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Where Is Everbody?

Guest dragonmaster4066

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Guest dragonmaster4066
:crybaby: WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO? i miss talking to all the people that i got so used to seeing in the chat. it seems like everyone left but nobody knows why. if i've talked with you in the chat and for some reason your not coming in anymore, please let me know that you are at least ok. I REALLY MISS YOU ALL!!! :unsure: IF YOU ALL WENT TO ANOTHER SITE LET ME KNOW PLEASE. I THINK OF YOU ALL AS FRIENDS AND I MISS YOU!!!
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hey dragon.......

not sure you are really talking about me...but from my experience......chat tends to go in cycles.........people will spend a lot of time in chat for a while.......then they go on to something else for a while.......but often times they return.........its just sort of a keepin things interesting phase.....don't think everyone intentionally leaves at the same time.......i think it's just about maybe the time of year...other activities in the lives....etc.........they'll be back *smiles*

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Jan and Feb are slow months across the board. People like to get a "fresh start" with the new year. They focus on work, pay off bills, try to spend more time with the family, more time offline... and some even try to give up diapers. Eventually, they realize that the things they are shying away from are the things that make work worth the effort. And like others have said, wait till spring break and vacations.

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Some of us are in the room on a regular basis (splodin hefalumps and all!) but it is a bit up and down at the moment.

I must admit it took me a long time to get verified :blush: but at the current U.S -U.K exchange rates i got it at a knock down rate :whistling:

On the whole it does seem a lot more friendly in there since the new system has been in operation, so if you haven't got yourself verified yet i can highly recomend you do.

Look forward to chating to all my new friends in the room.


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