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Acceptance Vs Tolerance


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So anyone who has read the few topics I have posted knows that my wife is accepting of my diaper fetish, to a degree. We have used diapers as foreplay on multiple occassions. This is the only time we both wear and I never wear around her (other than during 'diaper sex') or for extended periods of time. The other day we were talking about 'diaper sex' and she said that she has the best orgasms when we use the diapers becuase the fabric rubs her the right way. However, she doesn't like the fact that it is a diaper causing the friction. Also, she is very quick to take the diaper off. However, one time we were actually cuddeling in diapers so I thought maybe we could sleep in them since she was actually laying there peacefully in a diaper. I casually started to fall asleep but she quickly made sure we took the diapers off before we fell asleep. I guess she likes the orgasm but not the diaper? So confuesed...

Has anyoen else encountered someone who admits to enjoying diapers but is not accepting because of the stigma society puts on diapers? I personaly don't understand why she admits to liking it but doesn't want to do it simply because its a diaper. Any suggestions on how to approach the situation? I know to take it slow and let her deal with it in her own time but it is so strange to me to deny herself the plessure it gives her (and me) because its a diaper. It would be one thing if she told me the diapers are a turn off and she gets no enjoyment but it is very obvious that is not the case. I guess I should be glad she is willing to fulfill my fantasies with being open to using diapers as foreplay but I still wish she would accept the fact that just maybe she really does enjoy diapers and accpets diapers more than she thinks. She is the type of person who really worries what other people think. She is very open to new things and is very accepting of different life styles; but when it comes to herself, she is very conservative and not adventerous. I think she is too scared of liking diapers because society says she should not. Any suggestions?

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sometimes people feel ashamed that "they just had an orgasm in a diaper."

try this, next time try to build her arousal up slowly while wearing the diaper, but dont allow her to orgasm. let her arousal lower then build it up again.

doing this to her for a while a week or so could condition her to enjoy it more and want to wear. idk just an idea

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it sounds like the diaper is actually NOT a turn on for her at all, but rather the feeling of something rubbing her the right way, and thus far she has only discovered a diaper does that. So unfortunately it may be she has no sexual attraction to diapers whatsoever, and could find a pair of pants or underwear etc.. that also rub her the right way if she were to try it...

It seems however, you need to take a step back and go "HOly christ i have the best woman ever, she is willing to wear a diaper and engage in sex with me while in it" ... and forget the whole 'she wont sleep in one.' At this point be thankful for what she is doing for you, especially if diapers really dont excite her at all, she is clearly willing to explore your fantasy because she knows it gives you pleasure.

While you may think, and wish and hope she truely does have an attraction to diapers, from what you've described, she actually has no attraction to the diaper itself, but rather sees it as a tool to acheive sexual gratification. Like a vibrator, not many women find just the idea of a vibrator a turn on, but the way it feels when put on certain body parts is a huge turn on.

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Thanks for the replies everyone, interesting things that I have not thought of. I guess the real reason for me posting the topic was to try to understand how someone can tolerate diapers but not accept them. I just find it hard to understand how someone can openly admit to liking something and not wanting to do it because of the social stigma. I am a casual wearer as is and don't excpect/want to wear often but it is nice to enjoy them together. I know how lucky I am and truly cherish my wife. I know to take it slow with the diapers, it has taken many years for her to even consider wearing them or keeping a stash in the hosue. The whole sleeping in diapers is more a curiousity than a 'must'.

To keep the topic on track, what does everyone think about how someone tolerates diapers versus accepting them? Anyone else have a significant other who 'knows' and partakes in your diaper fetish but does not enjoy? Does anyone have an instance where their significant other grew to like diapers and accepts them after a long time of tolerating them? I don't want to hear about people who wear when others are not around but I want to know if others actually get their significant other to wear/play with diapers on a regular/semi-regular basis but don't consider themselves DL.

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