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The Trouble With Gas

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The Trouble with Gas!

I was about six years old and a routine dentist’s appointment had show that I needed a couple of my

Milk teeth removed as they were a bit decayed and would soon cause me trouble.

An appointment was made for Tuesday next in the morning for the teeth to be removed; Tuesday was gas day, whatever that meant.

Tuesday soon arrived and when I got out of bed and dressed I was reminded that I could not have anything to eat or drink as I would be going to the dentist shortly.

I had been wondering about this going to the dentist, as in how exactly they are going to take my teeth out, just pull them out, I thought that might hurt, a lot so I was not looking forward to my visit.

The time soon arrived and we left the house and walked the short distance to the dentist’s surgery.

When we had entered the dentist’s we were met at the reception by a middle age woman who asked me if I had had anything to eat or drink since last night and I replied no.

She then asked if I had had gas before, I asked what was gas? she replied that she would explain it all to me before they started. Then she asked my mum to sign the consent form and asked us to have a seat in the waiting room. They were just getting ready and would not be long.

We sat for about four minutes, me watching the fish in the aquarium and my mum looking out the window.

The lady who we had just spoken too came into the waiting room and said “Ok, we are all ready would you follow me?”

I followed her out of the waiting room and on the way down the hall she stopped and said “ Could you go in that bathroom there and try for a pee before we go?”

I opened the door and entered closing the door behind me, I didn’t feel the need to go at all so tried for a few minutes then gave up, flushed the toilet and returned to the hall.

I was ushered into the dental surgery and there were a few people in white coats in the room, two men and two young ladies.

One of the girls greeted me, Hello John, would you like to take a seat in that chair for me, as I climbed in to the chair, she helped me, saying just get yourself comfortable and I will explain what we are going to do.

As you know you have a couple of bad teeth and you need them removed, I very quietly asked if it would hurt, Ohh no it won’t hurt at all, that’s what I was going to tell you about.

With that she moved a trolley towards the chair it was all shiny and had coloured cylinders on each side, blue ones on the left and black and grey ones on the right, it also had black rubber pipes and a small rubber bag that hung down where the pipes came out the machine.

This is our magic sleep machine, it works like this, I will hold this mask to your face and you can take a few nice deep breaths from the mask, you will fall asleep and when you wake up it will all be over.

As this was being explained the other lady was putting a leather strap around my waist saying that was to stop me falling off the chair and then she came over with a big blue rubber apron and slipped it over me and put my head through the hole in the apron. This felt rather heavy and cold to the touch. This is to keep your clothes clean.

The first lady then said I think we are about ready now, so we shall get you to sleep. With that she turned towards the machine and opened a few valves and a gentle soft hissing noise started, she lifted the runner hose and it had a black shiny mask attached to the end.

I was briefly shown the mask on its way towards my face; she held it in front of me. Looking at the mask I could see from the hole on the middle there was a wavy trail of something coming out of it, looking through it everything behind it was shimmering.

Holding the mask just clear of my face she said just breathe normally for me, that’s it in and out. The hissing noise was a bit louder now and I could feel the gas from the mask blowing around and past my face. The first breath of the gas did not smell of anything, the second I could just fee a slight sweetness in the back of my mouth.

After a few breaths she gently placed the mask full on my face, I felt the rubber cuff of the mask seal to the skin around my nose and mouth, next breath was even sweeter and the next sweeter still,

I started to feel a slight tingling in my fingers and away down in my toes, just a warm sort of tingling. Start taking nice full deep breaths now, try and empty this bag each time for me, that’s it all the way in and all the way out, that’s great your doing fine.

I was watching the black bag on the machine shrinking when I breathed in and growing again as I breathed out. The tingling was growing steadily up my arms and legs, my head was feeling very light and I felt as if I was sinking gradually into the chair, Nice deep breaths in and out, in and out said a voice that seemed to come from nowhere.

The lady reached over with her free hand and adjusted the machine, I felt the pressure in the mask increase and the black bag went very taught as soon as I breathed out, breathing in seemed to happen automatically, when I started in the machine seemed to push she sweet gas quickly deep into my lungs, then finding it a struggle to push my breath out against the gas waiting for my next in.

The tingling was growing into a buzz that was everywhere, in my hands, arms, feet, legs and started in my head too. The machine was adjusted again my next breath in had a new taste and smell, it was slightly musty and a bit like model making glue, but far more pleasant, the buzzing seemed to react strongly to the new smell, every time I took a breath in it became deeper and louder.

Now off to sleep said the voice, my eyes were struggling to stay open, the room was moving away from me as I slipped further and further into the chair.

The hissing had become a very loud and pulsed on and off saying innnnnnnnn and ooooouuuuuuttttt!

On my left I could see a hand on the black bag squeezing it in time with iiinnnnnnnn and letting it fill on oouuuuuuttt. Suddenly I was lifted high into the air and fell into a deep blackness where innnnnnnnn and oooouuuut trailed away to nothing.

Various strange images of very unusual things seemed to float passed me in the dark and I saw a white door, I faintly recognised it as the toilet door I had recently been in it opened and I entered and seeing the toilet I felt myself needing to use it, no sooner that and the feeling has passed, just as quick as it come.

Eventually I realised I was waking up the dreams and images were going and the black was turning to grey, then white and eventually someone said wake up it all over.

As I opened my eyes I realised that I was in the dentist’s chair, the lady was waving the black mask in front of my face saying, breathe some of this it will clear your head.

I had a cotton wool pack in my mouth where my teeth had been and it was about then I realised I had a cold wet feeling around my lower body.

I must have made a face cause the nurse came over and said you’ve had an accident, you have wet yourself while you were under, I very shyly said it was the gas made me do it, Awww said the nurse don’t worry it does that sometimes, How are you feeling apart from that, a bit dizzy I said, that will soon go, here take a breath or two from the mask.

After a few minutes the mask was returned to its hook on the machine and I was a bit sad to lose it, I could have just done with a few more breaths of the nice sweet gas.

I was handed back to my mum and they apologised for the wet pants.

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