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Objective View On Daddies.

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Well, no. I can't say these are entirely objective, but alas. 'tis life.

*before we start, i'd like to say that I posted this as a blog on my diaperspace account , though not many would read it. I would enjoy any comments, criticism or philosophical counter argument on the subject matter at hand. Logic says that maybe I should have just posted this on links/announcements but, i'm sorry. My reckless abandon has taken over and i'm posting this here because I would like some direct input on the subject matter at hand. If you dig it, please feel free to friend me. We could always use more friends, eh? Any who, on with the show.

So what exactly did I do to bring myself to this point. I've been into the scene for nearly a decade and while i've trolled constantly in years past and still reminesce on the older places that used to thrive like Diaper Space and SissyBecky I've wondered what always kept me coming back.

It was pretty easy for me to understand that while I was curious to wear a diaper, the thought never really flourished in my mind. It came and went meerly in passing, nothing more. So why did I keep coming back? Did I want someone to dominate me? Take control of me? no, quite the opposite actually, I really can't see myself as a sub in any sort of dom/sub relationship. Something about me I guess. Even though I don't generally acknowledge it, I'm pretty decent at helping others out. Helping, being caring, I guess that's where I fit in. But why do I fit such a strict category?

Most in the scene (ABDL) are babies, the great majority are. Maybe a couple of switch hitters going from a baby to a parent role, but for the most part, many prefer the baby roll to the parent roll. While you have a smaller, though still fairly consistant group who are the Mommies of the scene. Mommies are not quite as large as the baby populace, but it's still there. This is also assuming any sort of branch off of the same name (sitter, nanny ect ect.) The next group, however, is even smaller and as such, is much the minority. The daddy roll. A Daddy isn't necessarily hard to come by per say. This scene has a large ratio of guys/girls, that's for sure. And becuase of that, we have quite a few daddies as well as babies. But to find a strict daddy (ie: one who doesn't have a regression side, or one who doesn't wear) is exceptionally rare. So why is it that I stand proudly within this role?

The answer to such a question has evolved over time with me. At first, I honestly don't know. I got into the scene as a teen, and well, something about girls in (and using diapers) turned me on. The AB side of that came rather quickly in time. But that ideal has waivered in and out over time. It's still there to a degree, this is considered a fetish for a reason. And as such, it's still a fetish for many, myself included. But over time I started to realize that even though i've very much straight, the scene still managed to turn me on to a degree. Something about it kept me coming back for me. At times my brain managed to fight very hard in questioning what I was doing, and why I was doing it. It's almost disturbing, at first, if you can seperate yourself from the idea of the scene and look at it from the eyes of someone who hasn't got a clue what's going on. But still I came back for more. At times, even disgusted with myself I came back, and kept coming back. However, that was years ago, and now I've learned to accept it for what it is.

However, now when I delve myself into the scene, I don't go looking particularly for any one thing. I'm open to the scene, though i'm still just a guy strapped into the Daddy role, permanently. Ever since I started I've noticed a smaller niche in me that's drawn me toward the caring roll. Someone who doesn't mind looking after someone else. Which, to me, is entirely odd given that I generally don't have the patience for one who is handicapped. That set back aside, I don't mind, infact, I enjoy taking care of people, to a degree. I want to become a real daddy one day, care for my own child and spouse. But for now, I look to the scene maybe, as some sort of paternal release. Maybe it's not so odd, maybe it is. It's really hard to say. Yes, the scene is still a fetish for me but even recently I've started taking the roll as a non-sexual active in the scene.

Recently I met my first real baby. Yeah, i've had a couple instances in the past, nothing really lasting more than a day or two, Diaper Space chat never seemed to have the same 2 people in there for more than a few days at a time. But a few weeks ago I managed to meet one called jakey. He is an interesting character, cared for the scene, found security within the scene and thus stuck with it. We talked, found out we lived in the same town at one point and even worked for the same boss, interestingly enough. Though all this was great and good, finding a time to meet was a little more trouble than we'd like to admit. We got fairly close online (Daddy/baby(son).) Recently, we've had a couple chances to meet and we took both. What we did together is fairly basic. No huge sessions so to speak, couple hours on couple off. Nothing major really, but there is a bond there, a daddy-son bond. And, I reitorate, i'm straight. Atleast, last I checked I was still very much attracted to a women's side of the sex puzzle, and not at all the man's, that's niether here nor there though. The relationship I have with Jakey though, is a very loving/caring kind of relationship. I never thought it possible at first, that I could even meet and care for an AB (male) as a guy (me.) But it's happened in the past, I plan for it to happen in the future, and well, we'll see what happens from there.

But, why do I still keep coming back? I still wonder. My best guess is that I just have a massive loving/caring/fatherly streak in me that runs wild constantly. I like to take care of those who want to be taken care of. Am I the odd one here? who knows.

I appologize for any rambling that may have happened, this post was partially induced because of drinking (rum and coke) and playing diddy kong racing with some brothers (fraternal.) So it seems, minor amounts of alcohol in my blood stream coax me into a writing and scientific train of thought. Thanks for reading though, I enjoyed writing. Philisophical talk is always fun.

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Nice to meet you amp501, welcome.

I've got a bit of a strange relationship with the daddy role. As an AB for many years I only ever thought about my own baby side, and a woman being my mommy. This is the relationship I have with my wife. I didn't know about real AB girls for years, and even when I discovered them I thought they looked really cute, but I still felt no need to be a daddy to one......prefering to be the baby myself. But then when I joined this site last year I kind of fell into a daddy type role during role play, and I have to admit I enjoy it. I don't mean in a sexual way or anything like that, more a fun/cute way.......it's hard to explain. I'm a naturally caring/nurturing person and I have lots of female friends (friends only, not sexual partners.....I only want sex with my wife thanks lol) and I've always been a bit of a big brother/agony uncle to them, so it may be an offshoot of that. Also, I love kids, but will never have any of my own.......so it may be a bit of that too.......who knows! :(

Could I be a daddy in real life, like you have with your baby boy? I have to say no, because changing a womans diaper in real life would feel like being unfaithful to my partner......even if she was there and consented.


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Aye, it's odd. As I currently don't have a girlfriend myself, no have I ever had one in the scene particularly, I really don't know how it would play into it. I'd love to find a girl into the scene, but I figure my chances are better finding an open minded women first, then seeing if she's interested. My relationship failures aside, I do see your point. I actually found another AB (girl) who lives no more than 5 minutes from my own house. It's extremely surprising to hear about. Though she's under the same understanding as you are. Even though her husband doesn't take part in it, it still comes off as unfaithful to her as well for someone of the opposite sex to take care of and change her.

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That's right. I don't find ageplay sexual, and I have ageplayed with (male) AB's at parties in the past (although not for many years). On that basis I think I could happily ageplay with a real AB girl (either as her daddy or brother/sister) without involving sex. However we all know what's involved in changing a diaper, and as a straight guy I don't think I could change a woman for real without feeling sexual excitement.......to me that would be a sex act.


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That's right. I don't find ageplay sexual, and I have ageplayed with (male) AB's at parties in the past (although not for many years). On that basis I think I could happily ageplay with a real AB girl (either as her daddy or brother/sister) without involving sex. However we all know what's involved in changing a diaper, and as a straight guy I don't think I could change a woman for real without feeling sexual excitement.......to me that would be a sex act.


Oh darn! LOL. Joking haha.

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That's right. I don't find ageplay sexual, and I have ageplayed with (male) AB's at parties in the past (although not for many years). On that basis I think I could happily ageplay with a real AB girl (either as her daddy or brother/sister) without involving sex. However we all know what's involved in changing a diaper, and as a straight guy I don't think I could change a woman for real without feeling sexual excitement.......to me that would be a sex act.


I agree completely. However, I can separate the sexual aspect of it when necessary, as when i'm with jakey. Though something tells me it'd be a lot harder to separate if I was changing a girl. So I see where you're coming from. As such, I agree.

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Oh darn! LOL. Joking haha.

Stop being naughty or I'll tell your daddy LOL. Actually I should have kept quiet, maybe you were thinking of paying me a couple of hundred quid for the service.......I could do with the money!! :P:P:P

All joking aside, I was talking to my wife about my having an AB Nursery when we get a bigger house. She said "Good, then we can hire it out and make some money." I think she was joking......I think. :(


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Hehe, Ooooooo. :P

You make a good daddy Bethany. Well AB daddy from what I read lol.

Lol. Ooh an AB nursery I'll be there lol! ^_^

Hehe, I'd love to have one. When you see a baby's cot it looks sooooo cosy, it must be great going to bed in one.....can you imagine lol. I'd even enjoy the decorating side of things. If I do get one when we move, I'll invite you local guys to a grand opening barbecue.......you can all try the cot for size hehe!!

Actually, I once saw an article "How to furnish an AB nursery." I can't remember what site it was on, I'll see if I can find it again hehe!!


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I think I could do the daddy thing , not quite sure though. I like the role play aspect and thwe whole nurturing thing is normal for me. I'm not necessarily emotionally expressive but I can do the the whole taking care of routine. My only hang up is the baby gibberish. I suppose I do it to my cats I really should be able to a person.

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I think I could do the daddy thing , not quite sure though. I like the role play aspect and thwe whole nurturing thing is normal for me. I'm not necessarily emotionally expressive but I can do the the whole taking care of routine. My only hang up is the baby gibberish. I suppose I do it to my cats I really should be able to a person.

It comes in time. I grew up with 6 cats and never did it with them. I got by just fine with jakey. It is what it is.

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its interesting, but my daddy and i have never done the baby talk thing.... i mean we role play all the time, but the most 'baby' talk we do is him telling me that i'm just a baby. but thats about it... theres none of the 'goochy goochy gooo" type talk....

the great thing about role playing, is taht it only has to involve those aspects that you want to engage in.. and other behaviors you can just pretend dont exist, becaue in your fantasy, they dont.

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It comes and goes. I fade in and out with how goofy i make my cooing. generally it's not a whole lot though. Pretty sure I haven't ever said goochy goo or anything of that nature. But on multiple occasions I have talked to my baby like the baby he is. That kind of thing.

And while I do enjoy a good role play online, meeting and practicing in real life is something entirely different. It'd odd. the relationship is definately one to experience. Hell, i'd wonder how close i'd be with a baby if she was my girlfriend and my baby. That'd be one hell of a close relationship.

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We don't really do heavy baby talk, I have to admit I can't even understand some of it lol. I usually talk in plain English, but say child like things such as "Mommy, I'm sleepy" things like that. Most of the time I don't talk that much in baby mode, prefering to nod/shake my head, wave that sort of thing.

I agree that having a baby and mommy/daddy relationship makes you and your partner really close.


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oh okay if no baby gibberish then I probably could do either. Remains to be seen though. I baby the heck out of my kitten mumu. Except I usually mock her as I talk to her. you know, "Who's my little retard, who's daddy's little bitch" She is a good cat except she hates to be pet/picked up. She'll sleep on my bed, almost got cuahgt on a diaper one night, was laughing for a few minutes with that one. My other cat just lounges around waiting for food to magically appear.

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Recently I met my first real baby. Yeah, i've had a couple instances in the past, nothing really lasting more than a day or two, Diaper Space chat never seemed to have the same 2 people in there for more than a few days at a time. But a few weeks ago I managed to meet one called jakey. He is an interesting character, cared for the scene, found security within the scene and thus stuck with it. We talked, found out we lived in the same town at one point and even worked for the same boss, interestingly enough. Though all this was great and good, finding a time to meet was a little more trouble than we'd like to admit. We got fairly close online (Daddy/baby(son).) Recently, we've had a couple chances to meet and we took both. What we did together is fairly basic. No huge sessions so to speak, couple hours on couple off. Nothing major really, but there is a bond there, a daddy-son bond. And, I reitorate, i'm straight. Atleast, last I checked I was still very much attracted to a women's side of the sex puzzle, and not at all the man's, that's niether here nor there though. The relationship I have with Jakey though, is a very loving/caring kind of relationship. I never thought it possible at first, that I could even meet and care for an AB (male) as a guy (me.) But it's happened in the past, I plan for it to happen in the future, and well, we'll see what happens from there.

Some cultures don't get as hung up about expressions of friendship and caring between men as

ours does, although I think that's changing (terms like "bromance" are emerging, etc.). As a

result, to avoid a "That's so gay!" reaction men have become uncomfortable admitting their

care, affection or even love for another man (love is not the same as being in love).

And that's unfortunate.

You're lucky not only because you can care for another man but because you got past society's hangups about it.

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Some cultures don't get as hung up about expressions of friendship and caring between men as

ours does, although I think that's changing (terms like "bromance" are emerging, etc.). As a

result, to avoid a "That's so gay!" reaction men have become uncomfortable admitting their

care, affection or even love for another man (love is not the same as being in love).

And that's unfortunate.

You're lucky not only because you can care for another man but because you got past society's hangups about it.

I think it depends on the setting really. I go to a liberal school (North Texas,) views of human interaction are spread far and wide around here. Among brothers (fraternal) it's very common to see two hug each other. Granted, we don't go any farther than that, as none of them wear diapers, but I understand what you mean, and I grew up with the impression in mind that people can do what they want as long as they aren't harming or oppressing others.

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