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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Careful Where You Buy From

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I noticed another buyer had the same issue as me, i paid for and was charge over £400 pounds with this so called honest website http://www.bigbabyzone.com/,'>http://www.cosyndry.com/.'>http://www.cosyndry.com/.

Please do not fall in to the same trap as me the owner of this site http://www.bigbabyzone.com/ is a nasty piece of work and all he does is take your money, you might get the odd e-mail about a refund but do not hold your breath. I was told my order had been misplaced yes alright it was done on line and i had an e0-mail back to confirm what it was. All this nasty person wants to do is rip us off

so take heed and never buy from this web site http://www.bigbabyzone.com/.

I will provide proof to all who are interested in this rip off site http://www.bigbabyzone.com/

shop her instead and they are much cheaper and at least you can call or visit them



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I noticed another buyer had the same issue as me, i paid for and was charge over £400 pounds with this so called honest website http://www.bigbabyzone.com/,'>http://www.cosyndry.com/.'>http://www.cosyndry.com/.

Please do not fall in to the same trap as me the owner of this site http://www.bigbabyzone.com/ is a nasty piece of work and all he does is take your money, you might get the odd e-mail about a refund but do not hold your breath. I was told my order had been misplaced yes alright it was done on line and i had an e0-mail back to confirm what it was. All this nasty person wants to do is rip us off

so take heed and never buy from this web site http://www.bigbabyzone.com/.

I will provide proof to all who are interested in this rip off site http://www.bigbabyzone.com/

shop her instead and they are much cheaper and at least you can call or visit them



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Please do not fall in to the same trap as me the owner of this site http://www.bigbabyzone.com/ is a nasty piece of work and all he does is take your money, you might get the odd e-mail about a refund but do not hold your breath.

And you didn't think to contact your credit card provider?

If you're out over £100 as a result of crappy merchandise, non-delivery, etc and you can't get a refund out of the seller, your CC company are obligated to refund you.

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It was done via payal and the chap who runs the site srung me along just lon enough to enable me to not be able to go to the credit card company.

And you didn't think to contact your credit card provider?

If you're out over £100 as a result of crappy merchandise, non-delivery, etc and you can't get a refund out of the seller, your CC company are obligated to refund you.

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It was done via payal and the chap who runs the site srung me along just lon enough to enable me to not be able to go to the credit card company.

Well then you're out of luck because PayPal only give you 45 days from purchase to file a dispute. The CC refund rights I mentioned don't apply to payments made through a third party, AFAIK.

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