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What I Really Thing Of All Of You

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"Mankind is always 3 meals away from a riot." i woulnt say thats true. stalin starved to death millions of people in the bread basket of his country did they riot? no. and the starving people around the world are they rioting? no.

i don't mind when a topic gets off topic eather, thats just two for one! yay WHAT A BARGIN!

as for a turnip, no thank you. however i am a bit hungry.

Hmm... interesting rebuttal. I'm not a sociology person at all so really my words have little to no basis on fact. However, I was thinking how fast New Orleans got out of hand. Or Los Angeles. Or to a lesser extent Vancouver (Yes, we hade riots as well).

OMG, now you all know I live in Vancouver! Back on topic: Turnips you say?

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Actually, in the study of the history of revolutions, there is this nifty phenomenon called the J-Curve.


The X axis is time. The Y axis is socio-economic standard and quality of life. This includes income levels, presence of the arts and luxuries, increases in technology, health care, social and political freedoms, civil liberties, etc. There is no specific measure or unit for the Y axis. All major revolutions in history follow the pattern where there is an extended increase which suddenly plateaus off and then sharply declines. The theory behind it is that people become used to progress and when progress ceases and then turns into regress, people become upset.

People that are repressed or long periods of time rarely revolt on their own because they are not used to better conditions; they have not experienced the better life, so they aren't as likely to revolt to go back to a previous state.

Now, though all revolutions in history (mind you, revolutions, not revolts) follow this general pattern, that does not mean that every time this curve fits the patterns of a country, region, or society that a revolution will or has occured -- it means that the conditions are ripe for one.

It should also be noted that many revolts occur at the same point too, though not all revolts meet these conditions. This curve is meant to apply to revolutions -- a fast change in government.

(Side note, by the sociological definition of "revolution," the "Industrial Revolution" or "Computer Revolution" are not actually a revolutions. Another intreresting note, the American Revolutionary War is more properly termed a war of secession not a war of revolution, as it never actually overthrew a government.)


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