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Diapers 25/7/365

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I have wanted to wear diapers 24/7/365 since I was 11 years old and now that I have been out on my own for the past 3 years :biker_h4h: I have been enjoying wearing diapers every day, all day long. :)

My parents where not thrilled :badmood: when they found out that I decided to wear diapers full time after leaving home.

But than again they where not supprised either, as I had been caught many times with a diaper on while living under their control.

They can not except the fact that their otherwise normal son would chose to wear a diaper instead of underwear.

I have tried to exsplain to them untill I was blue in the face that I just prefer to wear a diaper in place of underwear. My mother even went so far as to check my dresser to see if I had any underwear to put on and found 2 drawls full of diapers but no underwear. :crybaby:

My parents knew of my diaper wearing desires when I got caught at the age of 12, and when I asked to wear only diapers their responce was :roflmao: , my father said that when I :biker_h4h: and got my own place, I could do wear ever I wanted to, but if he ever caught me wearing a diaper again I could exspect :boxing: , so I was very carefull not to get caught.

Each and every time I did get caught my mother would :rolleyes: and my dad would say that I was :screwy:.

Well now that I am have my own place to live and a job to support myself and my desire to wear diapers, I no longer have to live by their rules and can wear a diaper when ever I want, and I chose to wear them 24/7/365.

I however do not use the diapers as they are intended for. I have never messed in a diaper and have only wet a diaper maybe 4 or 5 times, only because I could not hold it anylonger and there was no place for me to relive myself in the first place. I do however change my diapers on a regular basis just as if I had wet or messed in them, what I do is after every second time I relive bladder, I change my diaper even though it is dry. I just pretend that it is wet from the 2 times I emptied my bladder and is in need of changing. When ever I go #2, I need to remove my diapers anyhow to use the toliet so I just roll up the diaper I was wearing and put on a fresh diaper after the job is done.

I have even had my parents come over to my place unanounced, and found me outside doing yardwork in just a t-shirt and a diaper in the summer. Mom just shooked her head and dad refused to talk to me, having mom ask me to go put on a pair of pants.

I did this the first couple of times they came over and caught me in a diaper without any pants on, but no longer. I told dad that he would just have to get used to me wearing a diaper or stop comming by. After all it was my place and I can wear what ever I wanted to wear, what ever makes me feel comfortable.

If you ever wanted to see my father get mad and see a look of shock on my mothers face you should have been standing behind me last summer when for some unknown reason I out of the blue decided it might be a good time to wet my diaper in front of my parents.

I tell you that was a priceless moment.

You see I needed to go pee real bad and my parents could tell that I needed to relive myself by the way I fidgiting around. Well I dont rember who it was that said it but one of them said, looks like you had better relive yourself befor you end up wetting that diaper. So I said, yeah I need to go pretty bad, but why should I waste a perfectly good diaper and emptied my bladder, luckly the diaper held it all and I did not leak.

Now that was I sight to see.

Now some here might also think I am :screwy: for doing this, but I wanted my parents to get it through their thick sculls that they no longer controlled me and I was going to do what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it, and if that ment pissing in a diaper in front of them, than that is what I was going to do.

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I have wanted to wear diapers 24/7/365 since I was 11 years old and now that I have been out on my own for the past 3 years :biker_h4h: I have been enjoying wearing diapers every day, all day long. :)

My parents where not thrilled :badmood: when they found out that I decided to wear diapers full time after leaving home.

But than again they where not supprised either, as I had been caught many times with a diaper on while living under their control.

They can not except the fact that their otherwise normal son would chose to wear a diaper instead of underwear.

I have tried to exsplain to them untill I was blue in the face that I just prefer to wear a diaper in place of underwear. My mother even went so far as to check my dresser to see if I had any underwear to put on and found 2 drawls full of diapers but no underwear. :crybaby:

My parents knew of my diaper wearing desires when I got caught at the age of 12, and when I asked to wear only diapers their responce was :roflmao: , my father said that when I :biker_h4h: and got my own place, I could do wear ever I wanted to, but if he ever caught me wearing a diaper again I could exspect :boxing: , so I was very carefull not to get caught.

Each and every time I did get caught my mother would :rolleyes: and my dad would say that I was :screwy:.

Well now that I am have my own place to live and a job to support myself and my desire to wear diapers, I no longer have to live by their rules and can wear a diaper when ever I want, and I chose to wear them 24/7/365.

I however do not use the diapers as they are intended for. I have never messed in a diaper and have only wet a diaper maybe 4 or 5 times, only because I could not hold it anylonger and there was no place for me to relive myself in the first place. I do however change my diapers on a regular basis just as if I had wet or messed in them, what I do is after every second time I relive bladder, I change my diaper even though it is dry. I just pretend that it is wet from the 2 times I emptied my bladder and is in need of changing. When ever I go #2, I need to remove my diapers anyhow to use the toliet so I just roll up the diaper I was wearing and put on a fresh diaper after the job is done.

I have even had my parents come over to my place unanounced, and found me outside doing yardwork in just a t-shirt and a diaper in the summer. Mom just shooked her head and dad refused to talk to me, having mom ask me to go put on a pair of pants.

I did this the first couple of times they came over and caught me in a diaper without any pants on, but no longer. I told dad that he would just have to get used to me wearing a diaper or stop comming by. After all it was my place and I can wear what ever I wanted to wear, what ever makes me feel comfortable.

If you ever wanted to see my father get mad and see a look of shock on my mothers face you should have been standing behind me last summer when for some unknown reason I out of the blue decided it might be a good time to wet my diaper in front of my parents.

I tell you that was a priceless moment.

You see I needed to go pee real bad and my parents could tell that I needed to relive myself by the way I fidgiting around. Well I dont rember who it was that said it but one of them said, looks like you had better relive yourself befor you end up wetting that diaper. So I said, yeah I need to go pretty bad, but why should I waste a perfectly good diaper and emptied my bladder, luckly the diaper held it all and I did not leak.

Now that was I sight to see.

Now some here might also think I am :screwy: for doing this, but I wanted my parents to get it through their thick sculls that they no longer controlled me and I was going to do what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it, and if that ment pissing in a diaper in front of them, than that is what I was going to do.

I just had Easter supper with my mom last night. In my diapers and Easter dress! She has taken awhile to come around. But once she started to see my dedication and devotion, slowly, but surely, she has. She says she doesn't condone or support my lifestyle, but she understands a bit better, now. And, she loves me. Of that, I've never been more sure. Give your parents time to adjust from the shock. If they love you, unconditionally, they will.



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What do they say? "You're a big kid now!" yeah, that's right. It is your decision. It's up to you to balance your feelings toward your family, friends, neighbors and the general public to the extent they are 'exposed' to your diaper wearing. You also have to weigh how you put yourself out there - whether you want to be 'in your face' or less public - whether you go for purposeful shock value in certain situations or whether you want to be more considerate of others feelings and reactions (not saying this is the 'better' choice in any particular situation).

It is your decision to make and as you go along, you obviously know that whatever decisions you make will create your life. You are a 'big kid' and understand that if people react badly to you for whatever reason - what you say, what you wear, how you treat them, etc, etc - it is on YOU and not them. Even if you want to blame someone for having a bad reaction, when it is based on your actions to begin with, you wear it and live with it (and I'm not talking about your diaper!). You can't ever force anyone to act in a particular way - you can only adjust how they might act based on your own behavior. I guess I'm saying all this not to you, but to so many others I've read on this and other forums who whine because people don't react to their diaper wearing, their communications, their actions - in the way THEY want people to react!

Go for diapers or whatever else you really want/need in life - just be ready to accept the consequences of your actions - and from what you've written, it seems you certain are! So, CONGRATULATIONS ON GROWING UP AND WEARING YOUR DIAPERS PROUDLY!!!

I don't really understand why you would wear them but not use them, but that's my problem and not yours. Many others here might not understand either, but I don't think any one should be judgmental about that.

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Its good you are so strong. As you can tell from many of the discussions on here, this is not often the case. People are often forced to hide their diapers. You are an anomoly and thats cool its you! Your parents though not understanding, seem to be tolerating the diapers and havent stayed away or cast you to the wolves.

Like the previous poster said you are a big kid now! All the best to you.

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I'm sorry, but it kinda defeats the purpose of wearing diapers 24/7/365 when you don't use them for what they were made for. You might as well be in underwear if you're still going to use the toliet. My advice would be to TRY being totally dependent on diapers for 2-3 weeks and see how that works out for you. That means no cheating, use your diaper for EVERYTHING and do it whereever you are, that's how most people who are incon. have to live. Don't just wear a diaper to be wearing it, it defeats the purpose and you just wasted that money for nothing.

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Don't just wear a diaper to be wearing it, it defeats the purpose and you just wasted that money for nothing.

It may defeat the purpose for YOU, but obviously not for LonLon. A lot of people simply enjoy the feeling of wearing a diaper, and wetting and messing it are of no interest to them. It's not wasted money if you get something out of it, regardless of what that "something" is. To each their own.

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I'm sorry, but it kinda defeats the purpose of wearing diapers 24/7/365 when you don't use them for what they were made for. You might as well be in underwear if you're still going to use the toliet. My advice would be to TRY being totally dependent on diapers for 2-3 weeks and see how that works out for you. That means no cheating, use your diaper for EVERYTHING and do it whereever you are, that's how most people who are incon. have to live. Don't just wear a diaper to be wearing it, it defeats the purpose and you just wasted that money for nothing.

Amen. I do use them for what they're intended for. At this point, I really have no choice But, 24/7 doesn't have to mean wearing, 24/7! There are times, I'll admit, when I may run nekkid 'round the house. Unless, I have to go outside. Or friends come to call. (Well, I guess that would depend upon which friends. Hee, heeee) As long as there's a commode within a few secs away, I'm cool. But, I can't very well run around nekkid on the outside, can I? Noooooo.

Diapers, Si! Nekkid, No!

Have you ever seen a baby, or perhaps your own baby brother or sister playing "chase" with mommy or the babysitter, or you, at diaper changing time? Babies like being naked. Heee, heee! Fun! Besides, when you are 24/7, it is important to let the diaper area "breathe", from time to time. Unless, you have an acute disposition for "nappy rash".


--heidilynn ;)

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Im 19 and move out when I was 18 so I know how it is. I wear 24/7 right now and don't rly use them. I do sometimes but only peeing for now anyway. I just enjoy the feeling of clean disposable diapers. When I wet it, it leads to diaper rash and doesn't feel as nice as a clean diaper. Ive been working on trying to use them more but its definitely going slow. I do however wear them very discretly. If my parents came over, id definitely have pants on but hey thats me

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I'm sorry, but it kinda defeats the purpose of wearing diapers 24/7/365 when you don't use them for what they were made for. You might as well be in underwear if you're still going to use the toliet. My advice would be to TRY being totally dependent on diapers for 2-3 weeks and see how that works out for you. That means no cheating, use your diaper for EVERYTHING and do it whereever you are, that's how most people who are incon. have to live. Don't just wear a diaper to be wearing it, it defeats the purpose and you just wasted that money for nothing.

Now that quite the statement, and as far as wasteing my money by choseing not to use my diapers is no more of a reasonable idea than YOU wasteing YOUR money by USEING your diaper.

If you think about if for a second, purchasing diapers to use for the intended purpose of said diaper without actually having a medical reason to be wearing a diaper is a WASTE of money no matter if you actually use the diaper or just enjoy wearing the diaper and not useing it.

I enjoy wearing diapers, I just do not enjoy wetting or messing a diaper and I realy do not care to wear a wet or messy diaper. I will however defend my right to wear a diaper in my own home and on my own land.

As I am not exsposing myself to others, and no one seems to have a problem with a child under the age of 2 running around in just a diaper.

I do not go out in public and walk around in just a diaper, heven forbid I did that as I know the local police would have a hayday with that and charge me with all sorts of public disorder charges.

When out in public my diapers are well hidden under my pants and no one can even tell I am wearing a diaper unless I chose to let them know.

However when I am at home, if I chose to walk around my house or yard in just my diapers, than who ever comes around my place had just better bite their tounge about how I am dressed of exspect an ear full from me as to how they are dressed , as I am sure I could find fault with the commond dressed person.

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It does seem like a waste, like serving up a plate of food, looking at it, smelling it, and throwing it away. :( Why not invest in some cloth 'trainers' you can launder like undies, it would be a lot better for the pocketbook in the long run, I'd think.

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