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...Ok, so its not baby teething.

But owww I am Teething a wisdom tooth and it really hurtys. :crybaby:

I tried gurgling salt water, taking paracetamol, rubbing Anbesol on it(Antiseptic and Anesthetic stuff), the Anbesol works but only for a while I have to keep applying it.

I may revert to chewing on a baby teething ring... lol!! I keep chewing my tongue and its really annoying me lol.

*cries* And I still got more to come, they start and stop growing. :crybaby:

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Guest little_jonny
having them pulled is the worst thing after it all. the best thing is they give you stuff to knock you out. i had four pulled when i was in still in school and after the next few days i felt like a infant haveing to eat soft foods, and could barly talk. ope all goes well. feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about wisdom teeth
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Guest little_jonny

I meant like chew with your front teeth on the paci as it kind of vents frustration about the back teeth.

oh yeah.. i did that also. i tried biting on a straw when i was having pain but it helped very often. having more then four is the worst thing

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Guest Pizaz

I would really see a dentist... you should probably have them removed. Although it is a bit scary -- and annoying to not be able to eat solid foods for a few days -- you'll feel much better once they're out.

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I was certainly one of the "lucky" ones. when I was a child when my adult teeth came in..for whatever reason (CANDY) a back molar either the last or next two last was extracted. As I got my Wisdom teeth. (you only get four BTW) one each side top and bottom, although like Abreba there are exceptions, for other teeth. anyway.......When my wisdom teeth came in they had room to move in, either in place, or moving others over. It was weird, as I had gaps, but they fixed everything.

When You join the military..it's almost a given that they pull them..on me the let me go as there was no problem..I rode for three days while the rest of the barracks was up for sick time. OHHHH yess! anyway try some Alieve, Tylenol. If it gets intolerable a physician or dentist can give you a Vicadin prescription. Insure that the are at least coming in right and they have room to come in correctly. see this:


If not, they need to be taken out..and You think you have pain now!!!!!! best of luck dearie!!!

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I did read that some adults don't have 'room' for wisdom teeth and have to have them out but I think I'm alright I have room lol its just coming through is why it hurts, the pain has gone again today lol! But tooth is poking out more than when it first started to hurt...so there is progress! Yay! Still got another to come though it hasnt even started growing yet :( and I got 2 that are in middle of growing. Oddly enough one is all way through I had no pain with it :S

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Guest Baby_brad

Mine are going in sideways. when they finally pop in I won't be able to close my jaw all the way, it will hit the top of my molars. I have my bottom right one going in towards my tongue. That will be a fun extraction whenever I get it done (No insurance, plus they haven't started popping in yet.)

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having just gone to the dentist last night ibuprofen is the best thing for toothpain.

also... just because they are poking through does not mean they dont need to be removed... let me elaborate.

my wisdom tooth on my bottom right side is poking through, i canfeel it way back there behind my molars, so i thought.. ohh cool plentyof room dont need to have it removed..... wheni went to the dentist and got the xray... ohh itspoking through alright, but the entire thing is growing on its side!!! meaning the top of thetooth is pressing against the teeth next to it and its the side that is poking through!!!! so example these are my molars ^^^ and this ismy wisdom tooth > so this is my wisdom tooth against my molars >^^^ not a good thing

with wisdom teeth, the dentist told me often it will hurt for a week or so then the pain will go away for months on end sometimes, then come back, then go away, then come back... best thing to do.. go to the dentist, have the xrays taken, then you will know for sure what u needto do!

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I was lucky, my wisdom teeth didn't hurt me at all. I didn't feel them, and they didn't break the gum... but they were growing in such a way that it was less than an inch away from hitting a nerve that would have paralyzed my mouth. So I had them taken out, all four of them. I was put under for it, and they cut through my gum, and broke my bone to get them out. The healing process was the wost thing I've ever went through in my life. Oh, and to top it all off, when I woke up crying for my mom, they told me to stop or I wouldn't be able to see her. That was just lovely.

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Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and low dose Codine have no effect on me when taken in tablet form.

lol you could always just have them injected...

nah the vicodin did nothing to help my misery last night.. apparently lying down is not a good thing, cause it just caused all the blood to rush to my head, so i had to sleep sitting straight up!!!! not comfortable...

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...Ok, so its not baby teething.

But owww I am Teething a wisdom tooth and it really hurtys. :crybaby:

I tried gurgling salt water, taking paracetamol, rubbing Anbesol on it(Antiseptic and Anesthetic stuff), the Anbesol works but only for a while I have to keep applying it.

I may revert to chewing on a baby teething ring... lol!! I keep chewing my tongue and its really annoying me lol.

*cries* And I still got more to come, they start and stop growing. :crybaby:

i hate it when my teeth hurt so i can go with you there

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