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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Hart's Intro.

Guest Hart

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Hi, I'm Hart, a diaper lover from next door to Santa Claus (from where I'm looking at it, ofcourse). I'm a newbie to the whole "scene" and this whole thing is really bittersweet to me: On the other hand I hate it, on the other hand I always come back to it. Anyway, now that I've done the whole teenage-angst thing in this post... I'm quite easygoing, average Joe, a couple of my great passions being music and cooking. I spend most of my time between genders and on the background, so don't be surprised if there'll be long times of lurking between postings. I guess there isn't much to say here then, you wanna know something, just ask, I don't bite. (Ofcourse, if you ask me to bite, then that's different... But Yeah, let's not go there.)

EDIT: And I forgot to mention that I'm an absolute newbie to the site, found it a few days ago, and since it seems like an OK place, I decided to register.

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Guest Katharsys

Hihi Hart and welcome to the DD :)

Always nice to have someone someone new, and living next door to Santa, you might get a lot of the ABs handing you their xmas wish lists for hand delivery.

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