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  1. Chest 20"/ Shoulder 17.5"/ Sleeve 8"/ Length 29.5"/ Collar to Snaps 39" w/ stretch. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S4-AfkCaYr0BHaGw8_W0xpH_0JjR2dDN?usp=share_link
  2. Julie was running as fast as she can from the party that her friend hosted that got busted by cops. She found a window open in a quiet house that looked like nobody was home. After landing in it. Julie decides she will spend the night here. She was a little buzzed still from the drinks she had. Julie sat down then layed her head against some what she thought were pillows. She then picked one up and said "Wait a second these arnt pillows they are diapers! Just what I need! What is this place?" Julie puts on the thick diaper which perfectly. She then stands up and looks at the childish design room, crib, and closet full of clothes. Julie surprised "Oh a daycare! Makes sense and look here we have some cute clothes! They look like they will fit perfectly on me!" Julie then puts on a pink flower skirt overalls that barely covered her diaper. Then looked in the mirror and said "oh yea looking good. Fifty flavors of cute right here". Julie then feels her bladder needing released then let's it all out in her diaper "oh I'm totally filling my diaper up. Is this what freedom feels like!" Julie then grabs her wet soggy diaper and starts rubbing it "oh what's this! Oh my this feels so good. So squishy and warm. I might...uh...hmmm.. oh my I'm such a naughty girl" Julie then gets super tired and falls asleep. Julie then wakes up but finds her diaper clean. Confused who had changed it. The window has been locked. "Whoever changed me must have locked the window. How do I get out of here!" She then looks at a tall window typed door. Julie sees a lock and chain on the other side. She starts to get on her tipy toes to try and unlock it but shes way to short to reach it! She trys to yell out for help but no use. Julie sees a mommy like women enter the door way then yells out "Hey there must be some mistake I'm not really a child. I know how it looks but someone changed me already. I don't belong here and..." Julie then pauses and see a officer come in with the women. The women says "sorry I can't be anymore help officier". The officer then says "well if you do see her let me know". The women picks up Julie then says "What do you need darling?". As Julie is picked up. She wets herself from the officier standing right by holding his radio. Julie trys to play along till officier leaves. She then says in babyish tone "I need diapie changed!" The officer then looks at Julie and says to women "she looks a little big for diapers don't you think?". As the women lays down Julie on the changing table and opens her wet diaper "yea but don't let that fool you she deffinatly does need them. This is her third diaper change today! Isn't that right little stinker. Ran right through her little tummy didn't it? Do you need fed some more sweetie?". As Julie gets up from her diaper change she is super hungry. Julie then says "yes oh my god I'm starving. I mean... baby very hungwy." The officier still a little confused then says "you sure she's not to old. To me she looks to big to be in daycare much less nurse on a boob." Then Julie confused and in her head said to herself "Wait did he say.... nurse on a boob" then Julie sees the women put her huge boob right in Julie's face. Then the women says "your meals already cupcake" The women picks up Julie then the officier says "well your the expert but gosh.. kids these days" the women then pushes her boob closer to Julie's mouth with Julie having a super shocked look on her face and can't believe what she's about to have her do. Then the women smiles and says "they look so mature don't they?" Julie then having to play along starts sucking on the women's boob and starting to feel the milk enter her mouth then start to drip off her face. The women then says "it's all that fast food chemicals and formula they grow up on. Little girls need the real thing" As Julie kept drinking she felt her bowls release. A huge amount of poo entered her diaper. From all the drinks she drank it was super slushie and mushy. The diaper sagged super low in her humiliating situation. The officier then smells the horrible present she made in her diaper then says "that's my cue to leave". The women smiles and says "that's right sweetie get it all out" After Julie's humilating situation. The women then starts changing her diaper. "Peeyeew looks like my girl left me a big present in her diaper. We got to cut back on that big girl food and get you back on baby food" After Julie's diaper change she sees the clip board to sign out of nursery and tells the women "Hey so thank you for the diaper change and all. It looks like it's closing time so il just sign myself out". The women then snatches the clip board "oh I don't think so. Your coming home with me. Il take good care of you before somebody comes to claim you". Julie shocked "oh that's really not necessary" as Julie said that the women swooped up Julie and carried her in her arms and said "but you need a mommy to change your diapers and I got every size diaper imaginable. You can stay in my nursery. It was getting lonely with just me and my cats. The nursery is built for someone my size but your big for your age anyway" As the women walked outside with Julie to her car. Julie confused "big for my age? But I'm not a baby". The women waved to officers "evening officers. Ever find that college girl?". The officier said "no but don't worry ma'am. As per your request we will be stationed here till she shows up" The women smiled then said to Julie "did you hear that? Were going to have a fun time together... for a long time!" After arriving at the woman's home. Julie was carried into the home then up into the nursery room. To Julie's surprise it was a full adult size nursery just fit for her age. The woman then pulled down the crib bars and placed Julie inside then pulled the bars up trapping her inside. It was impossible to escape. Julie wasn't able to hop over or anything. Then the woman quickly shot her with a needle that weaken Julie. Julie's legs failed and she landed on her diaper butt. Only able to crawl around on her hands and knees. "Please let me out. I'm not a baby! I demand to be let go" Julie yelled out. The woman smiled then plopped a pacifier in Julie's mouth. "Now now cupcake your to young to make decisions. Also if I recall the cops are still looking for you. So you can either spend your time in a dirty old prison or stay here as my baby girl. Now which sounds better?" Said the woman. Julie then thought twice. She knew prison would be horrible. So if she had to pick anything I guess it's being this mommy's baby girl. Julie then says in babyish tone "stay with mommy". The woman then smiled. "Good girl. Now lets go over the rules. You will use your diaper for poopie and pee pee. No exceptions. You will call me mommy and mommy will decide when to change your diaper. You will also be breastfed and given a nice baby food diet. If you complain or act bad I will be giving you a good spanking over my knee or even a warm enema to fill your diaper. Since you tried yelling at mommy it's time for a spanking" Julie's new mommy grabbed her from the crib then put Julie over her knee. Then pulled her diaper down and spanked away. "Ow ow ow" SPANK SPANK SPANK. Julie's butt started turning red and she started crying. Mommy then pulled up her diaper and hugged her. "Sorry mommy had to do that but sometimes naughty girls need to be taught a lesson" The woman then slid her hand down the back of Julie's diaper and pushed her finger up Julie's butthole. Julie felt something go up. "Mommy what did you put up my butt" Julie asked. Julie's mommy put her back in the crib "don't worry about it sweetie you'll find out in the morning" Julie then fell fast asleep from the long day. She then woke up and smelled something really bad. "Ewww gross what's that smell? Did I just fart without knowing?" Julie then layed up on her butt and felt something yucky and mushy spread and smear against her buttcheeks and privates. "Noo noo noo I couldn't have! I just pooped my diaper in my sleep! This isn't happening! I'm not some dumb baby" Julie's mommy walks in the room "well good morning sweetie. Uh oh I think I smell someone made a big stinky poopy in her diaper. It's ok sweetie your just a baby you can't control yourself. I think someone also needs some feeding little stinker" The mommy then grabs Julie and heads to the rocking chair. Then places Julie's dirty diaper butt on her knee squishing all the poop again against Julie's butt. The mommy unbuttons her bra. And then grabs Julie's dirty diaper butt with her hand and then pushes her forward. Making Julie suck on her boob. Julie disgusted couldn't do much. All she could do is just suck and hope that her new mommy will change her diaper. The mommy just rocked her back and forth smushing Julie's dirty diaper butt.
  3. Hi, I hope you enjoy this story. In the past I have started lots of stories here and never finished them. I wrote this about a year ago, and posted it to fetlife. I meant it to just be a one off story but a few people asked for more and I kept going. I'm now on part 10. Since I have written so much I thought I should share it here too. It took him a few minutes realize his situation when he woke up, not in his own bed, cramped, wet and uncomfortable. He could see the white rails going up in front of him. "Dammit," he said out loud. He was laying in a 52 inch crib staring up at a stuffed animal mobile. The morning erection which would usually greet him every morning was stifled by the pink plastic cock cage, when it rolled his squished penis hurt. In an attempt to avoid this very thing he'd tried to pee really good before he went to bed, as his wet diaper now indicated. He relaxed and tried to let the pee flow, it wasn't easy but eventually he soaked the already wet nighttime diaper and even felt a little creep out into his sleeper. This was Saturday morning. Normally on a Saturday morning in Summer he'd meet his pal Ted and go fishing on his boat, he instinctively looked at his wrist, and remembered his wife took his watch away. There was no clock in the nursery, I wonder if I could still catch Jim he thought. He sat up in the crib, and thought about getting out, the rails were up be he could get over them if he wanted. Still the rule was that he wasn't allowed out of the crib until Mommy came to let him out. Getting out would be trivial but his wife had set the crib on 12 inch risers meaning that from the top of the rail down to the floor was 55 inches. He stood up and looked down over the rail. Of course the latch they had rigged up was locked with a small padlock. The same kind of small padlock that was keeping his cock locked in it's cage. It's probably really early, she's probably not even up yet. I could just go get some snips and cut the cage off, he thought about the wonderful orgasm he would whack out as soon as he got the cage off and he felt his little guy start to stiffen up and press against the cage again and he moaned in discomfort. This has got to end, he thought. "Bahh", he said as he threw a leg over the rails and got out of bed, he reached his foot down but couldn't quite touch the ground, his soaked diaper sliding against the top rail as he stretched. He tried to reach just a bit farther but lost his balance as his diaper snagged on the rail. He found himself falling and hit the floor with a thud. How the hell did I end up like this, he thought. A month earlier he was in a similar situation, laying on the floor of the guest room wearing a diaper and a cute onesie with bright pink trim and printed with hearts. His diaper was soaked and messy and he was listening to a hypnotic track on headphones, and he was happily suckling a big pink pacifier. He didn't even notice his wife walk into the room until she was looking down at him. She'd got off work early and came home to surprise him. The next few hours were rough, he explained his diaper fetish, and swore over and over again that it had nothing to do with children. His wife was shocked, then upset, then angry, really angry, then sad, really sad. She eventually packed a suitcase and left. She called the next day, and they talked on the phone for hours. Her anger had died down and she'd done research on adult babies, finding out that as he had said the fetish had nothing to do with pedophilia. That evening she came home and they had a long discussion, he explained he'd been doing this since he was a little kid, and that he didn't know why he liked to do it, but he loved it. At her request he showed her all of his stuff, his diapers, his onesies, his bottles and pacifiers. "I'm so sorry, I'm going to bag all this stuff up and throw it away," he said. "Well... I was thinking, I've always had this fantasy of being a tough in charge kind of woman," she said. He laughed, his wife was super sweet and nice and rarely wanted to be in charge of anything. "Seriously don't laugh, and since you know, we can't have a baby, it might be kind of fun if you were my baby." His eyes opened wide, words that he'd imagined his whole life just poured out of his wife's mouth. "Ummm, wha.." he stammered. "But there will be strict rules, you have to understand what hurts me more than anything about this is how you kept it away from me all this time, it's almost like you were cheating," she said. "I'm sorry," he said trying to fight back tears but losing. "It's just so, embarrassing," he said and began to sob. "Oh come to mommy," his wife said and wrapped herself around him and he cried into her shoulder while she gently rocked him back and forth, She supported his head and whispered into his ear, "Your mommies baby now and she loves you so much," in a few moments she felt his cock growing stiff and realized how incredibly horny he was. She pulled off her shirt and undid her bra, then guided her husband's mouth to one of her nipples. "Fussy baby, here you go," she gently said. While her husband latched on and suckled she alternated between rubbing the front of his pants and his nipple. Soon he was unable to control himself and was humping and grinding her legs. She undressed him and then herself then lead him to the bed where they had mind-blowing sex. His cock was harder and went deeper then she'd ever felt, he moaned in rhythm with her. "Yes, baby, yes baby," she began to say as she felt herself heading towards orgasm. "Yes mommy, yes mommy," he said back. They came together, both screaming in a mind shattering orgasm, then collapsed on the bed. "Would you like me to diaper you now?" she asked. "Nahh, I'm good," he replied. She wondered how closely his adult baby desires were connected to just having an orgasm. "That's something we'll have to work on," she said with a laugh. The next day they had the best day of their lives, something they'd always dreamed of doing together, they converted a guest bedroom into a nursery. They bought the biggest crib they could find, which wasn't really big enough, but would have to do. They bought a white table that they converted to an adult sized changing table, and some organizers for diapers and toys. They filled a cart at Baby's R Us, with all kinds of baby supplies and neither one could wipe the big smile off their face. Finally, they ordered several cases of different adult diapers. "That's a lot of diapers," he said. "Well you're going to need them," she replied
  4. I woke up and stretched my legs as far as I could before they were stopped by the white wooden bars of the crib I was laying in. At 5'7" and 34 years old I was quite surprised I could fit in it well enough to sleep and that it could support my weight. In case I needed a reminder why I was in a crib at this age, my wet diaper underneath my footie pajamas covered in adorable alpacas and snapped up and down both of my legs and crotch kept me from forgetting. Oddly enough, I didn't hate it but it really wasn't my thing either. I knew how happy it made my husband seeing me completely dependent on him and he was lucky I loved him so much to agree to this. It wasn't the first time I wore a diaper for him and not even the first time I donned clothes more suited for a toddler, however, it was the first time I had slept in a diaper and in a crib, though I could see by the lack of light coming in from behind the curtains that I still quite a bit of sleeping to do tonight. Every time before tonight when we had played 'daddy/baby' I was diapered, bottle fed, and snuggled while sucking a pacifier and watching a movie. When the movie ended, so would the baby routine. My husband would lie me down and remove my diaper, clean my private area with baby wipes and gently slide my adult panties back on me and tell me over and over how much he loved me and how happy it made him that I would humor this side of him. It was nice to see him so happy. This week would be different. We rented a vacation home a few hours from our house that had an adorable toddler room for a girl around two. It was decorated perfectly with pink and very light blue elephants and butterflies with thick white carpeting and a large play mat with babyish unicorns all displaying a letter of the alphabet. A baby monitor was anchored to the wall above the crib ensuring the hippo and giraffe mobile did not block the view of the baby inside. A changing table fully stocked with changing supplies sat opposite the crib next to a white dresser painted with fun patterns of pink and polka-dots. The rocking chair in the corner near the window looked ever so inviting and I was sure was used many times to calm down a cranky or hungry baby. If it weren't for the adult sized but baby themed diapers that my husband placed next to the stack of toddler diapers you would have never guessed it was a room for an adult. I knew I had better get back to sleep but it was hard to get comfortable. The plastic mattress protector under me was loud and trying to lay on my side was uncomfortable as my diaper was very swollen between my thighs making the position awkward. Laying on my stomach felt better and if I could have fully stretched my legs I would have felt comfortable but that wasn't an option. As I stirred and repositioned myself trying to find that perfect spot I spotted the pacifier I was put to bed with and placed it in to my mouth. I found it surprising that it was the item I enjoyed most when being babied by my husband. Perhaps the soothing feeling it gave me was instinctual or maybe it was just enough to take my mind off other things, like a warm wet and slightly itchy diaper, but at any rate, it did the trick and I found a comfortable position laying down with my stomach on my upper thighs and my padded bottom slightly in the air. I was nervous to what the morning would bring but very excited to be changed into a fresh diaper.
  5. (I've been writing a new story using novelai. Most of the actual text is mine, as I've found that the ai software, needs alot of help.) I've currently written about 25,000 words and this is the first 4000.) It was early, or at least early enough for Las Vegas standards, 10 AM. It was late last night when Nick, Alley, Tom and Diane had all gone out together and had a couple of drinks. Nick says, "Guys I can't believe we are here, it's Vegas Baby!" They walk through the casino, the sounds of slot machines ringing. Diane says, "What are we doing today, what's first?" Nick says, "I think we should head over to the hotel and check in." Tom askes, "OK so when are we doing this VR thing, I'm really stoked to try it?" Alley follows behind, distracted as she is doing some searches on her i-tap and half her vision is filled with a list of girly boutiques she'd like to shop at. Diane and Tom are holding hands. Tom asks, "Hey are you coming with us?" Alley responds, "Uh, sure. We should do something first right, I mean isn't that why we came to Vegas?" Nick turns back and looks annoyed and says, "OK, so let me guess you want to go shopping?" Alley snaps out of her reverie and responds, "No, well I mean not yet, but it would be good to see some stores and then after the VR I'd like to check out some places. Diane checks the VR hotel on her i-tap and tells the group, "Guys its 10AM we can't even check in until 3PM and the VR doesn't start until 5PM, so we have plenty of time. Alley, where do you want to go?" Alley thinks about it for a moment and says, "Well there is a nice shopping area near the hotel called the Fashion District. I looked at a map and it seems to have some cool shops, plus I can grab some food. Nick gives Diane an annoyed look, and she responds with a sarcastic grin, "OK, yeah, that sounds good, you guys hit up Fashion District and Tom and I will go the sci-fi museum, right buddy?" Tom says, "Uh, Yeah I guess that sounds fine. Alley you have a map in your i-tap?" Alley nods yes. As they get to the main entrance of the casino and step out onto the hot Las Vegas day and see a massive crowd of people. There are signs for a concert at the hotel, a massive pop-star, the music can be heard even where they are. Tom says, "Wow, it's busy." "OK, lets meet up at 1 PM for some food, how about a Chinese buffet?" Diane asks. Nick responds, "Sounds good, see you later guys." Alley and Diane, walk off towards the Fashion District, while Nick calls an uber with his i-tap. "Dude, look at that old guy over there with the phone, wow, even here in Vegas there are old fashioned people." Nick says as he points at the man with the phone. "Oh yeah, that's crazy, I wonder how old he is?" Tom responds. "He has to be like 45 or something, what a dinosaur. Hey, check it out, that's our ride," Nick points to a red car and the two men jump in. *** Later that evening. Nick, Tom and Alley and Diane, have completed their check-in at the VR hotel, and are walking to the intake center. The place is mostly empty as a majority of the clients purchase short 2 or 3 hour sessions during the day and not the expensive overnight session that Nick has purchased. The group had been arguing for an hour about which simulation to enter. Nick stops and turns to Diane, "I'm just saying, you picked that restaurant and it was horrible, so why don't you just let me pick the simulation." Alley adds, "I liked the restaurant, I'm sorry that you didn't. Anyway, I don't know why you guys are fighting, the fact is Tom and I don't have an opinion and which simulation we do, as long as it's not too violent or confusing. So just make up your minds." "I just think we should try a star wars, where we can fly star ships, and stuff," Nick says. Tom adds, "Yeah, but we could just watch the movies, it would be alot cheaper.” “Bro, I told you my Dad hooked us up, he’s like a shareholder or something, don’t worry.” Diane said, “I'm sure you would prefer some Science Fiction nonsense, but Alley and I would prefer Rivendell." "I don't care, it's your decision." Alley said. The group enters into the VR lobby, it's a stark white environment, like a medical office. A middle aged woman is behind the counter smiling. She is wearing a stark white uniform and smiles professionally as the younger group walks up to the counter arguing. "Hello, welcome to AVR, my name is Jennifer, and I will be your technician for today's experience, please state your name and reservation code." Nick, still annoyed, says, "Hi Jennifer, I'm Nick, umm. I don't have my code." Jennifer professionally hides the annoyance from her voice, "Can you check your email on your i-tap sir, the confirmation code will be there." "Look, I'm Nick Lutz, and I've signed up and paid for a group session for 4. Here are the 4 of us, can't you just look up my name or something." "Yes sir, Mr. Lutz. Please give me one minute to look up your reservation." Alley steps up, "Hi Jennifer, can I ask a quick question? We can't seem to agree on the simulation, I'd like a fantasy simulation and he," Alley points at Nick, would like to do Star Wars. Jennifer is distracted by the question while trying to look up Nick's information. She finds herself growing more annoyed at these rude young people. "Excuse me ma'am, I need a minute to find the reservation. Then I'll be happy to answer." Another technician who had been listening in, steps forward and says, "Hi, my name is David and I'm the manager on duty, I'd be happy to answer your question." "Yes, David, thank you. Some of us want to do a fantasy simulation and the guys would prefer something in the Sci-Fi genre, any chance we could do both?" Diane asks. David answers, "Actually, we have a special today, if you purchase 4 sessions. Oh wait, no you paid for the group discount, you have to all do the same simulation. I'm sorry. These sims use tremendous computing power. You would not believe the electricity and heat load of this place. Sorry, we can't offer two." Tom adds, "How much would it cost to do two?" David smiles, "Well, the 12 hour hour package you’ve already paid for would be $1000." Tom feels his throat gulp, "Oh, umm... yeah that's alot of money." "OK I have your reservation here sir, but I still need that confirmation code for security purposes." Jennifer says. "Geeze, fine," Nick says and uses his i-tap to fill his vision with his email account, he finds the message from AVR and reads off the 6 digit code to Jennifer." Jennifer types the code and then says, "I have you and 3 others, can I have their names?" "Alley, Diane and Tom," Nick responds. "OK, looks like the decision is already made, the science fiction simulation has already been selected when the reservation was made." "You mean we've been arguing about this for an hour and you already made the decision!" Diane yells at Nick. Nick responds, "Whatever, I can't be held responsible, I asked what you wanted and you didn't respond, so I made a decision. Listen Jennifer, my friends are being idiots and my girlfriend would rather do Rivendell, whatever the hell that is, so just change it.” “I’m sorry sir, I can’t it’s already loaded, there will be a substantial delay,” Jennifer said. "Guys, calm down. OK, I'm ready for space ships or whatever." Alley says. David gives Jennifer a stern look, "Guess you’re off the hook, You think you can handle it from here?" he asks. "Yes, David, no problem. Please continue." Jennifer says. Nick is looking annoyed again, and David notices, and says, "You'll have a good time, the system is fantastic, and I guarantee you won't know you are inside the simulation. Jenn, I'm heading out for the night, I trust you'll take good care of these folks." David says and exits the room. "Thanks, David. Yes, sir, I'll take good care of them." Jennifer says and the group all notice a hint of sarcasm. "OK, please follow me," Jennifer leads the group into a side door with modern smoky glass windows. There is a conference table and comfy chairs, "Please have a seat." "Now, a few questions first, how many of you are virgins to Advanced VR?" Alley, Tom and Diane all raise their hands. "Ok, you're not alone, VR has come a long way since the days of goggles, and now thanks to the i-tap our system can connect directly with your senses and provide a very vivid dream-like experience. So, the only way to truly experience this is to do so. Just remember that while things will seem very real to you, they are not real. For instance you may get hit with a stormtrooper blaster, and you'll feel a sting, but you're not really hurt. The simulation will also make sure that you don't die." "What if I jump off a cliff?" Diane asks. "If the simulation allows it, you'll jump off a cliff. And if you would die from a fall, you won't, instead you'll just have a rough landing, maybe feel a bit shook up," Jennifer answers. "OK, I think we get it, can we start now?" Nick asks. "Of course, but because you've paid for a premium overnight simulation, there is the matter of protection." "What do you mean by protection?" Tom asks. "Well, in order for the VR experience to be authentic, the body will react the way it normally would, and so in order to preserve the authenticity of the experience, you will need protection." "What kind of protection?" Alley asks. "We have a variety, in the restrooms you will find shelves with pull on and tabbed briefs of different sizes and absorbencies, I recommend the thicker ones for an overnight experience." Jennifer explains. "You mean like diapers?" Tom asks. Jennifer smiles, "Yes, they're not really diapers, but they work similarly. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." "I'm Tom and there is no way I'm wearing a diaper," he says. Jennifer's face becomes stern, "Did any of you not even read a brochure, or look us up online, the overnight experience makes it clear that you will have to wear protection.” “I didn’t read that, no one told me,” Tom said. “Sir, this is the standard procedure. You signed an agreement, if you can't do it, you will not be able to participate in the simulation." Diane is annoyed and says, "Let's get this started." "Nick you didn't say anything about diapers, and you said you did this before?" Alley asks. "Umm, I just did a one hour session, but the website said nothing about diapers." "It's there, you just didn't read it, Sir," Jennifer says, "I'm sorry, I need a verbal agreement from everyone, or we will not start." Nick is clearly annoyed, "Fine, whatever." "Great, go on and get changed, make sure you have a bowel movement if you need to and after you've put on your briefs leave your clothes in the cubicles and put on the robes. I'm working overnight, and part of my job is to monitor your health, so if I find you need changed I'll take care of that. Also if I find out that you've not put on your brief, I'll just put one on you." "Wow, this is a little embarrassing," Alley says. Nick adds, "I know, but its worth it, I did it before and it's amazing." The guys and girls split off to the men's and women's room to change. Tom walks in the Men's Room and looks around, he sees a shelf with 20 or so adult briefs, and they are not what he expected. Instead of being a diaper with tapes, they are like the kind of underwear you would wear as a child, they just slide up and even feel like cloth. "This isn't so bad I guess," he says. He quickly puts on his brief and walks out. . Alley enters the women's room and is shocked. She was expecting a bunch of diapers, but the shelves have a large variety of styles. The briefs are just like the ones the men are using. "This is pretty weird, but I'll give it a try." She removes her clothing and slides on the brief, "Wow, this feels a little weird, and why did they have to make the print pink," she says. "Oh, come on, pink is your favorite color, you're the most girly girl I know," Diane replies. "True," Alley says from her stall as she slides the brief up her legs and ties the robe on. The group meets back up in the conference room and Jennifer nodes in approval. "OK guys, let me show you the next step, follow me." Jennifer leads the group into a room with four medical style beds, beside each bed is a high tech plastic device on wheels with a digital readout. The room is stark white, perfectly clean and modern. Each of the plastic machines has a thick cord of cables that all run into a computer in the corner of the room. "Please lie down on the bed." Jennifer instructs. Nick and Tom and the girls climb up onto the beds and Jennifer places the device over them and attaches a number of leads to their heads. That interact with the subdermally implanted i-tap devices. Each device had a band that wrapped around their forearm connected with a cable. "You'll feel a tiny bit of pain." She said as a small needle in the band punctured a vein and injected sedatives. For the 12 hour sessions clients would be given a continuous stream of light sedatives, fluids, and sugar. "Now, there are a couple things that you need to know, first off, once I turn on the machine and you enter the simulation, you will not be able to see me. It is extremely important that if you feel a sense of distress or panic, and need help, you just relax. Your simulations are so real that once you enter you won't be able to leave. In fact, you won't even remember you're in a simulation. But you have a safety switch, if you say 'help Jennifer' your simulation will stop and I'll come and talk you through. Just relax and try not to panic, and remember "Help Jennifer." "Wait, is this safe?" Diane asks. "100 percent safe. Now, let's begin. Remember, if you need help, say 'Help Jennifer,' and I'll be there. You're going to be asked to confirm that you are entering AVR and giving consent for our systems to interact with your i-taps. Once that happens the machine will administer a light sedative to help you enter a dream-like state where the simulation takes over." "Can't you just send us directly into the simulation," Tom asks. "That's the next generation of AVR, which is not ready yet. Just click OK, when prompted." Alley see's a wall of text in her vision that replaces the white plastic device hovering above her head. Her AI assistant assures her it's just a standard agreement so she focuses on the OK button and clicks yes. A red light on the plastic device over her head turns green. Soon everyone's devices are green. "Now, it's going to feel like you are drifting off to sleep, don't be alarmed, everything is fine." Jennifer says. Nick closes his eyes, and soon his breathing is steady, and he is asleep, a few minutes later everyone is out. "Geez what a bunch of spoiled brats," Jennifer says. "You know it is my last day here, I could teach these kids a lesson." she continues. She checks their vitals on her tablet and they are all fine. Jennifer goes over the computer which has the Science Fiction simulation loaded. She enters a password that she's seen David use several times and brings up the program index and goes to the kink simulations. As she looks through the list her eyes settle on the most humiliating one in their catalog. Jennifer goes in to adjust some of the settings. "Yeah Nick, you were the biggest jerk, and Alley, you seemed nice enough. "You guys are going to hate this," Jennifer says and chuckles then uses the mouse to click Start simulation sending the group into the "Naughty Nursery" program. Diane is rudely awakened by someone placing zip tie cuffs on her arms. She feels the sensors being yanked off her body and is jerked up. She looks around and sees the same thing is happening to Nick, Tom and Alley. "Wait, what the hell is this," Diane yells. A large muscular man is holding her zip ties. "Hush now baby, just relax, Big Daddy is here to take care of you" He says. "Look, I'm an adult, what is going on?" The man laughs, "You were an adult, not any more, the Mistress will fix that." He produces a large metal syringe and pushes the plunger. Diane feels her muscles loosen. She see's Tom try to knock his attacker's syringe away, but his arm doesn't move, and the injection is administered. "I don't understand, what are you doing to us?" Alley asks as she begins to lose consciousness. "Just take a nap," the orderly says and Diane feels herself drifting down. "I've got a special surprise for you Nick," Big Daddy says and pulls out a larger 3 inch needle, "It's a special cocktail, guaranteed to make you a pussy." The orderly holding Nick laughs and he is injected with the special cocktail. Nick is confused as his muscles go limp. He tries to resist but can't and as he's falling asleep. Everything turns black. "Guys, I think I had a bad trip, where are we," Nick says as he sits up in the crib, but something isn't right. Tom and Alley are still wake, and then realize they are sitting up in a giant baby crib.. As Nick's vision clears he is in disbelief at what they are wearing, Diane is wearing stretchy girls sleeper pajamas with rainbows and unicorn print, it's obvious she is wearing a thick diaper underneath. Tom has a t-shirt with a cute truck and a name, he lsqunts and reads, "Tomy. on his shirt. His diaper is out in the open and is an exact replica of a baby diaper complete with sesame street characters. "Where is Alley?" Nick asked. Diane looks around the crib and sees a small toy mirror attached to the bars, she looks and is mortified, "No, No what am I wearing, NO." Tom finally is able to sit up, and notices his diaper and looks around, and says, "Nick, what the fuck is this, where are we, and where is Alley?" "I don't know, but it seems like a nightmare, what the hell was in those shots," Nick answers. "I thought I was in a VR Simulation," Diane says. "Me too, I think we're all dreaming, this isn't real," Tom says. "Well I sure as hell hope it isn't real have you seen what you're wearing?" Tom asks. "I'd rather not," Nick says, but he looks in the mirror and sees he is wearing a very sissy blue and pink plastic bubble romper. Embroidered in the front of the chest it says 'Sissy' in flowing letters. "What the fuck is this shit?" "Yeah, this place looks like a nursery, and we're the babies" Tom says. Diane is freaking out, "What's wrong with you guys, look at this," She points at the diaper that is stretching her sleeper pajamas out. Tom tries to comfort Diane, "Hey, its ok, maybe they just loaded the wrong simulation?" "Nick, is that a pacifier clipped to your outfit?" Diane asks. Nick realizes he has a clip on pacifier, and reaches for it. He tries to yank it off, but it's clipped on, he removes the clip but it seems much more difficult than it should have been. "Damn it," Nick says. "Nick, I think you need this," Tom says. Nick ignores Tom and throws the pacifier across the room. "Ok, let's see if there is a way out," Nick says and looks over the bars of his crib. He stands up on the soft bedding and tries to pull himself over the bars of the crib. This should be easy for an athlete like Nick, but he can't seem to get a grip and pull himself up. "Shit, my muscles must still be out, come on help me over the bars," Nick says to Tom. "Ok," Tom says. Tom tries to lift Nick over the bars, and after a lot of struggling they are unable. "Umm, guys, we're different, my strength is way down," Tom says. "It's the drugs, just relax, let's not panic, we're probably still dreaming." "Maybe it's not a dream," Diane says. "Look at your arms, there is no hair on them," Diane says. The two men look at their arms, and their legs and sure enough their bodies have become more youthful. "That's strange, but let's not worry about that now," Nick says. "Oh and Nick, your hair is kind of feminine, it's a little longer and cute looking. And Tom, yours is longer but in a little boy way, its cute," Diane says. Nick and Tom are in shock and both look at each other and then their hair, but they are interrupted. "OK, I'm done with this shit," Nick says and tries to rip off the plastic romper he is wearing, but his strength is not what it was; the fabric stretches, and he can't tear the outfit off. He sees the the romper is snapped around his legs but it's held on with little locks. "What the fuck is going on!" Nick yells in frustration. "Guys, I don't think this is a simulation, this is real," Diane says. "Well whatever is going on I'm not playing." Tom eventually gets under a blanket. and pulls the diaper off down his legs. He wraps the blanket around his waist. "You're right, why don't we just wake up from this crazy nightmare and get the hell out of here," Tom says. "That's a great idea," Diane says. "Oh I remember, Help Jennifer," Diane says, but nothing happens. "That's right, help Jennifer." Nick repeats and again nothing happens. "Guys I don't think this is a simulation, I don't remember the one I did feel this real, and the last thing I remember is entering a room and falling asleep, maybe we were drugged." "This isn't possible, we were in a simulation center, how can we have been drugged?" Tom asks. "You guys, did you see those big needles they injected into our arms, what did they give us?" Diane says. "They had to have been huge," Nick says. "I wonder where Alley is?" he asks. "I don't know, let's look for her," Tom says and they all begin to crawl around the crib, which is filled with baby toys, soft pillows and blankets. "I'm worried about Alley," Nick says, and then looks at Diane, "Diane, did you see what happened to Alley?" Nick asks. "The same thing that happened to us, but she's not here," Diane says. "I wonder if this is some sort of sick game, do you think someone is trying to get revenge?" Tom asks. "Maybe that bitch Jennifer sold us out," Nick says. "You mean the nice lady that ran the simulation, why would she do that, we didn't know her?" Diane asks. "I don't know, let's just figure a way out of here."
  6. How I became an Executive Toy Part 1 Hi, I’m Charlie - six months ago I left school and got a job as an office junior in a large building firm. It’s not a very demanding job but they told me that the prospects were good if I had any aptitude. The office is relaxed but everyone dresses rather smartly, no jeans or t-shirts, and most of the guys wear a suit so I do too. I’m always clean, neat and tidy (mum sees to that) and I hope to do well in this my first ever job. I’m 18, slim, 5’6”, OK looking, always polite (again mum’s doing) and very easy to get along with and often don’t need things explaining twice before I can do what is asked of me. Academically I was lazy, and although did OK in my exams, the thought of university life and more schooling just wasn’t me. I wanted to get work and perhaps have three or four years on my peers before they eventually found themselves on the jobs market. ~ They appear to like me in the office and I’ve become fairly popular with my work colleagues. Almost immediately one of the company directors, Mr Wojciechowski, was very friendly and encouraging towards my ambitions - taking me out on the occasional site inspection with him; as he thought that would give me more of an overall view of what the business was about. He’s witty and you can share a joke with him, when he’s around the entire office a nicer place to work. Not like the other two bosses who are also Polish but in all honesty, scare the shit out of me… very officious and demanding. When we went out to the sites together, and it was at least once a week that I accompanied him on a trip, it all seemed so exciting. At my age, and in my first job, I loved the attention and the encouragement he gave, making me feel special and that I could really go places with the firm. He said he liked the way I said “Yes Boss” when he first asked me to do something for him – I think it was to retrieve a file on the computer system. Embarrassingly, I couldn’t remember his name so I meant to say “Yes Sir.” but it came out as “Yes Boss”, apparently I blushed a bright red at my faux pas. It made him smile. ~ One evening, about 2 months ago, when we were returning to base, he said he had to call home first as he’d forgotten some papers. His house on the outskirts of town is terrific; in its own grounds, very expensive, well decorated and I was pretty impressed. He asked if I wanted anything to drink and, looking at the selection of booze set out on a cabinet, felt like he was treating me as an adult and not as one of the office juniors. He disappeared into another room, which I assumed was to get the papers he needed and after a couple of minutes called for me to go through. I went to help and was surprised to see him standing surrounded by loads of baby paraphernalia - it was like a really well equipped and maintained nursery. Colourful walls with cartoon characters, a crib, toys and piles of clothes and diapers, it appeared to have everything but I had no idea why. The boss was smiling at this revelation and asked me what I thought. I didn’t know what to think. I was a bit shocked but, as I had no idea how to react I sort of mumbled some sort of approval though I have no idea why. His eyes lit up with what seemed genuine happiness. “Glad you like it,” he shrugged his shoulders a little relieved, “it’s one of my… things, you know, to help me relax when I get a bit… stressed.” I’m sure many high-powered businessmen get stressed with their jobs and I suppose they all need an outlet, although I always assumed it was booze or recreational sex and drugs, but hey, what do I know? What I wasn’t sure about was why he was confiding this ‘secret’ part of his life to me. “Er.… it’s all very… er… nice and all but,” I wasn’t sure if I dare ask, “why are you showing it to me?” “Well my dear Charlie, you are one of the few good-looking youngsters in our firm and, if you haven’t noticed, I like you a lot.” ~ I was stunned yet pleased at the same time and took in the fact that even though he was in his late 40s he had a very young out-look. The detour to his place was just an excuse to get me alone but when he pulled me against his strong body and told me how good-looking he thought I was, in truth, I was anxious… although mainly flattered by his attention. I’m 18 and have known since before I was a teenager I’m gay but had never acted on my feelings. However, just about any guy looking at me, or me looking at them, gives me an instant hard-on so, with his masculine firm hands touching me, that’s just what happened. He’s not the greatest looking guy, although for his age I suppose he’s OK, but he is very manly and quite an imposing figure… and more importantly, he’s my boss. Now I know my reaction should have been to throw a hissy-fit or storm out but I was dumb-struck as he slipped his hand into my waistband. He flicked the button loose on my trousers, unaided the zip peeled away and they fell to the floor. Although I was shocked, the feelings he was generating in my groin were incredible and I loved it so, when he dragged everything off, including my shoes and socks, I was more excited by the fabulous sensations than alarmed. “God, you are such a pretty… boy.” He breathed with such passion it sent a shiver down my spine. I was taken aback by this. In fact, I was pretty sure I was about to be raped and I didn’t know what to do. The problem was my cock was rampant, and although I was extremely uneasy, I was shaking in thrilled anticipation. This was it, this was the moment, this was when I was no longer going to be a virgin. I was scared. ~ “Do you know just how fucking cute you are?” He whispered in my ear. I wasn’t sure if he expected an answer but in truth I just lay there like a petrified rabbit caught in headlights. He licked my earlobe and then his warm tongue gently intruded deeper. I didn’t know my ear was so damn sensitive and I giggled and squirmed under his gentle touch. “Oh my God… look at you… you are a picture. Sweet, innocent…” He raised his eyebrows perhaps wondering just how innocent I was, “fuck me I want you as my little baby, my little chicken, my little… toy.” I wasn’t sure what he was getting at but he looked me deep in the eye and asked if I’d like to be his ‘Executive Toy’. My brain could come up with no thought of what that might entail so I nervously asked him what that meant. He replied that I just had to be around when he needed some executive relief. “You mean… er… to…” I was naked and looking into the eyes of a man who thinks I’m adorable but I needed to make sure I knew exactly what it was he wanted from me, “to be your… er… boyfriend?” He smiled a strange smile that I hadn’t seen before and slightly shook his head. “Mmmm, maybe but,” he rubbed my naked belly, “I need someone to join me in the nursery and you would be ideal.” ~ I think he could see the total lack of understanding in my eyes, although the stroking of my tummy was having some effect, he expanded on what he thought. “You look so sweet and, with a slight change of hairstyle and, well, other little changes, I think you would be a wonderful playmate.” He changed from rubbing my belly to softly manipulating my rock hard dick. “I get my relaxation from looking after… a baby. Changing him, playing with him, teaching him stuff, reading stories… generally doing… what a daddy should do.” My mind wasn’t really listening because I was swallowed up by the sensations flowing from my balls along my throbbing shaft. “You would be my surrogate baby and I’d look after you,” he looked down at me and I closed my eyes as my orgasm approached; his fingers working the nerves in my bell-end so I could no longer control myself. “You would become my pretty infant son at weekends and, well, whenever I need you to be a sweet, defenceless, innocent baby.” He stopped his long slow massage. “What do you think? Is it something you might like to… experience?” ~ At that moment I was on the verge of coming and desperately needed him to continue. In my longing I would have agreed anything if only he’d finish me off. He was waiting for a response and, with my dick in his hand I knew there was only one answer I could have given. My heart was pounding with desire. I knew I was agreeing to something but wasn’t that aware of what it was. However, a shiver of craving and a desperate need to come led my thoughts. “Yes.” I breathed. “Anything.” My desire for that orgasm had consumed every other sensible feeling in my body. I just needed to come and with this man holding my cock I was his puppet as he softly stroked it. He smiled and bent down and kissed the tip of my leaking penis. “You’re such a good boy.” His tongue lapped across my piss slit and I could feel my balls bubbling. I was shaking with pure unadulterated lust. This was my first sexual experience with another person, with another man, and I was caught up in the sheer sexy moment. Every nerve in my body was tingling in anticipation and I desperately wanted to drag this hulk of a man on top of me and explode. I wriggled and panted breathlessly as he took a firm hold of my cock. His hot moist mouth covered it and in a couple of smooth silky motions up and down its shaft I did just that. My naked body arched, a mixture of intense sensations gripped every fibre as I shot stream after stream down his throat, his tongue tickling and enticing the nerves at its end, engraving the moment in my mind forever. ~ After I came, there was no pretending; I was in shock, feeling guilty, possibly ashamed and wondering what had just happened and why? What had I done? What signals had I sent out and… my mind was trying to deal with it all. He was smiling and full of praise for me, telling me what a sweet, clever baby I was. Once he’d finished with the praise I think he noticed my shocked and hurt look but he just told me I could go far in the company… if I kept my mouth shut… and my mind open. I also realised that I was now the guardian of a secret but one I had no power to use. I was an office junior and he was the boss, who on Earth would believe me if I told anyone what had happened? ~ My exposed young body was wreathed in sweat and my post-orgasm thoughts were now of embarrassment and shame. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do next so I lay there and let him make the decisions. Despite being unable to look him in the eye I could tell he was a very happy man. “Well done little fella.” He ruffled my hair. “I think you’ll be an ideal playmate but,” he looked at his watch, “it’s time to get you back.” I tried to raise myself up but he just told me to lie still and he’d see to everything. He went around the room collecting various containers and bits and bobs of other things before returning to my visibly shaking naked body. First he used a very soft towel to wipe away all the sweat, followed by some wet wipes that were cool and smelled of menthol. The icy wipe was quite effective as he paid particular attention to my cock and I began to get hard again. He smiled but just shook his head as if to say that the fun was over for the day. He spread lotion around and sprinkled powder before slipping a soft, plastic disposable under my bottom. I wanted to complain. I wasn’t a baby and I wasn’t up for this type of embarrassment but before these thoughts had formed in my head and able to speak, he already had me secured. He held up a couple of pairs of plastic pants wondering which would suit me best. I was still too stunned to pass a comment as he slipped a thick crinkly white pair up and over the bulky diaper. He helped me to my feet. “There,” he said with some pride, “the beginning of… of a new life for us both.” ~ He stood admiring his work for a few seconds. “That’s how I always want to see you dressed.” He picked up my clothes and gave me my shirt and trousers to put back on - my underwear was nowhere to be seen. The loud crinkle from the plastic pants I found unnerving as I pulled my trousers over the thick padding. I could hardly get the zip or button to fasten as I struggled to get them to fit. In the end I had to give up and leave them open as I pulled on my shirt and jacket, socks and shoes. He drove me home and apart from saying that I was to wear a diaper to work in future nothing much else was said. It felt really strange having such a thing between my legs and I was wriggling around in his car seat trying to get comfortable. He was all smiles when he said that I’d get used to it but my mind was now wondering just what I’d got myself into. Mr Wojciechowski seemed very happy and in truth, despite the diaper, I’d enjoyed what we’d done. It was intense and because my first time had been with someone more experienced, it was brilliant. I was still shaking, that’s how good it was. However, now we’d shared such an event I was sure, once he got to know me better; I could change his mind about the disposable and all that baby stuff. I was beginning to feel quite smug that I had got a boss as a ‘boyfriend’ and that we’d be having an ‘affair’ in the office and nobody would be any the wiser. I began to smile to myself about how fantastic this might be for me… and my career. ~ As I got out of the car he passed me a small canvas bag and said it was my uniform and he expected me to wear it in the office the following day. I had no idea what it was but smiled my thanks and said I’d see him in the morning. He smiled back and said he couldn’t wait. My body trembled in expectation. So, as I waddled into the house, mum was waiting wanting to know why I was late. I honestly told her that I was working on an exciting new project with one of the bosses and that I was sure it would be terrific for my future prospects with the firm. Mum was so pleased she hugged me tightly. I suddenly remembered I had thick padding underneath and quickly pulled away and said I needed to change. She was so full of pride she beamed her love across the kitchen. “You’ve got everything you need to go far Charlie, the looks, the sense and that natural friendly ability… I’m sure you’ll be a huge success sweetheart.” “Thanks mum.” I hope you’re right. I got to my bedroom and shucked off my suit. The plastic pants crinkled louder and I just hoped mum hadn’t noticed the sound as she hugged me, if she did she hadn’t said. I looked in the mirror and the bulge seemed so stupid, I shrugged and thought - if this is what it takes to get on in the world… well… I was sure others had had to do worse. Besides, I was convinced that Mr Wojciechowski, despite his weird little ‘stress reliever’, would soon be only interested in having wild and frequent sex with his ‘sweet little Executive Toy’ and would forget all about his ‘nursery element.’ * tbc
  7. This roleplay is about when Perry the platypus is forced into a diaper by the Nanny-Inator in the episode the Baljeatles originally he escapes by wetting his diaper but this time he actually gets caught and gets his diaper changed and trapped more so Perry must escape the Nursery a different way while the Nanny-Inator watches him and treats him more and more like a baby, full diaper usage is allowed if wanted to, and we can go over any other rules and add things if you want to you can choose to be the Nanny-Inator, or Perry the platypus
  8. SoakedinTexas

    DSC 0115

    From the album: Items

  9. I do not own this however i do want to share the lost Stories of Kenk7us with everyone after having a nice person give me all the files THE BIG GIRL Kim stood there sobbing with her nose in the corner where mommy left her. Kim a blonde haired blue-eyed beauty was five ft three inches tall and about one hundred and twelve pounds. She was twenty-four years old and her mommy had no right punishing her like she was two thought Kim. This seemed a pretty silly thought as the young girl stood there with her disposable training pants at her ankles and her hands rubbing the glow away that mommy left on her hinny. Kim was a Para legal for a large law firm down town. She had been there since she had graduated from the local community college two years ago. Kim's mother had always treated her like a little girl, Kim had hoped graduating from college would change things some. But, Kim's mommy had made it clear as long as Kim lived under her roof it was by her rules. Since Kim's mommy also, controlled all her money getting her own place was impossible. Kim guessed it did not help much that her potty training was suspect, she still wet the bed every night and had to ware diapers. The occasional accidents she had during the day explained the training pants. Kim sniffled standing there in the corner feeling so sorry for herself. Why had she been so stupid in the first place? Kim new she was to come straight home after work Then again stopping at a bar with her friend Jayla was strictly a large no no. Mommy had never allowed Kim to go in to a bar ever. Now here it was Friday night and Kim's weekend was already ruined, after all mommy had grounded her. What was she going to tell her date for tomorrow night they were supposed to go to dinner and a movie. Nick and Kim had only been on two dates now this what would she tell him. She had to hope mommy would let her call him, when she got out of the corner. Kim heard the phone ring, and the muffled sound of mommy talking. In a few minutes mommy would come and let her out of the corner. Then her grounding would start, Kim did not look forward to the grounding. Kim was not grounded like most young girls, of course most girls Kim's age were not grounded at all! Kim new what was ahead of her mommies special grounding Kim would spend the weekend as mommies baby girl, no toilet privileges, and complete baby treatment. Kim would be treated exactly like the two year old for the whole weekend. Just about then mommy entered the room " that was that cute little boy friend of yours Nick on the phone dear. He wanted to confirm your play time but mommy told him you were in punishment". Kim blushed red wondering what Nick must be thinking of her now, and then mommy spoke. "Ok baby lets get you to the nursery and get your diaper on before mommies baby has and accident." Kim lay on the changing table legs up in the air as mommy slid the diaper under her. Actually it was two thick white cloth diapers, as mommy powdered Kim's diaper area. The young girl continued to think about her predicament. Her Mommy had opened her bank account when she was eight years old, it required mommies signature for her to withdraw funds. Her check from work was on direct deposit, and mommy always checked on paydays. Sure Kim thought she could change it but only for one check and she would just end of spanked again. Mommy pulled the diapers up between her legs and pinned them tightly, with Kimmy's Poo bear pins. Dressed now in plastic pants and an onsie with Winnie the Poo on the front, baby Kimmy was placed in her playpen." Play nice baby mommy is going to fix your supper now." Kim sighed as mommy left the nursery, what must Nick think of her now. Kimmy relaxed a little and started playing with her legos while she waited for mommy to return. A few minutes later mommy did, helping her out of the playpen and taking her hand. Kimmy ignored her mommy when she said "Is babies tummy ready for din din." Placing Kim in the high chair in the kitchen mommy fed her a dinner of mashed up spaghetti and meatballs, with chocolate pudding for desert. As usual a lot of Kimmy's dinner ended up on her bib and chin. Cleaning the baby up with a wipe she wiped her face and hands. "What a messy baby you are sweetie." mommy said grinning down at her. Kim blushed and looked down, what a weekend she was in for. Kimmy was taken to the living room and placed on the floor to watch cartoons. Meanwhile Mommy went to clean up the dishes, and the rest of the kitchen. Returning to the living room, Kim's mother began speaking. "We have a big day tomorrow sweetie mommy has big plans for us." Kim felt sheer terror "Mommy please we are not going out our we please?" "Yes baby I thought we would go to the park, and visit the petting zoo. Then maybe play at the playground." Kim sighed baby clothes in public again. "Please mommy can't we just stay home. Kim's mommy left the room to run Kim's bath ignoring her. Soon Kim was in the tub being bathed like a baby, quietly playing with her bath toys while mommy washed her all over. Soon she was fresh diapered in three thick over night diapers, and plastic pants. Mommy was busy putting her bugs bunny footed pajamas on her, with the snap crotch. Finished dressing her baby mommy snuggles her and began giving the young girl her night night bottle. Kim sucks slowly on her bottle and falls to sleep dreading the day before her. As the sun peaked through Kim's blind's the young girl rubbed her eyes and looked around. Thinking to herself how bad she wished this was a dream. Lying there in her over-sized crib she wondered what lay ahead, with her day in the park. Kim reviewed mommy's rules in her head, obeying May save her a spanking. Kim was not aloud to talk except as a baby, and she had to use her diapers for everything. This of course would not include the one time in the morning mommy let her sit on her own porcelain potty. Kim was expected to act like a two year old that was not yet ready for potty training. Mommy answered any exceptions with an over the knee spanking when and wherever she felt Kim needed it. Kim wondered what time it was, and how long she would have to lie there in the wet diaper she was wearing. She also was beginning to feel signs of her morning bowel movement. If mommy did not come for her soon there would be no need for the potty. Kim stood up and looked over the railing of the crib. Just as she was going to yell for mommy, preferring the potty to a messy diaper, the nursery door opened. "Good morning sweetie did mommy's baby sleep well. Kim nodded, noticing her mommy was smiling from ear to ear. Lifting the girl from the crib, mommy carried her to the changing table. "My you are such a wet baby this morning/" then removing her pj's and her diaper Mommy leaned down and blew raspberries on her belly. Kim could not help herself as she giggled. "Does mommy's baby need to make poo poo this morning" Kim nodded as her mother spoke "Ask mommy if you can make poo poo on the potty baby." Kim blushed looked straight at mommy and spoke "Mommy can I pwease make a poo poo in my potty." Sitting Kim on her potty in the middle of the nursery, mommy left to make coffee and fix her babies breakfast. "Come get mommy sweetie, when your finished with your poo poo." Kim sits there doing her business feeling so humiliated. The young girl knew the weekend was only beginning! Finishing her business Kim set there for a moment not wanting to walk to the kitchen naked to get mommy. After a few minutes she got up and walked slowly to the kitchen. As she walked in the kitchen she froze, sitting at the table was Mrs. Olsen the next-door neighbor. "Baby mind your manners say hi to Mrs. Olsen." Kim stood there blushing"good-morning ma'am". "Good Girl now lets go get your hinny cleaned up and get you a nice fresh diaper." Later sitting in her high chair sucking her pacifier Kimmy waited for her breakfast as the two ladies chatted. Mommy sat some cereal on her tray pulled up a stool and started feeding Kimmy. The young girl ate it all and mommy began feeding her some strawberry yogurt, at least it was one of Kimmy's favorites. After mommy cleaned her face and hands, she invited her friend to the living room. As the ladies talked and drank coffee. Kimmy was pulled up on mommy's lap and given her morning baa baa. While Kimmy drank her bottle mommy cooed and rocked her and chatted with her friend. Kim would not mind this part so much if not for the company. She had always really like being cuddled by her mommy. After she had finished her bottle and was being burped. Mrs. Olsen walked over and kissed Kim on top her head and said her goodbyes. Now sitting on mommy's lap Kim looked at the clock it was eight fifteen am. Mommy told Kimmy to sit on the floor and turned the TV on. "Watch some cartoons, and behave sweetie, while mommy gets things ready for our big day." Kim dreaded what was to happen next. She also dreaded what she would have to wear, much less having her diaper changed in the park! Kim watched the cartoons, and tried to forget how humiliating this all was. The cartoons did not help at all. Strapped in her over sized car seat, it was a little after nine am as they headed for the park. Kimmy was dressed in a yellow t-shirt, and a pair of yellow shortails. The shortails had a picture of the Tasmanian devil on the front, short pants with a snap crotch. The ensemble was completed with white ankle socks with yellow trim and white tennis shoes three quarter length. They actually looked just like baby shoes. Mommy had fixed Kimmy's hair in pigtails and tied yellow bows around them. Kim sucked on her pacifier as they drove. Mommy had pinned the paci to her shortails with some more of the yellow ribbon. Arriving at the park, Mommy instructed Kimmy to play with her dolly and wait for mommy. Kimmy sat in the car seat as mommy made several trips from the car to the spot she had chosen. Mommy had packed everything, including a big blanket, lawn-chair, and several toys for her baby. She also had a pic nic basket full of goodies, and a large overstuffed diaper bag. Mommy fetched Kimmy from the car with a big smile on her face. "We are going to have so much fun today baby are you excited?" Kimmy just held her mommy's hand and looked at the ground as they walked to the spot mommy had chosen. Kimmy thought what a good site her mommy had chosen indeed. It was right next to the play ground and less than one hundred yards from the entrance to the petting zoo. Kimmy's mommy took her to the petting zoo first. Kimmy did enjoy the animals. She was allowed to pet a goat, a donkey, and many other cute little critters. The zoo might have been fun if not for the people staring and the children pointing and giggling at her. Never the less mommy and Kimmy stayed for almost two hours. Making matters even worse for the past thirty minutes or so Kimmy was wet. Returning to their pic nic site mommy immediately lay Kimmy down on the blanket. She then unsnapped her crotch and made a big deal about how wet her baby was. Kim thinking she was going to die endured a very slow diaper change. Lying there she could see people walking by and looking away. One lady even covered her four or five year olds eyes while he giggled. Even with all this going on, and people everywhere. Mommy made no effort to hurry; she even took time for a few more raspberries. Kimmy just layed there and giggled and squirmed. Soon after they had lunch, followed by Kimmy lying on mommy's lap and having her nap-time bottle. As she drifted off to sleep Kim wished she new how to fight all this. The truth was she did not dare. Mommy had spanked her in public before. Waking from her nap a little over and hour later. Kimmy went through another diaper change, to mommy's credit much quicker than the one before. Mommy then announced that it was time for the playground. Taking Kimmy by the hand she walked her straight to the swing set. Helping her baby into one of the box swings, she began to push her back and fourth. Kimmy felt she could see the whole park from her swing and watched many different people doing different things. Kimmy noticed a jogger, thinking from a distance he was kind of cute. As Kimmy continued to watch him he ran directly toward her. When Kimmy finally got a good look at him her eyes began to tear. Oh my god she thought its Nick! CH 4 Nick stopped right in front of the swing his mouth wide open. "Kim!!!!!!!" Kim just sat their teary eyed blushing, "say hi to Mr. Nick baby " said Kimmy's mommy. Kim not wanting to displease her mommy spoke. " Hi miser Nick how you today". Nick just stood there with a confused look on his face. Searching for the right words what do you say when you find your girlfriend like this? Dressed like a baby obviously diapered, and sitting in a box swing. To make matters worse she talks like a baby. Nick cleared his throat and said. "Kim what is going on here, explain yourself if you can. Kim your twenty four years old for pete's sake." Kim just sat there sucked on her pacifier and cried. Her mother spoke to Nick, "young man my daughter is being punished, this is part of her grounding." Nick just stood there and looked at the girl he thought he was in love with and sighed. Nick suddenly turned and walked away. Kim looking at him leave screamed his name "Nick ,Nick" but he never looked back. Kim just sat there balling wondering if she would ever see him again. Then again if she did how would she ever explain? Kim's mom lifted her out of the swing and tried to soothe her tears. She carried the girl over to the blanket and sat down with Kim still in her lap. Rocking her baby back and forth she slowly calmed Kimmy's tears and decided it was time to go. There seemed no mercy for Kim locked in her personal hell. The trip home included a trip to the grocery store. More humiliation as Kim was made to ride in the grocery basket, and had her diaper changed in the ladies room. Naturally they had to wait in line for the changing table. Finally back at home Kim had been fed her dinner, bathed, and placed in her white-footed pajamas with little princess on the front. She could not help but think of Nick, was he the guy in her dreams. Now she sighed to herself she would never find out. All she had was another day of punishment to look forward to. Nick after leaving the park went straight to his apartment, and took a shower. He could not get the seen out of his mind. Sure he realized that Kim was being forced, but why did she put up with it. As he got behind the wheel of his SUV, he had no idea where he was going. Nick just needed to drive and think, so he just drove. As the young man recounted what he had seen. He also remembered the first couple dates they had together. How pretty she was, and how much fun they had. He had noticed she seemed different from other girls. He had not suspected for a minute what the difference was. He tried to put her and her troubles out of his mind. As he drove through the countryside darkness fell, and he stopped at a small café for coffee. As Nick drank his coffee he could not get Kim out of his mind. How she made him feel was new to him. He knew that what he had seen did not make a bit of difference to him. He was in love with the girl, but really did not know how she felt about him. He knew he wanted to help her one way or the other, but what could he do? As Nick pulled into Kim's driveway he was one determined young man. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, and waited. When Kim's Mother opened the door just a crack, Nick pushed his way in. "What do you think you are doing Nick? "yelled Kim's mom. " I am here to see Kim," and he walked in to the living room. Kim was sitting there in her playpen, playing with some toys. "Kim if this is what you want I will leave, but if you want your freedom I will help." Kim dropped her pacifier from her mouth, could he really help? "Nick what adult would want this but what can we do." Nick smiled and started to speak, but was interrupted by Kim's mother. "Young man do you want me to call the police, leave my house now!" Kim stood up in the playpen feeling fearless for the first time in her life. "Shut up Mother, just exactly what do you intend to tell the police. That you treat your twenty four year old daughter like a baby." As Kim's mother stood there with her mouth open, Nick helped Kim out of her playpen. "Shall we go then." "Yes said Kim. Mother I will be back for my things tomorrow, and don't make me get a lawyer to get my money! Kim's mom just looked at the ground as the pajama clad young girl and her young man walked from the house. Nick smiled seeing Kim in the front seat of his blazer and held her hand. Kim reflected on her new found freedom, and smiled back at him. Knowing she had finally stood up felt good. Looking deep in to Nicks eyes Kim could not help but ask her self, does Nick know anything about potty training??? The End
  10. From the album: Bottleneck Baby's Art

    Found these images online, they were credited to Bottleneck Baby so I'm doing the same here. They look like they cold be early work.
  11. From the album: Bottleneck Baby's Art

    Found these images online, they were credited to Bottleneck Baby so I'm doing the same here. They look like they cold be early work.
  12. From the album: Bottleneck Baby's Art

    Found these images online, they were credited to Bottleneck Baby so I'm doing the same here. They look like they cold be early work.
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