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How Long Does It Take To Loos Your Bladder? And How Long Will It Take To Regain It?


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I want to feel inconsistent, just to try it out. So i know all you have to do is when u have to pee, just let it go. So how many hours or days does it take for my bladder to unsync or w.e. and then how long does it take to regain control

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Its called incontinent, and you do not become incontinent by just 'letting go'

It takes months if not years of not 'holding it in' at all to get your bladder muscles weak enough to the point that it would be hard to hold it in. but, you still know when you have to pee and you can still hold it to some extent. Again, since all your doing is keeping the muscles relaxed and weakening them, it takes just as long to regain full control as it does to loose it.

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I want to feel inconsistent, just to try it out. So i know all you have to do is when u have to pee, just let it go. So how many hours or days does it take for my bladder to unsync or w.e. and then how long does it take to regain control

It's not just letting it go, but *always* letting it go. Every time you hold it (for convenience, avoiding public embarrassment, keeping the carpet or furniture dry, etc.), you're reinforcing your potty training.

As for how long it takes, there's a 12-month program that is often cited in such threads. Your experience may vary depending on how easily you can already wet yourself, how consistent you are in just letting it go, etc. But it's certainly not just a few hours or days.

I'm currently in a month-long test of myself - wearing/wetting nightly for 3 weeks, 24/7 for the last week. Since I've gotten into diapers, I've woken up twice in the middle of wetting the bed, and last week I woke up to find that I had wet my diaper in my sleep. I've also long been a deliberate pantswetter, so wetting or toilet always feels like a choice - I won't be surprised if I slip up after a week of 24/7, and others have recently posted about some changes after just a few weeks in diapers 24/7. I've also had a couple accidents when driving - I drink a lot of pop when I drive and a couple times haven't made it to a bathroom or secluded bush in time.

I also like what some call "bursting". E.g., I'll head to a late movie and drink a large pop. But the car is parked about a mile away. I leave without using the bathroom. Can I make it to the car without an accident?

Of course, my experience so far doesn't make me a bedwetter or incontinent, and I don't aim to become either. Before pursuing actual incontinence, let alone retraining, there are things you can do to "live the life" (sort of) and see how you deal with the risk of and experience with accidents, wetting while trying to keep the bed dry at night, and so on, in a relatively short amount of time - a lot less time that it would probably take for you to un-potty train yourself.

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The bladder retraining involved is really up to the individual. If you already wear often, and are fairly consistent about peeing anytime to feel anything in your bladder, then you may see changes pretty quickly. If you have NO experience, it will take longer. For some, even just peeing in your diaper that first time is really difficult (I know it was for me), but now I don't think about it all that much. It all depends on the individual.

Retraining to gain control back will take just as long if not longer depending on how long you kept yourself incontinent and the degree of control you lost. But its all muscle memory, as long as you don't have a disability that caused incontinence, so it can be relearned.

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If you have really sharp cutlery, if you're really good at cutting tough flesh, and if you don't bleed to death before you're finished, you can lose your bladder in a matter of minutes. I don't know about regaining it, though.

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If you have really sharp cutlery, if you're really good at cutting tough flesh, and if you don't bleed to death before you're finished, you can lose your bladder in a matter of minutes. I don't know about regaining it, though.


Yea, thatll do the trick, pretty quickly too!

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For instant incontinence and the ability to instantly regain control then the simplest solution is to use a catheter.

I have used catheters on and off for about two years now and when wearing a diaper and having a catheter inserted then you truly have no control over your bladder.

The bladder will empty as it fills.

As long as you don't leave it in for too long, (I'm talking weeks here), then once its removed you have full control again.

The longer you leave it in the weaker the bladder muscles become, longer term use can leave you incontinent, at least until you strengthen the muscles again.

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I want to feel inconsistent, just to try it out. So i know all you have to do is when u have to pee, just let it go. So how many hours or days does it take for my bladder to unsync or w.e. and then how long does it take to regain control

Re the fast solutions with sharp utensils...

My dad had prostate cancer and they had to remove the prostate. To get it out, they had to snip the tube through which the bladder gets rid of urine and then reattach it. Given that kind of trauma to the bladder, dad was suddenly incontinent. As part of his healing, he was taught to do the kegal exercises to help him regain control over his bladder. In the meantime he was in diapers.

He made a lot of progress in the first several weeks, mostly leaking only when he made sudden, jerky movements, but also sometimes in his sleep.

Now a little over a year later, he's without diapers in the daytime, but still wears them to bed - more of a just in case safety net than a regular problem (mom's not too keen about waking up in a damp bed).

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Guest dl_aslee

lol, for some reason I started reading and read it My dad had prostitute cancer..., I'm like wtf? Then I realized prostate not prostitute. And I'm pretty sure most are not to keen on waking up in a damp bed. Wet Diaper = Fun, Wet Bed =! Fun.

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lol, for some reason I started reading and read it My dad had prostitute cancer..., I'm like wtf? Then I realized prostate not prostitute.

I kept typing (and correcting) "prostrate cancer"

And I'm pretty sure most are not to keen on waking up in a damp bed. Wet Diaper = Fun, Wet Bed =! Fun.

Mom was getting pissed off about it.

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I just went three weeks as a wetter only. On the weekends when I was with the g/f, I went back to regular underwear. I've been an off and on diaper wearer. During the three weeks, it was only with the barest of concious thought to wet. Except for the day I tried to go all day on one diaper. That was a major leak. But when I got out of diapers, it took about a day for me to get full control back. I kept having that extreme urge to go every 30 minutes for just a little dribble.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to feel inconsistent, just to try it out. So i know all you have to do is when u have to pee, just let it go. So how many hours or days does it take for my bladder to unsync or w.e. and then how long does it take to regain control

Then the only way is to use a catheter. If you have no clue what you are doing and aren't very smart about things, then I would not do it to yourself as you might freak out during the install.

If you do it to yourself, Google "men catheter insert" and read and reread several medical posts (they will vary on description) and be very careful.

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I'v been wearing diapers off and on for over a year now not 24/7. When Im not wearing I have to go more aften then I used to but I still have control. But when Im wearing diapers Im finding as soon as thay go on I have to pee every 10 to 15 min. and it just happens without even thinking about it. :D

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