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  1. So I'm starting a new story based on Kimmy's Keeperverse. This will be a very different spin on things, hopefully everyone will like where I take it. I wanted to add an additional preface now that I have rekindled my spark to write this story. As I originally envisioned this story it will be written in 3 different but intertwined story arcs, so you can expect it to be a long burn, if not necessarily a slow burn. I hope you will all stick with me for this ride. ................................. Ever since she was a little girl, Monica Greene had known that she wanted to be a keeper. In fact if you were to ask her she would gladly tell you that she was destined to be a keeper. Her first memories were around the age of 13 when the whole notion of keepers and pets had hit the mainstream media. Prior to then there had been little public knowledge of the world of keepers and pets, anyone who lived that lifestyle having been dismissed as part of a fetish or kink scene. But all of a sudden there had been a huge wave where thousands of people around the world were experiencing the bond. When major celebrities started showing up crawling down the street on their hands and knees wearing nothing but posh collars on their necks and thick diapers on their rumps the “Bond" as it would become known was suddenly front page news. Monica remembered looking longingly at those news articles in the early days wishing that she could be the one holding that leash and caring for another human as her own pet. The laws around the Bond had at first been non-existent and then slowly evolved to cover areas such as transfer of property and wealth as well as to protect pets from abuse. Sadly one of the earliest laws had decreed that no minor could become the lawful owner of a pet even if they were to experience the bond. At best the parents of said minor would be given the option to adopt the bound pet until such time that the pet and keeper were both of age of majority. Often times however the parents were unwilling to take on this burden as most of these pets were themselves minors and as such had no financial assets or belongings that could be used to support the costs of upkeep. Many of these pets wound up being surrendered to pet orphanages as once they had experienced the bond they became quite helpless which would of course place the extra burden of caring for them on their biological parents, most of whom could not handle it. To make matters worse, once bound these child pets became extremely unruly and subject to extreme behaviors due to the stress of being separated from their keeper. The pet orphanages were few and far between often leading to children being kept hundreds or even thousands of miles from both their biological and bound family. Due to a lack of government funding, the orphanages were often overcrowded and under maintained. With so few families willing to make the journey to visit these lost pets there was nobody to complain of the conditions and so they persisted. The orphanages of course offered adoption programs but the vetting procedures were extremely strict and the fees associated with adoption were often exorbitant. Sadly there was an extreme level of premature deaths in these facilities, often times it would be the pets themselves that found a way to end their extreme loneliness. There were also legally sanctioned means to have pets in these facilities put down. The laws in this regard were strict but at the same time it was not hard for the facilities to put together a convincing record of violent behaviour or significantly failing health to meet the criteria laid out. Monica had known about the existence of the orphanages for a long time but had never given much thought to them as she was convinced that she would ultimately find her own pet naturally one day. Despite her early longings to be a keeper it had been no big loss to her that by the time she turned 18 she had not made the Bond as there was no way that her family would ever be able to afford taking in said pet in any case. Her interest in being a keeper had dwindled somewhat for a few years after turning 18 as she was finding that the world of being an adult was somewhat harder than it appeared from the outside and she began to realize that having another human to care for wasn’t necessarily what she wanted right now. Around the age of 22 she found her desire to become a keeper and make the Bond had been rekindled. She would go out shopping or to bars and find herself looking at complete strangers, staring deeply into their eyes hoping for the Bond to magically happen. She had even begun making trips to pet stores, hoping that perhaps someone wanting to be a pet would find themselves in the same store at the same time and the bond would happen. She even found herself buying pet products, preparing herself for the day that she would finally make her bond. She became so convinced that being perfectly prepared was the key to making her bond that she bagman sampling the products to determine which ones were best. At first its was just trying on a collar to see how it felt or testing nuzzles and other restraint products to see how good they were. She sampled some of the foods, hoping to find only the most nutritional and flavorful brands to feed her pet. She had even tried on some of the pet diapers, convincing herself that she needed to know which were the most comfortable to wear, after all the were an essential part of the pet wardrobe. Of course she then convinced herself one day that she needed to know which ones fulfilled their purpose the best and so she began to use them just to see. One morning Monica went a little bit overboard in trying to sample multiple products at once. She had picked what she had felt was the most comfortable collar along with the strongest leash and tether point. After diapering herself in what she thought was the best choice she clipped the leash into the locking tether point and proceeded to don a pair of pet paws. Unfortunately for Monica, she had failed to consider any of the repercussions of the gear she was donning. After deciding her product test was successful, Monica went to get the key to release the leash from the tether, as she swiped at it with the clumsy pet paws it slid to the far edge of the table and fell off, well beyond her reach. Her next considered option was to use her phone and call for help, as much as she knew it would be embarrassing to have a friend rescue her in this situation she most definitely needed help. What Monica had forgotten was that phones, like most modern technology had also adapted to the world of pets and keepers. As she was so keen on having a pet, Monica had purchased a phone which had “Paw Link" technology embedded. Essentially the phone would lock itself out into a pet mode when it sensed pet paws trying to activate it and only allow very few basic commands. As she had not set up any of the commands in the phone she was unable to use it for anything. And so she was stuck, tethered to a wall wearing a thick pet diaper with only a bowl of pet food and water to keep her company. Over the next several hours her phone had rang or chimed numerous times with calls and texts but she was unable to respond to any of them. Within a few short hours nature made its call and Monica found herself with no choice but to wet the diaper that so thoroughly encased her loins. What was worse though was that her hunger continued to grow. After a while she was unable to resist the hunger pangs and found herself eating the pet food. The high fiber pet food designed primarily to ease a pets bowel movements. About 9 hours into her ordeal Monica was forced to use the somewhat sudden pet diaper for those purposes too. By this point she had convinced herself that she was bound to die alone in her home tethered to a wall in a more than well used diaper. Somewhere after that point she had fallen asleep after sobbing endlessly. Monica did not know how long it had been but she was woken by the sounds of her front door opening, the security system making its familiar chime. “Monica" yelled an all to familiar voice, “I know you are home, I saw your car out front. Why did you ditch me today?” Sam, it had to be Sam, of all of her friends why did Samantha have to be the one to come and find her? “What is that small, your house smells terrible, where are you?” Those words preceded Samantha by about 3 seconds as she rounded the corner in to the room. What ensued was about 5 minutes of outright laughter interspersed with statements like “oh my" and “are you", “is that a?”, “did you actually?”. To top it off, Sam's camera flashed no less than thirty times throughout. After the laughing fit finally died off Monica was able to point Sam to the key which she used to release her from the tether on the wall. Sam however maintained a firm grip on the leash. “Monica, Monica, Monica” she exclaimed. “How are we ever going to explain this silly little situation? After all, I know that you are not a pet, all you have spoke about for years is being a keeper" “Please, I will do anything, nobody can know about this" Monica was struggling to find the words. “I was just trying things to make sure they would be perfect when I get my pet.” “ So I see" Sam replied, “ I must say that I think you went a little too far though. In any case let’s get you cleaned up". With that Sam led Monica, who had no choice but to crawl with the pet paws and the shameful state of her diaper, to the guest bathroom in the hallway. Sam helped Monica into the tub and ever so carefully removed the befouled diaper from her friends rear end. She then proceeded to help Monica wash up, all the while leaving her trapped in the collar and pet paws. She led Monica into the master bedroom and up onto the bed and helped her towel off. In one swift motion before Monica could respond she had unclipped the leash, wrapped it through its handle around the bed post and clipped it back to Monica’s collar leaving her effectively trapped. “Now I need you to tell me where you keep them..” “Keep what?” Monica stammered. “Your diapers silly" “But I don’t need them, and they aren’t mine, I was just trying them to see how they fit.” “ I know that you don’t “need" them but they are most certainly are yours. I think that maybe you have gone a little crazy with this whole pet thing. You have my word that I will keep my silence about this incident but there will be consequences. First, you will wear your diapers and use them for this entire week. Secondly, next weekend you will be my pet and live the whole experience. I promise not to expose you to people that we know but you will live the life of a pet for the weekend. If you agree I will delete all of the pictures from my phone and never speak of this again.” “I… um…I…I guess so. Yes… whatever you want Sam. Please don’t tell anybody. They are in that closet behind the stack of boxes.” With that, Sam went over to the closet and rummaged until she was satisfied with her find. To Monica’s horror she came out with a bag of the thickest diapers on the market, with a bright pink cover and girlish designs all over. The truth be told, they were extremely comfortable but Monica knew that she would have a very hard time hiding them for the whole work week. “I think these will do nicely don’t you? After all I wouldn’t want you to have an embarrassing leak.” Y-y-y-yes those look fine. Thank you for keeping this a secret.” Sam proceeded to pull out one if the diapers and snugly tape Monica into her new padded prison. With a stern reminder not to violate the rules this week Sam released Monica from the collar and leash and left her to commiserate.
  2. Heya all! My name Is benji, I
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