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Foreced Pacifiring

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Super glue


Super glue!...maybe the one sure way!

I've got a velcro strap attached to my nuk, but with just the one strap, it slides and the paci can come out. It gives me the idea of it being strapped in, but I can easily get it out.

Doing a strap on one of the oversized paci's mentioned above and/or a double strap of some sort might work better.

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okay... so here is what I did.

I got one of those clips that keeps you can you use to clip it to a shirt or pillow, but I looked for one that had two hoops.

I removed the strap from the little o-ring that wraps around the back of the pacifier.

I ran spandex through both ends, and sewed it together in the middle.

BAM! it firmly pulls it into my mouth when I sleep, and I can't spit it out.

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Guest YkDave



I actually 'caught on' pretty fast, only for the first 2 or 3 nights i would spit it out while sleeping. then over the last 2 years, havent waken up without it in my mouth once!

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Just me being random, but Abrera, your post was at 5:31 PM and mine was at 5:31 AM. I thought that was nifty.

Back in the day when I was with Mommy if I acted up she'd super glue the pacifier to my mouth. Just a bit of super glue on the shield and hold it in place for like 30 seconds. It sticks and you don't want to push it off because it hurts like hell, but if you rub a cotton swab with nail polish remover it comes off pretty painlessly as long as you don't have hair on your face.

Also, use an inexpensive pacifier, because it is VERY VERY hard to get all the glue off the pacifier. I had a specific pacifier for super glue. Just a cheap dollar store one with a big shield.


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