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two words -> call her.

Relationships have ups and downs and it could very well be that she has had some time to think about this and has decided that she was wrong in what she said and did. However, I'm not suggesting that you let your guard down. Go into this thinking, "What do I have to lose?", and see what happens.

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ok rocky, i say you have to call her. maybe she cant be your gf but you said that you like her right? why couldnt she be just a good friend?? on the other hand, i say be there for her...you said she just came out of a bad relationship- maybe she is just skittish. if you cant deal with this then at least be a man and tell her!

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I had the evil thought of setting up a nice dinner at home, wine, roses, candle lite, soft music the works and dress nice. Nice shirt, tie, my rolex and server her the dinner diaper only below the waist. You know to get my point accross.

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I, for one, vote that if you do decide to call her, you be nice and cordial. I'm not saying to do that. I probably would just because I hate to not return phone calls. I also wouldn't be too inviting, for lack of a better word, unless she seems more interested than she's previously been.

DO NOT SEEK REVENGE! It only brings you down to a lower level. It is hard to fly with the angels when your mind is with the devil. No, I'm not even slightly religious in the least but it best illustrates my thoughts on the subject. I do believe in right and wrong and it would be wrong to act on it. Thinking about it may be entertaining, but don't follow through.

Hey Botox. Not in a million years could i really do that. I was jut blowing off steam so to speak. Yeah i guess i will call later tonight and see what this is all about. Im going to play a very cool hand, be very nice and just see what she has to say.. Then go from there. I tell ya its going to have to be pretty good cause im not going to play games.....

Sorry if any the S Are mising my keyboard is dieing.... I need a new one...



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