..."

"Was it icky?" Shizuka asked cutting her off

"Only one question right." Kasumi replied and Shizuka hmmphed. "Truth or Dare, Sumire-chan."

"Dare." Sumire replied, which was odd coming from the quiet one. Kasumi thought for a moment, considering her options. They'd shown a lot of interest in her diapers since they'd found out. Perhaps...

"Okay, Sumire, I dare you to wear one of my diapers." Kasumi said. Sumire tried to pretended shock, she only thought about it for a moment though.

"Alright," Sumire said, "Is it okay though? You have spares right?"

"Sure, mom packed like fifteen, I might use five tops." Kasumi said shrugging, "It's not like she counts them or anthing,"

"Okay, I'm gonna do it then." Sumire and Kasumi got off the floor, Kasumi opened the diaper bag and pulled out a fresh disposable and handed it to Sumire.

Sumire blushed slightly, as she dropped her panties, luckily she was still covered by the nightie and positioned the diaper between her legs. She had a little trouble getting it positioned right until Kasumi went over and held one side for her while she taped the other. Then Sumire got it on snugly and they went back over and sat on the floor.

"What's it like?" Shizuka asked Sumire, who scooted around on the floor a little, trying to get a feel for it

"Hmm." She said as she fidgeted. "It's cool, different. Oh yeah, my turn- I guess we can keep going in order. Ranma-chan, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Ranma said, worried because of the last dare.

"Have you ever tried on one of Kasumi's diapers?" Sumire asked

"No way!" Ranma said, "She's tried to get me to though."

"Why not wear one?" Sumire asked again.

"I dunno, I guess it's just not me. Hey you only get one question. Kasumi-chan Truth or Dare?" Ranma said turning to his sort-of fiancee. She looked at him a little surprised before answering dare. It caught him a little surprised

"Umm okay," He paused trying to think, "I dare you to kiss Shizuka's butt."

"Ewwwww." Shizuka and Kasumi said at the same time.

"That's a good dare." Sumire said, laughing a little.

Kasumi gingerly stood up with Shizuka and Shizuka turned around. With great display of forbodence Kasumi bent down giving her friend a quick peck on the rear and sitting down again.

"Truth or Dare?" Kasumi asked Shizuka, who reponded quickly with truth. "Do you want to try wearing a diaper too?"

"What?" Shizuka said thinking about it and looking over to Sumire who already was, "Yeah, I was wondering what it'd be like."

"Go for it then." Kasumi said shrugging. Shizuka, trying to not look eager went over to the bag and pulled another disposable out. She took off her pj bottoms and panties and managed to get it on without help. She looked at her pj bottoms then at the diaper she was wearing. She moved back to the circle and sat down in just a shirt and diaper.

"Ranma Truth or Dare?" Shizuka asked happily sitting in a diaper as well.

"I'd say dare but I think I know what's coming..." Ranma replied, "Truth"

"Okay." Shizuka said a little disappointed, "What's your biggest secret?"

Ranma froze white for a moment as he considered his biggest secret. "Dare, I meant Dare."

"Okay then, Kasumi?" She asked and Kasumi nodded, "I dare you to wear a diaper like the rest of us."

Ranma looked at the diaper bag then at the other girls and finally Kasumi. How she'd finally managed to rope him into this he had no idea. Still anything else was complete defeat. Which was less manly? Defeat or wearing diapers?

"Okay I'll do it, but no one ever mentions this again, ok?" Ranma-chan said raising his eyebrows. The other girls quickly agreed and Ranma went over to the bag only to find it was going to be impossible to put the damnable thing on with only one arm. The cast seemed to be annoying him at every turn. Kasumi laughed a little when she realized his predicament and went to help him. Ranma had found you have enough problems trying to dress yourself with a broken arm, let alone handling a diaper with tapes.

Kasumi went over and pulled the diaper out of the bag while Ranma struggled briefly with the panties he had grown used to, slipping them off his feet he stood there in a long t-shirt, not know what to do next.

"It'd probably be easier if you just laid on the bed and let me do it Ranma-chan." Kasumi said

Ranma sighed and hiked the t-shirt up before lying on Shizuka's bed while the other two came to watch Kasumi diaper him. 'I'm a man, I'm a man' He repeated in his mind hoping to wake up in a moment. 'Oh well, it's not like anyone's going to find out.' He considered as he sighed to himself.

Kasumi had a little experience diapering, however doing it to someone of equal size held new difficulties. She had Ranma raise his butt and slid the diaper underneath the pulled it up front. She put all her strength into getting it tight but it still felt a tiny bit loosed around the waist when she finished the tapes. Ranma hoped off the bed and let the shirt fall covering the diaper again.

"C'mon it's not so bad right?" Shizuka asked and Ranma shrugged. It wasn't that bad, not that he could see what they thought was so great about it either.

"Okay my turn then right?" Everyone nodded as they sat back down. "Okay Sumire, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth" Sumire replied as she absent mindedly felt the cover of the diaper she was wearing

"Okay what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you." Ranma asked. Sumire looked down at the floor for a sec and took a deep breath.

"Well, it's kinda silly cause' you're the only one here who doesn't know." Sumire replied "When I first came to this school, last year, I had an accident my second week."

"Oh, I remember that. Bummer." Shizuka replied, "That was during the test in math right?"

"I just thought I could hold it. Everyone teased me about it for like a month. My mom got called and everything." Sumire replied and the other girls nodded in understanding. That was definitely one of the top ten fears of being in gradeschool.

"OKay, well I told, Kasumi Truth or Dare?" Sumire asked

"Dare," Kasumi replied, figuring this game was pretty safe now that the diapers were out.

"Okay, I dare you to poop in your diaper." Sumire said with an evil grin

"Wait, but...I." Kasumi said, not really thinking of any excuse. Actually, now that she thought about it she hadn't pooped yet today, and kind of had too soon anyway.

"What's the big deal, you usually do it right?" Shizuka said backing up Sumire

"Okay" Kasumi said "I have to go anyway."

Kasumi stood up and squatted slightly, though her sphincter muscles refused to comply. Pooping in a diaper was an odd enough occurence still, an audience made it even more awkward. She grunted a little, eliciting a giggled from Sumire and Shizuka and pushed harder, finally feeling a little relieved as a log pushed it's way out and into the resistance of the diaper, she kept going, since she was already relaxed and pushed the whole load into her diaper. Finally sighing and rather red in the face as she finished.

"Wow, you really did it." Shizuka said a little surprised.

"Stinky, but cool. I can't believe your mom lets you wear diapers." Sumire said in awe of the courage her friend showed. "I wish my mom was as cool as yours."

Kasumi smiled a little, surprised that making a load in her diaper was considered 'cool' but it certainly was something most kids her age wouldn't have the courage to pull off. She sat back down on the floor as it smooshed into her butt. It was rather comfortable, but she knew she'd need to get changed soon as Shizuka went to open the window.

"Okay, Ranma Truth or.."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and an attempt to turn the knob.

"Shizuka, why's your door locked?" Katsu called from the other side. "Just wanted to let you know it's ten. I wanted to know if you girls wanted some ice cream."

"Ah, sure mom." Shizuka called looking around for her pj bottoms,

"Open the door honey, you don't need this locked with guests here." Katsu replied a little concerned. Usually when the door was locked it meant her daughter was doing something she wasn't supposed too.

Shizuka pulled up her pj bottoms quickly and unlocked the door opening it a crack to stick her head out.

"Okay mom, we'll be down in a second."

Katsu-san knew how to smell a rat and slowly but deliberately pushed open the door to see the circle of girls sitting on the floor and the smell of poop hit her nostrils. The she noticed the bulkiness around her daughters waist. 'Oh is that all it is.' She thought not caring

"Alright then girls, when your done playing with Kasumi's diapers come on down. Oh and Kasumi, let's go get you changed."

"Moooommm!" Shizuka said as her mom exited the room. Kasumi gritted her teeth as she followed Katsu-san, hoping she wasn't angry.

"Sorry Katsu-san," Kasumi said as she caught up in the hallway, "They were just interested, and it sorta happened."

"I don't care Kasumi-chan." Katsu said patting her on the head, "I just like teasing my daughter. I'm sure their's nothing worse for her than me finding out. I'll be sure to use it the next time she argues with me. Now, let's get you changed."

Kasumi felt rather bad having her change a messy diaper, and said as much but Katsu just waved it off and changed her. She'd had three children of her own by now, the oldest having moved out last summer, she was used to diapers.

Out of the stinky diaper and into a new one she went back to Shizuka's room where they'd already changed out of the diapers and back into their pjs.

"Thanks for letting us try the on Kasumi-chan, sorry my mom found out." Shizuka said sheepishly, though Kasumi just waved it off. Katsu-san seemed like a rather amusing parental figure and guessed Shizuka would be seeing the worst of it.

"Well, any- now for ice cream!" Shizuka said and led the way down to the kitchen.

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful and they fell asleep on Shizuka's bed watching some an anime movie Ranma remembered hearing about in school.

That´s it, if anyone has the rest of this story I would very much like to read it.

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