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Do You Have Any Interesting Stories Of You In Your Diapers

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I have one story interesting story of me in my diapers. Well I was just laying in bed wearing a diaper and a shirt. I was watching Tv and all of a sudden my friend showed up in my room and said "Eww dude your in your underware". And then he saw me and quickly turned and left my room. It was odd because I was wearing a diaper but he took a quick look and saw it as unerware. My life would of been a lot different had he didnt leave. imigiane what would of happened if he would of came closer, i would have been caught in a diaper.

Do you have any interesting stories to tell

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dude.....a diaper is underwear.

its "alternative" underwear. Pretty cool huh?!

I was wearing one night the wife/mommy and I

were at home watching a movie and we ordered

a pizza. The guy came and I went to the door in

just a diap and tshirt. I kept my lower half mostly

behind the door but i guess he caught a glimps because

before he left he pushed the door open just a little bit

more and was staring at my lower half *diaper*

So I simply slammed the door in his face.

RUDE! I should have called and complained. I was

being discreet....

oh well.

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Reminds me of a time I was nearly or I guess "caught". I was still living at home and sneaking diapers. Probably about 16 years old or so. I was finally home alone and so I was wearing only a diaper in the house. I was staying away from windows and stuff to avoid being caught by a neighbor. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. It's the middle of the day and I paniced like "crap, who's at the door, it's probably a neighbor, I have to answer it or they'll wonder why if I'm home alone I didn't just incase they knew I was home, crap, what to do???" So I peak around the corner expecting to see through the doors side window someone just staring into space waiting for someone to answer and then I'd know who was at the door. Instead, I peak around the corner to see the neighbor girl who's my age, peaking throught the glass to see inside. We instantly make eye contact and a dart back around the corner. I'm now severly panicing wondering if she really saw me or anything else. I just prayed she had left and it appeared she had as the doorbell quit ringing. I quick stripped my diaper off and put everything away incase she came back. I thought I have to come up with a story as to why I was in my "underwear" incase she saw so I ran the bathwater and took a quick rinse, just enough to get myself and the shower wet. I quick dried off and got dressed and went outside to see if she was outside. All this took only a few minutes to do. She wasn't there, great, I'm safe.

About a half hour later my parents were home and I went outside to help them with something and the neighbor girl comes over and is giggling as she approaches my and I'm like, damn, she saw, please, please don't say anything. My parents are right there and she says "why didn't you answer the door?" I felt my face get beat red as my parents turn to me like yeah, why not? I said, "uhh, I, I was in the bathroom when I heard the doorbell ring so I checked to see who it was." She goes, "well, it looked like you didn't have anything on expect some white underwear or something." I thought OH MY GOD, she saw my diaper, quick, think, think, how else to explain this and please, please don't say it looked like you were wearing a diaper or something. She didn't but one of my parents says, "you don't have any white underwear", which is true, they were all sorts of different colors except white. I said, "Uhhhh, ohhh, that was the towel I wrapped around my waist when I went to see who was at the door." One of my parents asked why I took a shower which I just somehow explained off but I was getting all sorts of confused looks from my parents and my neighbor girl was just laughing as I'm sure I turned a dozen shades of red.

Somehow I survived that but had a moment where I thought, screw this whole diaper thing, it's not worth it. It didn't last too long though.

Kinda thought it was cool my neighbor girl truly saw me wearing a diaper and always wondered if she really knew what it was but just kept quiet.

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I must have a terribly boring life :P the closest I've ever been to getting 'caught' was when I thought I was home alone for the day, aged about 19 or 20 and wearing a Drynite under my jeans. My mother came home from work early because she was ill and I was stuck for a little while talking to her about something before I could escape and take it off. Not that there was even the remotest chance she could have noticed it, they're hardly obvious under jeans :P

I guess I'm just more paranoid than most. I'd never wear anything I couldn't rapidly dispose of or cover up if there is a chance of somebody who I don't want to know about my baby side being around...

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Once, when my wife was at work, I decided to do some yard work in just D's and T's. We lived on a canyon lot at the time so the nearest house to the back was over a quarter of a mile away. There was a house on each side, but one was completely blocked by a tall hedge and by the house, and on the other side there was a 6 foot wooden fence. I had surveyed the entire yard for visibility, getting down to diaper level and looking to see if my diapers would be visible from any of the neighbor's windows or any area of their yard. All clear. No visibility. Good to go. Or so I thought.

I pinned on a cloth diaper, snapped on my plastic pants, and pulled on my t-shirt. I went out the sliding glass patio door into the back yard. I worked for about an hour or so, and worked up a thirst. I decided to go in and get a cold beer. I went to the sliding door and pulled. It slid about 2 inches and stopped. OH NO!!! The cat had pushed the dowel that we used for security into the track of the sliding door. There I was, in just a diaper and t-shirt, locked out of the house.

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Once, when my wife was at work, I decided to do some yard work in just D's and T's. We lived on a canyon lot at the time so the nearest house to the back was over a quarter of a mile away. There was a house on each side, but one was completely blocked by a tall hedge and by the house, and on the other side there was a 6 foot wooden fence. I had surveyed the entire yard for visibility, getting down to diaper level and looking to see if my diapers would be visible from any of the neighbor's windows or any area of their yard. All clear. No visibility. Good to go. Or so I thought.

I pinned on a cloth diaper, snapped on my plastic pants, and pulled on my t-shirt. I went out the sliding glass patio door into the back yard. I worked for about an hour or so, and worked up a thirst. I decided to go in and get a cold beer. I went to the sliding door and pulled. It slid about 2 inches and stopped. OH NO!!! The cat had pushed the dowel that we used for security into the track of the sliding door. There I was, in just a diaper and t-shirt, locked out of the house.

Really? You stop your tale there and leave us hanging? Oh the humanity!

Please go on! Inquiring minds want to know.

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Really? You stop your tale there and leave us hanging? Oh the humanity!

Please go on! Inquiring minds want to know.

I just wanted to know if anyone was reading my post. LOL No really, someone was a the door, and I didn't want to retype the whole story, so I posted it knowing I could finish later, so here it is:

The front door was locked, as were all of the windows. There was a combination padlock on the outside of the garage door that I had from my high school locker and that I hadn't opened in several years. I addition to that, the garage door was on the far side of the house from the gate, so I would have to cross the entire width of the house to get to the driveway. Needless to say, this was not an attractive option given that everyone on the street would get a good look. I could break a window, but that would require an explanation to my wife. Now what do I do?

Here's what I did: I climbed onto the roof of the storage shed that ran along the side of the house on the driveway side. I was hidden from the neighbor on that side by the aforementioned tall hedge and on the other side by the roofline of the house. I made my way to the front, and climbed down to a relatively private area behind the boat in the driveway. Taking a deep breath and hopeing that I remembered the combination to the padlock correctly, I boldly walked across the double driveway, fully in view of any neighbor who might care to look, and frantically spun the dial of the combination lock. Thankfully, I got it right the first time. The lock snapped open, I slid the bolt back, lifted the garage door and slid under it to safety. I was able to jimmy the lock between the garage and the house, and quickly pulled a pair of sweat pants on over my diaper.

Did that stop me from working in the backyard in just D's and T's? Nope, but I always make sure that there is another way into the house before going outside in just my diapers.

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I am not able to think of any stories of me in diapers off the top of my head. However I do remember one time when I lived at home I walked out of my room and I had forgot that I had my pacifier in my mouth. I think my brother saw, and he just shook his head.

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I just wanted to know if anyone was reading my post. LOL No really, someone was a the door, and I didn't want to retype the whole story, so I posted it knowing I could finish later, so here it is:

The front door was locked, as were all of the windows. There was a combination padlock on the outside of the garage door that I had from my high school locker and that I hadn't opened in several years. I addition to that, the garage door was on the far side of the house from the gate, so I would have to cross the entire width of the house to get to the driveway. Needless to say, this was not an attractive option given that everyone on the street would get a good look. I could break a window, but that would require an explanation to my wife. Now what do I do?

Here's what I did: I climbed onto the roof of the storage shed that ran along the side of the house on the driveway side. I was hidden from the neighbor on that side by the aforementioned tall hedge and on the other side by the roofline of the house. I made my way to the front, and climbed down to a relatively private area behind the boat in the driveway. Taking a deep breath and hopeing that I remembered the combination to the padlock correctly, I boldly walked across the double driveway, fully in view of any neighbor who might care to look, and frantically spun the dial of the combination lock. Thankfully, I got it right the first time. The lock snapped open, I slid the bolt back, lifted the garage door and slid under it to safety. I was able to jimmy the lock between the garage and the house, and quickly pulled a pair of sweat pants on over my diaper.

Did that stop me from working in the backyard in just D's and T's? Nope, but I always make sure that there is another way into the house before going outside in just my diapers.

I knew that there had to be more. Thanks!

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Ok I have one of my experiences. My parents use to take us to Steinhatchee, Florida. We were staying in are RV. At the time just my parents and brothers knew that I was a bed wetter. Yea I have two sisters that did not have a clue. So it got interesting telling them but they were understanding because they knew I was in and out of the hospital a lot and it was easy to put two and two together. What really sucked was that my little sister invited my best friend. He had no idea and was going to have to be told as the RV is so small that there was no way to change in the bathroom in the RV so I had to change in the camp bathroom. there was no way to explain why i was going to have to go to the bathhouse when we had a bathroom in the RV. Well you would think your best friend would understand. Fat chance once my parents told him he acted like it was cool.

Skip ahead two week to when school starter back and the F#@ker told the hole school.

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I think the closest I have ever come to being caught was actually AFTER I moved out of my parents house.

It wasn't really close though, but a little bit risky.

My moms was stopping by in the morning to drop a couple things off before she went to work. I work nights so I was normally awake at that time.

Well I ended up staying up wy too long and knew I would be asleep when she got there. So I went down and unlocked the door. I had been wearing my diaper all day and was too tired to really bother taking it off. So knowing my mom was coming and owuld pass through my bedroom, I just left it on and went to bed wearing my diaper. I was a little bit worried the blanket would roll up and she would see while I was asleep.

But no real exciting conclusion here. She came, we talked for a bit. She never expected a thing with my diaper on under my blanket.

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It was a dark and stormy night....... Oops, sorry, wrong intro..... Actually it was a hot and muggy afternoon. I was sitting in the living room in just a thick cloth diaper, nursery print plastic pants, and a t-shirt. I had both the front and back doors, as well as the windows, open to let a little air flow through. Then, the doorbell rang. There I was, in just my D's and T's, and nothing to cover up with, and all my other clothes were in the bedroom, directly across the front entryway from where I sat. Standing outside the screen door in the front entryway was a door to door salesman. There was no way to get to the bedroom without crossing in full view of the salesman. So, I calmly walked across the entryway and into the bedroom, tossing an "I'll be right with you" toward the front door as I went. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and pulled them over my diaper and calmly went back to the door as if nothing was amiss.

The only comment from the salesman was: "Did I come at a bad time?"

I stood and spoke with him for several minutes before he made his exit, and I went back into the living room and took the sweat pants off, but kept them close by in case of another unexpected visitor.

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