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Hello I have a situation that I would like to resolve. I have been wearing diapers for over 10 years now off and on ( When ever I can ). I can drive and pee, Sit and pee. walk and pee, I can do almost anything and pee but one thing. I can not lay down and pee doesn't matter if I'm in bed or on the floor I just can't do it laying down it's not that I'm holding it in it just wont come out as if I don't have to go any more. Every morning when I wake up I feel nothing but after I stand up then 10 seconds latter I can feel the urge to go. I have tried the Hypo tapes for the last 3 years to wet the bed but that is not working and I feel that is because I can not wet wile laying down. Does any body know a way or have gone threw the same thing.

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Its a matter of pressure on the bladder for one, (laying down taking the weight of organs etc. off the bladder) And also a matter of conditioning. You've been conditioned since you were very young not to pee while laying down. So strong can it be, that even hypnosis tapes may not work. The best option I would have for you would be to lay down and try to apply pressure to the bladder region. Try to fart or poop as well to relieve pressure on the prostate gland. It will take a lot of forcing when you get it to work, but after a while it will come natural.


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im not a doctor and i have been drinking tonight so dont take my advice seriously then why am i posting you ask? for humorous purposes so here we go.

to be able to pee while laying down and is a male, as in your case, one must insert needle nose players into the pee hole and open and close them to stretch out the urethra this may help but if not one may also stick a fire cracker in the pee hole to blast your way open to your goal.

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I used to have the same problem :whistling: and found that relaxation is the key. Allowing it to flow naturally into the diaper while laying on my back instead of forcing it is the solution.

I have a natural wetting guide on my unpotty training support site on MSN.

The links are on my website: http://socalab.250x.com

Stay Pampered


Hello I have a situation that I would like to resolve. I have been wearing diapers for over 10 years now off and on ( When ever I can ). I can drive and pee, Sit and pee. walk and pee, I can do almost anything and pee but one thing. I can not lay down and pee doesn't matter if I'm in bed or on the floor I just can't do it laying down it's not that I'm holding it in it just wont come out as if I don't have to go any more. Every morning when I wake up I feel nothing but after I stand up then 10 seconds latter I can feel the urge to go. I have tried the Hypo tapes for the last 3 years to wet the bed
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I rolled out of bed once and got on to my hands and knee's to hear a nice puddle on the carpet because of how contorted the diaper was when I was sleeping. I toss around a lot..


Sometimes even getting on your hands and knee's can mean some good scrubbing with carpet cleaner.

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I have the same problem still and I've been incontinent for ages, so I think its a physical thing. Like maybe when some people lay down another organ puts pressure on the urethra and blocks it? Just a theory, so if anyone know any better please enlighten me :)

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A little trick that I think you'll find works really well- dip your hand into some warm water. Seriously. I could INSTANTLY pee laying down the first time I did this. Just put a little bowl of warm water on your headboard and give it a try. After you get the 'feel' for peeing laying down, it won't take too long before you can do it without the water.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you're in diapers because you want to be in diapers, I think practice can help. I couldn't pee laying down either when I first started wearing diapers. First I did it sittinf up in bed, then laying back at an angle, then a little further back until I was laying down. It really helped me. I think the key is getting used to it.

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Try this......drink around 64 ounces of water a couple hours before you go to bed. Then about a half hour before bedtime drink a diet coke or something with alot of caffeine in it. Caffeine is a diuretic..........because of the amount of fluid in your bladder pretty soon you will have to pee so bad it won't matter what position you are in.

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Have found that by relaxing somewhat, feeling the pressure build and relax that it tends to flow. Yet my body does try and shut it off, and have to just relax and it seems to go preaty well. Not anywhere as well as when standing or setting. Driving and peeing is even harder for me. Have to really concentrate and try and help the flow go by lifting the pelvis somewhat. Some fun while driving. And find that leaks are much more likely to happen as can't feel the leak until I get out of the car. As for nite time, on my days off, have finally found some plastic pants, high enough with rolled, serged seams, and haven't had much of any leak, except a little while on my side. Do so much like the feel of a wet cloth, bulky diaper to the disposable. Whatever you do, HAVE FUN WITH IT. :thumbsup:

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