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Bpa And Baby Bottles


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For those of you who use baby bottles, whether actual baby bottles or other bottles adapted to use as such, has the BPA scare caused you to alter your use?

Anyone switching to glass baby bottles? Any one else see other good options available?

I've used an old Gatorade bottle with a nipple rigged into the original cap and I've got a water bottle bought from ebay with a hole drilled in the top for a nipple...I love that one...

I don't want to be paranoid about the BPA, but the concerns seem to be real, with warm liquids supposedly releasing more of the chemical than cool.

What are your thoughts??


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I think maybe he means this?

Wikipedia article on Bisphenol A

Apparently, it's a synthetic sex hormone that mimics estrogen, and is used to make hard plastics. It can leach from materials made with it when heated, including baby bottles. It's also toxic. Although it mimics estrogen, it's an endocrine disruptor.

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I think maybe he means this?

Wikipedia article on Bisphenol A

Apparently, it's a synthetic sex hormone that mimics estrogen, and is used to make hard plastics. It can leach from materials made with it when heated, including baby bottles. It's also toxic. Although it mimics estrogen, it's an endocrine disruptor.

It hasn't changed my use at all, I'm still looking for the right bottle for me, so I try all kinds.

However, for those of you that are worried about BPA - WalMart sells a 3pack of BPA free bottles for $3.

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I think maybe he means this?

Wikipedia article on Bisphenol A

Apparently, it's a synthetic sex hormone that mimics estrogen, and is used to make hard plastics. It can leach from materials made with it when heated, including baby bottles. It's also toxic. Although it mimics estrogen, it's an endocrine disruptor.

Yes. There has been a lot of publicity about it - at least that I've seen. I'm not one to make a big deal of these scares - I was just wondering if anyone had heard the news and had any thoughts on it. From what I've heard, the results are not incredibly conclusive, although there may be a legitimate risk for (real) babies...not necessarily for ABy's. Heating liquids in plastic containing BPA releases more of whatever it is that causes the problems.

Again, my question was one entirely of curiosity and not intended to cause any alarm or stir up anything.


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I've met some people that are overly concerned with risk of death. My response: just being alive guarantees you will die.

I heard my sister say something about plastics and heating it up. She doesn't use regular plastic bottles for her little girls. Not sure what she uses, though. I've also got into the habit of not reheating leftovers in the plastic container we usually store them in.

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I like to treat myself really well (as much as any mom would) and I can't see any mom knowingly giving this to their baby. You can do glass, BPS free plastic, or you can use the lined bottles. Personally I like playtex's nipples but the Ventair ones are all blah with this stuff so I'm on the search for a new one I like. Pretty soon it'll all be BPA free anyway so we won't have to think about it. YAY!

You can use this list too if you want: http://safemama.com/2007/11/22/bpa-free-bo...up-cheat-sheet/

: ) FBG

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