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Ever Get Too Comfortable In A Diaper?

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I am usually an on and off again wearer.

I will just wear a diaper and t-shirt around the house, when I do.

But instead of living out in the country and having a big back yard to run.

I live in an a second story apartment with neighbors close by.

First time was when I was getting something from the UPS guy.

(I don't remember if the package was diapers or something else)

But anyway, I went to the door in a hurry, and signed.

It was only after he left that I realized the only thing below the waist was obvious.

Next time was a beautiful early evening.

I have a private deck but it is visible both ways.

So I was set to "people watch" and relax with a cigar and drink.

I was sitting down most of the time, but someone had to see.

Has anyone else done this?

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Hell no... I'm not a people person and have social anxiety. So, I avoid being out and about more than I really need to be (and according to some, perhaps not as much as I should). I go and remove the diaper and put on something more appropriate if someone comes knocking. The random people (like Jahova's Witnesses or people stopping by to gawk at the buffalo) have perty much stopped coming around since I took in my dogs. It seems that having a large one that looks like a german shepherd on a tie-out leash (more to keep him from chasing the cattle and buffalo than getting at anyone; though he doesn't like to be touched by people he doesn't trust) and a larger medium one of indeterminate breed without such a restraint (she'll bark, but keeps her distance from people she doesn't know) is a good deterrent to trespassers. So, the chances are that whoever's knocking at the door is family. And my family is rabidly anti-diaper.

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That is one way to get rid of them! I love it!!

Stay Pampered



I answered the door to the joy of a couple Jehova's witnesses in a t-shirt and a very wet diaper. I cracked the door slightly which thankfully spooked them and they said hi and left.

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Guest Wetnmessy247

Yes. I was at my mom's.

I wasn't training bowel incontinence yet and they didn't know of my diapers.

I had some wit me though and she went out for a bit to shop. I decided to slip into a comfy abena for awhile. Got too comfy and fell asleep on the couch. I heard her car pull in and I had enough time to put on some jeans without taking off the diapy. She cam in and I had to be super still so I didn't crinkle. She asked me to get the groceries. I did.

And I crinkled.


She looked but didn't ask.

I told herthat day of

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