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Yesterday, I was listening to the radio, when a report caught my attention. It was about the city of Berkley,CA and how they would like to set aside $20,000 a year, aavailable on a first come first served basis, for any city employee who wishes to haveSSRS. The applicant would need to be in the final stages of transitioning; ie) already undergoing hormone therapy, and living and dressing like the gender they are becoming for at least a year. Personally, while I totally support the trans community, and honestly believe that changing one's gender has got to be the hardest thing that anyone can do, I do not think that this is a good way to use public funds. A government should be using the funds to help the majority of their constituents, not just one or two city employees a year. What do you think?

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22,000$ for the surgery of hundreds of thousands of insurance money spent for that employee to spend years in therapy, years taking HRT, years of mental anguish and pain, sick time, vacation time, honestly the one time $22,000 is a heck of better deal then how much the city would be paying in medical bills ... and thats just looking at it from a money stand point..

when your employees are happy, they are better workers, that has been proven... better workers are more productive.. better productivity means more money for the city.

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