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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Bambino Witch One

Guest rayback2it

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Guest rayback2it

witch bambino should i get

i read all the reviews

i want high capacity,, i like to wet without changing,,i want it loud and obscene,,,the print doesnt do anything for me

are they the same diaper just lacking the print?

i want the crinkle and waddle

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That's what I am doing - waiting until the 15th. I hope it gets here soon because I need to place an order soon but if they are coming out with a product which is better for sleeping on my side. I leak way too often that way and I sleep like that all the time because there is just not enough room otherwise.

I might have to place an order for some Secure X-Plus which seems to be almost identical... I sure wish they would switch back to the plastic they used to use a year or so ago. Smoother, seemed less likely to split.

Still think they can create a thicker one for nights. Have to try all the suggestions to make them absorb more. I tend to leave them in the packs to conserve room.

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