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Bedwetter Experiment

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Right I don't is of this of interest to anyone but I am trying an experiement. I want to wet the bed, I have one or twice. I want to wear nappies at night because it won't be safe with them. I am very open to hynosis and I believe it does work.

But I would like to do over a course of say 7 days and if I get any results. So I will get right into it.

Current Situation

As for current situation, I have been in nappies since Monday 24/7. I wanted not to play, shall we say, so to prevent this I have to wear all the time. I have to wear 2 as soon as get home, with a YunYun (plastic backed padded hourglass shaped nappy) over the tool. To restrict my access. I do play alot when I am wearing.

Day 1

I picked the files to listen to they were:

Bedwetter Fear to Reality by EMG - A file that makes you paranoid about wetting the bed, you can't stop thinking of how humiliating it would be to have an "accident", while you sleep, in fact you get so worried about it that you start to wear diapers to bed, just in case of an "accident", and eventually feel so safe with them on that it's just a matter of time before you wet your diapers, and now that you've wet them, imagine how worried you'll be of wetting the bed!! So you find yourself trapped, and needing to wear your diapers at night because by trusting them you've surrendered yourself to wearing them forever.

Reason: I wanted this because I do have deep sitted guilt when I have wet the bed or when my nappies have leaked.

Bedwettingsession by nancypansy - Something went wrong with the first upload so here it is again Bedwettingsession spoken by Nancypansy and written by Rusty Rivers Have fun and remember if you wake at any time just wet the bed restart the mp3 and go back to sleep. It shall work fine. Love, Rusty and Nancy

Reason: I wanted this for over night music.

Curse Bed Wetting by EMG - WARNING!!! This is a curse file and may only be removed by EMG!!! This curse will cause you to wet the bed for at least 6 months. It will encourage this by making you wet while listening(if diapered) and giving you dreams that cause you to wet.

Reason: I wanted this to tell myself I am committed to this.

The Diaper Does It by sarnoga - This is a trigger file. Wearing a diaper is the trigger that will cause you to wet uncontrollably whether asleep or awake so long as you are wearing a diaper and only if you are wearing a diaper. The diaper does it. This is also a curse file. If you do not wear a diaper at least once every 10 days or nights you will begin to wet your pants or wet your bed. You will wet your pants or bed more often until you either wear a diaper again or have wet your bed or pants twenty times and then you will be free of the curse. This file will also increase your desire to wear diapers and will addict you to listening to this file.

Reason: I like the sound of as this it would give me break at during the day and I could just do nighttime wearing for periods of time.

You'll Regret It by EGM - This file is very exciting. It makes you immediately hard. You'll feel the need to cum but you're not allowed to. If you touch yourself to have some relief, you'll regret it because you'll loose your bladder control for ONE hour. The file is SO exciting that you'll need to listen to it again and again. But if you fail a second time, you'll become incontinent for the night. Buy some diapers before listening to this file, you'll need them for sure. We told you not to cum.

Reason: I wanted this for playing ascept so in future there is a consequences to your actions and its fun.

Session 1

I created two CDs

1. You'll Regret It

2. Curse Bed Wetting

3. Bedwetter Fear to Reality


1. Bedwettingsession

2. The Diaper Does It

I listen to the first "You'll Regret It" and did play a bit so broke it straight away. I got changed and went out will my friend for pizza and a drink. I was unaware of my nappy. For most of the evening, until we were walking to the cars and I started peeing. Peeing whilst walking is a step forwards. And I flooded them at the car around 10ish. When I got I needed the loo, I rule I do have is that I rarely do a number two my nappy. Take them down, do my business and back up. I got upstairs and bent down to lift the toilet sit, I messed myself quite badly. I think it is possible, if I wasn't I would of probably not had an accident. But it was easier.

When I was changed, I played the three tracks CD while sort out some bits and pieces on the computer.

I then relaxed and listened to the second CD Properly. Whilst doing the tensing muscles part, when I tense stomach and my bum, a little bit of pee did come out.

After the sessions as relaxed but I did start playing myself. I didn't finish but measures had to be taken. I put a third disposable (Tena Supers) and then YunYun over that. This also served as a test lines as it would be brand new when I went to sleep. I also put some mittens on to restrict my hands.

1am: I settled down and played the second Cd on a loop over night

Day 2

7am: I woke up changed to CD1 and went back to sleep.

9:30am: I woke up and changed my nappy as I was going to work, I only put one on. I hadn't wet over night. But I felt mentally I had, I was sure of it.

Listen to "Bedwetter Fear to Reality" before work and listen to "You'll Regret It" after work. During work I dribbled more in the nappy than large pees but much the same. But I was less aware of the them. Looking back, I think I would be able to make it to the toilet each time.

When I had finished work, I check the site for any ideas to improve my experiment. I downloaded the "Accelerator" by EMG. I burned a third CD.

1. Accelerator

2. Bedwettingsession

3. Bedwetter Fear to Reality

I listened to the accelator. When I got home, I changed into my at home items. 2 Tena Supers, YunYun and a canvas chasity belt. To stop me constantly checking nappies, I need to forgot about them, I know when I need to change. But I have restrict my playing, so when I do try and I will after writing this, my access is so difficult I give up.

I plan to listen to the third CD and then loop it over night.

I will check in tomorrow with an update. But if anyone has any suggestions to quicken the experiment to hopefully get some successful results.

Basically feedback welcome.

Well I settled down to listen to the third CD. I nearly made it thru accelerator when I fell asleep. To make matter worse the CD wasn't on repeat. I do believe however the acceralator session was very good and I must of at least listened to the other tracks in my sleep.

Day 3

So today I start with the accelerator again and now plan to have many more sessions to make up for it and play the CD all day. 2nd session is going to be the bedwettingsession and I plan to have more sessions today. Hopefully it will be necessary for me to in the two nappies, I think I may need them.

My protections against playing are certainly working and I believe will help me focus due to the lack of relief.

Well I have just finished the bedwettingsession. I do like this track, whilst it was on I made sure I peed and I have to try a bit but I did pee. So I think some is starting to stay in. My trances have been alot better and I feel I am getting more out of them.

I will am very curious about tonight and wether I will wet the bed. I plan to wear to my locking covers over the nappies to make sure I know there is no point in using the toilet. As I won't be able to take them off until the morning. I am also going to drink lots of water before going to sleep. I will also put clean nappies on for bed. So it will be easily to check in the morning.

I am very positive about the experiment at the moment. Now I have done the relaxation one, I think I will listen to the Curse Bed Wetting file to reinforce the fact I am a bedwetter.

Well I listen to the file, but about 90% the way through. And the phone rang, but I was addicted to this file, so I got some more to drink. As I didn't pee at the point it says: "If you are wearing a diaper then we are going to practise" bit.

I settled down a second time and then a third time. I was now addicted to wetting at that point in the file. I just had to make it all right. More drinks were consumed and then I just relaxed for 30 mins or so. Phone rang, idiot on the other end that couldn't hear what I was saying.

So I tried a fourth time, and this time, fanfair please, I peed then some more and then some more. And then a bit of a flood. I feel very good at the moment and confident this is possible.

As the addiction is certainly there, I am going to concentrate only on Curse Bed Wetting and bedwettingsession. The curse is the imprint for the pee dream and very strongly worded. The bedwettingsession is the nighttime loop giving imagey of the pee dream. The noises of the sea, the flushing toilet and other water noises will reinforce the curse.

So I am in very wet nappies and I think it time to check to see if I need a change. One of the few times I am allowed to take off the nappy cover. And I won't be getting out of it until monday mornin. The side effect I am finding is the desire to do the experiment as set out. Whatever helps that is good. So when I go the shop later it will be in double nappies, pink plastic panties and the locking cover. Of course I will dress normally over the top. What have I got myself into.

To be continued (this isn't a story I doing this at the moment)

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Just a quick one, when I checked I was very wet even the yunyun was wet. So I changed to go out, I don't if anything has changed but when I got ready to go out I had to put a pair of plastic pants on (pink for humilation) under the locking nappy cover. I forgot the first time and immediately had to put plastic pants on then put the cover back.

I popped a pair of short over the top and put a t-shirt. Before I had left the house I was wet again. And when I was shopping the nappy was getting wetter, I am taking it as good sign. Getting home I had to immediately change and put a yunyun back on but kept the plastic pants. Due to safety after the last time I nearly leaked. I then the results are looking good but tonights session with the curse again and over night will be the telling test.

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Guest Wetnmessy247



Seems simpler to just...ya know....wear diapers 24/7. Ya have to go SOMETIME....so just wear till ya pee yourself. ANd of course....same for the messes too. Believe it or not, urinary incontience is MUCH harder to achieve than bowel incontinence. For that ya just go when ya go.

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Good Luck, tell us the results. By the way, where are you getting these files?

I will keep you all updated as it goes. Got some more to put on today. The files come from warpmymind.com and there is a huge selectiom in various type. Some are free and other cost. All the files used are free.

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Wow. Intense. Seems simpler to just...ya know....wear diapers 24/7. Ya have to go SOMETIME....so just wear till ya pee yourself. ANd of course....same for the messes too. Believe it or not, urinary incontience is MUCH harder to achieve than bowel incontinence. For that ya just go when ya go.

Not really the point of the experiment is become a bedwetter, this fits in with my lifestyle. I am wearing 24/7 for the experiement to reinforce the hypnosis. I have no desire for full incontinence either urinary or bowel (especially not bowel). I want to wet the bed in my sleep, the rest I enjoy when I am awake. Hence why there are 3 bedwetting files + 1 for peeing in nappies + 1 stopping playing.

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One problem I noticed is that I used the locking cover to stop my playing which has worked but due to the rule of no taking it off unless I am going to work (monday) or getting a change. I needed to poop earlier, with it locked on I had no choice but to mess my nappy and can't change unless I have fully used my nappy. Oh well! Rules eh!

Well I did another good curse session, but I had to do it with a full nappy (wet and messy). But here's the rub, well not literally, I started listening to the curse file before switching to the session file and I fell asleep before getting a change, so if I did wet there was no way to tell.

Day 4

5am: Well at least I woke up early, so I drank a lot of water. Had a change so I had clean nappies on (especially with the mess to clean up). Got settled down and listen a bedwettingsession. I was very pleased with the session and the went back to sleep.

8am: I woke up with a need to pee, I checked my nappy but I hadn't wet in my sleep. But I did feel that both sleep were very deep. Which was a good sign. So I wet my nappy, and settled down again for another bedwettingsession. After the session I went back to sleep.

11am: I woke up again needing to pee, so I let go and wet my nappy. I think I may of wet a bit in my sleep but I am not sure. So I am relaxing time my next session.

1pm: Just updating my log before doing another session and getting on for the afternoon.

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I am continent, but wet at night when in diapers. I have found my success by being able to relax. If I "think" too much about it, I won't wet.

A couple of weeks ago I was away and not able to wear at night. I fortunately stayed dry. One night when back at home and in diapers, I woke with a start and realized I was wetting. After a momentary panic, forgetting I had my diapers on, I remembered that I was home and safely diapered so all was ok.

Good luck,


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Thank you for the support CDL, you are doing the goal I am trying to acheive. So I will try to put it out of my mind.

Well I did another Curse file session, as I was going down into the trance and EMG was about to count me down. I got very scared I really wanted to stop listening but couldn't move. As he counted me down, I started to settle down and listen to the file. I really needed the wakeing script. So much so, that I settled down for the last file on the CD, Bedwetting fear to reality. I fell asleep before the end of it and woke up about 90 minutes later.

My reaction to this session was very surprising and as more than a little positive about what was happening. I am a bedwetter, it is just a matter of time. I would have to say I have, due to the early sleep crashs, I haven't sleep in my bed just on my hypnosis matress. So tonight I will be sleeping in my bed. I plan to change no matter what, tonight before going to bed. I will do a session around 8-9 ish and the go to bed with the bedwettingsession.

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Guest Wetnmessy247

It would seem using hypnosis is bad, because it can trigger long term irreversible dmage to your body. Some things once you learn, you cannot unlearn.

Like riding a bike. If you rode bikes when you were ten, then didn't ride one for 20 years, the second you get on you know how to ride. You can never forget how to ride a bike. It's something the brain hardwires.

So these hypnosis tapes my make things irreversible permanently. For me, I can go back if I potty train myself again.

And I would avoid sexual hypnosis diaper tapes because my brain may get wired to get boners when ever I walk through the baby diaper aisle or hear a pampers commercial or see a used messy or something. Which is NOT what I want.

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It would seem using hypnosis is bad, because it can trigger long term irreversible dmage to your body. Some things once you learn, you cannot unlearn. Like riding a bike. If you rode bikes when you were ten, then didn't ride one for 20 years, the second you get on you know how to ride. You can never forget how to ride a bike. It's something the brain hardwires. So these hypnosis tapes my make things irreversible permanently. For me, I can go back if I potty train myself again. And I would avoid sexual hypnosis diaper tapes because my brain may get wired to get boners when ever I walk through the baby diaper aisle or hear a pampers commercial or see a used messy or something. Which is NOT what I want.

Erm... don't know what you are trying to get at here. Hypnosis is safe because you will only get an effect if you want it too. You can't damage your body doing it, as it is making suggestions and you are doing it. If you want to change, why you have learned them just get another file to change it. Intense hynosis with drugs and imagery, now I agree that would be bad. But hypnosis is a recognised by tyhe medical community and if you treat it with respect, it will treat you with respect. And your comment about sexual hypnosis diaper tapes is just crazy, I get excited by wearing nappies nothing is going to change that, getting a boner as you put is just something every bloke has to deal with. If you except the boner never to embrass you, you are sorely mistaken.

Also your comments are made with any basis in fact (well apart the bike comment), we are talking about training the brain, hypnosis is a tool, my will is a tool, the nappies and locking pants is a tool. This all help as reminders, but I have believe what the hypnotist is saying is true. If I disbelieve apart of it then that is unlikely to happen. I also check each file before using it to make sur it is compatible with what I want. And as for the brain, it is an amazing object, it can repair itself, protect itself. And as such it makes hypnosis safe, but like any responsible user if I am worried about it at any point I will. But currently I am extremely enjoying it and looking forward to the results.

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It would seem using hypnosis is bad, because it can trigger long term irreversible dmage to your body. Some things once you learn, you cannot unlearn.

Like riding a bike. If you rode bikes when you were ten, then didn't ride one for 20 years, the second you get on you know how to ride. You can never forget how to ride a bike. It's something the brain hardwires.

So these hypnosis tapes my make things irreversible permanently. For me, I can go back if I potty train myself again.

And I would avoid sexual hypnosis diaper tapes because my brain may get wired to get boners when ever I walk through the baby diaper aisle or hear a pampers commercial or see a used messy or something. Which is NOT what I want.

You just don't have a fucking clue... do you?

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Guest Wetnmessy247

My clues do not fuck each other, thank you very much. My clues prefer abstinence, as they do not want children yet.

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Well last night got a little busy with all the stuff I had to do round the house. After I had finished everything it was around 12:30. I changed into new nappies and got ready for bed. Putting on the bed wetting session and made sure it was on repeat. The session went fine but I could I sleep, not in the slightest. About 4am I gave up when downstairs, had a smoke and calm down. When back up, soaked my nappies and fell into a great sleep. Oh well!

I would say now I am accepting of everything I am doing, as they are the rules. I can't be trusted without nappies and I can't be trusted with a locking nappy cover. Also now I have to wear the locking nappy cover at all times, no excuses in and out of the house. Which is very restricting.

Day 5

I started the day with "The diapers do it". I plan to have another curse session soon after getting home. Then a quiet night, before an early night ready for the bedwetting session. Hopefully tonight I can sleep for a long time.

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Well, I had a quiet night and only did one session in the evening. I would say it was a great session.

So I went to bed in a good mood.

Day 6

I woke up to a dry nappy, but I did wake up at 7am, two hours early. Normally I would sleep thru the night. I am impressed, it's actually starting to work.

One thought i did have was:

Nappies = Nappy/Happy is a very happy sounding word

Diapers = Die-pers is very down in the way you say it

Or is it said differently in the US?

Sorry back to the experiment, tonight I am easing it back. No hypnosis, the rest before the last night. Whilst on a forum, answering a post and throughly enjoying myself. I flooded my nappies, no warning I was going to wet, just when it started. And it lasted ages. Wow! That was a really an accident. Not a small one, but massive one that's floods front and back.

Well I am hopeful for this experiment. Talk to you all tomorrow.

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Day 7

Last day of the experiment, although I had a very wet night, I do believe I did all the damage whilst being awake.

Today I just listened to the bedwetting session not in trance, just a bit of listening to reinforce the story.

But this is the end of the experiment and I don’t believe I have wet the bed once. But I suppose only time will tell. I do believe I am a bedwetter and the bed has to be protected by me being in nappies (thick ones).

Post Experiment Update

Over the course of the next 6 nights, I have needed to be wearing nappies (or up and down all night to the potty). But I haven’t had any real idea if I have wet in my sleep of not. I have decided to not to worry about.

Last night, I changed into my nighttime nappy around 10pm. And due to the fact I should have been of been in two nappies as soon as I got home I was in trouble. So I have put on two nappies, covered by the YunYun and then locking plastic panties over the top. I also put on my nighty and put my dummy in. My wife said I looked very cute.

When it was time to go to sleep, I was allowed to take the nighty and dummy off but the rest had to stay which wasn’t a bad thing at all. Strangely enough I was dry when I went to sleep around 1:30am.

When my wife woke me up at 8:30am, I checked my nappy but due to the locking panties I could only feel and I felt wet. I didn’t remember wetting, my wife said I slept very soundly. I couldn’t wait to the get the plastic panties and YunYun off. I wanted to check what had happened.

Keys, keys where were the keys. I couldn’t find them after a few minutes of trying to find them and wanting to wet my nappy (morning pee problems LOL!). But of course I couldn’t wet it because I needed to check the damage. I managed to squeeze the YunYun off out of the side of the plastic panties and I could see, not very well, that I was indeed wet.

Eventually, I looked at the lock. Doh! I had the plastic panties on with the key in the lock since I put them on at 10pm. I managed to get the lock off, without peeing myself, stripped off the plastic panties and surveyed the damage. I had completely soaked the inner nappy and had wet about a 6 inch strip on the outer nappy.

Well I guess that experiment has had some successful results. Two weeks later I had wet the bed. Of course I will only really know if this continues but I will just get on with my life. Listening and reminding myself of the files.

I had WET the BED in my sleep, I am a BEDWETTER.

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It would seem using hypnosis is bad, because it can trigger long term irreversible dmage to your body. Some things once you learn, you cannot unlearn.

Like riding a bike. If you rode bikes when you were ten, then didn't ride one for 20 years, the second you get on you know how to ride. You can never forget how to ride a bike. It's something the brain hardwires.

So these hypnosis tapes my make things irreversible permanently. For me, I can go back if I potty train myself again.

And I would avoid sexual hypnosis diaper tapes because my brain may get wired to get boners when ever I walk through the baby diaper aisle or hear a pampers commercial or see a used messy or something. Which is NOT what I want.

Hah, have you ever tried riding a bicycle after not having been on one for a long time? I used to ride my bike blindly, and easily without hands, back in high school. I entered the military and never really had the time or opportunity to ride for years. Then I got into a bad car wreck and had to learn to walk, and eventually jog, again. After about 15 years had passed I tried riding a friends bike. It was sturdy and comparable to what I had before but I was so shaky I lost my balance and fell. Seems you can forget how to ride a bike after all!

As for Hypnosis, it can't make you do anything you wouldn't want to do any way- let alone something permanently irreversible. As for me, I think I would like getting turned on at the mention or thought of a diaper because I'm diapered 24/7 and loving it.

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