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  1. This story is an RP that Mr. Hoo and I have been doing for over a year on Daiaperedanime.com. Due to reasons we are migrating it over here to DD. This is a wrestling story were Professional Wrestling is real, and set in a world of furs and humans. Our main characters are the titular Wrestle Princess, Gabriel Angel, and Carl a tom cat who is Gabby's manager and daddy. I hope you all enjoy. Message me any comments or critiques. This story is over a year old, so formatting and styles have changed over time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G: A pair of eyes open, they see a bright light. Perhaps this is it. Perhaps for this peron time is up. Maybe they should move forward to the light. But suddenly, that light flickers "Wh-wha...." His thoughts trail off and he feels something. Something weighing him down. He suddenly sees what looks like the hand of judgment coming down from the light. The light flickers again and it then looks like the hand of some white guy. The camera goes to third person as our hero gasps remembering where he is. He looks over to see the referee counting the pin. "One-two-th-" instincts takeover and our here bridges onto his head and turns onto his stomach so his shoulders can't be pinned on the matt by his opponent. "Kick out" called the ref. From here we get a good look at our hero. Slightly shory and chunky in build, his brown forehead covered in sweat, his long black hair a bit of a mess. He suddenly gets hoisted up by his muscular singlet wearing opponent, that appears to be a brown anthropomorphic bear, then attempts a gut wrench slam. But our hero rolls with it in the air and lands on his feet. We can now see that our hero is wearing nlack trunks and white knee pads. After reversing the slam our hero turns the tables by spinning away from his opponent and grabbing him by the neck and dropping him face first down with a sick looking Cutter. He pushes his opponent on his back before hooking his head and leg for a technical pin. "One-two-three!" The ref counts "Pinfall!" He calls as our hero stands up and shakes the adrenalin off. "Here's winner Gabriel Angel!" A mid western voice calls over the pa system as a crowd of about 50 people cheer. The camera gets a sweeping shot of the literal high school gym they had the match in. It looks dingy and worn down. Heck the lights above keep buzzing and flickering. The ref raises Gabriel's hand and he leaves the ring and heads to the locker room. He sees some other wrestlers in there getting warmed up for their matches. Some are young like him, some look way too old to be wrestling. Some are dressed in basic attire, some are trying to do flashy gimmicks."What do you think of the name Tiger Slayer Tom?" One guy clearly named Tom asks his lizardman friend who's still getting dressed. "But you're facing a cheetah today" the lizardman explains as Gabby goes by and heads to the locker he is using. He sees another human on his phone watching a news update. "These are the top 200 rankings in the World Championship scene in professional wrestling. All of these names have a chance to comepete in the world cup of wrestling, or better yet a title shot at the World Heavyweight Champion Dynamite Eddie Wolverine." The news reporter shows an anthropomorphic wolverine holding a huge championship belt over his shoulder. Gabriel sighs and walks to the showers solemnly. As he showers he thinks about how he has been overlooked all of his life and even as a gifted wrestler, big name promoters won't scout him. He leaves the shower and opens his bag, everyone else seem to be out of the locker room so he looks deep in and sees a spare change of clothes. That spare being a giant baby diaper and a pink dress. He sighs thinking about wearing them but then gets cold feet deciding to just put on a t-shirt and jeans. H: At the same time this was happening, a short green-furred tabby cat wearing a brown coat, fedora, and faded blue jeans was outside the exit of the locker rooms, trying to get the attention of the wrestlers that were exiting the building, "Hey you, wanna- You sir? No? Hey, you seem- OK, you're busy I get it." were just some of the things that left his mouth. It was obvious that he was trying to scout the wrestlers who he saw fight in the ring that night, but they either flat-out refused or ignored him. "Is it so hard for a cat to get just one client?" he thought to himself as the last of the wrestlers walked out the door. He slumped against the brick wall of the building and gave a heavy sigh, all he wanted to do was get his paws on some raw talent and make it big in the world. Everyone saw him as a freak due to his odd coloring for his species, but he would soon prove them otherwise. Although, that won't be the case if he can't scout a client. His belly grumbled, causing him to take out a small can of sardines, the only type of food he can afford at this point. He opened up and began to eat away his sorrows as best he can. G: Soon the cat was bumped into by one Gabriel Angel dropping his sardines, but at the same time, dropping Gabriel's bag, which was partway open. Sardines and some clothing, including a distinct plastic rectangle falls out. "O-Oh, I'm so sorry." He said as he panics a bit and got on his knees looking around wondering what to do. He whimpers and shakes nervously. This man beat a bear in that building, but he looked like a deer in headlights. Those prankster deers always jumping in front of cars for views and clicks. H: "Thanks a lot pal, now I guess I'll have to starve for ton-" he started to say before he noticed the peculiar item that fell out of the man's bag, "What the heck?" he stated. G: Looked up hearing the man stop mid sentence "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll maaaaEEEEEEEP!" He let out a high pitched, girly squeal seeing what caught the man's attention. He blushed profusely. He was absolutely distraught. H: "That isn't a diaper is it?" the cat asked, looking at the person strangely. G: Gabriel's cheeks were crimson red. He had no clue how to answer that. He didn't really have to though. The proof was on the pavement. It was pink, with stickers on it, even had a wetness indicator on it. His eyes darted back and forth between the diaper and the male cat. Report Post Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Quick reply to this message H: An idea then popped into the cat's head when he saw the person's worried face, a smug smile appeared on his own, "Relax kid, I won't tell no one. After all, we live in a society where some people think its fun to be tied up onto a rack, blindfolded, and beaten around with whip. All I ask for in exchange for my silence is that you buy me something to eat." he said while gesturing to his spilled can of sardines. G: Gabriel looked to where he was pointing. He nodded his head. "I-I can do that." The cat must mot have recognized him. Not hard to, even if he had recognized Gabriel was a wrestler, what would he get out of it. A small time unranked rookie still trying to get booked wherever he can, living out of his tiny apartment. Gabriel didn't have much to give for his secret, but buying someone dinner he could at least do...depending on price. H: The cat then looked at Gabriel, eyeing him up and down, taking in his well-built appearance, "Say kid, I think I remember you being in that ring tonight. You really handed it to that bear didn't you?" he said, trying to sound as flattering as possible. G: Oh sh*t. Oh sh*t. Oh sh*t! He knows who I am. I don't care if I don't eat tonight. I'll buy him a steak and lobster dinner to make sure he doesn't talk" Gabriel thought to himself as he started to sweat. "I...um... thank you... I try my best." He humbly says. "Do....d-do you know where you want to eat?" He asked the cat twirling his hair nervously H: "I don't care, I'll eat basically anything as long as its filling." the cat said while his belly growled, causing him to rub it, "I'm Carl by the way." he said while holding out a paw. G: Took the cat's paw and shook it. "Gabriel, Gabroel Angel. Sometimes people call me Gabey." The young wrestler says softly. They head over to his car and they get in. The backseat has a lot of bags in it and the car was pretty old. He drive over to a 247 diner and heads in getting them a table. As they sit and order their food it gives them plenty of time to talk. H: "So, I was pretty amazed at your performance in the ring tonight. You have quite the talent on you." Carl said, "I do happen to be in the market for a client, and I believe you fit the bill pretty well." G: Gabriel was sitting in the booth with his hands clasped together and idly kicking his feet under the table. If not for his height and state of dress you would think he were a little girl going off of his body motion. His face looking like its never heard of hair also helps. He peaks over at the kid's menu and looked at it longingly wanting to relax and color pretty pictures. He looked up at the cat in suprise hearing the start of his pitch. "I do?" Gabriel asks in comeplete suprise. If you ask many promoters he doesn't fit anyone's bill. Several promoters don't see potential in him as a marketable draw. Some went as far as the offer to pay him more if he would go with a scripted match. "Of course you do, I'm surprised I'm not seeing you on TV right now. Those big time promoters don't even know what their missing out on." Carl said, "While I may not have anyone to my name, I know what the people want to see, and I know how to speak their language. You stick with me, we can go places. I'm talking big stadiums, tons of fans, fat paychecks, the whole package. Other guys will just throw someone like you away after the first few weeks, but I don't waste talent. What do you say?" Gabriel blushed. He didn't know what to say. He giggled a bit as he was being flattered. "Th-Thank you sir." When he heard the offer he didn't know what to do really. No one was there to tell him to check this guy or do research first. He hand no other real options. "Well um...ok I guess." He softly says twirling his hair. "Great, glad you're on board." Carl said just before their food arrived, "Now then, if you're gonna be my client, then you're gonna need to have gimmick. All the great wrestlers have them, and I have just the idea if you're interested." Looked nervous as he messily started eating his waffle, not even really cutting it. He looked like he needed help. "I don't know. " he said with a mouth full dribbling syrup from his mouth down to his chin. "Can't I get by with just getting wins? This isn't supposed to be about pagentries." He says though other combat sports in history show that charisma get you far. MMA fighters who talk the most shit are well known. Boxing had charismatic champions who were flashy and came out to the ring with an eye catching presence. Even in gladiator days the animals who taunted and played with the crowd would get the most coin. No combat sport ever made draws and legends from just purely the fights. "Look at you kid, at first glance you seem like someone who would kick some guy's ass just because he looked at you the wrong way. On the inside though, you seem like a little kid, a toddler even. And that little incident that we went though tonight gives me an idea that will blow all others out of the water." Carl said with wonder in his voice, "You need help cutting that?" Gabriel blushed and nods his head accepting the help. He also reeeeally wishes Carl wouldn't talk about what went down outside of the gym. "Um...what's your idea Mr. Carl?" He asks taking his cup of juice in both hands like a small child and sipping on it. "Just Carl is fine." he said while cutting the waffle into small pieces before going to work on his chicken soup, "I think we should make you the first ever AB wrestler, we'll be famous." he whispered. Did a spit take of the juice he was sipping. His face was comepletely red now. "F-F-F-F-First ever what!?" He asked exasperated. He looks around as people in the diner look. More from Gabriel's reaction then what Carl said. Carl just casually wiped the juice on the table with a napkin, "You heard me right, if you keep winning bouts with that kind of persona, we'll be household names for sure." he said. "I..I...I...I'd have to..."He pulled his hair into twin tails and pulled it down making a whimpering noise thinking about the reaction to him coming out as an adult baby. He imagines social media backlash, his not established name dragged through the mud, and never getting booked again. He lets out a whine and kicks his feet. Perhaps Carl is approaching this wrong since he's giving the pitch from one adult to another. Carl comforts him by putting a paw on his shoulder, "Look, I understand you're nervous, but think about it. Say you win a lot of matches like that and give good performances while doing so, you will gain a ton of respect. Besides, I bet there are some people out there who would give everything they have just to see some guy get his butt handed to him by some guy in padding. You're good kid, better than any other newbie I've seen. Once those tough guys in the big leagues see how good you are, they won't see you as an embarrassment, but as a threat. You'll also be an inspiration to other people just like you. But hey, it's still your choice, I'm just leaving it out there for you." Gabriel looked down and squirmed putting a finger in his mouth. He slowly nods his head. He knew he wasn't going anywhere as he was doing. He never thought ousting himself was the answer but Carl sounded like he wanted to help. Gabriel was just so nervous and scared. He needed comfort, to play with something, suck on something, or be held. Carl moved over to Gabriel's side of the booth and gave him a gentle hug, "I'm not only willing to be your manager though, I'm also willing to be your friend, the best one you've ever had. Anytime you're feeling nervous or scared, just shout my name and I'll come running. You trust me, right?" he said, giving all his compassion and care into his words. This person who he has signed with was a true child at heart, and he needed someone to care for him. Gabriel looked up at the feline and stared for a moment. He slowly nods his head. "Uh huh." He didn't just need a friend, he needed a father. Someone to keep the little out of harms way and happy in this cut throat business. Especially taking in a human client. Wrestling for decades has been Land Of The Anthros. Humans around the world win titles in smaller level and independent companies, and heck some cultures celebrate human divisions in the sport and find human matches to be the most exciting, but very few humans make it even to the top 10 rankings. Much less comepte for one of the big world titles. It was a risk for Carl but Gabriel was new and young. He could probably be molded into a big time star. Carl looked him in the eyes, he saw a bit of himself in the rising star. He wanted to do everything he can to make sure he was happy and protected. If anyone even looked at him funny, or said the wrong thing, he would scratch their eyes out, "I'm gonna make sure that the both of us will have the best life, from now on, you can call me Daddy." he said with a smile. "Yes daddy." Winner for his favorite phrase of the night. Gabriel goes to his closet and pulls out a clean baby gown, the only clean one. Then, he reaches down to a half torn pack of big baby diapers. He goes over to the nightstand and grabs an open pack of wipes, the top few may be dried up, as well as a bottle of powder and oil. Mr Hoo October 24th, 21 11:03 PM Carl gently laid him down on the floor and began the change. He did grow up with about six little brothers and sisters, so he had his fair share of experience with diaper changing, especially with rowdier kids. He took off Gabe's pants and underwear before wiping and powdering him all over, making sure to get everywhere, same for the oil. He then took the diaper and slid it underneath his butt before taping it by the sides. He then helps him put on the baby gown and sits him up, "There you go, looking cute as a button." he said. Babygabrial October 24th, 21 11:08 PM Was feeling a fresh experience. He never felt this good changing his own diapers. He had an innocent look on his face during the changing process. "Oooo. Ooooh." He softly cooed as the pwder was applied to his bottom, some spilling on the floor. The young wrestler noticeably had no body hair anywhere, especially down there. He was definitely not a fur. When he was sat up to get his gown on he looked up at his daddy looking cute and innocent putting his thumb in his mouth. Mr Hoo October 24th, 21 11:10 PM Carl smiled and gave Gabriel a hug, "Would you like Daddy to help you get to sleep? Want some warm milk?" he asked. Babygabrial October 24th, 21 11:15 PM "Pwetty pwease Dada?" Almost like a switch fliiped in his head. He was in a diaper and baby clothes and was under a man he called daddy. Of course he's a little baby, he thinks to himself. He gets on his hands and knees and crawls to Carl looking up at him. Mr Hoo October 24th, 21 11:18 PM Carl gives him a wink and goes over to the kitchen of the apartment, opening up the fridge to find several jars of baby food and few filled bottles of milk. He takes one out and puts it in a warming machine until it is the perfect temperature. He then brings it over to Gabe before sitting down cross-legged and patting his lap, beckoning him to lay his head down on it. Babygabrial October 24th, 21 11:26 PM Gabriel waited the preparations by going and playing with some dolls strewed across the floor. He picked one up and hugged it happily before brushing its hair. When he saw Carl come back he crawled over and layed down opening wide. Mr Hoo October 24th, 21 11:29 PM Carl inserted the bottle into Gabe's mouth and watched as he suckled on it lovingly. He had a hard time believing that this was same guy who he saw beat up a bear in the ring. He imagined it happening while he was dressed like this, the audience would definitely get a kick out of it. He stroked Gabriel's head while humming a lullaby to relax him further. Babygabrial October 24th, 21 11:33 PM Gabriel nursed on the bottle and looked up like a new born kitten getting his first feeding from daddy. He kicked his feet idly in rhythm to daddy's hums. His legs are well toned. He was definitely in shape if you look at him very closely. Soon his eyes began to shut and his body relaxes on the cat's. Mr Hoo October 25th, 21 10:29 PM Carl kept this up until the milk was gone, rubbing Gabe's belly afterwards to relax him. When he was done with that, he managed to carry him all the way to his bed. For such a small animal, Carl had a surprising amount of strength. He tucked him in and kept up his humming and belly rubbing. Babygabrial October 25th, 21 11:40 PM (He doesn't have a crib, he can't afford one) Gabriel slept peacefully as he dreamed of his daddy laying him in a crib made for a princess. The word 'Gabby' etched on the headboard. In reality his daddy tucked him into his bed and he smiles in his sleep before popping his thumb in his mouth. Mr Hoo October 26th, 21 02:09 PM Carl yawned as well before preparing for bed himself. He took off all his clothes and placed them in a pile beneath on the side of Gabriel's bed and curled up on top of them, using his coat as a blanket. Hopefully, they will earn enough money soon so he can get himself one of the comfy luxury-style cat beds he always saw in magazines. With these thoughts, he fell asleep, dreaming of his little superstar winning tons of matches and surprising him with a big nursery. Babygabrial October 26th, 21 08:02 PM The next morning Gabriel wakes up and looks around not seeing anyone around. He feels his squishy diaper and climbs off of his cheap bed. And crawled around looking for daddy. He was wondering if daddy even existed or if last night was just a good dream. Mr Hoo October 26th, 21 09:41 PM Carl woke up and stretched, his joints cracking as he did so. After rubbing his eyes, he saw that Gabriel was already awake and crawling out the bedroom door, "Hey there champ, good to see you're already up." he said while stretching some more. Babygabrial October 26th, 21 09:44 PM Gabriel crawled around pretty half awake, half asleep. He looked up hearing a voice. He sees Carl, and his eyes widen. He stares at his new daddy and a big smile creeps on his face. Mr Hoo October 26th, 21 09:47 PM "Come on, let's get you changed before breakfast." Carl said, getting out a new diaper and the changing supplies. Babygabrial October 26th, 21 09:52 PM Gabriel smiles happily and turns around before turning over on his back, spreading his legs, and lifting his gown. He couldn't believe it, he had a daddy. A daddy who's still there. His eyes had pure joy in them. Mr Hoo October 26th, 21 09:54 PM Carl quickly changed Gabriel, which was impressive given that he was still half-awake himself. His siblings really had a habit of waking him up in the middle of the night with full diapers. He got his client changed easy, giving the diaper a pat afterward, "There you are champ, so what would you like for breakfast?" he asked. Babygabrial October 26th, 21 09:58 PM He smiled happily and raised his hand waving it happily. "Oatmeal! Oatmeal! Oatmeal!" He says bouncing on his padded rear. He tended to eat softer foods to emulate baby food. Mr Hoo October 26th, 21 10:02 PM Carl gave a chuckle before bringing his superstar over to the kitchen where he sat him down in a chair. He then went to the pantry and pulled out a quarter-full jar of oatmeal. He made two bowls, one for him and one for his baby champ. He followed the steps and put them in the microwave to be heated up, "So, we do have a lot of things to do today. The main thing is finding a match for you so we can earn some money. Before that however, we need to work on your ring persona and your costume, not to mention we also need to do some cleaning up around here. Sound like plan champ?" he asked. Babygabrial October 26th, 21 10:07 PM "Um...ok...yes daddy." He responded hesitantly, but obediently. He brushes his hair from his face. Cleaning sounded alright. Finding a booking for tonight was going to be hard. Being a baby in the ring and having a new babygirlish costume sounded scary. Mr Hoo October 26th, 21 10:10 PM The microwave dinged, signaling their food being ready. Carl brought both bowls over to the table and scooped up some of Gabriel's with a spoon, "Open up, little champ." he said. Babygabrial October 26th, 21 10:18 PM Gabriel blushes swaying and squirming around before opens wide leaning in and eating microwaved oatmeal. It being fed by to him by his daddy makes it actually taste nice. Mr Hoo October 26th, 21 10:21 PM "Gotta eat it all so you get big and strong." Carl said. He chuckled to himself at that, his baby was already big and strong, but it just felt good to say that. Babygabrial October 27th, 21 12:28 AM Gabriel giggles happily as he continues eating as he's fed. "Dada! Me eat nummy wummies!" Mr Hoo October 27th, 21 04:25 PM The oatmeal was eventually gone and Carl took both bowls to the sink to be washed, "How was it champ?" he asked. Babygabrial October 27th, 21 06:21 PM "Goodie Daddy!" He says licking his lips bouncing in his chair. Probably time to have Gabriel get to cleaning while daddy calls people for bookings. Mr Hoo October 27th, 21 10:51 PM "Alright bud, you just start cleaning while Daddy goes to work finding you a match OK? Why don't you start with that smelly diaper pail?" Carl suggests. Babygabrial October 27th, 21 11:44 PM "Otay Daddy!" He runs off and grabs the diaper pail from his room and runs out of the apartment and throws it in the dumpster. Gabriel comes in cleans up more stuff with his daddy's advice/orders. Mr Hoo October 28th, 21 10:34 AM Carl watched with a smile as Gabriel cleans up the apartment. His toys were put away, the apartment smelled less like dirty diapers, barely any dust could be seen on the furniture, and the tiled floor of the kitchen didn't have a single big stain. He was so happy to have such a hardworking and good little star for his client, no, he seemed more like the son he never knew he wanted. After many calls with every contact he had, Carl finally came through with an offer, "Sure, we'll be there. Thanks again, bye." he said as he hung up the phone. He turned to his little star, who was just finished with cleaning, "Good news champ, I got you a match. A former league wrestler is holding a special retirement match next week. He's taking on anyone who wishes to challenge him, and the person to do so will win a whopping $50,000. What do you say about that?" he asked. Babygabrial October 29th, 21 12:01 AM Gabriel squeals and claps happily jumping up and down that will definitely help pay the huge amount of debts both of them very likely have. 50,000 was a big cash prize. Especially considering how small time the event likely would be. Hell, the promoter likely won't even make 50,000 at the door. Something was slightly fishy about this but neither of these two were going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Gabby still needed matches for this week, and more urgently, a diaper change and bath. Mr Hoo October 29th, 21 10:34 AM "Alright champ, why don't we get you into a bath. After that we'll get you into some fresh clothes so we can go meet a friend of mine. He'll help us get you a costume." Carl said as he led Gabriel to the bathroom. Babygabrial October 30th, 21 05:35 AM "O-Otay Daddy." Gabriel says blushing up a storm and holds his Daddy's hand. Gabriel wasn't really into men sexually, granted he hasn't been into women sexually either. But the closest thing he felt to it is the butterflies he gets with having a parent. Its such a good feeling. Mr Hoo October 31st, 21 10:14 AM Carl takes him to the bathroom and gets the water started. While its warming up, he lays Gabriel down and takes off his diaper before wiping him down and throwing the used garment in the wastebasket. He then helps him take off his clothes before setting him down in the tub. He made sure the water was nice and warm and gave his little star a few rubber toys to play with while he was scrubbed down with soap. Carl had a lot of experience with this as well, as he himself always made sure to keep his fur looking soft and silky. Babygabrial November 1st, 21 12:54 AM Gabriel smiled and blushed as his new daddy saw him in all of his glory. He splashed and played happily in the tub. He had quite the babyface, did Gabriel, but he had an athletic build. His muscles while not big, they were tight. Mr Hoo November 1st, 21 12:13 PM After a few minutes, Carl was done with the washing and Gabriel was looking nice and squeaky clean. He was lifted out of the bath and onto a towel that Carl had placed onto the floor, where he was then dried off and strapped into a new diaper, "There you go champ. Now, do you have any non-baby clothes you can wear? We don't want to reveal your new gimmick before your big match right?" Carl asked. Babygabrial November 1st, 21 11:03 PM Gabriel nods his head and crawls to the master bedroom in only his diaper and opens and grabs a pair of clothes, a t shirt and cargo shorts specifically. They were in a pile so they're very wrinkled and need to be ironed. Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 09:04 AM Carl got a good look at him, he would definitely have to iron his clothes later, "Alright champ, now remember, while we're out there you need act as grown-up as possible so we don't ruin the surprise. The only one that's going to see it is my friend, but they'll keep it a secret. We're just going to go to their shop and come back, ready to go now?" Carl asked. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 06:40 PM He nods his head definitely not opposed to keeping all of this secret at all. He raised his arms in the air waiting for his daddy to put his clothes on. He wonders if he could possibly get some bookings, but its clear daddy is in charge of his bookings. Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 09:55 PM Carl got Gabriel into his clothes, and then his own, before taking him into town. They didn't have to go far, eventually they reached a generic-looking clothing store. They both went inside and Carl led the way right to the front desk, where a female kangaroo was reading a magazine, "Hey, Darla!" Carl greeted. Darla looked up from her magazine and smiled at Carl, "Carl! Good to see you again, mate. And who is this big guy?" she asked, looking Gabriel up and down. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 10:03 PM Gabriel blushed and shyly waved. "Uh um..hi..I'm Gabriel." He was in a diaper, and being called a big guy made him think of that differently. Though obviously the roo didn't mean it like shebwas talking to a baby, but Gabby has weird brain. "I'm uh...Carl's client " Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 10:06 PM "He's my new superstar in the making." Carl said. "Wow, it's so cool you got a client." Darla said. "And we have our first match coming up in a week, and we are looking for a costume to go with his gimmick." he then turned to Gabe, "Go ahead champ, tell her what you would like. You won't tell anyone right Darla?" he asked. "Cross my heart." Darla said. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 10:12 PM "Um...I...well..." Gabriel squirms and blushes harder. His entire face goes red. "I....I...guess a frilly baby dress that I can wrestle in." He actively goes and hides behind Carl. He doesn't even think about how he needs more bookings because these matches in small promotions don't pay much. Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 10:16 PM Darla just stood there in shock for a moment, "That's right, Gabby here is going to be the first ever ABDL wrestler. So, he needs an outfit to match." Carl said. Darla breaks out of her trance and give a big smile, "Wow, cool! If he wins a lot of matches with a gimmick like that, he'll really be an inspiration. I could help you with costume that'll fit that image just right. If you could follow me to the back, hon?" she said while holding out her paw. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 10:22 PM He nods his head and takes her paw and follows her to the back to get measurements done. Gabriel is assuming that they are just thinking positively. But he is worried about the other possibility. The ridicule and rejection and worst of all blacklisting. Now the other extreme but that's what he fears. Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 10:31 PM The three of them wound through the back rooms of the store before finally coming to a particular door, "Here is where I keep my special outfits just for people like you." Darla said before opening the door. The room was practically stacked with many babyish outfits in adult sizes. A true ABDL's dream closet, "Pick any outfit you like, go crazy." Darla said. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 10:34 PM Gabriel looked around. Finding pretty outfits will be easy, but finding something pretty that would work for a wrestling match is a bit harder. Especially if he needs something comfortable and flexible. Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 10:36 PM "Just so you know, if you have any questions at all, don't be afraid to ask. Although, if I may suggest something, you should pick something that will allow everyone to see your diaper." Darla said. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 10:47 PM "But..but Daddy." He whines addressing Carl. He sounds very cute when a bit whiney. "Everyone is gonna see it, and I won't be able to move as well." He says. The latter is a valid argument. He will already be at a disadvantage with how spread out his legs are. Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 10:48 PM "Come on Darla, we'll let him show off his padding when he's ready." Carl said. "Alright, bad idea. Just pick whatever you feel will give you the most mobility." Darla said. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 10:57 PM He finds a tight little dress with short sleaves but it will show his diaper, but near it is a little onsie he can pin together. Its thin and stretchy, so he can move around in it easier. He comes and shows Carl trying to impress his new daddy. Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 11:00 PM "I'm leaning more towards the onesie." Carl said. "I think the dress would look better." Darla said. "We'll prioritize fashion later down the line, for now lets just stick with practicality." Carl said, "Let's get you into that onesie." Him and Darla then helped Gabe into the onesie before allowing him to see for himself how it feels. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 11:15 PM Gabriel moves around getting a feel for it. It holds the diaper up which is a good. There's a definite bulge that anyone could tell is back there. He throws a few kicks and runs around to get used to it. Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 11:17 PM "Looks like you can move around with no problem." Carl said. "So, you're getting that?" Darla asked. "I guess we are, right champ?" Carl asked. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 11:24 PM He waddles over and hugs Carl's arm not answering but more giving a 'I want what daddy wants' look. It could be seen as odd, looking at how fast Gabriel has grown attached to Carl, Gabby has wanted to be a daddy's princess for a while and Carl trying to help him as a wrestler could be seen as a God send. Mr Hoo November 2nd, 21 11:28 PM "I guess we're getting it." Carl said. "You know, since this is both your big break, I'm gonna let you keep that for free. I only ask that you mention who you got the outfit from if anyone asks." Darla said. "Well, I guess we have our first official sponsor. What do you say champ?" Carl asked. Babygabrial November 2nd, 21 11:32 PM "Thank you~" He says like a little girl. Though he comes in with an athletic build, his face is not to manly and he doesn't have facial hair. So, his entire change in body language, voice pitch, and dialect really makes the human male look like a human cub. A female one at that. He was obedient and cute as Darla got him back in the clothes he came in with. "I'll work on his gear with his measurements. Should be ready by tomorrow." She tells Carl. Mr Hoo November 3rd, 21 10:29 PM "Thanks Darla. Come on champ, let's get home for your nap." Carl said while leaving the store and heading back to the apartment. Babygabrial November 3rd, 21 10:57 PM Gabriel held Carl's hand on the way out and waved bye bye to Darla. Gabby wouldn't let Carl go the entire way to Gabriel's apartment. Mr Hoo November 3rd, 21 10:59 PM "Alright champ, you might want to rest up. We have some training to do later today." Carl said while taking off his clothes. Babygabrial November 3rd, 21 11:06 PM "Yes Daddy" phrase of the dsy. He let Carl get his big boy pants off. Looks like his diaper is still clean. He waited to see how his Daddy wanted him dressed for bed. In a t shirt and diaper, just a diaper, or maybe a babygown. Speaking of which Carl can clean the place up, give it a cat's touch, while the little wrestler naps. Mr Hoo November 3rd, 21 11:08 PM Carl pulled out a gown from the closet and helped Gabriel into it. He then carried him to his bed and tucked him in, giving him a belly rub to relax him. Babygabrial November 3rd, 21 11:18 PM Gabby looked up at his daddy. Wishing that one day, when he makes it up the ranks, and fights for bigger prizes, that he'll be looking up at his daddy from a crib. He sighs and day dreams just turn into dreams as he heads to dreamland. Mr Hoo November 3rd, 21 11:20 PM Carl patted Gabriel on the head as he fell asleep before going to iron his clothes. Babygabrial November 3rd, 21 11:31 PM As Gabriel slept the tv played in the living room where Carl ironed. It was on ASPN the Anthro Sports Programming Network. They were about to talk about some big spotlights for anthro wrestlers. "Last night in the Egg Dome we saw a tag team clinic as The Laughing Hyenas eeked out a big win over long time rivals Coyote Clash. This will definitely bump them up in the tag rankings. Over on the extreme side Bam Bam Bino showed every who the top deer was as he rammed his antlers into Tiger Singh to capture the Hardcore Jungle Wrestling Heavyweight Championship. Of course that being a smaller promotion it doesn't exactly move him into the rankings but it gets eyes on him. Finally, we have some prospects for the Pro Wrestling World Cup, even a possible human card prediction." Mr Hoo November 3rd, 21 11:33 PM Carl's ears perked at this, he turned the iron off so he can pay attention to what they were saying. Babygabrial November 3rd, 21 11:40 PM The tv sports anchor kept going "Yes indeed the world cup is one of the most prestigious tournaments in the world. Tap ranked wrestlers from different regions comepete in a tournament spanning nearly half a year to determine who's one of the undisputed best in the world. Many world cup winners go on to win World Championships across major promotions. Each regionnof the preliminary rounds gets two human card picks. A random human hand picked by the tournament committee that can possibly throw a wrench in the tournament." Mr Hoo November 3rd, 21 11:42 PM The wheels in Carl's head kept turning, if Gabriel won his match against that former league fighter coming up, that'll get the league's attention. It's pretty much a straight shot to the top. Babygabrial November 3rd, 21 11:50 PM The odds of it working are slim to none. Not, saying the gimmick will fall but Gabby's career is as young as his state of dress. He's green and wet behind the ears. He'll need more bookings in different areas to get noticed. Mr Hoo November 3rd, 21 11:52 PM Carl swiftly finished ironing the clothes and started doing more research on potential matches for Gabe. This was mostly being done in preparation for that big match. Babygabrial November 3rd, 21 11:58 PM His schedule is pretty open so he can take bookings for after the big showing to keep the momentum going if he does good. Maybe even a local tournament or two. With luck he could be in the running for the rookie of the year tournament at the end of the year. The world cup participants aren't finalized until next year so they have time. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 12:00 AM Carl got some info on some matches taking place after league fighter match, he saves it so he can go back to it later and make arrangements. He decides to do some cleaning before Gabe wakes up so he can take him to training. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 12:04 AM Soon the baby was awake and crawling out of bed. Daddy's baby girl falls out with a thud landing on his padded rump shaking the floor a bit. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 12:05 AM Carl rushes into the room to see his baby on the floor, he immediately checks on him, "Are you OK champ? Are you hurt?" he asks. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 12:11 AM Gabby looked up and shook his messy bed head no. Speaking of messy there's a smell coming from the young wrestler. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 11:40 AM "Glad to hear you're OK, now let's get you changed and dressed so we can get to training." Carl said before getting a spare diaper and supplies out. He laid Gabriel on the floor and removed his used padding before changing him. He then went to the closet and turned to his little star, "What would you like to wear for training?" he asked. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 10:03 PM "Uh..um...Gabby usually wears basketball shorts and a tight athletic shirt to work out in." He states enjoying the feeling of a fresh diaper. He kicked his feet up and looked back. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 10:06 PM "Alrighty then." Carl says before getting Gabriel into his workout clothes. He pats him on the head before packing some snacks and bottles in case his little star gets hungry or thirsty during his workout. He also decided to bring along some diapers too. After that, they were ready to go, "Shall we champ?" Carl asks. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 10:16 PM Gabriel giggles and nods clinging to Carl's arm as they head out. Gabriel drives them to the gym he trains at, 'Dog Pound Wrestling Academy'. This is where Gabriel first learned how to wrestle. A school founded by the late tag team Bulldogs Of Britain. Its actually an offshoot of the original gym in Canada, but it was still home to Gabriel. As a graduate he was free to come and workout and train as much as he pleased. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 10:20 PM Carl stared at the gym in amazement, he had no idea Gabriel trained somewhere so professional looking. He put his coat and hat on a hanger near the entrance and followed Gabe to the workout machines, "Alright champ, first thing we should do is do some warmups. Fun fact, when I was a boy I used to volunteer as an assistant wrestling coach. That's where I first fell in love with the sport. Why don't we start with some stretches to limber ourselves up." he said while beginning to stretch. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 10:27 PM Professional, yes. Well funded, God no. The equipment was old but reliable. The ring was small and it's ropes were covered in repair tape. The building was nice at least. Had good air conditioning. A class was going on, an older looking great dane was teaching these pups some basics. The stretching they did was basic stuff. Gabriel of course had his own warm up stuff to do afterwards. He ran around, took shots, rolled, crab walked, army crawled. He was focused while doing so as well. Seems he's had this regimen beaten into him. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 10:31 PM Carl was surprised how serious Gabe was being about his workout, almost to a passionate degree. That's what he was looking for in client; strong, knowledgeable about the sport, and full of willpower. But the thing he wanted most of all, was someone who was passionate about the sport and loved it just as much as he did. When Gabriel was done with his personal warm-ups, Carl led him to the weights and other equipment, "Alright, why don't we tone up that body of yours pal?" he said. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 10:41 PM Gabriel nods his head and they do the bench press, then declined sit ups, some push ups, and some hanging crunches. Gabriel was already sweating up a storm by the end of all the sets and weight training. He pants harder than the pups getting worked on in across the gym, but he didn't complain, he didn't whine. He felt it will help him get better. Soon they were allowed to use thr ing and Gabriel was running the ropes, circling, and taking shots. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 10:44 PM Carl watched his progress, Gabriel truly had a knack for this. He was there by his side, giving him healthy snacks to keep his energy up and secretly giving him bottles for when he was thirsty. However, he wanted to see if his skills were up to snuff, "Hey champ, how about I get you sparring partner. I'm sure someone in here would be happy to oblige." he said. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 10:52 PM Gabriel looked as he was waiping the sweat from his forehead. "Uh, sure. Ask Coach Emerson." He points to the chubby great Dane teaching the class of future wretlers. "He might have someone I can spar with." Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 10:54 PM Carl nods and walks up to the dog, "Hey coach, name's Carl. My client Gabriel over there needs someone to spar with. He's got a big match coming up and I need to make sure he stays sharp. Do you have anyone you can lend us?" Carl asked. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 11:03 PM The hound looks at this strange cat in his gym before looking over at Gabriel. "Oh, so Human Gabe got a manager huh? Sure, always fine to help a graduate." He turns towards a group of older looking dogs training independently. "Hey Rex! Go loosen Human Gabe up! One fall to a finish, ring outs equal disqualification!" He calls out to a retriever who looks around Gabriel's age. Maybe a bit older. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 11:06 PM "Perfect, thanks coach." Carl said before walking back to the ring, "So, you graduated from this gym?" he asks Meanwhile, Rex climbs into the ring and does some stretches to warm up. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 11:11 PM Turns to Carl and nods his head smiling proudly and points to a class picture on the wall of him and his fellow graduates. He was the only human amongst them. Pretty much tells you why they call him Human Gabe. "Alright, I'm warmed up already." Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 11:13 PM "So am I." Rex says as he meets Gabe in the center of the ring. Carl gets in as well to serve as the ref. Once he gives the signal to start, Rex locks up with Carl and tries to shove him down. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 11:20 PM Gabe feels Rex trying to outmuscle him. Rex was likely from the class right after Gabe's graduating class so he's just as much of a rookie. Gabe uses the momentum Rex is pushing at him and slips behind the retriever tossing him down while getting Rex in a waist lock. Rex spins his legs out from under him to pop his hips and break Gabe's Grip and hit Gabriel with a head and arms takedown and trying to choke the human but Gabriel brings his legs around Rex's neck reversing the hold. Rex kicks out freeing himself before they both pop to their feet. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 11:23 PM "You're pretty good, man." Rex compliments before putting Gabe in a headlock and bringing him down to the mat. He then proceeded to make him submit by putting him in a headscissors. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 11:30 PM Gabriel feels Rex slowing the pace down. Gabriel doesn't respond to Rex's banter. He's in deep concentration. He slowly pulls a leg of Rex's from around his neck and uses his wrist control to pull Rex to a seated position. Gabriel hits a float over knocking the back of Rex's head to the floor and rolls them over until Rex is belly down and Gabe is overhooking his head. Gabriel underhooks an arm and drags them to their feet before hitting a snap suplex. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 11:33 PM Rex feels a little groggy from the attack due to Gabe's strength, but manages to get back up. He goes for a drop kick to his opponent's belly, pushing him towards the ropes before tripping him up on the way back and getting him in a camel clutch. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 11:36 PM Gabriel leaned all of the way back as Rex pulled back in the clutch and kicked his feet up, using his body weight to pin Rex's shoulders to the mat. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 11:39 PM Rex tries to get out of the pin, but Gabe was just too strong for him. "One... Two... Three!" Carl counted, ending the match. Rex got helped up by Carl and shook Gabe's hand, "Good match sir." he said. "Lookin' good champ, why don't we take a break for now and we can practice some special moves?" Carl suggested. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 11:41 PM Gabriel nodded his head and went to cool off. There probably needed to be a good private area for Carl to feed him, and likely change him if his diaper isnt clean. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 11:44 PM Carl takes Gabe into the nearby locker rooms for some privacy. After checking to see if no one else was around, he checked Gabriel's diaper. It was a little wet, so he got out a spare diaper, "OK champ, lay down please." he asks. Babygabrial November 4th, 21 11:52 PM Gabriel layed back on a brench and spreads his Lego spread apart. He puts his thumb in his mouth. "Dada, Gabby tummy owie." He is probably constipated and sleppy. Mr Hoo November 4th, 21 11:53 PM "Oh, would you like me to rub your belly? Maybe that'll help your tummy." Carl suggested, he wanted to make sure Gabe was completely done before he changed him. Babygabrial November 5th, 21 09:27 PM Gabriel nodded and sucked his thumb laying back while pulling his knees up to...make room back there. Mr Hoo November 7th, 21 12:04 AM Carl nodded and gave Gabe's belly a good rubbing, going through the motions he remembered when one of his siblings was going through constipation. Babygabrial November 7th, 21 01:36 AM Gabriel grunted and pushed, letting out wet farts and dropped some droppings into his diapers. He whimpers up nuzzling his daddy's chest for comfort. Mr Hoo November 7th, 21 10:37 AM Carl hugged his little star close while keeping up his rubbing, "That's it Gabby, let it all out." he calmly said. Babygabrial November 7th, 21 06:25 PM Gabby granted as the back of his shorts poofed out. "Poopoo! Poopoo!" He cries in Carl's chest doing his business Mr Hoo November 7th, 21 10:44 PM "Shh... It's OK champ, it'll be over soon." Carl said calmly while rubbing Gabriel's back while rubbing his belly, waiting until the messing stopped. Babygabrial November 7th, 21 11:07 PM Gabby pushed and squirms around. Soon he relaxed in Carl's arms. After a bit it was clear he was done. Luckily nobody is in the locker room. Mr Hoo November 7th, 21 11:10 PM "That's it champ." Carl said before laying Gabe down completely and starting with the diaper change. He really did a number on it, Carl had a really rough time with cleaning up his little star. He was able to get it done and fitted Gabe with a clean diaper, "Feel better now bud?" he asked. Babygabrial November 7th, 21 11:17 PM Gabey sucked his thumb laying down. An odd time to get constipated. He kicked his legs up in the air as his rear was meticulously cleaned off. "Wes Dada." He says as he was strapped with a new diaper. Mr Hoo November 7th, 21 11:19 PM "Good to hear. Do you want to train some more, or do you want to stop for today?" Carl asked. Babygabrial November 7th, 21 11:37 PM "I no know Daddy." He looks confused and sad that he's confused . It's a wonder he's made it as far as he did on his own. Granted his apartment showed that he really only just stopped into the world without guidance, and he wasn't making it as much as he was hiding how much he wasn't making it. Mr Hoo November 7th, 21 11:38 PM "How about we stop for now, you look pretty tired." Carl said while ruffling Gabriel's hair. Babygabrial November 7th, 21 11:40 PM He leans into ruffles and nuzzles his daddy. He was in need of a shower and a warm bottle of milk. Mr Hoo November 7th, 21 11:43 PM Carl brings him home and sets up the bathtub for his shower, "Alright champ, ready to get cleaned?" he asked. Babygabrial November 7th, 21 11:53 PM Gabby nods on the floor stark naked as the stork brought him. Storks made good baby delivery doctors. He reaches to be helped up. Mr Hoo November 7th, 21 11:55 PM Carl sets him in the bath and help him scrub himself clean. Babygabrial November 8th, 21 12:00 AM Gabby giggled and half played quarter cleaned himself, and quater tries to get Carl's attention. Mr Hoo November 8th, 21 03:29 PM Carl continued to scrub until his little star is all cleaned. He helps him out of the bath and dries him off, helping him get into his bedtime clothes afterward, "Alright bud, ready for a warm bottle of milk before bed?" he asked. Babygabrial November 8th, 21 06:49 PM Gabriel turns and sees the clock says 6 o clock in the evening. So naturally he turns back to his daddy and nods his head. He is tired, though. It has been quite a different day than he's used to. Carl seems to be putting him on a schedule. His days are normally very spontaneous in what he does. Mr Hoo November 8th, 21 10:26 PM Carl warmed up a milk bottle and brought it over to Gabriel. He instructed him to sit down and held his head as he fed him the bottle, humming a nursery rhyme as he did so. Babygabrial November 8th, 21 10:47 PM Gabby nursed on the bottle. While hanging on to his daddy. He sits there thinking about his first full day with his daddy. His life was already being taken from his hands. He might actually like it this way. Mr Hoo November 8th, 21 10:48 PM Carl looked at Gabe with a smile, he was his precious little star and he would do anything for him. He would be by his side for as long as he could. Babygabrial November 8th, 21 11:01 PM Gabriella was soon asleep partway through the bottle. He still suckled in his sleep as he layed on Carl's chest. Mr Hoo November 8th, 21 11:03 PM Carl smiled as he let Gabriel finish the bottle. He then picked him up and carried him over to his bed where he laid him down gently, "Sleep tight, champ." he whispered. Babygabrial November 8th, 21 11:06 PM Gabby slept as the sun crept through the window. He will likely wake up in the middle of the night for the first week or so. But that's what you expect from babies. Mr Hoo November 8th, 21 11:11 PM Carl did his usual curling up before falling asleep, staying right by the bed if Gabby needed him. Babygabrial November 8th, 21 11:14 PM Gabby wakes up in the middle of the night and whines squirming around. He feels his diaper soggy and cold and he accidentally kicks daddy. He has strong wrestling legs so that's an attention grabber. Mr Hoo November 8th, 21 11:17 PM Carl groans after being kicked across the room, but recovers when he hears his little star whining, "Gabby, everything alright bud?" he asks. He then feels his diaper and finds the problem immediately. He picks him up and places him on the floor before starting to change him. After the change, he started to stroke his little star's head, "There, there. Daddy's got you." he said calmly. Babygabrial November 8th, 21 11:20 PM Gabby calms down looking up at his daddy feeling soft fur brush against him. He coos and gurgles calming down now that he's dry. Mr Hoo November 8th, 21 11:21 PM Carl places him back in his bed, rubbing his belly while humming a lullaby. Babygabrial November 8th, 21 11:24 PM Gabby listens to the lullaby and sucks his thumb until he falls asleep. Mr Hoo November 8th, 21 11:25 PM Carl yawns and falls asleep next to Gabby, feeling that he'll probably want his daddy by his side. Babygabrial November 8th, 21 11:34 PM In the early morning around dawn, Gabby wakes up again and crawls on top of his daddy sitting on his tummy while sucking his thumb. Mr Hoo November 9th, 21 09:23 AM Carl wakes up to this and rubs his head, "Morning there champ, ready for your big match today?" he asked. Babygabrial November 9th, 21 07:30 PM Gabriel nods and giggles its been a few days. Gabby's been doing literally nothing but training, eating, nap, training, eating, bed time. His bedtime is usually during sunset. He actively hasn't seen the night sky in days, but his skills and athleticism has been tightened. He has even been working on training and wrestling with a diaper under his clothes. Mr Hoo November 9th, 21 11:21 PM Carl got out of bed and got dressed before taking Gabby to the kitchen to have breakfast, "What do you feel like today, bud?" he asked. Babygabrial November 9th, 21 11:27 PM "What Dada makes the baby eat." He says with bright green eyes and sucking his thumb. The apartment looked so much cleaner after almost a week of Carl taking charge. Mr Hoo November 9th, 21 11:28 PM "How about we have some oatmeal for quick energy?" Carl asked while taking out the oatmeal container. Babygabrial November 9th, 21 11:37 PM Gabriel crawled around the kitchen floor as his daddy cooked. They had to pack up for the trip across the state today. Gabby is scared about the debut, but wanted to wrestle again badly. He hasn't had a real match in a week. Mr Hoo November 9th, 21 11:38 PM The oatmeal was eventually cooked and Carl put both bowls on the table. He lifted Gabby back onto the chair and began to feed him. Babygabrial November 9th, 21 11:59 PM Gabriel opened wide like a good little girl for his daddy. "Auntie Darla coming?" He asks getting food all over his lips. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 12:01 AM "Yep, I told her about the match and she is coming to watch you." Carl said while cleaning him up and resuming the feeding. He eventually finished and got out Gabby's wrestling costume. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 12:04 AM He would need to have it on and Darla will do his hair before he goes out for his match. Gabby played with his dollies while his daddy packs his diaper bag. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 12:06 AM Carl was soon finished and was ready to head off to the match, "Alright champ, let's get rollin'." he said. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 12:13 AM "How long the drive Dada?" He asks. Its gotta be far if Carl isn't even changing him out of his jamies yet. He reaches for his Daddy to pull him up. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 03:04 PM Carl looks at him and realizes he forgot to get Gabe dressed. He quickly goes to the closet and puts him in some street clothes, he didn't want his ring persona to be revealed before the start of the match, "It's going to be quite a long drive bud, a few hours at least." he said. After that, he brought him down to the car and sat him in the back seat before getting into the drivers seat. He started the car and off they went Babygabrial November 10th, 21 05:08 PM Gabby giggled as Daddy seemed to be so excited, or just hasn't woken up fully yet, that he forgot to dress him. Once they took off down the road Gabby played games on daddy's phone to pass the time. Gabby hadn't really had any play time all week. So he wanted to have some casual fun before daddy decides its nap time. Gabby played and looked out of the window as they pass by the world together. Just daddy and his baby girl. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 10:52 PM Carl couldn't help but smile at his little champ smiling and giggling in the back seat, it really was like having his own kid. He reached into the diaper bag and pulled out a milk bottle before handing it to him, "Here you are champ, you must be thirsty. After that, you might want to take your nap before we get there." he said. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 10:57 PM Gabby nodded his head and reached for the yummy looking baba. He handed his daddy the phone back and began nursing the bottle of milk, holding it with both hands. He relaxed and sat back seeing cars pass bay. Some make him nervous as he wonders if maybe people can see him in here. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:01 PM "Don't worry bud, this windows are tinted. You can hardly see what's going on from the outside. Just relax and we'll be there soon." Carl reassured him. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:05 PM Gabby nodded his head and reached for the yummy looking baba. He handed his daddy the phone back and began nursing the bottle of milk, holding it with both hands. He relaxed and sat back seeing cars pass bay. Some make him nervous as he wonders if maybe people can see him in here. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:06 PM (That's the same post as before) Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:07 PM (The site went down for me so I wasn't sure if it posted) Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:08 PM (Went down for me too.) Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:09 PM Gabby, as seemed to be the norm, took Carl for his word and trusted him. To show this he slouched in his seat and let out a little sigh as he continued to drink the bottle of milk. He chugged it down in about ten minutes and tried to take a little nap. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:11 PM Carl looked at him in the rearview mirror, "That's it bud, time for a nappy nap." he said. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:14 PM Before long Gabriella was in the back seat, eyes closed, head back, mouth agaped, snoring. He was absolutely out of it. Probably good he gets all of the rest he can since his sleep pattern has him go to bed before sundown now. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:16 PM They eventually arrived at their destination, an exclusive fitness center where the exhibitions were going to be held. Carl parked the car and went to the back seat to tell Gabby, "Hey champ, we're here." he said. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:24 PM (They shouldn't be at a stadium at this level) ---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ---------- Gabriella feels the car move into park and slowly wakes up rubbing his eyes. He looks around seeing the building. Looks like they're using a fitness center's basketball gym. To host the event. Gabby yawns and streatches. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:26 PM Carl leads him out of the car and follows some signs pointing to the back of the building, where the other wrestlers who were taking the challenge were lining up. They ran into Darla on the way there, "Hey guys, ready for the big match tonight?" she asked. "Yep, we're ready and willing, right champ?" Carl asked. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:30 PM Gabby ran over and hugged Darla. She seemed to have something on a hanger in her hands. They go in and follow where signs say for wrestlers to go until they reach outside the locker room. Along the way they see anthros and humans big and small. Many looked pretty young and inexperienced. Some looked old and inexperienced. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:33 PM The trio walked to a private room where they could practice Gabe's ring persona in peace. Darla handed him the outfit that he picked out when they first met, it was now modified to fit him, "Pretty cool, huh?" she asked. "By the way champ, we haven't decided on your ring name. I need to tell the announcers before they call you up." Carl said. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:38 PM Gabriel got dressed in the onesie dress and it looked short on him, probably to not make him feel limited in movement. It felt tailored and comfortable. He nodded his head nervously. Then it came to the matter of a new ring name. "Uh..well...I like...being called princess I guess." He says starting to sweat from nervousness. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:39 PM "Princess it is then. I'll let them know." Carl said before leaving the room. Darla sat down with him and gave him a pep talk, "Are you nervous hon?" she asked. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:41 PM Gabriel nodded his head. "I always thought to keep this side of my life hidden. It may be an untelevised indie show, but I'm pretty much outing myself to the world." He days being honest with the clothes maker. He holds his tummy. "Gives me butterflies" Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:43 PM Darla hugs him tenderly, "I know this may seem a little scary for you, but you shouldn't listen to what think. You love this part about yourself right?" she asked. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:45 PM He takes a breath and nods his head. He has loved this week. Getting to be shamelessly a baby, much less his daddy's baby. It was like a dream come true working towards this point. Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:47 PM "Exactly, I've met a lot of other people out there just like you, and they are completely open about it. They have no shame at all because they know its what they like to do. Besides, I don't think anyone is gonna make fun of you after they see you kicking ass in that ring tonight." Darla said. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:49 PM Gabriel blushes and giggles nodding his head. Soon all non competitors are called out of the area. Gabriel warms up hoping no one can see him. Soon it will be the debut of "Princess" Gabby Angel Mr Hoo November 10th, 21 11:53 PM Carl took his place by Gabe's side to walk him out to the arena, with him not being called out due to being the manager. Darla wished him luck and went to her seat outside. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the next challenger to fight is a fresh face who is sure to give a royal beating. Please welcome, Princess Gabby Angel!" the announcer called out. Babygabrial November 10th, 21 11:58 PM The name got the crowd of about 500 people looking confused. The music that played was some happy popular song really little kids listen to. Lack of money means no special unique entrance music. Besides the entrence songs are just being played over the PA system over some guy's phone. Gabriel comes out bowing to everyone, with Carl by his side. The crowd sees him in a baby dress and his hair done up in twin tails and are mostly shocked. Some clap out of respect. Some think its a joke and laugh. Gabby comes down and enters the ring from between the bottom two ropes like women do and meets his opponent face to face taking deep breaths trying to calm his nerves. Mr Hoo November 11th, 21 12:05 AM His opponent, a large hippo with big biceps and a pudgy belly, looks at him with a raised eyebrow. This was Mato 'Yokozuna' Takashima, the former league fighter who started this challenge. His outfit consisted of a red wrestling speedo with tassels on the side to make it look like a champion sumo belt. He also wore a wig made to look a typical sumo wrestler's haircut, bundled up at the top. He had seen some confusing ring personas during his days in the league, but this was on a whole new level. The ref, a short raccoon, came up to them and said, "Alright fellas, you know the rules. Winner shall be decided by three-count or submission. No low blows, no biting, and no cheating." he instructed. Mato bowed to his opponent before getting ready. Babygabrial November 11th, 21 12:10 AM Gabriel quickly, but nervously nodded his head. Though when observing his opponent and gauging him some reason he felt more at ease. The two opponents backed off of each other. And the ref called for the bell. Two rings and the match begins. Mr Hoo November 11th, 21 10:08 AM The bell rang and Mato grappled with Gabriel before lifting him up and tossing him over his head, making him flip around before landing on his back. He then got on top of him and got him in an armbar. Babygabrial November 11th, 21 11:33 AM Gabriel was suprised at the back body drop used as the first attack. Both threw him off, yet at the same time knocked some sense into him. He's in a wrestling match, why care about how you look. If you don't have your head on your shoulders a bigger stronger anthrobwill crush it. During the armbar attempt Gabby locked his fingers together in a tight grip so his arm can't be hyper extended. Once he was sure the hold was loosened he back rolled onto his stomach and slipped his arm out shaking the pain out as he stood up. His opponent was on all fours so Gabby took the opportunity to start working the head and neck. Gabby ran the ropes and came in with a baseball slide dropkick, putting double boots to Mato, head. The hipo seemed unlhased so Gabby continued the assault, sticking and moving. He ran the ropes the other way and this time jumped and hit a double stomp on his neck. Gabby jumped off quickly as the opponent seemed a bit more stunned by that but was still up on a knee. So Gabby charged to the ropes in the 12 o clock position to his opponent and when he got to them, the padded princess jumped on the middle rope and bounced off hitting a springboard knee strike knocking Mato's head back. Almost there, Gabby runs to the ropes in the 6 o'clock position and rebounds charging the hippo from behind and launches his entire body at the larger opponent's head bringing him down. A surge of confidence flows through Gabriella as he kips up to his feet and twirls posing for the crowd who cheer that sequence of strikes. Mr Hoo November 11th, 21 02:59 PM Mato got up from the assault, finding it impressive that this kid was able to move and attack so well in diapers. He knew since he heard a slight crinkling noise while he was being attacked. Now that he knew he was the real deal, it was time he started taking this seriously. He stood up and did a Shiko stomp before grabbing Gabe from behind and giving him a German Suplex, followed by him grabbing both legs and performing a giant swing right into the turnbuckle. He then proceeded to beat Gabe into the corner with various chops and punches before setting him up so that he was hanging from the middle rope facing upward. He then stood next to him and dropped down, plunging his elbow into Gabby's face. Carl watched as his champ was getting beaten into the corner, worried how he was going to get up from that, "Come on champ! Give 'em what for!" he cheered. Babygabrial November 11th, 21 04:44 PM Gabriel was not too shocked that Mato recovered quickly from his assault. Gabby was a small human. This was going to be a test of his endurance. His back was aching from that german throw. He pants as he's swung against the turnbuckle holding his hip. His stamina is being sapped with these blows to the body. His bangs are loose from his pigtails and hang over his face. Gabby is held in the corner and feels one chop to the chest, and leans over eyes wide, and mouth agaped. The chop had echoed through the hall as the crowd chanted "WOO!". This repeated a few times before he's sat up on the ropes taking an elbow. He sees two Mako's for a moment before he hears his daddy call out to him on ringside. Gabby gasps and moved out of the way and grabs the middle ropes and uses them to pull himself into Mato's gut, plunging it in and moving his opponent in the corner. Gabby does several swift kicks to the chest before jumping off of the middle rope to kick Mato in the chin. Gabby then jumps up with a foot on each middle rope on each side of the turnbuckle, and grabs his arms before jumping off backwards landing on his back and uses all of his leg strength to hit a monkey flip, flopping Mato on his back. Gabby, in one swift motion, kips up to his feet, jumps straight to the top rope, and jumps off hitting a moonsault double stomp making Mato sit up when Gabby jumps off. Gabby ends this sequence by hitting an enziguri head kick to the back of Mato's neck. Now they're both down. Gabby panting tiredly holding his back, and Mato down in pain holding his head and neck. The crowd does a standing ovation chanting for them. Mr Hoo November 11th, 21 11:11 PM Mato couldn't believe how much that last hit hurt, either this kid was really strong, or he was just getting on in years. He lay on the mat for a moment while trying to regain his bearings. He struggled to grab the ropes to allow him to stand up, but when he managed to do so, a ringing headache forced him double over and hold his head in pain. Babygabrial November 11th, 21 11:24 PM Gabriel gets up holding his back and runs to the opposite ropes and comes back launches himself at the hippopotamus sending them both over the top rope. Mato hits tbr floor but Gabby hangs on to the ropes and pulls himself back in the ring. He sees Mato picking himself back up and runs to the opposite ropes, reboundes, changes back and dives through the middle rope hitting Mato with a topé suicida, or suicide dive. This knocks his opponent into the guard rails between ringside and the crowd. The crowd are going ape shit. Especially the apes in the crowd. Mr Hoo November 11th, 21 11:39 PM Mato growls as he is hit and get up, its time to show this kid he means business. He grabs Gabe by the foot and trips him up before picking him back up again and throwing him into the side of the ring. He runs up and delivers a hard knee strike right into the padded wrestler's gut, right before flipping him and performing a piledriver into the ground. After picking him up one more time, he throws Gabby back into the ring and lays him on the mat. He climbs the top rope and pumps up the crowd, who begin to chant his name. He then executes his signature move, the "Yokozuna Slam," in which he jumps off the top rope with his arms outstretched and belly out. "Move, Gabby, move!" Carl cheered, urging his champ to fight back. Babygabrial November 11th, 21 11:46 PM Gabby was beyond out of it. Getting driven into the hardest part of the ring and then kneed is one thing, getting a piledriver on the outside should damn near leave him paralyzed. If that hippo lands on him, then forget the match, his career could be done. But hearing daddy command him, well past the ringing sound going on in his head at least, Gabby rolls towards where he hears daddy's voice and feel a big vibration as Mato hits the matt. Gabby takes a bit as Mato reels in pain on the mat, and slowly gets up leaning on the ropes for support. His back is killing him. Mato worked it all match. But Gabby also worked Mato's neck all match, for a specific reason. Mr Hoo November 11th, 21 11:49 PM Mato gave a few groans as he hit the mat, amazed that his target was still able to dodge his attack. That attack took too much out of him, combine that with the splitting headache he got and you got a recipe for a long night in the medical room. Babygabrial November 11th, 21 11:58 PM As Mato turned around Gabriel took a gamble and jumped on the the top rope and springboarded backwards hooking his arms around the hippo's neck. He's got him, and now he brings them both down with a lot of force on Mato's neck hitting a Springboard Diamond Cutter. Crowd cheer as Gabriel uses all of his strength to push Mato on his back and tiredly lays one arm over him. The crowd counts with the ref One...Two...Three!!!" Crowd pop at the huge upset victory. Mr Hoo November 12th, 21 12:02 AM Carl was ecstatic as he ran into the ring and hugged his little champ, crying tears of joy. His client's very first match was a win, against a former league fighter no less. Darla cheered loudly along with the rest of the crowd, happy for Gabby's win. As for Mato, he lay on the mat with is eyes closed and a smile on his face, he was happy that his last match before his retirement was against such a worthy opponent. He slipped into unconsciousness as he was carted off by the medics. A ring official came in afterwards and presented Carl with the check for $50,000, which he took with a big smile on his face, "Can you believe it champ? We won!" he said. Babygabrial November 12th, 21 12:09 AM Gabriel had a look of disbelief on his face. He won. He has won matches before, but nothing on this level. He's beaten other rookies, but no one that experienced. The announcer calls over the P.A. "Your winner Princess! Gabby! AAAAAAMGEEEEEL!" And Gabby still couldn't believe it. He took the prize and blushed before crying in Carl's arms. Mato, being an older wrestler likely didn't want to go out dominant secretly. In old wrestling tradition you're supposed to go out and find someone new and prosperous or maybe an old rival, and go out like an outlaw. On your back. Mr Hoo November 12th, 21 10:08 AM Later on, the trio met in the locker rooms, "That was awesome guys, Gabby you were stellar out there!" Darla said. "I'll say, I think you have what it takes to really go far in this career." Carl said. Babygabrial November 12th, 21 02:54 PM Gabby was blushing holding an ice pack to his back with one hand, and holding the prize giant $50,000 check in the other. "Th-thankies, that was fun." He says blushing up a storm. "That was quite the performance you put out there." A voice says. Our protag turns to the voice confused. A male fox in glasses, suspenders, and a tie comes in with a stack of cash in his hand. "I don't think we met face to face. I'm Irwin the show's promoter and booker of Atlantic Coast Wrestling. I spoke with Mr. Carl on the phone." The fox comes over to them. "That was incredible kid, did not see it coming, especially in that gettup, but hey I like people who take chances. Anyway, here you go." He holds out the stack of dollars. Looks to be about 500 in twenty dollar bills. "What's this?" Asked a confused Gabby. "Your real pay of course. What you didn't really think there was 50,000 dollars on the line did you?" He chuckles before outright laughing at Gabby's shocked face. "If I had that kind of chedder I wouldn't be promoting in sweaty rec centers in back wood towns. You could keep the fake check though. Maybe as a trophy or something." Mr Hoo November 13th, 21 01:16 AM Carl glared at the fox, "Is some kind of f****** joke? My client worked his ass off out there and you're giving him a poultry amount!? Un-f******-believable!" he shouted. "You backwater snake oil slinging pussy! This can't be true" Darla said. "It isn't." a voice said from behind the fox, it was Mato, who was now walking alright but holding an ice pack to his neck, "I know what you were up to Irwin-san, cheating my winning opponent out of his true earnings while I was unconscious? For shame." He then walks up to Carl and hands him a huge stack of bills, the true 50,000 that Gabe earned, "During my time in the league, I had acquired a vast fortune, hence why I chose to give away so much to the one who would best me. Angel-san, you are a true warrior deserving of such a prize, and give you all my respect." he said while bowing. "We can't thank you enough for this sir." Carl said, bowing as well. Darla followed suit. Babygabrial November 13th, 21 02:12 AM What just happened was an odd set of events that got Gabby's head dizzy. Look you can see swirls in the little human's eyes. Pretty soon they got things settled. Mato, while likely over exagerating his wealth if he's retiring in a place like this, was able to pay Gabby, the promised money. Irwin tried to get them to sign a deal for Gabby to come back but Irwin saw the nasty look Carl and Darla gave him as the baby was just along for this whole ride. He did his part. This was grown up business. Speaking of doing business, while the adults handle matters a smell hits their noses. Mr Hoo November 13th, 21 09:48 AM After the exchange, Mato left, bringing Irwin with him to have a little "talk" about honesty. He left, promising to put in a good word for the league organizers if they did make it that far. Carl laid Gabby down for a change and started to wipe him clean, "It's so cool that you got all that money, you guys are rich!" Darla said. "Not quite, remember when I borrowed money from that loan shark a few months back? Well, I'm going to use that money to pay him off. His boys are sending me death threats now. I've also looked into Gabby's financial situation, he is loaded with debt too. So, we'll still barely manage to have any money left." Carl said as he finished the change. "That sucks man. Don't worry, with your boy's performance out there tonight, there's gonna be a lot of people who will want to have him over for a match." Darla reassured. Babygabrial November 13th, 21 10:07 AM Gabby layed there kicking his feet and sucking his thumb as he was changed. Yes, he did have some debts. He was far behind on rent and his car note, plus his fees for wrestling school. His taxes were weighing on him, and he even had credit card bills for his old wrestling gear, and some baby supplies. A clean slate was definitely needed. Now they can have one, and only go up from here. Gabriel reached up for Carl wanting to be caried. His back still hurt and he didn't feel like walkies like a big girl. Mr Hoo November 13th, 21 10:10 AM "Well, I better be getting him home." Carl said as he picked his little star up. "Alright, good luck with your future matches." Darla said. They left together until they went to their separate cars. Carl put Gabby in the back seat before driving home. Babygabrial November 13th, 21 10:20 AM Gabby was asleep most of the trip, but he was asleep with a smile on his face. He enjoyed himself in the match. He probably felt pretty as well. Mr Hoo November 13th, 21 10:26 AM The next morning, Carl woke up with big yawn, his bones cracking as he slept, "I really need to get a bed." he thought to himself. He went to the kitchen to make himself some coffee when he got a text on his cell phone: Check out Z-Tube when you get a chance, you'll never guess who's trending. -Darla Carl was confused a little, but decided to check it out later once he had his coffee and Gabby woke up. Babygabrial November 13th, 21 10:31 AM Gabby slept in his night gown and wet diaper. He was on his tummy sucking his thumb as he slept in. Alternatively, they could save up for a crib for Gabby and Carl can take his bed. On Z-Tube Gabby's match was uploaded. It only got about a thousand or two views and in the comments Mato gave Gabby a shout out and told people where to call for booking dates. The match is not gonna show up on the trending page, but it was an alright start especially with an endorsement from a well respected independent veteran. Mr Hoo November 13th, 21 10:34 AM After having his coffee, Carl decided it was time for Gabby to wake up. He went to his room to find his little princess sleeping peacefully. He gently nudged him awake, "Wake up Gabby, rise and shine." he said. Babygabrial November 13th, 21 10:47 AM The baby whined of course before his two emeralds fluttered open and he rolled on his back. Gabby reaches up to be lifted up as Carl's phone buzzed. Mr Hoo November 13th, 21 10:49 AM Carl lifted Gabby out of the bed and onto the floor to be changed. He answered the phone and put it on speaker, "This is Carl speaking." he said as he got out the changing supplies. Babygabrial November 13th, 21 10:56 AM Gabby squirms and whines a bit bot seeing daddy from his cone of vision of staring at the ceiling. "Hey Carl, I'm Jack Daw, booker of a small indy promotion. We're in the same town as the show you were at last night. Listen, we're having a two day event tomorrow and the day after and one of the guys I had booked for a match and a twenty human battle royal canceled on me. Think your client can come? I'll pay $200 for each day and if he wins the match I'll add a win bonus of an extra hundred, and if he wins the battle royal, I'll throw in another 150. Sound like a deal?" It was pretty last minute, and quite the drive for both days but it would be a nice payout of up to 650 bucks if Gabby wins both days. Mr Hoo November 13th, 21 11:00 AM "Sure Mr. Daw, I'll tell my client and we'll prepare accordingly." Carl said as he finished changing Gabby. Babygabrial November 13th, 21 11:03 AM Gabby was in baby bliss on the floor..that speedy explosive wrestler from last night could not be seen from this giant baby girl, even if the clothing is similar. Gabby last night looked in the zone. Here he just looks relaxed. Mr Hoo November 14th, 21 10:50 AM Carl hung up the phone after getting the necessary info on where the matches will be, what time, etc. He finished changing Gabby's diaper and gave it a pat, "Guess what little champ? I got you two more matches, a singles match and a battle royal? They're back to back for two whole days so we need to get training after you have breakfast, sound good?" he asked. Babygabrial November 14th, 21 11:23 AM Gabriella responds with a high pitched squeal, kicking his feet, and flailing his arms. He was happy to get some more bookings. He got a little smile on his face, or maybe he's gassy. Maybe both. Mr Hoo November 14th, 21 11:28 AM Carl brought him over to the kitchen and made them both some breakfast, scrambled eggs. He fed him with a smile, happy to see that he was happy. Babygabrial November 14th, 21 11:38 AM Gabby ate and got some on his night gown. He was being a messy baby at breakfast. He giggled as he took in his protein. Once done he reaches for his daddy for his morning baba. Mr Hoo November 14th, 21 11:41 AM Carl had a bottle ready, taking it out of the fridge and inserting it into Gabby's mouth, "Gotta grow up big and strong." he said. Babygabrial November 14th, 21 11:49 AM Gabby giggled. He found that incredibly funny. Though he probably could bulk up on muscle mass if he wanted to. Though that could risk a massive drop in speed. Anyway Gabby suckled the bottle and moved into Carl's lap laying back against him. Mr Hoo November 14th, 21 11:52 AM Carl hummed happily as his little champ suckled down the bottle. He wasn't sure he had competed in a battle royale before, perhaps that could be something to practice today, given that there were enough people in the gym. Babygabrial November 14th, 21 12:10 PM Gabby at and listens to his daddy's hums happily. He could get some practice for the battle royal. He was in one a year ago for the rookie showcase at the gym, but nothing really since. Gabriel seems to have two types of offense. On the ground chain wrestling, and explosive high flying. Given the nature of battle royals, the high flying won't help, while the chain wrestling will maybe keep him low enough that he won't get thrown over the top rope. Mr Hoo November 14th, 21 11:10 PM The bottle was eventually finished and Carl patted his champ's back, "So, do you feel like going out in your outfit today? Or would you like to wear something else?" he asked. Babygabrial November 14th, 21 11:15 PM Leaned over his shoulder thinking it over "Uhhhhhhhh Gabby tinks someth-BRRRRRRRRP!!!!!-ing else." He says while burping and spitting excess milk up. Mr Hoo November 14th, 21 11:18 PM Carl nodded and wiped Gabby's mouth before going to the closet and picking out some suitable clothes for training. After helping him get dressed and packing the diaper bag, Carl carried Gabe to the car and drove to the gym. Babygabrial November 14th, 21 11:28 PM They went back to the gym that Gabby graduated from and got a mock battle royal set with about five trainees. They were all ordered to send Gabby over the top rope, with both feet touching the floor by any means necessary. Mr Hoo November 14th, 21 11:41 PM In the meantime, Carl contacted the loan shark and told him that he would have the money ready for him to pick up by tonight. After that, he also settled things with Gabby's debts, making sure they were paid in full. He also checked out the video on Z-Tube of Gabby's match, giving it a like while he was at it. He checked back with Gabby to see how he was doing. Babygabrial November 15th, 21 12:03 AM Gabby was panting and dripping sweat as he was on the ring apron. Two guys trying to push him out, one guy on the outside trying to pull him off the apron and onto the floor. Gabby pulls the rops down while keeping one foot off of the floor causing the three pushers to fall out of the ring and Gabby tiredly rolled back in. Mr Hoo November 15th, 21 11:01 PM Carl walked to the ring to secretly give Gabby a milk bottle, "That was good champ, although the guys you'll be fighting at the battle royal will probably be much tougher. We might have to work on your stamina so you won't get tossed out of the ring early." he explained. Babygabrial November 16th, 21 09:11 AM Gabby crawls over like a little calf or kidd and suckles the bottle taking in yummy fluids. He nods his head. The battle royal in two days has twice as many people, and these people will be more experienced in the ring. Stamina, agility, ring awareness. Those are the keys he will need to with this whole thing. Mr Hoo November 16th, 21 09:57 AM Carl watched as he finished the bottle, patting him on the back afterwards and putting the bottle away, "Do you need a change?" he whispered. Babygabrial November 16th, 21 11:46 AM He looks up as his back is bat and hiccups. "Me no kn-BRRRRRRRRRRP!!!-ow." He answers for the question about the diaper change. He needs to be checked. Mr Hoo November 16th, 21 11:19 PM Carl felt back there and the diaper was indeed wet, most likely a combination of sweat and urine. He took him to the locker rooms and made sure no one was watching before beginning to change him. Babygabrial November 17th, 21 08:20 AM Gabby giggles and kicks his feet. Its astounding how he can go from hard working wrestler to daddy's little princesses in a matter of a second. Mr Hoo November 18th, 21 10:28 AM Carl finished the change and patted Gabby's new diaper, "There you are champ, ready to work out some more? If you do a good job, Daddy will spend some playtime with you when we get home." he said. Babygabrial November 18th, 21 10:53 AM Gabby gasped and jumped up ready to hop back out there and practice some more. Once back out there Gabriel ran on the treadmill to help his cardio, then did some pull ups for his grip strength. He even did pull ups with 100 Ibs of weights tied to him. Mr Hoo November 18th, 21 10:57 AM Carl was right by his side to offer some encouragement like a good father/trainer would. He was always ready to spot Gabby when he needed it or offer him a milk bottle for energy. Babygabrial November 18th, 21 11:11 AM Carl's encouragement was an energy conversion for Gabby to work harder. He pushed himself at all points during training. Around early afternoon training finished since Gabby didn't need muscle failure before his match tomorrow. They had to get home, have bath time, get the baby fed, give the promised play time, then get Gabby in bed. Then wash, iron, and pack his gear for tomorrow. All with diaper changes in between. Mr Hoo November 18th, 21 11:13 AM "Alright little champ, that's enough for today. Let's get you home and make sure you're well rested for tomorrow." Carl said as he led Gabby back to the car and to the apartment. He got the water started for the bath before undressing his little champ. Babygabrial November 18th, 21 11:17 AM Gabby layed on the floor as he was undressed and undiapered. He hopped in the tub making a big splash on the literal cat daddy. Mr Hoo November 18th, 21 10:04 PM Carl chuckled and shook his fur as Gabby did that, "You're so adorable." he said as he began to scrub him clean and shampoo his hair. Babygabrial November 19th, 21 07:54 AM Gabby was well behaved for bath time. He leaned on his daddy as he was cleaned. Soon he was done and out of the tub. Mr Hoo November 19th, 21 10:19 AM After getting him out of the bath, Carl brought Gabby to his room to get him in one of his little dresses that he usually wore for lounging, along with a nice fresh diaper. He then took him to the kitchen where he warmed up a bottle of milk and prepared a jar of mush. He tied a bib around his little star's neck and took out a spoonful of mush, "Here comes the train, open up." Carl said cheerily. Babygabrial November 19th, 21 02:59 PM Gabriella brushes his hair aside and opens wide. Its only been around a week since they met but they have settled into their routines as well as their roles quite nicely. Mr Hoo November 19th, 21 03:02 PM Carl eventually finished feeding him and moved him over to the living room so he could be more comfortable during his bottle. He lay him down on the floor and onto his lap and did his usual humming and belly rubbing as he fed Gabby his bottle. Babygabrial November 20th, 21 08:33 AM Daddy's little princess cooed behind his bottle and happily looked up at his daddy as he ate. He felt so comfortable. Mr Hoo November 20th, 21 03:08 PM The bottle was eventually done and Carl patted Gabe's back, "So champ, what would you like to play?" he asked. Babygabrial November 20th, 21 07:04 PM Gabriel thought for a moment as his back was patted. Then it hits him. "TEA BRRRRRRRRRRRRP!!! PAWTY!" He says happily Mr Hoo November 21st, 21 12:20 PM Carl nodded and went to Gabby's toy chest and got out his small tea party set. It was well used with fading paint and some cracks as well. He set it out on the coffee table and began to pour imaginary tea into the cups, "Here you are Ms. Gabby." he said. Babygabrial November 21st, 21 09:55 PM He giggles "Tankoo Mistew Da-Da!" He says and holds the tea cup in his hands and playfully sips on it. Mr Hoo November 22nd, 21 02:52 PM "Remember, pinkies up." Carl reminded him as he lifted his pinkie up while sipping his tea. Babygabrial November 22nd, 21 11:33 PM Gabby giggles and copies sipping his fake tea. The "tea" set is from a used toy shop he found when out of town for a match. No telling how old it is. Mr Hoo November 22nd, 21 11:38 PM Carl stared at Gabby completely enjoying himself with his toys. All his toys looked old and well-used, like something you would find at a thrift store. Once they earned enough money, he was going to get him that full nursery along with some brand new toys. Babygabrial November 22nd, 21 11:40 PM Of course that would first mean an apartment with more than one bedroom. When they can find a good area with plenty of good promotions for him to creep his way into the rankings at, then they can move. Mr Hoo November 22nd, 21 11:44 PM Carl played some more with Gabe, even indulging in some girly small talk, "I do like the way you did your hair today Ms. Gabby." Carl said. Babygabrial November 22nd, 21 11:46 PM "Tankoo! Gabby wike your cwothes" He replied happy to play with his daddy. Carl so far has been thing to happen to Gabriel. Fulfilling all of his wants and needs. Mr Hoo November 22nd, 21 11:49 PM Carl felt like a small hole in his heart had been filled ever since he met Gabriel, he was the son he always wanted, never afraid to be himself and hard-working to boot, "I also just love your dress." he said. Babygabrial November 22nd, 21 11:54 PM Gabby giggles, blushing and squirming. Gabby soon wets himself. It was likely soon his bedtime since it was close to sunset and he hasn't had a nap today. Mr Hoo November 22nd, 21 11:56 PM Carl looks at the clock on the wall and stands up, "Alright bud, I think that's enough tea time for today." He check him and finds that he's wet, "We should probably get you in a nice dry diaper too." Carl picks up Gabby and takes him to his room before laying him down on the floor. After going through the diaper change, he lays him down on the bed, humming him a lullaby to help him sleep. Babygabrial November 23rd, 21 12:03 AM Gabby sucks his thumb and listens to his daddy hum before falling asleep. Now that the baby's asleep, time for the easy part. Getting Gabby's clothes and diaper bag ready for in the morning. Mr Hoo November 23rd, 21 12:10 AM Carl packed up everything they might need, diapers, bottles, clothes, and toys. After it was done, Carl got a text on his phone telling him to come outside, it was the loan shark asking for his money. He went outside, being careful not to wake up his little star, and met him. The shark was a great white, dressed in an expensive business suit, "You finally have my payment?" he asked in a gruff voice. "Yeah, right here." Carl said, handing him an envelope full of the money he owed. The shark counted the money inside and gave a toothy smirk, "Well, looks like you freakish mutants can keep a promise." he said, the words hurting Carl more than any physical pain can, "I hope you learn to be more smart in the future." the shark said while walking away with a chuckle. Carl went back inside the apartment, letting the tears fall after he fell asleep. "I'm not a freak..." was his final thoughts before his nightmares took him. Babygabrial November 23rd, 21 12:14 AM Gabby was waking up hearing his daddy going in and out. "Da-Da?" He called for as he rubs his eyes. Mr Hoo November 23rd, 21 10:21 AM Carl approached Gabby and soothed him into falling asleep again by rubbing his belly, "It's OK champ, Daddy's here." he said while trying to keep his emotions in check. Babygabrial November 23rd, 21 05:49 PM Gabriel nestles his daddy and whimpers slowly falling back to sleep snuggling up to Carl. Mr Hoo November 23rd, 21 10:55 PM Carl snuggled Gabby throughout the night, he wasn't going to let anyone call the both of them freaks. Babygabrial November 24th, 21 06:50 PM Especially with how many anthros see humans. Pro anthro race science doesn't help public opinion in the slightest. Mr Hoo November 24th, 21 11:20 PM Hopefully with Gabriel's rise to the top, public opinion will change. Carl knew his sports history well enough to know that some important sporting events resulted in massive social changes. Babygabrial November 25th, 21 01:21 AM Only time will tell, and they will have to take things one step at a time. Starting with tomorrow's match and the next day's battle royal. Mr Hoo November 25th, 21 11:11 AM Soon morning came and Carl woke up with a strech and yawn, "Alright champ, time to wake up." he said while nudging Gabby awake. Babygabrial November 28th, 21 01:55 PM Gabby whimpers and sits up. Its around 6 AM and like any baby, Gabby whimpers fussily and clings to daddy. Mr Hoo November 28th, 21 11:04 PM Carl snuggles Gabby tenderly and rubs his back. It was still too early to leave for the match so they had some time, "Need anything bud? Diaper change? Bottle?" he asked. Babygabrial November 30th, 21 06:22 AM He nodded his head. He definitely needed both. Breakfast baba and for that wet diaper to get changed. Mr Hoo November 30th, 21 03:26 PM Carl took Gabby out of bed and laid him on the floor, taking off his bed clothes and removing his wet diaper. He changed him without any problem, giving it a pat afterward. He then got out some street clothes for him and put them on before carrying him to the kitchen where he began to make breakfast. Babygabrial November 30th, 21 07:03 PM Gabby layed on his daddy now warm, dressed, and still very clingy. "Da-Da where chu go last night?" He asks while snuggling his father figure's fur. Mr Hoo November 30th, 21 10:55 PM The memory of last night came rushing back to Carl like a charging bull, "Nowhere champ, Daddy was just doing an errand." he said. He was then reminded of the shark's words, and how much they hurt him. It took all his willpower to keep himself from crying. Babygabrial November 30th, 21 11:13 PM Gabby's head was positioned so he couldn't see his daddy's face. Smaller animals and humans face hard racial issues and Gabby is definitely gonna have some the more notoriety he gets, but right now Gabby just hugs his daddy tightly and tries to purr like a kitten. It sounds bad but it was a cute attempt. Mr Hoo November 30th, 21 11:20 PM Carl chuckled at this, the act cheering him up a little, "Just like Daddy." he said before he pulled out a warm bottle for Gabby. He held it up to his mouth and let him drink it. Babygabrial November 30th, 21 11:30 PM Gabby nodded his head thinking it worked. It did in a silly way. He opened wide and took the nipple between his lips and suckled the contents through the rubber. Getting good vitamins and nutrients before a match. Mr Hoo November 30th, 21 11:32 PM "That's it champ, gotta be energized for today." Carl said as he helped his little star finish his bottle. Babygabrial November 30th, 21 11:36 PM Gabby squealed excitedly. After the first match gitters were out of him, he is now excited to just get to wrestle. Whether its in a singlet, or in a bonnett. Mr Hoo November 30th, 21 11:39 PM The bottle was eventually finished, leading to Carl burping him and giving him his solid breakfast, oatmeal. He took a spoonful and held it up to Gabby's mouth, "Here comes the train, next stop Gabby." Carl said. Babygabrial November 30th, 21 11:45 PM Gabby bounces up and down and opens wide obediently as he leans in for the train. Once he removes his mouth from the spoon, and promptly licks up any stranded grains of oatmeal, he leans back and brushes his hair aside. "Mmmmmm numnum!" Mr Hoo November 30th, 21 11:46 PM "Here champ, have some more." Carl said, urging his little star to finish his meal. Babygabrial November 30th, 21 11:53 PM Gabby started to fuss when getting near the bottom of the bowl like any other baby. "Full! Full!" He claims but he needs to eat up. Mr Hoo December 5th, 21 11:45 PM "Come on bud, you gotta eat your fill.* continues to feed Gabriel. Babygabrial December 5th, 21 11:53 PM Gabby whined and turned his head away. He didn't want to eat more, but he needed to. Mr Hoo December 5th, 21 11:55 PM "I'll make you a deal bud, I'll give you something sweet if you finish your num nums." Carl offered. Babygabrial December 6th, 21 12:12 AM Gabby hesitates but opens up on the promise of a treat. Mr Hoo December 6th, 21 11:24 PM Carl finishes feeding Gabby and makes good on his promise by giving him a chocolate chip cookie, "There you go bud." Babygabrial December 6th, 21 11:25 PM Gabby ate it in tiny bits. Like bite sized, one step above crumbs. He really goes as far into the babyish life as he can. Mr Hoo December 6th, 21 11:44 PM Carl smiled at how cute he was being and brough him over to the living room so he can play while he packed things up for the match. Babygabrial December 7th, 21 08:12 AM Gabby played with basic baby toys. All bought second hand of course. Gotta streatch those indie "checks" but today's payout could be something good. Plus tomorrow's battle royal could be quite profitable. Mr Hoo December 7th, 21 03:35 PM Carl finished packing everything up, anything that they could possibly need. He then picked Gabby up and brought him out to the car, strapping him into the car seat and giving him something to play with like last time. They then headed off down the road to the fight venue. Babygabrial December 7th, 21 08:46 PM Gabby was well behaved for much of the time of the trip. He was also asleep for the same amount of time. They make it to the venue around 11 AM. Its an open outdoor venue. Its at a park where they built the ring on top of the gated basketball court, and are using the surrounding bleachers for the audience. The ring crew are getting the matts set up. Likely wrestlers in training, volunteers, or the promoter's family. Mr Hoo December 7th, 21 11:05 PM "Quite the spot they picked, huh champ?" Carl asked while getting both him and Gabriel out of the car. They walked over to the booths set up nearby to check themselves in, "Hey there, we have a sign in for Carl and Gabriel?" he asked. Babygabrial December 10th, 21 12:17 AM Gabby looked around. Not a big showing or grand stage this was, but it was a nice change of pace from indoor gyms and halls. The receptionist nods her head."Yeah, we've been waiting. You can go get changed in the park house over there then meet up for bell times under the tent." She says. Probably the promoter's niece or something. She was an Is ostrich and looked like she'd rather flock off somewhere else. Mr Hoo December 10th, 21 07:01 PM Carl nodded and took Gabby over to the park house. He took Gabby's wretler clothes out of the bag and began to dress him up, "Alright Gabby, you feel comfortable walking around in your cute outfit?" Carl asked. Babygabrial December 11th, 21 10:14 AM Gabby needed to be in a fresh diaper, and had to get his baby dress wrestling gear on. He blushed and swayed side to side. "If my Da-Da nearby." He says twirling his twin tails. Mr Hoo December 11th, 21 03:50 PM "Alright bud, I'll be right by your side." Carl said as he got Gabby into a fresh diaper along with his wrestling outfit. Babygabrial December 12th, 21 03:10 AM Gabby pretty much held on to his daddy as he got charged in the park house bathroom. Afterwards they went to the tent where everyone was waiting. Mr Hoo December 13th, 21 01:12 AM Carl gazed at all the wrestlers gathered there. He wondered which one Gabby would be facing one he got his turn. He went up to the desk manned by a weasel, "Hey man, when's the matchup for 'Princess Gabby Angel?" he asked. "You guys are match #5 against 'Milk Maid.' You have some time to either train or mingle or whatever. By the way I saw you on Zoo Tube, hope to see more of that in the ring tonight." he said. "We'll make sure of it. Also, are all of these wrestlers gonna be in the royal rumble tomorrow?" Carl asked. "Yep, safe to say you got some pretty stiff competition ahead of you." the weasel said. "So Gabby what do you say? Want to watch some of the matches before ours starts?" Carl suggested. Babygabrial December 13th, 21 03:38 PM Gabby nods while staying close to Carl "mhmm" he vocally confirms. The battle royal tomorrow will only have the humans who will be competing today. So likely as the Wessle said, every human here to wrestle will be in the battle royal tomorrow. But to face someone named Milk Maid today, he wonders if he will be facing a cow. He's never done inter-gender wrestling before. Mr Hoo December 14th, 21 12:39 AM Carl took Gabby out to the ring bleachers to watch the matches taking place before theirs, trying to get a strategy on the human wrestlers. For example, what their strengths were, weaknesses, flaws, style. Anything that could possibly help. Babygabrial December 15th, 21 08:47 AM Some of them were much bigger than Gabby, which more times than not you have to be to take on the anthros. Gabby gets by on skill and endurance. A human and a cat anthro like Carl had a high flying spectacle. Hitting springboards and 450° splashes on each other. That won't be hand in a battle royal. Going to the top rope is the dumbest move you could make in those. Mr Hoo December 15th, 21 09:29 AM The matches came and went and it was eventually time for Gabby to make his entrence. Carl led him to the ringside and waited for their call. An announcer came over the loudspeaker, "We now move on to our 5th match! First up, we have the padded pounder, the dressed-up disaster, give it up for Princess Gabby Angel!" Carl helped Gabby into the ring and watched as he waved to the crowd. "And now for his opponent. A mystery fighter full of pride and wonder, just try to get this one down. It's Rufie 'Milk Maid' Jones!" the announcer said as Gabby's opponent climed into the ring. Milk Maid was a cow, or maybe a bull? These questions arose because they both had a bull's horns and a cow's udder. Transgender bovines were nothing new to Carl as he has heard stories of some of them getting surgery to remove either their horns or udder so they can be seen differently. The strange thing was that this animal had both. They had completely brown fur with dark brown spots, and the ring outfit consisted of a short black maid's dress, pink panties, lace stockings that went up to the thighs, and a small maid's hat perched between the fighter's horns. They daintly waved to the crowd after climbing into the ring and curtsied to Gabby. Babygabrial December 15th, 21 11:55 AM It was quite clear to even the oblivious Gabby that this match was a kind of comedy moment for the show. A crossdressing human and a trans bovine. Oh yeah this match isn't meant to be taken seriously at all. Gabby was serious though. Gabby came to wrestler and by God he was about to grab the bull....cow....them by the horns. The bell rang and the two circled around each other as the crowd watched looking like "Entertain us you carnies". Milk Maid tried to lock up but the princess cart wheeled past them and did a twirl and curtsey. The crowd laughed at the taunt and clapped for Gabby. It was actually astounding how confident Gabby is in the ring compared to.... anywhere else. He just taunted his opponent like he had all of the confidence in the world but he blushed up a storm on the way to the ring and kept his dress pulled down. The wrestling ring is truly where Gabby can be Gabby. Milk maid came in and shoulder tackled Gabby to the ground before taunting as well. They get some cheers for their strength after sending Gabby nearly out of the ring. Gabby however kipped up behind the bovine's back and hit a princess pelee kick to the back of their head Sending them out of the ring. Milk Maid is on their feet quickly and looks up as Gabby launches himself like a bullet out of the ring and gets in running the ropes and does a baseball slide kicking the Maid into the guard rails. Gabby keeps the momentum going by running the ropes again. Gabby charges to the ropes and jumps over the top rope doing a front flip but the bovine catches him and power bombs him onto the floor. Gabby writhes in pain as all of the air leaves his body for a moment and his eyes roll back as he turns onto his stomach. Mr Hoo December 15th, 21 08:13 PM Milk Maid stared at her downed opponent with worry. In terms of outlandish gimmicks they saw Gabby and themselves as two peas in pod. Just like Gabby, Milk Maid wrestled because its what they liked doing. Also to show those naysayers exactly who their dealing with. Milk Maid could be graceful and dainty, but also tough and unflinching. They climbed into the ring and showed off to the crowd, flexing their bicep to show off the surprising amount of muscle they had. They then saw Gabby climb back into the ring, just in time for them to pick him up and slam him against the corner. This was followed by two hooks that looked like slaps before a headbutt was landed. The bovine then picked Gabby up for a powerbomb, slamming him hard onto the mat. They gave a little curtsy afterwards. "Come on Gabby! Serve them!" Carl shouted as he gave a slight pound to the ring mat. Babygabrial December 15th, 21 10:37 PM Gabby groaned in pain. Gabby was picked up for a power slam. Gabby slips out and pushes Milk Maid to the ropes and runs to opposite axis of them and jumps on the ropes hitting the running Milk Maid with a springboard spear. Gabby goes for a pin but only gets a two count before Milk Maid kicks out. The princess stands them up and goes for an Irish whip to the corner, but Milk Maid reverses it and sends Gabby to the corner. Gabriella stops himself before slamming into the turnbuckle, but feels the Bovine charging from behind. Gabby spins out of the way as the milk Maid jumps and slams their head on the turnbuckle before turning around and slumping in the corner. Gabby climbs on the ropes and throws punches as the ref begins the count to fige, and the crowd counts Gabriel's punches. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" Gabriel hops off as the ref got to four in his count. But Gabriel runs to the other turnbuckle and charges back at the cornered bull-cow before jumping up and hitting a superman punch on them making them fall to the matt. "10!" Chanted the crowd. They begin to clap and cheer. Mr Hoo December 16th, 21 10:43 AM Milk Maid rose to their feet, still very dazed from the hit they received. They wondered how the human got that strong in the first place. They managed to regain their bearings as Gabby was celebrating, leading to them clotheslining Gabby from the back. After that the padded wrestler was picked up and received various chops and punches to the head and chest area before he was Irish Whipped into the ropes and drop kicked right in the belly. Gabby was still standing clutching his belly in pain, but Milk Maid tripped him up from their laying down position before putting them in four-figure leg lock, looking to make him tap. "Get out of there champ!" Carl shouted. Babygabrial December 16th, 21 11:39 AM The dropkick nearly made him throw up his lunch. Gabriel is not nearly as strong as the anthro. His offense has mostly relied on throwing his entire body into each move or throwing the bovine off balance. The figure four was locked in tight but Gabriel fights it and scoots towards the ropes. His legs haven't been worked at all in this match, mostly his back has. So, he is able to resist this intense pain. Gabriel drags himself really close to the ropes. It looks like he's gonna go for a rope break, and Milk Maid is fine with that since this would still do hard damage to his legs. However, Gabriel swerved the Milk Maid and rolled over onto his stomach. Anyone who knows wrestling knows that the biggest weakness of the figure four leg lock is if you turn over on your stomach the preasure is reversed sending all of the agonizing pain to the one who put the lock in, and Gabby wasn't moving himself to the ropes, he was moving Milk Maid as far away from the ropes as possible. The crowd pops realizing this. Mr Hoo December 16th, 21 02:46 PM Milk Maid nearly squealed in pain upon this happening, resisiting all of the urge to tap out. They grasped towards the ropes but was just barely out reach. Strength was fading away fast, the pain was becoming too much to bear. With no other option available, Milk Maid tapped out, relief being a welcoming feeling as the hold was released. Carl cheered and went into the ring to congratulate his little star. Babygabrial December 16th, 21 03:56 PM Gabby couldn't believe it. He won, and with a reversed submission. The crowd cheered. The match was short but sweet. Milk Maid looked like a powerhouse, but the star was the winner. Gabby used technical skill, ring awareness, and wrestling psychology to get a win against a much bigger and stronger opponent. Anyone who knows anything about talent can see that in the ring, Princess Gabriella Angel was a student of the game. Mr Hoo December 17th, 21 01:07 AM Carl took Gabby back into the tent after the match, "That was brilliant champ. How do you feel?" he asked. Babygabrial December 17th, 21 07:54 AM "Back go owie!" He whines as the adrenaline was wearing off. He squirmed and teared up. He also probably needs his diaper checked. Mr Hoo December 17th, 21 02:32 PM Carl quickly rushed him to the medical area where Gabby was promptly checked on by the medics. They were able to give a quick readujstment and told Carl to make sure he was given plenty of rest. After that, Carl checked him and took him to the town house where he first changed Gabby into his wrestling costume. There, he began to change him. Babygabrial December 18th, 21 06:49 PM Gabby was likely just feeling all of the pain from the match, that he likely was able to ignore before or not notice due to adrenaline. He just needed a good nappy wappy and an ice bath and he'll be good to go. Mr Hoo December 19th, 21 01:18 AM Carl finished the change and gave Gabby's diaper a pat. They both went to the motel that the promotional team rented out for the wrestlers. After getting settled into their room, Carl made a nice ice bath for Gabby to help him relax. Babygabrial December 19th, 21 08:59 AM Given how many wrestlers they had traveling in, the hotel was very cheap and not great at all. Given how most promotions don't pay for travel though, nobody's going to complain. Gabby layed by the tub while his daddy ran back and forth from their room to the ice machine to fill the tub up with ice. Gabby had to flick away a few bugs. Mr Hoo December 19th, 21 11:31 PM On one of Carl's trips back to the room with the ice, he surprisingly ran into Milk Maid. They were wearing a pair of overalls along with a pink plaid shirt, "Oh, hello there." they said with a feminine sounding voice. "Hey there Milk Maid, or should I call you Rufie?" Carl asked. "Call me anything you want dear, mind if I come in?" they asked. "Sure, come in. Gabby's taking an ice bath now but feel free to make yourself comfortable." Carl said while inviting the trans bovine inside, where they made themselves comfortable on one of the couches. Meanwhile, Carl put the rest of the ice in the bath while saying to Gabby, "Hey champ, Rufie the Milk Maid's here to say hello. Just tell me when you want to get out of your bath." Babygabrial December 21st, 21 09:36 AM The pain was subsiding and Gabriella was about ready to leave the cold. He reaches up making grabby hands. He doesn't mind being naked and getting his diaper changed in front of certain people. Especially if they already know he's in diapers. Mr Hoo December 21st, 21 11:07 AM After getting Gabby changed into a fresh diaper and into his bedtime dress, Carl brought him over to Rufie who instantly d'awwd at the sight of him, "Oh, he is absoultely precious." they said while snuggling Gabby and showing him in kisses. Rufie was definitely no stranger to people like Gabby, since they often enjoyed taking care of them in secret clubs and meetings. Babygabrial December 21st, 21 02:36 PM Gabby giggles and squirms before putting his thumb in his mouth. He clings to the bovine before yawning, ready for naptime. Mr Hoo December 22nd, 21 12:28 AM Rufie held Gabby close before picking him up and rocking him, "Looks like someone's ready for bed." they said. Carl nodded and helped Rufie put his little champ to bed. Rufie sang a lullaby while Carl rubbed his belly. Babygabrial December 23rd, 21 11:14 AM The adult human looked up at the two anthros and sucked his thumb as he drifted off to dreamland. Sleeping peacefully. Mr Hoo December 23rd, 21 11:20 AM The two of them walked out of the room and had a quiet conversation, "He's really cute." Rufie said. "Yeah." Carl said. "By the way, I came to give you some important info." Rufie said before handing Carl three pictures of three different human wrestlers, "Tell Gabby to watch out for these three during the rumble. I put some notes on the back of the pictures that you can study for the match." "Thanks, we'll be sure to look at them." Carl said. "Also, if Gabby needs a tag team partner in the future, give me a ring." Rufie offered with a wink. Carl obliged and got their number before they left. Babygabrial December 23rd, 21 11:35 AM The three pictures were three humans classified as heels. Eli Knight, a large, muscular, charismatic up and comer willing to do any underhanded tactic to win. Bar, a cold hearted technical smaller guy just like Gabby who is likely to break your neck before sending you over the top rope. Finally, a veteran human who's prime was several decades ago, Dr. Kruger. A deathmatch wrestler who will likely bring dangerous weapons into the match. As dangerous as the tiny promotion can afford to supply him. Mr Hoo December 23rd, 21 11:41 AM Carl looked at the three pictures and their notes with no small amount of worry. He was going to have to do a lot of training with Gabby if he was going to defend against all of them. Babygabrial December 23rd, 21 11:45 AM At that point, what training could he do? The battle royal is tomorrow, Gabby is recovering from his match today, and those are very different styles to prepare for. At this point you could only trust Gabby's knowledge and natural wrestling instincts. Mr Hoo December 23rd, 21 11:47 AM Carl put all the pictures in his coat, he needed to place all worry aside and trust that Gabby will do well in his match. The best he can do is warn Gabby of the impending dangers and provide the best support he can. With this in mind, he took off his clothes and curled up on the smelly armchair to sleep. Babygabrial December 23rd, 21 11:50 AM Even though it was only dusk, a long drive, sitting watching sub par wrestling for hours, and taking care of a baby was quite exhausting work. The couch was crummy at best and just another humble beginning for these two. Mr Hoo December 23rd, 21 11:51 AM Besides, Carl had spent a fair amount of time living on the streets. Compared to a cardboard box or a pile of trash bags, this chair was like a luxory memory foam mattress. Babygabrial December 23rd, 21 11:55 AM Gabby wakes up crying in the middle of the night feeling hungry, messy, and needy for his Dada. He squirms around cutely crying. Mr Hoo December 23rd, 21 11:57 AM Carl rubs his eyes before going to check on him, "There, there champ. I'm here." he said before picking him up and placing him on the floor. He changed him no problem, making sure the diaper was on nice and snug, "All better. Need anything else little star?" he asked. Babygabrial December 23rd, 21 11:59 AM Gabriella continues to cry holding his tummy. Since he already dirtied his diapers, it seems like he is hungry. Mr Hoo December 23rd, 21 12:01 PM Carl realized this and warms up a bottle of milk before gently taking Gabby's head in his lab and feeding him the bottle, "Shh... you're OK, just drink your baba." he said gently. Babygabrial December 23rd, 21 12:04 PM Gabby obeyed like daddy's good little kitten. He nursed and calmed down. He guzzles the milk down before soon falling back to sleep. Mr Hoo December 24th, 21 01:18 AM Carl smiled as he took the bottle out before putting Gabby back in bed. He yawned himself before curling up to sleep with him. Babygabrial December 24th, 21 01:46 AM It's amazing how Gabby can wake up needy in the middle of the night like a real baby. Honestly, outside of size Gabby's about as real of a baby as any infant. If he didn't truly love wrestling, he'd probably find it too grown up. Mr Hoo December 25th, 21 01:19 AM Morning came and Carl stretched and yawned like any cat would. Babygabrial December 25th, 21 02:19 PM Gabby was soon awakened by the sun coming through the curtains. Hebsits up and rubs his eyes yawning. Mr Hoo December 25th, 21 02:57 PM "Morning champ, excited for today?" Carl asked while carrying him out of bed and onto the floor. He then got out the baby food he stashed in the room's very small fridge and began to feed his little star breakfast. Babygabrial December 28th, 21 06:34 PM It's a cheap motel. No kitchen. Just one dingey bedroom and one dusty bathroom. ---------- Post added at 06:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 AM ---------- Gabby rubbed his eyes as he saw his daddy take baby food jars out of the tiny fridge sitting next to the crappy tv. Gabby opens wide having grown used to the diet of pured food and baby formula. Mr Hoo December 28th, 21 06:39 PM Carl took the first spoonful and made airplane noises as he led the spoon into Gabby's mouth. Babygabrial December 29th, 21 12:56 AM Gabby happily ate as he was fed, licking his lips to try and get the bits that miss. Mr Hoo December 29th, 21 01:47 AM Carl eventually finished feeding him and got out a bottle for him, helping him drink it by placing his head in his lap. He needed all the energy and nutrients he could for the upcoming match. Babygabrial December 29th, 21 10:57 AM Gabby comfortably drank his baba not looking too worried right now. Right now he just focused on being daddy's little girl and all the perks that came with it. He wasn't in a wrestling mindset right now, but who knows when that will change. Mr Hoo December 29th, 21 02:46 PM Once the bottle was done, Carl sat him up and patted his back to burp him, "Feeling good champ?" he asked. Babygabrial December 29th, 21 05:18 PM Gabby felt something coming "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!!!" He releases the gasses held in him from breakfast "Wes Dada" he responds. Mr Hoo December 30th, 21 01:05 PM Carl chuckled at the loud burp before handing Gabby the pictures that Rufie gave to him, "Here champ, Rufie gave these to me last night. These three guys you need to watch out for during the match today." he said. Babygabrial December 30th, 21 09:25 PM Gabby crawled in his father's lap. He started looking at the notes on the standout heels while his daddy does his hair. Mr Hoo December 31st, 21 12:14 PM Carl did Gabby's hair into cute little pigtails, knowing that it would add to his cuteness in the ring, "You like this champ?" he asked. Babygabrial January 2nd, 22 02:53 AM Gabby looked himself in the mirror and nods happily. He giggles kicking his feet happily. They'd have to work on his pagentries a bit more when they have time to help market him. Especially before he starts getting some negative press. Mr Hoo January 2nd, 22 11:37 AM Carl thought it was good enough for now. When they would make more money he would definitely be buying better and more intricate outfits for his little star. Babygabrial January 2nd, 22 12:00 PM And maybe work on his entrence routine. Maybe get some good theme music for him to use. Especially once he starts getting on tv since he won't be able to use actual songs without paying for them Mr Hoo January 2nd, 22 12:03 PM It's a good thing Carl knew a musician or two, they would certainly make Gabby a memorable theme tune. Babygabrial January 2nd, 22 12:15 PM Not exactly for free, plus getting studio time and copywriting the songs and discussing ownership will take time and money. But that's future business. For now Gabby needs to worry about launching a bunch of other humans over the top rope so they can eat next week. Mr Hoo January 2nd, 22 12:21 PM "OK champ, ready to take it all today?" Carl asked while getting their stuff ready, including Gabby's ring attire. Babygabrial January 2nd, 22 12:39 PM Gabby nods and climbs down from the bed like a 1 year old and reaches to be helped to stand up. Mr Hoo January 2nd, 22 12:42 PM Carl helps him stand and get dressed into his outfit. He readies some bottles and stores them in his bag before they head out to the ring. The match wouldn't start for some time so they had plenty of time to discuss strategy. Once at the waiting tent, they ran into Rufie who was waiting for them, "Hello boys~" the bovine greeted them. "Hey Rufie." Carl greeted back. Babygabrial January 2nd, 22 12:45 PM "I was hoping to see you two before my match. Glad you're here on time." Rufie says in their Milk Maid attire. Gabby reaches out for hugs from his opponent yesterday. Mr Hoo January 2nd, 22 12:51 PM "Oof! Looks like someones happy to see me." Rufie said while ruffling Gabby's head. She then brough them over to a folding table to talk, "Now then, I would like to talk to you a little more about your opponents." they said. "Great, we could also talk strategy as well." Carl said. Babygabrial January 2nd, 22 01:01 PM Gabby sat in Carl's lap and listened. They could only discuss three people in a twenty man battle royal but at least one of these three would be an odds on favorite to win. Getting rid of them could increase chances but focusing on them could be dangerous as well because someone could sneak up and eliminate him as well. Mr Hoo January 2nd, 22 01:03 PM Carl determined that a possible best strategy would be to let the other wrestlers wear each other out before going for the elimination. That would be incredibly risky though and would require Gabby to actually deal some damage himself without attracting attention. Babygabrial January 2nd, 22 01:08 PM There are options and honestly the best thing would be to implement them all at different times. Gabby will need to read the situation at the time, but he has shown to be adaptable. Mr Hoo January 3rd, 22 06:19 PM Carl had no doubts about how adaptable Gabby was in the ring. Rufie knew this too for they had experienced it firsthand, "Well, looks like the freaks have gathered in one place." said a voice. They all turned around to see one of Gabby's main opponents in the royal rumble, Dr. Kruger himself. "Darling, you know its rude to not announce yourself beforehand." Rufie told him. "Did I ask for your opinion femboy?" Kruger asked somewhat brashly, causing the bovine to scoff. The man then turned his attention to Gabby, "I don't know what gave you the idea to get in the ring dressed like that, but you might want to run back to Mommy before you really regret it." he said. "You'd be surprised at what he can do." Carl said. Kruger gave him a sharp glare, "Was I talking to you freak?" There it was, that one word that pierced Carl's soul. He was instantly at a loss for words as he tried to contain himself. Babygabrial January 4th, 22 02:06 AM "Two dirty animals animals looking to get skinned, and a fresh meat literal babydace. You're gonna mess around playing wrestler and get your ass beat little bitch." He slams his hand on the table making Gabby jump as he gives crazy eyes. He's a deathmatch wrestler so he may be an actual psychopath. Mr Hoo January 5th, 22 01:16 AM "Hey, save it for the match sir." An official said while walking over to them. Kruger gave him a glare before walking off. When the official left, Carl broke down in tears. This prompted Rufie to hug him close and rub his back. Babygabrial January 5th, 22 02:25 AM Gabby looks at his daddy crying. His daddy who has given him the best two weeks of his life, and helped elevate his career. Someone made him cry. " He made daddy cry. He made daddy cry. He made daddy cry. He made daddy cry." Those words repeat over and over in his mind as his eyes slowly turn towards the back of Kruger glaring daggers as his eye burn with an emerald flame. Soon it was time for the battle royal. To save time all competitors start in the ring with the announcer introducing them quickly. Each human wrestler raised their hand, did a pose, or in some cases taunted the crowd. Everyone is looking at each other eying who's going to strike first. Rules are simple 20 humans start you're eliminated if you are thrown over the top rope and both feet touch the ground. Last human in the ring is the winner and gets the cash prize. Gabriel looks around at the three threats he was warned about. Eli Knight is near the center of the ring cracking his neck looking cocky. Bar is being quite ballsy by leaning in the corner without a care. And of course the veteran Dr. Kruger stands by the ropes looking ready to charge when the bell sounds. With 16 other wrestlers in the ring those three definitely aren't the only heels, but he's got eyes in the back of his head for those three in particular. It feels like time stops and the world goes silent as Gabby's heart pounds in anticipation. When its time to go the bell sounds and all hell breaks loose. Guys clash in the ring throwing shots, some hitting slams, some even immediately going for eliminations on others. What Gabby sees is Dr. Kruger on the other side of the ring roll out of the ring via the bottom rope so he doesn't get eliminated, and goes under the ring pulling out a trash cam full of weapons and launches it in the ring. Gabby's eyes are green but Princess sees red as he runs across the ring, hops over a guy trying to grab him and suicide dives through the middle rope, ramming Kruger into the guard rail. Gabby starts trying to brawl with a deathmatch wrestler a good 13 years ahead of him when Kruger jams a thumb in Gabby's eye to get him off of him and lifts the princess up and drops her on the guard rail smashing his princess parts. The good doctor goes under the ring and grabs a light tube and smashes it over Gabby's head causing him to fall over bleeding on the protective mat as "You Sick Fuck!" Chants start Mr Hoo January 5th, 22 07:26 PM Carl managed to calm down by the time the match started. He was watching with Rufie in the stands, waiting in anticipation for the match to start. He constanly had his eye on Gabby, wishing him the best and hoping nothing too bad happens to him. Even when the chaos started the cat's eyes were firmly on Gabby. He watched in a trance as his little star manuevered through the mass of bodies trying to mangle each other and hit Kruger with that suicide dive. His heart then dropped when he saw that psychopath try to eye gouge him and slam him on the barrier. While the bastard was mercilessly beating him senseless, Carl's mind started to warp the scene in front of him. For a while he didn't see Gabby and Kruger, but a younger version of him and the bullies that relentlessly taunted him. Every single day he would be subject to being pushed onto the ground and kicked repeatedly while hearing, "Beat the freak!" over and over again. Even the teachers who were supposed to be stopping this behavior cheered as they did it... they fucking cheered them on. To them he was freak of nature with his unnaturally colored fur. He spend many lonely, cold nights crying himself to sleep. He resented the world around him and wanted to show it what for. Gabby would help him do it, and there he was getting beaten out there just like him. He wanted to shout, to say something, but Rufie beat him to it. They now spoke in a deeper more masculine voice, "Come on Gabby! Get up and ram your fist up that fucker's ass!" Babygabrial January 5th, 22 08:11 PM Kruger pulls Gabby up and shows him to the grab holding him by the here. "This yours? This little bitch belong to you? How about I drag him to the back and make him a real princess?" The crowd boos Dr. Kruger. And he relishes in it before Gabby grabs his waist and lifts him for a back drop on the edge of the ring appron. Kruger holds the back of his as Gabby picks him up and rolls him back in the ring. Kruger gets up as Gabby slides in and pops Gabby up hitting him with a spine buster, before ground and pounding him. Meanwhile in the battle royal Knight sees two other guys trying to eliminate a guy and pulls the two off before booting the guy on the apron to the floor to steal the elimination. Bar ducks a clothesline and grabs a guy popping him in the air and over the top rope and to the floor. Scoring an impressive elimination. A few other faces get guys over the top rope. Some guys dave themselves and roll back in. Right now there are 18 competitors left. A different heel sees Gabby distracted by Kruger and grabs him by the back of the dress and throws Gabby over the top rope. The heel tries to push Gabby to the floor. Kruger goes for a kendo stick and swings but Gabby sees and grabs the stick and smacks Kruger in the head drawing blood and sends him back. Gabby then repeatedly smacks the heel trying to push him down in the back of the head making the crowd cheer with each swing and making the heel lean halfway over the top rope. Gabby jumps on the middle rope and hits a springboard leg drop on the heel sending them comepletely over. The heel hits the floor as Gabby is in a sitting position before rolling under the bottom rope and lays there catching his breath and wiping the blood from his forehead. 16 competitors left. Mr Hoo January 6th, 22 09:33 AM Carl watched as Gabby was performing well in the match. He was actually holding his own against a violent psychopath. He was still worried, but not as worried as he was a while earlier, "That's it Gabby! Make Daddy proud!" he cheered. Rufie cheered for him as well. To them, Gabby was a symbol as to what people like them can do when they set their mind to it. Just like Carl, Rufie was constantly mocked for the way they acted. However, they had a fairly easier time of it since they mastered the art of self-defense and intimidation when needed. Nevertheless, they felt a connection to them. Babygabrial January 6th, 22 09:56 AM Gabby never exposed himself until Carl pushed him to. He more got picked on for being really gullible and easy to take advantage of. He did see there was a subtle divide between humans and anthros. Especially in sports. Humans were seen as weaker, so they wouldn't get starting positions, bigger roles, or as good of pay. But Gabby so far has won three back to back matches against anthros and is showing what he can do even against other humans. While he takes a breather, the eliminations start ramping up. One guy charges another only to get back body dropped out of the ring. One guy gets sat on the top turnbuckle and pushed out. Heck one guy gets super kicked right over the top rope. Its a bit of a mad house. Everyone is trying to survive, some are trying to score some eliminations. In a battle rp where everyone starts at the same time there's a few important titles to hive. The winner and runner up of course are very important, but also most eliminations. That can show that someone is dominant. Right now most everyone has one or two eliminations but with nearly half the participants gone, people are getting hungry to score. Mr Hoo January 6th, 22 09:58 AM Carl waited anxiously to see if Gabby would get up and start fighting again. If he keeps laying there for long, someone is gonna take advantage of that, "Come on Gabby, get up please." Carl said to himself. Babygabrial January 6th, 22 10:10 AM Gabby pulls himself up leaning on the ropes. Someone tries to charge at him to clothesline him over the tope rope, but Gabby uses his keen eing awareness to drop to the floor pulling the top rope down, making his would be eliminater fly over the ropes himself. Kruger sees an idiot going for a top rope move and throws the trash can at his head making him fall out of the ring. Knight sees two guys trying to eliminate one guy who's on the apron. He gives them a hand by coming up and throwing all three out at once. He laughs tapping his forehead praising himself for such a genius play. The stoic Bar batters a guy to near unconsciousness before throwing them out when a guy tries to get him from behind, Bar flips him over the top rope. They save themselves by hanging on to the top rope, but Bar grabs them from behind and chokes them out until they fall to the floor. Now its the final four. In one corner the ruthless Bar, the next corner is the cocky Eli Knight, the next corner the good Dr. Kruger who's holding a chair, and finally our Princess Gabriella Angel. These four wrestlers glare each other down. It looks like they're all going to meet in the middle when HGabby kicks Kruger in the balls and throws him out eliminating him out of nowhere. Mr Hoo January 6th, 22 10:13 AM Carl stands up in elation, cheering Gabby on for his move, "That's my baby girl!" he cheers. "Show 'em what you got, hon!" Rufie cheers, now back to their feminine voice. Babygabrial January 6th, 22 10:23 AM Knight chuckles and points outside telling Gabby that was a smart move. Gabby glares him down, and behind Knight, Bar glares daggers. He looks between the two of them as suddenly they both jump him. He throws them both off. Trying to get back. Gabby runs in as Knight clotheslines him flipping Gabby mover. Bar axe kicks his back making Knight roll out of the way. Bar picks Gabby up to try and eliminate him. Bar throws Gabby over the top rope and tries pushing him to the floor Gabby pushes back. Knight sees an opportunity for a double elimination and runs up throwing Bar over. Bar does what is known as "skinning the cat" where when thrown over the top rope you hang on to the top rope with one foot touching the floor before pulling yourself becl over the top rope. Bar gets behind Knight who is trying to eliminate Gabby. Gabby moves out of the way and hops on the middle rope as Bar runs up behind. They hit a springboard kick/knee strike double team move before they both throw Knight on the apron. Knight hangs on and sits on the apron as Gabby gets in the ring and the two of them double dropkick Knight to the floor. They get up and circle each other as the crowd cheers. Our final two, Gabby and Bar. Mr Hoo January 6th, 22 10:29 AM Carl cheers Gabby on to beat his opponent. He just survived a vicious brawl with 19 other competitors, three of which were psychotic in every sense of the word. Now it was just down to him and one of those same three crazies. If he could survive that chaos, he can survive this. Rufie cheers as well. Even though they were previously opponents, they really did see Gabby and Carl as true friends. Babygabrial January 6th, 22 10:40 AM The two lock up and start, well for lack of a better phrase, just start having a regular match. Bar hits a spinning drop toe hold on Gabby sending the princess to the mat. When Bar tries to lock in an STF to make Gabby pass out, Gabby hooks Bar's head and repeatedly slams it on the canvas making be let go. They get up and Gabby runs by going for a springboard cutter off of the middle rope but Bar catches Gabby out of the air and hits a Saito Suplex, dropping Gabby on his head. Bar pants as he picks Gabby up to throw him out but Gabby elbows Bar in the ribs a few times and lifts Bar on his shoulders. The crowd stands in excitement as it looks like Gabby was about to go for one of the deadliest moves in all of wrestling, The Burning Hammer. Bar rolls off of Gabby's shoulders and tries to choke him out with a front head lock. Gabby's neck was definitely weakened with that suplex so he can't lift Bar for a reversal. So, Gabby charges into Bar and rams them both pver the top rope. They both lay on the apron panting, trying to pull themselves up and knock the other off. They stand up and start kicking each other's legs trying to throw one another's balance off. Mr Hoo January 6th, 22 10:42 AM "Come on Gabby! Finish it!" Carl cheers. "Knock that ruffian on his ass!" Rufie cheers. Babygabrial January 6th, 22 10:49 AM Bar goes for a spinning high kick but Gabby ducks. When Bar comepletes the full rotation he catches Gabby turned away from him. Gabby jumps back and hits a cutter on Bar onto the apron and rolls him onto the floor. The bell rings as Gabby lays on the apron tired and panting. "Here's your winner! Princess Gabby Angel!" The crowd applauds that great performance. As Gabby is helped down and helped to the back quockly. After all they weren't the main event and the show has to keep going. Mr Hoo January 6th, 22 10:52 AM Carl and Rufie cheered as Gabby was announced as the winner, they even shared a hug in celebration. Once backstage, they both met up with Gabby was he was being tended to by the medics, "That was a great match champ, Daddy's proud of you." he said while giving him a hug. Babygabrial January 6th, 22 11:03 AM Gabby giggled and hugged his daddy. An avion anthro comes up to them dressed up in fairly casual clothes. "Hey there winner!" He says to Gabby who looks confused. "Hey there Mr. Promoter" says Rufie. "Here to give us our pay checks?" They say. By what Rufie says this must be Jack Daw the man that called Carl about booking Gabby. "Pretty close" Jack says before pulling his wallet out. "Left my checkbook at home so gotta pay you guys in cash." He says as he pulls out the agreed upon payment, plus the bonus for Gabby winning the battle royal. A total of 550 bucks for two days of work. Pretty good honestly. "Thanks again for the last minute fill in. Some people are so unprofessional am I right?" Jack joked around. Mr Hoo January 6th, 22 11:07 AM "It's our pleasure. My champ here is more than happy to hop into a ring any day." Carl said. "I had fun as well. Hope you enjoyed my display of skill Mr. Daw~<3" Rufie said, batting their eyes in a flirtatious manner. "If there are any other events you need filling, don't hesitate to call us." Carl said. Babygabrial January 6th, 22 11:16 AM "Well what happened out there at the beginning, how about next Saturday you come back so Gabby can settle the score with new heated rival, Dr. Kruger in a no disqualification match? I'll pay 300 to get you here. You win I'll make it 500. " Jack offers looking to get a stable group of indie guys to come back. Mr Hoo January 6th, 22 11:18 AM "Seems like a good deal, what do you say champ?" Carl asked. Babygabrial January 6th, 22 11:20 AM Gabby nods happy to get a crack at Kruger. "Sweet I'll get it scheduled. Get some wins and you might even get a Human Division Championship match here." Jack says patting his shoulder and heading off. Mr Hoo January 7th, 22 11:02 AM "Isn't this great champ, we're getting some recognition." Carl said. "I'll say. By the way if you ever need a tag team partner, I'm all yours." Rufie said. Babygabrial January 7th, 22 11:28 AM Gabby giggles and nods. Sure it was still local indie level, and seeing the rankings was a ways off, but this could help spread his name out to other indy companies and get him more work. Especially taking someone like Kruger on. Deathmatch wrestling hasn't been prominent in over 20 years, and even then it wasn't viewed as true wrestling, but fighting a veteran could still help a little. Mr Hoo January 7th, 22 11:31 AM "Alright, I think we better get going. Someone here needs a nice long nap after that match." Carl said as he began to take Gabby back to the motel, with Rufie waving goodbye. Babygabrial January 7th, 22 11:35 AM Gabby yawned and rubbed his eyes. They had to go back, get Gabby clean, and pack up to head home. So they headed off to do so. Mr Hoo January 7th, 22 11:37 AM Once at the motel, Carl quickly gave Gabby a quick bath, got him into his bedtime dress, and tucked him into bed. To help him sleep better, he made him a warm bottle of milk and did his usuall routine of humming and belly rubbing. They had to leave tommorrow morning, so they both needed plenty of rest so they could get up early. Babygabrial January 7th, 22 11:57 AM Gabby slept pretty quickly. He also got a little bandaid on his forehead. That light tube to the forehead definitely gave him quite the cut. No telling how much damage he'll take Saturday. It has been quite the weekend for the young one. Who knows, soon maybe traveling like this for shows will be more and more common. Mr Hoo January 7th, 22 11:58 AM Carl yawned as well and decided to snuggle up with Gabby for the night. He curled up right next to him and purred gently as he fell asleep. Babygabrial January 7th, 22 12:04 PM Gabby babbled in his sleep and nuzzled up. "Dada no cwy" he sleep talks as he nuzzles Carl's chest Mr Hoo January 7th, 22 03:07 PM Carl heard what Gabby said. He guessed that the incident with Kruger really had an effect on Gabby as well as him. It was very sweet of his little star to stand up for him like that, but he knew he needed to stand up for himself one day. To do that however, he needed to be immune to people calling him a freak. Babygabrial January 7th, 22 03:41 PM Gabby seems to be wowwing the crowd with his wrestling to the point of they look past his gimmick. Maybe being a charismatic manager could help him. Gabby isn't exactly the best speaker, luckily he hasn't needed to cut a promo and isnt on a high enough level to be at a press conference. But speaking of not being high enough level, Gabby hasn't been exposed to a wider audience, especially to more hostile audiences. Wrestling crowds can be heartless and brutal, especially when you're some joe from out of town. Mr Hoo January 7th, 22 03:44 PM In order to combat this, Carl needed to make sure that Gabby was viewed as someone cheer for. Someone that serve as a positive message to casual and hardcore wrestling fans alike. Of course, being the charismatic and supportive force behind Gabby wouldn't hurt for the image either. Babygabrial January 7th, 22 03:53 PM Gabby has quite the uphill battle. Being human puts a glass ceiling over his head. Being an adult baby puts him in a spot that will make casual fans think he's creepy, and hardcore fans think he's too gimmicky. Gabby's talent can win over hardcore fans if he keeps improving and showing his abilities in the ring. Casual crowds are a bit harder. But these bridges will be crossed as they go. Mr Hoo January 7th, 22 03:55 PM Morning came and Carl woke up bright and early, "Wakey, wakey champ. Up and at 'em." Carl said tiredly. Babygabrial January 7th, 22 03:59 PM Fussy Gabby is am fussy. He rolls over and whimpers. His hair a mess and his diaper hanging under his dress. He looks around trying to remember where he is. Mr Hoo January 7th, 22 04:02 PM Carl gently takes him out of bed and lays him on the floor. He takes off his old diaper and changes him into a new one before helping him into his casual clothes for the ride home. There wasn't enough time to feed Gabby a jar of baby food, so Carl just decided to hold his little star over with a bottle of milk until they can get home. He then got dressed himself and started packing things up while he let Gabby wake up a little. Babygabrial January 7th, 22 04:09 PM Gabby lays down kicking his feet as he suckles his bottle, holding it with both hands. He's fully awake by the time his daddy was done packing. A phone starts ringing but its not Carl's ringtone. Its coming from Gabby's diaper bag Mr Hoo January 9th, 22 01:33 AM Carl, alerted by the noise, opens the bag to find a cell phone inside. He doesn't remember how it got there. He answered the phone and gave a slightly nervous, "Hello?" Babygabrial January 9th, 22 01:56 AM A gruff voice comes in on the other side. "Hey, uh. Where's Gabriel?" The voice on the side says. They sound strange, but familiar. "You must be that puss- I mean cat that hangs around him. Tell him Coach Emerson gave him a call." That explains the familiarity. Its Gabby's old coach, who's gym they use to train. Mr Hoo January 9th, 22 08:48 AM Carl was surprised to hear that voice on the other end, although he was smart enough to understand what he was about to be called. It was super offensive to say that right to a cat's face. Regardless, he kept his cool, "Sure, I'll tell him." he said before hanging up. He finished packing and made sure Gabby was ready to go home, "Alright champ, ready to go?" he asked. Babygabrial January 9th, 22 12:06 PM Gabby nodded his head holding an empty bottle with milk all around his mouth. He reached up for his daddy making grabby hands. That call being who it was, and specifically being for Gabby must mean that it's Gabby's cell phone. That's probably the first time its rang in over two weeks. Kind of makes you forget he has one. Mr Hoo January 10th, 22 10:54 AM Carl wiped Gabby's mouth, picked him up along with the rest of their things, got settled in the car, before finally heading back out on the road, "By the way champ, Coach Emerson called you just now. Might want to give him a call back when we get home." Carl said while handing him the phone. Babygabrial January 10th, 22 11:46 PM "Otay Dada." He says as he's helped down and buckled into the car along with their bags. On thetrip home he called the coach back to see what's up. "Uh huh....oh.....um..ok let me see." He mutes the phone. "Dada can Gabby wrestle Wednesday?" He asks. Mr Hoo January 11th, 22 01:21 AM "Wednesday? Does he have a match for you?" Carl asks. Babygabrial January 11th, 22 01:52 AM Gabby nods keeping the phone muted. "Wes Da-Da" Mr Hoo January 11th, 22 11:37 AM "What kind of match is it?" Carl asked. Babygabrial January 11th, 22 07:59 PM "A normal one on one match. He is inviting me to face one of his current students in a student showcase night." Gabriel explains. Mr Hoo January 12th, 22 01:34 AM "Sounds good to me. Tell him that we'll be there." Carl said. Babygabrial January 12th, 22 01:39 AM Gabby smiles and unmutes the phone kicking his feet happily. "Hi, I'm back. Yeah...I'll do there....be there 7 o'clock got it." Gabby hangs up the phone. Mr Hoo January 12th, 22 01:41 AM By then they arrived at the apartment, "So champ, want something to eat? I bet you're hungry right now." Carl asked as they brought their things upstairs. Babygabrial January 12th, 22 01:48 AM Gabriel nodded his head as he helped daddy by getting most of the bags in. Being much stronger than his daddy made that quite convenient. Mr Hoo January 12th, 22 01:49 AM After everything was put away, Carl brought his little star to the kitchen. Once there, he prepared a jar of mush and began to feed Gabby. Babygabrial January 12th, 22 01:54 AM As usual Gabby made a got more on him then in him. He giggled playfully as he kicked his feet. Mr Hoo January 13th, 22 01:12 AM Carl soon finished feeding him and wiped his mouth. Afterward, he set him on the floor so he can play while he did some more match searching. Babygabrial January 13th, 22 02:43 AM Gabby played with some blocks at his daddy's feet for a bit. Giggling whenever the blocks clacked and made funny sounds. As he played he would wet his diaper then immediately go back to playing. Gabby so far had matches set for Wednesday in three days, and Saturday in six days. He should probably be fine for matches this week, but he could definitely take bookings in advance for other small time local promotions in the state for next week onward. Mr Hoo January 13th, 22 10:48 AM Apart from that, Carl would need to schedule some training time in for Gabby. He wouldn't want him to get all rusty during those small breaks in between matches. Babygabrial January 13th, 22 11:55 AM But nothing to burn him out. Maybe some workouts and strategy sessions and going over tape. Gabby layed on his tummy as he moved on to playing with his pully toys.he giggles kicking his feet behind him. Mr Hoo January 13th, 22 11:59 AM Carl then received a text on his phone. It was from Rufie, they were having a tag team match next week and their partner canceled out on them. They were asking if Gabby could fill in, "Hey champ, Rufie needs a tag team partner next week. Want to help her out?" he asks. Babygabrial January 13th, 22 12:12 PM "Ummmmmm Otay!" He says looking up at his daddy with a little smile on his face. He twisted his hips before rolling over on his back and kicking his feet up. Mr Hoo January 13th, 22 12:14 PM Carl texted Rufie back with an acceptance before indulging in playtime. Starting with tickling Gabby's belly. Babygabrial January 13th, 22 12:15 PM Gabby squealed as he flailed his arms and kicked his legs more. Mr Hoo January 13th, 22 12:16 PM Carl laughed along with him, enjoying the carefree feeling of hearing his little star laugh. Babygabrial January 13th, 22 12:19 PM Gabby was his baby girl. His little kitten. Honestly since managing him was his full time job, his whole world. It will be interesting to see how the big baby girl grows. In and out of the ring. Mr Hoo January 13th, 22 12:21 PM Carl stopped his tickling and watched his little star catch his breath, "How are you feeling cutie?" he asked. Babygabrial January 13th, 22 12:24 PM "Me goodie, Da-Da." He says laying there in his t shirt, and diaper. Twin tails splayed out on the floor. He moves his thumb to his mouth. Eyes as bright as ever. Mr Hoo January 13th, 22 12:26 PM Carl smiles warmly at him and rubs Gabby's belly, happy to spend time with his adorable little kitten. Babygabrial January 13th, 22 12:39 PM Gabby sighs and relaxes happy to be his daddy's pretty little kitten. He continues to nurse his thumb and just enjoy his daddy's company. Mr Hoo January 14th, 22 12:12 PM "Who's the cutest little kitten in the world?" Carl asks. Babygabrial January 14th, 22 02:48 PM "Gabby cutest kitten!" He cheers flailing his arms in the air and his feet kicking up as well. He holds his wrists down like paws "Mew mew!" Mr Hoo January 14th, 22 02:57 PM Carl gave a laugh, "And who loves Gabby more than anyone else?" he asked. Babygabrial January 14th, 22 04:30 PM "Dada! Dada! My Dada wuv kitten!" He cheers to the heavens. He spoke with such cute enthusiasm and confidence he could cut promo of the year with that. Mr Hoo January 15th, 22 01:44 AM Carl looked at the clock on the wall, realizing that it was Gabby's nap time, "Alright little kitten, time for nappy-bye." he said while picking Gabby up and putting him in his bedtime clothes. Babygabrial January 15th, 22 03:57 AM Gabby pouted a bit but after the trip back this morning, and some play time, add to that a hectic weekend, Gabby does need some rest. He gets put in his gown and night time diaper and lays down sucking his paci still. Mr Hoo January 15th, 22 06:24 PM Carl did his usual belly rubs and humming to help Gabby fall asleep. Babygabrial January 15th, 22 08:54 PM Soon Gabriella was out of it for at least the next few hours. Mr Hoo January 17th, 22 01:39 AM *The Next Day* Carl stretched out on the floor of the apartment, he was totally wiped out from playing with Gabby yesterday. He picked himself up and went to his little kitten's room. Babygabrial January 17th, 22 01:41 AM Gabby had kicked off most of the covers as he slept in his gown and night diaper. He sucked his paci with no intention of waking up. Mr Hoo January 17th, 22 01:43 AM Carl watched him for a minute and nudged him awake, "Wake up kitten, the day's waiting for you." he said. Babygabrial January 17th, 22 01:46 AM He fussily whines behind his paci and sits up immediately reaching for Carl. Astounding he's waking up a little daddy's girl. Mr Hoo January 17th, 22 01:47 AM Carl picked Gabby up and snuggled him, "Hey there little kitten, how'd you sleep?" Carl asked. Babygabrial January 17th, 22 01:50 AM Gabby coo'd some unintelligible nonsense behind his paci. Its hard to tell if he's trying to make baby talk, or is just half asleep, trying to talk with a pacifier in his mouth. It was precious either way. Mr Hoo January 17th, 22 01:52 AM Carl chuckled and brought him over to the kitchen so they could have breakfast. Oatmeal for the both of them with Carl helping Gabby eat his. Babygabrial January 17th, 22 01:54 AM While fixing breakfast it is noticeable that they are running low on groceries. Even Gabby's formula is running on E. While Gabby was making a comeplete mess, I mean eating, Carl's phone rang. Mr Hoo January 17th, 22 01:56 AM Carl put the phone on speaker while he cleaned Gabby up, "Carl speaking, manager of Gabriel Angel." he said. "Hey Carl, it's me." It was Darla's voice on the other line. "Hey Darla! Gabby, Darla's on the phone say hi" Carl asked. Babygabrial January 17th, 22 01:59 AM "Hihi!" He waves with both hands as if its a video call. "She sounds so sweet.~" Darla says. "I missed you guys. Been nearly a week, I thought you'd call when you got back in town. I don't even know how the matches went." She says. Mr Hoo January 17th, 22 01:17 PM "Sorry I didn't call, still trying to adjust to being back here. The matches went great. Did you see the videos that were uploaded online?" Carl asked. Babygabrial January 17th, 22 03:04 PM "No, not really. I don't even know what the promotion's called, or what to look up." The show was very small time. Expecting the videos to blow up is dreaming pretty big but highly unlikely. What's likely going to have to happen is, until they start working for bigger promotions, have someone record Gabby's matches and Carl does his own marketing campaign online. Mr Hoo January 19th, 22 09:37 AM Carl knew this fact all too well. The videos that were uploaded had very little views and uploaded by complete internet nobodies. Whatever, they didn't know what they were missing, "Anyway, what's been going on with you recently?" Carl asked. Babygabrial January 19th, 22 11:12 AM "Work, just work. You boys want to meet up for lunch or something?" She asks as Gabby plays with his bib at the table. Mr Hoo January 19th, 22 11:14 AM "Sounds good, what do you say kitten?" Carl asked Gabby. Babygabrial January 19th, 22 11:54 AM Gabriel looks up "???" He adorably has no clue what they are talking about. He then just nods rapidly, not knowing what he's agreeing to. Mr Hoo January 20th, 22 10:13 AM "Great, looks like we're on for lunch. Where should we meet you?" Carl asked. Babygabrial January 20th, 22 01:01 PM "There's a coffee shop that's opened up around town." She says. "Lets check it out." Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 01:12 AM "Got it." Carl said. After getting the address of the place, he went to get Gabby changed into some street clothes, "Ready to have lunch with Darla?" Carl asked him. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 10:17 AM Gabby nods his head rapidly as he lays there is some baggy pants, and a hoody, with his hair held back with a headband. His diaper held under his pants. Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 10:51 AM Carl smiled and brough Gabby out to the car. They drove to the cafe, a small place on a busy street called "The Foxhole." The duo found Darla waiting outside for them, "Hey guys, glad you could make it. Ready to go in?" she asked. "Yep." Carl said. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 10:57 AM Gabby was leaning on his daddy from the moment he was let out of the car. He saw Darla and gave a little wave. They go in and the grown ups order for Gabriella. Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 10:59 AM Carl got a plate of fish sticks with sauce while Darla got herself a small filet. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 11:04 AM They sit down in a both with Gabriel in Carl's lap. "Glad the matches went well. Two matches, in two days. That's gotta be tiring." She says. She doesn't know too much about the sport. She knows some of the big names because some of them are cute boys she sees on tv. Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 11:06 AM "Yeah, Gabby slept like a log after them. We even made a new friend." Carl said. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 11:15 AM Gabby was busy nibbling on a stick, and somehow still getting crumbs on his face. He feels the two of them looking at him. "Hm!?" He turns to them and holds his stick away thinking that they wanted what he was eating. "Mine!" Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 11:16 AM Carl giggled and pinched Gabby's cheek, "It's OK champ, no one's gonna get your food." he said. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 11:19 AM He giggles and continues eating. Darla tries looking up the match again by typing in Gabby's ring name. She doesn't find it, but finds something interesting. "Hey Carl, did Gabby get hurt badly last weekend or something? " Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 11:21 AM "Well, you know that new friend we made? That was Gabby's first match of the weekend. They worked his back pretty hard. Isn't that right sweetie?" he asked. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 11:24 AM Gabby nods "I guess the doctor you must of saw posted something on viewtube. Weird he'd post it there. A Dr. Kruger?" She says looking confused. That name definitely gets Gabriel's attention. Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 11:26 AM "That's the psychopath that belonged to Gabby's second match, the battle royale. He was one of the opponents that Gabby fought in it." Carl remembered. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 11:39 AM "Oh. Well, he's posted a video saying Message For Gabby Angel." Darla presses the play button and Gabby watches it as Kruger is seen in some run down area. "So, last weekend, I'm doing a show in some piece of shit county. You know, gracing it with my presence. I'm a deathmatch god so these folks obviously wants the doctor to come in to town. I'm tearing through asses in a battle royal, when this little bitch boy, I shit you not, a grown man who calls himself a princess. Decides to sneak up from behind and throw me out. Screwing me out of a payday and wasting my time. That's about as manly as your dresses Gabby boy. So the promoter, begs me to stick around, and as payment to get me to stay, offers me a nice little checkie check and that little piece of shit's head on a platter. I just smiled and took the money. So Princess Gabby Angel! You have agreed to the match, and simultaneously, signed your obituary. Let me remind all you furry bastards and fleshy fucks who I am! I'm the man who has set lions on fire! I'm the man who's slammed wolves through glass tables! I'm the man who's taken the biggest baddest human and shocked his nutsack with jumper cables! And for you Gabby! This weekend, with surgical precision!" Kruger gets up close to the camera. "I'm gonna skin you're little bitch ass alive." He backs up "But hey, this Saturday is still five days away. That's a long time to sit and wait in this broke ass area. So maybe, just maybe, the Doctor might make a house call." The video ends. Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 11:43 AM Carl looks at the video in shock before getting an angry look on his face, "No one is gonna lay one fucking paw or hand on my kitten." he growls. "Maybe he's just playing it up?" Darla suggested. "People like that don't just play things up. In backwater wrestling leagues like we're in, it's kill or be killed." Carl said. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 11:47 AM Very true, especially with deathmatcg guys. Smaller wrestling leagues have the benefit of building a loyal community, but folks get dangerous when everyone's fighting for higher spots. Bigger leagues have a bit more class, even with more hardcore wrestlers, since they have to appeal to sponsors and networks. "What, he mean by house call Dada?" Gabby asked confused. Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 11:49 AM Carl turned to Gabby and put his paws on his shoulder, "Listen sweetie, no matter what I'm going to protect you. Daddy loves you so much and he's not gonna let anyone hurt you. You know that don't you?" he asks. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 11:52 AM Gabriel nods his head and lays on his manager's chest. They tried to finish their lunch in peace after that. Plus Carl and Gabby had to go grocery shopping afterwards. Tensions were high the whole time though. Mr Hoo January 21st, 22 02:42 PM Carl was so frigtened after watching that video. He couldn't help himself from looking over his shoulder most of the time, flinching at even the slightest off-putting sound. Even though anthros in this society were intelligent beings, they still had their survival instincts. With Carl's rough upbringing on the streets, those instincts were super sharp. Babygabrial January 21st, 22 04:19 PM Gabby stayed quiet and hugged his dada's arm. He might be put off by the video as well, but he didn't like his daddy so scared. He wanted to make him happier. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 01:01 AM When they got home, Carl relaxed a little. Still, he decided to lock all the doors and windows just in case. He let Gabby play while he put stuff away, they had enough food to last the whole week. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 05:21 AM That's six whole days more than nomral! Gabby played with his doll house as he looks over at his daddy to make sure he's ok. He crawls over and hugs his daddy's leg and nuzzles a bit. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 02:33 PM Carl looked at his little kitten and patted his head, "You worried about me?" Carl asked. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 02:40 PM He nods his head rapidly. "No sad Dada." He says softly. He continues nuzzling his leg. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 02:42 PM In truth, Carl always felt like the whole world had something against him. It was all thanks to Gabby that he was kept sane and loved, "OK champ, Dada won't be sad anymore." he told him. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 02:46 PM Gabby reaches to be picked up and held. He grunts reaching up from sitting on the floor and making grabby hands. Being human, Gabriel had a glass ceiling over him. Being how he is many people, some could argue Carl as well, have used him. Yet, its astounding how he isn't jaded, or paranoid. Shy definitely, but he mostly seems to roll with the punches. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 02:51 PM Carl picked up Gabby and cuddled him. He was his precious little kitten, and he wanted to do everything he could to make everyone see just how amazing he can be. Gabby was shy, but he was also very sweet and kind, a rare sight to see in the world nowadays. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 03:01 PM It would be a rough journey for them. Even more for Gabby. They've honestly been quite lucky. Gabby's in ring skill has made people see past his gimmick, but that can change in a heartbeat. He already was being put in filler and cooldown matches because he's human. Anthros don't view human wrestlers as capable attractions to get top spots. So, many humans reach the top however they can. Its a human eat human world in a sport of anthros. Gabby didn't seem worried right now. He burries his face in his daddy's neck and nuzzles him. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 03:03 PM Carl nuzzles him back, taking in his kitten's love. He meant so much to him, he was his love, pride, and joy. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 03:05 PM Its getting around his nap time, and it has been quite the exciting day so far. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 03:07 PM Carl carried Gabby to his bed, getting him into his bedtime gown and doing their normal routine. However, instead of just humming, Carl sweetly sang a lullaby. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 03:11 PM Gabby sucks on his pacifier, staring eye to eye with Carl until his eyes feel too heavy. He loved the song, mostly because his dada was singing to him. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 03:13 PM The song came from way back in Carl's childhood. It was song that his mother used to sing to him and his baby siblings. Every time Carl got scared in the night, his mother would come right to him and sing him this exact song, calming him down every time. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 03:21 PM The next two days were spent training, scheduling, playing, and cuddling. Before they knew it, Wednesday had arrived and they chalked Kruger's promo as just an old man trying to get attention for a match. They didn't have to travel for this booking so they got to enjoy being home for the day time and the show started at 6 pm tonight. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 03:23 PM Carl drove Gabby to the gym where the match will take place. He walked him through the side door and met up with the coach, "Alright champ, you excited?" Carl asked him. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 03:32 PM Gabby nodded. His hair in a pony tail that hangs over his shoulder, and his gear on under his coat. The coach looked him over awkwardly before clearing his throat. "Go wait in the locker room kid. Your match is second to last." He says almost trying to hurry Gabriel along. He looked to Carl and simply said "Wrestlers only, you can sit in the stands." Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 03:34 PM "You'll be fine without me right?" Carl asked Gabby, not wanting to argue. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 03:36 PM Gabby whimpers but nods. He sadly has to be. He luckily was already diapered and dressed. So he didn't have to try to change or dress himself. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 03:37 PM Carl gives him a quick hug before heading off to the stands. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 03:45 PM Gabriel got to the locker room and could feel others staring at him as he put his coat in the locker and tied a ribbon to his hair. He started stretching and warming up. The crowd had about 100 people in it. Sold out for a student showcase. Darla came and sat by Carl. Its easy for her to come since the show is in town. Mr Hoo January 22nd, 22 03:47 PM "Hey Darla, glad you could make it." Carl said. "No problem, always happy to watch Gabby wrestle." she said. Babygabrial January 22nd, 22 03:54 PM After some quick matches, nothing show stealing for real. It was time for the penultimate match. The music chosen for Gabby plays over the crappy pa system as he comes out to some laughs and polite claps. Gabby blushes as he makes his way to the ring but smiles seeing Carl and Darla. Mr Hoo January 23rd, 22 12:59 AM Gabby's opponent was in the ring already, a bulldog wearing a basic red wrestling slinget. The outfit wasn't flashy, the event didn't call for it, but it did do a good job at revealing his buldging muscles. He scoffed at his opponet, thinking him to be just another dumb gimmick wrestler with no talent. Babygabrial January 23rd, 22 01:05 AM Honestly, him having a colored singulate at this level at all was something. Most trainees have to wear basic gear. Black trunks, black boots, black knee pads, and black elbow pads. This guy being able to wear a singulate shows he's either just graduated or is about to graduate. Most people who wear greco-roman style singulates on the pro circuits usually are trying to show they have an old school technician style to them. This makes sense since Gabby is pretty technical and he graduated from here. "Hey they got some cameras up to record this one." Darla points out. Mr Hoo January 23rd, 22 01:10 AM "Sweet, maybe they'll put it up online." Carl wondered. The cat and roo then waited for the match to start. The bulldog readied himself and entered a standard grappling stance. Babygabrial January 23rd, 22 01:20 AM Gabriel entered the same stance and the bell rang and the bulldog moves in for a head and arm clinch. Gabriel, sees that his opponent is top heavy so he doesn't tie up with this opponent. Instead he shoots in and picks his opponent's ankle and trips him up for a single leg takedown. His opponent scrambles as soon as he hits the mat and slips out. They stand up and he hits Gabby with a head and arm throw, and cranks on Gabby's neck. Gabriella leans up and scissors his opponent's neck with his legs to make him let go. His oppenent kicks out of the leg lock and they stand up. The bulldog runs in and Gabby hits an arm drag, using his opponent's momentum against him. He gets him into a headlock and the bulldog tries scissoring Gabby like he was done a second ago. Gabby doesn't kick out, he instead rolls back into a hand stand and slips out to his feet. His dress flipped up showing his diaper but it was still impressive. The crowd boos when Gabby poses. Mr Hoo January 23rd, 22 01:22 AM Carl scoffed at the crowd's response, they didn't know what real talent looked like. "Alright Gabby! Show 'em what you got!" Darla cheered. Babygabrial January 23rd, 22 01:32 AM Gabby did often learn how to phase out the crowd to focus, mostly because he's self conscious about his attire. Many wrestlers feed off crowd energy. Whether its positive cheers or negative boos. His opponent stood up and locked up with Gabby, pushing him to the ropes, before irish whipping him. Gabby bounced off of the ropes on the other side before turning around. He hears something hit the mat and instinctively assumes it's his opponent flopping down in front of Gabby to trip him up. So, Gabby jumps over his opponent and runs to the other side, before bouncing off of the ropes. Gabby's opponent charges at him and they are set to collide, but Gabby ducks under and gets behind his opponent, grabbing the bulldog's waist, before hitting him with a german suplex. Gabby keeps the hold bridging on his head before rolling back to his stacked up opponent to sit on his legs and pin him. The ref hits the mat to look at the bulldog's shoulders "one! Two!" The bulldog kicks out and yanks Gabby down wrapping his legs around Gabby's waist, and wrapping his arms around the princess' neck for a sleeper hold. Ironically the crowd wakes up for this and cheer "Tap, tap, tap, tap!" They chant. Mr Hoo January 23rd, 22 01:35 AM Carl stands up and shouts, "Don't give up Gabby! Don't let this fool get the best of you!" "Yeah, beat that sucker down!" Darla cheered. Babygabrial January 23rd, 22 01:43 AM Gabby struggles in the hold and squirms around before rolling to his stomach. From their he slips his head from the arms of his anthro opponent, and rolls around so Gabriel has his his opponent on his back, with Gabby on top. From here, Gabby predicts his opponent will scramble to slip out and move to take him down again. Gabby is right and when his opponent shoots for his legs, Gabby hooks his head and hits a neck breaker. Gabby stands his opponent up and goes for a suplex but his opponent slips behind and when Gabby turns around, he's met with a belly to belly suplex courtesy of his opponent. Gabby holds his back and stands up as his opponent runs past him and bounces off the ropes. When the Gabby still has his back turned, his opponent runs back behind him, hooks his head and yanks him down for a bulldog. Gabby gets covered "one! Two!" Gabby gets his shoulder up off of the mat and rolls to his stomach to not get pinned again. Mr Hoo January 23rd, 22 01:45 AM Carl watches with antcipation. He worries for his kitten's well-being, but he knows he'll pull though. They trained for this. Babygabrial January 23rd, 22 01:55 AM Not to mention, Gabriel has a year's worth of real in ring experience under his belt, unlike this guy. Gabriel's opponent hooks his waist and deadlifts the adult baby girl, before flipping Gabby to hit a gut wrench slam. Gabby cringes and sits up. The bulldog pulls Gabby to his feet and goes for a body slam but Gabby slips behind him to turn him around and hit him with a DDT. The kid holds his neck and rolls out of the ring. Emerson comes out to look him over as the Bulldog starts complaining. The ref comes out to look him over to. Suddenly crowd starts cheering loud. "Carl! Isn't that?" Unbeknownst to Gabby, behind him as he stood up, was one Dr. Kruger with a steel chair. Gabby looks confused and turns around to get whacked in the face with the chair and layed out. The crowd pops as Kruger slides out of the ring taking the chair with him. The bulldog scrambles in the ring with the ref and pins Gabby. "One! Two! Thre" Gabby miraculously kicks out at milliseconds away from losing this match and the crowd boo, loudly. Mr Hoo January 23rd, 22 01:41 PM The minute Carl saw that psychopath hit his little kitten with that chair, he was immediately overflowing with anger. He knew it, he fucking knew it. It wasn't just an empty threat, Kruger fucking meant what he said. Without thinking he began to reach into his pocket before Darla stopped him, a telling look told him not to do what he was thinking. He released his paw from what was inside the pocket. Darla then stood up and yelled, "Hey! Who's reffing this match!? Who let that asshole in here!? That was a cheap shot and you bastards know it!" Darla shouted, unleashing Carl's fury out on the faulty interruption for him. However, Carl was still feeling uneasy, he wanted to help Gabby but he couldn't. It sickened him to no end, but he had to count on his little champ to pull through with a win. "Come on Gabby! You can wreck this guy no problem! Daddy's countin' on you!" Carl cheered. He could help out Gabby by jumping into the ring, but he could provide the moral support he needed. Babygabrial January 24th, 22 01:25 AM The crowd booed as trying to drown Carl amd Darla out. Emerson looks absolutely shocked that Gabby kicked out. His opponent got frustrated and started to mount and punch Gabby in the head. Gabby caught a fist and threw his legs up to lock his opponent in a triangle choke. His opponent slipped out and moved back falling on his rear shocked. Gabby struggled trying to stand. His opponent got behind him and ran up for another bulldog. Gabby fell to a knee out of pain, causing his opponent to fly over him. Gabby's opponent ran back over to clothesline Gabby, but the princess hooked his arm and flipped backwards hitting another DDT before standing his opponent up and hitting a cutter. Crowd boo'd more as Gabby pins him. "One-two-three! Ring the bell! Gabby Angel wins!" Gabby's music plays as he holds his head stands up so the ref could raise his hand. Sadly the Doctor came back in the ring for another checkup and clubbed Gabby in the back of the head. The trainees run in and pick Gabby up. Holding him there for Dr. Kruger to lift Gabby up on his shoulders and hitting a Death Valley Driver on the steel chair he brought in. The crowd cheers as Kruger grabs the mic. "I told ya! I told ya! I told your bitch ass that the Doctor may make a house call! Now here I am! In your home gym! Standing tall!" Mr Hoo January 24th, 22 01:29 AM Carl stood up and addressed the psycho directly, "Hey asswipe! You wanna mess with my kid!? Well when you mess with him, you mess with me you bastard!" he said while walking up to the ring barricade. Babygabrial January 24th, 22 01:36 AM "Oh look! Hey Coach Emerson! There's the pussy that wipes this bitch's ass!" Kruger says leaning on the ropes. "Man, I felt bad for Emerson, guy seems like a damn good coach. Shame that one of his graduates is running around wearing diapers and dresses. That sound like the pride of this gym!?" Crowd boos. "These trainees bust their asses day in and day out only for some piece of shit!" He kicks Gabby in the ribs as he says this "Can ruin their good name out makin' a damn fool of himself and all of you!" More boos rain in. "So let me go ahead and tell you so Emerson ain't gotta smell your shitty ass anymore. You are officially banned from this gym, and as far as these people are concerned, you never been here. But, hey that's ok, because after this Saturday, when you're laying in a hospital bed. You'll wake up with a massive headache and can't even remember that you ever called yourself a wrestler!" Throws the cheap mic down and poses as the crowd cheers and Gabby rolls out of the ring and to the floor. Mr Hoo January 24th, 22 01:41 AM Carl just about had it with this guy, he reached into his pocket to finish him off. However, the sound of Gabby softly crying distracted him. He went over to him and checked him over. Gabby was completely bruised over and his nose was bleeding a bit, "Don't worry kitten, Daddy's got you." he said while pulling him up and carrying him out of the gym, Darla helping him out. Before heading out, he shot one last look towards Kruger, "You're gonna pay asshole. One day I'm gonna make sure you never fucking breathe again." he thought to himself. Babygabrial January 24th, 22 01:46 AM The three of them left and as Gabby was carried away, still in his gear because no way were they getting his jacket back, Gabby reached out towards the gym that trained him and started crying his out. He can take some pain physically, but he spent years in that gym, now he wasn't wanted and seen as a shame to his coach. That hurts in ways that couldn't be seen. Needless to say Gabby cried the whole way home. Mr Hoo January 24th, 22 01:51 AM Carl was miserable the whole way home. He could've ended Kruger right then and there, but then he thought of what all those people would think of him if he did. He certainly wouldn't be doing anything for his reputation. He would be called a freak and a murderer. Needless to say, he needed cry along with his little kitten while comforting him on the ride home. Darla was more than happy to drive them back, her heart was broken seeing them like this. Babygabrial January 24th, 22 01:58 AM They got back quickly and Gabby wasn't going to move on his own. He needed to be carried in. The last thing Gabby needed at a time like this was his only family serving a life sentence for murder. Sadly within the confines of wrestling, Kruger hasn't done anything that required the law to get involved. So attempted murder would be unjustified by the courts. What was unjust was how Gabby was treated tonight, and honestly, this was almost exactly what Gabby was afraid of from the start. The trio knew this. Gabby coming out as an AB would have consequences, and Gabby knew one day it would hit close to home. Mr Hoo January 24th, 22 01:12 PM After putting Gabby to bed with a warm bath and milk, Carl and Darla decided to talk for a while. They sat in the living room with Carl laying down on Darla's lap. She was giving him a belly rub that somewhat helped him calm down a little, but he was still feeling a bit depressed, "I gotta find a new place for Gabby to train. Someplace better than that prejudice shitty dumpster fire." he said bitterly. Deep down he knew it was a near impossible task. Gyms were typically prejudice places in nature. If someone there didn't act the way they're expected, their self-confidence will be torn apart before they've even done one rep. Babygabrial January 24th, 22 02:39 PM Gabby's progress might be stunted a bit, but right now, Gabby might need to hault his wrestling training. Darla suggests possibly just have him workout and let him train from his matches. Gabriel so far hasn't lost under Carl, but that's at the bottom level of indie wrestling. Gabriel's opponents will get tougher and tougher as things go, but as Gabby gets more name value, more places would be willing to take him in. Its a gamble, but so has all of this. There's pro's and con's to this. There's also the matter of keeping Gabby's moral up after tonight. He needs to know that he can have a fanbase, and mnow there are promoters who can get behind him. But those promotions will need to see that there's a reason to get behind him. "So, gotta really work with Gabby outside of a gym. Keep him happy, and enjoying himself in wrestling, and also get his name out there with a marketing campaign." Darla counts out. "Sounds like this is about to be a lot of work. "But hey if he isn't focused on in ring stuff maybe we can work on his out of ring stuff. Don't wrestlers gotta ya know talk the talk and walk the walk. No offense but Gabby, looks super scared coming to the ring and stuff. Not exactly something marketable" Mr Hoo January 25th, 22 01:12 AM "Yeah, Gabby needs to work on his confidence. He's really shy but he's a beast when he's fighting. Good thing I have good social skills that I can pass on to him. Also that wrestler Rufie that I told you about, I have never seen so much confidence in one person. Perhaps I can talk to them to." Carl said, feeling a bit better, "I also have the videos of Gabby's few matches saved. Perhaps I can splice them a bit into a mini promo that I post online, show all of his best moments." Babygabrial January 25th, 22 02:30 AM "Yeah, like ummm what do they call those...uh highlights? Yeah make those send them out and get Gabby's name buzzing." Darla says as she caresses Carl's cheek. Mr Hoo January 25th, 22 10:47 AM Carl eased into Darla's embrace, happy that he had such a good friend to be there for him and Gabby, "Have I told you before how lucky I am to know you?" he said. Babygabrial January 25th, 22 11:37 AM "No, but I'd be happy to hear it." Darla looks down with some hungry eyes. She looks at her phone. "You know, its pretty late. Predators, might be out this time of night." It was only like 10PM, but she's looking for an excuse. Mr Hoo January 26th, 22 06:27 PM "Yeah, I gotta get some sleep too. Good night." Carl said. Babygabrial January 26th, 22 07:09 PM "Uh, yeah....you know....I could stay the night since you left Gabby's car at the gym. We can get it early in the morning." She says blushing a bit. Mr Hoo January 26th, 22 07:12 PM Carl then realizes what she was talking about, making him blush as well, "Uh, sure. G-good idea." he says, "Let me get you a spare blanket and pillow." Babygabrial January 26th, 22 07:31 PM "And...some company?" She says laying it on thicker than Gabby's diapers in the morning. Mr Hoo January 27th, 22 01:24 AM Carl simply smiled and said, "Of course." and went to get the blanket and pillow for her. He set up the couch for her and made sure it was comfortable, "Here we are." he said. Babygabrial January 27th, 22 04:09 AM She removed the back cushions of the couch for....space. We cut to Gabby waking up in the morning. He rubs his eyes and whimpers as something feels different. "Dada? Dada!?" He sees his daddy isn't there and starts crying. Mr Hoo January 27th, 22 02:26 PM Carl wakes up in Darla's arms, groggily rubbing his eyes and stretching. He hears Gabby crying and carefully removes himself from her. He goes to Gabby's room and immediately starts to calm him down despite how tired he was, "Shh... It's OK, Daddy's here. Don't cry." he says gently while rubbing Gabby's belly. Babygabrial January 27th, 22 04:56 PM Gabby calms down once he's in his daddy's arms. He sniffles burying his face in his shoulder. He babbles about dada not being there. Darla yawns and walks in brushing her hair wearing nothing but Carl's jacket to cover her pouch. "Wow, Gabby beats my phone alarm. Can't hit the snooze button on that." Gabby doesn't put and two together about daddy not coming to bed and Darla being there. He was too fussy and concentrated on pooping himself. Mr Hoo January 29th, 22 01:13 AM "If you want you can babysit him for a few days." Carl jokes. He looked at where his jacket was, it was considered acceptable for anthros to not wear clothes in their own homes. This also rang true for guests in the home as well, just as long as they gave their consent. Eh, whatever Darla chose to do, that was fine with him. Carl could tell Gabby was having potty problems, so he rubbed his belly to help him out. Babygabrial January 29th, 22 01:17 AM "You suggest this while the girl is doing her business?" Darla laughed before stepping out. She decided to go make breakfast. Gabby meanwhile pushed a load into his diapers this morning. Mr Hoo January 29th, 22 01:19 AM Carl chuckled as well before going to change Gabby into a fresh diaper, putting on a smiling face while doing so. He wanted to make sure Gabby was happy after last night, perhaps he could spend some playtime with him today to get his mind off of it. Babygabrial January 29th, 22 01:31 AM Gabby was a bit absent minded this morning. He sucks his thumb as he stares up at his daddy's eyes. He babbles as he's wiped, powdered, and re-diapered. Mr Hoo January 29th, 22 01:33 AM Carl brings Gabby to the kitchen and sits him down at the table, patting him on the head, "Need any help with breakfast?" he asks Darla. Babygabrial January 29th, 22 01:36 AM "Yeah, mind doing the eggs? I'll make Gabriella some grits. Babies can eat that right." Gabby grabbed a stuffy and held it tightly as the grownups dashed around his tiny kitchen. Mr Hoo January 29th, 22 01:38 AM "Yeah, just don't make it too hot please." Carl asks as he gets started on the eggs. Babygabrial January 29th, 22 01:41 AM Gabby sat there at the table babbling babytalk to his stuffy. He could be talking about anything. He had a lot to talk about. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good. Mr Hoo January 29th, 22 01:43 AM Carl looked at him worryingly, Gabby's confidence must've taken a serious hit since last night. No matter, he was going to help him one way or another. Babygabrial January 29th, 22 01:46 AM Soon Darla had a full breakfast ready. Pancakes, bacon, grits and eggs for the grown ups, and a bowl of grits and eggs for the baby. Gabby lifts his head for his bib. He's at least responsive. Mr Hoo January 29th, 22 01:50 AM Carl ties the bib around Gabby's neck and gets ready to feed him, "Let's fill up that tum tum of yours." he says in a cheery way. Babygabrial January 29th, 22 01:52 AM "Come on baby Gabby! Auntie Darla made it with lots of love for you." Fussy Gabby turns away whining. Mr Hoo January 29th, 22 01:55 AM "Gabby, don't make Daddy tickle you." Carl teased. Babygabrial January 29th, 22 01:57 AM "Hmpf" he puffs his cheeks and looks away the other way. He was in a mood this morning. He was not a happy little girl right now. He was being defiant since he was definitely hungry Mr Hoo January 29th, 22 01:59 AM "Hm... baby doesn't want to eat. What's a daddy to do?" Carl wondered. Babygabrial January 29th, 22 02:01 AM "Look baby doll, Auntie's gonna feed dada!" Darla says pretending to feed Carl the grits. "No! Mine!" Gabby barks out aggressively. Definitely not using her inside voice. Mr Hoo January 29th, 22 03:22 PM "Shh, calm down little kitten. Daddy's not gonna take your num nums." Carl reassured in his best calming voice. Babygabrial January 29th, 22 04:16 PM It is odd seeing Gabby like this. You don't usually see him in a bad mood. Darla tries feeding him some. "Here you go~ The baby's num nums" she says bringing it to him. He eats it with her mouth open. Mr Hoo January 31st, 22 10:02 AM "It's good isn't it?" Carl asked, taking a spoonful for himself and holding up to Gabby's mouth. Babygabrial January 31st, 22 10:34 AM Gabby opened wide for more. The baby was not having a good morning at all. Gotta get him fed and try to turn this around. Mr Hoo January 31st, 22 10:50 AM As soon as the two caretakers got the baby fed, the mood will shift a little. If not, maybe some playtime as well. Babygabrial January 31st, 22 10:58 AM Gabby was still pouty, but he did clearly still enjoy the meal. He reaches up for Carl making grabby hands. They still needed to go get Gabby's car from the gym. They probably need to hurry before those at the gym notice it. Mr Hoo January 31st, 22 11:00 AM Carl knew this as well. He took Gabby to get changed into some street clothes, got dressed himself, and got the car keys that he definitely still had. Babygabrial January 31st, 22 11:54 AM Gabby whined the whole time not wanting to put on his big boy street clothes today. Darla had to help out to get his pants on. He calmed down a bit after getting his paci. He is refusing to move without being carried so he has to swiftly be moved down the stairs of the apartment building to Darla's car Mr Hoo January 31st, 22 11:59 PM "It's OK sweetie, it's just gonna be a short outing. We'll play when we get back home alright?" Carl told Gabby as they drove off. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 12:41 AM They get to the gym and Gabby ducks down in case anyone sees him. His face imbued with thenlook of shame and embarrassment on it. Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 12:47 AM Carl makes sure the coast is clear before moving silently to their car. If Carl knew one thing very well aside from being a manager, it's sneaking. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 07:19 AM Now that he was good and in the car they rode off with Gabby still in Darla's back seat for some girl time. Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 10:21 AM They made it back to the apartment no problem. Gabby was put back into his baby clothes so he would be more comfy, "See champ? Very quick." Carl said as he rubbed his kitten's belly. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 10:36 AM Gabby layed on his back so he may continue to recieve belly rubs. For quick changes he was just put in a pink onsie and his hair is down and pulled back with a headband for now. He lays down splayed out sucking his thumb. " I can babysit her for a while, since you probably need to get some work done." Darla volunteers. Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 10:38 AM "Good point, thanks Darla. I can get started on making that highlight video." Carl says as he passes off the belly rubbing to Darla. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 10:44 AM Gabby lays there as he looks up at Darla. Darla seems to consider Gabby an actual little girl, or a baby doll. So this is going to be an interesting experience to take his mind off of losing a place he called home to a deathmatch wrestler, who to a technical wrestler, would be like carpet comparwd to marble. Many technical wrestlers don't think deathmatch wrestling is real wrestling, and find deathmatch wrestlers to be attention seeking stuntmen. Gabby hasn't been in the sport that long to be that indoctrinated, but he is upset none the less. Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 10:49 AM Carl opened up the computer and began to go into his saved videos of Gabby's matches. He didn't have a lot of video editing experience... or any for that matter. Thank God this program he was using had tutorials on it to lead him through the most basic stuff. He didn't want to make it fancy with a lot of effects and extended transitions like those over-privaleged Momma's Boys who considered themselves internet famous. He just needed a simple reel of Gabby's best moments from the few matches he was in so far. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 10:54 AM Gabby spent a few hours playing with Darla. Tea parties, dollies, stuffies. Darla having Gabby show off some dresses she made for him in a little fashion show. Overall it helped Gabby's mood improve quite a bit. Darla started making lunch and Gabby got to be her little helper, I.e. he got to taste test. Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 10:57 AM It was around this time when Carl finished making that highlight reel. It was nice and simple, but effective. It was just the way he intended it to be. He uploaded it to the ZooTube account and left it at that for now. He stretched as he made his way to the kitchen, "Finally done. So, how daddy's kitten doing?" he asked. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 10:59 AM "Dada lunch is weady!" Gabby says in his normal happier tone with tell signs of french fries around his mouth. "Yep, all thanks to Auntie's wittle helper." Gabby gets head pats and giggles. Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 11:01 AM Carl smiled seeing Gabby and Darla get along so well. He always thought that Darla would make a great mother, or aunt in this case. He takes a seat at the table, "So, did you girls have fun?" he asked. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 11:18 AM Who knows, auntie can just as quickly become mommy. Especially after the night they had last night. Gabby sat in Carl's lap and leans back on him. This meal is such an improvement compared to breakfast. Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 11:21 AM Carl enjoyed lunch with his two favorite girls, the two people in life who brought him so much joy and happiness. Darla with her friendly and supportive attitude and Gabby's natural cuteness and innocence. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 11:24 AM They looked like a little family, happy for what they had. Even in this dingy little apartment. They just enjoyed being around each other. After lunch Gabby needed a change and a nap to let his food digest Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 11:26 AM Carl and Darla both put Gabby to bed like a real Mom and Dad. They got him into his bedtime gown, and tucked him him with a plushie to snuggle with. Carl rubbed Gabby's belly while Darla sang him a lullaby. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 11:30 AM Gabby went down for his nap faster than ever. After he was down, Darla left to go and make Gabby some nice ring gear for Saturday. She's decided to come with them this time around. Especially to see Gabby kick Kruger's ass. Plus maybe get some fun with Carl. Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 06:24 PM "So, what new outfit are planning to make for Gabby?" Carl asked? Babygabrial February 1st, 22 06:40 PM "Probably something cute that covers his diapers a bit better." She says as she leans on the doorway. "Gonna miss me before Saturday?" Mr Hoo February 1st, 22 06:41 PM "I'll be thinking of you." Carl said. Babygabrial February 1st, 22 07:46 PM Darla starts passionately kissing Carl before she left Mr Hoo February 3rd, 22 12:18 PM Carl closed the door with a dopey smile on his face. That was actually his first kiss, and it was amazing. He leaned against the door and slid down it with a blissful sigh, "What a woman..." he sighs. Babygabrial February 3rd, 22 12:23 PM Gabby slept for a few hours until it was time to get up and do some training at home. Gabby couldn't do ring drills but he can at least stay in shape with some basic excercises and some baby yoga. Mr Hoo February 3rd, 22 12:26 PM Carl woke Gabby up from his nap and changed him before preparing for his workout, "Alright sweetie, ready to train?" he asked. Babygabrial February 3rd, 22 12:37 PM "But Gabby no can go back to gym" you can almost see the rain cloud form over his head as he had to remember that sad fact and say it out loud. Though nothing he's said has indicated he's fallen out of love with wrestling. Mr Hoo February 3rd, 22 12:39 PM Carl immediately hugs him, trying to cheer him up, "Let's not think about that now champ. We don't need that place. We can work out right here, and I happen to know some great exercise techniques we can try out." Babygabrial February 3rd, 22 12:45 PM Gabby looked up curiously at his daddy and blinked a few times as we cut to a bit later with Gabby doing inclined pushups on the couch, declined situps hanging nearly upside down from the bed, and running around the apartment block. Around 10 times. Mr Hoo February 3rd, 22 12:47 PM All the while Carl watched on, cheering his little star on as he worked out. He was also there to provide the occasional bottle of milk and diaper change when he needed it. Babygabrial February 3rd, 22 12:54 PM They didn't hide it as much since they were at the apartments. After a good 2 hour work out time to get him down to just his diaper and put on some baby yoga to excite his muscles Mr Hoo February 3rd, 22 12:57 PM Carl did it with him, wanting to get in some workout himself and also to encourage Gabby all the way through it. Babygabrial February 3rd, 22 12:59 PM Gabby of course needed his daddy to do it with him. Carl moved Gabby's limbs and stretched him out like the video shows a mother doing with an actual baby. Gabby giggles during the bicycle kicks seeing his daddy have to take Gabby's legs and move them for his baby. Gabby was having fun with this. Mr Hoo February 3rd, 22 01:00 PM Carl was having fun too, it was such a good time having fun and exercising with his cute baby girl. Babygabrial February 3rd, 22 01:06 PM Soon it was done and now it was bath time for the baby since Gabby didn't get a bath after his match last night. Gabby layed on the floor babbling. Tomorrow maybe he can be taken to the park early in the morning since Friday was a weekday. Mr Hoo February 3rd, 22 06:14 PM That was surely be a fun idea, after all it was good for growing babies like Gabby to get some fresh air once in a while. Carl got the water ready and removed Gabby's clothes and diaper before putting him in the tub. He then gently scrubed him clean while giving Gabby some bath toys to play with. Babygabrial February 4th, 22 04:27 AM Gabby babbles and plays letting his little imagination run wild. His headband is 9ff so his hair falls over his face a little bit Mr Hoo February 4th, 22 11:25 AM The bath was eventually done, with Carl drying Gabby off and strapping him into a new diaper. Babygabrial February 4th, 22 11:27 AM Gabby giggles playfully kicking his feet as his daddy was getting him powdered, oiled, lotioned, and diapered for the night. Mr Hoo February 4th, 22 11:29 AM Carl then prepared a warm bottle before bed. He gently placed Gabby in his bed and fed him the bottle while humming to him. Babygabrial February 4th, 22 11:46 AM Gabby ate and fell asleep. The day didn't start well at all, but it ended nicely. The next morning Gabby felt himself being woken up and earlier than normal and whimpers. Mr Hoo February 4th, 22 11:48 AM "Morning sweetie, ready to go to the park today?" Carl asked as he comforts Gabby while getting him out of bed and putting on his clothes. Babygabrial February 5th, 22 06:04 AM Gabby sits up and turns to his father looking confused wondering if he had heard that right. Of course this being Gabby after sleeping, he was wet this morning. Mr Hoo February 5th, 22 06:38 PM Carl changed Gabby into a fresh diaper, "That's right champ. I thought we might go to the park for a little relaxation before the big match tomorrow." Babygabrial February 5th, 22 07:41 PM "Gabby pway park?" He asks as he yawns still half wake. He lifts his arms up to get his gown taken off. Mr Hoo February 6th, 22 12:43 AM Carl dresses him in street clothes before packing stuff up, "Yep, you can play in the park all day if you want." Carl says. Babygabrial February 6th, 22 01:51 AM At the very least before afternoon when kids will be getting out of school and parents are getting out of work Mr Hoo February 7th, 22 12:38 AM After Carl got Gabby dressed and his bag packed, he drove him all the way to the park. It was a sunny day and hardly anyone was there, perfect for Gabby to spend time before the crowds came. Babygabrial February 7th, 22 05:15 AM Gabby noticed that he had on a onsie under his street clothes. Once out of the car he held his daddy's hand. He looked at the park, its not that big, you can hear cars on the streets going by. You can hear cars on the other side. The skyscrapers of the city can be seen on every corner. The park had a nice walking trail, and a little playground around the park house. Mr Hoo February 7th, 22 09:53 AM Carl took Gabby to the playground so that he could relax, "Alright kitten, what would you like to do first?" he asked. Babygabrial February 7th, 22 10:21 AM "Slide! Slide! Slide!" He happily cheers bouncing up and down almost pulling his daddy over to the slide to stand at the side and watch the baby go up and down the slide. Mr Hoo February 7th, 22 10:22 AM Like any other daddy, Carl waited at the bottom of the slide to catch his little star. He cheered him on as he did so. Babygabrial February 7th, 22 10:39 AM Gabby squeals as he slides down the slide. His happiness and cuteness are expressed rapidly like no one's watching, but that's the thing. No one is watching. If Gabby carried his charisma in his pageantries, he'd catch the hearts of many fans of certain types of crowds. Mr Hoo February 7th, 22 12:39 PM To do that, he would need to take this attitude that he has now and apply it to his in-ring persona. That would require a lot of confidence building. Babygabrial February 7th, 22 03:37 PM Definitely some practice and lots of luck. Gabby slid down into his father's arms and squeals happily. Mr Hoo February 8th, 22 12:33 AM "You know Daddy love you right?" Carl asked. Babygabrial February 8th, 22 05:27 AM Gabby nods his head rapidly bouncing on his daddy's arms. "Dada wuv Kitten". Mr Hoo February 8th, 22 04:43 PM "Want to play some more kitten? Or want to take a break?" Carl asked. Babygabrial February 8th, 22 09:25 PM "Play more! Play more!" He says happily. He went around playing on various equipment. Mr Hoo February 9th, 22 12:34 AM Carl walked around with him. The play structure was small compared to Gabby, but it was still adorable seeing him have so much fun. Babygabrial February 9th, 22 10:15 AM He still looked so natural on it. Its like how he gets in the ring. He's in his zone and he makes it look like he's supposed to be there. Mr Hoo February 9th, 22 06:43 PM Carl sat on a bench as he watched his little kitten play and just have fun being a baby. Babygabrial February 9th, 22 06:56 PM After a while Gabby goes over to him and points to the swings. "DADA! DADA SWING!" Mr Hoo February 9th, 22 06:57 PM Carl walked him over to the swings and sat him down on one, "OK, Daddy's gonna push you now." Babygabrial February 9th, 22 07:17 PM Gabby nods his head rapidly and kicked his feet out squealing happily as he kicks his feet. Mr Hoo February 9th, 22 07:22 PM Carl pushed his kitten so that he goes high up. Babygabrial February 9th, 22 07:35 PM He happily goes higher and higher. He soon gets a blank stare. Soon his face goes red. Mr Hoo February 10th, 22 12:34 AM Carl notices this and stops pushing, "You OK kitten?" he asks. Babygabrial February 10th, 22 06:53 AM He leans over and lets out the cutest little grunts and scrunched his face up. Mr Hoo February 10th, 22 10:09 AM Carl rubbed Gabby's belly to help him go. Babygabrial February 10th, 22 05:17 PM The big human dumped into his diaper which made his big boy pants puff out a bit. Mr Hoo February 11th, 22 12:35 AM Carl carried him over to where he left his bag. He pulled out a changing mat and layed Gabby out on it before changing his diaper. Babygabrial February 11th, 22 09:17 AM Gabby blushed and found it exciting to be changed outside, just anywhere like a real baby. Mr Hoo February 11th, 22 09:46 AM Carl finished the change and gave the new diaper a pat, "There you go champ." Babygabrial February 11th, 22 10:58 PM Gabby kipped up happily as he watched his daddy through his messy adult baby diaper into the park garbage can. Mr Hoo February 12th, 22 12:31 AM "Alright kitten, want a little snacky-snack?" Carl asked, taking out some snacks from his bag. Babygabrial February 13th, 22 11:55 AM He nods as he crawls on the pavement and rests his chin on his daddy's lap. Mr Hoo February 13th, 22 06:30 PM Carl first took out a small jar of strawberry-flavored mush. He took a spoonful and held it to Gabby's mouth. Babygabrial February 16th, 22 11:48 AM Gabby leaned up and opened wide taking the mushy baby food in. He squeals softly as he eats his yummy lunch. Mr Hoo February 17th, 22 12:32 AM Soon the jar was done and Carl set it aside for a nice warm bottle. He inserts the tip into Gabby's mouth and rubs his belly. Babygabrial February 17th, 22 02:53 AM Gabby climbs onto the bench with babyfood on his mouth. He lays back and latches on to the bottle. Mr Hoo February 17th, 22 02:29 PM Carl watched as Gabby enjoyed the bottle, smiling at how happy and carefree he looked. Babygabrial February 17th, 22 11:27 PM The sun rose behind them as they enjoyed the cool morning together. Soon it was time to head back and get ready for tomorrow. The day was filled with pageantry training. Mr Hoo February 18th, 22 12:38 AM Carl called over Rufie to help out. If there was anyone who he met in the last few days who knew a lot about confidence, it was them. They showed up and greeted them with a smile, "How are my two favorite superstars doing?" they asked while hugging Gabby. "We're doing great, think you can help Gabby be more confident?" Carl asked. "Of course, when I done with him, he'll be strutting his stuff like a pro." Rufie said. Babygabrial February 18th, 22 02:02 AM Gabby spent the rest of the day...well...learning to be Gabriella in front of others. Rufi had him skipping up and down the apartment stairs like its the walkway to the ring. Work on giving that cute smile, even if he has to fake it for a while until he really gets a feel for it. They had him practice his curtsies for once he's in the ring. Before that it was the motions of climbing the ropes from the apron and how to blow kisses to the crowd. Gabriella's entire routine was mapped out and practiced for hours. Only stopping for dinner, diaper changes, and an afternoon nap. Mr Hoo February 18th, 22 09:51 AM During his nap, Carl and Rufie decided to have a little chat, "I have to say, you really know you're stuff." he said. "Well, when you're unique in the wrestling world, you need to know a few tricks." Rufie said. "Gabby really needs this confidence boost. Without it the world's gonna rip him apart." Carl said in a worried way. "Good thing he has the best Daddy/manager he can get." Rufie said with a smile. "Yeah. I also need to teach him how to talk the talk. He's gonna get interviewed sooner or later and he needs to know how to communicate." Carl said. "I have to say you're quite the smooth talker. So that shouldn't be a problem." Rufie said. Babygabrial February 18th, 22 10:02 AM "While true, many wrestles will need to be good talkers, but with a good enough manager, he'll have someone to talk for him early on. At least until he's ready to say something himself." They say patting the feline on the shoulder. "I wouldn't recommend being at ringside tomorrow, but if Gabby wins cut a promo afterwards to lead Gabby into cutting a promo." Mr Hoo February 18th, 22 10:03 AM "Yeah, that seems like a plan." Carl said. Babygabrial February 18th, 22 10:14 AM Rufie nods and after a bit of training it starts getting dark. "Alright you two. Time for me to go." They say stretching. "Gabriella, hugs." They softly commend. Gabby obeys and hugs them. "Kisses" They order again and Gabby gives a peck on the cheek leaning in aith his arms cutely splayed out. "Curtsies~" they give one last command and Gabby obeys curtseying in his baby gown. Mr Hoo February 18th, 22 10:16 AM "We'll see you at the match tomorrow?" Carl asks while holding Gabby's hand. Babygabrial February 18th, 22 10:20 AM "Bye bye, Nanny Wufie!" Gabby smiled happily and bounced waving as Rufie made the trip back home. Time for the baby to get some rest. The Princess is in for a big day tomorrow. Mr Hoo February 18th, 22 10:22 AM Carl dressed Gabby in his bedtime clothes and set him in his crib. He sung a lullaby to him while rubbing his belly. Babygabrial February 18th, 22 11:21 AM Gabby's eyes close as this day ends. The next day Gabby and Carl were up bright and early to get set and head to where Jack said for them in an email for this Empire Wrestling Syndicate show. They had a bit of a drive through the towns until they were in Salt City again. Because that's totally where they were last time. This wasn't made up on the spot we swear. Anyway they pull up to a music hall that Jack is using for thr venue. Has a 300 seat capacity. Rufie and Darla's cars are in the parking deck. They likely won't be in the same place though since they don't know each other. So the boys will have to findd them separately. Gabby will likely see Rufie in the locker room Mr Hoo February 19th, 22 12:29 AM They both made their way to the wrestler entrence and checked in before meeting Rufie in the backstage area, "Hey you two~ Ready for tonight's big performance?" they asked. "We sure are, right champ?" Carl asked. Babygabrial February 19th, 22 02:04 AM Gabby immediately ran over to hug Rufie and nestles thier chest. Good thing they were able to get backstage easily so they can know where to go. They will need to find Darla in the crowd, or outside if they arrived before doors open. Darla has Gabby's new gear. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 12:34 AM "Rufie, you mind watching Gabby for a bit? I'm gonna go find a friend of mine who said she'd be here as well. I'll introduce you later." Carl said. "Sure, I'll make sure he's taken care of." Rufie said. "Alright Gabby, be good for Daddy's while he's gone OK?" Carl said. He was thinking that he would begin his search outside where the spectators were waiting. Knowing Darla she was quite the early bird. Er, kangaroo in this case. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 01:18 AM Darla was sitting in the atrium since they haven't let people in the hall to take their seats. She was holding a big bag along with her purse. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 01:19 AM Carl eventually found her and called out, "Hey Darla! You made it." he said. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 01:22 AM She looks up from her phone. "There you are!" She hops up and looks around. "Where's the baby? I have her outfit and I need to do her hair." She says gesturing towards the bag. That was filled with some stuff. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 01:23 AM "She's in the locker room right now. Another friend of ours is watching her. Want to come meet them before the match?" Carl asked. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 01:27 AM "Am I allowed back there? Especially since she's, sadly, in the males locker room? " she said that sadly with an eye roll. She seemed to see Gabriel as a little girl and refused to see him as anything but. Granted that's all she has ever been presented. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 01:28 AM "I'll just say you're part of our team. Nothing wrong with that now is there?" Carl asked. "Besides, I'm sure Gabby wants to see you before she has to fight." Babygabrial February 20th, 22 01:32 AM "Alright, I can get her ready in the female's bathroom." Darla says adjusting her stuff and putting her phone in her pouch before following the feline who she may or may not be riding like horse. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 10:35 AM They went to the locker room where Gabby was, with Carl getting Darla in no problem. Once there, Rufie greeted them, "Oh, you're back. Who's this now?" they asked. "Rufie, this is my good friend Darla. Darla, this is Rufie. They were Gabby's first opponent during that match we had in this area." Carl said. "What's going on, girl?" Rufie greeted. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 10:42 AM Darla waved to the gender fluid bovine "How ya doin' hun. Darla Wallice, that little gal right there calls me auntie." Rufie chuckled and waved back. "As of yesterday I seem to be nanny or teacher." Gabby came over to Darla jumping excitedly "Auntie! Auntie! Did you bring my gear? Did ya!? Did ya!?" Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 10:45 AM Rufie smiled at this, "Aww... You made him gear too? Now that's a good aunt." "Alright, let's see that new gear." Carl said, excited to see the new gear himself. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 10:54 AM Darla sits the bag down and pulls out a big poofy purple dress with elastic around some parts to keep it held on during Gabby's more wild movements. The skirt covers the built in diaper cover though its short enough to get a view when he's bent over. The back is cutely exposed a bit and the chest area has princess stitched on it. The midsection can have a waist sash tied around, or is a good spot for a title belt. The skirt has layers of frills on it, and the big kicker, the chest area has princess stitched on it in bright pink. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 10:57 AM Rufie's eyes sparkled at the sight of the outfit, "Ooh! Girlfriend, that is fabulous! Gabby's gonna turn some heads tonight that's for sure." they said. "I agree, excellent job. What do you think sweetie?" Carl asked Gabby. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 11:02 AM "PWETTY!!!" He squeals in delight. He reaches for it like a very happy baby. "Ok, ok, Puddin' come on. Auntie needs to get you dressed and do your hair and make up." Gabby's face went from a look of glee to a look of horror. He runs behind Carl and hides shaking his head. "No, makeup! Dat for big girls!" Everyone watching are shocked. "N-No baby this just some foundation to help you look more like a little girl. Auntie promises. " Gabby adamantly shakes his head no. You'd think you told him to put on boxers. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 11:05 AM "Come on sweetie. Don't you want to look good for the crowd?" Rufie asks. Carl comforts Gabby with a belly rub, "It's not gonna be a lot of makeup kitten. Auntie Darla is just looking out for you. You can take it off after the match no big deal." Babygabrial February 20th, 22 11:08 AM Whimpers as he slowly comes out. Rufie signals Darla to grab him before he immediately changes his mind. She takes him and they head out of the locker room to the girls bathroom. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 11:10 AM Carl decided to wait where he was, hoping that Gabby wouldn't give them too much trouble. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 11:14 AM Rufie stayed behind since their match was much earlier, so they needed to be ready much sooner. Dr. Kruger noticeably wasn't around. Heck the locker room looked like it had many people in it. Definitely not a full roster. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 11:16 AM "Very light lineup wouldn't you say?" Rufie asked. "Yeah, hopefully once we move up we'll get more talented people to face off against." Carl said. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 11:24 AM "This locker room isn't too bad. Most of the douch bags will be in here a bit later. Heels like to group up, so they usually have their own seperate locker room or come in when we babyfaces are done and kick us all out. But as for the talent, Jack's actually got a good eye for talent. Especially human talent. His Humanweight division has a few talented young guys on it, Gabby included. Heck, after winning that battle royal Gabby could be in line for a humanweight title shot in this company." Rufie explained. Gabby jumps up the ranks in this company due to the battle royal, and due to the size of the roster being only about 40 to 50 active talent. Some of which only come for a show or two and dont come back. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 11:25 AM "You're probably right. We better watch our back around those heels though. I can't risk Gabby's confidence being drained again." Carl said. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 11:31 AM "Don't worry. I'll keep him close by. You go wait behind Gorilla Position." For our non wrestling fans, my beloved rp partner included, Gorilla position refers to the area right behind the curtain from the entrence area where the promoter and the producer usually sits. Named after late real life wrestler, commentator, and producer Gorilla Monsoon. In this world it is named after...Gorilla Monsoon who is an actual gorilla. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 11:33 AM Carl nods to both Rufie and the voice in his head before going to wait behind the curtain for Gabby. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 11:38 AM After Rufie, Darla, and a dolled up Gabby come up. Gabriel is in the dress which is fitted around his body. It matches his purple wrestling boots. His hair is put into a braided ponytail with a big bow that matches his sash. His face looks brighter and smoother. His lips have some gloss on it, which he is upset about because he doesn't see the difference between gloss and lipstick, and his cheeks have blush on them, though he is actually also blushing. If you don't look closely at his neck you couldn't tell that he's male. Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 11:40 AM "Wow, she looks great." Carl said. "A pure wrestling idol if I do say so myself." Rufie said. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 11:44 AM "Not much of a make up artist but I'm pretty proud of this, especially since she really made me work for it." Gabby pouts and turns away. "No likey. Makeup icky big girl stuff." That's a can of worms to open later. Rufie quickly goes to fix his attitude. "Gabriella, smile." He obeys "Curtsey" Gabby does so. "Now thank Auntie Darla." They command. "Tankoo Auntie~" he says still in curtsey position. "Ok, keep that pretty smile on until your bell time." Mr Hoo February 20th, 22 11:46 AM Carl smiled at this. He really couldn't wait to see Kruger get what's coming to him. "Ready to dazzle out there princess?" he asked. Babygabrial February 20th, 22 11:53 AM Gabby nodded his head and leans on his daddy for support. They can feel each other's hearts beating. "Alright, I'm gonna go take my seat. I'll see you all later." Darla says heading off. Soon Jack comes around calling all of the wrestlers, ref, and in ring personel. "Alright everyone come around I'm about to go over tonight's match card!" They head into the hall's meeting room. All of the faces on one side, heels on the other. Gabby clung to Carl's arm the entire trip in there. "Jack starts talking and going over the show. "Milk Maid you're match 3 tonight. Going up against Moose" Jack gestures to a big beefy moose sitting on the heel side looking tough with his arms crossed. Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 12:35 AM Rufie simply gave him a flirty wave. Carl comforted Gabby as best he could, giving him a reassuring smile to let him know he was there for him. Babygabrial February 21st, 22 01:28 AM A few more matches on to tonight's card get announced then the main event. "Tonight's main event, Dr. Kruger Vs Princess Gabby Angel in a street fight." Jack announces to mild and mixed results. Some of the anthros don't think a human vs human match should be the main event. Some don't like a hardcore match being the main event. Some respect Kruger as a veteran of the sport and want to just see him in action. The person behind Gabby pats him on the shoulder for good luck. Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 11:59 AM Carl gave Gabby a reassuring nod, "You're gonna do excellent tonight, champ." he said. Rufie gave him a wink in good luck. Babygabrial February 21st, 22 12:27 PM Jack assigned a ref to each match and had the curtain jerkers go get set. In pro wrestling in the modern day, there's two things you want to be. The main event, and the curtain jerker. If you're not last, then you want to be first. Those are the two matches where you want to be in because they'll have the most eyes on them. The main event feels big time. The opening match is the first thing the crowd will remember. At least for big events. Not as much for small indy shows but having that attitude can take you places. Gabby and Carl head off. They had a little time they could even watch Rufie Vs Moose from behind the curtain. Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 12:29 PM Carl took this time to give Gabby a pep talk, "Alright Gabby, I understand you might be a little nervous. I just want you to know that daddy's got your back out there. He's looking out for you." Babygabrial February 21st, 22 12:37 PM Gabby nods his head holding his daddy's hands. He too takes this opportunity to tell his daddy something. "Dada stay back during the match. No matter what." Gabby says in a serious tone looking Carl in the eye. "It too dangerous for Dada." He tells Carl up front. Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 12:39 PM Carl understood his little kitten, he didn't want his daddy getting hurt, "I understand kitten. Daddy will be watching you." he said. Babygabrial February 21st, 22 12:47 PM Gabby smiled and hugged his daddy and nestled his chest. When he peaks out he sees Bar at gorilla position talking to Jack about something. Gabby wonders what it's about. Anyway as things get to the middle of the card, the crowd is pretty hot and riled up. Milk Maid and Moose are sent out for their match. Rufie and Gabby knew what this booking was. This is what's called, a cool down match. It's like if an intermission were a wrestling match. How it works is a wrestler of lower level are usually put up against someone else of lower level to give the audience a match they won't care about as much to give them a break, or they are put against someone far above their level to give the higher ranked wrestler an easy win, and the audience a quick squash match to settle them down. This was clearly the latter but The Milk Maid was dead set on looking good be it in victory or defeat. Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 12:51 PM Milk Maid didn't care what kind of match they were in. As long as they got to show some positive display of their kind of animal that they wanted to be, then they were happy. They knew they had fan just like them who feel down because of how they choose to live their lives, they want to stand as an example of confidence and passion for who they were. They wanted to be that kind of inspiration fo Gabby as well. Babygabrial February 21st, 22 01:00 PM During the match Moose charged at Milk Maid with pure intensity. A few times Milk Maid got launched across the ring. After a bit Rufie realized that Moose's strategy was similar to Gabby's. Use his whole body as a weapon difference being that Moose was 1200 ibs bigger than Gabby. During one charging pounce from Moose, Milk Maid got lower and charged at him like his trunks were red. Milk Maid shocks the crowd spearing the shit out of Moose and they pop up posing. Sadly this is where the offense ends. As soon as Milk Maid goes to lift Moose up for a power bomb, Moose slips behind and hits a full nelson suplex. Before running the ropes and pouncing his opponent. Pinning them 1-2-3. Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 01:02 PM Milk Maid didn't care about the loss. They stood up with confidence and waved to the crowd, bowing like they just put on a great show. They then give another flirty wink to Moose before exiting the ring, blowing him a kiss as well. Babygabrial February 21st, 22 01:08 PM The crowd respectfully applaud Milk Maid. EWS has quite a respectful crowd. They seem to have appreciation, and respect for the wrestlers. They're not just a crowd of wild drunks, or a bunch of local speciesists, but we'll encounter those later. Rufie gets to gorilla position holding their shoulder and hip but tried to play it off. Jack shook their hand and told them good job. Jack was genuine, but clearly didn't see too much out of Rufie for now. At least didn't see putting them much higher on the card yet. Which, yeah two straight losses, one of which to a human. He's a bit justified. Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 01:11 PM Rufie took these losses in stride. All they could do was practice more until they could finally get themselves a win. For now, they couldn't wait to see Gabby, they're most trusted friend, kick Kruger's sorry psychotic ass back to the asylum where he belongs. Babygabrial February 21st, 22 01:18 PM Gabby is seen differently for several reasons. Humans, of course, aren't expected much out of. At the same time Gabby is in the main event tonight because its a smaller show, Gabby won a battle royal, and lets be real, its because he's facing a respected veteran like Kruger. If it was someone more on Gabby's level this match would be in the middle of the card. Anyway, Jack calls bell time for the main event. Gabby and Carl stand back as Kruger is up by the curtain in street clothes for this street fight. His music hits and the crowd pops as he comes out. The announcer makes the call. "The following Street Fight is scheduled for one fall to a finish with no time limit! Introducing first, coming to you from Quaker City, weighing in at 295 ibs, he is a death match icon! DOOOOOOOOOCTEEEEEER KRUUUUUUUUGEEEEEER!" Kruger rolls in the ring from under the bottom rope and stands on the ropes throwing a middle finger up wearing a football Jersey, jean shorts, knee pads, elbow pads, and a bandana around his head. Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 01:22 PM Carl scowled at him from backstage. Ever since he pulled that sneak attack during the last match and completely humiliated his little kitten, he hated him with every fiber of his being. His hatred grew so much just watching him that he began to reach into his pocket again, that familer cold metal feeling greeting him again. He just wanted to make him suffer, make him pay, drag him to hell and back and rip his.... No, stay calm, he couldn't afford to go crazy now. He released his paw from the pocket and said to Gabby, "Make sure he'll never walk again." Babygabrial February 21st, 22 01:31 PM Gabby nodded smirking and clung to his daddy's arms. The music shifted to Gabby's music, and the crowd child almost as loud. The crowd recognized him from the match against Milk Maid and the battle royal. Plus the attack at the gym Wednesday had, while giving Kruger the attention he seeked, had a bit of a side effect. It garnered Gabby sympathy. Gabby skipped out through the curtain smiling and prancing as Rufie tought him. The crowd cheered as he high fived the fans and blew kisses. And his opponent." The announcer began "Weighing in at 202 Ibs, he is from THE EMPIRE STATE!" That home town call makes the crowd cheer louder. "Prrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinceeeeeeeeess! GABBY! AAAAAAAANGEEEEEL!" Gabby gets picked up and sat on the ring apron by Carl and kisses his nose before rolling into the ring and twirls before giving a curtsey. Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 01:34 PM Carl pumps up the crowd by waving his arms and pointing to him. The crowd was really eating this up. Babygabrial February 21st, 22 01:45 PM Soon, Gabby and Kruger got to their respective corners as the ref went over the rules. "Alright you two. Anything goes, only way to win is via pinfall or submission in the ring. Kruger you ready? Angel you ready?" They both nod and the ref signals the bell keeper. Ding! Ding! Ding! The match begins. Gabby and Kruger charge at each other getting into a hocky fight immediately throwing sluggers at each other while holding the other close. The crowd pops as things get crazy right off the back. Eventually Kruger knees Gabby in the gut making the princess knee over before the doctor clubs his back sending him to the ground. Kruger mounts him and throws some open fisted punches to the forhead before getting up and taunting. Gabby gets on all fours behind him and low blows him, shocking the crowd before Gabby gets Kruger in his shoulders facing up. Teasing the Burning Hammer again but Kruger panics and gets down and rolls out of the ring leaning on the apron. Gabby runs the rops and launches himself like a bullet outside of the ring. Kruger dodge and Gabby lands in the crowd to a big pop followed by the crowd chanting "Please don't die! Please don't die!" Mr Hoo February 21st, 22 06:09 PM "Come on Gabby! Don't let him get the better of you!" Carl shouted. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 12:41 AM Kruger goes under the ring and pulls oyt a kendo stick. The crowd goes "ohhhh!" At the sight of it. When Gabby pulls himself over the guard rail Kruger whacks him across the back with the cain, making Gabby fall to ringside holding his back in pain. He gets on all fours before Kruger whacks him again. A sharp SNAP! echoes through the concert hall as the audience whinces. "Oooooh!" Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 12:43 AM "Shove that stick up your crack, fuckface!" Carl shouted at Kruger. "Get up Gabby! Show him what for!" Darla cheered. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 12:49 AM Kruger turned to Carl and aimed the cain at him. . "You wanna get skinned alive, pussy!?" The crowd gets shocked at just outright saying a slur. Kruger is distracted and doesn't see Gabby get up and climb on the apron. "Oh Doctor~" Gabby taunts making Kruger turn. "Check this!" Gabby runs across the apron and hits a cannon ball flip on Kruger who hangs on to the cain as they crash into the floor. The crowd cheer. Gabby rolls him in and goes under the ring and grabs a cain as well before sliding under the bottom rope as Kruger pulls himself up. They circle each other with kendo sticks in hand before they clash literally sword fighting in the ring. Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 12:52 AM "How do you like that ya loon?" Carl shouted. "Beat his ass Gabby!" Darla cheered. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 12:59 AM Gabby strikes with fierceness pushing Kruger bavk to the ropes. The doctor dodges an overjead blow making Gabby strike the ropes. The kendo stick bounces back making Gabby hit himself. Kruger comes from behind and over hooks Gabby's head before pressing him down under his weight. Kruger rolls out and pulls out a steel chair and pulls Gabby out to hang him over the apron and smacks the chair over him like a guillotine. Gabby falls limp out of the ring and Kruger spits on him. The crowd boos the doctor sets the chair down and sits a dazed princess in it. "Lets see how you like it, lil' bitch!" He climbs on the apron and charges trying to hit a cannon ball off like Gabby, but Gabby moves out of the way last second and leans on the guard rail as Kruger crashes through the steel chair onto the thinly padded floor. The crowd chant "This is awesom!" Clap clap clapclapclap "This is awesome!" Clap clap clapclapclap. Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 01:01 AM "Wooooo!!!!" Carl cheered. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 01:08 AM Gabby goes and lifts up Kruger and belly to belly suplexes him into the guard rail. Gabby then goes under the ring himself and pulls out a table. The crowd pop. He slides it in the ring before grabbing Kruger and irish whipping him into the corner post causing a spot of red to drip from under his bandanna. Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 01:09 AM Carl and Darla waited in anticipation for what was to come. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 01:11 AM Gabby stalks Kruger who crawls around the ring struggling to get up. Gabby goes to grab him not realizing that Kruger's hand was under the ring. Kruger yanks out a light tube and smashes it over Gabby's head making the princess fall. Now he too sheds blood. Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 01:13 AM Carl's bloodlust grows with that blow, he growls menacingly under his breath. "Beat him down, honey! Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 01:18 AM Kruger gets up and pulls Gabby against the ring appron. Holding Gabby's neck, choking him with his forearm. "You think you're better than me? Huh? Who do you think you are you punk rookie bi-" Gabby interupts him by spitting in his face making the crowd stand in ovation. Kruger returns the favor by repeatedly elbowing Gabby's forehead causing blood to pour. Kruger licks the blood smeered on Gabby as the crowd chants "You sick fuck! You sick fuck!" Kruger throws Gabby in the ring and Gabby rolls to a cain and grabs it. When Kruger gets in Gabby gets in a seated position and swings the cain repeatedly at Kruger's legs chopping him down like a tree. Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 01:22 AM Carl was close to going absoultely wild at this point. Seeing Kruger get beaten down was really getting his blood pumping. His claws were completely out as he cheered for Gabby to keep going. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 01:31 AM Gabby stood up stumbling as he had a crimson mask. He limped over to the table and pulled the legs open before turning it to stand it up. He went over to Kruger and pulled him up and using the cain to assist him. He put it against the doctor's neck and hit a Russian leg sweep. Gabby then whipped him to the corner and and shockingly ripped the protective corner off exposing the metal ring connecting the ropes and bashed the back of Kruger's head and neck against it ten times with the crowd loudly counting. He then climbed up on the ropes anr proceeding to do closed fisted punches on Krugers face ten more times. Getting Kruger's blood all over his fist. Gabby got down and pulled Krugger to sit on the top rope before climbing up. He pulled Kruger to stand on the top rope and jumped looking to hook his head to do a cutter off of the top rope through the table. But that's not what happened. Kruger grabbed the ropes to stabilize himself and moved his head out of the way. So when Gabby jumped, the princess only grabbed air and fell through the table. Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 01:36 AM "Nnooooo!!!!!!" Carl shouted. "You bastard!" "GAAABBBBYYYYYY!!!!!" Darla screamed. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 01:42 AM Kruger jumps off hitting a splash to Gabby adding more injury to injury. Kruger goes for the vover. The ref counts "1-2-..kick out" the ref is confused, not because Gabby kicked out. No, Gabby is out cold and easily wasn't kicking out of that. No, Kruger grabbed Gabby by his braided ponytail and yanked his head and shoulders off of the matt by it. "I ain't done with this shit stain!" The crowd rains down a chorus of boos. Kruger picks Gabb up and ddt's him back down before going out of the ring. He throws two chairs in the ring. Another table, and....is that lighter fluid? Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 12:30 PM "You cocksucking maniac! Leave my kid alone!" Carl shouted, his bloodlust rising. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 12:54 PM Kruger gets in the ring and stumbles holding his head and neck. Gabby has taken a beating but the few hits he's managed to land were impactful. Kruger sits the back of Gabby's head under one chair and lines the other one up to whack Gabby in a one man conchairto. Kruger raises the second chair high above his head, and with all his strength brings it down, but suddenly it bounces back and whacks his him in the face, making him stumble back and drop his chair. Looking down you can see one of Gabby's legs in the air showing his diaper cover. He woke up and felt something off, and instinctively kicked up without opening his eyes. Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 12:56 PM Darla cheered with seeing Gabby's comeback, eager to see how he'll follow up. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 01:02 PM Kruger holds his head as he has a crimson mask at this point as well. Their blood splattered all oved the canvas. "Why you little!" Gabby gets on his knees and rams the top of the steel chair he was laying on into the doctor's gut. Kruger keels over as Gabby stands up and brings the chair overhead and WHACK! Gabby creamed him in the head with the chair laying him out. Gabby stands there panting and getting blood out of his eyes. He looks around seeing the table set in the corner and the lighter fluid on the mat. He takes it and digs in Kruger's pocket pullout a match. The crowd is on their feet. Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 01:03 PM "That's right champ! Show him you're not to be messed with!" Carl shouted. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 01:09 PM Gabby squeezes fluid out all over the table and lights the match off of the heart on the chest of his dress and throws it at the table setting it ablaze. Kruger gets up and whips Gabby around and kicks him in the dick. Except Gabby is thickly diapered and just glares Kruger down before repeatedly headbutting him and then lifts him on Gabby's shoulder and charges at the flaming table before lawn darting Kruger through it. The crowd explode "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" They both lay there. Gabby crawls ober and lays a lazy hand over an out cold Kruger. The ref counts as the crowd counts with him "ONE-TWO-THREE!" The bell rings and the crowd pops as Gabby's theme plays. "Here's your winner PRINCESS! GABBY! AAAAAAAANGEEEEEEEL!" The announcer makes official Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 01:12 PM Carl, his bloodlust state finally satiated, is elated as her runs up to Gabby and helps him up. He embraces him while saying, "You did it! You did it!" over and over. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 01:16 PM Gabby just hugs his Daddy and jumps in his arms as the crowd continues to cheer. If he impressed this crowd last week, tonight he earned their love and respect. This crowd recognizes that Gabby went through hell just then and battled back to get the win. Everyone knows Kruger was going to win if he didn't get too cocky, but how Gabby took advantage of that was phenomenal. Plus they have a new hometown boy to get behind. Mr Hoo February 22nd, 22 01:18 PM Carl signals to an official to pass him a mic, using one paw to hold it while holding Gabby in the other arm, "I just want to say thank you all for coming out here tonight!" he began, "I can't express how proud I am of my client here. Check that, he's more than just my client, he's my pride and joy. Let this be a message to all the doubters and haters out there. Next time you better see the whole picture before you go judging us based on how we look. My little star here just beat the ass of death match fighter twice how about that?" The crowd cheered at this. "We're not just gonna stop here though, we're going straight to the top and showing the world that us 'outcasts' have something to say too! What do you we have to say Gabby?" Carl asks, moving the mic to his little kitten. Babygabrial February 22nd, 22 01:36 PM Gabby peaked out and blushed very hesitant but the crowd begin chanting for him, clapping between each syllable "Gab-by! Gab-by! Gab-by!" He climbs down and slowly takes the mic in both hands."When.....when I got my pro license a year ago...everyone wrote me off...a side show attraction at worst, but a talented human, who's still just human at worst. Almost a month ago, someone discovered my deepest darkest secrets and took me under his tutelage. Since then, I've had more matches, put in my hardest work, and met really nice people who want to see me succeed." The crowd cheers and applauds before chanting "You deserve it!" Clap clap clapclapclap "You deserve it!" Clap clap clapclapclap. Gabby blushes and speaks again "But I'm not done yet." The crowd goes "Ohhhhhh!" "I want to stand on top of the woeld, holding Championship gold. I want to be the World, Heavyweight, Champion" the crowd cheer "I think.........I think my first step to that is becoming the EWS Humanweight Champion!" Crowd cheers and gives him a standing ovation as Gabby hands the mic back to Carl and reaches to be picked back up. Mr Hoo February 23rd, 22 12:34 AM Carl picks him back up and speaks into the mic, "There you have it! Let's hear it for him, huh?" he said. Darla instigated and chant, "Princess! Princess! Princess!" Carl walked out with Gabby to the backstage area where he sat him on a locker room bench. Darla and Rufie came to join them, "Honey that was fabulous!" the latter said. Babygabrial February 23rd, 22 12:39 AM Gabby giggles woozy. He's a happy baby before the adrenaline wears off and he'll either be crying or passed out. Trainers come to clean him off and staple his forehead shut. Mr Hoo February 23rd, 22 12:41 AM "Thanks fellas." Carl told them before gathering their stuff, "Well, I better get him home and get some rest." he said while picking Gabby up. "Don't forget about our tag team match coming up next week." Rufie reminded him. "Of course." Carl said. Babygabrial February 23rd, 22 12:45 AM Before heading out Jack catches up to them. "Hey hey, don't skip out on recieving your pay now. Can't have you saying I don't pay my wrestlers. Especially after that literal barn burner." He said with a bit of humor handing a wad of cash to Carl. Mr Hoo February 23rd, 22 12:49 AM "Thanks. You call us when you need talent to hype up the crowd. We promise we won't disappoint." Carl said while taking the wad. Babygabrial February 23rd, 22 12:57 AM "Well, actually I like striking while the fire is hot. Next week's show though already has a humanweight title match booked, so I can't give Gabby that." Jack says "But there is someone from the battle royal who would like a piece of the princess. The 3rd place finalist Eli Knight. Gabby can beat him next week, then that string of wins could get him a title shot the week after." Jack lays out for them Mr Hoo February 23rd, 22 12:59 AM "We're in. Just send us the details and we'll bring our best." Carl said. Babygabrial February 23rd, 22 01:01 AM "Always glad to hear it. Gotta go monitor the cleanup. I'll be seeing you around." He says before heading back. And our heroes meet with Darla in the parking deck. Mr Hoo February 23rd, 22 01:02 AM "Wanna drive back with us Darla?" Carl asks while putting Gabby in the car. Babygabrial February 23rd, 22 01:04 AM "Nah, I'm not leaving my car all of the way up here. But I'll follow you two back. Maybe have some grownup time while the baby takes a nap. Mr Hoo February 23rd, 22 06:41 PM "That's exactly what I was getting at." Carl said while winking. Babygabrial February 23rd, 22 06:51 PM "Then I'm all down for it. See you lad and lady there." She says hopping into the car. Before pulling off waving to them. Mr Hoo February 24th, 22 12:30 AM Carl waved back before getting in the car and driving Gabby back home. He carried him all the way to his room and tucked him in bed after getting him in his bedtime clothes and singing to him. He took a look around Gabby's room, he couldn't wait for they day when they would earn enough money to completely transform the room into a proper nursery. Babygabrial February 24th, 22 06:17 AM At least partially, since this was the only bedroom in the apartment, but they will move one day, and when they do. That's when Gabby can get his own nursery. Gabby sleeps peacefully with a bandage around his forehead. He has three days until his next match, which will be for a different promotion around where Rufie lives at. Things started slow this month, but they are definitely going to pick up soon. There's a knock on the door and it can only be assumed to be Darla. Mr Hoo February 24th, 22 10:53 AM Carl answered the door and found her standing there, "Glad you could make it." he said. Babygabrial February 24th, 22 12:03 PM She smiled "Didn't think I would with traffic around here. " she joked before a big thud is heard and an apple rolls by them. Mr Hoo February 24th, 22 02:51 PM "The hell?" Carl asked before picking it up. Babygabrial February 24th, 22 07:11 PM Darla looks where it came from, and jumps. "Oh Shit!" She runs over to an older female kimono dragon who fell going up the steps dropping her groceries. Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 12:11 AM Carl follows her down and helps the Komodo up, "Are you OK ma'am?" he asks. Babygabrial February 25th, 22 12:17 AM "Oof, took quite the tumble there. These Empire apartments have too many stairs. No one hear of an elevator?" The older sounding woman says shaking the aches and pains out. She had a a thick islander accent. Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 12:19 AM "Even harder when you're carrying something, trust me I know." Carl says while helping to pick up the dropped groceries, "By the way, I'm Carl." Babygabrial February 25th, 22 12:24 AM "Melati Lestari, gewd to meet yew Cahrl" her accent becomes even thicker as Darla gets the rest of her groceries up. She was definitely Indonesian for sure, because states and cities have different names in this world, but many countries don't. Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 12:27 AM "Do you by any chance know about a Gabriel who lives in this apartment as well. I'm his manager." Carl says, wanting to be friendly and share information. Babygabrial February 25th, 22 12:30 AM "Yes, I met him. Human boy, dark skin, long hair right? Nice boy, talk to him briefly when getting mail. Shy boy, very shy. How he is?" She asks as she somehow got Carl and Darla to carry her bags for her as they walk to her apartment. Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 12:38 AM "He's making waves in the minor wrestling circuits. He actually just had a match tonight." Darla says. "He's aiming for the EWS championship. I'm helping him get there." Carl explained. Babygabrial February 25th, 22 12:43 AM "Oh? He wrestler? But he small human? Times really change. He on that show, what it called. WWO?" She's refering to World Wrestling Organization. Big time flashy promotion where top ranked wrestlers who are more in it for the money would go. But keyword being top ranked. Gabby isn't even ranked and only die hard wrestling fans in the city know what EWS is. This woman probably hasn't watched wrestling in decades. Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 12:45 AM "We're small time, barely anyone knows us, but he can actually handle himself really well in the ring. The crowd loves him." Carl explained. Babygabrial February 25th, 22 12:51 AM "Ehhh one crowd, but he's dipping his feet in the water." Darla says. Which is true. Gabby only did a hand full of shows his first year. He was booed out and exiled from his gym, so he's really only made waves with the EWS crowd so far. "Well, I hope he alright. Very nice boy. No want to see him squished." Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 12:53 AM "Believe me, that won't happen while I'm around." Carl says. They made it to Melati's apartment and helped put her groceries away. Babygabrial February 25th, 22 12:56 AM They comepletely forgot that they were about to get into some loving, and that they left the baby at home by himself. Luckily he's still napping. In her apartment it's clear she lives alone. Pictures indicate she was married. No telling what happened to her husband. But the place is abit dusty and could use some cleaning. She's not a slob, but she's older and may not be able to clean how she used to. Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 12:57 AM "Well, we better get going. Nice meeting you." Carl says as he and Darla start to leave. Babygabrial February 25th, 22 01:04 AM "Thank you vedy much! Here let me get you nice couple something for the trouble I cause you." She says going in her fridge and pulls out a tupple of fried rice and skewers. "Some nasi goreng. It delicious. Man down the block make it fresh." She says handing it to Carl. Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 01:06 AM "Thanks, you have nice day." Carl said as he and Darla left and went back to the apartment. Babygabrial February 25th, 22 01:08 AM Gabby was asleep and the cat and roo take advantage of what little time they have before the baby wakes up. Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 01:10 AM Carl took it all in as much as he could. He really couldn't be any more happy. Babygabrial February 25th, 22 01:13 AM After a while Gabby wakes up and whimpers rolling on his tummy to make a present. His bandage feels uncomfortable so he messes with them. Mr Hoo February 25th, 22 12:49 PM Carl was laying down with Darla, getting his breath back from their time together, "I hear the princess is awake." he whispered to her. Babygabrial February 25th, 22 04:04 PM "Go earn your dad of the year award." She says tugging his tail. She pulls up the strap of her bra and sat up going to heat up the food Mrs. Lestari gave them. Mr Hoo February 26th, 22 12:41 AM Carl blushes and goes to check on Gabby, "There, there kitten. Daddy's here." he says before getting Gabby out of his diaper and into a fresh one, giving it a loving pat. He also adujusted his bandages so they were on right again, "You need to leave your boo-boo alone so it heals, OK champ?" Babygabrial February 26th, 22 12:57 AM He whines, feeling too uncomfortable to make out big girl talkies. He clings to his dada and nuzzles his chest definitely hungry after earlier. He hasn't eaten since this morning and its night time now. Mr Hoo February 26th, 22 12:59 AM Carl brings him over to the kitchen and sits him down at the table, "Just wait here and we'll fill that little belly of yours." Carl said while tickling Gabby's belly a little. Babygabrial February 26th, 22 01:03 AM He squirms around and giggles as he sucks his thumb and grabs his coloring book waiting on the grownups to feed him. He colors in a picture of, what else, a princess in a castle. Mr Hoo February 26th, 22 01:04 AM Soon his meal was prepared and presented to him, "There you go champ." he says before picking up a spoon and feeding him. Babygabrial February 26th, 22 01:07 AM Gabby proceeded to devour the bowl of fried rice presented to him like there was no tomorrow. He found it yummy but a bit spicy. He may have an explosive eruption down low tonight or in the morning. Still he licked the bowl clean. His face on the otherhand was not of course. Mr Hoo February 26th, 22 01:08 AM Carl wiped his face with a chuckle and started to prepare a bottle for him. Babygabrial February 26th, 22 01:15 AM Darla got Gabby while Carl got the bottle ready. Gabby is put in Darla's pouch with his head layed on her chest so the baby can stay settled. Mr Hoo February 26th, 22 01:16 AM The bottle is done and Carl hands it off to Darla, "Would you like to do the honors?" he asked. Babygabrial February 26th, 22 01:19 AM Gabby tries to look up to see what the adults were doing, being a nosey girl as he messed with his booboo again. Mr Hoo February 26th, 22 01:21 AM Carl readusts the bandage once more, he didn't want his little kitten to make his owie worse. Babygabrial February 26th, 22 01:33 AM Gabby began to be fed by Darla while being held in her pouch. He suckles softly while laying on Darla's firm chest. Mr Hoo February 26th, 22 06:05 PM "You know, I'm actually surprised he was able to fit in there." Carl said. Babygabrial February 26th, 22 09:25 PM "Oh he's a very tight squeeze. But if I'm just sitting, then he's just stretching me out a bit I could not walk with him like this." She says still holding the bottle for him. Mr Hoo February 27th, 22 11:20 AM "I see. How to like it kitten?" Carl asked Gabby. Babygabrial February 27th, 22 06:35 PM Gabby peaked up hearing his name called. He unlatched from his bottle so quickly that some formula shot onto his face. Darla's shirt was up so she could get him in and out of her warm pouch, so none spilled on her. "It warm in here" he said as he leaned on her bare breasts inside the pouch. Meaning Gabby has gotten closer to Darla's chest than Carl. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 12:33 AM "I honestly don't know how he can get any more cute." Carl commented. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 12:39 AM Darla giggles and rubs Gabby's head and nestles him like a big Joey. "She's the cutest human I've ever seen." Gabby softly coos and leans up wanting more baba. Darla holds it out of reach watching Gabby paw for it. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 12:42 AM Carl shuffled his feet nervously before looking up at Darla, "Say... if it's not too much trouble... maybe we could..." the words get caught in his mouth. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 12:44 AM Darla looks up at him as Gabby squirms in her pouch tearing up wanting his baba. "What is it?" Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 12:46 AM "Perhaps we could... hang out sometime?" Carl said nervously. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 12:48 AM "What you mean?" She asks as she shoves the bottle in the crying baby's mouth which quiets her down Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 12:50 AM "I was thinking like... a date... Just you and me..." Carl said. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 12:53 AM "Oh, OH! Y-Yeah!" She says sounding as excited as he is nervous. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 12:56 AM Carl was surprised by her reaction, "Oh, yeah, great!" He then realized something, "Only one problem. We need to find someone to watch Gabby." Babygabrial February 28th, 22 12:59 AM "Yeah, little girl isn't exactly what's known as independent." She says gesturing to the 18 year old in her pouch laying on her chest with milk all over his mouth. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 01:01 AM "We can't just get any babysitter though. We need to find someone who is OK with taken care of a 'specific' little girl like her." Carl added. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 01:03 AM Gabby coos and looks around hearing the grownups talk about him. "So, who do you think can do it?" She asks. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 01:03 AM "We'll find someone, it might take some time though." Carl says. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 01:06 AM Darla nods. Gabby yawns feeling warm and comfy in Darla's pouch. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 01:09 AM "Aw... is kitten feeling sleepy?" Carl asked while rubbing Gabby's head. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 01:11 AM Gabby coos as he lays on auntie Darla. It'd be perfect if they had a rocking chair. That could probably help put Gabby down to sleep faster Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 01:13 AM "I think it's time for our little princess to get her rest." Carl said. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 01:19 AM Gabby whines and fusses trying to stay awake. He just got up from his nap and wanted to play, but he was exhausted and dizzy from the match. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 11:09 AM Carl takes him out of Darla's pouch and brings him over to his room and lays him on the bed after getting him into his bedtime clothes. He does his usual humming and belly rubbing to help him fall asleep. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 11:39 AM Gabby was out cold by the first belly rubs tonight. He had a long day today. An exciting day. A terrifying day. Yet, a rewarding day. Right now wrestling journalists are documenting Gabby's big upset victory. It won't be leading news stories or anything, but it will put the name "Princess Gabby Angel" in their heads for right now. That's a victory unto itself even if our heroes don't know it yet. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 11:41 AM Carl knew this all too well, the first big step was at least having Gabby's name out there. He left Gabby to sleep and went to talk to Darla bit more before she went home. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 11:50 AM They decided to have their date be Thursday so Carl can have time to find a babysitter and be back in town after Gabby's match since this one is upstate. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 11:54 AM Carl agreed to these terms and saw Darla off, blowing her a kiss goodbye as she left. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 11:56 AM Leaving the father daughter duo alone. Later in the night dinner catches Gabby and he has an absolute blowout in his diaper. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 11:58 AM Carl was sleeping at the time, but he did smell it. He gently took Gabby out of bed to change him. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 12:01 PM Gabby whined as he was waking up. It was dark and he was tired. He whimpers as he's lifted up. His diaper is hanging. Spicy food and baby formula make a hot concoction. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 12:04 PM Carl managed to get it done and reminded himself to not feed Gabby anymore spicy stuff. He put him back in bed and calmed him down until he was asleep. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 12:08 PM Sunday morning while breakfast was being made Gabby was doing exercises under the tutelage of Rufie via Vroom call. Gabby was on his 198th curtsey and his knees and thighs were on fire. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 12:12 PM Carl finished making breakfast and called out for Gabby, "Oh kitten! Breakfast is ready!" Babygabrial February 28th, 22 12:16 PM "Coming Dada!" Gabby calls from the apartment living room. "Ok, my little lady. That's enough for this morning. You be a good girl and rest up." Gabby nods "Yes Nanny Rufie!" Gabhy gives two curtsies and blows two kisses before exiting the call. He toddles to the kitechen sweating and wearing only a diaper for his workout.he looks like a cute little baby as he enters the kitchen. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 03:08 PM Carl places the food on the table and ties a bib around Gabby's neck, "Made with with love." Babygabrial February 28th, 22 03:39 PM Gabby giggles and opens wide for some nice ,unsweetened, unseasoned baby food. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 03:45 PM Carl begins feeding him happily, wiping his face if any food missed its mark. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 03:47 PM Gabby ate the bland mush being a very good girl today. This food shouldn't make his messes worse than normal unlike that food yesterday. Mr Hoo February 28th, 22 03:53 PM Soon the mush was done and Carl prepared a bottle for Gabby while wiping his face clean of any leftover food. Babygabrial February 28th, 22 04:13 PM Gabby bounced in his seat waiting for his daddy to come over with his baba. He was ready to sit in his lap to get bottle fed. Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 01:00 AM The bottle was done being prepped and Carl sat Gabby in his lap in order to properly feed him his bottle. Babygabrial March 1st, 22 01:03 AM Gabby leaned on his father and suckled the bottle. He clung happily and nestled the paternal feline, as his cheeks filled with bitter, but nutritious baby formula. Its actually incredible how bad Gabby's taste buds are. Either that or he's really tolerant of this diet. Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 01:04 AM Carl smiled as he fed his baby, he was so happy seeing what a good little girl she was being. Babygabrial March 1st, 22 01:07 AM He was also very natural a baby girl. Hair in pig tails. No clothes beside his diaper and that eye sore of a bandaid on his forehead. Some nice yummy pain killer suppositories up his bottom keeps him from fussing about his booboo. Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 01:10 AM The bottle was done and Carl patted his kitten's back. Babygabrial March 1st, 22 01:13 AM Gabriella burped and spit up baby formula over his daddy's shoulder. Gabby wondered what today will hold. The next match is the day after tomorrow. The tag match with Rufie Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 10:46 AM "Say kitten, how would you like to play outside today?" Carl asked. Babygabrial March 1st, 22 10:48 AM Gabby nodded his head. Its Sunday morning so people are likely out and about. They'd return earlier than they would if they were at, say work and school, but still a nice time to go out. Of course few people out or not, Gabby can't go out on just a diaper. Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 10:50 AM Carl went to get his little kitten dressed in some proper attire, grabbed some outdoor toys, and brought him outside into the parking lot. Babygabrial March 1st, 22 10:58 AM Gabby giggles as they go downstairs. He plays with the jump rope, skipping around. His toghts barely covering his diaper. His suspender skirt shimmying as he moves about in his long sleeved onesie. The east coast gets pretty cold in the late fall. Likely gonna snow in a few days. Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 11:02 AM Carl knew this, he might have to get Gabby some winter clothes soon. Babygabrial March 1st, 22 11:07 AM Luckily the extra bookings were helping. Got a few calls and emails for some local bookings. With the tag match, and date Gabby is definitely not taking anymore bookings this week. Next week is pretty open though its clear they leave Saturdays clear for EWS. Jack seems to be booking them consistently. Though odds of them getting main event spot again are slim for now. Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 11:12 AM Carl hoped that would change in the next few matches. He needed to concentrate on keeping Gabby fit, well-trained, and most of all happy. That brought another thing to mind, they would have to find a proper gym to train him in. Babygabrial March 1st, 22 11:15 AM That sounds like next weeks problems though. Our man Carl has a date to worry about. As Gabby plays hop scotch on the already chalked on the ground. There was the problem of can't exactly take an 18 year old baby on a date. Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 11:19 AM Carl needed to find a babysitter. He really wanted to go on this date with Darla, but he also wanted to make sure that Gabby was well taken care of. It was like being caught between two of his biggest loves. Babygabrial March 1st, 22 11:24 AM Behind him the sound of dragging can be heard. As well as grunting and general struggling. Its Mrs. Lestari who is struggling trying to pull large garbage bag out of her apartment. Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 11:25 AM Carl noticed her and walked up to her, "Hey there, need some help?" he asked. Babygabrial March 1st, 22 11:30 AM Melati turned towards the male cat and chuckled before saying with her thick accent. "Oh my, this too embarrassing. Mr. Carl, how you?" She asks with a warm smile before turning to get the bag up. Mr Hoo March 1st, 22 11:32 AM "I'm fine, just watching over the little guy." he said while pointing towards Gabby. "How've you been? Sure you don't need help?" Babygabrial March 1st, 22 11:36 AM She looks over the railing to see Gabriella playing. He's lobbing a frisbee and bolting across the lot to see if he can catch it. "That Gabriel? He look cuter than granddaughter." The kumamoto dragon says scratching the back of her head. Mr Hoo March 2nd, 22 05:52 PM "Yeah, the cutest little one I've ever seen." Carl says. Babygabrial March 2nd, 22 07:59 PM She has not seen Gabriel in several weeks and the expression on her face says as much. She is suprised and confused. Mr Hoo March 3rd, 22 12:50 AM Carl noticed her expression and began an explanation. He told her why he was behaving like this and how it was also his in-ring persona. He hoped that she wouldn't find it weird. Although, given how society was, that would most likely be the case. Babygabrial March 3rd, 22 06:19 AM Well of course she was going to find it weird. Anyone would. But her reaction was to laugh, not maliciously. Just, humorously. "No wonder he such nice young man. He have heart of little girl. Though still, he wrestle like that? That real worrying. Look like he already get hurt." She says with genuine worry as she mentions Gabriel's bandage. Mr Hoo March 3rd, 22 06:45 PM "Yeah, just a match with a less-than-desirable opponent. He'll recover though. He's a lot tougher than he looks. I'm making sure he doesn't get seriously injured." Carl says reassuringly. Babygabrial March 3rd, 22 08:35 PM "That good, that very good." She says as she looks at Gabby curiously. "He on tv wearing that?" She asks. She definitely doesn't understand how the indies work. The conversation yesterday definitely shows she hasn't watched in a long time. "Guess anyone be wrestler these days. Back in old day, wrestlers be big, huge, scary looking." She says making her voice growly to emphasize her point. "I 'member, I was little girl, so a couple year ago." She jokes "Papa turn on tv and there was a tiger fighting liger. They strong, but move so quick." She recounts to him. Many hardcore wrestling fans would deduce that she was referring to Tiger Man IV vs Thunder Liger back in the 80's over in Japan. Mr Hoo March 4th, 22 12:57 AM Carl was one of those fans. He was absolutely obsessed with wrestling since he was little. He must've poured through hundred of matches past and present through videotape or online uploads. Those recording are what gave him the inspiration to become a wrestling manager, "And I'm helping him become one of them. It's his dream to make it big in the wrestling world." he said. Babygabrial March 4th, 22 02:28 AM "That sound nice. Hope, see him on big tv one day. Have big flat screen. Still wait on lazy electronic, hang it up for me." She complains grumbling. Being of senior citizen age, hanging stuff up and lifting up stuff wasn't exactly something a woman was used to doing. Female anthros of years past usually had to just birth, raise, feed, and protect their young. Anything else was left to the man. Its different with current women. But still, if she's alone, like speculated, it might be good to help her out. Mr Hoo March 4th, 22 12:36 PM "You know, we are neighbors. If you need help with anything at all, feel free to ask us." Carl said. He's always tried to be genuine to those around him, yes, even to the people who made fun of him for how he looked. Babygabrial March 4th, 22 01:08 PM Which she hasn't done. Granted, old kumamoto dragon out in these parts, folks definitely try to take advantage of her. Especially when they hear that deep accent. "Oh? That so lovely. I couldn't though. No money, can't pay you much." She says being up front with him. The electrician she was hiring was her butcher's nephew and very very cheep. Mr Hoo March 4th, 22 01:11 PM "When it comes to helping people out, I'd do it for free." Carl said with a smile, and he meant it. Money was fine and all, but the real satifaction came from seeing people smile. He then got an idea, "Although, perhaps we can make a small arrangement. Have you ever babysat before?" he asked. Babygabrial March 4th, 22 01:14 PM "Babysitter?" She asked. "Chu need me watch him?" She asked. She seemed a bit hesitant. Mostly since she didn't exactly know what she was getting into. She was still trying to get that big garbage bag down. Mr Hoo March 4th, 22 01:16 PM "Well, you see I'm going on a date with someone soon, and I need someone to take care of him while I'm gone. It'll be just for the night. In return, I'll help you out with a few chores if you want. It's up to you." Carl offered. "It's just like taking care of an actual baby, only bigger." Babygabrial March 4th, 22 01:20 PM A good 4ft bigger. "That Kangaroo girl you wit last night? Lovely girl." She takes a moment to think about it. "I don't know. That sound like a lot." Perhaps helping her some and Gabby helping to could sway her. She more seems on the fense than outright against it. Seeing that he's an honest man and Gabriella is a good girl could sway her. After all, Gabby has mustles that can lift some anthros. Some household chores under Carl's watch shouldn't be bad, and will tire him out for nap time. Mr Hoo March 4th, 22 01:23 PM "He can help you out as well. He may require all the care but he's also capbable of doing certain things that could help out with chores. He's willing to help out just as much as I am." Carl said. "Hey Gabby, can you come up here for a second please?" Carl called out. Babygabrial March 4th, 22 01:28 PM "Yes sir!" Gabby says turning from the teddy bear he was launching in the air. He runs up the stairs. "Wes Dada?" He says forgetting how a 'little lady' is supposed to greet grown ups, as instructed by Rufie. Mr Hoo March 6th, 22 01:14 AM Carl clears his throat, a subtle way to remind him of his manners, "This is Ms. Lestari, our neighbor." he tells her, "I was just telling her about how much of a big help we can be to her if she needs it." Babygabrial March 6th, 22 05:22 AM Gabriel turns to her and blushes. He did properly curtsey "H-Hi-Hi" he says. Gabby has already met her but of course not as 'Gabby' so the introduction was needed. Plus Gabby was still getting used to being introduced to people as a baby girl Mr Hoo March 6th, 22 06:50 PM "I call him Gabby, it's what he mostly prefers to be called." Carl explains before turning to him, "So champ, why don't you tell her how you can help out?" Babygabrial March 6th, 22 11:48 PM "Uh, um..." he actually stands there and thinks. "Hmmmm" he ponders not really knowing how to help. He will likely need his daddy's guidance. Mr Hoo March 7th, 22 12:55 AM "You're really strong, so you could possibly help out with things that may need more strength. You're tall too, that could come in handy." Carl said, "Basically, when it comes down to the two of us, I'm the brain and he's the muscle." Babygabrial March 7th, 22 09:51 AM "Otay!" Says bouncing on the balls of his feet. He was perfectly fine with that. Not needing to think for himself is a giant load off of his shoulder. Mr Hoo March 7th, 22 12:36 PM "So, as you can see, we're always willing to help out. What do you say?" Carl asked. Babygabrial March 7th, 22 04:13 PM "Well, I still not sure." She says not really knowing what to think outside of 'That's cute'. Our heroes may need to be proactive and use their actions, not their words to showcase themselves. After all Carl has seen some things that she could use help with. Mr Hoo March 8th, 22 12:58 AM And so, he instantly thought of a plan, "Gabby, if you could pick up that garbage bag, please." he asked politely. Babygabrial March 8th, 22 01:28 AM Gabby looks at it and nods "Wes sir!" And runs over and hoists the bag up and takes it down and tosses it in the dumpster. "Well, thank you. Ok if you offer so kindly, and I no have pay you. Why not watch big little wrestler while you and lady roo have fun." She chuckles. Mr Hoo March 8th, 22 06:19 PM "Thank you so much." Carl said, truly grateful that she agreed. Later, she called up Darla and told her that he found a sitter for when they go on their date. Babygabrial March 8th, 22 08:10 PM Gabby was busy while he was doing that, cleaning the nice lady's apartment. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:00 AM Carl got off the phone and checked up on Gabby doing chores. He was certainly doing a good job of it. Although, for the parts that were too complicated, Carl instructed him how to do it in a good fatherly manner. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 01:13 AM Soon they got Mrs. Lestari's apartment all spick and span. She was amazed how good of a job the sleepy adult baby was doing. "Thank you both so much. You no need do all this." She says in a very gracious manner. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:17 AM "No need to thank us. We're just happy to help. Right champ?" Carl asked. He could tell the chores really wore Gabby out. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 01:22 AM Gabby nodded his head as he let out a yawn. It was definitely the baby's nap time. Probably will just only wake him up for dindin and bath time tonight. He's had quite the active day. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:24 AM After saying goodbye to Mrs. Lestari, Carl picked up Gabby and carrying him out of her apartment. Once back at theirs, he got his little kitten into his sleep clothes and laid him in bed. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 01:27 AM "Mew. Mew!" Gabby crawls around his worn down mattress meowing like a kitten injust his diaper and a bonnett so the sun through the window won't get in his eyes. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:28 AM Carl loved it when he did that, he just looked so cute, "That's right, you're my precious little kitten." he said while rubbing Gabby's belly and singing him a lullaby. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 01:33 AM Between the outside time, and the chores, he was a sleepy little baby. He falls asleep and rests. They go through the rest of the day and the next quietly. Before long it was Tuesday and they were on the road to Upstate, Empire to go tag with Rufie. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:35 AM Carl was driving along while listening to the radio, eventually glancing in the rearview mirror watching Gabby play games on his phone. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 01:38 AM Specifically on Carl's phone. The baby wasn't really allowed to usebhis phone. He had age appropriate games for a baby girl like him. The city view soon turns into hills and hayfields. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:40 AM Gabby using Carl's phone was implied, it was only right for a Dad to let his son use his phone since he was clearly too young to have one. They eventually arrived at their destination, parking in a spot near the chosen venue for the match. They needed to find Rufie where the wrestlers were getting ready. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 01:42 AM It was a high school gym. They just parked in the school's parking lot. They followed the signs of where they needed to go. They go to the boy's locker room and find Rufie already there. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:45 AM "Well, there's my two favorite boys~* they said before pulling them both into a hug. After that they did a curtsy towards Gabby. "Good to see you two Rufie. Glad to see you're still holding up OK." Carl said. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 01:47 AM Gabriel curtsies back to his teacher respectfully. "If you mean the beating I took Saturday, then its nothing new. This Milk Maid can take a licking and keep on ticking. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:48 AM "Good to hear. Anyway, Gabby's all fresh and ready for the match. I can already tell that you two are gonna kick some serious butt tonight." Carl said while getting out Gabby's outfit for him to change into. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 01:52 AM "Nanny change! Nanny change!" Gabby says happily as he bounced up and down reaching for Rufie to get him dressed in the dress from Saturday. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:54 AM Rufie giggled at Gabby's enthusiasm and got him dressed up. They then got into their own outfit and did a little posing, "We are gonna look fabulous out there, aren't we?" they asked. "No doubt." Carl said. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 01:56 AM Gabby says as he gets a horsey ride on Rufie's knee. It would be getting close to belltime soon and Carl needed to probably find a seat. Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 01:58 AM "Well, good luck you two. I'll be cheering you on." Carl says while giving Gabby a little hug before running off to find a seat. "Come on, honey. They're waiting for us." Rufie says as they lead Gabby to the ring area. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 02:03 AM The promoter put up the match card on the white board. They were match two in a tag match of course against the Ace Brothers. Two beefy, but green eagles in green singlets. Mark and Gaius. A pretty nothing spot on the card but it will be good experience Mr Hoo March 9th, 22 06:35 PM Gaius got a good look at Gabby, "Is that guy wearing a diaper?" he asked. Meanwhile, Rufie discussed strategy with their partner, "Now Gabby, would you like to go first or should I?" they asked. Babygabrial March 9th, 22 09:53 PM Mark looked over at Gabriel. "Why not, hell he's wearing a dress and stuff already. Must be one of those comedy guys." Mark says while stretching and warming up. Gabby sways happily as he sits on Rufie's knee. "Me! Me! Me!" He says as he raises his hand. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 10:01 AM "Must be, probably his partner too. How about I go first?" Gaius asked. Rufie giggled and patted Gabby on the head, "Alright sweetie. Just be sure to give your teacher some time to shine, OK?" they asked. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 10:19 AM Mark shrugs and figures 'Why not' these two corn beef sons of bitches continue their stretches and warm ups. Gabby giggles and nods "Wes teacher." Gabby says to his in ring mentor. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 10:20 AM "I wonder why they keep letting these joke fighters in these things. Kinda disrespectful to the sport isn't it?" Gaius asked as he did some toe stretches. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 10:53 AM Mark shakes his head. "Yeah, we need real competition, two Anthromorph Collegiate Athletics Association champions. We are legit." Soon the show begins to an audience of about 300. The first match gets the crowd going, and now its time for our heroes to come out. Rufie's music hits and they and Gabby come out together. Gabby curtsies at the entrance and blow kisses. The announcer begins "The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall! With a 20 minute time limit. Introducing first. At a combined weight of 2182 pounds! Princess Gabby Angel! And The Milk Maid!" Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 10:58 AM Rufie curtsies as well to the crowd and joins Gabby in blowing kisses. She even does a pageantry wave to a few bulls in the audience as she and Gabby near the ring. Carl watched them from his seat, cheering them both on. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 11:06 AM Gabby rolls in the ring and Rufie twirls Gabby around making him giggle. The crowd respectfully cheer finding this mildly charming. Rufie's music dies down, and soon some hard rock hits and the Ace's come through the curtain to also respectful cheers. They're wearing hoodies over their singlets. "And their opponents" the announcer begins "at a combined weight of 659 ibs Mark and Guis Ace!" The brothers bump forearms and walk down to the ring before jumping onto the apron and taking their hoodies off. They get in the ring and do serious poses as their music dies down. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 11:11 AM Rufie scoffed at them, "Typical. Alright Gabby, show them what you can do." they said as they exited the ring and waited on standby. "Watch this bro, I'm gonna send this guy back to the nursery." Gaius said as he cracked his wings. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 11:21 AM "Stop joking around and get serious." Mark sternly told his brother. Gabby hopped into a low stance with one hand on the ground and bouncing on his tip toes. Gaius gets in a standard amateur wrestling stance. The bell rings and they circle each other. Gabby shoots in for his bird legs but Gaius dodges to the side and sprawls on Gabby and gets behind him. Gabby pops his hip out and slips through to reverse himself on top position. Gaius reaches back and hooks Gabby's head and flips them both to their backs before rolling over to cover Gabby. The ref counts "One-Two-Kick out" Gabby bridges on his head to get his shoulders off of the matt before rolling on his stomach to not be pinned again. Gaius hooks Gabby's arms and spin him around onto his shoulders. The ref counts again "One-Two-" Gabby rolls backwards to get his shoulders off of the matt and has Gaius in a fireman's carry. Gabby does a kneeling death vally driver before going for the cover "One-Two-Kick out" Gaius kicks out and pops up to his feet as Gabby gets back in his stance and the crowd cheers for that excellent showcase of matt wrestling. Mark puts a wing out for the tag. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 11:24 AM "Get him bro!" Gaius says as he taps Mark's wing and rolls out of the ring. Carl cheered at Gabby's performance while Rufie gave an approving nod. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 11:35 AM Gabby wasn't used to tag team matches so he didn't think to tag in Rufie to conserve energy. Mark moves in to tie up with Gabby. They push and fight to gain control of each other's necks. Gabby spins behind the older Ace brother and goes for a german suplex on the 300 ibs eagle. However, Mark drops his body to create a lower center of base making it much harder for Gabby to lift him. Mark uses his wing to break Gabby's grip and irish whips him to the ropes. When Gabby rebounds, Mark uses the momentum to hook Gabby up and hit him with a power slam. Gabby rolls to the ropes holding his back, but Mark follows and lifts Gabby up. Gabby swiftly slips behind the eagle and finally hits a snap german suplex on him. Gabby pants a bit and lifts Mark up to irish whip him into a neutral corner. Gabby comes over and chops his chest with a bit SMACK! ringing across the gym. Gabby hits a second chop acros the chest before Mark hits him with a back wing and whips Gabby into the Aces' corner and tags his brother back in making smart use of frequent targs. Mark grabs Gabby from behind and Gaius gets on the second rope. Mark deadlifts Gabby up and Gaius jumps dropkicking Gabby as Mark hits Gabby with a german of his own. The ref begins the 5 count for the illegal man to get out of the ring and Mark swiftly leaves. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 06:34 PM Rufie ran over to where Gabby was closest and reached out a hoof, "Gabby, tag me in darling!" they shout. Gabby needed to tag her in before any further damage could be dealt. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 06:56 PM Gabby shook his head as Gaius lifted him up and went for a full nelson German suplex. Which he hit. Then he went for a Half Nelson throw, but when he launched Gabby, the princess rolled through and landed on his feet stumbling backwards into his own corner and tags in Rufie who charges in with explosive offense. They shoulder check the 300 ibs eagle out of the ring. Mark comes in and Rufie flips him with a back body drop. Gabby bursts by them as the ref starts counting out the legal man Gaius who's outside of the ring. Gabby launches himself through the middle rope crashing into Gaius. The crowd pops as Gabby rolls Gaius in the ring. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 07:01 PM Rufie picks up Gaius and whips him into the ropes before using the momentum for a belly-to-belly suplex. This led into a hold where Rufie turns and pulls downward on Gaius' legs while he is upside down. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 07:04 PM Gabby and Mark get back into their corners and Gaius groans in pain having this 2000 ibs cow sit on his spine. He uses his strength to crawl to the ropes slowly. After a bit he gets there and the ref calls for the break. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 07:06 PM Rufie breaks the hold and gives the bird some room to breathe a little before going at him again. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 07:11 PM Gaius rolls by the incoming strike from the explosive bovine. When they rebound off of the ropes Gaius hoists Milk Maid up in a suprising feet of strength from the younger eagle and turns him away from the ropes and slams him with a spin buster. Mark calls for a tag so Gaius grabs Milk Maid's legs and sling shots them into the Ace's corner and tags his brother. They bothe come in and get on the middle rope and grab Milk Maid's arms. They lean back and use their combined strength to do a double monkey flip. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 07:13 PM Rufie groans in pain from the flip and reaches a hoof out to Gabby. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 07:18 PM Gabby reaches out as Mark sweeps around the front of the bovine to block his path. Mark sprawls on Milk Maid and hooks their head and arm and lifts them up in suplex position. Mark turns around so when he drops Milk Maid on their back, it will not be closer to Gabby. These two seem to have tag team wrestling really down packed. Frequent tags, team attacks, and isolating their opponent. This is a whole different ball game. Our heroes may be in trouble. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 07:22 PM Carl worried about this as well. If Gabby made it big, he was eventually going to have to do a tag team match sooner or later. He hoped they would make it work. Rufie shifted their weight mid-suplex so that they would instead fall onto Mark using their weight. They then picked them up and did a chokeslam before throwing them into a corner. The bovine took this chance to reach out to Gabby and tag him in. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 07:27 PM Gabby came in and climbed on the top rope. Milk Maid gets Mark in powerbomb position. Gabby jumps hits a plancha as Rufie hits a powerbomb. This has to put Mark away. Gabby stacks him for the pin. "One- Two- Th-" Gaiuse dives and hits a double axe handle on Gabby to break up the pin before rolling out of the ring. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 07:31 PM Rufie helps Gabby up and offers words of encouragement before rolling out of the ring themselves. They'll need to keep an eye on Gaius so they won't be subjected to as much team-ups. They've been in enough tag matches to know that teamwork and coordination are two keys to success. Two things that actually helped them with a fair bit of them. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 07:37 PM Gabby nods and gets Mark ready for a cutter. When Gabby gets his arms around Mark's neck, Mark spins them around and hooks Gabby's shoulders to go for a backslide pin. "One-Two-th" Milk Maid breaks the pin up because they were closer to their corner than the Ace's but Gaius is right there and spears Rufie in the corner and stomps them down as the ref counts for the illegal partners to get out. Gaius gets out at the count of three and Rufie rolls out holding his chest. Gabby stands up only to get gut kicked by Mark. Mark underhooks Gabby's arms and tosses him to the center of the ring. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 07:39 PM Carl cheers for them to fight back, but with Gabby in the ring's center there was no way for Rufie to tag in and help him. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 07:43 PM Mark stands Gabby up and whips him to the corner, but Gabby reverses the whip and launches Mark into the Ace's corner before springboarding yanking Gaius' neck on the ropes before he could tag himself in. Gabby lifts Mark up on the top rope before hitting a top rope arm drag. "Ten minuts have gone by in the match. Ten minutes." They have a twenty minute time limit so both teams have ten minutes to finish this before they both have a draw on their record. But both legal men are down. Gaius climbs back on the apron and reaches for the tag. Milk Maid hits the turnbuckle in a rhythmic manner to encourage Gabby. The crowd claps in sync with Milk Maid as both competitors crawl to their partners. Mr Hoo March 10th, 22 07:46 PM Carl joins in the rhythmic clapping and starts chanting Gabby's name, "Princess! Princess! Princess!" Rufie joins in the chanting as well, wanting to encourage their student as much as possible. Babygabrial March 10th, 22 07:49 PM Mark eventually reaches Gaius and tags his younger brother in. Gabby jumps and dives getting the hot tag to Milk Maid. The big bad bovine runs in like a house of fire. They stiffly clothesline Gaius, making him flip. Then they pick up Mark hitting a running power slam before throwing Mark out and charges pouncing Gaius. Both brothers down Milk Maid poses to a cheer. Mr Hoo March 11th, 22 01:02 PM Carl cheers them on, pumping his fists in the air as the crowd goes wild. Babygabrial March 11th, 22 02:15 PM Gaius gets up and stumbles into a neutral corner. Milk Maid lines him up for a hard spear. They charge in, but Gaius moves at the last minute and Milk Maid rams their shoulder into the metal ring post. Mark gets back on the apron and Gaius tags him back in. Gaius runs and spears Gabby off of the apron as Mark hoists Milk Maid up in suplex position. Gaius jumps on the ropes and spears Milk Maid mid air as Mark suplexes them down and goes for the cover as Gabby slides in the ring. "One-Two" Gabby moves to break up the pin but Gaius catches him and holds him down "Three! Ring the bell!" The Ace's theme hits as they roll off their opponents panting tired. "Here's your winners Mark and Gaius Ace!" The ref raises their hands as they hold their aching bodies. Gabby helps Milk Maid up as the Aces come over to them. "You two clearly aren't a tag team. But you've got moxy." Mark says before they offer handshakes. Gabby shakes their hands and curtsies respe respectfully. Mr Hoo March 12th, 22 12:47 AM "I agree, I can tell how much the crowd was cheering you on. With enough practice you certainly do make a good duo." Gaius said. Rufie took the handshake and curtsied as well, "Why thank you boys. Thank you for showing us a good time." they said while giving a flirty wink. Babygabrial March 12th, 22 12:53 AM The boys were weirded out by that but tried to keep their composure. Gabby and Rufie left the ring and went to gorilla position. The promoter thanked Gabby for filling in since the last person didn't want to team with Rufie. Gabby was surprised by this as he didn't know that this was a fill in. Much less the circumstances. He looks up to Rufie who is looking away to try and hide their embarrassment. Mr Hoo March 12th, 22 12:59 AM Carl met up with them in the locker room, "Hey guys. Despite the loss you did a good job out there. Guess we just need to work on tag teaming for future matches." he said. "Yeah... good idea..." Rufie said solemnly. "You OK Rufie?" Carl asked. The bovine snapped out of their mood, "Oh, it's nothing. Thanks for your concern." they said. Carl could tell they were hiding something, but he didn't want to pry too much. Babygabrial March 12th, 22 01:02 AM "We no twain for match." Gabby of course with the bluntness of a brick to the face but the cutness of a spring daisy points out the second most glaring issue. Which leads into the first most glaring issue. Gabby's gym situation. Mr Hoo March 12th, 22 01:03 AM Carl knew they need to find a new gym if they were ever going to train Gabby properly. The problem was finding a gym that would accept him. Babygabrial March 12th, 22 01:06 AM And likely, now one that's close enough that Rufie can go to as well so they can work together and learn to work as a tag team. That limits the amount of locations greatly since Gabby's apartment is like almost an hour from where Rufie lives. Mr Hoo March 12th, 22 01:07 AM Carl and Rufie agreed to search for gyms in which they can train together without having to travel far. It would be team effort and would take a lot of work. Babygabrial March 12th, 22 01:10 AM Work that will begin...after tomorrow night. Carl of course has a date with a nice, fine roo, and he has to focus on that. But after that. Its feet on the pavement time to find a good gym. Mr Hoo March 12th, 22 01:13 AM Carl bid Rufie goodbye for now and took Gabby home. Tomorrow was also the first day of Melati babysitting Gabby. Babygabrial March 12th, 22 01:17 AM Gabby of course slept the whole trip home. He was a sweet little kitten back there. He definitely deserved a treat especially for him and the babysitter to enjoy. They've made a nice bit of cash and could maybe afford a rocking chair to put somewhere in that cramped apartment. Mr Hoo March 12th, 22 01:20 AM Carl would maybe take care of that during his date tomorrow. When they got home, Carl carried his kitten to their apartment. He got him into his bedtime clothes and tucked him in. Babygabrial March 12th, 22 01:21 AM The baby slept through half the night before waking up crying because he was hungry. Mr Hoo March 12th, 22 01:24 AM Carl was sleeping with Gabby at the time. His crying caused him to wake up and give Gabby a little bedtime snack to keep his belly held over until morning. A small bowl of warm porridge usually did the trick. Babygabrial March 12th, 22 07:10 AM Gabby ate up right in daddy's lap. Add a warm bottle and the baby was back to sleep. Mr Hoo March 12th, 22 03:53 PM Carl gave a yawn after it was done and passed out right next to Gabby. Babygabrial March 12th, 22 09:54 PM They both got up in the morning. Today was the day Carl was taking Darla out. It would also be the first time Gabby would be away from Carl in nearly a month. Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 12:49 AM After giving Gabby breakfast and getting him dressed for the day, Carl took him over to Melati's apartment to discuss everything that Gabby could need while he was gone. Babygabrial March 13th, 22 01:39 AM Gabby was dressed in a short sleeved onesie and some overalls with his hair pulled back with a headband. He watches as his daddy shows Mrs. Lestari his diaper bag, Gabby's schedule, how much Gabby usually drinks, Carl's phone number, Darla's phone number, human hospital numbers, the address of where Carl and Darla should be. The whole 9 yards. Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 10:28 AM "So, that should be about it. Thank you again for doing this." Carl said to her. Babygabrial March 13th, 22 10:43 AM Melati is wowwed. Not just by the baby stuff, but Carl's over preperations seem like that of a new parent. This day will be interesting to say the least. Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 10:48 AM It was true, Carl wanted to make sure that Gabby would have everything he would need so that he can stay happy and cared for. He was a bit nervous about leaving his little alone with Melati, but he could trust her. Babygabrial March 13th, 22 10:51 AM Yes, he could trust this woman he's only met twice. Sadly though, he can only trust her. He knows no one else around here because he's not from here, and Gabby was likely too focused on wrestling training since moving here to really meet anyone. So it was trust the seemingly nnice, old kamoto dragon a few doors down, or not go on the date at all. Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 10:55 AM Carl turned to Gabby, "Alright Gabby, Daddy's gonna go out with Auntie Darla for a few hours. I want you to listen to Ms. Lestari and be good for her. If anything goes wrong, have her call me. Can I trust you to do that?" he asked him. Babygabrial March 13th, 22 11:00 AM Gabby's immediate answer being "Where Dada going?" It's pretty easy to forget how oblivious Gabriel is when the prior night his diving through ring ropes to spear an eagle. He looks a bit nervous and scared. Melati sees this and steps in "He be ok, hurry, before he really notice you gone. I distract." She's had experience with kids, even if it was long ago she can tell a little one who is attached to their parent when she sees one and she doesn't feel like dealing with the crying and begging. Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 11:05 AM Carl nods and sees Darla arriving in the driveway, "Well, I better get going. Bye Gabby, be good now." he says while giving him a hug and kiss before going down to meet Darla. Babygabrial March 13th, 22 11:10 AM Gabriel whines and looks to his daddy leaving and tears up. Before the first tear can fall, HGabby hears the television turn on and turns seeing some old younger children's show, that might have been on when Gabby was an actual toddler. He turns to it intrigued. Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 11:19 AM "Hey Darla, ready for our date?" Carl asked when he got in her car. Babygabrial March 13th, 22 11:30 AM Darla smiled as she wore a nice dress she designed herself. It was pretty cheap material but she designed it herself and made it her style. "Oh yeah, I know a really good place around Serenity Circle." She says she pulls out of the parking lot. Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 11:31 AM "Can't wait to see it." Carl says, excited about his first date. That's right, this was Carl's very first date with a girl. Babygabrial March 13th, 22 11:46 AM They head off and go through Empire State traffic eventually they get to the resturant and wait to be seated. Back at the apartments Gabby was being fed a bottle in Mrs. Lestrati's lap. She scrolls through channels while he is distracted when he hears something on the local news. "In sports things are ramping up as in a few weeks this year's Empire State Rookie Wrestling Tournament will be kicking off. An exciting time for future prospects to get spotted by national level promoters, local promoters, and out of state promoters. Who can forget the amazing match long ago at this very tournament where rising heavyweight wrestler Leo Heart took on Cloud 9 Thomaso Speck. Those two had a 5 star match in this tournament and it propelled their careers sky high. Many rookies have already qualified or got in thanks to a sponsor. A few wild card slots are still available." Gabby eyes the tv intrigued. Imagining where a tournament like that could take him. Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 11:50 AM Meanwhile, Carl was enjoying his meal with Darla. They chatted together about this and that while Carl gazed into her eyes. Babygabrial March 13th, 22 11:53 AM Darla giggled from a joke Carl told her. She eats a salad and wipes her mouth smiling. "This is super fun. Its been so long since I've been on a date. Glad you asked me out." Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 11:55 AM "No problem. I wanted to show you a fun time because you deserve it. You mean so much to me." Carl told her while placing a paw on hers. Babygabrial March 13th, 22 12:09 PM Darla blushed and chuckled. "Flattery will take you many places Carl." She says putting her other hand to her chest. Mr Hoo March 13th, 22 05:45 PM "Say, Darla, I really like your dress. You make this yourself?" Carl asked. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 12:06 AM "Oh! You noticed? Yep, it is indeed a Darla original." She says original in a fancy tone. "Glad I was able to bust it out and model it in some sort of way. " Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 12:08 AM "I find it crazy how you are so good at making outfits, yet no major fashion label has ever thought to hire you." Carl said. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 12:11 AM "Yeah well. I did to. Thought I'd move to Empire and get with the finest designer cheetahs and most stylin' peacocks. But the industry is way more cut throat then your dreams would have you believe. Had to put my dream on the shelf to make a living." She says stabbing at her food idly. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 12:12 AM "I bet you would've made a great model too." Carl said. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 12:14 AM "Model, designer, I wanted to do it all. Luckily it seems one person likes my outfits." She chucjles lightly Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 12:16 AM "Yeah. Besides, I think Gabby really loves the clothes you make for him." Carl says. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 12:19 AM "Yeah...." she says getting into a bit of thought."She does doesn't she?" She gets a bigger smile on her face as her mind wanders and their date continues. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 12:23 AM After they were done with their meal, Carl made a suggestion, "You think we can stop by the market? There's a little gift I want to get for Gabby. I'll get you something too if you want." he said. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 12:25 AM "No you don't have to get me anything. Sure we can stop by there. I can probably grab some materials while we're there. I'm feeling a bit inspired." She says as they pay the check and go. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 12:27 AM Carl smiled at her answer and enjoyed the ride to the market. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 12:33 AM Back with Gabby he is playing with Mrs. Lestrati before bathtime and bedtime. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 11:37 AM Carl was thinking about him while browsing one of the market stalls. This specific one had homemade rocking chairs that was run by a raccoon, "Geez, there are so many good ones. I don't know what to pick." Carl said to himself. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 07:44 PM There was a nice little pink one with a crown etched and painted on the back area of it. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 11:00 PM Carl looked at it with a smile, "Well, she is a princess." he thought to himself before turning to the owner. "This one's very nice, how much is it going for?" he asked. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 11:20 PM "That thing?" The antelope shopkeep rubd his chin. "Eh, I'll let you have it for 200 bucks." He says looking over its painted nature Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 11:22 PM "Deal." Carl said as he paid him the money and took the chair with him. "Pleasure doing business with you." Babygabrial March 14th, 22 11:25 PM "Wow, a nice dinner, and a preasent for Gabby. You really know how to treat your girls. A month ago you would have shattered hearing that price." Darla jokes as they fit the chair in her car. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 11:27 PM Carl laughed at her joke, "Yeah, that sucked. That's why I'm so grateful that I have him in my life." he said. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 11:32 PM "She's a special....special little gal. Getting to live her dream. Though, don't know if her dreams involved throwing a guy through a flaming table." She says as they hop in the car and drive back. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 11:33 PM "If she was planning on being a wrestler from the start, you would think that she would expect doing that at one point." Carl pointed out. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 11:37 PM "Guess this sport is wilder than I thought. Hope her match Saturday goes better." She says as they pull into the apartments. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 11:39 PM She and Carl carry the chair up the apartment, an easy feat considering how light it was. They brought it into Carl's apartment and set it in the living room, "Perfect, that should do it." he said. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 11:45 PM "You didn't want to put it in you two's bedroom?" They possibly could but the room is pretty cramped as is. They definitely need a new place to live. A bigger place. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 11:46 PM "I want to let Gabby see it when he comes in, then I'll move it." Carl said. He really couldn't wait to get a new place. He also couldn't wait to get Gabby a real nursery. Babygabrial March 14th, 22 11:51 PM "Well, I should get going so the baby can see her new present." She says as she stretches and heads off. Not before kissing him on the cheek goodbye of course. Mr Hoo March 14th, 22 11:53 PM Carl blushed as he watched her go, "See ya later." he said. He then went to Melati's apartment and knocked on the door. Babygabrial March 15th, 22 12:00 AM Melati opens the door in her night gown. "Ah, there you are. Was wondering where love birds fly to." She says softly in a hushed tone. Gabby must be asleep. Mr Hoo March 15th, 22 12:02 AM Carl whispers as well, "I'm here to pick up Gabby. Where is the little scamp?" Babygabrial March 15th, 22 12:07 AM She turns and points to the middle of the living room where Gabby is sleeping on a palet sucking on a pacifier. He's wearing his night gown and bonnett as well. He looked to be sleeping half decently. Mr Hoo March 15th, 22 12:08 AM "Aww... Thanks for taking care of him. He wasn't too much trouble, was he?" Carl whispered as he gently picked Gabby up, being careful not to wake him. Babygabrial March 15th, 22 12:13 AM "He no problem. Still very sweet. More obedient than real babies." She says the chuckles, getting the diaper bag for Carl. Mr Hoo March 15th, 22 10:01 AM Carl took the diaper bag and started to head out the door, "I'll call again if I need your help." he whispered. Babygabrial March 15th, 22 11:01 AM She nods and leads the two out and watched them head to their apartment. Mr Hoo March 15th, 22 11:41 PM Carl put Gabby in his bed and tucked him in. He couldn't wait for him to wake up and see the new rocking chair. Babygabrial March 15th, 22 11:44 PM On his phone Rufie texted him to chat in the morning. Gabby slept through most of the night. Inly waking up needing a dry diaper. Mr Hoo March 15th, 22 11:46 PM Carl made a mental note to text Rufie back while changing Gabby into a new diaper, singing to him afterward to get him to sleep. He then put him back in his bed. Babygabrial March 15th, 22 11:52 PM Gabby went back to sleep fairly quickly as he was moved from the dresser which they use as a changing table to their bed. Gabby made sure it was well known when he woke up in the morning. By crying up a storm. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 12:05 AM Carl woke up to the sound of Gabby crying and immediately started to comfort him, "Shh... It's OK, daddy's here." he said calmly. Babygabrial March 16th, 22 12:08 AM Gabby calmed down immediately since he got what he wanted. Daddy's attention. He clings and nestles his father. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 12:09 AM Carl carried him over to the living room, "Come on kitten. Daddy's got a surprise for you." he said before showing Gabby the new rocking chair. Babygabrial March 16th, 22 12:11 AM Gabriella rubbed his eyes and looked around. Something was different. He looked around squinting his eyes. Then he sees it. A bright pink rocking chair. It looked so big and pretty. He gasps. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 12:12 AM "For my special baby girl." Carl says as he sets Gabby down to take a closer look at it. Babygabrial March 16th, 22 12:14 AM Gabby crawls on his timmy to the chair and pushes it to make it rock. He squeals watching it and bounces on the floor. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 12:15 AM While his kitten was enjoying his new gift, Carl texted Rufie back, "Good morning, you wanted to talk to me?" Babygabrial March 16th, 22 12:19 AM "Hey so yesterday I was thinking about that loss Gabby and me took. We came pretty close. Like really close to winning. I was seeing if we can possibly train together somehow. " they say over the phone as Gabby keeps playing with the legs of the rocking chair. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 12:20 AM Carl keeps watching him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. He texts back, "We could do that. But where? We were going to figure that out today." Babygabrial March 16th, 22 12:23 AM "Well, there are a few gyms by me." Rufie texted. The problem with that is Rufie lives like nearly an hour away. So that would be hell on gas. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 11:37 PM Carl texted back, "We're going to have to try to find something at least close to between us." It was an important quality, since Carl was still in money-saving mode at the moment. Babygabrial March 16th, 22 11:42 PM Rufie messages back as a last response. "Ok, I'll try and find some places for us to go during the weekend. I'm not booked for the EWS show, so I have time on my hand." They let Carl know. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 11:44 PM "Got it, I'll keep looking too." Carl texts back before he puts his phone away and looks back at Gabby. Babygabrial March 16th, 22 11:45 PM Who looks ready to test out the new chair with his daddy. He likely won't have his morning bottle anywhere else. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 11:46 PM Carl obliged to this truth and made a nice warm bottle for his little kitten. He sat on the chair and patted his lap for Gabby to lay down in. Babygabrial March 16th, 22 11:49 PM Gabby giggles so much that he drools as he climbs up in his daddy's lap and gets settled down, adjusting to the feeling of the chair. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 11:50 PM Carl began to rock the chair back and forth as he started to feed Gabby his bottle. He was starting to enjoy the feeling as well, it was very relaxing. Babygabrial March 16th, 22 11:55 PM Gabriel feels the nice, and smooth rockibg motion as he softly suckles. Gabriel looks up at his daddy and smiles around his nipple. Mr Hoo March 16th, 22 11:57 PM Carl smiled down at his cute little kitten. He really hoped he could find a gym for him in time for his next match. Babygabrial March 17th, 22 12:06 AM Given that his next match is tomorrow, that will be impossible, but they can find it next week. Especially if Gabby will be going for the EWS Humanweight Title next weekend. Mr Hoo March 17th, 22 12:07 AM For now, they will just have to do his training here. Exercise, practice a few moves, etc. Babygabrial March 17th, 22 12:14 AM And that is essentially what they do throughout the night to get prepared for tomorrow's match against Eli Knight. He has a muscular advantage over Gabby so Gabby will have to work on agility and endurance. Mr Hoo March 17th, 22 12:16 AM Not to mention techniques pertaining to using an opponent's strength against them. Big guys have a tendency to trip over their own weight. Babygabrial March 17th, 22 12:21 AM So they work on Gabby's reaction timing, speed, and agility. Mr Hoo March 17th, 22 10:42 AM Carl stood by Gabby the entire time, cheering him on and giving him changes and bottles when he needed it. Babygabrial March 17th, 22 10:46 AM Even Mrs. Lestrati came out and said hello for a bit while she watered some plants hanging over her balcony. Gabby ran, jump roped, and sprawled on Carl's commands Mr Hoo March 17th, 22 10:48 AM Carl waved 'hello' to her before going back to focus on Gabby, making sure that he was doing everything correctly. Babygabrial March 17th, 22 10:52 AM Afterwards it was of course "BAFF TIME!" a sweaty smelly Gabby cheered as he ran inside the apartment. Mr Hoo March 17th, 22 10:55 AM Carl chuckled at Gabby's enthusiasm and got the bath ready for him. He undressed his little kitten and placed him in the warm water with a few bath toys to keep him busy while he scrubbed. Babygabrial March 17th, 22 11:01 AM Gabby played with the bath toys and splashed a little bit as he babbled to his toys. Mr Hoo March 17th, 22 11:44 PM Carl eventually finished with the cleaning and took Gabby out before drying him off. He then put a new diaper on him and decided to leave him that way for his dinner. Babygabrial March 17th, 22 11:50 PM Gabby clung to his daddy getting tired. The adrenaline feom training seems to be wearing down. Mr Hoo March 17th, 22 11:52 PM Carl then fed Gabby his baby food until his belly was nice and full. He then gave him a warm bottle of milk to help him sleep easier. This he did in the rocking chair, making it more soothing for his little kitten. Babygabrial March 17th, 22 11:54 PM Gabby enjoyed his meal and was excited for more rocking chair time. The first piece of what will one day be his nursey. Its a step forward for them. Gabby thinks of this as he slowly suckles his baba and soon falls asleep. Mr Hoo March 17th, 22 11:57 PM "My precious little kitten..." Carl says softly as he removes the bottle and carefully puts Gabby in his nighttime clothes. After tucking him into bed, he crawls in with him and curls up next to him. He snored softly through the night, dreaming of his kitten's success. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 12:02 AM Hopefully, there will be success. So far, Gabby has been undefeated in singles competition while with Carl. Gabby hopes to keep it going. The next day its time to travel to Salt City once again for this week's EWS match against Eli Knight. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 12:04 AM Carl was currently driving Gabby to the match, occasionally looking back at his kitten to see if he was holding up OK. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 12:07 AM Gabby was in the back guzzling down his bottle. He seemed nice and relaxed as they go. He kicks his feet just enjoying the ride along with his baba. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 12:08 AM After a long drive, they finally arrive at the fight venue. Carl helps Gabby out of the car and gets his diaper bag before walking to the building. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 12:12 AM The venue seems to be the park again. Jack doesn't own the venues so he can't just book the same place every weekend. Other events go on at these places, so Jack has to get different, cheap, spots booked. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 12:14 AM Carl took Gabby to sign in before going to get Gabby dressed where the wrestlers were allowed to get dressed, "Alright Gabby, ready for the match?" he asked. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 12:18 AM Gabby nodded as they headed to the park house. They allow the wrestlers to use it as a locker room. "GUYS! GUYS!" a familiar voice is heard. Gabby turns as Darla runs towards them with a dress bag. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 12:19 AM "Oh, Darla. You're just in time." Carl said as he saw her. "What's the hurry?" Babygabrial March 18th, 22 12:23 AM "Had to put the finishing touches on Gabby's new gear." She says panting. Gabby tilts his head "Didn't you just make me an outfit last week auntie?" He asks putting his finger to his lips. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 12:26 AM "Yeah, didn't think he would be getting a new outfit so early." Carl said. "Whatever, let's see it anyway. I bet it's gonna be good." Babygabrial March 18th, 22 12:29 AM "Yeah, well I got a bit inspired and wanted to make a few auditions to the one I made." She says before pulling the dress out. It looks like the one from last week, but the sash has some designs on it. The trimming has some extra layers, and best of all, there's a big spot on the back promoting Darla's shop. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 10:40 AM "Well, would you look at that. You get to look good and help auntie Darla with her business. Isn't that great kitten?" Carl asked Gabby. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 10:45 AM "Uh huh! Uh huh!" Gabby found it fine. He was super happy to help out, plus the other touches did make the gear that much cuter. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 10:47 AM They both helped Gabby into his outfit. It looked really good on him, he really knew how to work an outfit like that. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 10:50 AM Now to do hair which is happy to sit down for, and makeup, which is dreadfully being held down for. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 10:52 AM They thankfully finished with Gabby looking all set and ready for the match. "Looking good kitten. They're gonna love you out there." Carl said. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 10:54 AM Pouty Gabby is quite pouty. Make up sours his mood immensely. That's a can of worms Carl should probably open some day. Or not. Some thing's aren't worth knowing. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 11:04 AM Carl decided to cheer Gabby up by giving him a pacifier to suckle on, "Cheer up kitten, Daddy will get you something sweet after the match." he promised. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 11:10 AM The pacifier calms him down and relaxes him as he suckles. Then the promise of treats definitely appeals to his child like nature he has. Since Rufie isn't here, it's probably good for Carl to stay with Gabby. Carl doesn't have a manager's license yet so he can't be at ringside with Gabby much, but he can be backstage with him with the manager's approval. Soon, its time to see the match card. Jack posts it in the park house. Looks like Gabby and Knight are in the middle of the card. "Hey, hey, hey!" Everyone turns to Eli. "The hell is this Jack!? Eli Knight ain't some middle of the card, cool down jobber! Eli Knight opens or closes the show!" Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 11:12 AM Carl rolls his eyes at the behavior Eli was showing, "Geez, is Gabby the baby here, or is this guy?" he whispers to Darla. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 11:15 AM She giggles Knight walks over. "Somethin' funny over here chuckles? You think the disrespect I'm being shown is funny? Hey, maybe your client is ok with being thrown just on any spot on a card, but I know my worth. And hell, if he's ok with this, maybe he needs a good manager who can teach their client not to settle for less." Knight pokes Carl's chest. Gabriel slaps his hand away and gets between them and glares up at Eli. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 11:41 PM Carl leads him away gently, "Whoa there champ, save it for the ring. You'll have plenty of time to pummel him then." he says, giving a slight glare at Eli as he did so. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 11:49 PM They head off so Gabby can get warmed up before he's called for bell time. Carl and Darl need to go get good seats that hopefully aren't freezing cold outside. Mr Hoo March 18th, 22 11:50 PM "OK champ, promise daddy that you'll do your best out there alright?" Carl asked Gabby. Babygabrial March 18th, 22 11:59 PM Gabby nods his head "Wes sir." Gabby looks around Carl and sees Bar shadow boxing. He eyes him. The main event today is him in the humanweight title match. If Gabby wins, he gets a title shot next week. Mr Hoo March 19th, 22 12:00 AM Carl gives Gabby a hug and Darla does the same before leaving to find seats. Babygabrial March 19th, 22 12:08 AM The event starts soon with about a hundred and 150 people in the crowd. After a couple of matches its time for Gabby's match. Eli Knight's theme hits and he comes out posing and flexing. Looking like an absolute star. Far different from Gabby's opponent last week. The announcer begins. "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit. The winner will recieve a shot at the EWS Humanweight Championship next week. Introducing first, weighing in at 230 Ibs, from Jakesville, Queen State, E-Li Kniiiiiight!" Mr Hoo March 19th, 22 12:09 AM Carl watches from the stands with Darla right next to him. He was really wishing the best for Gabby out there. Babygabrial March 19th, 22 12:14 AM Especially with Gabby taking a loss Wednesday, add to that the stakes of this match, and this could go horribly wrong. Gabby's music hits and the crowd pops fully behind him, especially after the street fight. Gabby comes out and poses on the stage. "And his opponent, weighing in at 185 Ibs. From Empire City!" Hometown pop from the crowd "Princess GAAAAAAABBYYYYYYY AAAAAAAAANGEEEEEEEL!" Skips around the ring waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. He gets in the ring and curtsies. Mr Hoo March 19th, 22 12:16 AM Carl knew he would win. He trained really hard for this and wasn't about to let anything get in the way of his goal. Not even one little loss. Babygabrial March 19th, 22 12:24 AM The music died down and the crowd cheers and whistles. The ref calls for the bell and the two circle each other. 50 ibs difference between the two and it is visible. Gabby has a history of chopping down bigger opponents though. They lock up trying to get neck control of each other. Gabby ducks under to get behind him to get in German suplex position. Knight breaks Gabby's grip and whips around behind Gabby and gets him in german position. Gabby drops down to slip out of the grip, and gets wrist control of Eli. Gabby goes to irish whip Knight and when Knight rebounds off of the ropes Gabby drops down to trip Knight, but Knight hops over Gabby and runs the other ropes. Gabby pops up and leap frogs over Knight. When Knight comes back for the third time, Gabby grabs him and uses the momentum to hit a beautiful looking belly to belly throw. Gabby kips up and curtsies as the crowd applauds. Knight rolls out of the ring and walks around reevaluating the situation. Mr Hoo March 19th, 22 12:26 AM "Watch him, champ! You got this!" Carl cheers. "That's it Gabby!" Darla cheers. Babygabrial March 19th, 22 12:30 AM Gabriel sees an opportunity and runs the ropes going for his tope suicida. But Knight scouts it and catches Gabby and throws him into the fence surrounding the basketball court that the ring was built on. Gabby falls holding his back as Knight pats him on the back. "Alright Eli quit fooling around and get back in the ring!" The ref calls trying to get both competitors in. "I'm coming you overpaid lard ass!" He says to the pig ref before rolling Gabby in the ring and sliding in himself. Mr Hoo March 20th, 22 11:32 PM "Racist dickwad." Darla mutters to herself. "Get up Gabby! Show him what for!" Carl cheers on. Babygabrial March 20th, 22 11:37 PM Gabby gets to a leaning over standing position. Eli kicks Gabby in the gut and does a double fisted club to the back and Gabby drops to all fours. Knight grabs him frim behind and gets him into headlock in the center of the ring. Mr Hoo March 20th, 22 11:39 PM "Come on Gabby, get out of it." Carl says. "Kick his ass!" Darla cheers. Babygabrial March 20th, 22 11:50 PM Gabby gets up with the headlock still in. So Eli punches his face to try and get him back down. But Gabby tries lifting him up for a teardrop suplex. But Eli rolls backwards and gets behind Gabby to get in a german position. Gabby makes a mad dash to the ropes and hangs onto them to make Knight let go. Eli backs up and Gabby springboards off of the ropes to spin kick Eli. However, Knight ducks the kicks and Gabby stumbles as he lands. Knight goes to club the back of Gabby's head, but Gabby drops down and back rolls under the strike. Gabby then kicks the back of Eli's knee, dropping him down. Gabby over hooks his head and leans back doing a streatch mixed with a ddt. He rolls Eli over to his stomach, and spins out in front of him, before getting a front headlock and twisting hitting a gator roll. Gabby keeps head control and back rolls to standing up and pulling Eli to his feet. Gabby steps back and kicks off the bottom rope before yanking Eli's head and neck down for an elevated DDT. Gabby kips up and twirls as Eli holds his neck cringing in pain. Mr Hoo March 20th, 22 11:52 PM "Alright Gabby!" Carl cheers as Darla whistles. Babygabrial March 20th, 22 11:58 PM Gabby lifts Eli up, but Eli lifts Gabby up while leaning over and charges ramming him in the corner. Eli punches him in the corner as the ref is yelling at him to let Gabby out. Gabby slouches to a seated position, prompting Eli to stomp a mudhole in him as the ref starts a five count. Eli backs up and to the corner and goes to charge at the still seated Gabby. However, Princess pops up and cartwheels past the charging Eli making Eli run chest first into the turnbuckle. As Eli stumbles he turns around and Gabby hooks his neck and yanks them both down hitting a cutter in the center of the ring. Gabby rolls him over for the cover and pins him. "One! Two! Th-" Eli kicks out and rolls on his stomach to not get pinned again as Gabby pants wondering what to do next. Mr Hoo March 20th, 22 11:59 PM Carl clenched his paws tight as he anticipated Gabby's next move. Babygabrial March 21st, 22 12:03 AM Gabby get Eli up and pulls him on his shoulders facing up, but Eli gets his wits back together and elbows Gabby's head repeatedly making Gabby get him down. Hi raises Gabby up for a suplex and just tosses Gabby like a sack of potatoes. Mr Hoo March 21st, 22 12:04 AM Carl stands up and shouts, "You can do it Gabby, Daddy believes in you!" Darla gets up as well, "Come on sweetie! Beat him for Auntie Darla!" Babygabrial March 21st, 22 12:09 AM Eli grabs Gabby and irish whips him towards the ropes. Gabby jumps on the ropes and goes for a moonsault, but Eli catches him. Gabby pops up and jumps off of Knight's shoulders flipping and as he comes down, hooks Eli's neck and dropping him with another cutter. The crowd pops from that insane spot and Gabby goes for a cover. "One! Two! Three! Ring the bell Gabby Angel is the winner!" The crowd pops as Gabby's music plays. "Here's your winner! Princess! Gaaaaaabbyyyyyyyy Aaaaaaaangeeeeeeel!" The announcer calls as the ref raises the dizzy Gabby's hand. Mr Hoo March 21st, 22 12:11 AM Carl cheers and shouts, happy for his little kitten. Darla cheers too, sharing Carl's happiness. Babygabrial March 21st, 22 12:15 AM Gabby is number #1 contender now. Whoever wins the main event is who Gabby faces next week for the Humanweight title. Gabby is in disbelief, he could possibly become a champion. He remembers where he's at and curtsies to the back tent quickly. Mr Hoo March 21st, 22 12:17 AM Darla and Carl meet him and give him a hug, "You did great out there, kitten. Daddy's really proud of you." Carl said. "Auntie's proud of you too sweetie." Darla says before giving him a kiss. Babygabrial March 21st, 22 12:21 AM Gabby giggles and nuzzles them before heading to the park house to shower. Luckily since it isn't like a locker room shower, Carl can come and clean him up. Mr Hoo March 21st, 22 12:22 AM Carl scrubbed him down as best he could, making sure he was nice and clean again, "Alright kitten, after this we can get you your sweet reward." he reminded him. Babygabrial March 21st, 22 12:29 AM Gabby smiled happily as he was bathed, then diapered and redressed. When they got outside the main event was going on. Bar ducked a kick from the champion before grabbing the champ from behind and lifting him up and dropping him on his head and neck. Bar ruthlessly pounded on the back of the champion's head. Gabby watched him as Bar got the champ up and hit him with chicken wing suplex dropping the champion on their head again. Bar immediately transitioned into a chickenwing choke and the champion could take no more and tapped out. Just like that "Here's your winner....and....NEW EWS Humanweight Champion! Ice! Cold! Bar!" The ref handedBar the title and he just took it and readjusted his hair like it was nothing. Mr Hoo March 21st, 22 12:31 AM "Seems like we got ourselves some pretty heavy competition in the future. We're gonna have to start training real hard, kitten." Carl said to Gabby. Babygabrial March 21st, 22 12:33 AM Gabby nodded, but to train for a title match, especially for a guy like this, they will need to find a good gym , and fast. Gabby looks intently, not at the new champion, but the championship itself. Gabby looks with desire. Mr Hoo March 21st, 22 11:44 PM Carl knew this as well, tomorrow will be a day when they look for a gym with Rufie. After settling things with the promoter and gathering all their things, Carl put Gabby in the car and said his goodbyes to Darla, "I'll see you later?" he asked. Babygabrial March 22nd, 22 02:36 AM She waved bye and went about promoting her business at the show as our heroes make the drive back. Gabriella sits in the back in deep concentration. Dreams of championship victory, ambitions of title glory, steps towards golden immortality. All of this make the emerald eyes of the princess burn. Either that or he's pooping himself. Mr Hoo March 22nd, 22 11:41 PM Carl could smell it, he decided to give Gabby a change once they stopped at the store. Once they did make it there, Carl used the seat of the car as a makeshift changing table. It was very difficult to do, but he managed to get it done no problem. Babygabrial March 22nd, 22 11:45 PM "Dada, Gabby want sweets from store." Gabby's diet has been very limited so he didn't know what to ask for specifically. Since he didn't know if he could have anything in there a baby couldn't eat. He's a baby after all. He's been such for a month, why stop now, especially in regards to what he intakes. Gabby is just being like any kid. He sees some junk food and want some. Mr Hoo March 22nd, 22 11:47 PM "Daddy was thinking of getting us some ice cream. Does that sound good, kitten?" Carl asked while walking Gabby to the front door. He made sure to dress him up in street clothes. Babygabrial March 22nd, 22 11:53 PM "Yummy! Ice cream!" He replies with a giggle. He holds his daddy's hand as they pass by humans and anthros coming in and out of the shop. Gabby still has makeup on so he looks younger than he physically is. Ironically he looks like a little girl that isn't wearing much make up. His street clothes offset that, but with winter fast approaching here on the east coast, he needs to dress up lets cute at night. Gabby looks around and sees the freezer of ice cream containers he coos and gets a big smile on his face. Mr Hoo March 22nd, 22 11:55 PM There were a myriad of different flavors. Chocolate, mint chip, banana, strawberry, the possibilities were endless. "Which one looks good, sweetie?" he asked. Babygabrial March 22nd, 22 11:58 PM Of course Gabby immediately goes with the the tried and true option of "Dada pick!" He says pointing at Carl. In the ring Gabriella is a student of the game. Outside, she's a hopeless daddy's girl who almost goes out of her way not to make any decisions for herself. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 12:00 AM Carl chuckled at this and picked out what looked best for his little girl, the choice just so happened to be rocky road, "How's this one?" he asked. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 12:05 AM "Mmmm is it yummy?" He asks swaying sid to side trying to play with the bottom of his coat like he does with his dresses and skirts. He bats his pretty greens at his daddy while sucking his lips inside out. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 12:07 AM "Very yummy." Carl says while handing it to Gabby. For himself, he picks out the mint chip flavor. After paying for it, the two of them head out to the car to eat, "Want me to feed you, kitten?" Carl asks. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 12:10 AM "Pwetty pease Dada?" He asks as he skips along by his daddy's side and purs a little. At least that's what it sounds like he's attempting to do. He holds their bag with their containers as they get to the back of Gabby's car. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 12:11 AM Once they got there, Carl opened up Gabby's ice cream container and took out a spoon from the diaper bag. "Open up kitten." Carl said while taking a scoop. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 12:13 AM "Mew!" Gabby opens up for the baby rubber spoon full of ice cream to be inserted. His eyes twinkle and he bounces up and down in Carl's lap. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 12:14 AM Carl inserts the spoon into Gabby's mouth. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 12:18 AM Gabby eat up until hims wittwe tummy was full. He didn't get through half of the container, before he was laying across Carl's lap getting belly rubs to burp some of it back up. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 12:19 AM "That was good wasn't it, kitten?" Carl asked while giving rubbing his paw gently across Gabby's belly. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 12:24 AM "BRRRRRRRRRP!!!" Hey there's the burp. Gabby definitely got his fill and he likes it plenty considering he's trying to lick some off of his face. He's definitely going to be wide awake the rest of the trip. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 12:26 AM Carl wiped Gabby's face and strapped him back in his car seat. He decided to save his ice cream for when they got home and stored Gabby's away. They drove the rest of the way home where Gabby was free to relax until sleep time. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 12:32 AM Gabby was running all over the apartment giggling and playing. He is giggling and going from the living room to the bedroom, and back. He was waving and throwing his dollies around, playing only God knows what. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 11:20 PM Carl chuckled as he watched Gabby work off all his energy. He was going to have a lot of cleaning to do afterwards. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 11:24 PM Of course the baby running around can be a bit dangerous and Gabby probably shouldn't be standing up in the apartment. His hyperness is making him do some bad baby acts. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 11:26 PM Carl saw this and decided to lay down the law, "Gabby, you better calm down right now. Do you want a time out?" he said with a stern expression. Using his knowledge of childcare, he gave Gabby a look that he always gave his siblings when he wanted them to calm down. It worked every time. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 11:32 PM Gabby jumps and whimpers shaking his head. He didn't want the rest of his playtime taken away, or worse a spanking. "Nooo! No timeout! Gabby pway!" Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 11:34 PM "Then sit down and play calmly like a good baby." Carl said, still keeping his authoritative tone. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 11:37 PM He whines and drops to his bottom. He crawls around for a bit and peaks to see if his daddy is looking. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 11:38 PM Carl watches him closely, his expression softening a bit, "That's a good kitten." he said. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 11:44 PM He giggles, then like any child, as soon as daddy's back is turned, he stands up and starts running around, somehow justifying in his immature mind that he wasn't going to get caught. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 11:45 PM Carl notices and gives him the look again, "I warned you kitten, you get a time out!" he said. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 11:48 PM Gabby halts and starts crying as he runs and sits in the corner. He throws a little fit in the corner. He pounds his feet to the floor, and cries his eyes out. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 11:50 PM Carl hated to do this, but Gabby needed to learn his lesson. To stop the crying, he popped a pacifier in Gabby's mouth, silencing him. "Now then, you need to stay here for 30 minutes. After that, your time out will be over. OK, kitten?" Carl asks while setting his smartphone timer. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 11:52 PM Gabby whines and whimpers but his crying stops. He sucks on the paci and hangs his head in defeat. But he needs this, he needs discipline and structure to be a good girl. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 11:53 PM That he does. Carl goes to clean up the mess while the timer winds down. He was just glad that he didn't have to resort to spanking. He didn't believe in that, who does that in this day and age? That's just child abuse. Babygabrial March 23rd, 22 11:58 PM Of course Gabby was weak willed towards those who have authority over him. So, a literally slap on the wrist would have the same good results of a belt to the ass. Without all of the negatives to a belt to the ass. Mr Hoo March 23rd, 22 11:59 PM Eventually, Carl got the mess cleaned up. There was still 15 minutes left on the timer though. Babygabrial March 24th, 22 12:01 AM Gabby has calmed down by this point but still needed to finish out his punishment to understand that being a bad baby isn't good. Mr Hoo March 24th, 22 09:03 AM The timer ran out and Carl allowed Gabby to come out of the corner, "OK kitten, have we learned our lesson?" Carl asked. Babygabrial March 24th, 22 10:18 AM Gabby nods his head, too bashful to answer verbally. He probably should be made to, so manners will be instilled in him when an adult is speaking to him. Even if its speaking with a babyish lisp. That's probably even better so he'll speak how a baby girl is supposed to. Gabby must learn that being a little isnt all cuddles and diaper changes. Mr Hoo March 24th, 22 11:08 PM "Who's a good little kitten who listens to her daddy?" Carl asks. Babygabrial March 24th, 22 11:22 PM "Gabby is! Gabby is!" He responds dutifully bouncing on the balls of his feet to emphasize this statement he is making. Mr Hoo March 24th, 22 11:24 PM Carl gives his little kitten a hug, "Yes you are." Babygabrial March 24th, 22 11:25 PM Gabby hugs his daddy back. Sadly timeout took the rest of Gabby's playtime, so it was time for a bittle and bed. Mr Hoo March 24th, 22 11:27 PM Carl warmed up a bottle for Gabby and took him to his rocking chair. He sat his little kitten on his lap and began to feed him. Babygabrial March 24th, 22 11:31 PM Gabby snuggles up to his dada and starts eating. Mmmmm baby formula his favorite. He empties his bottle before heading to sleep. Mr Hoo March 24th, 22 11:32 PM Carl got him into his bedtime clothes and tucked him in. He sang him a lullaby to help him sleep better. Babygabrial March 24th, 22 11:34 PM Gabby slept the full night suprisingly. The next morning they went to go meet Rufie for breakfast before gym hunting. Mr Hoo March 24th, 22 11:36 PM They met at a small cafe in town and got a booth seat, "Thanks for inviting us here, Rufie." Carl said. Babygabrial March 24th, 22 11:47 PM "No problem, I had to make sure my baby got filled up before we look for gyms." They say chuckling. "I heard you won last night." They say as Gabby nods "Gabby #1 Contender!" Mr Hoo March 24th, 22 11:48 PM "Yep, we're really moving along. One more fight and he'll get his mitts on the championship." Carl says while ruffling Gabby's hair. Babygabrial March 24th, 22 11:51 PM Gabby giggles and bounces in the booth. Those who can hear him would likely think its an actual two year old girl. Not an 18 year old boy. Mr Hoo March 24th, 22 11:52 PM They all ordered something to eat. Carl had scrambled eggs and he ordered pancakes for Gabby. Babygabrial March 24th, 22 11:55 PM Rufie looks at Gabby with a weary smile for a moment before their smile gets bigger. Mr Hoo March 25th, 22 10:05 AM "So, how are we gonna go about this gym business?" Carl asked while starting to feed Gabby. Babygabrial March 25th, 22 10:29 AM Rufie slides their phones over. "I got a list of gyms here in the area." They say. Mr Hoo March 25th, 22 11:38 PM Carl takes the phone and scrolls through the results. Nothing seemed to come up until one did catch his eye. Babygabrial March 25th, 22 11:54 PM Gabby peaks over to try and see what it says. Mr Hoo March 25th, 22 11:55 PM "It says here that there is a gym that is exactly between the two of us." Carl says while showing Rufie the one he sees. Babygabrial March 25th, 22 11:59 PM "That the first one you wanna check out?" They say. "I didn't have time to really dig deep into the details of each one, so keep in mind. It could be not a good fit, or too expensive." Mr Hoo March 26th, 22 12:01 AM "Yeah, that's right. But what choice do we have?" Carl said. Babygabrial March 26th, 22 12:04 AM "We'll see when we get there." They say. Soon they finish eating and split the bill. Afterwards thwy head off to find this gym. Mr Hoo March 26th, 22 12:06 AM They eventually found it and went inside. Carl hoped that it would be just right for them, or at least close. Babygabrial March 26th, 22 12:14 AM They had to walk into the downstairs entrence and the place seemed nice. Had some state of tge art equipment, and a ring in the middle. The members seemed to be working either wrestling or MMA. A large stalion in a t shirt with the gym's name walks up. "Hey, good to meet you. Can I help you two?" He says looking to Carl and Rufie. Mr Hoo March 26th, 22 12:15 AM Carl stepped up, "Good day sir. We came here to inquire about a gym membership. How much is it per month?" he asks. Babygabrial March 26th, 22 12:24 AM "Ah no problem man! Yeah membership is only 40 bucks a month with first month being free!" He says to them before grabbing the clipboard. "If that sounds good to you, we can go ahead and get you registered. What's your name sir?" Mr Hoo March 26th, 22 12:27 AM "Actually, the membership isn't for me. It's for my client here, Gabriel." Carl said while gesturing toward Gabby. Babygabrial March 26th, 22 03:21 PM Gabriel waves smiling and the guy looks dumbfounded. "Oh...uh....this is awkward." He looks towards Carl again. "We're not allowed to give....those people memberships. This gym is anthro only." Mr Hoo March 27th, 22 06:37 PM Carl raised an eyebrow at this statement, "What do you mean 'anthro only?' Don't you think that's kinda ridiculous?" Babygabrial March 27th, 22 09:37 PM "Listen, it isn't my rules, its the bosses. Just many of the members here think humans make tge place look bad." He says hoping a fit isn't started. Mr Hoo March 27th, 22 11:36 PM Carl knew he had to negotiate here, and that meant putting his reasoning skills to work, "Rest assured sir, my client here won't make your place look bad by any means. He's a hard-working and dedicated one, he is." Carl said. "I can vouch for that." Rufie chimed in, "He's an athlete through and through." Babygabrial March 28th, 22 12:23 AM "I'm sorry guys, rules are rules. If either of you want to register and train here that's fine. Your human can't though." He's not budging, they'll have to look elsewhere. Mr Hoo March 28th, 22 10:18 AM Carl gave a heavy sigh, "Fine, I'm sure we'll find someplace more welcoming." Carl said before leaving with Gabby and Rufie. During the car ride, Carl couldn't help but be upset. Now, not only do they have to worry about distance and price, they also have to worry about prejudice, "Well, that sucked. The place was perfect too." he said. Babygabrial March 28th, 22 12:04 PM "It ain't perfect if we both can't work there. " Rufir says over speaker phone. "Didn't know human prejudice was that bad. I get jokes and insults thrown at me, but I've never been denied entry into a place." They say. Gabby is in the back seat distracting himself with a game daddy put on his phone that's age appropriate. Mr Hoo March 28th, 22 11:46 PM "Yeah, this is gonna be harder than I thought. Alright, on to the next place." Carl said as he drove on. Babygabrial March 28th, 22 11:48 PM They go to a different gym that is the first floor so they can look at it through the window. Its like a gym converted from an old boxing gym. It didn't exactly look like an irresistible place to train at. Mr Hoo March 28th, 22 11:50 PM Carl scoffed at the place, but at this point they needed to take what they can get, "What do you think Gabby? Does this look nice?" he asked. Babygabrial March 28th, 22 11:54 PM Gabby watches someone run the ropes and literly the top rope snaps and they fall out of the ring. Gabby whimpers and slowly looks to his daddy and Rufie scared to even walk into that place. They don't need the latest equipment, but they need reliability and cleanliness. Mr Hoo March 28th, 22 11:56 PM This place did not have either of those things. It was onto the next place for them, which was a standard gym with a room dedicated to wrestling. The only problem was that it was full of humans who were the misogynistic jockstrap types. They certainly wouldn't welcome someone like Rufie in there. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 12:00 AM Though they oddly seemed to not be uncomfortable getting into certaim wrestling positions. This definitely did not seem to be a good gym of acceptance, or fit for children.....maybe not people into women either. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 12:03 AM The trio drove around for almost the whole day looking for a gym, each of the ones they visited having some sort of problem that didn't make it acceptable. After many hours, as well as diaper changes and bottles for Gabby, they reached the last gym on the list. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 12:08 AM "This is pretty much a formality at this point." The exhausted bovine says. "After this we'll just pick our poison of which one is least unbearable." They say as they approach the gym its entrence is in an alleyway so that isn't a good sign. They walk in and are immediately hit with some air conditioning. Gabby looks around and see a good couple of people around. Several anthros and a few humans. There were two rings set up in the middle with some old but cleaned up workout equipment around. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 12:13 AM The place looked at least partway decent enough, they just needed to see about how much it cost. Someone approached them, a barn owl with a scarred eye, "Can I help yous?" he asked with a Brooklyn accent. "Hi, we came in here wondering about obtaining a membership to this establishment." Carl asked. The owl looked them up and down with a narrowed gaze, "You guys ain't the types to cause trouble is you?" he asked. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 12:17 AM "No, no, me and my friend here" Rufie gestures towards Gabby. "We are licensed pro wrestlers. We need a gym home thought." The Owl looks at Gabby. "He a pro? He needs some muscle on him, we can take care of that." Gabby smiles big sounds like they have no problems with humans. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 12:20 AM "In fact, I happen to be his manager." Carl clarified, "Now, like our friend says we are in need of a place to train. So, how much does a membership here go for?" Carl asked. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 12:23 AM "Hmmm, you two already licensed." He says rubbing a wing to his chin. "That means I ain't gotta train you two from scratch, and could get some promotion out of it. But I ain't the owner, just the coach. My old lady owns the joint. Her credit looked better, you know how it is." Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 12:25 AM "Alright then, you think we can talk to her? Carl asks. "Sure, sure. Just a sec." the owl says before going to a door that says manager and knocking, "Honey, we gots new customers lookin for a membership." he says. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 12:28 AM The three wait in anticipation, though they were not yet sure how they react to Rufie. After all, a gender neutral wrestler, while not as bad as a human to anthro society, is abnormal. They hear the door open and jump waiting in anticipation. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 12:33 AM The manager of the gym was a female snow owl. She had a confident air about her, though the bags under her eyes told that she was too much of a hard worker for her own good. Granted, she was running a gym and that meant a lot of paperwork and client info to work through. She wore a faded blue scarf and a pair of glasses, "Wassat you said Jerry? New clients?" she asked with an accent similar to Jerry's Babygabrial March 29th, 22 12:40 AM The male owl, known as Jerry, talks to his wife. "We got two pro's walkin' in. Wanna train here. One even brought they manager like some big shot." The female owl lights a cigarette and looks at the trio and notices the giant grin on Gabby's face. "What's with that one?" As everyone turns towards Gabby he squeaks out. "You're...you're Wendy Marie! One of the first female wrestlers to fight intergender matches!" Gabby fangasms. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 09:46 AM Carl's eyes light up in realization as well, "I thought you looked familiar." he says. "Oh my god, I've watched your matches so many times." Rufie said. "Yeah, yeah. Now did yous come for an autograph or to sign up for membership?" Jerry asked, rolling his eyes. Carl cleared his throat, "Right, how much monthly?" he asks. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 11:44 AM Wendy takes one last puff and puts her cigarette out. "You got your licenses? I'd say about 75 each to join, 40 a in monthly fees. That should cover your expenses." That wasn't that bad of a price. They're really gonna have to take some booking dates to keep up with that price and their bills but it is definitely doable. Wendy looks to Rufie and asks. "Which classes you wanna work with hun? The mens or womens?" No other place gave Rufie that choice. They just assumed ehere Rufie should be. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 11:19 PM "I would like to take the women's class if that's fine." Rufie said. "Alright, I guess we'll take it. Do we need paperwork?" Carl asked. When it came to gym memberships, he needed to be through. "Yeah, we'll give yas the papers to sign. Wait right here." Jerry said before going off to get the papers. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 11:31 PM "Oh, and who do we have here? New members? " a feminine voice was heard and the triobturn to see the source of the voice. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 11:34 PM The individual in question was a white ferret. She wore basic workout clothes consisting of blue short shorts and a light blue tank top, "Yeah, these three are lookin to use this old place as their new trainin' ground." Wendy said. She then addressed the trio, "This here's Jess. Our trainer for the female class." "Nice to meet you." Carl said. "It's a pleasure." Rufie added. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 11:38 PM "Hihi~" Gabby waves with both hands as Jerry hands them the paperwork. "Well aren't you a cutie." Jess says as she would a normal small child. She isn't around humans much outside of work so she doesn't see real human children. "And glad to meet you both as well. Hope I can whip you guys into peak in ring condition." Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 11:41 PM "I'll be taking the women's course, so you'll being seeing me often." Rufie says. She notices that despite her small size, Jess had a somewhat decent amount of muscle on her. Jerry hands them the papers and they sign them. After making the first payment, they were all set. "Alright, looks like you got yourself a new gym." Carl said to Gabby. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 11:45 PM Gabby giggles swaying side to side as he looks around seeing many fresh faces. "We were about to close down shop for the night." Wendy says "So we'll be seeing you lot bright and early in the morning." Jerry throws them complimentary t shirts. "Welcome to the Kings County Wrestling Academy." He tells them. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 11:47 PM Rufie holds her shirt with a smile, "Please to be a part of it." "We look forward to working with you." Carl says. "Can't wait to see what you got." Jess says. After that, they exited the gym and went back to their homes. Carl got home just in time for Gabby's dinner. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 11:52 PM Gabby was excitedly babbling to his teddy about his day while sitting in the living room in nothing but his diaper. He bounced happily excited to get back in a practice ring, ready to spar with new people. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 11:54 PM Carl was equally happy as Gabby was. He whistled as he cooked dinner for his little kitten. Sure, they would have to work harder to keep up the expenses, but he knew it would all be worth it once Gabby had that shiny belt. He finished dinner and called Gabby over. Babygabrial March 29th, 22 11:56 PM "Mew mew!" Gabby responded as he crawls into the kitchen to be placed, bibbed, and fed before bath time and his bedtime bottle. Mr Hoo March 29th, 22 11:59 PM Carl smiled at his cute little kitten as he bathed him. He was happy to see him so happy. After the bath, they both sat in the rocking chair with Carl feeding Gabby a warm bottle while she laid in his lap wearing his bedtime clothes. Babygabrial March 30th, 22 12:01 AM Gabby was in his see through baby gown as he was held, rocked, and fed. He got tired pretty quickly after having a short nap time today. He's likely to sleep through the whole night tonight. Mr Hoo March 30th, 22 11:41 PM After the bottle was done, Carl took Gabby to his bed and tucked him in, singing a lullaby before curing up on the bed with him. Babygabrial March 30th, 22 11:46 PM As predicted Gabby slept through the whole night, giving his daddy some peace for once. The downside is, when he did wake up he was so energetic he bj was bouncing on Carl. "Wake up Dada wake up ! Up up now!" The pretty kitty princess demands. Mr Hoo March 30th, 22 11:50 PM Carl rubbed his eyes and slowly got up while stretching and yawning, "OK, OK, Daddy's up." he said. He then got out of bed and checked his little kitten to see if he needed changing. Babygabrial March 30th, 22 11:53 PM A whole night without waking up? Oh yeah, he's a soaked little girl. It feels cold as well. Not good wto keep him in it long with the temperature dropping. Gabby was bouncing excitedly like it was his first day of preschool. Mr Hoo March 30th, 22 11:55 PM Carl lay Gabby down before staring to change him. In a way, the new gym was almost like preschool. After all, it's where Gabby could go to learn more about his favorite thing in the world. Carl finished the change and gave the diaper a pat before taking him to the kitchen for breakfast, "You're excited aren't you, kitten?" he asked. Babygabrial March 31st, 22 12:02 AM "MEW! MEEEEEW!" He responds holding his 'paws' up high in excitement. Since Rufie would be with Gabby at least during the first few sessions, this also can give Carl some time without the baby. Add to the fact that their membership is being paid for and its more like daycare than preschool. Mr Hoo March 31st, 22 12:04 AM Carl giggles as Gabby's excited mewing. He started to wonder what it would be like if he really was a kitten. A very big kitten. He feeds him breakfast as he thinks about what he could do during his free time. Sure he could spend it looking for matches, but he could also use it to spend time with Darla. Babygabrial March 31st, 22 12:07 AM Though she seems to be busy designing clothes and gear. He should get a nice highlight reel of Gabby's matches made to send out to promoters. Mr Hoo March 31st, 22 08:33 AM Carl thought of these things as he fed Gabby his breakfast and got him dressed for the day. He sure had a busy day ahead of him as well. After packing up the necessary items and putting Gabby in the car, they drove to the gym. Babygabrial March 31st, 22 09:31 AM Gabby was dressed in a plain white onsie, and over that was his t shirt from the gym yesterday and some shorts. The onesie should hold up his diaper. Gabby's hair was put into a bun to keep out of the way. Not everyone knows about Gabby's princess gimmick so probably best to not be obvious about his adult baby status. Rufie can hang on to his diaper bag. Though its unknown if they'll be able to take a break at the same time. Mr Hoo April 2nd, 22 12:02 AM They arrive at the gym to see that Rufie was already there, "Hey, there's my boys." they said. "Hey Rufie, ready for the first day of training?" Carl asked. Rufie nodded in response before they were approached by Wendy and Jerry, "You guys made it. Ready to be worked hard?" Jerry asked. Babygabrial April 2nd, 22 12:48 AM Gabby runs up and raises his hand. "Ready! Ready!" The hyper child says. Though he wonders where Jess is, so Rufie's class can get started as well. Mr Hoo April 2nd, 22 12:18 PM At that moment, Jess comes out of a staff door and greets the trio, "Hey guys. You ready to work?" "As ready as we'll ever be." Rufie says. "Cool, Rufie, you're with me." Jess says. "Gabriel, right? Yous with me." Jerry says. Babygabrial April 2nd, 22 04:04 PM Gabriel jumps up and down ready to go. Carl can probably hand the diaper bag to Rufie and go until one of them call him. Mr Hoo April 2nd, 22 11:15 PM Carl does so and tells Rufie to call him in case anything comes up. "You got it." Rufie says before Carl gives Gabby and hug goodbye while telling him listen to the coaches and practice hard. Babygabrial April 2nd, 22 11:30 PM The coaches first evaluate the two new members while the other members and trainees come in. They try to measure their strengths and weaknesses, see what should be worked on, and what should be improved. While Gabby is sparing with a trainee and Rufie is lifting weights, Wendy comes out of her office. "So how's our two newbies?" Wendy asks. Jess starts up "Rufie is pretty strong, definitely slimmer than most biological bulls. Makes it easier for them to get in with men and women. They seem to be pretty explosive, but definitely isn't too big on the fundamentals." Wendy nods "A big haas huh? We can work on that." She turns to her husband "And Gabriel" Jerry turns towards his wife and gestures in the ring to Gabby suplexing a guy and rolling it into a Butterfly Lock. "You look at 'em. Kid's definitely a pro. Ain't strong, but can hit a take down and wrapping his opponent up into a pretzel." He says. "I show the kid to do somethin' he copies it near picture perfect or keeps trying until he does, and it's only been a few hours. Wet behind the ears but he's got somethin'" Babygabrial April 2nd, 22 11:32 PM The coaches first evaluate the two new members while the other members and trainees come in. They try to measure their strengths and weaknesses, see what should be worked on, and what should be improved. While Gabby is sparing with a trainee and Rufie is lifting weights, Wendy comes out of her office. "So how's our two newbies?" Wendy asks. Jess starts up "Rufie is pretty strong, definitely slimmer than most biological bulls. Makes it easier for them to get in with men and women. They seem to be pretty explosive, but definitely isn't too big on the fundamentals." Wendy nods "A big haas huh? We can work on that." She turns to her husband "And Gabriel" Jerry turns towards his wife and gestures in the ring to Gabby suplexing a guy and rolling it into a Butterfly Lock. "You look at 'em. Kid's definitely a pro. Ain't strong, but can hit a take down and wrapping his opponent up into a pretzel." He says. "I show the kid to do somethin' he copies it near picture perfect or keeps trying until he does, and it's only been a few hours. Wet behind the ears but he's got somethin'" Mr Hoo April 2nd, 22 11:36 PM Rufie finishes their weightlifting and wipes the sweat of their forehead before going to do some more exercises. "Seems like we gots some potential on our hands. That kitty sure got a good eye for talent." Wendy says while observing the two. Babygabrial April 2nd, 22 11:43 PM "Ah shit what stinks!?" A trainee yells as Gabby is pinning him. Gabby hops up with a gasps and looks very apologetic. " Ah God! Was that a diaper I heard!?" They say covering their nose. Gabby looks scared and is about to start crying. "Hey coach! This guy just shit his diaper!" Jerry hops in the ring. "So you're telling me he's wearing a shitty diaper and still whipped your ass? Damn is he that good or are you that shitty yourself?" The other trainee laughs at the guy. "Gabe go get changed. Your stuff was in the bag right?" Gabriel looks shocked wondering how he knew. Not only did he know but he isnt ridiculing Gabby about it. "I'll get 'em cleaned up. Jess ain't done with Rufie yet!" Wendy says. Mr Hoo April 2nd, 22 11:46 PM "My bag is on that bench over there." Rufie said while pointing to said bench, "Thanks for offering." Rufie also couldn't figure out how they both knew about Gabby's diaper. Perhaps they were more keen-eyed than they thought. Babygabrial April 2nd, 22 11:55 PM "Gabs go get cleaned and hurry back." Jerry says then turns to the guy Gabby just pinned. "And you, go get ready for road work. Smell some fresh air instead of sniffing the new guy's ass so much." The other trainees laugh again. Gabby hops over the top rope and follows Wendy to the girl's bathroom. "I sorry Mrs. Laurer." He says blushing and holding his head down. Mr Hoo April 2nd, 22 11:57 PM "Ah, don't worry about it, kid. It happens to the best people." Wendy says as she leads Gabby to the bathroom. She then proceeded with the change, "Whew, you really did a number on this one, didn't ya?" she commented. Babygabrial April 3rd, 22 12:00 AM "I no feel it when it happened." Gabby admits blushing. He speaks clearly in his baby talk but not with his normal lisp. He hasn't used a toilet or talked like an adult in a month so he may be actually becoming incontinent and using baby talk naturally. Its not something he really has though about as the owl lifts his legs up to wipe the human's bottom. Mr Hoo April 3rd, 22 12:03 AM "Nothin' to be ashamed of, kid. These things happen and sometimes we can't control it." Wendy says as she powders Gabby and straps a new diaper on him, "There ya go. That manager of yours must really care about you a lot if he's willing to put up with this all the time." Wendy then leads Gabby out of the bathroom and back into the gym. Babygabrial April 3rd, 22 12:09 AM Gabby nods his head happily as he toddles to the bathroom door. "Uh huh! He's my Daddy! He's the bestest." Gabby days. Wendy puts a wing on his head. She's not to keen on wiping her members' asses, but the gym is in a slump and could go downhill. Sure, they could try and just do things with one pro like Rufie representing them, but if her husband is right and Gabby is that talented and driven, then what's a few ass wipes when they get a swoon of new trainees wanting to train the same place Gabby trains at. Mr Hoo April 3rd, 22 09:37 AM Jerry knew this too. Besides, it was kinda nice to have someone who knew how to keep their inner child alive despite being an adult. That was something that he lost many years ago. Babygabrial April 3rd, 22 09:43 AM Gabby came back to Jerry. "I'm back sir!" He says hopping up and down. He was so ready to hop back to training. The kid was excited to go. He has an air of loving just wrestling. Mr Hoo April 3rd, 22 09:45 AM Jerry smirked at him, he knew some people loved wrestling, but never this much. "Alright kid, get in the ring. We have a lot more work to do." he said. Babygabrial April 3rd, 22 09:56 AM Gabby slid in the ring and circled around and got in a stance ready for instruction. He worked with the anthro trainees to get a feel of working with bigger opponents. Mr Hoo April 3rd, 22 09:58 AM Jerry instructed Gabby on the maneuvers that he wanted him to practice. Babygabrial April 3rd, 22 10:02 AM Gabby moves around and practices the maneuvers. Particularly he practices sweep around ankle picks, several throws that don't require not lifting. Gabby is strong, but still human so he would have a limit. Mr Hoo April 3rd, 22 07:32 PM Meanwhile, Rufie was testing out some new techniques themselves. Mostly involving using less of their strength and using the opponent's strength against them. They also practiced using moves that wore the opponent down before finishing them off with a big power move. Babygabrial April 3rd, 22 09:43 PM Rest holds and locks weren't exactly exciting, but they could tire an opponent out. Tilt-A-Whirls and scoop slams usually use opponents momentum against them, but Rufie will need to be good at baiting them in. After a while Jerry and Jess called it for the day. They gathered everyone together. "Alright, you all did 'ight today. I've seen worse from you scraps." Jerry says "We're really proud of you all" continues Jess. "Let's all thank our newest members Rufie and Gabriel. Two pros with experience under their belt." Jess says before Jerry interjects. "You bozos could learn a thing or two from them. They'll be the first to tell ya, the trainin' don't stop just because ya pass the licensing test. They marched across the the Brooks and the Boroughs, and even Kings to find this little hole in a wall because they wanna be even better pros!" He exaggerates. Gabby raises his hand " I wanna be World Heavyweight Champion!" Everyone turns to him like he grew a second head. "You serious about that kid? World Heavyweight Champion? You all hear that. Gabriel's got himself a hefty goal. And you know what? I think he can do it. I'm gonna train him to get him to it. Gabriel you come here, bust your ass and put in the work, I will make sure you pin the world champ on the matt or make his ass tap, fuck it. I'll strap the belt on ya myself!" Gabby smiles and nods with a determined look. "That's reachin' for the stars! That's where it starts, the next step is being here every day so all of you can one day be world Heavyweight Champion or Women's World Champion!" Mr Hoo April 4th, 22 09:00 AM Rufie looked at Gabby with a big smile. They really loved how Gabby dreamt big with equal part seriousness and childlike wonder. Rufie never really cared to win any championships, all they wanted was a stable position so that they can support themselves. It was certainly a lot better than their previous job. Although, with all the losses that they were taking so far, they would have to go back to it sooner or later and they really did not want that to happen. Thankfully, they found this gym, but they started to think that just a new place to train wasn't enough. Babygabrial April 4th, 22 09:22 AM Rufie looks at Gabby. He's been kicking serious ass since he first started working for EWS. His only loss was a tag match where he didn't take the pin. "Hmmmm" Rufie contemplates. Jess calls over one in and they put hands in. "Alright on three! One two three!" Everyone chants out "K-C-W-Aaaaaaaa!" They throw their hands up and are dismissed. Rufie could call Carl ...oooooor "Hey Pumpkin?" Gabby turns to the bovine. "How about we see if the coaches will help us work on some tag team stuff?" He proposes to the 18 year old toddler. "Otay!" Gabby was hype and excited. Mr Hoo April 4th, 22 09:26 AM The duo went over to Jerry and Jess and asked them about this. "So, yous want to work on tag stuff?" Jerry asked. "That's right. I believe me and him could make a great team." Rufie said. "I can definitely see that happening. Not only are you guys skillful on your own, you also have great chemistry." Jess said. Babygabrial April 4th, 22 09:35 AM Jerry "alright but you two better work till you drop if you're gonna take my extra time like this. Hop in the ring. Gabe you inside. Rufe hop on the apron." He orders. Gabriel slid into the ring on the double. Mr Hoo April 4th, 22 09:40 AM Rufie went to her position and awaited instruction. Babygabrial April 4th, 22 09:44 AM "Alright, first off. Got any idea why I'm having Gabe as the first legal man?" Gabriel raises his hand like he's back in class. "I has more stamina, Coach Jerry." Gabriel says "Exactly, you two have to build on each other's strengths and weaknesses. Rufie you're stronger and more explosive but Gabriel can keep it moving and recover faster." Mr Hoo April 4th, 22 09:47 AM "So, it would be wiser for me to let him wear the opponent down before I go in for some more heavy hits." Rufie said. Babygabrial April 4th, 22 10:10 AM "Not exactly. Tag wrestling is complicated but can be sort of broken down to a science." Jess says. "Gabe come hit me with a take down. Any kind, just get me down." Gabriel shoots in with a blast double leg getting the owl off his feet. "A classic double. You really are a student of the game." Jerry says "Ok" Says Jess "Your opponent is down after a few good moves. Now you should tag out." Gabby looks confused "But I'm not tired yet." Jess gestures towards Rufie "But you don't want to get tired do you? Frequent tags will make sure you can quickly get back to 100%" she says. "Whip or drag me to your corner then tag in Rufie. Then Rufie will wear the opponent down." He says Mr Hoo April 4th, 22 11:21 PM "Oh, I get it. This way we can keep up the pressure on our opponent and not give them the chance to tag." Rufie said. Babygabrial April 4th, 22 11:37 PM The coaches nod. They go over some tag strategies for now before it starts to get late. It was actually around 4 o'clock. Given that they have been there since 8 AM that's quite a long time. Rufie decides to go ahead and let Carl know he can come pick the baby up. Mr Hoo April 4th, 22 11:42 PM Carl arrived ten minutes after the call, "Hey, how are my two stars doing?" he asked. "Yous got some real talent on yer paws." Jerry said. "They really do learn fast." Jess says. Babygabrial April 4th, 22 11:46 PM "DADA! DADA! DADA!"Gabby dives on Carl snelling of sweat, baby powder, and urine. He was a really stinky girl. Rufie laughs wiping themselves off with a towel. "Where does he get all that energy? I'm dead on my feet over here." Mr Hoo April 4th, 22 11:48 PM "I don't know either." Carl says as he hugs Gabby back, "Alright kitten, let's get you home for a bath, shall we?" he offers. "I should probably get home too. See you boys tomorrow?" Rufie asks as they gather their stuff. "Sure." Carl affirms. Babygabrial April 4th, 22 11:52 PM Gabby was bouncing happily and babbling nonsensically about his day the whole way home. The adrenalin finally started to die down as they got inside and Gabby yawned. Mr Hoo April 4th, 22 11:56 PM "Alright kitten. Once I give your bath and bottle, Daddy will put you down to sleep." Carl said as he got the water started, making sure it was very warm to help Gabby relax. Once it was, he placed his kitten inside and started to scrub. Babygabrial April 4th, 22 11:58 PM Gabby played in the tub. He held his rubber ducky up to his daddy and had it give daddy a quack and a kiss. Mr Hoo April 4th, 22 11:59 PM Carl giggled at this, he loved it when his kitten acted cute. After the bath, Carl was holding Gabby in his lap as he fed him his bottle. They were on the rocking chair and Gabby was in his bed clothes and a nice fresh diaper. Babygabrial April 5th, 22 12:02 AM It was only nap time but Gabby wasn't going out again today so might as well have him dressed for the night. Gabby fell asleep immediately and was a good girl for nap time. Mr Hoo April 5th, 22 12:03 AM After Carl put his little kitten to bed all happy and snuggled up, he looked over the matches that he had time to schedule for while Gabby was at the gym. Babygabrial April 5th, 22 12:08 AM Gabby had probably will spend the rest of the week training for the title match but next week Gabby will his first out of state booking. A promoter likes a video Carl sent with Gabby's highlights and wants to book him in a match against one of their lower card guys. Mr Hoo April 5th, 22 11:49 AM Carl did accept this invite. It was good for Gabby to get more coverage outside of town. More eyes, more publicity. It was a pain to drive all the way out of state, but it will be worth it. Babygabrial April 5th, 22 01:22 PM Gabby slept for quite some time. He'd likely sleep the rest of the day if allowed. He needed to eat, likely needed changing, and didn't need to sleep that long. Match days already mess up his sleep schedule. Mr Hoo April 5th, 22 11:24 PM Carl decided to wake him up so he can have a little playtime before actual bedtime. "Hey, kitten. Wakey, wakey." he said while nudging him gently. Babygabrial April 5th, 22 11:36 PM Gabby sits up with his eyes still closed and attaches himself to his daddy. He whimpered as any baby does when waking up. Mr Hoo April 5th, 22 11:38 PM Carl comforted him by placing a pacifier in his mouth and cuddling him gently, "Daddy's here, kitten." he said softly. Babygabrial April 5th, 22 11:44 PM Just a nice wholesome part of their day as usual. A month in and their love for each other has only grown. Gabriella nestles his daddy and cutely coos like a good girl as he opens his eyes. Mr Hoo April 5th, 22 11:45 PM Carl spent the day playing with Gabby, making sure he was a happy baby for now. Babygabrial April 5th, 22 11:51 PM Since Gabby was already clean and dressed for bed, they were limited to games in the apartment. From patty cake, to the easiest game of hide and seek ever, to horsey rides to daddy's knee. Just killing some time before dinner and bed. Over the rest of the week, they fell into a formula. On Gabriel's end, it was training from early morning to early evening. Showing his dedication by being the first one there, and last one to leave. Some days Rufie would just drive Gabby home. Gabby would stay with Mrs. Lestrati if his daddy was busy or running home late. He's been working on macaroni art in her apartment to kill time. Mr Hoo April 5th, 22 11:54 PM Carl spent the time when Gabby was at the gym trying to find new matches. Of course, he always took interest in his kitten's training as well as his little baby interests. When he saw the art that his little kitten was working on, he couldn't help but feel proud of him. Carl wanted his little baby to be as happy as he can be. Just a little diapered princess with a dream of fame and glory. Babygabrial April 5th, 22 11:59 PM That road to fame and glory is making its first stop. As Saturday has arrived. The EWS Humanweight Championship may be a secondary title in a minor division within a mid level state indie promotion, but it was still special to Gabby. His first title shot, he can't believe it. This was what he's been working hard for so long for. Its sitting on his mind the entire way to the venue. Poor baby can't even get a nap nap in he's so focused on it. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 12:02 AM Nevertheless, Carl made sure that Gabby was well rested enough before taking him to the venue. They ran into Darla who came to see Gabby compete, "Hey guys, just stopped by to wish you good luck." she said. "Thanks Darla. We're gonna crush it today, right kitten?" Carl asked. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 12:08 AM "........huh what?" Gabriel looked around as his concentration was broken. He looks up noticing the car's stopped and sees where they're at. Salt City Memorial Coliseum. A 7,000 seat arena used for concerts, hocky games, and also wrestling. They of course didn't sell 7,000 tickets. Companies much bigger than them haven't done that. The upper layers will be blocked off so it will be more seating for about a thousand people at most and they sold about 600 tickets. "Woooow Gabby looks in awe at the venue then looks down just now noticing Dar la "Auntie Darla!!!" Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 10:35 PM "Good to see you two little scamp." Darla says as she hugs Gabby. "Alright, we better get the dressing rooms." Carl says. "OK, good luck out there." Darla said as she watched them go. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 10:42 PM The boys went into the arena through the back and it was astounding. The lights were on still so you can see the full view. The curtains were up over the seating areas that were blocked off. The ring was built, matts were down, and guard rails were set up. Likely by local trainees of wrestling gyms nearby. Gabby had to set up, tear down and even clean pros' gear before in his trainee days. Thankless work, but rewarding. Jack spots them. "Ah, there's our number one contender. At least in the human division. Glad you made it easy Gabby." Thankies Jack~" Gabby seems to be getting used to being babyish in the open. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 10:43 PM "Yep, we're ready for action. Gabby's been training real hard for this match, weren't you champ." Carl asks. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 10:46 PM Gabby looks to his daddy and nods happily. "Whoaw now, he's not the champ just yet. Tonight's gonna be exciting." Jack jokes around. Gabby sways as he is astounded at the arena and asks. "Who gonna be here?" He asks Jack "Ahhh you realized my normal roster wouldn't draw this big of a crowd huh? Well, tonight a ranked wrestler is gonna be in the main event. I managed to get him booked for a good price." Jack informs them. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 10:48 PM "Oh really? Who would that be?" Carl asks out of curiosity. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 10:52 PM "Murphy Law, a dingo freelancer from Australia. His contract for a major company just ended, so he's dipping his toe in smaller companies and traveling around. Guy's pretty hot with hardcore fans so this could really draw in some future fans." Jack informs them. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 10:54 PM "Always a good idea to draw in new crowds, the lifeblood of any promotion. So, when's our match start?" Carl asks. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 10:59 PM "Still arranging the card, but honestly you guys may be curtain jerking tonight. A good human weight match to kick off the show. So, hurry and be geared up kid." Jack tells Gabby. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:00 PM "We'll get right on it. Come on, kitten." Carl says while leading Gabby to the changing rooms, "Nice talking to you chief!" Carl says to Jack as they leave. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:04 PM Jack waves them off and heads off to continue his duties as promoter. They get to the unofficial babyface locker room and some of the other wrestlers are there. Rufie's there already since they live closer to Salt City. Plus this means they're possibly gonna get booked tonight. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:06 PM "Hey Rufie, good to see you." Carl says while helping Gabby get dressed. "Good to see you two boys. Ready for tonight?" they asked while offering to help with Gabby's dressing up. "We sure are." Carl says. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:10 PM "Big title match huh? Man I wish I could get my first title match somewhere." No title matches huh. Well it took Gabriel a year to get one somewhere and they've probably been a pro for the same amount of time....have they? Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:13 PM "Don't be too hard on yourself Rufie, if you keep working hard like you have this past week, you'll get your chance." Carl reassured. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:15 PM "Yeah." Rufie says "Yeah." They repeat but under their breath not sounding as confident. "But hey when Gabby wins we all win right?" Rufie says with a big smile patting Gabby's wet bottom. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:16 PM Carl heard the squish that sounded when she did that, "Yeah. Gabby did you make a stinky?" he asked. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:18 PM Gabby shakes his head dramatically. "Nuh uh!" He guessed because he really doesn't know what he does or when he does it anymore. Everyone's pretty good about changing him quickly so he doesn't figure things out through diaper rashes. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:20 PM As Carl changed him, he couldn't help but notice Rufie's lack of confidence. He couldn't help but think that he should help her out somehow. Perhaps... Right, better save that question until after the match. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:23 PM Pretty soon it was time for the pre show meeting. As Jack said earlier, Gabby and BAR were opening the show. Since its going to be a title match Gabby, as the challenger, must make his entrance first. As is tradition in wrestling. Rufie is on the card...immediately after in another cool down match. But who knows maybe they will get the win tonight. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:25 PM Carl and Gabby will surely be cheering for them during that. Carl leads Gabby to the gorilla position to get ready for his entrance. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:28 PM Gabby warms up with his daddy behind him again for another big match Jack is sitting at Gorilla position directing everyone on their places. Getting refs and announcers set. People pack into the limited capacity arena and the lights dim as the announcer opens the show. The world goes silemt for Gabby. The only thing he hears is his own breathing and his heart pounding. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:30 PM The announcer then sparks up, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to tonight's event! Let's kick things off with our opening title matchup. Introducing the challenger, Princess Gabby Angel!!!" Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:37 PM The crowd pops as Gabby's stock music plays and Gabby comes out with Carl with some nice laser lighting. Gabby curtsies and blows kisses to the crowd. He spots Darla in one section holding a sign that says. "I Made Gabby's Gear!" Gabby giggles and goes around to hug her. He high fives several fans before jumping and gasping seeing Wendy and Jerry in the crowd. He blows them kisses and poses. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:38 PM Carl winks in Darla's direction with a thumbs up. He also waves to the owl couple before helping Gabby into the ring. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:42 PM Gabby hits one last pose before his music fades out. The start to Bar's theme, a hip hop track people like, and if they popped for Gabby, they erupted for BAR. He may be a heel but he was one the crowd adored. He comes out dragging the humanweight title across the ground before slinging it over his shoulder and strutting to the ring with that devil may care attitude. Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:44 PM Carl scoffed at the guy, he's always hated the heels. Didn't matter what they were like in real life. To him, bad people who did bad things were not worth following. It was just like the jocks who bullied him in school, they were scumbags but people still loved them for some reason. Oh well, at least this guy wasn't some escaped convict who was somehow allowed to roam free like Kruger. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:49 PM Or some macho narcissist like Knight was. If Gabby wins tonight, he beats all three people in in the final four of that battle royal several weeks ago, and gets the humanweight championship. Bar gets in the ring and sits in his corner as the bell rings and the announcer begins the championship introductions. "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30 minute time limit, and it is for the Empire Wrestling Syndicate Humanweight Championship! Introducing the challenger, weighing in at 185ibs he is hailing from Empire City! Princeeeeeeeeess Gabby AAAAAAAAAAANGEEEEEL!" Crowd cheers as Gabby takes a deep breath and stares his opponent down Mr Hoo April 6th, 22 11:51 PM Darla cheers with the rest of the crowd upon hearing Gabby's name. Babygabrial April 6th, 22 11:57 PM Same with Wendy and Jerry. The crowd simmers down as the announcer continues "and now, the champion. Weighing in at 190 ibs, hailing from Mechanicville, Empire State! He is the Empire Wrestling Syndicate Humanweight Champion! Making his first title defense! Band and Rough BAAAAAR!" the champ raises the title as the crowd cheers as well. The ref takes the title and shows it to the champion, then shows it to Gabby, before raising it for the crowd, and handing it to the time keeper. Two young hometown human boys, hot prospects with so much potential. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 12:00 AM Darla feels the excitement welling up inside as she awaits the start of the match. Jerry and Wendy feel the same, wanting to see what their newest recruit can do in a semi-professional setting. As for Carl, well he just wanted to see Gabby hand this guy's butt over to him in wrapped box. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 12:08 AM The two can't take their eyes off of each other as the ref calls for the bell in tonight's opening contest. The challenger, Gabby, moves to meet in the middle, and he offers to tie up. BAR walks up and when Gabby goes for a grab BAR rolls unded it and stands up moving at a brisk pace as Gabby wonders why he grabbed air and not his opponent. Gabby pivots around and moves in for a shot but BAR sprawls, putting his body weight on Gabby's back and shoves Gabby's face into the canvas. Gabby reacts quickly and goes to spin around and get the reverals, achieving top position, but BAR pops his hip out and turns while they're both on their knees. BAR, in one fluid motion under hooks Gabby's right shoulder, and over hooks his head before popping up and tossing Gabby halfway across the ring. Gabby scoots back on his bottom to the corner as BAR gets up like that was nothing. Gabby is looking worried. The pressure is starting to get to him, few have seen anyone out matt wrestle Gabby. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 08:24 AM It would seem as though Carl's assumptions about BAR being just another jockstrap were entirely false. He had the skill to back up his jerkoff attitude, which easily made it sting even more. Gabby will have to utilize his new skills to keep up. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 09:48 AM Gabby pulls himself up and exits the corner much more hesitantly. BAR's reactions are too good to take a shot without a good setup. So, Gabby moves in and feigns a shot to get BAR to sprawl again. But, the champion sees it coming and kicks Gabby in the head sending him down. BAR runs up and cannon balls on to Gabby for a senton, before hitting a standing moonsault, then adds insult to injury by casually kicking Gabby in the ribs. Gabby rolls out of the ring to get himself in order. BAR leans on the ropes waiting, keeping one eye on his opponent, and keeping another eye on his opponent's manager. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 09:50 AM "Come on Gabby! I know you can do it! You're smarter than him." Carl cheers. Darla adds on her cheers as well. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 09:58 AM The ref holds off on counting Gabby out. It being a championship match, the referee is looser with the rules. Especially since the Championship cannot change hands via count out or disqualification. This is called Champion's Advantage. "Angel back in the ring or I start the count!" The ref hurries Gabby who gets in the ring BAR struts up to Gabby and looks down on him. So Gabby bitch slaps him. BAR feels his cheek and looks at his challenger. BAR proceeds to throw a flurry of strikes like it's nobody's business. Punches, kicks, palms, knees. Gabby is pushed to the ropes trying to block. Gabby ducks one kick and grabs BAR's leg and twists it getting a dragon screw, sending the champion down for the first time. Gabby would rather kicks the back of BAR's knee several times before rolling over and pulling BAR into a fireman's carry. The Princess hits a death valley driver and now things look even as both men are down. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 10:04 AM "Get him down Gabby! Don't give him an inch!" Carl cheers on. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:49 AM Gabby nods and quickly thinks of a good move that can simultaneously work the neck and the leg. The Princess jams his knees into the back of the cold bastard, and grabs his ankles with one hand, and cross faces his head with the other. Gabby rocks back before completing the submission hold, Gabriella gets himself onto his back and pull BAR onto Gabby's knees, making him arch his back, and executing a Bow and Arrow submission. This pulls the legs uncomfortably back, bends the neck back, and hurts the lower back immensely. The ref asks the champion if he'd like to submit. BAR struggles in the hold, but not for long. He rolls over, by using Gabby's back leaning momentum, and executes a pin attempt. "1-2-" the ref counts before Gabby realizes that his shoulders are on the mat and lets go of the submission to break free. They both get to their feet, but BAR sweeps to Gabby's side and grabs him, before hoisting him up in a beautiful looking tear drop suplex, dropping Gabby on his neck. Seems these two even go for the same body part. Gabby gets on all fours, holding his neck before dodging an axe kick from BAR. The champion is caught off guard, and the challenger is low to the ground. Gabriel darts for the leg with his whole body and flips BAR with a chop block. Gabby keeps hold of the ankle and wraps BAR's other one behind it before bending all of the way back and hooks BAR's head, before bridging to pull on it hitting a chancery submission. The crowd is applauding both young men for their technical prowess. The champion with strikes and throws. The challenger with reversals and submissions. These two are showing that they can one up each other as they race to see who can break the other's neck first. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 06:29 PM "Slippery little bastard." Carl thought as he watched BAR escaped from Gabby's grip. His little kitten needed to focus on keeping him in place and leave no opening. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 06:35 PM Gabby keeps the chancery in and pulls on it, as BAR pulls himself to the ropes. The ref calls for the rope break and yells at Gabby to let go. Gabriel does so, and BAR quickly grabs him from behind and lifts him up and throws Gabby into the ropes. Gabby hits the back of his head on the bottom rope and gets on a knee as BAR runs up and hits dropkick so hard that he and Gabby call out of the ring with Gabby holding his face. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 06:37 PM "Gabby!" Carl shouted. "Get up, get up!" Darla shouted. "Come on kid, give 'em hell!" Jerry shouted. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 07:17 PM Gabby slowly gets up as BAR stalks him and grts Gabby in a full nelson. BAR pops his hips back going to slam Gabby neck first on concrete. Gabby flips back on to his feet. When BAR turns towards Gabby, the Princess runs up and hits a DDT driving him face and neck first into the floor. The crowd pops, but the ref starts counting while both men are outside of the ring. Gabby pants wanting to get some extra damage in and lifts BAR up, but BAR repays him for that bitch slap earlier with a closed fisted punch that busts Gabby's lip and could have knocked his teeth out. Gabby stumbles into the steps as the ref counts to 4. BAR charges for a running knee but Gabby swiftly moves out of the way causing BAR to slam the leg Gabby has been pounding and bending into the metal steps. Both men are down as Gabby crawls towards Carl. "6.............7......." the ref continues to count. Gabby has to not only get himself in but BAR in because if Gabby wins by count out. BAR retains the title. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 09:58 PM Carl really didn't want that happen, not now of all times, "Get him back in, kitten! Drag him in if you have too!" he shouted. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:05 PM Gabby hears Wendy yell out "BREAK THE COUNT!" Gabby comes to his senses hearing all of the advice and he drags himself into the ring and slides back out forcing the ref to restart the count. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 10:07 PM "The kid's a genius! A genius I tell ya!" Jerry exclaims. "That's it, kitten. That's using your head." Carl cheers. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:13 PM Gabby pulls himself up with the ring apron and climbs up as BAR climbs up to a standing position on the guard rail on a different side of the ring. Gabby runs across the apron and springboards onto the ropes to jump to the ropes nearest BAR and hits a springboard 450° clothesline sending them both over the guardrail into the crowd. The crowd pops "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 10:14 PM "Oof! That's gotta hurt." Carl said. "Well, talk about being close to the action." Darla joked to the fan beside her. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:18 PM They nod as the ref counts and the time keeper signals the announcer who calls. "15 minutes have passed. 15 minutes remain." At the count of 5 both competitors drag their near lifeless carcasses over the rail and flop to the floor. By the count of 7 they were crawling to the apron. By the count of 9 they use the ring skirt to pull themselves to their feet. Before the ref could hit 10 they both roll in breaking the count. The match continues and the crowd is hot for this. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 10:19 PM "Finish him off, kitten! He's all yours!" Carl cheered. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:24 PM Gabby gets on his knees and slaps BAR. The champ in turn gets on his knees and punches the challenger. The princess reels back but gets on one knee and slaps the ice cold bastard. He in turn gets on one knee and decks the shit out of the baby girl. They both get up and start hokey fighting. Sadly BAR has Gabby beat in strikes. Gabby misses a swing and BAR lays in some heavy body shots, a push kick that sends Gabby into the ropes. When Gabby rebounds BAR rocks him with a headkick. The kick spins Gabby around allowing BAR to lock in a sleeper hold. BAR jumps on Gabby's back wrapping his legs around the princess to make him tap out or pass out. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 10:26 PM "Get out of there! Daddy believes in you!" Carl shouts. "It's all you Gabby! It's what you wanted!" came Darla. "Make us proud kid!" Jerry screamed. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:31 PM Gabby struggles staying up. He can feel the air being squeezed out of him. He's feeling dizzy and light headed. His neck is killing him. If he falls to the ground he's done for. He sees the ropes and he reaches out for them, but they're too far. He has to get to them. One step at a time, BAR firmly on his back, he moves towards the ropes. But its getting so hard to move he won't make it. He's gotta get some air in him. He desperately starts elbowing the leg he's been working the entire match repeatedly making BAR let go and Gabby dives for the ropes for safety panting and getting some air in him. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 10:32 PM "That's it! Regain yourself and hit him back!" Carl cheers. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:38 PM Gabby can feel the ring shaking. Instinctively he trips BAR up and gets Bar stuck neck first on the middle rope. Gabby springboards off of the top rope and hits a guillotine leg drop on Bar who pops up gasping for air. Gabby roles in and charges up to hit the cutter, but BAR spins around and goes for a jumping knee. Gabby slips behind and goes for a Burning Hammer but BAR rolls off of him, and goes for a spinning backfist. Gabby duckd it and hooks the head and drops it down hitting the cutter but now both men are down and near unconscious. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 10:40 PM "Get up and pin 'em already, kid!" Jerry shouts. "Do it Gabby! You got him where you want him!" Carl cheers. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:43 PM It takes a good minute but Gabby rolls him over and lazily drapes an arm over the downed champion. For the title the ref counts! "One! Two! Thr-" BAR kicks out and rolls over. Gabby has no choice. The cutter didn't work, he still can't land the Burning Hammer. He has to go for the Lawn dart. "10 minutes remaining." Says the announcer. These two have been dragging everything out of each other for 20 minutes straight. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 10:44 PM Carl kicked himself when BAR kicked out, "Beat that bastard! Do it for Daddy!" he shouts. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:52 PM Gabby waits behind BAR for the champion to get to his feet. When he does Gabby lifts him up over his shoulder and charges full speed at the corner. Sadly for Gabby, BAR slips behind him and pushes Gabby head first into the corner, before backing up and charging in hitting a helluva kick to the back of Gabby's head and neck making his forehead bounce off of the turnbuckle. Gabby stumbles out of the corner, and into BAR's waiting arms. BAR locks the sleeper choke back in and this time Gabby falls to his back his body locked down again so he can't reverse it into a pin. They're in the center of the ring. Gabby can't move but he refuses to tap out. But he can't move. He's going to pass out and risk injury at this point....they say one of a manager's biggest jobs is making sure their client can keep going. Sometimes...that means making sure they live to fight another day. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 10:55 PM Carl started to sweat, he didn't want to have to resort to the only option that could keep Gabby alive. That would mean letting the jockstrap win, and he didn't want that. With tears in his eyes, he took out a towel from Gabby's diaper bag and tossed it into the ring. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 10:59 PM The ref sees it and calls for the bell pointing to BAR. As he hears his theme play, BAR lets go of the hold and Gabby rolls to face down to hide his shame. "Here's your winner, and STILL! Empire Wrestling Syndicate Humanweight Champion! BAR! The ref hands BAR his belt and BAR cringes holding his neck and limps out of the ring and back up the entrence. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 11:01 PM Carl still has tears in streaming down his face as he walked up to the ring to help Gabby, making sure he was OK, "Gabby...? Kitten...? It's Daddy..." he says weakly, he hated seeing his precious kitten like this. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 11:06 PM Sniffling and whimpering could be heard under. Him. Gabby didn't want to look up. He didn't want his daddy to see the face of a loser, a failure. A wrestler couldn't win the big one. Gabby's sobs grow louder as the music dies and all eyes are on Gabby. "You did great kid!" Was suddenly heard by Wendy. "Don't worry baby that was amazing!" Yelled Darla soon the crowd started to chant "Still our Princess!" Clap clap clapclapclap "Still our Princess!" Clap clap clapclapclap They just got louder and louder wanting the fallen challenger to hear their support. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 11:10 PM The tears stopped flowing from Carl's eyes as he heard these cheers, it warmed his heart that so many people supported his little kitten. He leaned down again to get his attention, "Hear that? They love you. Come on, kitten, stand up for them. Let them see their strong, beautiful princess." Carl gently encouraged. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 11:16 PM Didn't want to, but he can't disobey daddy. He slowly stood up up and looked arouhd with his bruised and tear stained face as the crowd gives him a loud standing ovation. Gabby is shocked by this.600+ people cheering for him, even in defeat. Not laughing at him, throwing ridicule, or throwing physical objects. This is what it means to capture the hearts of the fans. They had to hurry out of the ring though. It's time for match two, Ruffie and their opponent have to cool things down after that showcase of wrestling excellence. Ruffie was at Guerilla position squeezing the curtain tightly. Battling feelings they don't want to feel. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 11:18 PM Carl led Gabby triumphantly out of the ring, taking in a fair bit of the cheers himself. This was more than just a manager being proud of their client, this was a father being proud of his son. They passed by Rufie on their way backstage, "Good luck out there." Carl said to her. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 11:21 PM "Y-Yeah." Ruffie took a deep breath as they wanted to ask if Carl and Gabby would stay and watch like Carl said they would, but with everything that happened its reasonable that he needs to at least make sure Gabby isn't badly hurt. If the match lasts long, it would give them time to come watch. Ruffie takes a breath and heads out.....it didn't go well or long at all. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 11:23 PM Carl was sad that Rufie didn't win. He and Gabby comforted her backstage and even tended to her injuries. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 11:28 PM "I...I've never done that badly before!" They say with their head in their hands. "They say at least be entertaining, but who the hell would be entertained by a sloppy squash match like that!?" They say. Gabby nestles them with his bandaged cheek and whimpers. "I'm so fucking not getting booked here again after that!" Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 11:31 PM Carl did his best to comfort them, "It'll be OK Rufie. All you have to do is keep working harder." Babygabrial April 7th, 22 11:34 PM Ruffie just sat there. "Y-Yeah, we just gotta keep working. Right Pumpkin?" Gabby nods his head and smiles and crawls in Ruffie's lap. Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 11:35 PM "Yeah, we're here for you all the way." Carl said to them. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 11:41 PM Jack comes into the locker room during the show's intermission. "Hey glad I caught you guys before you left. Gabby, really really sorry the title match didn't work out in your favor, but wow, that was an amazing match. I always knew humans were exciting to watch, but damn. So listen. I can't give you a bonus of the fight purse. But....I think I have something you may like." He says making Gabby tilt his head confused. Was he possibly getting a rematch? Mr Hoo April 7th, 22 11:46 PM Carl waited as well for what this 'something' was. Babygabrial April 7th, 22 11:55 PM "Well, have you heard of the Empire State Rookie Tournament?" Gabby just lets that question and its implications sink in and a huge wide smile appeared on his face with his eyes sparkle. "Wait, hang on, I know Gabby had a streak, but how is he able to qualify?" Ruffie asks a bit confused. "Well, looking at Gabriel's record, even before wrestling for us, that was his first pro single's loss ever." Meaning it took a year for Gabby to be beaten in singles competition. "He didn't really get too much exposure though, and he wouldn't qualify for a seated position, but I have a bid for a wild card entry. So between his record, and the fans' response to him, I think this could help get eyes on EWS if Gabby and BAR do well in the tournament." That gets Gabby's attention "BAR is in it?" He asks "Oh yeah, well certain prerequisites for entry is you have to have had your pro license for less than 4 years, and you can't have been in the tournament before. BAR is my only champion to meet those prerequisites. So he's in as the number 4 seat in the tournament." Jack explains. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 12:00 AM Carl takes this all in, "So, Gabby also qualifies to be in it to? And this could get us into the big leagues?" he asks. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 12:06 AM "Again, as a wild card entry meaning he could be facing some pretty highly seated competition, and this is his one and chance to be in it if he chooses to be in it. Remember, he's only had his license for a year so he still has two or three more years to possibly enter, even be seated. But the tournament will be regionally televised so it could definitely get his name around if he does well." A chance to advance his career and a chance for a rematch against BAR. The downside is he could lose on live television horriblely, even before he can face BAR. Even worse, if he loses, he can never comepete in that tournament again. But he thinks the risk is worth taking. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 08:33 AM Carl thinks this too, they needed to take every chance they got if they wanted to hit it big, "I say it sounds like a good deal. What do you say, kitten?" he asks. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 08:38 AM He isn't too openly expressing it, but he reeeeeeally wants another shot at BAR. Title or no title, good showing or not. Gabby lost, and he wants to correct that. So he turns and nods to his daddy. He will have a hard road battling the state's best up and comers, but he has to do this. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 08:39 AM "Seems like we're in." Carl confidently said. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 08:46 AM "Alright, I'll call and get the paperwork sent to you guys after the show." Jack says and goes to leave. "Mr. Daw?" Gabby calls to him. "Next week can I be booked with Milk Maid?" He asks. "Huh? Want a rematch. I mean I guess if you want to regain some momentum..." Jack trails off as Gabby shakes his head no. "Nuh uh! Gabby no want to be booked against Milk Maid, wanna be booked with them" it dawns on the three adults that he's asking for a tag team match. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 08:48 AM "You want to tag team with me again Gabby?" Rufie asks. "But why? I'll just slow you down. You're a singles wrestler." Babygabrial April 8th, 22 08:54 AM "Wanna try again! Nanny Ruffie my teammate! We trained together!" He says with determined look on his face as he bounces in his nanny's lap. "Well, I guess it could keep you warmed up before the tournament's wild card rounds." Jack says "Alright, but sometime this week I want you to do an interview promo to hype up your entry into the tournament." Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 08:57 AM "That we'll do." Carl says. Rufie chuckles a little at Gabby's request, "Alright, Nanny will tag team with you again. It was very fun wrestling with you last time." Rufie said. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 08:59 AM Jack heads out and Rufie hugs Gabby close kissing his forehead making the young human giggle. Gabby snuggles up being a big ole nanny's baby. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 09:03 AM Carl's heart warms up at this sight, their relationship would definitely make a good ring gimmick as a tag team, "You two are so sweet together." Carl said, "I think you two make the perfect team." Babygabrial April 8th, 22 09:07 AM The two of them giggle. After the show Darla, Wendy and Jerry meet them out in the parking lot. Darla tearfully holds Gabby tightly swinging him around. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 09:10 AM "Gabby, I'm so sorry about tonight." she says while doing so. "Darn shame for the loss, but that was still one hell of a show." Jerry said. "Well, there is a silver lining in all this, we might have a chance of making it into the Empire State Rookie Tournament." Carl explained. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 09:22 AM Jerry and Wendy turn with wide eyes. "He's what now!?" Wendy says with a look of horror. "How the hell he doin' that at his level!?" Jerry questions. "I'm confused, what's this?" Darla asks. "A Monopoly City slot machine pretty much!" Jerry says. "It's a big tournament for rookies. You only get one shot at it, and winner and runner up get bids into the national rookie of the year tournament." Wendy explains "But, its near impossible to actually win the damn thing within your first two years of going pro. Between not being as experienced as those who enter their third and fourth years, likely won't have as many sponsors behind them, and on top of that your record won't be as good or as valuable unless you started in a bigger promotion, so you likely wouldn't be seated. Any which way, the deck is stacked against you." She explained their reason for worry. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 09:25 AM "Well, it might be the only chance we have to getting into the big leagues as soon as possible. Besides, Gabby really wants to do it. That bastard BAR is in it and Gabby wants another crack at him." Carl says. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 09:28 AM "You're gonna risk your client because someone was the better man on one night!? Are you out of your mind!?" Jerry says "Carl, think this through. It will not look good for Gabby if he gets squashed on television because he has to fight top ranked guys in the state way too soon. If he wasn't wet behind the ears I'd say he could go on to win the whole damn thing, but this is nothing short of playing with fire this soon in his career." Wendy tries to explain in a calmer manner. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 09:32 AM Carl knew they had a point, but what choice do they have. Darla stepped up, "Carl, I would listen to them if I were you. You two Gabby." she said. "I would certainly hate to see anything happen that will potential end your career. I want to see you succeed." Rufie said. Carl had a worried look on his face as realized the facts they were laying on him. He looked toward Gabby with that same worried expression. "Alright, we'll think about it." Carl said. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 09:47 AM Gabby whimpers as they say their goodbyes and all head their separate ways home for the night. Gabriella was out cold along the way of course. He left everything he had in the ring that night. Sny mistakes he made were too minor to change the outcome. That night BAR just had his number. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 09:48 AM They eventually got home and Carl put Gabby in bed, he kept thinking about what he was going to do. He could barely even sleep that night. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 10:05 AM Such big decisions. Go for broke or play it safe. Gabby was just a baby. Only 18 years old, he had a good streak. But, many wrestlers who play it safe get content on the indies, some don't make it big until their late 30's. Many not at all. There's no telling when an opportunity like this will come again, plus Gabby was undefeated for a whole year and it got him no exposure. No one even bothered to notice any of his wins. Plus the prejudice towards humans means he likely wouldn't see too many opportunities. He'd be a legend in humanweight divisions, but few people see value in humans like Jack does. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 10:12 AM Carl was torn in between letting Gabby go big and biding his time. He just couldn't decide, and it made him sick. He had taken so many gambles in his life and all it got him was a shit-ton of debt and years or ridicule. Gabby was his angel that rescued him from the pit he buried himself into, the best gamble he ever made. All throughout his time with him though, he was constantly worried that Lady Luck will sneak up behind him and stab him in the back repeatedly like she had done so many times before. He cried himself to sleep that night, the thought of losing everything and costing Gabby his dream career weighing heavy on his mind. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 10:18 AM Gabby softly turned over and snuggled up to Carl. "Dada....no cwy.....it otay...." he was still asleep. He just knew something wasn't right with his daddy. It was such a big decision, and ultimately Gabby's choice. They've been cruising by on Gabby's natural talent and in ring charisma. They needed a way to tip the scales further in their favor. That would make this decision a lot easier. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 05:33 PM Gabby felt the comforting arm of his little kitten. He felt that he needed to make him happy and help him fulfill his dreams. Gabby was always there for Carl just as much as he has for him. These are the thoughts that ultimately lead to his decision, he wanted to take Gabby all the way, no matter the cost. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 05:46 PM Gabby slept peacefully through the night. Thoughts of his match against BAR sweeping through his mind, as well as the possibilities of the tournament. He has no fear of this, but he has fear of disappointing everyone. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 05:48 PM Carl's biggest fear is losing everything, especially things that were important to him. At first, he just let them happen, thinking it was just a part of life. Now he was willing to fight for those things, and fight hard. With these thoughts, he snuggled up to Gabby slept peacefully. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 06:03 PM The next morning Gabby was allowed to sleep in Jerry called telling him to rest for today, and Gabby can get back to work Monday. This also of course was to give Carl and Gabby time to think about entering the tournament, or not enter. Mr Hoo April 8th, 22 06:08 PM Carl sat with Gabby in the kitchen so they could talk about this seriously, "So kitten. We've had a lot of time to think last night. There a lot of risks that comes with entering this tournament, but also a lot of rewards." he reminded. Babygabrial April 8th, 22 06:36 PM Gabby nods his head while sitting on Carl's knee. "Gabby want tourney." He says point blank. He even makes pouty face to try and convince his daddy. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 12:17 AM "Are you sure, kitten? It's a very big risk. If you still want to, Daddy will well help you out as much as he can." Carl reasons. Babygabrial April 9th, 22 12:20 AM "Pwease Dada? Gabby wan" it" he gets ready to tear up and cry if he has to. He's a baby girl he will pull out all the stops to get what he wants. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 12:21 AM Carl could see how badly his ktten wanted it. "Alright kitten, we're gonna go the distance." he said. Babygabrial April 9th, 22 12:23 AM Gabby smiled big and hugged his daddy happily and nuzzled him squealing loudly. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 12:24 AM Carl hugged and snuggled him back, "I know you can win, kitten. We're gonna win together." Babygabrial April 9th, 22 12:26 AM Gabby nods his head clutching and interlocking his fingers between his daddy's fingers. They gaze into each other's eyes. They made their decision, now to go on a little outing to get the kitten her conciliation prize. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 12:27 AM Carl wanted to go to the park to relax today, but he couldn't remember if folks would be out and about at this time over there. Babygabrial April 9th, 22 12:35 AM A Sunday late morning, they would since not everyone goes to church. Perhaps maybe a trip to Nickle Island could be fun. The cheap, but historic amusement park would be a nice place for Gabby to have fun, and the people were used to seeing odd things around their so they wouldn't pay much attention if Gabby was dressed like a baby girl. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 12:36 AM Carl ultimately decided that would be their destination, "Hey kitten, how about trip to Nickle Island?" Carl asked. Babygabrial April 9th, 22 12:40 AM Gabriella gasped and squealed happily. He jumped up and down in excitement. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't wait. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 05:09 PM Carl helped his little kitten find the best clothes possible for the trip. Perhaps a cute dress will do. He also packed up the diaper bag with all the essentials that they might need. Babygabrial April 9th, 22 05:54 PM Gabby has a long sleeve dress on, with tights because its pretty cold outside. His hair was put up in twin tails, with w big bow in the back and a jacket put on. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 05:56 PM Carl thought he looked absolutely adorable, perfect for an afternoon on the town. They head down to the car and drive over the Nickel Island. Babygabrial April 9th, 22 06:38 PM It took them around half an hour to get there. There's not a lot of parking available. Many cars around. Hard to imagine the area is packed and wild in the winter time. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 11:39 PM Carl did manage to find a space and prepared to spend a fun day with his little kitten. He wondered what they should do first. Babygabrial April 9th, 22 11:45 PM The area had lots of fun and historic attractions, and was usually a lively entertainment spot. A crowd of people were gathered around a spot, but that just means they're not around America's oldest carousel. Something that would be perfect for a baby girl. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 11:47 PM "Want to go on the carousel, sweetie?" Carl asked. Babygabrial April 9th, 22 11:50 PM Gabby nods hanging on Carl's arm like a little girl with her father. The wind blows Gabby's twin tails as the clowdy skies move above, as our heroes below get to the carousel. They had a little wait but soon it was time for Gabby to get on. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 11:52 PM Carl helped Gabby get on a beautifully designed white horse, with a saddle that looked like it was made for a princess. He also helped Gabby adjust the seatbelt. Babygabrial April 9th, 22 11:55 PM Gabby giggled and hung on to the bar before asking this question to his daddy. "Dada? Is this offensive to horseman?" He asks as bluntly as any small curious child before the music hit and the ride was about to start up. Mr Hoo April 9th, 22 11:56 PM "I'm not sure, sweetie." Carl said, "Since it's still here after all these years, I guess no one's complained about it yet." Babygabrial April 9th, 22 11:59 PM "Otay!!!~" Gabriella accepts this response like any child would, instead opting to focus on the fun horsey ride round and round, and that can of world building worms thankfully remains shut. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 12:00 AM Carl enjoyed himself as well, happy to see his little kitten smile and laugh as he rode the attraction. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 12:04 AM Once that ride was done they went off to play some games, do more attractions like bumper cars. Even try not to get frostbite changing Gabby's diaper in the cold nasty public bathroom. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 12:05 AM Overall, Carl was having a great time. This was one of the experiences he wished he could've had with his family if they could afford it. Now he got to make this memory with his precious little kitten. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 12:11 AM They weren't exactly luxurious themselves, they're living off of Gabby's fight purses. Which are very small. They're definitely living under the poverty line, but they're doing better than many in the Empire City. They've got enough money for one more ride, plus the temperature was getting uncomfortable as the sun was about to start setting. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 12:12 AM The ride they chose was a fairly tame wooden rollercoaster, on which they took the front seat. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 12:16 AM As the ride shot off and climbed up in height, a nervous, and scared Gabriella squeezed his daddy's hand and looked around her distractions. In the distance he saw the crowd from when they came in earlier, but from this height Gabby could spot the attraction. "A ring?" Gabby says before the coaster shoots downwards. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 12:18 AM Carl held his kitten's hand tight as he was very reassuring to him during the ride. He held her close as the coaster did the usual turns, banks, and hills that these types of coasters were known for. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 12:21 AM No big loops and stuff, this coaster is too old for that. Soon they came to a atop and Gabby dizzily stumbles out and spins and twirls. Before falling on his butt. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 12:23 AM Before he could though, Carl catches him, "Whoa, easy there." he says while helping him stand up right. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 12:27 AM Gabby pops up and blushes like a schoolgirl swaying and looking down with his hands clasped in front of him. Honestly, a school girl pretty mature for Gabby. "Thank you Dada." He says before he remembers what he saw. "Ooh! Ooh! Dada! Dada! Gabby saw something! Lets go! Lets go!" He takes Carl's hand and drags him along in excitement. Its pretty easy to forget that Gabby is much stronger than Carl since Carl can Carry Gabby and Gabby bows to Carl's authority. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 12:29 AM Carl almost felt his arm pop off as Gabby pulled him, "OK sweetie, OK. I'm coming." he says as Gabby leads him to what he was trying to show him. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 12:30 AM They get to the crowd and Gabby pulls Carl in it trying to worm their way through as they get to tge front and see a ring where a wrestling match is taking place. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 12:32 AM Carl wasn't surprised to see a match taking place here. One thing this place was famous for aside from the rides was the various carnival-style prizefights that took place here. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 12:46 AM And what was more carnie then good old pro wrestling. In the ring was a white tailed deer locked into an arm wrench by a red fox. The deer moves to the ropes and grabs them, not for a rope break, but to flip and roll over before getting the fox into an arm wrench and yanking him onto the ground, before seamlessly switching it into a hammer lock and spinning around the back to ad more tork to the shoulder. The deer does a hand stand and bring it's knees down into the fox's shoulder repeatedly perfectly targeting the one body part. Before rolling over and pulling the arm out and casually cranking back on it causing the fox to give into the pain and tap out. It wasn't flashy, it was beautiful, elegant even. Pinpoint targeting on the shoulder to lock that modified arm bar. The way his transitions worked, flowed like water, and that's not even getting into that reversal. He turned an arm wrench into wrestling excellence. "Whoaw" Gabby says staring at him. "Here's your winner, the Borough Championship Wrestling State Champion! DB3 Desmond Blade The Third!" The announcer says over the shitty pa system. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 09:58 AM Carl cheered on the deer, impressed by his expertly crafted moves and awesome maneuvers. It made Carl remember a time when he actually wanted to be a wrestler himself. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 10:22 AM Desmond gets his title from the ref and grabs a mic as the crowd calms down to hear him. "Nickle Island! You guys have been pretty good to me today." The crowd cheers. "Glad to be back here. Last time I was here, I won the Nickle Island Classic Tournament." He paces around like a real pro letting the crowd cheer for him. Due to how public this is, its not entirely indie wrestling fans so they don't chant. "But now, I'm glad to be back, to let you all know. That DB3, after three solid years in this business, pouring out blood sweat and tears not just in the Empire State, but across the country the US and Canada, and winning titles and tournaments across several promotions!...I've come back, to enter the Empire State Rookie Tournament." The crowd starts cheering before he can finish. "Not just enter, I am told that I will be, the number 1 Seed." The crowd pops as Gabby goes wide eyed. Seeing him work, and hearing his accolades. That's someone she could face in the tournament, not just that, possibly in the second round. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 10:26 AM Carl couldn't believe it either. They say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and he guessed that also meant you shouldn't judge a wrestler based on where they're wrestling. This dude really was Bonafide professional. It's a good thing Gabby dragged him to see this match since it gave him a good idea about the type of fighters that they'll be facing in the tournament. Even better, Carl now knew the guy's name, so he could look him up later. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 10:31 AM Gabby had a scared look on his face and backed up. Desmond turns and spots Gabriel and gets curious as Gabriel's look turns to terror. "Dada, want home now." He whimpers and grabs hold of Carl's arm tightly as Desmond's theme plays a classic song that most of the crowd knows and starts singing along. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 10:33 AM Carl notices and quickly gets himself and Gabby away from the venue and straight to the car. Once they got home, Carl breathed a sigh of relief, "You OK, kitten?" he asked while comforting him. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 10:42 AM Gabby shakes his head no having slight second thoughts about entering the tournament. To many people, this would be odd, but imagine you're a young chef and you just did your hardest, found the finest ingredients you could, and made a nice above quality burger, then the guy next to you is able to make with absolute ease. They're both steaks, but one person clearly has a much bigger grasp on what to do. Gabby is still wet behind the ears and has to think about what move to lock on next. Desmond didn't stop moving once he was in control. He transitioned the submissions with grace and elegance. Where Gabby's technique is just cute comparatively. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 10:46 AM Carl did his best to comfort his little kitten. He gave him belly rubs, gave him snuggles, even gave him a blanket to cuddle up in. He could tell his kitten's confidence was shaken, which really sucked. He needed to build it back up again, and tomorrow they would be training with the only person who knew how to do that better than anyone Carl knew. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 10:56 AM Speaking of which, he probably could call Rufie and ask them about this guy once Gabby was asleep. Which didn't take long since he had an exciting day overall. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 10:56 AM Once his kitten was all snuggled up, Carl dialed Rufie's number. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 11:03 AM Rufie was busy at the laundry mat hand washing their gear as they answer the phone. "Hey Carl" she says "What's up?" Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 11:11 AM "Hey Rufie, me and Gabby are just fine. I took him to Nickel Island today. While were there, we found someone who's going to be in the Rookie Tournament. Do you by any chance know about a guy who goes by the ring name, DB3. Real name, Desmond?" he asks. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 11:17 AM Rufie looks up and thinks for a moment. "Oh yeeeah that guy. Yeah, he's an indie darling around the country. Came from Canada but trained down here. Guy's been a hit in the internet wrestling community for the past year or two. He's pretty good, if not pretty basic honestly." They say. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 11:23 AM Carl takes all this is into account, he might want to look him up on the computer later. "Well, we just saw him wrestle at the amusement part, his skill might've frightened Gabby a little. I want to enter him in the tournament, but I need to get his confidence up." Carl said. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 11:28 AM "So you guys are doing that tournament huh? Ok, there's a website we can check out tomorrow after practice to look at who's all confirmed. Most of the seeds should be in already." They say Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 11:31 AM "Right, thanks for the help, Rufie. We'll see you tomorrow." Carl says. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 12:19 PM "No problem, hun." They say before hanging up. Gabby slept until around night time until he woke up wet and hungry. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 11:34 PM Carl immediately went to his aid and changed him. After that, treated him to a nice warm bottle in the rocking chair. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 11:38 PM Gabby calmed down almost immediately and cooed wanting to go back to sleep as he eats the awful, bitter tasting formula that he loves so much when his daddy feeds it to him. He's had enough playtime today, and will have a lot of work to do over the week. Training, matches, and preparation for the tournament. Speaking of which, Jack sends the files for the registration form to Carl to fill and send back to him asap. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 11:40 PM Once Carl put Gabby back to sleep, he gets to work filling them out. After he's done, he goes to sleep as well. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 11:49 PM The next morning at KWA Wendy, Jerry, and Jess get the news. "So, you're really goin' through with this, huh?" Wendy asks "I hear the tournament is really tough, especially for actual rookies ironically." Jess says. Gabby nods his head but hangs it low, between feeling like he's disappointed the coaches and witnessing a sample of what he could face yesterday. "What do you think Coach Jerry?" Jess asks as Wendy turns to him as well. "I think for a human, the kid is batshit insane. I don't want our name affiliated with someone who's gonna go on tv and get pumbled." Gabby whimpers and sinks further "So we got a lot of work to do to make sure that dont happen." Gabby gasps as it sounds like Jerry wants to help . He looks up to see Wendy and Coach Jess smiling. Mr Hoo April 10th, 22 11:52 PM "My thoughts exactly. I want Gabby to train his hardest, so he wins out there. That means we need to go over everything that he can use to his advantage, and that includes me looking up all the wrestlers who are going to be in the tournament." Carl says. Babygabrial April 10th, 22 11:58 PM "If you do that while we're training today, then tomorrow while you two are out of town for your match, we can look up tape for Gabby to study." Rufie suggests. "Plus, seems like a good excuse for camp." Jerry says smirking to the side as his wife turns with a glare."Oh no, not another camp trip. That eats way too into our budget." Wendy reasonably nags. "What's camp?" Gabby asks tilting his head. "Ooh it's so fun, we take a trip up to Canada and spend a long weekend training." Jess says excitedly which makes Gabby smile big. "Its also expensive as hell between plane tickets, rental car, lodging, food and drinks per person." Wendy remarks. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 12:01 AM "Yeah, not sure if that'll do wonders for our current budget." Carl says. "True, but it's so worth it." Jess says. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 12:07 AM "Five hundred per person should cover it all." Jerry says. Rufie cringes hearing that. Gabby turns to Carl. "Can we Dada pease pease peeeeease!?" He bounces begging. Its honestly overall Gabriel's decision. Its his money that he earns from matches. However, his love for Carl, and respect for Carl's authority really puts in Gabby's mind that it's not his choice. Daddy is the grown up so Daddy has final say. They'd be living on a budget for the next few weeks, especially after their fun on Nickle Island yesterday, and paying for their memberships last week. Five hundred is about wet Gabby gets paid for one or two matches. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 12:10 AM "Ah, what the heck. Besides, perhaps it will be a fun bonding experience." Carl said. "Trust me, you are not gonna regret it." Jess said. "Just remember to bring bug spray, those mosquitoes will really rip into yous like a hippo at an all you can eat buffet... No offense to any hippos mind yous." Jerry said. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 12:17 AM "None taken!" A hippopotamus trainee says across the room. "If you all are so strapped for cash why not sell more merch?" Gabby looks confused, Rufie looks away. "Sell merch?" The three coaches look shocked. "Don't tell me you ain't been selling merchandise. Have you just been living off of booking fees?" Wendy asks. "That's gotta be rough." Jess says. "We don't get paid enough in this business to survive off of booking fees alone. We'd all be on the street sooner or later." Wendy says. This is true as Carl and Gabby have been living in a tiny crammed apartment barely making ends meet over the past month and a half. If the price of rent raised, they'd be fucked. "I saw Ruf's got merch at the show Saturday. Big inventory of stuff." Jerry points out making Ruffie look away harder. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 12:20 AM This really made Carl think, perhaps more merch could get them noticed, "That would be a good idea. Rufie, since you have merch, you must know of someone who can help us make some." Carl asked. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 12:25 AM "Uh, yeah actually, though I only have some cheaply made t-shirts. I wouldn't get my hopes up. That's the business and everything hehe." They say nervously. "Ight, its settled. Carl go get the list of competitors, you two go streatch, your limbs are gonna need to be loose for this workout from hell." Jerry says as Gabby runs off to do so immediately. Ruffie walks after him. Wendy shakes her head and goes to start scheduling, as Jess goes and tends to her group of trainees. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 12:27 AM Carl got to work immediately, looking up list of competitors in the tournament. Rufie prepared for their workout accordingly and went through the basics before going into more intricate maneuvers. After witnessing Gabby's last match, they wanted to work harder than ever before. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 12:35 AM Gabby worked on increasing his pain threshold, worked on his accuracy, and his cardio. Normally after a big loss like that, Jerry would spend time working on his trainee's flaws of the match. The only ones Gabby could work on is breaking submissions, strike defense, and countering throws. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 12:37 AM Carl looked over the list of wrestlers. Each of them had an impressive number of wins under their belts so to speak. They also had varying styles, Gabby would have to practice countering against all of them. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 01:11 AM Different species from different areas. Some home grown in Empire State like Gabriel. Others moved here to train like Desmond. Speaking of which there he is, number one seed. BAR is on the list as well, but he's actually fifth seed instead of fourth like Jack said he'd be. Must have hurt Jack a bit seeing that his representatives are a wild card and a 5th seed, and both humans. But speaking of the top four seeds, there's an interesting variety. The number four seed is Inferno Jay Palmer, a large warthog from Haven, Empire. He's a powerhouse but his style and lovable charisma keeps eyes on him. Number three seed was Penance Bishop. A tall, lankey Puerto Rican bat who uses a style of lucharesu. This style combines the high flying athleticism of lucha libre, with the striking style of Japanese puroresu. Add to that his height giving him great strength and he's a major threat. The number two seed is Shooter Donavan Marales. An old school Catch As Catch Can wrestler. He's technically sound as Gabby but that style is made to twist a person's body in ways it was never meant to, and hurt them a lot more. Old school wrestling at its finest. Donavan seems to be a ribbon snake, explaining how he's able to wind and contort opponents. Then of course the number one seed. The elegant white tailed deer that has such a mastery of the fundamentals that he can out wrestle someone in his sleep. Desmond Blade The Third. DB3. That's four tough opponents alone, but then there's BAR who's already beaten Gabby, and he's ranked below these guys. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 08:05 AM Carl studied each and every one of them, his full managerial skills being put to work. He looked up their individual statistics and their probability of winning matches. He also looked them up online and watched videos of their matches, taking note of every strength and weakness they had. Needless to say, Carl was impressed by all of these guys, true professionals they were and more than a match for Gabby. Check that, they easily outclassed him, meaning he would need to study them just as hard as Carl was doing. After he gathered all the necessary info, he compiled it all into a notebook that was easy for Gabby to understand. It listed off each wrestler, what their style was, and what Gabby needed to learn in order to counter all of them. By the end of it all, Carl's brain was close to frying. He knew that a lot of work was going to get put in when he decided to become a manager. However, it was all worth it just to see his little kitten to succeed. That involved making sure he didn't get pummeled during the tournament. This was a one-shot deal and it needed to be perfect. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 08:10 AM By the time all that was done, Gabby and the others had finished training for the day. Well...the others more than Gabby. Gabriel did laps, excercises, and drills after the normal class, and was dead tired by the end of it. Gabby being super tired, if you remember, is not common. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 08:12 AM Carl decided to wait until Gabby was fully rested before giving him that notebook. One thing he also needed to remember to do was to talk with Rufie more about how to get his paws on some merch. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 11:27 AM Plus he needed to talk to Jerry, Jess, and Wendy about the trip and show them the list of people he compiled. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 11:40 AM Carl drove Gabby home and gave him his bath and bottle before putting him in bed. After that, he made the calls he needed to make, starting with the trainers. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 11:47 AM They get the list and expect the money Tuesday morning since Gabby and Carl are leaving for an out of state match, and will need to go straight from their to the airport to get to Quabeck for training camp. Which will be from Wednesday to Saturday morning since Gabby and Rufie have to be in Salt City for their EWS match later that day. Its really hitting the road like real pro's Well almost. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 11:55 AM Still, there were times when Carl wanted to go on a road trip. Maybe this will be fun, spending quality time with two of his favorite people. He then call up Rufie to talk to her more about the merch situation, "The basic question is, how did you manage to get it made and who did it for you?" he asked. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 12:05 PM "It was pretty simple, just made a deal with a T-shirt design company, sent in the designs I had somebody on the internet draw up for a cheap price, they sent me boxes of shirts" they say sitting next to several boxes of shirts in their apartment wearing a nightie. "It was a cheap ratr, but the quality of the shirts ain't great." They sigh "You get what you pay for. I'll send you the number of the company, though I don't know how you're gonna come up with a design, send it in, and get the boxes before Saturday night." He couldn't, luckily a certain Kangaroo loves designing stuff for Gabby. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 12:10 PM "Are you kidding? Of course, I'll design some merch for Gabby!" Darla said over the phone after Carl rung her up. "Thanks Darla, I'm sure Gabby will really appreciate it." Carl said. They went over a few more things before hanging up. With all that done, Carl was ready to turn in for the night. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 12:21 PM He didn't need to, especially since Gabriel has early bedtimes when there's no matches, and rvmeven earlier bedtimes the days before matches. But today has been emotionally exciting and exhausting. The top four of a 32 man tournament have been revealed, and at the bottom of those 32 men, is Gabriella. A wild card, in his only shot of this jump into success. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 12:23 PM Carl knew he had to work his little kitten hard if he wanted to stand a chance at winning this thing. That was something that he was going to make sure. He was going to make both their dreams come true or die trying. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 12:27 PM Gabriel snuggles up to his daddy in his sleep and nestles him before smiling in his sleep. He will likely sleep through the night, but he could likely wake up when he inevitably has a dirty diaper. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 12:28 PM Something that Carl was prepared for. He'd been waking up to crying babies almost his whole life but was happy to give them what they needed. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 12:36 PM This baby didn't ever seem too picky. Gabriella has only been a naughty baby once. He's obedient, he's a hard worker, and he has already brought several people together, and done things some thought hopeless. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 11:36 PM Like make it this far in the wrestling world and gain a following despite having an unconventional gimmick. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 11:40 PM He hasn't made it far yet, but this tournament will make him a name. Making it far will be a good step. Winning the tournament will be giant leaps. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 11:42 PM The next morning came with Carl waking up first. He stretched and yawned, his joints cracking a little. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 11:44 PM They needed to get up and get going. Since they will have to fly out of the state, then fly out to Canada later that night. Gabby was still sleeping, looking as cute as ever. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 11:45 PM As much as he wanted to keep him that way, Carl had to get Gabby up and moving, "Wake up kitten, time to start the day." Carl said while nudging him awake. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 11:50 PM Gabby whimpered and sat up for his daddy to pick him up. He's too sleepy to do big girl stuff. He cutely yawns. They gotta hurry and pack and get to the airport. They'll need thick clothing. If Empire State is cold this time of year then Canada is arctic levels. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 11:52 PM In record time, Carl managed to feed, change, and dress Gabby up for the plane ride. He also packed everything they could possibly need, spare diapers, outfits, food, you name it. He got everything into the car, including himself and Gabby, and quickly drove to the airport. Babygabrial April 11th, 22 11:54 PM Once at the airport, the usual trouble at airports occur. Long ass waits to get your bags checked in. Their bags are somehow weighing too much. They can only take one carry on. So it has to be Gabby's diaper bag. They have to wait forever to get through security checks. Then they have to sprint to their terminal to not be late. Mr Hoo April 11th, 22 11:56 PM They made it to the terminal with a few seconds to spare. After that, they boarded their seats and tried to relax for the ride. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 12:01 AM Gabby looked around getting on a plane for the first time. He peaks out of the window curiously. "Dada? What we doin' here?" Gabby asks. He was childishly confused at a lot of stuff. He didn't really know where he was booked at. His knowledge of his schedule is non-existent. His daddy does that for him. Plus, he's never left the Empire State. The wild little adult baby is leaving his habitat for the first time. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 12:05 AM "This is a plane, kitten. It's like the car, only it can fly. We're going on a little trip for your next match. After that, we are going to meet up with the coaches for some special training." Carl explained like a Dad explaining it to their kid. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 12:13 AM Gabby looks around as he feels himself getting buckled in. He hears the captain speak on the comm as attendants walk by and get seated. Soon the plane starts vibrating. Then starts moving. Gabby whimpers and holds his ears. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 12:14 AM Carl holds Gabby's hand and comforts him as best he could, "It's OK, kitten. Daddy's right here beside you." Babygabrial April 12th, 22 12:19 AM Gabby has a hard time leaning over to get in his daddy's lap. Luckily, the pro wrestler who can bend a person's body into an arch, is being too much of a baby to try and figure out how to get the seatbelt off. Soon the plane moves and begins taking off. Gabby starts crying from the sudden motion. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 12:21 AM Thinking quickly, Carl pulls out a pacifier from the bag and sticks it into Gabby's mouth, "Shh... It's OK, sweetie. It'll be over soon." Babygabrial April 12th, 22 12:23 AM Gabby sucks on his paci and whimpers slouching down. Gabby isn't exactly afraid of heights, but the sudden g-force surprised the big baby who has lived in the same city his entire life. He's heard of life on the road, but he's never heard of this. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 12:26 AM Carl continued to soothe his little kitten, rubbing his belly to relax him. As long as he made sure that his Daddy was there beside him, he should be OK. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 12:30 AM Gabby, out of fear, and from the gentle tummy rubs, starts pushing out a nice little sky high pie. The smell could potentially stink up the next few rows in front of and behind them. But the seatbelt light is on, so Carl couldn't pick Gabby up to get him changed in the tiny, hot, uncomfortable airplane bathroom. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 12:32 AM They just had to wait it out and hope that not too many passengers complained. Soon the plane was at altitude, which allowed Carl to go to the bathroom to change Gabby. About time too, it was starting to get pretty smelly. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 12:34 AM Gabby whimpers and squirms fussily. He's scared, he doesn't like the seatbelt, his poopy pampers are getting uncomfortable. He sniffles and whimpers, only not crying because he's suckling his paci. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 12:38 AM Carl changed Gabby as best as he could in the cramped bathroom, not really and easy task at all. After the ordeal was done, he led them both back to their seats. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 12:41 AM The flight attendant stops to ask if the two of them would like anything to drink. They wave at Gabby thinking that he's at least a little human girl. They of course have seen plenty of humans from their many flights butits hard to tell Gabby's height while he's slouching. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 12:43 AM "Is there anything we don't have to pay for? Water maybe?" Carl asks. He wants to keep on a tight budget for now, at least until he gets that merch rolling in. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 12:46 AM The attendant nods and goes to get them two cups of water. Gabby looks out of the window and sees the view above the clouds, and not like being at the top of a skyscraper. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 12:47 AM Carl watches Gabby take in the clouds, hoping they were enough to soothe his troubled mind. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 12:50 AM They were pretty but Gabby still doesn't like the takeoff. The landing will be horrible. He probably should be put to sleep. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 12:54 AM After getting their water and getting their fill, Carl decided to put Gabby to sleep. He pulled out a small blanket for him to cuddle and sang a lullaby to him. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 10:07 AM Gabby soon drifted to sleep. Not long after, it was time to descend. They probably could have driven here if they didn't have to go to Canada immediately afterwards. The plane lands safely, and now it was time to get off, get their stuff and taxi to the venue. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 10:08 AM After some time, they managed to get all that done. Carl looked at all the sights around them, it was kind of exciting being in a new place. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 10:15 AM They are down in Athens, Bay State. It looks like a smaller version of Empire City. A lot more factories. Gabby whimpers as they go through the city. Gabby needs a stroller, holding him and the bags has to be brutal. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 10:18 AM Carl didn't know how they would acquire one, let alone one in Gabby's size. Money was tight enough already and strollers were expensive. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 10:20 AM Gabby has to get down and walk like a big girl. This puts the princess in a bad mood. He "mew"s in protest the entire way. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 10:22 AM Before long, they arrived at the venue. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 10:25 AM They get inside and meet with the booker. Shane McCoy, an overweight grey cat. "Oh, you're Gabby Angel. Glad ya made it. How was the flight, how ya fittin' in Athens." He says in a Boston accent. Athens, Bay is an expy for Boston Massachusetts. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 11:37 PM "Our flight was okay. Though we haven't had much time to fit in since we just got here." Carl said. "Although, I must say, place does look nice." Babygabrial April 12th, 22 11:43 PM "Gabby looks around at the basketball gym they're using. It was a clean basketball gym so his daddy wasn't exactly wrong. Gabby rubs his eyes as Shane escorts them to the locker room. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 11:44 PM Carl was talking about the city in general, but whatever. After they were led to the locker room, Carl thanked Shane and started to get Gabby dressed up for his match. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 11:47 PM Gabby looked around at the locker room as he's changed and dressed up. A good bunch of smaller anthros. Faster guys definitely. Probably will see some high flying tonight. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 11:48 PM Carl went over some possible strategies for Gabby to use during the match while they waited to be called out. Babygabrial April 12th, 22 11:52 PM Gabby listened and nodded in a better mood now. Soon it was time for the preshow meeting and its here Gabby notices that there are female wrestlers here. He's seen female wrestlers obviously, but he's used to being in promotions that only have males in it. A very interesting part of working with several different promotions. Mr Hoo April 12th, 22 11:54 PM Carl wasn't very surprised by this either. He believed that wrestling should be for everyone. Besides, he has known some girls who could beat up a guy if they wanted to. Point being, he wondered if this promotion allowed mixed matchups. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 12:00 AM As the match card is unveiled it is seen that it indeed does not. Intergender wrestling is still a novelty and a huge pr risk. But, put a pin in that thought for now. After all the world of wrestling is quite vast. Gabby is wrestling match 4. He's up against Flipper Grace. An anthro dolphin who is slim and toned. He seems like a sneaky heel so Gabby will have to watch out. Mr Hoo April 13th, 22 12:02 AM Carl will be sure to keep a watchful eye as well. The dolphin in question was staring at them right now, giving them a sinister-looking grin. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 12:05 AM Once the meeting was donw it was time to get some formula into the baby while the first three matches go on. Three matches will give a bit of time to get some food in and let it digest. Mr Hoo April 13th, 22 12:06 AM Carl prepared a bottle for Gabby and fed it to him. He'll also need those nutrients to give him energy. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 12:08 AM Gabby rest in his daddy's lap by the small set of tables that they are trying to call catering. Ordering 50 cheap cheeseburger meals isn't exactly catering. Luckily Gabby gets his fill from yummy, flavorless baby formula. Mr Hoo April 13th, 22 12:09 AM Carl patted his kitten's back, "Feeling good, kitten?" he asked. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 12:14 AM Gabby answers with a happy coo while smiling around his yummy baba. He was a good baby for his dada a few female wrestlers came over to gawk and coo at how precious Gabriel looks right now. Mr Hoo April 13th, 22 12:16 AM Carl smiled at the attention Gabby was getting, "Say hi, kitten." Carl encouraged his kitten to do, as he needed to put Rufie's lesson about being a polite little lady into practice. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 12:20 AM "Awww she's a little kitten" one of the girls says. The other who's a Persian Cat coos and tickles Gabriel's belly. "Can the baby say 'reoooow~'" she encourage Gabby to speak the adult cat language. "mew mew" he smiles and coos behind his baba. Mr Hoo April 13th, 22 12:23 AM "Isn't she just precious?" Carl asks. "I'll say, cutest kitten I've ever seen." a deer says as she pats Gabby's head. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 12:26 AM Gabby purs and gurgles as he finishes his bottle. He's being a delicate little girl right now. Gurgling with milk all around his mouth and ready to make burpees. "How old is your daughter, tom?" the Persian cat asks Carl in the cats language. It sounds like meows to those who can't understand it. She even refers to him as a tom short for tomcat. A term for male cats. Mr Hoo April 13th, 22 12:31 AM "She's ten months old." Carl responds in cat language. He's a little rusty in its use, since he's hardly ever had to use it. Well, no time like the present to relearn some things. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 12:35 AM "Oh that is absolutely precious." The deer says. "Humans can be so cute. Especially when they want to be like us."The persian cat says careasing Gabby before moving her hand to his diapered crotch. She can't feel Gabriel's princess parts through his diaper luckily. "So, will this little kitten grow up to be a queen or a molly?" She asks. Queen is the female version of tom. Molly is a female cat who has been spayed. Its common for anthros to get spayed or nutered since their labitos can be out of hand depending on species. Mr Hoo April 13th, 22 12:44 AM "She'll be a queen." Carl told her. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 12:47 AM "Ooooh~ What a big girl she'll become~" She joked before leaning in cooing to Gabby "You do everyone proud and make beautiful litters~" She coos in the cat language causing Gabby to react like a real baby to a language they don't understand. Gabriella gurgles and giggles before hiccuping. "See you two around." The ladies said before walking off. Mr Hoo April 13th, 22 06:05 PM Carl smiles and waves, "See kitten? A lot of people love you." he says. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 07:44 PM Gabby purs and hiccups feeling full from a nice, good bottle of milk. Mr Hoo April 13th, 22 11:54 PM All that's left to do was wait for their match to be called out, which would hopefully be soon. Babygabrial April 13th, 22 11:59 PM Gabby soon spits up on his daddy's shirt just a little bit before they're called for bell time. Gabby felt a bit better. He needed to be burped, but it came out one way or another. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 12:00 AM Carl cleaned the spit up and got Gabby ready for his named to be called. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 12:05 AM Gabby waited behind the curtain as his opponent went out to a industrial rock track. "The following contest is scheduled for onefall with a 20 minute time limit. Introducing first. Coming from the Bay State weighing in at 170 ibs Flippeeer Grace!" A chorus of boos rain down. As he jumps over the ropes from the floor into the ring posing. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 12:09 AM Carl scoffs at the dolphin's showboating while massaging Gabby's shoulders, "You got this kitten. This guy's a bum." he only said this to give his kitten some confidence, since he'll really need it. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 12:13 AM Gabby smiles up at Gabby and nods. His music hits and he skips out. "Introducing his opponent. weighing in at 185 ibs. From the Empire City. Making his Wrestling Wave Collision debut. Please welcome Princess! Gabby! Angel!" Gabby skips down as the crowd politely applaud the happy go lucky rookie. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 12:15 AM Carl helped Gabby into the ring as Flipper sneered at his babyish and girly opponent. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 12:21 AM The music dies down as the ref asks both opponents if they're ready. They nod and the ref calls for the bell. Gabby goes in for a tie up but Flipper hops over him and poses for the crowd. Flipper should have taken the advantage while he could, because a certain human did something similar to Gabby just days ago. So Gabby kept running and hops on the ropes and hits a springboard drop kick sending Flipper down. Grace rolls to one knee and Gabby curtsies getting a nice chuckle and clap from the crowd. "Oh haha! You think you're so funny? Lets go!" Flipper says as he gets up. He moves in to tie up with Gabby, but Gabby gets behind and goes for a german suplex through but Flipper lands on his feet, back flips onto the ropes, then hits a plancha somersault plancha, slamming his cratch at Gabby's face at high velocity. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 12:24 AM Flipper gets up from the strike and showboats for a while before dropping an elbow on Gabby's chest. He then gets him in a sleeper hold and attempts to choke him out. "Come on, Gabby! Serve this dude!" Carl cheers on. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 12:30 AM Unlike many of his opponents, Gabby has a weight advantage on this guy, so he actually was able to yank Flipper over his shoulder before stumbling to regain his breath. Flipper climbed om the second rope to hit a flying dropkick on Gabby who dodges and lifts flipper up for a suplex. Once he's hit that, Gabby rolls him over and stands him up hitting a ddt. Gabby goes for the cover only to get a two count, but something that the ref didn't see, due to them being focused to see if both of Flipper's shoulders were on the matt, when Flipper kicked out, he clawed Gabby in the eyes making Gabby roll off in pain. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 12:36 AM "Gabby! Don't take it from that fool!" Carl cheered. Meanwhile Flipper took advantage of Gabby's temporary blindness and whipped him to the ropes before performing a speed takedown. This transitioned into an armbar, leading to the dolphin lifting the padded fighter over his head and slamming him down. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 12:42 AM Gabby's still locked in the armbar as he's a bit dazed . Luckily Gabby seen shakes it off and clasps hjs fingers together so his arm can't be hyperextended. He rolls over, pushing Flipper's legs up, and stacking Flipper on his shoulders while he still has the armbar in on Gabby. The ref counts "One-Two" before Grace lets the arm go to kick out of the pin. Gabby immediately stood up up as Flipper rolled onto his knees. Gabby jumps and double stonps his chest sending him back before rolling over to the ropes and hits a springboard moonsault leg drop still working the neck. Gabby stands up shaking the pain out of his arm. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 12:44 AM Flipper stays on the mat as he massages his neck, a sharp pain shooting up from it, "God damn it. That little brat's gonna pay!" he shouts. "You got him now, kitten! Finish him off!" Carl cheers. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 12:50 AM Gabby moves in but Flipper leap frogs over him and jumps on the ropes and goes for a springboard moonsault, but Gabby catches him and hits a german suplex. Grace rolls over holding his neck more before Gabby slips around and grabs him for another suplex, but Flipper slips behind and grabs Gabby for a full nelson snap suplex, but Gabby rolls through with it and sits on him for the pin. "One-Two-" Grace reverses the roll up pin, by rolling it into a different pin "One-Two-"Gabby kicks out and stands up, but Grace saw it coming and super kicks Gabby right in the chin making him stumble and fall out of the ring. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 12:52 AM Flipper looks at his downed opponent and, while ignoring the pain in his neck, climbs up the ropes and prepares to drop on Gabby. "Look out, kitten! Move out of the way!" Carl shouts Babygabrial April 14th, 22 01:00 AM Gabby stands up and turns as Flipper does a top rope cannon ball sending them both down. This match has only been going for around 6 minutes, but its been so fast paced, and has had a variety of wrestling, the crowd is loving it. The ref counts them both and Grace rolls in to try and take the count out win, but Gabriel slips in at the count of 7. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 08:12 AM As he goes in, Flipper picks up Gabby by the shoulders and pushes him towards the corner. Once there, he proceeds to hit a series of chops on Gabby's chest. "Get out of there, kitten!" Carl shouts. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 08:41 AM Gabriel ducks down, causing Flipper to chop the turnbuckle. He holds his hand and shakes it Gabby lifts him up on the turnbuckle and climbs up and hits a Saito Suplex off of the top rope Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 08:43 AM Carl cheers as Flipper writhes on the mat in pain. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 08:55 AM They stand up with Flipper stumbling around Gabby lines him up and hooks his head in a cravate and yanks him down hitting a cutter. Gabby goes for the cover. "One-Two-Three" Gabby rolls off as the ref calls for the bell declawing Gabby the winner. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 08:56 AM Flipper pounds the mat in anger as Carl gets in and hugs his little kitten, "Good job, kitten. Daddy's proud of you." he says. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 09:00 AM Gabby giggles as the crowd cheers and applauds for a fun quick match Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 09:02 AM Later on, Carl takes care of Gabby backstage, treating his bruises and whatnot. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 11:36 PM He wasn't too badly banged up from this match, he was tired though. The pace of that match was high speed, start to stop. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 11:38 PM Carl knew he would need a nap during the plane ride to training camp. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 11:41 PM Hopefully if he could get Gabby asleep before the plane takes off. Then he can have a nice little suprise waking up. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 11:43 PM For now, they needed to wait until Shane gave them their payment, and then they can leave. In the meantime, Carl dressed Gabby into his street clothes. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 11:45 PM Gabby sways a bit. The adrenaline hasn't died down yet. He'll probably crash when it does. Shane was busy at Gurilla Position, so they'd probably have to go talk to him. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 11:46 PM Carl walked up to him with Gabby, "Hey man, what did you think of our performance?" he asked. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 11:48 PM "Pretty good, not gonna lie. Kid's got a charm to 'em." Like any carnie promoter, he hands them their payment in a wad of cash held together in a worn down rubber band. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 11:49 PM "Thanks, call us if you need us again." Carl says while taking the money and handing Shane his number. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 11:50 PM Shane nods before getting back to business. Now they have to hop to the airport and catch their flight. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 11:52 PM The airport cycle started again, the usual hassles that come with going to an airport. Long story short, they got on their plane and Carl soothed Gabby to sleep before the take off. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 11:55 PM Gabby was even leaned back, and buckled up as the security checks occur. Gabby will likely be due for a change while they're in the air. To save money they're doing connector flights, so they'll stop in another state and wait for a bit in the airport. Mr Hoo April 14th, 22 11:57 PM All that stopping and staring was tiring for Carl. However, he made the most of it by giving Gabby what he needed in between flights. Feeding, changing, whatever he might've needed. Babygabrial April 14th, 22 11:59 PM The airport bathroom was much better than the airplane cabin. Lots more room. As they waited it was a good time to change the princess into snow clothes. He doesn't have fur so snow is scarier for humans. Mr Hoo April 15th, 22 12:01 AM Carl made sure to pack the warmest clothes he could find for Gabby. It wasn't much, but at least he won't freeze to death. Babygabrial April 15th, 22 12:02 AM Gabby whines and squirms as they're not as loose and free as his dresses. He whines shedding tears fussily but not causing a scene. Mr Hoo April 15th, 22 12:03 AM Carl put a pacifier in Gabby's mouth and soothed him, "Don't worry, kitten. These are to keep you nice and warm." Babygabrial April 15th, 22 12:06 AM Gabby sucks his paci standing up with daddy's assistance as they wait by the terminal. Gabby holds his daddy's hands as he wobbles like a real baby who needs help standing up. Mr Hoo April 15th, 22 12:08 AM They got on the plane and Carl lulled Gabby to sleep once more before they took off. Babygabrial April 15th, 22 12:12 AM A nice warm bottle and some belly rubs and he was down for the count. It was past sunset, so it was past his bedtime anyway. Too bad they wont get blankets until they're in the air. That would really keep the baby down. Mr Hoo April 15th, 22 12:13 AM Once they were handed out, Carl decided to get some sleep as well. He was pretty exhausted from all the plane rides. Babygabrial April 15th, 22 12:17 AM It will be around dawn before they land so it gives them a good night's rest. So Gabby can get to training when they get up their. Ruffie and the coaches should be getting on their flights in an hour or so. Mr Hoo April 15th, 22 12:19 AM Their flight landed and Carl was woken up by the flight attendant. He gave a yawn and tapped Gabby's shoulder, "Wake up kitten, we're here." Carl said. Babygabrial April 15th, 22 12:23 AM Said 'kitten' whimpers as he's woken from his slumber and yawns. He reaches for his daddy to pick him up, but that would be tuff with the diaper bag, and on a cramped plane. Mr Hoo April 15th, 22 12:24 AM Carl decided to do the next best thing he could and help Gabby walk until they reached a more comfortable point in their journey to carry him. God, he wished he had a stroller. Babygabrial April 15th, 22 12:32 AM Gabby rested on Carl trying to go back to sleep, but couldn't for various reasons. They needed to go down and get their bags. Along the way it looked like a white blanket covered the land outside. Signs in English and French are guiding them. Once sign saying 'Welcome to the Ville De Sainte' The City of Saints. This city is a hub for some of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Almost a Mecca of wrestling that everyone needs to visit once in their career. Mr Hoo April 15th, 22 12:33 AM It was a good thing Carl and Gabby came here while they could. Perhaps they could explore between training sessions. Speaking of which, they need to catch a ride to the camp. Babygabrial April 15th, 22 12:36 AM The two of them went down the escalator as low and behold, they were beaten here. Ruffie waved to the two of them from the bottom with Jerry carrying Wendy and Jess' bags. Mr Hoo April 15th, 22 12:39 AM "Guys, good to see you." Carl says while waving. "We were waiting for half an hour." Rufie said while trying to warm themselves up. Despite the big, pink coat they were wearing, they were still pretty cold. Bovines did have short fur after all. "You guys ready to head out?" Jerry asked. Babygabrial April 15th, 22 10:29 AM Once our heroes have their bags, they were indeed set to go. Outside their all pile into a shuttle bus that will take them up to the cabin that they were going to be staying that. Mr Hoo April 15th, 22 11:59 PM Carl sat next to Gabby on the shuttle. He looked out the window at all the various sights to see. Babygabrial April 16th, 22 12:29 AM It was much different from the big city. A lovely view of trees and snow all around.Gabby looked amazed at it all. The shuttle turned off of an exit and moved up a mountain. Mr Hoo April 16th, 22 12:30 AM The road was very bumpy. Carl certainly wasn't used to such rough terrain since he had traveled on asphalt for all his life. Babygabrial April 16th, 22 05:53 AM "Dada we go supah dupah high!" Gabby raises his hands in an exagerated manner as all lf the adults laugh at the baby's antics. Mr Hoo April 17th, 22 08:40 AM Carl laughs as well, "Yeah we are, kitten. Snow looks pretty, doesn't it?" Carl asked. Babygabrial April 17th, 22 08:49 AM "Uh huh! It pwettier than back home." He says. They obviously get snow in the north east but a city in white is more poetic then it is pretty. They pull up to the cabin and they all hop off to hurry and get their stuff inside. Mr Hoo April 17th, 22 08:50 AM Once that happened, they were free to get a feel for their surroundings, "Huh, not bad." Carl said. "I could get used to this for a while." Rufie said. Babygabrial April 17th, 22 08:56 AM "Oh you're gonna hate it by the time we're done. Gab, Rufie, go get dressed. We're about to kick camp off right. You two are gonna go for a run with Wendy and Jess. Carl, ya mind helpin me get some stuff moved around." Jerry says Mr Hoo April 17th, 22 08:57 AM "Sure thing, boss." Carl said as he went to help Jerry. "Fine by me, I always love a challenge." Rufie said as they went to get dressed. Babygabrial April 17th, 22 09:01 AM Rufie got themselves and Gabby dressed in thick winter clothes before meeting the ladies for a five mile run. It being in the snow, made it extra difficult. Jerry got some axes out and some rifles. Mr Hoo April 17th, 22 09:03 AM "What's with the rifles?" Carl asked. Babygabrial April 17th, 22 09:05 AM "Well there ain't a McDonald's up here. We gotta go huntin for our food up here. Come on, the ladies will know how to get the....."ladies" going with this stuff. Come on, lets go bag us some less intelligent game." Jerry says throwing a rifle at Carl. Mr Hoo April 17th, 22 09:09 AM Carl started shaking when the rifle landed in his paw. His mind reminded him of several times when a gun was pointed at his head. Muggings, loan sharks, all kinds of situations. He forced the thoughts out of his head as he toughed himself up for Jerry. He needed to be strong. "Jerry, this might be a bad time to say this, but I've never fired a gun before." he said. Babygabrial April 17th, 22 09:13 AM "Yeah, figured as much. You don't look the type to carry a piece. So here," he tosses the binoculars to him. "Just act as spotter, use the rifle if we need it. Any other traumatic secrets? " Jerry says in his normal callus but good natured manner. Mr Hoo April 17th, 22 09:16 AM "Nothing that relates to our current situation. Let's be off." Carl says while slinging the rifle around his shoulder and hanging the binoculars from his neck. Babygabrial April 17th, 22 09:24 AM When the gals get back from their run they're all panting. Gabby definitely cold and hot at once. Ruffie kicks their legs out but they don't want to move another step. Jess is looking the best out of all of them. Wendy only lasted because she used her wings to cut through wind resistance. "Ok girls" Jess starts clapping to get thier attention. "Time to earn your keep. We need fire wood to cook dinner and stay warm. So you're both gunna cut a tree down. Rufie will break it down and carry it from the woods to Gabby who will be chopping it into logs." She orders. Mr Hoo April 17th, 22 11:18 PM Wendy hands Rufie and axe, "You'll need this to do the job right. "Yes ma'am." Rufie says as she headed out into the woods to find a suitable tree to chop down. Babygabrial April 18th, 22 02:09 PM Jess shows Gabriel how to chop logs. She wants him to do this with perfect technique. This will work on his arms and back, hardening it up. The repetition will also help his technique. Mr Hoo April 18th, 22 10:46 PM Rufie followed this as well. They also carried several logs at once to work on leg and lower back strength. Babygabrial April 18th, 22 11:26 PM They chopped and carried for hours on end. Soon sunset was approaching and the men came back with some game. Nothing like some nice unintelligent animals to feast on. This is how anthros justify this. Mr Hoo April 18th, 22 11:31 PM Carl hated this sort of thing; he was never really a hunter sort of cat. He just decided to let these "savages" do their thing out here in the wild. If he wanted to survive out here though, he'll have to let Jerry put a few bullets in them and then eat them. Babygabrial April 18th, 22 11:37 PM Gabby streatched and sighed. He carried the logs he chopped inside to throw into the fireplace. "Anyone wanna help me get this bad boy skinned and ready to cook?" Gabby jumped up raising his hand just liking to be a little helper. Mr Hoo April 18th, 22 11:39 PM "I'm fine with the killing and cooking parts, just not with the skinning part." Carl said. "I'll help out too." Rufie offered. Babygabrial April 18th, 22 11:49 PM "Good, consider it some training. Gabe you skin it but gotta get some good, precise cuts." He coaches them as they head outside to do so. Mr Hoo April 18th, 22 11:52 PM Rufie had some experience with skinning, but still needed help to do it properly. Meanwhile, Carl took stock of what they needed to cook their meal once it was cut up. Babygabrial April 18th, 22 11:54 PM While Carl and the girls cooked, Gabby got to have bath time with Rufie. This the first time Gabby has ever seen Rufie naked. Mr Hoo April 18th, 22 11:57 PM Rufie didn't mind this, they were used to other people seeing them naked. They washed Gabby while also washing themselves. One thing they had to be careful with washing was their udder, as it was very sensitive. Babygabrial April 19th, 22 12:05 AM Gabby giggled and played in the bath. Even in moments like this, he was still being a little girl. It was just who he was. Mr Hoo April 19th, 22 12:06 AM And Rufie found it adorable. They just loved spending time with their little lady. Soon the bath was done, and they both dried off Babygabrial April 19th, 22 12:19 AM Gabby ran around naked and free with a towel on of course. Mr Hoo April 19th, 22 12:21 AM It was all fine for anthros to be naked indoors and in the presence of one another, but Carl wasn't sure if the same thing applied to humans being naked indoors in the presence of anthros. Nevertheless, Rufie caught up to Gabby and strapped him into a fresh diaper. Babygabrial April 19th, 22 02:43 AM Gabby giggles as he's layed down and diapered in front of everyone. He's so charming with his innocence, despite being able to twist everyone in that cabin into a pretzel. Mr Hoo April 19th, 22 08:46 AM Carl smiled as he watched them while cooking, Rufie was definitely a great nanny. "I just can't get over how cute he is." Jess said to him. "Yeah, he's my pride and joy." Carl said. Babygabrial April 19th, 22 09:21 AM "How long have you been raising him?" She asks really curious about the unique situation of the two of them. Mr Hoo April 19th, 22 09:23 AM "For a few months at least. We met when he was competing in a very small match, total nobody's territory. I was looking for client and we ran into each other." Carl explained. Babygabrial April 19th, 22 09:33 AM "Awww and you two became the perfect daddy/daughter duo~" Jess says as if this were some love story. "That's so sweeeet~" Mr Hoo April 19th, 22 09:34 AM "Yeah, we rely on each other. We're both trying to fulfill each other's dreams." Carl said as he watched Rufie tickle Gabby. Babygabrial April 19th, 22 09:38 AM Gabby is squealing and kicking his feet laying by the fireplace. Gabby of course really had no idea how much he's impacted Carl's life. To him, he's just been a good daddy's girl by obeying daddy. Mr Hoo April 19th, 22 09:41 AM And Carl appreciated Gabby for doing so. He was his little kitten and that was that. Babygabrial April 19th, 22 09:52 AM Gabby didn't need to know, or was too innocent to realize how those around him are shrouded in mystery. They were all happy around him and that made him happy. Sooner or later, what dwells in the dark must come to the light. Mr Hoo April 19th, 22 09:54 AM Carl noticed that the food was nearly done, "Alright, we should probably set the table." he said. Babygabrial April 19th, 22 09:58 AM They did so and called everyone over to eat. Gabby crawled over to Carl and reached up. Mr Hoo April 20th, 22 12:16 AM Carl picked him up and set him in his chair. Everyone else ate while Carl fed Gabby. He did take time to take a few bites of the meal as well, but feeding Gabby was a priority. Babygabrial April 20th, 22 09:30 AM Gabby ate happily, kicking his feet under the table. As he ate he looked outside as its freezing cold in the dark. Mr Hoo April 20th, 22 11:54 PM Carl knew that all of them would have to bundle up nice and warm for the cold winter nights here. Babygabrial April 21st, 22 04:55 PM Jerry goes to the back and pulls out a crib made for anthro babies and cubs. They help Gabby test it out laying him in it letting him stretch out and crawl around. The adults have some nice hot drinks while the baby watches laying down with her bottle of hot eggnog. Mr Hoo April 21st, 22 11:59 PM Carl was surprised that they managed to find an actual crib here. A perfect opportunity to give Gabby a taste of what being a real baby is like. Babygabrial April 22nd, 22 05:55 AM When asked Jerry and Wendy say that it was an option when paying to rent this cabin. After all, you never know what customers you get up here. Wendy being older and more responsible turns in for the night. She leans in the crib to kiss the baby goodnight. Mr Hoo April 22nd, 22 08:21 AM Carl does so as well and give Gabby his nightly belly rub and lullaby. Babygabrial April 22nd, 22 09:19 AM Jess heads off with him as they chat for a bit. Gabby falls asleep feeling super comfy and safe. Mr Hoo April 22nd, 22 11:51 PM "I can't wait until me and Gabby get ourselves a new apartment. That way we can set himself up with a real nursery." Carl told her in the living room. Babygabrial April 23rd, 22 12:04 AM "You two are so precious together. I bet Gabby would love her own nursery. Even a playroom, aaaaand of course the grownups can get time for themselves~" Jess says sipping her hot cider slowly. Mr Hoo April 23rd, 22 12:06 AM Carl knew what she meant when she said that. He shouldn't be seduced by anyone; he was in a relationship already. "Right... I'm sure me and my girlfriend would enjoy that." he said. Babygabrial April 23rd, 22 12:12 AM Jess is looking at him with hungry eyes. Gabby does seem to attract a lot of people to Carl. Mix in some good twisted apple cider, and oh boy. She scoots over to him red in the face. "Oh? So we have a Mrs. Carl?" She chuckles smiles. Mr Hoo April 23rd, 22 12:15 AM Carl scoots away awkwardly, "No, but we do have a Carl's girlfriend. Me and her are very happy together." he says, trying to make it as obvious as possible. Babygabrial April 23rd, 22 12:18 AM She was clearly drunk off of her ass. Plus it appears she's a flirty drunk. That could really make for a scary weesle. He should probably get her to her room, before things can possibly happen. Mr Hoo April 23rd, 22 12:20 AM Carl knew this too, so he gently helped her stand up and walked her to her room, "You know, I think it's time we get to bed. We have a big day of training tomorrow." he said. He managed to get Jess to her bed and pull the covers over her. He then went to his own bed, which was thankfully far away from Jess'. Babygabrial April 23rd, 22 12:26 AM Sadly everyone got a taste of what Carl goes through later that night. The fireplace was off and it was dark in the front area where the crib was still and Gabby started crying in the dead of night. Waking everyone up. Mr Hoo April 23rd, 22 12:27 AM Carl was the first to get up and check on Gabby, "Shh... Gabby, it's OK. Daddy's here." he calmly said while sticking a pacifier into Gabby's mouth. Babygabrial April 23rd, 22 12:31 AM Gabby cries softer sucking his paci as Jerry, Wendy, and Ruffie come to see what the noise was about. Mr Hoo April 24th, 22 12:10 AM "Sorry everyone, I don't know what happened." Carl apologizes while checking Gabby's diaper. "Tell ya what, that kid can scream like a banshee." Jerry said. Babygabrial April 24th, 22 12:37 AM "Poor baby~" Wendy says caressing him. "Did you have a bad dream?" Gabby whines sucking on his paci. Mr Hoo April 24th, 22 08:17 AM "Well, his diaper is still dry." Carl said while finishing the check. Rufie takes Gabby out of the crib and rocks him gently, "Shh... It's OK baby. Nothing's gonna hurt you." she said softly, humming a lullaby afterward. Babygabrial April 24th, 22 06:52 PM He gurgles softly around his pacifier and is soon starting to fall back to sleep. "Awww hims must've got scared when baby woke up by himself." Wendy coos going and making another earm bottle. Mr Hoo April 24th, 22 11:55 PM Rufie gently set Gabby back in the crib and smiled, "That should do it." they said. "Come on, let's all get some sleep." Carl said. Babygabrial April 25th, 22 12:00 AM All of the grown ups split off once they got the baby down with warm milk, plus some tlc. The tender loving care kind. Mr Hoo April 25th, 22 12:01 AM Each of them slept peacefully throughout the night. Carl didn't know why, but the snowy atmosphere outside made it more relaxing. Babygabrial April 25th, 22 12:04 AM Gabby woke up to Rufie getting him dressed in several layers of warm clothes early in the morning. Apparently they're going for an early morning run with Jerry while the ladies and Carl get breakfast ready. Mr Hoo April 25th, 22 12:07 AM All the ladies except for Jess, who had a major hangover from last night. Babygabrial April 25th, 22 12:14 AM So just Wendy really. Gabby was up after getting dressed and getting out of his night diaper. He stretched and the three of them hit the snow running. Mr Hoo April 25th, 22 12:16 AM Rufie jogged at a steady pace, making sure Gabby was doing alright running through the snow. Babygabrial April 25th, 22 12:23 AM Gabby seemed to have good conditioning, even in diapers, but the snow is a new beast. He has to expend extra energy dredging through the snow. Mr Hoo April 25th, 22 12:25 AM Carl was making some warm porridge for everyone with Wendy. He believed that it would be the best thing to eat after running in the cold. Babygabrial April 25th, 22 12:30 AM Plus it was soft, so the baby can eat with them. Add some protein powder in and they'll be set. Mr Hoo April 25th, 22 08:17 AM Carl was bringing the food to the table just as everyone was coming back from their run. Rufie was panting and sweating underneath her coat. "Welcome back everyone, we've got some nice, hot porridge for you." Carl said. Babygabrial April 25th, 22 10:50 AM Gabby kept his head high for air, but his legs were killing him. He ran to Carl, because he feels like if he stopped moving his knees would buckle. Mr Hoo April 26th, 22 12:04 AM Carl sat Gabby down on a chair to give his poor little legs a rest. He gave him some porridge and started to feed him. Babygabrial April 26th, 22 11:59 AM Gabby's tumtum was all ready fod some hot numnums. He opened wide and ate up. After a break to eat. It was back to work. Jerry had them working the same jobs as yesterday to continue to build up their muscle naturally. Mr Hoo April 26th, 22 12:02 PM In addition to overlooking Gabby's training, Carl also continued to help out with hunting for food. Rufie trained hard too, working harder than they ever had. This trip was supposed to help them and they wanted to take in every last bit of it as they could. Babygabrial April 26th, 22 12:27 PM At night they told stories and hung by the fire. Gabby, Carl, and Rufie will need to get some shut eye so they can hop on a plane and make it to the next EWS show tomorrow. They have their tag match. Between hard training, a match, two matches for Gabby, they were going to be sore after tomorrow. This was a pretty fun time though. Mr Hoo April 26th, 22 12:29 PM Carl enjoyed the time spent with some of his favorite people, and Rufie had fun just spending time with Carl and Gabby. They were going to have lots of fun during their tag match together. Babygabrial April 26th, 22 12:34 PM Of course Gabby made a messy so everyone was passing him around trying to avoid having to change this one. Gabby giggled thinking its a game. Mr Hoo April 26th, 22 11:58 PM The only people willing to change him were Rufie and Carl. They rolled their eyes at everyone else's willingness to avoid changing him. He was only a cute, innocent little kitten. It's not like he could just change his own diaper. Babygabrial April 27th, 22 12:46 PM He was just cute little queen. That's something Carl's Grandma would call his sisters and cousins. Well, the ones who weren't already chosen to be mollies. Who knows if Gabby will be allowed to breed. Probably confusing to anthros if humans do selective breeding like civilised people. Not just opening their legs all day like rabbits and hares. Mr Hoo April 27th, 22 11:53 PM That's a bridge they'll cross when they get to it. Besides, Gabby's got a lot of growing up to do before he even thinks about dating. Babygabrial April 28th, 22 06:35 AM Gabby lays in Rufie's lap naked from the waste down. Gabby could feel daddy wipe his dirty bottom as Rufie keeps him distracted. He sucks his thumb and coos happily. Mr Hoo April 28th, 22 10:54 AM Carl tapes a new diaper on him with a little pat while Rufie gives him a kiss on the forehead. Babygabrial April 28th, 22 10:56 AM He coos and gurgles happily. Now he's all clean. Time to get the baby fed, and down for nini time. Hopefully, between now and when they get back, he'll be rested and ready for the match. Mr Hoo April 28th, 22 10:59 AM They got Gabby fed no problem. When he was nice and full, both his caretakers lay him down and snag him a sweet lullaby and gave him a soothing tummy rub. Babygabrial April 28th, 22 11:05 AM He was so calm, and precious in the crib. Shame that after tonight, its back to that dirty old mattress. This was a nice glimpse into their possible future. Mr Hoo April 28th, 22 11:09 AM Carl especially couldn't wait to get Gabby a full-blown nursery and seeing his happy face when that happens. He even had plans for how it would look like and everything. Babygabrial April 28th, 22 12:01 PM They've already made it so far. Yet, it feels like tuey still have a long ways to go. As cheesy and corney as it sounds, its paying off making friends along the way. Mr Hoo April 28th, 22 11:53 PM Not only that, but they've also inspired others and gained so many fans as well. As soon as Darla finishes that design, they'll have another way to support Gabby. Babygabrial April 29th, 22 06:04 AM But most of all, this tournament could put them on local television, national possibly if they win. Gabby could open so many doors for everyone. They look to him as their key. The missing piece to all of their puzzles. Mr Hoo April 29th, 22 08:45 AM That was certainly the case with Carl. Now he wanted to spread that feeling to everyone. Babygabrial April 29th, 22 08:47 AM Soon everyone turned in, and in the morning three of the six were on a flight back down to the US. Gabby had to be put back to sleep before takeoff or he would be a mess the entire flight. Mr Hoo April 29th, 22 08:49 AM Carl made sure that he was sleeping like a baby, so to speak. Soon they were back on familiar ground, happy to be back home. Babygabrial April 29th, 22 08:54 AM Back in the city, it was cold, but not that cold. Up north it was insane. Empire City feels like the beaches down south comparatively. Now they need to take the subway to Salt City. Mr Hoo April 29th, 22 08:56 AM Carl hated the subway. It was crowded, dirty, and you had a high risk of someone mugging you. He preferred driving a lot more. Babygabrial April 29th, 22 08:58 AM Subway was arguably faster, but took far more effort. They found one empty seat, so Rufie sat down and pulled Gabby into his lap. Gabby looked around at all types of creature coming on and off of the train. Mr Hoo April 29th, 22 08:59 AM Sure was a good way to see a wide variey of folks, that's for sure. Carl breathed a sigh of relief and fresh air as they reached their destination. Babygabrial April 29th, 22 11:01 AM Well, as fresh as the metropolitan area can give. They walk around holding the baby by both hands as they move along. They look like an odd couple, but what counts as normal in this city? Mr Hoo April 30th, 22 12:01 AM Eventually they reached the venue, ready to sign in for the match. Babygabrial April 30th, 22 12:10 AM They got checked in, weighed in, and funny enough. Gabriella has gained a few pounds. He was usually at a solid 180. Now he's at 183. His back looks like it's hardening now as well. Not too much since its only been two days, but just enough. Mr Hoo April 30th, 22 12:12 AM That weight was probably in that small amount of gained muscle. They went to the changing areas and Carl got Gabby into his costume while Rufie got fitted into hers. Babygabrial April 30th, 22 08:30 AM "Think BAR is wrestling tonight?" Gabriel asks as he's getting his dress slipped on and Carl makes poor attempts to do his hair. Mr Hoo April 30th, 22 11:56 PM Rufie saw this and fixed up Gabby's hair. "I believe so. If that's the case, it will be a good opportunity to watch him and study his moves." Carl said. Babygabrial May 1st, 22 12:07 AM Gabby nods is head absolutely viewing things with tunnel vision. Gabriella warmed up before it was meeting time. As promised Jack got them a tag match in the middle of the card against a team of two other singles wrestlers that don't have much of a place tonight. One is actually a familiar face. They'll be challenging the team of Moose and a veteran wrestler from the south, ironically he's a husky, named Ice Floe. He didn't make it very far in his day, but he was a decent enough worker at this level. Mr Hoo May 1st, 22 12:09 AM Rufie was absolutely ready to crush it in the ring with Gabby. The training camp did help with their confidence after all. Babygabrial May 1st, 22 12:13 AM Plus they had been doing extra training to work as a team. Once the meeting was over Darla met up with Carl so the two of them could get the merch stand set up. Darla made some cute designs even coming up with a logo for Gabby. She implemented the heart she sowed in on Gabby's costume. She has several boxes of t-shirts. Mr Hoo May 1st, 22 12:15 AM "Darla, you have once again managed to impress me." Carl said. "Thanks, I've worked so hard on these." Darla said. Babygabrial May 1st, 22 12:20 AM While those two get the stand set, Gabby was in Rufie''s arms sucking a bottle right next to their utters. He needed to eat now so he won't cramp during their match. Mr Hoo May 1st, 22 12:22 AM Carl wondered if Rufie would ever let Gabby drink milk from their udders, but that would be best saved for another time. After a while, the stand was set up and people were already crowding by it. "You guys got customers." Rufie said. Babygabrial May 1st, 22 12:26 AM Gabby has been the hot new thing with this crowd so they of course want to be the first to get his shirts. Some ask Gabby to autograph them. Too bad Gabby was mid spitting up on Rufie's shoulder. They probably should get Gabby out of there for now. Mr Hoo May 2nd, 22 12:03 AM Rufie led Gabby away from the crowd, "Sorry people, no autographs tonight. Check back after the match maybe." they said. "Quality merch right here everyone, get yours today." Darla called out. Babygabrial May 2nd, 22 12:10 AM Luckily, or unluckily depending on which side table you're on, there weren't that many people. After all the roster was decently sized and Gabby is really good, but he isn't a top draw. Gabby being on the card didn't make people buy tickets. Maybe makes them feel like they got their money's worth, but he isn't constantly near the main event for a reason. Mr Hoo May 2nd, 22 12:13 AM Carl and Darla knew this, but still tried their best to sell the merch they had. In the end, they only sold about 5% of their stock. Babygabrial May 2nd, 22 12:15 AM At least before the show started. There's a chance they could get some sales during the show, and if Gabby pulls off a jaw dropping performance, then they'll likely sell a good bit after the show. However, Darla overestimated howmany shirts they could sell in one show so they will be taking a few boxes back without a doubt. Mr Hoo May 2nd, 22 12:17 AM Which was fine, I mean you can't expect to sell every single piece of merch in one night, right? Babygabrial May 2nd, 22 12:21 AM Indeed not. The opening music for the show hits and the announcer welcomes everyone to the show. They run down the card and there was some cheers. A nice cheer hearing Gabriel was gonna take on Moose, even if it was in tag action. The two of them have some momentum by their side even though Gabby lost last Saturday and Moose sometimes feels directionless on these cards. During the first few match Gabby was digesting his food and drying to make potty so he wont be slowed down durning the match. Mr Hoo May 2nd, 22 12:28 AM Rufie was helping Gabby by rubbing his belly to help his food digest, "Come on sweetie, let it out." they said gently. Babygabrial May 2nd, 22 12:30 AM Gabriella tried grunting to push but formula won't digest as quickly as say, natural milk. He does look very adorable trying though, and the belly rubs did feel nice. Mr Hoo May 2nd, 22 08:19 AM Rufie continued the rubbing. They wanted to move this along, so to speak, but they also wanted Gabby to take his time. Babygabrial May 2nd, 22 09:19 AM Time that was not on their side. The matches seem to be ending fairly quickly. Gabriel grunted and pushed as his bowels finally moved along. Mr Hoo May 2nd, 22 09:21 AM "That's it baby, you're almost there." Rufie encouraged. They would have to change Gabby's diaper in record speed if they wanted to make it on time. Babygabrial May 2nd, 22 11:14 AM Some comes back in and lets them know they have 5 minutes before belltime. So Rufie pretty much has to wipe Gabby up mid mess or hold him over the potty and wipe his bottom. Mr Hoo May 2nd, 22 11:44 PM Rufie did just that. They took Gabby to the potty and took off his diaper before holding him over it, ready for the mess that would soon come. Babygabrial May 2nd, 22 11:47 PM This is the closest Gabby has used the potty in over a month. Now he was laying over Rufie's lap getting his bottom wiped. Mr Hoo May 2nd, 22 11:51 PM Rufie would've preferred a proper change over this, but they were pressed for time. They were soon running to the gorilla position to begin their match. Babygabrial May 3rd, 22 12:01 AM Ice Floe came out first getting a nice introduction. "Ladies and gentlemen. The following tag team contest is scheduled for onefall! Introducing first. From Peach State weighing in at 245 ibs. "50 Below" Ice Floe! " the crowd cheered for the veteran coming up and making an appearance. Ice Floe swung some white nunchucks in the ring and posed. Then Moose's theme hits and the crowd pops. "And his opponent weighing in at 1400 ibs. From Little America. MOOOOOOOOOSE!" Moose marches to the ring with intensity and the crowd pops chanting for him. Mr Hoo May 3rd, 22 12:10 AM Rufie watched them, they would surely be tough opponents. Babygabrial May 3rd, 22 10:54 AM Soon Rufie's music hits and the crowd pops when Gabby comes through the curtain skipping around. His hair in two buns. Rufie followed behind bowing and curtseying like a maid. And their opponents! At a combine weight of 1,685 ibs. From the Empire State! Milk Maid and Princeeeeeeeess! Gabby! AAAAAAAANGEEEEEEEEL!" Crowd pops when Gabby's name is called. Gabby hugs and high fives members of the crowd before Milk Maid hoists the Princess on their shoulders and places him daintily on the apron. Gabby rolls in and twirls curtseying as the crowd throws in pink and purple streamers. The one true indie darling. Mr Hoo May 3rd, 22 12:05 PM Rufie enters the ring as well and curtsies to the crowd before parading around the ring for one lap before throwing glitter in the air. Babygabrial May 3rd, 22 12:37 PM The ring crew quickly get the streamers out of the ring as the ref checks both teams for illegal items. "One man start for both teams!" The ref orders. The crowd lets it be known who they want to see with dueling chants. "Prin-Cess! MOOSE! Prin-Cess! MOOSE! Prin-Cess! MOOSE!" Mr Hoo May 3rd, 22 11:43 PM "Well, I certainly wouldn't want to disappoint this crowd. Gabby, would you like to go first sweetie?" Rufie asked. Babygabrial May 4th, 22 02:15 AM "Wes, Nanny." Gabby says, fulfilling the request of the most recent person to wipe his bottom. Moose has Floe step out on the apron and the bell rings as the crowd gets hype. Gabby goes for a test of strength and Moose takes the bait. Gabby slipped behind and kept wrist control. He twists the actual moose's body by simply getting him in an arm ringer. Shame that Gabby can't hold him down and he rolls through, before launching Gabby across the ding. Mr Hoo May 4th, 22 07:54 AM Moose follows up by splashing onto Gabby and getting him into a crossface. Babygabrial May 4th, 22 10:06 AM Gabby slips out quickly and goes for a chicken wing, but Moose stands up and hits a samoan drop before kipping up. Gabby cringes as the crowd cheers. Moose leans down as Gabby gets on his hands and knees. Moose grabs him in a gut wrench and lifts him up, but Gabby kicks his feet to keep the momemtum going, and he lands on his feet. Gabriel then slips out of Moose's gut wrench lock. Afterwards Gabriel chop blocks Moose's leg flipping him on his leg. Due to the massive size difference Gabby has to go for weaker parts of the body. Gabby isn't lifting him into a suplex or anything but he can target the weaker limbs and neck. Gabby spins around and hooks the neck before hitting him with a gator roll, before pulling him, wrenching the neck, dragging him to Gabby's corner and tags in Milk Maid. M.M. comes in as Gabby drags Moose to his feet, he hooks Moose for a suplex as Gabby lets go. M.M. raises him up as Gabby jumps up fto the top rope. Gabby jumps off for a moonsault crossbody as Milk Maid brings him down. The crowd cheers as the ref yells at Gabby "Alright Princess, that's enough! Out of the ring right now." Gabby scampers out and gets on the appron. Milk Maid slows the pace down. They know Gabby mostly attacks the neck, so they put Moose in a chin lock. That doesn't last long because Moose stands up and hoists Milk Maid up hitting a Saito Suplex. Gabby yells out, while Milk Maid is in the air "Roll on top of him!" But it was too late. Milk Maid is slammed on their shoulder, but next time may be different. M.M. holds their shoulder as the excitingly explosive Moose runs the ropes. Once M.M. gets to their feet Moose pounces them launching the big bovine into the corner. Moose comes over and rams their shoulder into Milk Maid's gut using the ropes for leverage. Ice Floe tags in, and the crowd isn't too excited. Ice Floe hops over the ropes and does some back flips away, before lining himself up. The hound bursts in and runs up Moose's back to hit a step up knee strike on Milk Maid. Moose leaves the ring as Ice Floe lands a few kicks and palm strikes. A very annoyed Milk Maid catches his arm and pulls him in before hitting a belly to belly slam. Now to slow this little pup down a bit. Milk Maid doesn't have much stamina so they have to wear the opponent down. Mr Hoo May 5th, 22 06:12 PM They did this by mostly using strikes and holds to keep the pressure up and try to tire down the pup as much as possible. If there's one thing Rufie knew how to do, it was wearing people down. They got Ice in a headlock before whipping him towards the ropes and hitting him with a clothesline. Not letting him rest, Rufie picked him up in a fireman's carry before slamming him back down and putting him in a camel clutch. They reached out to tag with Gabby, they would both need to share match energy if they wanted to make it out, just like they learned in training. Babygabrial May 5th, 22 07:26 PM Gabby tags by tapping Rufie's shoulder. He hops in and runs the ropes and when he comes back je hits a low dropkick on Ice while he's still in Milk Maid's clutch. After letting go of the clutch, Milk Maid gets on the apron. Gabby lifts Ice Flo up, but the husky breaks his grip and hits Gabby with several palm strikes to the body before staggering Gabby with a jump kick. Ice Flo then hits a suplex and kips up. He lifts Gabby up and lands a leg kick, followed by side kick, but when he goes for a head kick, Gabby ducks and grabs him from behind. Gabby hits a German suplex with a bridge pin. "1-2-Kick Out!" Ice kicks out and gets to one knee. Gabby jumps on the ropes but Moose runs by charging on the apron and lariots Gabby's knees making him fall out of the ring. Mr Hoo May 5th, 22 11:40 PM As Gabby lands onto the floor, Moose climbs the ropes and prepares to land on Gabby with a splash. However, Rufie intervenes by catching him in mid-air and slamming him right next to Gabby. She reaches out for a tag to let Gabby recover a bit. Babygabrial May 5th, 22 11:48 PM Gabby was on the floor on the other side of the ring though. To get the tag, he will need to roll in, get past Ice Floe, and reach Milk Maid for the tag. The ref was counting Gabby out since Gabby was the legal man for his team, and Ice Floe was resting in the ring. When Gabby crawled in at the count of 5, Ice Floe was waiting for the vulnerable princess with an exe kick to the neck. Moose was still on the floor so he at didn't have to worry about the husky tagging out. Ice Floe sits Gabby on his knees and delivers kicks to his chest. When Gabby was about to take a shining wizard knee strike though, he caught the knee. Twisted it into a dragon screw, and while his opponent was on one knee, Gabby jumped onto the middle rope then did a moonsault springboard into a DDT. The crowd popped but now both men were down. Moose climbed the apron reaching for a tag. Both legal men were crawling towards their partners. Mr Hoo May 5th, 22 11:51 PM Rufie reached out as far as they could for Gabby, really stretching their arm. Moose was getting close to Ice as well, almost getting to tag. Babygabrial May 5th, 22 11:55 PM As tensions hit an all time high Gabby bursts up and dives making the hot tag to Milk Maid. The crowd cheers as Milk Maid runs over and spears Moose off of the apron before Ice Floe could make the tag. Milk Maid then hoists the hound up, and charges across the ring towards their corner, and hits a running power bomb making the ring shake from the impact. Mr Hoo May 5th, 22 11:58 PM They weren't finished there though, for they then dragged the pup away from the ropes before putting them in a four-figure. Babygabrial May 6th, 22 12:03 AM Moose got up while his partner for the night was locked up. Gabby saw he was coming in. So Gabby did a springboard and lands on Moose going for a huricanrana, but Moose halts the momentum of the head scissors and yanks Gabby back up. This leads to Moose powerbombing Gabby onto Milkmaid forcing Milk Maid to break the hold. Moose gets back on the apron as Gabby rolls to the floor. Mr Hoo May 6th, 22 12:08 AM Despite being slammed on by her partner, Rufie grabbed Ice and got him back into a hold. This time it was a sleeper. They were still the active wrestler, so they had a pin or submission to make. Babygabrial May 6th, 22 12:17 AM Ice Floe this time managed to get the reversal on his own. He rolled back putting himself in a very uncomfortable position as he was still being choked, but this way he was pinning Milk Maid. When the ref counted 2 Milk Maid had to let the hold go. Floe coughed and stumbled as they made their way towards Moose for the tag, but Gabby made his way around to the other side unnoticed by crawling on the floor. Gabby popped up on the apron and and jumped over yanking Moose's neck on the top rope hitting a springboard stunner. Moose fell off as Milk Maid clotheslines Ice from behind and Gabby rushes to the corner for the tag. Milk Maid drags the prone hound over and tags Gabby in. Milk Maid gets Ice Floe on their shoulders and raises them up as Gabby springboards. As Milk Maid brings them down for a facebuster, Gabby catches them mid air hitting an elevated cutter. The crowd pops as Gabby goes for the cover. "1-2-" Moose charges in but Milk Maid locks up with him to hold him in place. "3!" The ref calls for the bell. Mr Hoo May 6th, 22 12:22 AM "The winners, by pinfall, Princess Gabby Angel and Milk Maid!" said the announcer. Rufie hugged Gabby before giving curtsies to the crowd and their opponents. Carl had come in for a break and managed to see them both make the pin. He smiled at them both before going back to help Darla, the crowd would surely want more merch after seeing that. Babygabrial May 6th, 22 12:29 AM "I won! I won! I can't believe I got a bj win!" Rufie cheered as they pranced to the back excitedly. Gabby stayed in the ring and grabbed a mic. "Thank you every!" Gabby says cutely as he waves. "I'm happy I got to win with my nanny, but there's something I need...Moose, you and I didn't get to face off much this match. " Moose turns towards the ring raising his eyebrows. The crowd is loving where this is going. "Wanna play with Gabby next weekend? I need a warmup before the Empire State Rookie Tournament." The crowd bursts into cheers. Not just for the challenge though, but because Gabby just unintentionally revealed that he's going to be in that tournament. Mr Hoo May 6th, 22 08:28 AM Carl heard the challenge as well, surprised that Gabby decided to announce his entry into the tournament that way. Rufie was surprised as well, but she cheered Gabby on with the crowd nonetheless. Moose climbed back in the ring and addressed his padded opponent, "You got yourself a match, princess." he said while holding out his hoof. Babygabrial May 6th, 22 08:43 AM The intensity in Moose's eyes were awe inspiring. The delicate look in Gabby's eyes would just you go "awwww" Gabby shook his hand as his music hits and he skips backstage. He totally didn't think he had to announce it in some big way, or keep it secret. He runs over to Rufie who was just happy that the losing streak has been broken, and has one person to thank for that. Mr Hoo May 6th, 22 08:45 AM "Gabby, you were awesome out there sweetie. I had so much fun." Rufie said, they were positively beaming at this point. "I think your Daddy saw you as well." Babygabrial May 6th, 22 08:53 AM "Tankoo Nanny~" He says happily as he was spun around. Now for them to hit the showers as other wrestlers run in and out during the show. Luckily their match was only about 10 minutes give or take, so it wasn't like they had to rush things along before the venue kicked them out and they'd have to delay matches because they went over time. Mr Hoo May 6th, 22 08:56 AM Once they were done, they met up with Carl and Darla, "Hey you two. I saw what happened in there, very good job to the both of you." Carl said. "All thanks to our hard work." Rufie said. "And we made some decent sales today, still have a lot of stuff though." Darla said. Babygabrial May 6th, 22 09:08 AM "Can Gabby has a shirt Auntie Darla!?" He asks raising his hand. Its hard to tell if he's joking or legit doesn't realize that they're his own shirts and he could have as many as he wanted. They probably would have broke even or possibly made a profit if they didn't overstock. Well now yhey know, plus they'll need to save some of their stock for the tournament a week from monday. Mr Hoo May 6th, 22 09:11 AM "Sure sweetie." Darla giggled as she helped Gabby put on a shirt that fit him perfect. "How precious." Rufie said. "Does look good on you, kitten." Carl said. Babygabrial May 6th, 22 09:15 AM Darla intentionally gave him one several sizes too big. He looked like a little kid wearing his daddy's t-shirt to bed. off course that shirt was also too large for Carl as well, but it's immersive. Mr Hoo May 6th, 22 09:17 AM Not to mention it fit Gabby's innocent, childlike nature quite well. "Alright, we better be heading back home." Carl said while giving Darla a quick hug and kiss. "Alright, see you at the gym." Rufie said. Babygabrial May 6th, 22 09:56 AM "Not without getting your checks your not. Don't worry, already took out the fee to set up the mervh shop. So its a bit less than your normal wage, but I'm sure you guys had to fight to keep some on the rack!" Jack says with a grin. He looks around Gabby and Rufie are looking at the unopened boxes and Darla has a defeated slump to her. "That bad huh?" Jack says. "Don't worry, Gabby's still a new name around. I'm sure next Saturday and the tournament will give ample opportunity for some good sales. Speaking of which, be watching tomorrow. The brackets are gonna be posted, and a week from tomorrow I'll buy dinner for you and Bar's team as kind of pre gladiator entering the arena kind of thing." Mr Hoo May 6th, 22 11:44 PM "Sounds good, man." Carl said while taking the check, "Geez, I always seem to be forgetting about the checks. Perhaps by this point you should send it by mail, so I don't have to worry." Babygabrial May 7th, 22 04:01 AM "I'm very sure if I did that it'd add extra steps since I'd have to send it to Gabriel, and you can't look at stuff sent to him. Plus I'd have to dock pat." Jack explains Mr Hoo May 7th, 22 11:50 PM "Oh well, I just try to remember in the future, so you don't have to come running after us." Carl said. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 12:18 AM "Alright then, you guys don't want to wait until after the show? After all the crowd will wanna buy merch on the way out." It is noticable that no other merch stand is packing up yet Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 12:20 AM "I guess we can stick around for a while more. Maybe Gabby would like to sign autographs." Darla suggested. "Yeah, that sounds good. What do you say, kitten?" Carl asked. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 12:25 AM 'Otay~" He says before he's placed down in a chair and given a marker. Gabriel autographs shirts in his cutesy signature, and the onces he autographs go up in price. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 12:26 AM That is if Gabby gains any real traction in the industry, he's still pretty small-time at the moment. Still, the fans are really lining up to get his signature. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 12:28 AM What few fans he has will be loyal fans. After the show, Jack was right, they did get some more sales. They still had several boxes, but it wasn't as bad. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 08:35 AM "Wow, we did good today." Darla said while counting the money. "The crowd loves you, Gabby." Rufie said while ruffing his hair. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 08:42 AM Gabby giggles, they will have to do another show to break even, or make a profit. But it could have been much worse. Now they can load up and head back. "Nanny come over?" He asks making pouty lips. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 08:45 AM Rufie walks up to him and gives him a hug, "It's not too much trouble if I come, right Carl?" "Not at all. We can hang out for a while." Carl says. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 08:53 AM "I gotta drop off some of your boxes anyway. So I might as well come over to." Darla says. They all load up into their vehicles and ride off back to the boroughs. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 08:58 AM They were able to load up the boxes no problem, although they did take up some space in the apartment. Given how small the place was, it was definitely going to be a problem if they don't sell a lot. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 09:02 AM It was no problem though...just a bit of an eye sore. They all got in and time for Gabriella to get into his gown and bonnett for the night. It has been a very long week. Deciding about the tournament, training, leaving the state, leaving the freaking country, and coming back to Gabby's first merch set. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 09:07 AM It was a tiring week for sure, but also very gratifying. Even more so when Carl finally got lay down Gabby in his own bed again, giving him his belly rubs and singing to him softly. He really missed seeing him all snug and cozy in that crib though. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 09:13 AM Gabby was too excited to sleep and squirmed around. He whined actively fighting the sleep. There's a knock on the door, and Rufie and Darla peak in. "The baby not asleep yet?" Darla asks "Maybe I can help with that. Maybe some warm natural milk will put the little one out." Rufie offers. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 09:16 AM "Yeah, perhaps that will help." Carl said, "Here that, kitten, Nanny Rufie is gonna give you some milky." Rufie sat down on the bed with their udders out, "Over here, baby. Let nanny feed you." they beckoned. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 09:19 AM The only person in the room who could streatch everyone else in the room into an uncomfortable pretzel crawls across the bed across his tag partner's lap gurgling and drooling. Such an adorable sight they had to get it on camera. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 09:26 AM Carl took care of that idea as he took out his phone just as Rufie was having Gabby suckle on one of their teats. It felt really nice to have someone drink from their udders, almost like having a baby of their own. Rufie had always dreamed of becoming a parent, having their own little calf to take care of. However, their condition and non-binary nature made it a bit of an issue. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 09:33 AM Gabby suckles and nurses softly, before realising that he needed to put a little oomf into it if he wanted to get any milk out. He sucks the whole teet into his mouth and sucks harder, now filling his mouth with their milk. He coos softly and relaxes looking so natural. In a way, Gabby was Rufie's baby to. Darla's as well. Even the nice old kimoto dragon's who lives down the hall. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 09:35 AM This felt so nice to Rufie, being able to get their milk out this way was so nice. They usually just put it in a bottle to save for later, but this was even better. She sang a lullaby to Gabby as he suckled, feeling very relaxed. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 09:40 AM Gabby was calmed down and his tumtum was filling up. His eyes were getting heavy. Soon he pulls away unable to drink more. He has milk all over his mouth. Time for Auntie Darla to step in and give him a nice warm pouch to fall asleep in like a good little joey. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 09:44 AM Rufie wiped off their udders, feeling very refreshed, "That felt great." they said. "Isn't he just precious." Carl said while watching Gabby rest in Darla's pouch. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 09:50 AM Gabby layed on her chest as she sat next to Rufie. It felt nice and warm in there. Gabby was burped and spat up on a rag held under his chin. Now he was full, warm, and relieved. He layed there rocked in the pouch and soon feel into a peaceful slumber. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 09:52 AM Rufie gave Gabby a small kiss on the head, "Nighty night sweetie." they said before preparing to leave. "See you tomorrow Rufie." Carl said as they left. Babygabrial May 8th, 22 09:55 AM The girls said bye and kissed Carl before heading out. Leaving just father and sleeping daughter for the night. Gabby was such a light in everyone's world. Whether he knows it or not. Mr Hoo May 8th, 22 11:59 PM Carl yawned and curled up next to Gabby, purring as he felt the warmth of his precious little kitten. Babygabrial May 9th, 22 12:03 AM Gabby slept through the night. He woke up to the feeling of sudden movements. He whimpers and opens his eyes. His vision a bit blurry. Its raining outside. Pouring, storming. Thunder rattles the apartment building as he can hear the drops hit his window a little too well. Mr Hoo May 9th, 22 12:04 AM The storm didn't bother Carl too much, he was used to sleeping through storms like this. Babygabrial May 9th, 22 12:08 AM Gabby whimpers and hides in his dadas chest. He curls up before grunting and starts making a stinky in his diaper. Probably hims little tummy reacting to all of that natural milk. Mr Hoo May 9th, 22 12:10 AM Carl did smell Gabby's diaper however and woke up to change him. After he did so, he noticed just how scared Gabby was of the storm, "Shh... It's OK kitten. Daddy's here to protect you." he said while leading him back to the bed to cuddle him for safety. Babygabrial May 9th, 22 12:15 AM Gabby curled up in the feline's arms and suckles on his thumb for comfort. Soon the sky went "BOOM!!!" and the baby immediately starts crying. Mr Hoo May 9th, 22 12:17 AM Carl soothed him as best he could with belly rubs, lullabies, cuddling, and everything in between. Babygabrial May 9th, 22 12:22 AM It sadly wasn't working. This pint sized badass pro wrestler is afraid of a bit of thunder and lightning. It goes on the same list as makeup, and possibly even sudden jerks of movement of things Gabby dislikes. That list even existing is astounding because it makes Gabby seem...well normal. Mr Hoo May 9th, 22 12:25 AM Carl decided to try something else and try to block out the sound with earplugs for Gabby. He also stuck a pacifier in his mouth to calm him down. Babygabrial May 9th, 22 12:28 AM Gabby sucked his paci and soft music played through the earbuds to help drown out the rain. He was beginning to settle down and close his eyes to hide from the flashes of lightning. The cracks of thunder still alerted him, but he would simmer back down soon afterwards. Mr Hoo May 9th, 22 12:30 AM Carl smiled upon seeing Gabby relax himself. He closed the windows so the flashes wouldn't bother him before curling back up to sleep. Babygabrial May 9th, 22 12:32 AM That sleep wouldn't last long though, Jerry messaged him to get Gabby to the sojo early so they can train and workout before the bracket reveal comes on. Mr Hoo May 9th, 22 09:04 AM Carl got up and got Gabby ready for the day. He was changed if needed, fed, burped, and dressed before he was put in the car and driven to the gym. Babygabrial May 9th, 22 09:12 AM Things simmered a bit as Gabby got in. It was just him and the coaches there this time. It was a Sunday and people were working and at home. They got Gabby in because they want to get in everything in that they can before the tournament in 8 days time. Mr Hoo May 9th, 22 11:56 PM "Hey everyone! The announcement for the brackets is on!" Jerry called out, turning everyone's attention to the TV. Babygabrial May 10th, 22 10:21 AM Gabby runs over looking for a lap to sit in. Mr Hoo May 10th, 22 11:56 PM Wendy offers Gabby her lap to sit in. Babygabrial May 11th, 22 10:17 AM Gabby sits in his hero's lap and sucks his thumb as Jess connects her phone to the screen. A peacock in a suit comes up "Hello, I am Gyant Brumble." Nobody is getting this reference unless they watched sports like 15 years ago. "I welcome you to Bracketology, today we are looking at a tournament to qualify for next year's United States Young Wrestler Of The Year professional wrestling tournament. This qualifier is in the historical Empire State. This is a tournament with 40 man tournament of many big names of the Empire State wrestling scene, be they part of a major promotion or independent promotion. Now I will send it over to my partner, Zian Brayn, to go over the structure of the tournament itself. Zian?" Camer cuts to a frog wearing glasses and jump suit. Nobody on this site is a wrestling fan so I'm losing any sense of subtlety. "Thanks Gyant, if you look to the board we have your standard 32 man bracket for a single elimination tournament, but the unique thing about this is, there are 8 wild card competitors. They will be drawn by random to face each other in a pig round where the winner of each wild card match will move on to the real tournament to take on one of the top four seeds." The screen expands the bracket to show the four extra matches. Mr Hoo May 12th, 22 12:33 AM Everyone watches as the fight cards were revealed, the anticipation in the room rising. Babygabrial May 12th, 22 08:02 AM Ziian continues on pointing to the four wildcard matches. They knew Gabby would be one of them. Zian calls out several matchups. Before pointing to the top right of the bracket before sliding names into the slots. The names have their seeding for the tournament next to them. Of course these names have "WC" next to them for obvious reasons. "Here we will have two names that cropped up on fairly short notice. "From Salt City, we have the hard hitting bog man Odessius Pain. A heavy set sea lion who can toss you as far as he can entertain you with his likeable charisma. This guy has been killing it in his collage days as a tri sport athlete, and local promoters are putting him on the fast track to success. He's sponsored by Family Fun Federation. Where he is a big hit with younger and older crowds alike. He will be taking on" finally the name they will be taking on "Princess Gabby Saint." Gabby smiles big as Zian slides his name in. "A human wrestler who is not too well known, but the local Empire Crowds, particularly in Salt City, love his in ring work. He has a quite a unique gimmick to him in the similar lines of flamboyant wrestlers like H Gorgeous George Of The Jungle, and Pretty Paul Apollo, but he is lightning quick and surgically precise. It will be interesting to see how one of these two break out of the wild card. But remember, whoever wins this will move on to the first round to face a top four seed." Mr Hoo May 12th, 22 11:50 AM "Odessius Pain. Jeez, you got your work cut out for you Gabby. Hope you're ready to start training extra hard." Jerry said. He remembered watching a few of the sea lion's matches, and there were some that didn't end well for his opponents. Babygabrial May 12th, 22 12:28 PM Nothing too bad, he just used his size to muscle people around. He is a fairly basic big wrestler, he's just really captivating. Still Gabby will really need to work around how much weight he's giving up. Which is nothing new for Gabby but nothing he should really slack on. Working on his back muscles at camp can help him in this case. Now to see the full bracket, particularly where the top seeds will be. That will definitely change Gabby's gameplan comepletely going forward. After the 8 Wild Card entries they go through the lower 27 seeds of the tournament. "Then over here at 5th seed" Zian points to the lower bracket on Gabby's side "We have the Cold Hearted Empire Boy BAR. BAR is the current Empire Wrestling Syndicate Humanweight Champion, and he has really earned it with his neck cracking technical throws, and his intimidating devil may care attitude." Zian slides Bar's name on with a number 5 next to it. From how things are positioned, Gabby wouldn't face BAR until the semi finals if they both somehow make it. Gabby whimpers at this. He was really wanting payback. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 12:00 AM Wendy stroked Gabby's hair, "Don't worry, hon. You'll get that pretty boy soon, ya just gotta work for it." she said. "Darn right, nothin in this world comes for free." Jerry said. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 07:36 AM Gabby leans back into Wendy as the continue watching. Zian points to the bottom right of the bracket. On the side that Gabby and BAR are on. "Now we have a tragic turn of events. Due to a family emergency, original fourth seed Inferno Jay Palmer had to pull out of the tournament. However, a viable substitution was found within a reasonable time. When it comes to a high seeding substitution, the rules state a candidate can exceed the standard age limit by up to 4 years as long as they have not been licensed longer than the normal time period. So in his place, we actually have a home grown talent from major wrestling promotion Titan Wrestling Federation." Zian slides the name in "Standing 10 ft tall from the Boroughs and he goes 'Hahd' we have G.Moriarty. A giraffe wrestler normally inown for his tag work. He looks to showcase his solo skills in this tournament." So he'd face BAR in the quarterfinals if they both make it. Zians goes to the opposite side where BAR and Gabby aren't, and goes to the bottom of the bracket. "Back to business we have the third seed of the tournament, King of the Night, he's actually been wrestling down in Indie State more than Empire State but he is Imperial born and raised, we have Penance Bishop. His lanky limbs give him some insane striking ability and helps him fly across the ring like guys a foot shorter than him." Zian slides his name in at number three. Now he goes up to where Gabby's name is and pionts to the match ahead of it. "Now we get to the top two. At number two seed we have The Shooter, Donavan Moralas. This guy is making big waves with many vets wanting him as their protege. He is can take you down and manipulate the bones in your body like no other. Anyone who faces him will be in for a technical nightmare." And that is who Gabby will face if he wins his Wild Card match. The number 2 seed of the whole tournament. This is dire. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 08:18 AM "Wow, they're really making us jump some hurdles here aren't they?" Jerry commented. "Indeed. This really ain't gonna be easy, I mean look at some of the shmucks they got competin in this thing. Rookie Tournament, my ass." Wendy said. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 08:29 AM Jess pipes in "We all knew this going in, and it's too late to turn back now." For the sake of it they continue watching as Zian goes to the top right. "And finally, one of the most decorated young wrestlers in the world. Born in the UK, trained here in Empire, and has gold from here all the way to Japan, we have white tailed warrior, Desmond Blade The Third DB3 as number one seed." Zian slides his name in. "The odds on favorite to win the whole thing. DB3 is the exact definition of fundamentals, and the embodiment of in ring psychology. He has an arsenal of moves that can and have put many opponents away, some say that he doesn't have a finishing maneuver. Because his entire moveset is his finishing maneuver. This tournament has potential to have some five star matches. It will be interesting to see who gets to the finals to qualify for the national tournament, and who wins the whole thing." Zian says as the entire 40 man bracket is revealed. It looks insane with so many names on it. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 08:32 AM "Gabby, I hope you're ready to start training like you never have before. We know a lot about these guys and we are going to make sure that you understand every weakness against them." Jerry said in a serious matter. "Kid gloves are off, time for the real deal." Wendy said. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 08:39 AM Gabby nods his head puffing his cheeks and making the cutest glare possible. They got to work immediately and hit the ring. Working and sparring. They especially worked on endurance and submission defense while also continuing to work on his back. Wendy comes and work with Gabby while the coaches do their normal classes. Rufie comes over during the girls' break and asks "Why are you working on his back anyway?" Jess tells her "so he can finally hit the Hammer on the nail." She walks away and Rufie looks more confused than ever. Gabby will have to wrestle up to six days straight from Monday to Saturday. This is going to be grueling. He will never truly be ready in a week, but they will get him as close as possible. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 08:42 AM Jerry wanted to see Gabby succeed just as much as Carl did. He wanted to see his newest student rise through the ranks become one of the best wrestlers around. However, Carl only wanted to see his little kitten happy. Even though the money was nice, all he wanted for the both of them to have a happy life where Gabby would do what he loves the most... Well, two things he loved doing the most. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 08:46 AM By the time they were done everyone else had left. Gabby was dead tired and needed an ice bath to cool off. Even in the ice bath at home he eas falling asleep. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 08:51 AM Carl was there to help him unwind the whole time. Giving him warm bottles of milk and giving him soothing tummy rubs. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 08:56 AM Throughout the week Gabby trained and trained. He didn't have any bookings this week outside of Saturday so he spent his entire time working hard. Rufie occasionally worked on tag stuff with him still on a high from their first win in a while. Rufie won't be there at the tournament some of the time. They can't afford to take a week off to see Gabby. Darla worked on several pretty outfits for Gabby to wear at the tournament and worked to occupy a space for a merch stand at the arena. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 09:02 AM It was certainly coming together. If Gabby could win this tournament, who knows what opportunities could open up for them. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 09:07 AM Wendy would be coming through the whole tournament, but the other coaches will be coming in and out. They are making plans for if Gabby makes it through the whole tournament but there's an air of dread above all of them. This is all a hefty investment when Gabby could lose Monday and not even make it into the tournament. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 09:08 AM A thought that everyone close to Gabby could not even bear thinking about. If he didn't make it in the tournament it could break his heart. That was something that Carl did not want to happen, he couldn't stand to see his kitten upset. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 09:11 AM Plus they are putting a lot of time and money into him for this. As they approach Saturday, it will be intriguing to see how Gabby will do against Moose. It will be a good way to build momentum before Monday. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 09:15 AM Definitely, it will be an interesting match to be sure. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 09:24 AM They get to salt city for the match early so Carl and Darla can set up the merch stand. Gabby is sitting in the stands playing with toys until its time to get changed. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 09:26 AM Both Carl and Darla help him get changed into his outfit, as well as give him any necessary care before the match started. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 09:31 AM By the time the room locker room was unlocked for them, Gabby was all set and put down for a nap. When he woke up he looked up to see Rufie. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 09:32 AM "Hey there, baby. Ready for your match tonight?" they said to him. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 09:36 AM Gabby nestles and nods his head still waking up. He turns to where Rufie's utters are under their shirt and nestles feeling dry mouthed and hungry. The poor baby had his hair in braided pig tails with a bow in the back. He felt lip gloss on his lips and cutely growled. He knows they put wakeup on him in his sleep. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 09:39 AM Rufie undid their clothes to let their udder out and let Gabby drink from it, good thing they filled up on the way. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 09:42 AM Gabby latches on and begins nursing from their utters. Fresh and warm milkies for the baby. Brightens his mood immediately. Rufie really living up to the Milk Maid moniker. Soon Gabby finished and its time for the pre show meeting. Mr Hoo May 13th, 22 09:44 AM Rufie covered their udders back up while leading Gabby to the meeting. They wanted to be a good, supportive nanny while Daddy was doing merch work. Babygabrial May 13th, 22 09:57 AM Jack goes through the same shit. Before going through the matches. Someone complains about catering for the herbivores running out too fast. Jack moves on to the matches. Rufie is going be in a multi man tag match so there's a good chance for them to get another win tonight if they have two or three tag partners with them. Gabby of course is facing Moose. BAR isn't booked tonight. Guess he's either working somewhere else or he's getting an extra day of rest before the tournament. Can't blame him. Even for fifth seed, his path to the finals can't be easy. Mr Hoo May 14th, 22 12:20 AM Wasn't any cakewalk for Gabby either. It wasn't easy for anyone for that matter. Moose noticed the two and addressed them, "Hey guys, good to see you again." he said. "Likewise." Rufie said. Babygabrial May 14th, 22 09:51 AM Gabby gets up and curtsies. "Thank you for accepting my challenge last week!" He said causing Moose to rub his head. "You ain't bad kid. I haven't seen a decent human wrestler in a while. Especially up here, if you didn't challenge me, then I would have probably just taken a booking closer to home." A nice reminder that not everyone here is from the Empire State. Jack calls people from around the country. Shows he does pay decently. Mr Hoo May 14th, 22 03:56 PM "Well, I for one look forward to how you boys look going head-to-head. I can already tell it will be exciting." Rufie told them. Babygabrial May 14th, 22 05:12 PM Rufie is glowing right now. Goodbye losing streak, hello winning streak. Maybe she can possibly even catch up to Gabby's level. Which, is mildly sad to say given how long they've been doing this compared to Gabby. Mr Hoo May 14th, 22 11:19 PM To be fair, Rufie was a few levels below Gabby in terms of skill level. They did have coaches, but they were mostly just doing them favors in exchange to be trained. Besides, Rufie worked best as a tag wrestler anyway. Having a partner was definitely more their speed. Babygabrial May 16th, 22 01:09 AM Soon it was time for the show to start and the first match goes by before Rufie goes out there. While not taking the pin, Rufie's team has sadly lost. So much for that new winning streak. When Rufie comes back Gabby hugs and nuzzles them and smiles up to the defeated bovine. Mr Hoo May 16th, 22 08:06 AM Rufie felt better when Gabby hugged them, but was still a little upset over the loss. Why couldn't they win as often as they liked. Were they missing something? Babygabrial May 16th, 22 01:08 PM As they thought this, they look down at the big baby, and the light bulbs start lighting up in Rufie's head. Jack calls from Gorilla Position "Gabby! Moose! You two are on in 5 minutes! Moose you're entering first!" Mr Hoo May 16th, 22 10:46 PM "On it! See ya out there, man." Moose said to Gabby before making his way to gorilla position and making his entrance. Babygabrial May 23rd, 22 03:35 PM A sportsy hyped up song hits as the crowd chants Moose' name. Moose gets his game face on as he comes down looking calm, cool, and ready to make human road kill in the ring. He orchestrates the crowd to continue their synchronized chant as he enters the ring. Mr Hoo May 24th, 22 08:52 AM Moose leans in a corner as Gabby's music hits, the opening bars welcoming the padded fighter into the ring. Babygabrial May 24th, 22 09:53 AM The crowd cheers as he comes out and curtsies. He blows kisses to the crowd before he enters the ring. Once inside the ring he twirls in the center and curtsies. The music fades and the two wrestlers get into opposite corners of the ring. The crowd is pumped for this. Moose looks intense with a stoic glare on his face. Gabby smiles with an emerald fire of determination burning in his eyes. The ref calls for the bell and Gabby hops in a stance and moves towards the middle of the ring. He offers a tie up with the much bigger man. Mr Hoo May 24th, 22 09:57 AM Moose locks up with Gabby and tries to overpower the smaller human. He does so and puts Gabby in a headlock before slamming him down on the mat. While he's down, he puts him in a crossface. Babygabrial May 24th, 22 10:10 AM Gabby quickly slips out and gets him in a sleeper hold to try and wear at his neck or end this quickly. The slam didn't leave him breathless like he expected. Working on his back muscles and endurance must have helped. Moose stands up from the sleeper attempt while the hold is still in and reaches back throwing Gabby over his shoulder. But Gabby reverses the momentum into a Stun Dog Millionaire stunner. This staggers the big man as Gabby gets up and runs the ropes building up momentum. He goes for a springboard moonsault but Moose catches him and hits him with a running powerslam. These two never entered first gear. They are going full speed already. Mr Hoo May 24th, 22 10:13 AM From the powerslam, Moose gets Gabby into a leg split before dragging him by the head to the corner. Here, he jumps off the ropes and hits a splash before putting Gabby into a scissor hold. Babygabrial May 24th, 22 10:31 AM This was a good tactic, if Gabby's head is facing the ropes then he won't be able to reach them. Gabby stays calm while Moose's thighs were wrapped around his neck trying to chock him out. Gabby however used the positioning to his advantage and rolled out of the ring giving him leverage to slip out. He doesn't take a moment to breathe, he hops on the apron and runs across punt kicking Moose in the head making him to turn away from Gabby while he's on the floor. So now they're back to back with Gabby still on the apron. Gabby jumps on the top rope and jumps off for a moonsault. He knows Moose is standing so he hooks Moose's head mid air and hit a snap DDT onto the hard floor. The crowd gives a chant of "PLEASE DON'T DIE! PLEASE DON'T DIE!" Mr Hoo May 24th, 22 10:35 AM Moose was writhing on the ground as the attack hit. Nevertheless, he stood up and grabbed Gabby, standing him up before slamming his head on the apron. He then picked him up and performed a tombstone, which led into a giant swing that launched Gabby into a corner. Babygabrial May 24th, 22 11:22 AM The tombstone actually knocked Gabby loopy. If they were in the ring that could have honestly been it. A piledriver on the outside of the ring. That's something you do to someone you hate. The giant swing hurt like hell and knocked Gabby's senses back into him. He holds his hip and crawls around the corner trying to get some distance and plan his next attack. The ref is yelling at them both to get back in the ring before he counts them out. Moose just glares at the ref before stalking the human around the corner rubbing his neck. That DDT did its job. Moose runs over and jumps hitting an elbow drop on Gabby's back before going over to the steps and kicking the top section off. He picks Gabby up in a deadlift and hangs him up high letting the blood rush to Gabby's head. The ref is at a count of 4 when Gabby was lifted up. He's at a count of 8 now. Moose suplexes Gabby onto the steps. Trying to weaken him up for the spear. Gabby's mouth drops and saliva pours out of his mouth as his eyes roll back feeling a lot of pain on that one. Moose doesn't want to take an easy count out win so he actually throws Gabby in first who kips up to his feet and hits a moonsault back out of the ring this time hitting Moose with a reverse DDT so his neck is yanked back and the back of his head hits the floor. The ref has no choice but to restart the count. Gabby crawls go the gaurd rail and hangs over it panting trying to stretch his back. Gabby looks dead on his feet with the only thing between him and the floor is that metal rail. A passionate fans cheer Gabby on and some pat his back trying to encourage him to get up and keep going. Mr Hoo May 24th, 22 10:36 PM Moose staggers up and holds his head, trying to make the ringing in his head stop. Rufie cheers Gabby on to give him what for. Moose tries to make his way over to Gabby so he can grab him and throw him back in the ring. Babygabrial May 25th, 22 02:03 AM Gabby feels himself being grabbed so he strafes to the side and dripkicks his ankle. This causes Moose to fall and hit his neck on the guard rail. From there, Gabby rolled his opponent in the ring and got on the top rope. Mr Hoo May 25th, 22 10:23 PM Moose writhed on the mat in pain, unable to move slightly. He could only manage about a few inches as he tried to avoid what was coming next. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 07:55 AM Gabby saw him crawl away and climbed down. Gabby ran horizontal to Moose and went for a driveby dropkick, but Moose popped up and popped Gabby in the air air and swatted him to yhe matt. Gabby wheezed needing to get air back in his system. Moose picks Gabby up for a press slam, but Gabby slips behind and tries to lift Moose, wanting get Moose's back on his shoulders. Likely going for THE finishing move. But the pain Moose has done to Gabby's hip makes Gabby drop him and go to one knee. Moose backs up lining Gabby up for a spear to finish this. Moose charges, just like when he beat Rufie, but Gabby jumps at him and hooks the damaged neck of Moose making Moose follow Gabby's movements. They do an entire flip causing Moose to land spiked on his head. Moose is dazed when Gabby kips up and jumps up hooking the head and neck. Gabby hits Moose with a Cutter and is about to go for the pin. Gabby hesitates going for the pin when he feels Moose move a little. He doesn't want to risk Moose kicking out and regaining advantage. He has to end this in a way where Moose has no choice. Gabby hooks his legs around Moose's arm and wrapped his own arms around Moose's opposite arm. He rolls Moose on his back for a crusifix hold and pulls his limbs in ways that he would have a hard time standing from this position. From their Gabby just repeatedly elbowe the back of Moose's neck. The neck that has been worn down all match. Moose struggles for a bit and kicks about, but with his arms tied up, he can't defend himself at all. Seeing a huge risk of injury from this, the referee calls for a match stoppage. Declaring Gabby the winner by Technical Knockout. Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 10:16 AM Rufie cheered as the decision was called. Moose gave Gabby a wink before being helped up by the medics. Even from outside, Carl knew that Gabby won, just a fatherly feeling that came from within. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 11:33 AM They were both helped up. Moose actually didn't need as much assistance getting up as Gabby did. Gabby held his aching side as Moose rubbed his neck. That definitely shows that Gabby made the right decision. If he went for the pin, then Moose would have kicked out no trouble. The announcer makes it official "Here's your winner by TKO! PRINCESS GAAAAAAAAABBYYYYYYYYYY AAAAANGEEEEEEL!" Crowd cheers but then they pop super loud as Gabby's music is interrupted by BAR's. The Humanweight Champion walks out wearing a hoodie and sipping a soda from concessions. As he drags the title across the ground. Gabby glares at him and growls. Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 10:01 PM Rufie gave a sneer as well, "What is that little dickwad doing here?" she asked. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 10:14 PM BAR looks Gabby over smirking and steps up to Gabby as if daring Gabby to try and attack him in this weakened state. Gabby knows there's no way he can take him right now, nor should he risk injury two days before the wild card match. The champ holds his title up and smoothly walks out. While he's going up the ramp Gabby grabs a mic. "BAR!!!" The princess yells for his attention. "You are the only one to beat me...I want nothing more than to fix that mistake. I will battle and beat anyone in that tournament, Wild Card or First Seed. I will get to you! And I will beat you! Nothing gets in my way this time! I won't give up! And no one will give up for me! I'll see you in the tournament." Mic drops and Gabby's music plays. 'No one will give up for me.' Those are an interesting choice of words. Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 10:20 PM "Way to tell him, sweetie." Rufie says. Moose gives a slight smile, "Not bad, kid." Babygabrial May 26th, 22 10:24 PM Gabby takes breaths. He was just letting loose on the mic not knowing what he was saying really. He just spoke what came from the mind and heart, but still, Darla looks to Carl. "You uh....you don't think he....." she stops herself and hopes it flew over Carl's head. After all Carl threw in the towel in Gabby's match against BAR. After hearing that some could think Gabby blames Carl for the loss. At least on a subconscious level. Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 10:32 PM Carl knew this all to well, he remember how sad the both of them felt that day. He hated to do that to his little kitten, but what was he supposed to do, he could've gotten seriously hurt or worse. He managed to put on a straight face, "Gabby will win. He means it." Rufie walked Gabby backstage to take care of him. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 10:35 PM Gabby lets the adrenaline settle which means the pain in his hip is going to feel awful tonight. Definitely no training tomorrow. Maybe some yoga with Jess. She seems like the type to be into that shit. Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 10:40 PM Carl took a break from sales to check on Gabby, "Good match out there tonight, kitten. Good speech too." he said while a smile, trying to hide his thoughts. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 10:44 PM Gabby instantly ran to Dada and hugged him happily in just his diaper since Rufie was about to give him a shower. Gabby smiled up as always. Its a sweet smile, the question is, is there something else behind that smile? Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 10:46 PM Carl decided to help out Rufie with cleaning Gabby, it was here where she decided to ask the question. "Carl, there's something I would like to ask of you." "What is it?" he asked. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 10:50 PM "Do....do you think I can tag with Gabby more often? We become a full time tag team? At least maybe in another promotion?" Rufie asks feeling nervous and embarrassed about this, but clearly Gabby is the key to victory. Hell he just beat the guy she couldn't. Despite being much smaller. Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 10:53 PM Carl was shocked at this, but he could clearly see in their eyes that they were dead serious. Besides, he did see the potential in Rufie and Gabby as a tag-team. "Gabby, what do you think, kitten? Want to be a tag-team with nanny Rufie?" he asked. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 10:55 PM "Nanny! Nanny! Wuv Nanny!" Gabby cheers throwing his hands in the air before regretting it and holding his aching hip. Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 10:58 PM "Easy there, kitten." Carl said before rubbing Gabby's hip, "I think that means yes. Welcome to the family." he said. "Oh, thank you so much!" Rufie said. She was absolutely over the moon like the first astronaut cow. If you were wondering where that nursery rhyme came from, you're welcome. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 11:02 PM This gender fluid cow with an androgynous adult baby riding it hopped over the moon. That nursery rhyme suddenly got much more woke. They pretty much stay until the end of the show so Carl and Darla could sell some more merch as everyone is leaving. Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 11:05 PM Like before, they didn't manage to empty their stock, however they did make a sizable profit. Now all that's left is to wait for their paycheck. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 11:10 PM Jack comes up to them. "Heeey there's my little under dog! Gonna pull off some more miracles next week aren't we!?"he holds up a wing and Gabby happily high fives him. He didn't really expect Gabby to win, and honestly didn't want to book the match because he wanted Gabby undisputedly 100% come Monday. However, Gabby seems to be a regular wonderkid. So, Jack is leaving it up to them. "Rufie...good match tonight pal, uh may not have you on the card next week so if you have other booking offers you're good to go." Jack tells them. Mr Hoo May 26th, 22 11:17 PM "Well, I just signed on Rufie as a client of mine. Her and Gabby are going to be a permanent tag-team." Carl explained. "It's true. So if there are any tag matches, me and Gabby would be more than happy to fill in." Rufie said. "I still need to figure out a name and theme for them of course, but we'll figure it out." Carl said. Babygabrial May 26th, 22 11:24 PM "Well, I do have a slot open if...by chance Gabby is available." I.E. if Gabby doesn't make it far in the tournament. "So, I'll see if I can make it a tag match if need be." He says he hands Carl and Rufie the respective checks. "So, Carl Gabby coming to the dinner tomorrow? My treat. You can even bring your beautiful assistant." He winks at Darla. Mr Hoo May 27th, 22 11:27 AM Darla blushed at this and looked away slightly. "Sure, we would love to." Carl said, "Right, kitten?" Babygabrial May 27th, 22 11:35 AM Gabby nods his head looking like a little bobble head. "Good to hear it." He tells them the name of the place and the address. "Wear formal attire." He tells them before heading off. Mr Hoo May 27th, 22 11:38 AM "Formal? This isn't gonna be easy..." Carl says. He hasn't once worn anything fancy in his whole life. "I could help you guys out, I think I have some spare pre-used suits." Darla said. "You're a lifesaver." Carl said. Babygabrial May 27th, 22 11:42 AM They hug and kiss Rufie goodbye. They'll come over tomorrow to help get Gabby ready for the formal dinner. Of course it's because she possibly won't see them much next week. Though if Gabby loses before Saturdaaaaay. She immediately shakes that thought out of her head. Mr Hoo May 27th, 22 11:43 AM With that, Carl brought Gabby home and gave him an ice bath to help out his aching hip. Babygabrial May 27th, 22 11:48 AM Gabby didn't like ice bath time as much. No room to play with the bath toys. He was too tired to fuss so he was just a pouty girl until it was baba time. Mr Hoo May 27th, 22 11:50 AM That time soon came with a nice warm baba in Gabby's mouth as he was rocked in her chair. Babygabrial May 27th, 22 11:53 AM Gabby spent time staring at his Dada with love in his eyes. Maybe Gabby said just slipped out, but even if it did that would mean that he on some level feels that way. Mr Hoo May 27th, 22 11:55 AM Carl wanted to believe that, but he couldn't help but think that he meant something deeper... No, let's not think about that now. His little kitten was in his arms and it was a tender moment between them. He gently rocked the chair as he fed him. Babygabrial May 27th, 22 11:58 AM Gabby pretty much emptied the bottle and got burped, with some cuddle time to spare before he fell asleep. Mr Hoo May 27th, 22 12:04 PM Carl gently placed Gabby in his bed before curling up next to him. Babygabrial May 27th, 22 12:06 PM Gabby woke up in the middle of the night to mess his diaper, and crawl on top of his Dada. Mr Hoo May 27th, 22 12:11 PM Carl was rudely awakened by this, but still changed his kitten without question. As his Daddy, it was his sacred duty to make sure he received proper care no matter what time it was. He put him back in bed while singing a lullaby. Babygabrial May 27th, 22 12:14 PM Gabby sucked his thumb in Daddy's lap and soon fell back to sleep. He looked absolutely precious at night. His little sleepy baby. Mr Hoo May 27th, 22 12:21 PM And Carl was a very sleepy kitty. He gave a big yawn and stretch before curling up once again next to his big kitten. Babygabrial May 27th, 22 12:26 PM The next day Mrs.Lestrati is babysitting Gabby while Jess comes over to do some yoga with Ganby to get him stretched and ready for tomorrow. Darla had called Carl earlier to let him know she has his suit and Gabby's dress ready. Mr Hoo May 27th, 22 11:59 PM Safe in the knowledge that Gabby was in good hands... er, claws... He headed down to Darla's store to see the suit and dress. Carl's suit was a simple dress suit with a black bowtie. There was evidence of it being ripped and sewed back together, but it otherwise looked fine. Babygabrial May 28th, 22 08:28 AM Gabby's dress is a frilly childish dress that was used for a woman's joke birthday party. It is specifically a little girl outfit that's made for an adult. Mr Hoo May 28th, 22 11:45 PM "This is great Darla, Gabby's gonna love this." Carl said before taking the outfits and going back home to show his little kitten. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 08:42 AM In the apartment Gabby is getting is legs streatched by Jess while his babysitter makes lunch. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 08:43 AM Carl opens the door, "I'm home!" "Oh, hey Carl." Jess greeted. "I was just out getting me and Gabby's formal attire for tonight. Jack's taking us out for dinner." Babygabrial May 29th, 22 08:48 AM "Dada! Me doin' yogurt!" He horribly/adorably tries to day yoga. Mrs. Lestrati leans out from the kitchen. "Oh? You home already? Well set table, lunch almost ready." Says his elderly neighbor. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 08:50 AM "OK, thanks a lot." Carl said. "I'll help you out." Jess said as she went to help the elderly komodo. Meanwhile, Carl took out Gabby's dress for him to look at, "What do you think, kitten?" Babygabrial May 29th, 22 08:53 AM "Pwetty!" He responds as Jess repositions him to stretch his back and shoulder blades before going. "Me get to wear that!?" Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 08:54 AM "Yep, and you're going to wear it tonight." Carl told him. "You're really going to turn heads in that." Jess said while setting up the table. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 09:00 AM "It really adorable. Perfect for sweet child like you."Says Mrs. Lestrati while she puts some noodles and exotic vegetables on the plates. Even making one for Rufie since she was told another guest was coming soon. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 09:06 AM A short time later, Rufie came in. She gave Carl and Gabby a hug and was equally impressed by Gabby's dress. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 09:08 AM Gabriella was super excited that nanny came over and wanted Nanny and coach Jessie to feed him. He jumped up and down wanting nanny to hold him. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 09:09 AM Rufie held Gabby lovingly as they brought him to the table. They also took the liberty of feeding him lunch alongside Jess. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 09:15 AM Needless to say Gabby was done with his food as quick as it was messy. Gabby can't have seconds because he'll get too full for tonight and Rufie needs to go ahead and get started. Starting with a nice bath where the bovine can wash his hair. "You very lucky man." Chuckled Mrs. Lestrati "You have all these girls running round for you and child. In my day man with child already from previous relationship was big turn off." She says with a closed eyed smirk. Ita unclear if she's joking or senile enough to think that Gabby is Carl's biologically. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 09:22 AM Carl decided not to comment on it, "Yeah, I'm pretty lucky I have all these people in my life. I don't know where I would be without them." he said. Rufie then got to work with Gabby's hair, making sure it was cleanly brushed and tied with his trademark pigtails. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 09:26 AM This took some time as Gabby bounces excitedly in Rufie's lap. Jess and Mrs. Lestrati went on home since Gabby was handled. It is astounding how many people will come for Gabriel. Heck,vas he babbles away in the bathroom, its because of him that the two of them get to go to this fancy dinner. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 09:29 AM Carl was reasonably nervous about the whole thing. He never one went to anything fancy or formal in his whole life. Sure, he had the charm to come off as fancy, but he just never thought he could pull it off for real. Still, he had to steel himself and just be cool. Rufie then got to work with doing Gabby's makeup. They wanted him to look absolutely beautiful for tonight. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 09:34 AM Gabriella is ready to go through a whole wrestling match to not have that stuff put on his face. Carl also will need to make sure the baby is on his best behavior at dinner. Daddy's little pumpkin has been a full time baby so not much grownup in him to be fancy. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 09:36 AM Rufie makes sure that Gabby remembers all his manners, going through them one by one. Carl would also need to lay down the law that there was a time and place to be a big kitten, and at a fancy dinner with a promoter was not one of those times. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 09:40 AM It was getting closer to time. Gabriella was getting his training bra and diaper put on before the dress could be placed on him. Now was the time for the grown ups to lay it on Gabby. Enforcing their rules and expectations. Not many times Carl has to be a stern parent but this was a time. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 09:41 AM Carl put on his stern face and lectured Gabby about how he needed to behave. He expressed that he was counting on Gabby to make a good impression tonight and promised that he could go right back to being his big kitten afterwards. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 09:45 AM Gabriel nodded and gave verbal "Yes Daddy"'s as the finishing touches was done. His headband was put on, a coating of lip gloss was put on him. They don't expect him to be an adult but they can't risk him being a spoiled baby. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 09:47 AM "Now, you are ready to impress." Rufie said. There was a knock at the door at that moment. Carl opened it to find Darla standing there in a simple evening gown. "Hey Carl, ready to go?" she asked. "Oh, Darla, you look stunning." Rufie said. "What? This old thing?" "I think you look beautiful." Carl told her. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 09:50 AM Gabriel got excited and was about to jump up "AUNTY DA-" but then felt looks on him to stop and use inside voices. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 09:52 AM Carl gave him a smile for correcting himself there. Darla gasped when she saw Gabby, "Oh my, that looks amazing." she said. "Doesn't she look darling?" Rufie added. "Well, we better be going." Carl said, "Don't want to be late." Babygabrial May 29th, 22 09:54 AM Gabby curtsies to nanny Rufie and thanks them before taking Auntie and Daddy's hands and walked out. They look like a little upper middle class family as they go to Darla's car. Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 11:45 PM Carl did a quick run-through on dinner manners with Gabby before arriving at the restaurant. Darla could tell that he was nervous and was easily able to calm him, "Just pull out that old charm of yours." Darla said. "Thanks." Carl said. He had to admit, he looked nice in a suit. Babygabrial May 29th, 22 11:57 PM Hearing that, Gabby is suprised a bit. He forgot that Daddy and Aunty knew each other before he was around. Gabby doesn't really meet people from Daddy's life before him. Not even family. He wonders what they're like. Ah well that's a thought for another time. Fancy dinner time! Mr Hoo May 29th, 22 11:59 PM They arrived at a fancy place downtown. If the trio didn't look the way they did now, they would've been turned away at the door immediately. They gave the name of their party to the host and went inside. Babygabrial May 30th, 22 12:04 AM It was a nice place, lovely carpeting, candle lighting, the bar having extravagant bottles. A smooth jazz band playing. This place screams expensive. The Imperial Grill, that's what the branding on every item has in fancy cursive lettering. Mr Hoo May 30th, 22 12:06 AM They found Jack sitting at table adorned with a white tablecloth and candles. "Good evening." Carl greeted. "Thanks for inviting us here, sir." Darla said. Babygabrial May 30th, 22 12:09 AM "Hihi Jack!" Gabby says out of instinct before realizing his mistake and curtsies "Hello". He tries to say like a high class 5 year old rather than the rambunctious 1 year old. Mr Hoo May 30th, 22 12:11 AM Carl silently congratulated Gabby on correcting himself. They all sat down and prepared for a nice evening out. Babygabrial May 30th, 22 12:14 AM "Good seeing you guys. Almost everyone's here. While we wait go ahead and look at the menus, see what you'd like." He says. A lot of good sounding foods. Steaks, salads, lobster, even making chicken in ways they wouldn't have thought of. Gabby looks at the menu confusing. "Dada, I no know what this says." A lot of menu items had fancy names or have foods and ingredients Gabby would be unfamiliar with due to his limited diet. Mr Hoo May 30th, 22 12:17 AM Carl and Darla helped him out like the good parents they were before deciding for themselves. Carl decided to go for a nice salmon dish while Darla went for a prime cut steak. Babygabrial May 30th, 22 12:21 AM Gabby had his food ordered for him. He was given Matar Paneer since he can't eat hard foods or spicy foods as they've learned or developed in their time taking care of him. Mr Hoo May 30th, 22 08:29 AM Carl ate his food with a smile, he never had food this good before. This was also the case for Darla, who found herself getting lost in the seasoning. Babygabrial May 30th, 22 09:06 AM Jack even ordered some white wine for them. Not Gabby of course, Gabby's only 18 physically. But as they're eating their last dinnermate arrives. BAR, in a hoodie and baggy jeans. Mr Hoo May 30th, 22 09:13 AM Carl wondered why he wore that outfit. Almost everyone in the restaurant was wearing some kind of formal wear. You would think he would dress himself with a little more class in a place like this. A simple polo and dress pants at least. Babygabrial May 30th, 22 11:05 AM Jack awkwardly chuckles "As apathetic as ever aren't you?" The Booker says "come on sit down." Mr Hoo May 30th, 22 11:42 PM Carl decided to make some light conversation. Just because he was a rival, doesn't mean he shouldn't try to be friendly with him, "So, BAR, how's things?" he asked. Babygabrial May 30th, 22 11:52 PM BAR just nods his head. When a waitress comes to take his order he just points out what he wants. "A-Are you mute?" Darla asks "Oh , no he talks just when he feels like it." Jack says. Mr Hoo May 30th, 22 11:54 PM Oh, one of those people. Well, there goes having meaningful conversations. Babygabrial May 30th, 22 11:56 PM Gabby is gritting his teeth. Just the sight of BAR is irking him. He is going to need to be distracted ti not make a scene in here. Mr Hoo May 30th, 22 11:58 PM Carl made sure that was the case. He was consistently distracting Gabby by making conversation with him. Darla did her part as well, she really did not want to draw attention to them. She also kept an eye on BAR to see if he would try something to rile Gabby up. Babygabrial May 31st, 22 12:05 AM And...he doesn't really. He eats his food. Gabby gets fed his food to keep his clothes clean and mouth occupied, and Jack goes over gameplans for the two for the tournament. Mr Hoo May 31st, 22 12:07 AM Carl listened closely to Jack as he spoke while Darla did her part to help Gabby with his food. Babygabrial May 31st, 22 12:12 AM "Of course given how the brackets are set up, only one of you can get to the finals. That sucks, but they did it so two representatives of one sponsor aren't dominating the finals." Jack explains "While BAR is a lower seed then I was told he would be, he still has a decent chance to get there. Gabby has a fighting chance like anyone else, but his path is a bit rougher." That's N understatement, if Gabby wins tomorrow he faces the number two seed in round 1 Tuesday. Mr Hoo May 31st, 22 12:14 AM Carl needed to make sure that Gabby was more than well-trained for his opponent that night. He was going to have to work him harder than he ever has before. Babygabrial May 31st, 22 12:17 AM At least on a gameplan and strategy. The tournament is here, there is no more training, no more warm ups. Its hard for Camp Angel to really let that reality grasp, but the reality has to set in for them quickly. Time's up, Gabby's ready, or he's not. They made their bets, now to roll the dice. Mr Hoo May 31st, 22 11:56 AM Luckily, Carl was never short of plans. He always made sure to plan for everything. Babygabrial May 31st, 22 12:17 PM "So, Gabby, to keep the pressure off. Win the Wild Card match, and just make sure you take the 2nd seed to an absolute barn burner of a match. If the match gets match of the tournament then everyone wins." Jack says. Mr Hoo May 31st, 22 11:26 PM "Sounds good to us, right Gabby?" Carl asked. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 12:30 AM Gabby was busy staring down BAR. Luckily Darla kept the baby occupied to finish the dinner. Jack paid and they walked out. Gabby wanted in Aunty's pouch as it was really cold outside. Mr Hoo June 1st, 22 06:08 PM Carl made sure no one was watching closely before he helped Darla lift Gabby into her pouch. She patted his head lovingly as it was nice having him in her pouch again. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 07:04 PM He clung to his auntie looking like a pretty little joey. Gabby sucks his thumb as they head back to the car. Mr Hoo June 1st, 22 09:59 PM The car ride home was relaxing enough. Darla sat in the passenger seat while Carl drove. This allowed Darla to fully enjoy Gabby in her pouch. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 10:01 PM Gabby felt safe and warm. He was falling asleep on the car ride home. He has a hard week ahead of him, so he'd better get as much rest as he can. Mr Hoo June 1st, 22 10:05 PM They eventually made it home, and Darla gently moved Gabby from her pouch to his bed. She and Carl left the room and let him sleep, "Are you worried?" Darla asked. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, but I shouldn't. I have faith in him." Carl said. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 10:07 PM Darla wrapped her arms around Carl. She can give Gabby good luck kisses, but of course she can give Carl much more. She'll be with them this week. A lot is at stake since her shop can be closed for up to a week for this. Mr Hoo June 1st, 22 10:09 PM Carl returned the embrace and welcomed every bit of her. He could really need her support to get through this stressful time in Gabby's career. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 10:14 PM The night soon ended and as the morning drew, it was time to load up the car with their suitcases and the boxes of merch. Gabby had two bags of clothes and toys, plus his diaper bag. Darla had her clothes, her supplies for the merch stand, and some of her dress making kit. That's three bags for her as well. Mr Hoo June 1st, 22 10:16 PM The bags were loaded into the trunk of the car, Gabby was put into his car seat, and the three of them got started on their road trip to the tournament that could change their lives for the better or for worse. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 10:22 PM Gabby looked around as he was surrounded by a week's worth of boxes of t-shirts in different sizes. The backseat is so loaded so high that Gabby can't see through the window. Mr Hoo June 1st, 22 10:23 PM Luckily, Carl gave him his phone and few toys to entertain himself. He didn't want his kitten to be bored in the car. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 10:28 PM While aunty and Daddy were up front talking about adult things. That's stuff not interesting to Gabby so he's playing games for kids 12-24 months. Mr Hoo June 1st, 22 10:31 PM It made both aunt and father happy to see their kitten/joey smiling and having fun. It felt like taking your kid out to a sport that they begged to be signed up for. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 10:39 PM Plus Darla, feels more involved and even feels more apart of the family. They drive to Empire City. To a 5,000 seat arena. Its bigger than the concert hall even. Plus, there's a tv truck. Mr Hoo June 1st, 22 10:40 PM Must be people and animals coming to film to the tournament. The trio gets out of the car and goes to the sign-up area. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 10:47 PM Gabby holds their hands as they get signed him signed up and get their merch stand assigned for them. The camera trucks have the logo for local sports channel. They go and get the boxes set for tonight. In fact one of the adults can set the stand while the other goes to check in at the hotel and get Gabby changed. Mr Hoo June 1st, 22 10:50 PM Darla volunteered to get the stand set up while Carl took Gabby to the hotel. After getting their assigned room, Carl got to work with getting Gabby dressed up in his outfit. Babygabrial June 1st, 22 10:54 PM The hotel room had one bed and a crib. Gabby layed on the bathroom floor to get changed in something. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 11:50 AM Namely his outfit. Carl wanted to make sure that he looked nice for when he had to make his appearance. He took out the outfit that Darla had for Gabby and helped him slip it on. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 12:00 PM It was a a nice, easy to slip on, dress, and a smalled version of his in ring attire that he can wear under it. The dress came with thin wrestling tights that he can wear under the skirt portion. The gear is in the style of a ballet tutu, of course with Gabby's new logo on the front. The dress had Darla's shop on the chest part. It was a long dress with no shoulder part so the shoulder parts of his wrestling gear will show more. The long skirt is to hide his tutu and tights. He looks like he's going to a daddy daughter dance when in both his gear and the dress. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 12:02 PM Carl thought his little kitten looked absolutely stunning. With that, he brought him over to the main building to get ready to make the appearance. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 12:05 PM People were already being let into the arena. It was a little walk from the hotel to the arena, luckily they didn't have to take the subway. Gabby went to the locker room since he was already geared up to go and waited for the wrestlers to be called. Gabby looks around and sees some of the other people in the tournament. Some of them he could very well face. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 12:06 PM It's a good thing Carl did some research on them beforehand. Research that he went over with Gabby while they waited. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 12:15 PM Soon everyone was called out backstage by a producer. As Gabby looks around he sees that there's a lot more people here. He didn't think about there also being a women's tournament as well, but that makes sense that there'd be one for each gender. So there's 80 wrestlers here for the tournament itself. The producer goes over the schedule. Today's matches will be the 8 wild card matches for the men's and women's tournaments. In between those will be exhibition tag and multiman tag matches. Not everything ie gonna make it on tv. Some matches will likely get cut out of the broadcast to save time. The main event will be an 8 person tag match featuring the top four seeds of the men's and women's tournaments. So a they dont think a wild card match is worth main eventing...and they'd be right. Wild cards are bottom of the barrel, not even seeded. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 12:19 PM Which was really bad new for any manager who wanted to get their client in front of people's eyes. Carl was no exception to this feeling, though he accepted the fact that sometimes you needed to work to get your face time on TV. Carl listened attentively to the names being called out for the matches, waiting to see who Gabby will be paired with. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 12:28 PM Carl wasn't the gym with them when they were going over brackets, and he likely didn't look up the official bracket online. So, it makes sense he didn't know. Gabby more payed attention to how long he'll have to wait for his match. He's the third mens wild card match, it will be him versus Odessius Pain. Gabby looks over at the happy sea lion in a singlet as their names were called. They're gonna be a good hour, maybe hour and a half into the show today. Gabby will need to really be focused and ready to go. Before they start the show, all the competitors will come out on stage to start the show as the tournament promoter says a few words. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 10:14 PM "Thank you all for coming today! And thank you to our competitors as well." the promoter said. He was a skinny lynx in a suit. "We have a great lineup of wrestlers here today, but only one of them will walk away with the ultimate prize." Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 10:24 PM "This years trophy for state champion, the $10,000 cash prize, and the winner and runner up get bids into the United States Young Wrestler Of The Year Tournament!" The crowd applauds. Gabriel's never performed in front of this many fans. This is a good near 1000 fans and more could be coming as the tournament goes on. The final day likely will be a packed house Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 10:27 PM Carl knew this would be a good thing for Gabby. More people see him, the more people know about him, the more notoriety he'll get. However, there was still the big risk of him losing everything, but Carl decided not to focus on that right now. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 10:30 PM The promoter goes through a few more formalities before declaring the start of the tournament. The crowd cheers, the cameras are rolling, the lights dim in the arena, and the wrestlers head to the back and wait to be called for bell time. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 10:32 PM Carl went over some possible strategies with Gabby before his match, making sure to cover every possible angle. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 10:34 PM Gabriella nods his head and sat there. "Dada I hungy." He complains a bit. He's really getting antsy and fussy. He has butterflies in his tummy and nerves get to him. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 10:36 PM "Don't worry, kitten. I got you covered." Carl said as he opened up the diaper bag and got out a jar of food. He took out the first spoonful and brought it to Gabby's mouth. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 10:38 PM Gabriella eats like a good girl, getting some on his lips. He crawls in his daddy's lap and leans on him. People are hustling and bustling as they sit around catering. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 10:40 PM Carl relaxed Gabby by giving him his belly rubs to calm those butterflies in it. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 10:43 PM Gabriel clung to his Daddy and closed his eyes. He actually started to take a quick nap. He hid it pretty well, but now that they're here, its clear that he must have been worried for a while. He clung to his Dada for dear life as they hear the sounds of people chatting, folks moving around, a bigger crowd then they're used to getting heated, and cooled. It's all alot. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 10:45 PM Carl was there right beside Gabby to keep him calm and happy while waiting for their time. He silently sang Gabby nursery rhymes while continuing to rub his head and belly. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 10:49 PM Soon a large figure over shadowed them. Gabriella opens his eyes and looks up to see a large sea lion standing over them. He looks menacing and serious, before he smiles and says "Hey!" He squats down to meet Gabriel at eye level. "Ya look a bit out there, youngun. You better get you some of this cake from catering. This stuff is the bomb!" Odessius says in an exaggerated manner before handing Carl the plate. Mr Hoo June 2nd, 22 10:56 PM Carl took the plate, "Thanks. Odysseus, right?" he asked before beginning to feed Gabby the cake. Babygabrial June 2nd, 22 10:59 PM "That's what my mama named me. Nah just kiddin' its my in ring name. So, you my wild card opponent right. Gabby Angel, right. Good to meet ya." He says with a smile and holding out his hand. Mr Hoo June 3rd, 22 11:31 AM Carl motioned for Gabby to introduce himself. Babygabrial June 3rd, 22 12:33 PM Gabby stood up and curtsied with cake crumbs on his mouth. "Me Gabwiella Angel." Mr Hoo June 3rd, 22 10:34 PM "And I"m Carl, his manager." Carl introduced. Babygabrial June 3rd, 22 10:40 PM "Good meetin' y'all. I wish I had a manager that'd let me sleep on they lap. I'd be out. Cold. " h does an exaggerated and animated sleeping motion. It makes Gabby giggle. Mr Hoo June 3rd, 22 10:53 PM Carl smiled as well, liking this guy's enthusiasm, "So, how did you make your way to this tournament?" he asked. Babygabrial June 3rd, 22 10:57 PM "I've been kickin' it in the entertainment scene around here and in the other east coast states. One of my regular promoters said he got a bid for the tournament, and he said I could turn heads. I figured, why say no to a good time to shine." He chuckles Mr Hoo June 3rd, 22 11:03 PM "We've basically been clawing and scratching our way through the independent scene before we got noticed by a promoter. This is basically our one shot at potential stardom." Carl explained. He was amazed by how far they got. Babygabrial June 3rd, 22 11:09 PM In a couple of months they made it farther than they expected. They've really only been in the Empire State scene, but using this territory, they have a chance for notoriety in the region. Maybe bigger indie promotions will take notice. They're possibly about to be on local tv, and a viewtube channel. A huge step up. "Well hey, lets hope we both get eyes on us. And may the best human or anthro win." He holds a hand out and Gabby giggles shaking it in both hands. Mr Hoo June 3rd, 22 11:12 PM Carl smiled and shook his hand as well. He was sure to be an interesting matchup for Gabby. Babygabrial June 3rd, 22 11:15 PM Odysseus waved and walked off. Soon they were being called to gorilla position. Its go time, and the distraction made Gabby feel a lot better. Mr Hoo June 5th, 22 10:23 AM Carl sent Gabby to the position with a pat on the back, "You can do it champ, I'll be watching." he said. Babygabrial June 5th, 22 10:33 AM Gabriel got to where he's supposed to and stretched a bit. Before the producer called out. "Gabby Saint! You're up first! Music starting in 3-2-1!" Gabby's music hits as he waits for the moment to come out. Soon he pops from behind the curtain to some polite cheers. Most of this crowd don't know him. The EWS fans in attendance cheer the loudest. Some fans actively boo him, likely some dogs from his old wrestling school. They're all hard to hear in a crowd of a thousand people. "The following Wild Card match is scheduled for onefall! On the way to the ring, weighing in today at 185 ibs. From The Boroughs of Empire city. Princess! Gabby! Saint!" Gabby gets in the ring before twirling and curtseying again, the larger crowd still hasn't gotten to know him, so they politely clap. Mr Hoo June 5th, 22 10:46 AM Carl cheered as well for his kitten, knowing that if he gives a good performance, they'll all be cheering for him. Babygabrial June 5th, 22 10:52 AM Soon some hard rap pop song hits and the crowd has a similar reaction. Especially for this guy who appeals to a younger demographic. "And his opponent, from Strong Island. Weighing in today at 553 ibs. Odysseus PAIN!!!" Odysseus goes up the steps to the ring and tries to get the crowd pumped up before he enters and gets warmed up again as his music fades. Mr Hoo June 5th, 22 10:55 PM Carl chuckled slightly at the entrance. It was exactly has he expected from a guy like that. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 01:00 AM The ref calls for them to shake hands. They do so before backing up into their respective corners. The ref calls for the bell and we begin. The two circle each other. Odysseus slaps his chest and gets pumped up. Gabby looks to see how he can get to his neck. Most obvious route would be to attack his legs and chop him down. Gabby reaches up acting like he's gonna go for a test of strength and hopes his opponent takes the bait. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:13 AM The sea lion doesn't fall for it easy however and grabs Gabby by the waist before slamming him down. He then flips him over and goes for a Boston Crab. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 11:20 AM More than one way to skin a cat. Is that racist in yhis setting? Anyway, Gabby moves his legs to around his opponent's neck and lifts up to hurricanrana position. He hits the hurricanrana and gets Odysseus to one knee. From there Gabriel runs up for a step up heel kick to the back of the big guy's neck. It hits, but Pain shakes off the pain. The Princess runs the ropes hoping to hit a float over spike ddt, but Odysseus pops him up high into the air, and super kicks him across the ring as he's coming down. He does a smooth taunt showing his lovable charisma to the crowd. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:23 AM Carl scoffed at this as Odysseus walked up to Gabby and picked up both his legs in a giant swing. After sending him to a corner, he runs up and plants a knee strike into Gabby's chest before lifting him up again and giving him a piledriver. "Come on, kitten! Don't toy with this guy!" Carl shouted. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 11:32 AM Odysseus goes for the win and covers "1-2-kickout!" The ref calls as Gabby gets the shoulder up. Even a piledriver won't have the desired effect if you don't work the neck, but not everyone knows how to target a limb like Gabby does. Gabby rolls on his stomach to not get pinned again. Each kickout requires that much more energy. Odysseus goes to lift him up in a gut wrench, and when he goes for a gutwrench slam, Gabby turns the momentum and hooks the head mid motion and brings him down for a DDT. The crowd claps for that impressive reversal. Gabby kips up and lines Odysseus up as the sea lion rolls on his stomach. Gabby runs the ropes and drop kicks his head to give his neck a bit of whip lash. Gabby goes to the top rope and calls for Odysseus to get up. He stands up and Gabby jumps going for a hurricanrana again, but Odysseus catches him and power bombs him into the turnbuckle. The big man backs up slapping his chest and jumping in place. "All aboard the PAAAAIN TRAAAAAIN!" He calls as he charges in and hits a big splash on Gabby. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:37 AM Odysseus showboats for a while Carl cheers for Gabby to get back up. The sea lion picks Gabby up and chops him a few times before hitting him with a dropkick, followed by a crossface, looking to make Gabby tap out. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 11:45 AM Gabby feels the big guy cranking on his neck, which is a bit more damaged. Plus, his big hands grinding against Gabby's face. This is rough, Gabby needs to figure a way out of this. He can't break out due to the size and strength difference. So, The Princess tries maneuvering his lower body and scoot back towards the ropes where Odysseus can't see. The longer he stays in this hold the more painful it gets. His ankle hits the ropes and the ref calls for a rope break. Odysseus being respectful lets go of the hold immediately and the crowd claps for both of them. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:47 AM Carl cheered Gabby's quick thinking and watched Odysseus went to finish what he started by going for a lift. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 11:55 AM He hits Gabby with a belly to belly slam, and Gabby reals in pain as his chest and torso have been taking a beating. Odysseus goes to the top rope. He is about to squish Gabby, but Gabby senses the grave danger and runs to the ropes and makes Odysseus slip and fall onto the top turnbuckle. Gabby goes onto the ring appron, and climbs on the top rope with Odysseus. He can't lift the big man up, so going for a lawn dart is out of the question. So, Gabby hooks the sea lion's neck in the cravat hold and jumps off the top rope yanking them both down hitting a super cutter. The crowd gets on their feet for that. Gabby rolls the big man over and hooks a leg. "1-2-3! Ring the bell! Gabby Angel wins by Pinfall!" The ref calls as the bell rings and the crowd cheers. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:59 AM Carl cheered and ran into the ring to congratulate his kitten. He had just won his first match of the tournament. Odysseus sat up in slight pain, but smiled at Gabby and gave him an approving wink. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 12:04 PM Odysseus stands up holding his neck and cringing as that was really painful. Gabby holds his chest and walks to him and they shake hands. The crowd cheers for the sportsmanship. The screen comes up and Gabby's name is moved into the the tournament bracket. Tomorrow, it's really go time. The round of 32 proper. Starting against the number 2 seed of the tournament. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 10:26 PM And Carl knew what that meant, the real hurdles were going to start pouring in. It was deep strategizing time for them. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 10:33 PM Gabriel met up with his daddy in gorilla position. Of course he grabbed his dress from ringside first. He hoped he did good enough to make it on the tv broadcast. "Good job kid, that was a pretty nice match." Says the head tournament promoter. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 10:34 PM "We did train really hard for this after all, but we know it isn't going to be easy from here on out." Carl stated. Although, he was still hoping that Gabby made it on TV as well. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 10:40 PM "Yeah, well, you know what they say. Anything can happen in the world of pro wrestling." The promoter says. "Um...will I get to be on tv tonight?" Gabby asks giving puppy eyes."Ehhhh can't say you two will likely make cut for full matches on the broadcast, but it will still be uploaded in full on our YouTube channel. Plus, that last cutter and that wrench reverse ddt were some nice highlights so those will make it on the broadcast." The promoter is honest with them. "Here's your pay for your win today. Rest up, but stick around in case we need you for anything. Someone could get injured or no show, and you may have to pull double duty. You know the business, don't ya kid." The promoter asks as Gabby nods his head and looks to his daddy to take the payment. This time in the form of a check. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 10:41 PM Carl gladly took the check and went to check up on Gabby. He needed to make sure his little kitten didn't have any major boo-boos or needed his padding changed. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 10:43 PM His chest is stinging a bit, and his side hurts, but nothing a few kisses won't fix. Carl gets a text from Jess 'Tell Gabby, he did great, and looked so cuuuute~ Love Coach Jess♡' Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 10:47 PM Carl texted back: "I will, thanks for watching the match." He then shows Gabby the text that Jess sent. While Carl was busy with tending to Gabby's injuries, Darla came in on her break from selling merch. "I take it the match went well?" she asked. "Yep, Gabby was on fire out there." Carl said. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 10:51 PM Gabby squeals because that means she was in the crowd, or possibly still is, since the broadcast won't be starting for another hour and a half. Gabriel runs to Darla and hugs her nuzzling. "Auntie! I made it to round 1!" He cheers. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 10:53 PM Darla hugs Gabby and gives him several kisses, "I'm so proud of you, baby." Carl simply smiled at this tender scene. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 10:57 PM Gabby nestled her and yawned. He wants to nap in her pouch but they'd need somewhere private to do that. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:00 PM Carl and Darla take him to a secluded hallway and place Gabby in Darla's pouch. She sang him a lullaby while rocking back and forth on her tail. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 11:04 PM Someone still needs to watch the stand and looks like Gabby is quite occupied with his auntie. Its quite a mystery how long she will just be auntie. Especially with her little joey resting in her pouch. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:07 PM Carl offered to watch the stand while Darla took over backstage duties. In Carl's opinion, Darla would be a lot better as a mommy. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 11:09 PM Gabriella slept in her auntie's pouch for the next few matches or so. Not really waking up until the main event. The 8 person tag match. When Gabby woke up he could hear the crowd louder then ever. The stars of the show were out there doing their thing. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:13 PM Both auntie and joey watched the match through the TV screens throughout the backstage areas. Darla kept track of important notes to give to Carl later. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 11:22 PM Gabriel watched seeing 4th Seed G. Moriarty try to power his opponents with his height and impressive feets of strength. 3rd seed Penance Bishop throws hard kicks to the only man in the match taller than him before jumping up and hitting a hurricanrana shocking the crowd. Gabby's opponent tomorrow 2nd Seed "Shooter" Donavan Morales hits Bishop with a a hard german suplex and transitions it into a different slam with an aggresive pace. Then finally the 1st Seed Desmond Blade The Third moves in with swiftness and fluidity as if he was born in the ring. Picking a body part and with surgical precision, working it until his opponent would have to give up to the most basic hold put on it. These four even facing each other look like they are on a different planet from Gabby and people he's faced up to this point. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:23 PM Darla had every right to be nervous for Gabby as she took mental notes. Her little joey was going to be in the ring with those monsters very soon. She tried to shake off the potential bad thoughts and go back to her note taking. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 11:30 PM To win this whole tournament, Gabby would have to beat at least one of the four men in that ring currently, and could face possibly up to three of them. Soon DB3 had Moriarty locked in a hammer lock on the ground. Normally that would hardly mean anything and would just wear the shoulder down, but Moriarty's shoulder and arm have been brutalized throughout the match that he has to live to fight another day without injury and taps out. Gabby is perplexed. After all, that isn't the same move he won with at the fair. That wasn't even the same body part. DB3 is a walking arsenal who can use any wrestling move as a lethal weapon and make it look beautiful. Mr Hoo June 6th, 22 11:32 PM Just goes to show you should never judge a person by where you first see them. In the deer's head, he couldn't stop thinking about a particular face he noticed in the crowd that day. Babygabrial June 6th, 22 11:36 PM The look of drive and passion in them He knew immediately that they were a wrestler. Something in his head even told him that the human was likely in this tournament. His intuition was correct. DB3 could see they had potential, and their style was fairly cute. But his in ring work was a thing of beauty. He is curious, if the cute little boy will make it to possibly face him. Only time will tell. Mr Hoo June 7th, 22 11:53 AM That all depended on Gabby's performance. However, it seemed like the outer wheels of fate were turning in favor of that fabled matchup Babygabrial June 7th, 22 12:36 PM Who's elegance reigns supreme in one of the oldest sports in all of man and anthrokind? Gabby watched on in envy, excitement, and overall nervousness. This week will be a site to see. Soon the promoter comes out to close the show and remind everyone when they'll be starting up tomorrow with the men's and women's tournaments. Mr Hoo June 7th, 22 10:11 PM They closed off with this: "And thank you once again to our wrestlers for making this an entertaining spectacle and to our audience for supporting us all by being here tonight!" Babygabrial June 8th, 22 12:12 PM And like that the show was done around dusk. The local television broadcast is on, having been quickly edited, with commentary added. People were getting their checks and leaving to prep for tomorrow, some of the wild cards are heading home, or taking other bookings since their schedule is cleared up. Mr Hoo June 8th, 22 05:00 PM Darla met up with Carl, who was still at the merch stand, "Hey guys, anything happen while I was here?" he asked as he patted Gabby's head. Babygabrial June 8th, 22 05:12 PM Gabriel nestles his daddy's hand. "We saw the main event Dada! The top four looked amazing!" He says bouncing up and down. Mr Hoo June 8th, 22 05:14 PM Darla giggled as the bouncing tickled her, "He's really excited." "He should be, it's every wrestler's dream to face a top contender like those. However, we can't let their amazing styles distract us from beating them." Carl said. Babygabrial June 8th, 22 06:32 PM He nods his head before sucking his thumb and laying against auntie Darla. There are a few more sales, before they head back to the hotel. Mr Hoo June 8th, 22 10:24 PM Once there, Carl got Gabby ready for a bath. His little kitten was all sweaty from his match. Darla undressed him while Carl got the water ready. Babygabrial June 8th, 22 10:28 PM The double teaming was as efficient as it was loving. Gabby sucks his thumb as his dress, gear, and soggy diaper is removed. Mr Hoo June 8th, 22 10:29 PM They both lifted him gently into the warm water. They scrubbed him clean as they gave him some bath toys to play with. Babygabrial June 8th, 22 10:32 PM He played happily as he is cleaned off of the two. As his bath is going on, Gabby's phone is blowing up. Mr Hoo June 8th, 22 10:34 PM The bath went well until the end. Gabby was dried off, padded up, and put in his bedtime clothes. Carl went to check Gabby's phone to see what the ruckus was about. Babygabrial June 8th, 22 10:37 PM There was like 50 text messages, none of the numbers have an id to them, but all of them are absurdly hateful. Calling Gabby a pussy, saying he's gonna be eaten alive, some being more tasteful and wishing him a nice hospital stay after tomorrow. Mr Hoo June 8th, 22 10:39 PM As Gabby's father figure, Carl decided that it would be best to not let his precious kitten see these hateful messages. He blocked the numbers and deleted the texts so Gabby wouldn't see them. Meanwhile Darla was having a bit of playtime with Gabby before bed. Babygabrial June 8th, 22 10:43 PM It was worrying though, who would send these messages, why would they target Gabby, and probably most questionable of them all, how did they get Gabby's number? Mr Hoo June 8th, 22 10:44 PM One thing's for sure, they were probably out to destroy Gabby's confidence on purpose. Neither Carl or Darla would let anyone talk bad about their precious star-child. He was their light and their love. Babygabrial June 8th, 22 10:51 PM Gabby was put down to sleep with a nice warm bottle. On the television, as the promoter said, Gabby's match was shown in highlights earlier. The full match was posted online though. A few hundred views from die hard wrestling fans just looking at whatever matches they can see. In the comment section, a good bit of good reviews for Gabby. Some comments say Gabby's a good wrestler, but they don't like the cartoonish gimmick, or something of that nature. They knew Gabby would have his critics, but one person argued with every comment complimenting Gabby. Mr Hoo June 8th, 22 10:52 PM Carl didn't know who that was, but he was grateful that Gabby had some supporters out there. Babygabrial June 8th, 22 10:57 PM Darla sees the comments, and points out. "That's not normal, usually someone does that to a big celebrity or something, and no offense, but of our little girl was on that level, we wouldn't be in this cheap hotel." She says. Between the text and the comment, that's a bit worrying. Could the new exposure be backfiring, or does someone have a grudge against Gabby? Nothing to focus on now, Gabby has a lot on his plate tomorrow, and going forward. Mr Hoo June 8th, 22 10:58 PM It is a mystery to solve another time. For now, Carl and Darla went to bed themselves to rest up for tomorrow. Babygabrial June 8th, 22 11:05 PM "So, seeing how much stock we had, I'm guessing we didn't sell too much merch today." Darla says sounding a bit worried, they did sell some, but most people who came got stuff from the bigger stars. Its reasonable for her to be worried financially. She is here with them instead of opening her shop. The merch money was her source of income this whole week. Mr Hoo June 9th, 22 09:53 PM "Don't worry, once Gabby starts turning heads in this tournament, the merch will go flying off the shelves. The only problem being these detractors." Carl said, still thinking about those hateful texts. Babygabrial June 9th, 22 10:02 PM "Yeah, this is...alot, and we aren't even the ones fighting." She says scratching behind her ears. None of them knew what they were getting into, they knew there were risks, but things are getting riskier than they could have imagined. They have put all of their eggs in one basket. Gabby is that basket. Hopefully the eggs reach their destination without cracking. Mr Hoo June 9th, 22 10:05 PM No matter what, they were both going to make sure those eggs never cracked. Each of them were going to give it their all in this tournament. Babygabrial June 9th, 22 10:09 PM Gabby woke up early in the morning and bounces on his daddy and auntie. "Up! Up! Up now!" He says with quite a bit of energy today. He tries to shake them. Mr Hoo June 9th, 22 10:11 PM Carl stretched and yawn while slightly chuckling at Gabby's energy, "Someone's excited." he said. Darla got up as well, "Good morning, baby. Ready for another exciting day?" she asked. Babygabrial June 9th, 22 10:14 PM "Mhmm! Mhmm!" He nods his head rapidly. He smells like he just made a hot load into his diaper. While sitting on the two of them. Mr Hoo June 9th, 22 10:19 PM Carl noticed and went to change him while Darla made everyone breakfast. Babygabrial June 9th, 22 10:27 PM The hotel was cheap and didn't have a full kitchen so cooking was a bit of an overstatement. Microwave breakfast sandwiches and instant oatmeal for the baby. Mr Hoo June 9th, 22 10:30 PM It was good enough, given that's what they were used to given their current living situations. Still, Carl was happy to feed his little kitten. Babygabrial June 9th, 22 10:35 PM Gabby ate like a nice humble little girl who just got his butt wiped. He sits in his auntie's pouch to be fed his morning baba. Mr Hoo June 9th, 22 10:39 PM Darla smiled at Gabby, she loved having her baby snuggled up nice and safe in her pouch. Babygabrial June 9th, 22 10:44 PM He finishes his baba and leans over to be burped. He was such a good girl for them. He needed his dress and gear for the day and they had to go to the stadium early to get the stand set Mr Hoo June 9th, 22 10:46 PM They did so, quickly and efficiently before heading out to the stadium. Babygabrial June 9th, 22 10:49 PM The ring was still set, but of course ring crews checked on it, made sure it was clean. Sound and lighting crews were testing everything. Media teams and merch teams were out and about. Then of course, wrestlers are showing up. Mr Hoo June 9th, 22 10:52 PM Darla went to set up the merch stand for the day while Carl stayed with Gabby, keeping him company until the announcements were made. Babygabrial June 9th, 22 10:58 PM Gabby clapped and played with his dada happily. Rufie sends a text to Carl telling him that they are going to suprise Gabby today. Coaches pretty much say the same thing. Everyone is gonna be here today. Mr Hoo June 9th, 22 11:00 PM Carl was delighted at this news and shared it with Gabby. Babygabrial June 10th, 22 10:35 AM Ultimately killing the suprise part, but hey Carl gets a very excited baby for a good while. This is a big day, and everyone wants to see Gabby against the number 2 seed. Especially if he wins, but in the back of everyone's mind there's another reason they're all coming today. To say they were there for Gabby at least once in this tournament. Because this may be the last chance. Having doubt is understandable, especially if you saw the top four in action yesterday. If it were maybe the number 4 seed, especially since that one is a substitution, then there'd be quite a lot more confidence. But, there are fewer ways the odds could be stacked against Gabby in this situation. The second best wrestler from New York under the age of 24 going into this tournament. These guys aren't indie rookies like Gabby, they wrestler for big name promotions around the world. They worked hard for this. If Gabby falls at this point, they were screwed from the start. Mr Hoo June 10th, 22 10:19 PM This is why he needed that extra bit of happiness and support. A surprise was great and all, but it feels even better knowing that the people you love are going to be there to support you. Gabby needed to know that there people out there cheering for him first and foremost. Babygabrial June 10th, 22 10:33 PM They can all hide the fact that he's controversial to him, but there's the chance that he knows, even if he doesn't show it. Even though he was hesitant at first he's really broken out of his shell. When they dressed him like a little girl to have dinner with Jack, he would have never done that two months ago. He would have to be dragged out of the apartment kicking and screaming. Ironically, he's grown quite a bit since meeting so many people who accept him. Mr Hoo June 10th, 22 10:37 PM Carl even started to feel a little better about himself. Despite his appearance which gave him so much trouble in the past, he was making a lot of friends who let him know that they had his and Gabby's backs. Babygabrial June 10th, 22 10:41 PM Soon it was time for Gabby to head into the locker room and get ready. Same deal as yesterday with the new gear. An easy to take off dress with his gear on under it. The sound of more people entering the arena can be heard even from the locker room. Mr Hoo June 10th, 22 10:47 PM Carl was quick to dress Gabby in his gear and dress. Babygabrial June 10th, 22 10:50 PM "Is Gabby's Nanny and Gabby's coaches gonna see Gabby today Dada?" He asks as his hair is being brushed. He has butterflies in his tummy snd is clearly nervous as he hears more and more people enter. Mr Hoo June 10th, 22 10:54 PM "Of course they are, kitten. They're gonna cheer you on because they love you so much." Carl says. Babygabrial June 10th, 22 10:58 PM "Will Gabby see them, Dada?" He asks before giving a little purr and nestling his face on his Dada's lap. He's so distracted by his own thoughts and worries, that he could probably get his markup applied without knowing. Mr Hoo June 10th, 22 11:01 PM Carl did that as well while telling him that; "I'll make sure you will." Babygabrial June 10th, 22 11:15 PM Gabby nods his head. Soon it was time to reveal the card for the day. At the meating the card was shown. All tournament matches today mixing between men's and women's. Since it's round 1, the higher seed matches are spread out a bit. Gabby goes on mid show, the women's first seed opens the show, and the main event is actually the 14th and 19th seeds going at it. Makes sense. They're close enough that it's competitive, and they're high enough up to give some credibility. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 04:44 PM Even Carl knew that you needed to put the top talent first, otherwise the audience is going to lose interest. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 06:28 PM But, blowing all your top talent early will mean everyone will not want to stay through the full program. Finding a good balance in building a card is a craft many people try, few are really any good at. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 09:26 PM Something even the most common of common people know about. Balance was everything in almost anything. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 09:34 PM Knowledge and execution are two different beasts. Both need to be tamed. Soon the meeting was over and Gabby could do with a quick nap and a diaper change before bell time. It will hopefully ease him and give him time to think. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 09:37 PM Carl did just that. He took Gabby to a quiet place to have his nap, laying down a soft mat for him and singing a lullaby to help him have happy dreams. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 09:39 PM Gabby soon sucked his thumb as he was lulled off to dreamland. Thankfully the area was quiet enough that the crowd noise, and entrance music was muffled. If there was pyro, there'd be no chance for Gabby to go to sleep. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 09:46 PM If that was the case, Carl had earplugs ready so that his kitten wouldn't be disturbed. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 09:50 PM The show went on for a good two hours before a producer called out."Princess Gabby Angel and Shooter Donovan Marales! You're next up!" The producer says then repeates themselves to get the wrestlers to come to Gorilla Position. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 09:52 PM This call came after Gabby woke up from his nap and while Carl was giving him a change. He was able to get him into position right on time. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 09:56 PM Gabby warms up and streatches trying to wake up. He turns towards his Dada and waves bye bye to him before gulping. His opponent walks by looking serious with the towel around his shoulder. His opponent warms up taking shots and practices some basic wrestling. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 10:04 PM "Don't get intimidated, kitten. Daddy will be watching you. Remember, you practiced hard for this." Carl said to him. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 10:06 PM He nods his head and is about to go for a hug. "Gabby Saint! You're out first!" Gabby's music plays. Gabriel whimpers as he looks to his daddy knowing he has to go without a hug. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 10:13 PM Carl gives him a quick hug before sending him off. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 10:16 PM Gabby goes to the curtain and takes a deep breath before coming out smiling and going through the motions of his entrance. Coming down the ramp, he hears cheers near the front that are pretty loud. Its his coaches and Rufie. He smiles big and skips down to ring side and hugs them. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 10:20 PM They all wished Gabby good luck in the match and that they were all rooting for him. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 10:23 PM He feels much better as he gets in the ring, twirls around at the center as his dress falls to the mat revealing his ring gear. A nice little bit of pageantry that the crowd can appreciate. Soon his music fades as soon some hard rap plays and soon the Shooter emerges hopping up and down cracking his nuckles. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 10:29 PM He pumps up the crowd and flexes his muscles as the crowd cheers. He then looks to Gabby and gives him a thumbs down. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 10:35 PM The ribbon snake moves down to the ring. As he rolls in he throws his towel to the corner and circled around the ring before taking some shots and stretching. His music fades as the wrestlers go into their corner. The crowd awaits for the announcer to begin. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 10:38 PM The word is given for the announcer to begin the introductions. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 10:44 PM "The following contest is a first round match, scheduled for one fall with a 30 minute time limit l. Introducing first, coming from The Boroughs of Empire City. Weighing in today at 183ibs. Wild card, Princess Gabby Saint!" Cheers and applauds. "And his opponent from Nickle City, Empire State. He is weighing in today at 145ibs. Second Seed, The Shooter Donavaaaaaan Moraaaaaaaleeeeeees!" Big pop from the crowd. They are familiar with his work and they can't wait to see it in action again. Mr Hoo June 11th, 22 10:52 PM They'll be getting that action soon, when the bell finally rung and the two combatants began their first lockup. Babygabrial June 11th, 22 11:02 PM Alot of wrist fighting to start off, both technical wizards looking to gain control. Getting the wrist can allow one to climb up the arm and get an easy shot at the neck. That's immediately what Donavan does as he wins wrist control and gets Gabby in a headlock. He doesn't go for the head and arm takedown, he spins around behind and hooks Gabby's leg and trips him forward, flattening the princess on his stomach. Morales spins around for a front headlock, but Gabby pops his hip and spins out from under him and hops over his opponent's hips, rolling him up into a schoolboy pin trying to get the quick win. "1-2-"Donavan kicks out by rolling backwards to his knees and the shooter shoots in getting Gabby's leg. Gabby uses a cross face to pry his leg just enough to sprawl on the snake's back and spins behind him. Gabby now hooks his opponent's legs, but Donavan rolls on his head and rolls Gabby up for a pin. "1-2-" Gabby kicks out and bridges on his head before rolling over and goes for a norther lights pin on Donavan. "1-2-" Donavan kicks out by bridging up mid pin and goes for a backslide knowing Gabby would roll through. They get back standing but Donavan still has Gabby's wrists and he spins the princess around and goes for a German suplex but Gabby reverses it into a hip toss. Donavan rolls to his feet and gets on his knee as Gabby gets in a low stance and finally these two are at an impass. The crowd stand up for that amazing technical ground work. Gabby pants from all that. Donvan still looks like the bell hasn't rung. Mr Hoo June 13th, 22 10:40 PM Carl could barely keep track of what was going on. Donovan surely knew how to get out of a tricky situation. Not really sure if this was a racist remark, but those were snakes for you. Gabby had to trap him in a way in which he couldn't get out, easier said than done of course. Loads of tech stuff needed to be done, as well as a whole lot of wearing out. Babygabrial June 13th, 22 10:52 PM "This didn't start well at all." Wendy says in the crowd. "What are you talking about Chief?" Asks Rufie "Gabby held his ground hold for hold with this guy." Wendy then points her wings at them both in response and says "And look at the end result. Gabby is panting two minutes into the match, and Donavan is fit as a whistle." Jess then points out "But Rufie has a point. Gabby kept up with him, and Gabby doesn't exactly have a small tank. Why is Donavan not out of it?" She asks "I'd put money on the stress." Jerry throws his two cents in. Wendy nods and adds on "Donavan moved with a purpose. He knew what he wanted to do, and did it with no hesitation. While he acted, Gabby reacted, he moved out of instinct because he senses danger coming." She says. The two circle each other again, but this time Donavan shoots in and and hits a double leg takedown. He climbs up the body with a sliver and starts ground and pounding Gabby putting the princess on the defense in a bad position. Mr Hoo June 13th, 22 10:55 PM Carl started to get worried, were Gabby's doubts somehow getting in the way of his performance? Rufie had this worry deep down as well, the last thing Gabby needed right now was to be discouraged. If there is one thing they all knew though, is that Gabby was tough. He was skilled as well. If there was any time for him to pull off a saving maneuver, it was now. Babygabrial June 13th, 22 11:02 PM Gabby grabbed an incoming fist and brought his legs up to go for an armbar. The Shooter slips out and Gabby swiftly stands up. Donavan moves around Gabby, staying low, and in Gabby's blind spot. Angel looks around not spotting his opponent and he grits his teeth. He tears up scared as he's grabbed from behind. His arm is put in a hammer lock and cranked like a wrench on a nail. Gabby cringes in a very uncomfortable position. The ref asks if he wants to give up. Gabby sniffles and shakes his head no. He galops forward and tries to build up speed as his arm is cranked harder and harder. His shoulder almost ready to pop. Morales uses his free hand to club the back of Gabby's head. Gabriel keeps running around while in the hold picking up momentum before charging the ropes and dropping down to throw Donavan through them. Donavan falls out of the ring as Gabby holds his arm and rolls his shoulder. His heart is racing. He's terrified. Mr Hoo June 13th, 22 11:07 PM Carl runs up to the ringside barriers and offers words of encouragement, "Don't be scared, kitten! You can do this! Remember all you've been though!" "Don't let him beat you, Gabby! We know you'll make us all proud!" Rufie shouted. "They're right, kid! We didn't train you just so you could fall at the early hurdles! We trained you to be a winner!" Jerry cheered. "We all believe in you! Go on and win this!" Carl cheered. Babygabrial June 13th, 22 11:15 PM Gabby looks around at his team, his family and nods his head. He runs the ropes and goes for a suicide dive, but Donavan dodges by jumping on the apron to the side. Gabby rebounds by grabbing the ropes mid dive. Gabby swings around and kicks Donavan in the back. Donavan, being the smaller competitor, drops to a knee as Gabby jumps on the middle rope and hits a springboard DDT on the apron. With his high flying and reaction time, Gabby takes control for the first time in the match. Gabby rolls his opponent into the ring, before climbing to the top rope. Gabby goes for a somersault leg drop but Donavan dodges and pulls Gabby to his feet. Morales hooks Gabby from under one arm and pops his hips hitting Gabby with a half and half suplex. He slivers away as Gabby gets on all fours in pain Donavan runs in and hits a penalty kick on Gabby's arm that he had in the hammer lock earlier. Gabby grasps and falls holding his arm. Mr Hoo June 13th, 22 11:18 PM The group cringes as that spot is hit, Gabby was going to have to watch that part. Donavan stands above Gabby as the padded wrestler writhes in pain. He then forces him up and puts Gabby in a standing chokehold to make him pass out. "Get out of there, kitten!" Carl shouts. Babygabrial June 13th, 22 11:24 PM Gabby remembers that this is how he lost to BAR. That lost. That one fucking blemish on his record. He cringes with hate overclouding the fear on his eyes. "Grrrrrrrrrrrr Ahhhhhhhh!" Gabby lets out a war cry as he pries the snake off of him. He turns to Donavan immediately and jumps up hitting an enziguri to the back of Donovan's head. Suddenly this one sided match got a lot more even, but Gabby is still expending way more energy than Donavan. A long match doesn't benefit the princess at this point. Gabby raises Donavan up for a suplex and hits it before floating over, but this gets him trapped. Donavan wraps his legs around Gabby and overhooks his head before grabbing the hurt arm to try and lock it into a kimura. Gabby can break free, but it's going to cost him a lot of stamina and this will greatly wear his arm and shoulder down. Mr Hoo June 13th, 22 11:28 PM Carl was feeling deja vu as well. Hell, his paw already started reaching for a towel... No, not again. Gabby was better now, more skilled and experienced. He cheered some more to give Gabby some encouragement. It was a do or die moment. The crowd watched with anticipation, waiting to see what would happen. "Might as well give up now, princess." Donavan whispered in Gabby's ear as he continued to tighten the hold. Babygabrial June 13th, 22 11:42 PM Gabby cringes feeling his shoulder getting closer and closer to popping out of socket. He can't stay like this. He will either tap, or the ref will stop the match if he's injured that hard. He squirms before moving towards where Donavan is pulling. He rolls all the way over and gets to a knee with Donavan's legs squeezing the life out of him like a boa constrictor. Meanwhile, his arm is still in popping range. The crowd start chanting for Gabby seeing his determination. Gabby, one step at a time marches towards a corner. He finally picks up steam and ramps Donavan right into the corner. Forcing the second seed snake to let go. Gabby runs across the ring and runs back hitting a clothesline into the corner. Gabby used his bad arm and that made him cringe. He shakes his arm around and turns the shooter around to lift him to the top rope. Gabby hops up and goes for a tear drop suplex, but the time Gabby took with his arm gave Donavan enough time to snap out the daze. He hangs on to the turnbuckle to not be lifted. He elbows Gabby a few times before Gabby stumbles down to the ring. Gabby runs up and kicks the snake in the back of the neck again stunning him. He lifts him up for the teardrop suplex off of the top rope. However, Donavan rotates mid air landings on top of Gabby. From there he goes for a pin with his legs firmly on Gabby's good arm. "One-two-thre" As the ref's hand was coming down, Gabby's hand shot up. His bad arm shot up. Just as Donavan planned. He immediately grabs the arm and spins around to a north-south position with Gabby before doing a hand stand, holding Gabby's arm down. His knees come down and knee's Gabby's shoulder. Gabby cringes in pain kicking around. Donavan gets on a hand stand and drops his knees on Gabby's shoulder once more. Mr Hoo June 14th, 22 10:29 PM Carl's heart jumped at that close countdown, he couldn't bear to see his little kitten get pummeled around like this. No, he was going to succeed, he had to. He cheered louder than he has been doing up until that point. The same went for Rufie and rest of the coaches, they wanted to see him win. "Come on, kitten! Trap that bozo and tie him down!" This was when Darla came in to watch the match for a short while. She was shocked to find Gabby down on the mat and writing in pain. She did her fair share of cheering as well, wanting to see Gabby win as well. Babygabrial June 14th, 22 11:59 PM Once Donavan was satisfied with the elbows he sat Gabby up and pulled back on his shoulder, and shoving his knee into the Princess' back. Gabby was stuck there as he continued to wear down on the arm and shoulder. Gabby started squirming and kicking around. The ref watches to see if Gabby taps out. Gabby stomps his feet as the crowd claps. Gabby starts standing up, but the shooter sends hard elbows into Gabby's shoulder. Gabby sits back down until he starts powering up again with the crowd getting more and more on his side. Gabby stands up and spins around. He hooks Morales' head into a cravat hold attempting his Cutter, but Donva pushes Gabby into the ropes. Gabby runs back and hits Donovan with a hard lariet with the bad arm. It gave Donavan whiplash but now they're both down. The ref begins the ten count for a double knockout as Donavan lays there knocked loopy, and Gabby lays there holding his arm in pain. Around the count of 3 the announcer says on the intercom "15 minutes have passed." There's a 30 minute time limit. There's only 15 minutes left in the match. If there's a draw Gabby doesn't want to know what happens. If they decide these two have to fight again, then Gabby will lose for sure because Donavan knows what to do now. Mr Hoo June 15th, 22 10:47 PM The way things were going now, it was obvious that Donavan had the upper hand when it came to overall performance and dominance in the match. The judge's decision would almost certainly go to him. Carl knew that Gabby had to pin the little slippery punk now or it was over for them. Rufie and coaches cheered for Gabby to pin the guy down while he could. Babygabrial June 15th, 22 11:03 PM The crowd were getting hot from the match. Donavan got to a knee by the count of 5. Gabby was still down though. "Six!" The ref called as Donavan stood up. "Seven!" It was getting close as Gabby was working his way up. "Eight!" Gabby was using his good arm to push himself up. "Nine!" Gabby stumbles as he stands. If he falls then its all over. "Te-" Gabby held a hand up as he got himself stable on his feet and the crowd gave him a standing ovation as the ref called for the match to resume. Mr Hoo June 16th, 22 10:12 PM Carl gave a cheer as well, congratulating his kitten on being strong, "Now finish this, watch out for his grabs!" he called out. Babygabrial June 16th, 22 10:21 PM Donavan went for a shot, but this time Gabby had it scouted. He jumps over The Shooter and runs up the top rope, no hands and moonsaults, hooking Donovan's head mid air, and DDT's him driving his head and neck on the matt. The Cutter was reveresed earlier so Gabby points to the corner and does a darting motion. He's signaling for his Lawn Dart. No, one has kicked out of that. He struggles getting Donavan up on his shoulder with only one good shoulder to use. Gabby gets the snake on and charges in. Mid-Charge, Donavan slithers out and rams Gabby's bad shoulder into the hard, yet padded turn buckle. Gabby staggers wincing in pain, and the snake sees the opportunity and seizes it. He jumps up and wraps his legs around Gabby's shoulders and grabs his arms before rolling over hooking in an armbar. Crowd cheers as this has to be over with how banged up Gabby's shoulder and arm is. But Gabby hooks his fingers together instinctively so his arm can't be hyper extended. Mr Hoo June 16th, 22 10:26 PM "That's it, now get out of there!" Carl cheered. Rufie and the coaches cheered as well, praising Gabby's quick thinking. Babygabrial June 16th, 22 10:32 PM Gabby struggled, and kicked around. Every second in that armbar was excruciatingly painful. He can't lift his arm up in this condition to power bomb him. Yet, he is too far away from the ropes. He feels Morals pulling trying to hyper extend his arm. When he feels a pull, he rolls with the momentum and stacks up Donavan for the pin. "One! Two! Thre-" Donavan breaks the hold to kick out as Gabby moves away to the ropes. Cringing and wincing in pain. "Twenty minutes have passed. There are ten minutes left in the contest." Gabby is screwed, but he has one last trick up his sleeve. Its a gamble, but so is even being here. He's been playing against a stacked duck, but everyone has bet on him. They say the house always wins, but if he wants to succeed for his friends, family, and his own dream. He will need to BURN the house down. Gabby leans on the ropes holding his arm out. Mr Hoo June 16th, 22 10:37 PM Carl and the coaches watched with bated breath to see what Gabby would do. Donovan need to end this once and for all, sick of this guy's tenacity. He charged and went in, looking to end it all. Babygabrial June 16th, 22 10:48 PM Donavan took the bait going to punt kick Gabby's arm again. The princess swiftly rolled behind as Morales got his foot caught in the rope. Gabby, painfully due to his shoulder, lifts Donavan back first on to them, and the crowd gasps as there's only two things that could be done from that position. A torture rack submission, but that would hurt Gabby more than Donavan due to Gabby's shoulder. The other is something no one expected. Most of this die hard wrestling crowd knows what he's going for. Less knowledgeable or casual viewers, or people more new to wrestling like Carl and Darla don't but can hear the crowd go silent in anticipation. "Is he going for..." asks Rufie. "Going for what?" asks Jess. "He can't be..." says a shocked Wendy "Can't what?" Asks Jess again. "He's freaking insane!" Shouts Jerry "Crazy for what!? What's he going for!?" Asks Jess sounding worried now. They don't answer, but Gabby does as he cries out to the heavens "BURNING HAMMER!!!"he runs to the center of the ring and jumps Driving Donavan on his head and neck. Quantified by how Gabby slammed him, it pressed all of Donovan's body weight on his head and neck as he's driven into the mat. The crowd stand up cheering loudly absolutely astonished. Gabby stacks him up and pins him "ONE! TWO! THREE!" thr ref calls for the bell, but thank God the bell keeper saw the ref signal because he couldn't hear the ref over how loud the crowd just popped and stood on their feet. "Here's your winner by pinfall! PRINCESS! GABBY ANGEL!!!!!" The announcer finalizes. Darla and Jess look incredibly confused but happy Gabby won. Mr Hoo June 16th, 22 10:50 PM Rufie jumps up and cheers, screaming loud in excitement over the win. Carl climbed into the ring and gave Gabby a hug, being careful of his bad arm, "That was outstanding, kitten! Daddy's so proud of you!" Babygabrial June 16th, 22 10:56 PM Gabby giggled and leaned in on his daddy holding his arm. Donavan is not getting up. A crew comes to help him out of the ring. He's gonna be feeling that for a while. The crowd are not quieting down. They are going nuclear after seeing that. "I'm super happy he won, but what was that, and why is everyone going insane?" Jess asked, she hasn't been involved in the business, being mostly just a trainer. "Because Gabby just gave everyone a moment never to forget. He executed the Burning Hammer. The most dangerous and unbeatable wrestling maneuver ever made." Wendy clears up as she looks on qt the smiling Gabby looking on at everyone in the crowd. Wendy thinks to herself 'What in the hell stumbled into my gym?' Mr Hoo June 16th, 22 10:57 PM "One of the greatest wrestlers you'll ever see in your entire life." Rufie told her before going back to her loud cheering. Carl picked up a mic and asked Gabby if he wanted to say a few words before leaving backstage. Babygabrial June 16th, 22 11:05 PM "Th-Thank you everybody. That was...really tough, but I did it! I beat the second seed, even it took everything I had in me." The crowd responds with chants of "YOU DESERVE IT!" She giggles. "I-I hope to keep going, and win the whole tournament! Especially since there's a score I want settled, and someone wrestler here I can only dream of facing." Gabby blushes like a little girl with a crush. "So, please....please keep supporting me, just like my family has supported me and kept me going when I almost gave up myself. But I didn't give up, I wanted to win, I want to keep winning! I want to be the best! Be it Rookie Of The Year or World Heavyweight Champion! My soul BURNS for it!" The crowd cheers as Gabby's music hits and the crowd chants "Burning Princess! Burning Princess! Burning Primcess!" As Gabby heads up the ramp, with his daddy's aid, Desmond Blade's music hits and he walks from behind the curtain with another tremendous pop from the crowd. Desmond looks into Gabby's eyes as they finally meet up close. Gabby blushes like a school girl again, indicating that DB3 is who he meant earlier. Mr Hoo June 16th, 22 11:08 PM Carl tries to keep his little kitten calm as they stand in front of this absolute legend standing right in front of them. His own heart beating really fast. The deer looks at Gabby with a cold, calculating stare. It's as if he was trying to see right through him, right into his very soul. Babygabrial June 16th, 22 11:14 PM Gabby looks back, his soul wanting. Wanting him...in the ring. DB3 doesn't say a word, he struts down elegantly as he pops the collar of his jacket ready to steal the show once more. Gabby sways smiling and blushing. You can hear the swaying by his crinkling diaper. They head backstage as a lot of people come and congratulate Gabby on the huge upset victory, the incredibly good match, and of course hitting the Burning Hammer. Gabby's cheeks are pinker then the makeup on them. From the praise, and because the number one seed of the tournament noticed him. He has a different kind of butterflies in his tummy. Just thinking in his mind getting to face someone like DB3. The few times Gabby has seen him work has been scary, yet comforting. Mr Hoo June 16th, 22 11:17 PM Carl was happy that Gabby was feeling more excited than nervous as the prospect of facing someone that skilled. Although something deep inside him told him that Gabby still had a few steps to go before the deer could fully recognize the talents of the padded fighter. For now, he took him to the medical bay to get his arm and shoulder looked at. Rufie and the coaches, as well as Darla even came to offer their support. Babygabrial June 16th, 22 11:22 PM The trainers looked it over and had him move it around. It stung a bit and Gabby winced. "Its definitely bruised and worn down. Keep some ice on it, and rest it for the night , and you should be cleared to go. No fractures or dislocations as far as I see." The trainers tell Gabriel before they tape up an ice pack to his shoulder and wrap his elbow up. Mr Hoo June 17th, 22 07:16 PM Carl would be sure to follow this advice and keep a watchful eye over his little kitten. He was relieved that nothing broke during that match. Babygabrial June 17th, 22 07:32 PM Gabby hopped down and ran over to his Dada. "Dada! I won! Gabby won!" He cheers bouncing up and down. The adrenaline is wearing off. His state of mind is exiting the ring now that his body has. Mr Hoo June 17th, 22 07:44 PM "You did, kitten. And Daddy is so proud of you." Carl said. "We're all proud." Darla said as she hugged Gabby." Babygabrial June 17th, 22 07:55 PM A huge weight was lifted off of everyone's shoulders. Gabby achieved a major upset, and did it in eye catching fashion. His career and reputation is intact. Now though, the real challenge begins. All eyes are on Gabby now, and no one in his path will underestimate him. Including a foe who has already defeated him. A foe who watches his celebration from a distance at this moment. Mr Hoo June 17th, 22 10:06 PM Carl's heightened senses picked up on his presence. It had the same feeling of when a mugger was about to sneak up on him. He wanted to get Gabby back to the room, right now. Babygabrial June 17th, 22 10:11 PM So they went over to the promoter. He gives Gabby his pay for the winning purse for the match, and tells Gabby that time will be slotted in tomorrow for Gabby to do an interview segment. Big things are already popping for him, and when Gabby's winning, they're all winning. Mr Hoo June 17th, 22 10:14 PM Carl was happy for his little kitten, and the best part was that he had a lot of loving people behind him to help make it happen. Babygabrial June 17th, 22 10:22 PM Back at the hotel they celebrated with drinks and food, payed for by a visiting Jack, like Gabby won the whole tournament already. A bottle of apple juice for Gabriella of course "Woohoo! All the coverage Gabby's getting has got to boom my shop!" Darla says "Hey, we are already getting calls about new recruits wanting to learn at our gym. We didn't teach Gabby the Burning Hammer but hey, it gets business booming." Jerry says. "Hey, folks are asking for Gabby left and right. Bookings across this side of the country looking for this kid." Jack shows on his phone. "Well looks like a tour for me and MY tag partner" Rufie emphasizes Mr Hoo June 17th, 22 10:27 PM Carl felt like he was in a dream, for once in his life things were starting to go his way. Of course he couldn't have done it without a little help from his friends. And to think this all started with an accidental encounter on the street. Babygabrial June 17th, 22 10:30 PM As they all partied Gabriel soon fell asleep in the hotel provided crib. They were busy basking on today, he was focused on tomorrow. A weight off his shoulders, he made his friends and family happy. An even bigger weight replaced it in that he has to show the audience that his win was no fluke. Mr Hoo June 17th, 22 10:34 PM They all had no doubt about that. If anyone could pull it off, it was Gabby. Babygabrial June 17th, 22 10:44 PM On the television they showed Gabby's match in full and gave it match of the night. Putting it in the running for match of the tournament. They show the match to determines who faces Gabby tomorrow as well. It was between the number 18th seed Shade a brawling pitbull with a gangster gimmick, and the number 15th seed Angelo Oscero a tag team wrestler with a mix of striking and high flying. He's puerto rican wirehair cat with an aggressive style to him. Mr Hoo June 17th, 22 10:49 PM Carl thought about which one of these two would make a better opponent for Gabby. He thought that Shade would be a good matchup due to the difference in styles. However, he also thought that Angelo's move-set would be easily countered. Babygabrial June 17th, 22 10:55 PM Throughout the match, Shade used his superior size and strength to over power the young cat, but Angelo would strike back with stinging punches before taking things to the top rope and diving on the big dog. At a point they started brawling outside of the ring and Shade tried to powerbomb Angelo through the timekeeper's table but Angelo reverses it into a huricanrana, and after Shade goes through the table and gets Shade in to hit his finisher, a cat's cradle pile driver. A lot of neck based finishes recently. Anyway, Angelo gets the three count and moves on to face wild card Gabby Angel tomorrow. Mr Hoo June 17th, 22 10:58 PM Carl remembered Gabby's striking-based style and occasional high-flying maneuvers. He would have to get this cat in a good hold and wear down his limbs if he wanted to succeed. Babygabrial June 17th, 22 11:02 PM Throughout the program the women's tournament advanced as well. On the men's side, they showed BAR's match in highlights since it was so quick and actually pretty one sided they didn't feel the need to cover the whole match, and of course Desmond Blade The Third advances. Seeds one, three, four, and five move on to the Sweet 16 round. Only one big shocker, and that would be the one wild card still in it. Gabby Angel, newly christened 'Burning Princess' Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 08:44 AM It did have a nice ring to it. That's it, it's decided. Gabby new in-ring nickname shall officially be 'Burning Princess' Babygabrial June 19th, 22 08:54 AM Gonna have to have to express order t-shirts to capitalise on this. Folks at the tournament live are going to be buying those like hotcakes made at Big Pauly The Pig's Pancake House. Locals are raving about Gabby's match online. The local coverage is giving them a huge boost in exposure in Empire State. Indie outlets are talking a bit about him so die hards may have Gabby Angel whispered in their ears. A niche fanbase is a fanbase none the less. They will take what they can get. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 08:56 AM Darla went right to work on ordering those shirts, making sure they had a really cool design to go with it. Carl helped her out, or course. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 08:59 AM Soon everyone noticed Gabby was asleep in the crib, blissfully unaware and unmoved by the excited world around him. One by one everyone dipped for the night. Rufie had an out of state booking so they'd have to miss tomorrow and maybe the day after. Jerry and Wendy say they'll come tomorrow, but Jess is going to be running the gym tomorrow so she'll be out. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 09:04 AM Carl bid them farewell and was alone with Darla, "Everything's happening so fast." he said. "Yeah, it's crazy, but it's also kind of fun." "You bet. Feels like we're almost on top already." Babygabrial June 19th, 22 09:10 AM "And we have our little girl to thank for it." Darla smiles looking down into the crib at the sleeping beauty. Darla's been struggling really, mentally and financially. Her store doesn't see as many clients as it really needs, and her world has been pretty dull. Gabriella could be her ticket to success and she gets to be on these adventures across the state while doing it. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 09:14 AM And Carl couldn't be happier to have her around. She was special to him, just as much as Gabby was. There were no two people in his life that he loved more. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 09:18 AM Darla looked to Carl and went in for a kiss as they made their way to the bed for the night. The next morning Gabriel woke up crying feeling uncomfortable. His ice pack melted in his crib and he was all wet. Well, besides his diaper, that's wet for a different reason. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 09:31 AM Carl and Darla woke up from a great night's sleep and went to their precious child's aid. They got Gabby out of his crib and dried him off, being extra careful with him. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 09:32 AM Gabriella sniffles and whines being a bit fussy this morning due to how he woke up. He peaked up out of the towel batting his eyes. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 10:43 PM Darla nuzzled him lovingly while Carl prepared breakfast for the three of them. Gabby was sat down and spoon-fed delicious oatmeal by Darla. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 10:50 PM He got some on his cheeks and lips. He looked like the most adorable baby in the whole wide world. He bat his pretty eyes at Darla and let out the sweetest of coos. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 10:52 PM The roo squealed as this happened. She wiped Gabby's face when he was finished. "Your arm feeling OK, kitten?" Carl asked. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 10:53 PM Gabriel rolled his arm around it felt funny, there was definitely a bruise, but he could move it just enough. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 10:57 PM The two caretakers went to get their baby dressed for the day. They were extra careful in helping him out, due to taking caution when getting his injured arm through the sleeve. The last thing they wanted was for their baby to get even more hurt. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 11:00 PM He winced once and he felt them halt what they were doing. He didn't cry or anything. Today he's in a different dress, this one came up over his wrestling gear with no straps and sleeves. It was mostly a corset, bra, and skirt. Again it combed with the wrestling gear Darla made for him during the build up to the tournament. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 11:02 PM He looked absolutely stunning. Darla put Gabby in her pouch as they walked to the stadium. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 11:05 PM Gabby's hair was down today, held back by a headband with a bow on top. He had to make sure his constant nuzzling didn't mess up his hair or....makeup. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 11:06 PM They made their way to the main room where tonight's events were to be announced. Carl had to wait and see exactly when Gabby's interview would be on. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 11:10 PM They're in the sweet 16 today, and if it were only one tournament, they'd probably have some filler matches, and possibly would be airing live. The addition of the women's sweet 16 makes it 32 matches today. So they had to get tgings going as early as possible. Folks were mad dashing setting up security, merch stands, ticket takers, concession stands, wrestlers getting dressed and warmed up, fans coming in as early as they can to get the good seats. This is day 3. Each day is projected to have more attendance than the last. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 11:12 PM That means more eyes on Gabby and his performance. Darla had to get her own stand ready, leading her to hand Gabby off to Carl, give both of them a quick kiss, and get going. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 11:15 PM Gabby needed to check in with the trainer, get weighed in, and get warmed up. His makup and hair was done already, but he was still on the move. The trainers checked him, cleared him. Then at the scale he had to be stripped down to yis diaper to get a proper weight. He seemed not scared to have his diaper showing in front of several strangers. He has really become comfortable in his own skin. Mr Hoo June 19th, 22 11:17 PM Carl actually thought he looked cute with just a diaper on. Of course, that's how most anthros kept their babies when walking around. No clothes, just the diaper. Yeah, it's a strange society. Babygabrial June 19th, 22 11:22 PM If he wasn't expected to be an adult wrestler, many ignorant anthros, who haven't been in a human or mixed neighborhood, would likely think he's what human babies look like. He weighed in the same 185 ibs. As he turned to step off the scale he jumps seeing BAR behind him. In a hoodie, eating a bag of chips. He steps up on the scale just like that. The staff look confused on what they're supposed to do. Gabby balled his fists up and he was about to march up until he felt a deer's hand on his shoulder. He looks up and yelps seeing DB3 standing above Gabby in all of his glory. "Step back" he said in a naturally casual commanding tone. Gabby obeyed as DB3 went up to BAR. "You seem to be confused friend. The stands are that way, I can escort you there. A bunch of the other wrestlers snicker. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 03:53 PM BAR threw his chips down and got in the deer's face, "Got something to say to my face, pretty boy!?" he shouts at him while doing that weird gangster-style size up thing. "You think you're so badass because you're some legend or something? Look me in the eyes, ass wipe, you're looking one right here!" Carl couldn't help but pity the poor guy. Desmond could easily floor this dude no problem, something he really wanted to see happen, honestly. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 04:11 PM Desmond calmly smirks and and steps up closer before speaking with that fine english accent. "Quiet down, you lout. This is the weigh ins, not some backstage brawl. Calling me a legend, hardly. Though unlike anyone else in this room I've battled the World Heavyweight Champion for the gold before. So, you're right to see me on another level. As I am on that level, I have no time for you, your rubbish breath, and your lack of in ring elegance. Step aside so I may weigh in. If you want my attention then I suggest you make it to the finals. I will happily meet you there. Though. " he peaks over at Gabriella "You may have some stiff competition along the way, mate." Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 04:31 PM "I'll drop you on your ass, roadkill! Better watch out!" BAR says as he walks off. "No doubt about that, man." Carl responds to Desmond. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 04:38 PM Desmond just steps to get weighed in. 203Ibs just under 20 ibs heavier than Gabby. Meaning Gabby could be able to lift and slam hom with no trouble, but as Gabby has seen, that is easier said than done. Gabby turns to BAR who's walking away. Before he could get to Desmond, he'd have to get through BAR, but at the same time he worries, because if BAR wins today then he'll have to go against either the third seed Penance Bishop, or the tenth seed. Either one could be a hell of a match for BAR tomorrow. But Gabby has his own opponents to worry about. He was told along the way about who his opponent was. He will have to stay light on his feet to get through today's challenge, especially since he's not 100% after yesterday's grueling war against Donavan. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 04:49 PM This worried Carl greatly as well. He knew that Gabby performed better when he was at maximum happiness and top physical condition. This tournament was making it harder to keep up with both those things. Good thing Carl was born into a life of challenge. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 06:10 PM Soon it was time to go over the schedule of the matches. The unpredictability of the tournament means that anything can change when it comes to the booking. Hence why somethibg like this can happen. "Desmond, you're opening the show, your match will be first on the broadcast. Main event tonight, Angelo Oscar Vs Gabby Angel." Gabby's jaw dropped. This was clearly to capitalize on the hype Gabby brought with his round 1 match, but the main event. He couldn't have seen that coming. It was the main event of the middle of the tournament, really the least interesting periods of a tournament, and also when viewership will likely be at it's lowest. However, for someone like Gabby who's only main evented once, and on quite the smaller stage, this was incredible. Desmond going first made sense, he's the biggest star here. All of the top 4 are, were in one of their cases. In this tournament of rookies, they're the ones who've seen the big time. This tournament ranges from local nobodies like Gabby, hot prospects like BAR, those who are successes in one way but want to shine in another like Angelo, top of the li g e world ranked competitors like Morales, Bishop and G, to World Title contenders like DB3. And this is just the North East section. Many top tier young stars will make be at the US rookie of the year tournament. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 11:15 PM Carl couldn't believe it too. This meant that people were starting to take Gabby seriously as a wrestler despite his gimmick. If they could go all the way like this, then who knows what could happen? Although that did mean a lot of extra work to go through as well. This namely involved getting Gabby ready to receive a lot of public attention wherever he went, and you can bet Carl and Rufie were going to be teaching him how to act towards fans. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 11:22 PM Gabby leans against her daddy as the segments were called out. The non-wrestling segments of course. "After match 6, Gabby Angel will be interviewed by Dana Florez. The interview will be backstage, so the live crowd won't get to see it." The promoter says. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 11:24 PM Whatever, an interview was still an interview. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 11:27 PM So now they just had to get Gabby fed and settled, hopefully Gabby will poop his diaper long before the interview so he'll be clean and ready. Don't want the interviewer making comment about his dirty diaper. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 11:28 PM Carl made sure to do all those things. He first fed him a warm bottle before giving his belly a good rubbing to push out his breakfast. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 11:33 PM His breakfast digests faster than normal, and soon he starts grunting and getting red. He sucks on his paci. His diaper starts expanding. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 11:35 PM Carl kept going until he was absolutely sure Gabby was done. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 11:36 PM Gabby let out a few farts, then wet himself when he was finished. He sighs and curls up on his dada. He was a clingy girl this morning. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 11:37 PM Carl didn't mind, he loved it when his kitten was like this. He swiftly changed Gabby's diaper and gave it a loving pat when he was finished. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 11:39 PM By now the show had started and a few matches had gone by. They needed to pass the time before the interview, but couldn't let Gabby nap. In fact, Gabby will have to skip naptime all day. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 11:42 PM Carl knew that would be an issue later on, he needed to keep Gabby distracted somehow. Good thing he brought some toys along with him. He lay out a rattle, a plush, and a toy car. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 11:45 PM Gabby played with his rattle and shakes it up squeals happily. He bounces on his bottom as wrestlers, managers, and staff walk back. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 11:46 PM Carl watched in delight as his kitten played, he looked so cute and innocent. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 11:49 PM An hour and a half later Gabby gets called to the interview set. Its a small area with a backdrop of logos on it. A rabbit girl standing there in a sexy top with a mic awaits. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 11:51 PM "Hello miss, he's ready for the interview." Carl said as he puts Gabby in front of the backdrop with a small reminder to use his manners before walking a short distance away so he wouldn't be in the way. Babygabrial June 20th, 22 11:56 PM Gabby looks at Carl as the camera man has Gabby look to the camera. "Recording in 5...4...3...2..." he signals '1' before the interviewer bunny begins. "Hey there Imperials, I'm here with a young eye catcher from round 1. A wildcard even, Burning Princess Gabby Angel!" She gestures to Gabby who curtsies. Mr Hoo June 20th, 22 11:57 PM Carl nods, a good start. All his kitten has to do is keep it up. Babygabrial June 21st, 22 12:05 AM "Now Gabby, what is going through your mind unseating the second seed as a wild card. You're an unknown taking on some big names. What is going through your mind?" She holds the mic to Gabby and he responds "I feel relieved, a lot of friends and family depend on me to win. My auntie, my coaches, my daddy, my nanny. If I didn't win they would lose a lot. I had to win, for all of them. I'm happy to win, especially against someone super duuuuuuuper tough like Donavan. In fact, I weally hope he's watching. Donavan! Hi!" He cutely waves "You were amazing! I hope we get to wrestle again. Next time, I'll show you what I learned from our last match otay!?" Mr Hoo June 21st, 22 11:06 PM Carl couldn't help but snicker at this. Perhaps there will be some people out there who will find this endearing. He's like a kid in a candy store. Babygabrial June 21st, 22 11:17 PM "That Burning Hammer is known to be one of the most dangerous wrestling moves in the world. Do you plan to use it to blast your way through the tournament." Dana asks as she leans the mic to Gabby. He begins to respond "Well I-" he gets cut off by a voice off camera. "Well it ain't gonna matter!" The Puerto Rican white fur cat Angelo Oscar comes on camera with a bandana on and the Puerto Rican flag over his shoulders. "Listen up, Bambina Princesa." He says stepping up. "I been peepin' you. I hear your story, and I gotta admit, game recognize game. You carry the weight of those who brought you up on yo shoulders like you gonna hit them with a Burning Hammer. But me" he gestures to the flag on his shoulder "I reprosente every boricua from Empire City all the way to Puerto Rico on my shoulders. All those alley cats lookin' for a can of tuna, they see me and see they can be somethin' all the avionos who been told they can only fly so high, they see me and see that they can go as high as they want to. So, you want to win this, use this to get one step closer to being World Champ. Respect, no doubt. But while you want this, I need this." Gabby steps up and gets in his face and gives a cute smile "Than may the better wretler win. Teehee" Mr Hoo June 21st, 22 11:27 PM Carl rolled his eyes at how Angelo was acting. He's seen these types before, way too passionate for their own good. He then smiled at Gabby's comeback. Babygabrial June 21st, 22 11:32 PM Angelo nods and they both walk off of the set. Gabby goes over to Carl. Angelo heads to the locker room. "You heard it here ladies, gentlemen, and anthros of the Empire State. Our main event of round 2. Angelo Oscar Vs Gabby Angel. Back to the action in the ring." Dana signs off before recording stops. Mr Hoo June 21st, 22 11:35 PM "That was good, kitten. Way to stick it to that guy." Carl says to him while giving his belly a little pat. Babygabrial June 21st, 22 11:38 PM "I like him. He seems fun." Gabby says before yawning and rubbing his eyes. He has to resist the need for a nappy before bell time. Mr Hoo June 21st, 22 11:40 PM This means Carl had to keep Gabby awake and energized by any means necessary. He distracted him from his tiredness as much as he could. The last thing he needed was for Gabby to take a nap in the middle of the ring. Babygabrial June 21st, 22 11:44 PM Gabby played with his Dada and was running around. Playing tag and hide and seek. Gabby was always seeking so he bj wouldn't stop moving. Mr Hoo June 21st, 22 11:46 PM Carl was used to this as well. When he was taking care of his little siblings and they wanted to watch the New Year's fireworks show, he would constantly keep them moving so that they would be awake. Babygabrial June 21st, 22 11:52 PM It took a few hours, but soon it was getting close to main event time. A staff member came to get Gabby so he could be waiting by gorilla position. Mr Hoo June 21st, 22 11:53 PM Carl helped Gabby get there on time, "You got this, kitten. I'll be rooting for you." Babygabrial June 21st, 22 11:57 PM Gabby was letting out a big yawn and stretching his arm out. He rubs his eyes showing his tiredness. He had to try and stay focused, or else they lose all of the good momentum built up yesterday. Mr Hoo June 21st, 22 11:59 PM Carl was riding on Gabby staying awake too. If he wins, then Carl will have to be sure to give Gabby the most comfortable sleep he can provide. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 12:03 AM Angelo was waiting in the wings as well. The flag draped over him. The promoter calls Angelo to come up do his entrance first. A latin American rap song hits and Angelo comes out to the stage and beats on his chest and the crowd cheers. Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 12:05 AM He walks down the ramp while waving and pointing to the crowd. He climbs into the ring and climbs one of the turnbuckles while raising both paws in the air. Carl scoffs at this, "Showoff. He better have some skills to back that up." Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 12:09 AM Gabby is nuzzling his Dada tiredly, before long, his music hits. He rubbed his eyes and waited for his cue. When its time, Gabby runs out and twirls on the stage and poses as the crowd pops. Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 12:11 AM Carl was starting to worry. Gabby was tired right now, and that could mean a lot in the ring. He had no time to worry about that now, the only thing that mattered was this match and getting through it. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 12:18 AM He goes through the motions and gets in the ring doing his signature twirl and curtsey. Her music fades as both competitors go to their. The ring announcer begins "The following second round match is scheduled for one fall, with a 30 minute time limit. Introducing first from Atomic City, Empire State. Weighing in at 140 ibs. 13th seed Angelo Oscar!" Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 12:20 AM Angelo raised both arms in the air as the crowd cheered. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 02:25 AM "And his opponent" the announcer says, "Weighing in at 185 ibs. From the boroughs of Empire City! The Burning Princess! Gabbyyyyyyyyyyy! Aaaaaaaaangel!!!" The crowd pop loud chanting burning princess. Gabby jumps out of his corner looking around as the pop woke him up Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 10:53 PM Carl thought that perhaps the in-ring adrenaline would keep Gabby awake long enough to win the match. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 11:06 PM The ref calls for the bellDing! Ding! Ding! The two circle each other and lock up. Gabby swiftly takes control of Angelo's neck and gets him in a front head lock, before Angelo slips out and gets behind Gabby and forearms him in the back. Gabby cringes and turns around and goes for another grab. Angelo ducks this lock up and uppercuts Gabby and irish whips Gabby into the ropes. When the princess rebounds Angelo drops down and tries to trip Gabby. Angel jumps over Angelo and runs the ropes. Angelo then leap frogs over Gabby and drops down again. Gabby sees this coming and goes for a springboard moonsault but Angelo rolls out of the way. Gabby does a super hero landing and Angelo spins to one knee and tbey look eye to eye as the crowd gives a round of applause. Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 11:10 PM "Watch your arm, kitten!" Carl shouts as Angelo goes in for another grapple. He succeeds in grabbing Gabby by the waist and under his thigh before picking him up and slamming him down onto the mat. He then drags him over to the ropes before kicking off the turnbuckle and landing a flying elbow. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 11:21 PM Gabby cringes and rolls holding his gut. The aggressive Angelo comes in with a low enziguri laying Gabby out on the ground. He rolls Gabby over and goes for a cover "One!" Gabby kicks out by sitting up. He stands up and stumbles a bit dizzy. His tiredness is making his brain shut down a bit. Angelo runs up and knees Gabby in the back. Gabby stumbles into the corner. Angelo turns Gabby to face him. He pushes Gabby's head up and chops his chest "WOO!" Goes the crowd. He repeats the set up and goes for another chop. "WOO!" the crowd calls again. The stinging pain wakes Gabby up. He grabs the cat by the neck and yanks him into the corner. He Gabby throws several forarms to the face before backing up and runs up hitting a Helluva Kick , booting Angelo's head back before he falls out of the corner. Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 11:22 PM Carl jumps up and cheers, urging Gabby to keep on going. Angelo stood up while holding his head before looking back up at Gabby. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 11:26 PM Gabby is delayed as the pain shoots through his arm from throwing those forarm shots. Angelo moves in, luckily Gabby reacts and ducks behind Angelo, he grabs him and goes for a German, but during the lift Angelo elbows Gabby's weakened arm repeatedly. Gabby lets him go and backs up. Angelo runs up and hits Gabby with a flying clothesline sending them both over the top rope and down to the floor. Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 11:28 PM Angelo cringed from the fall just as much as Gabby did. He really struggled to get up, only able to get on his knees at this point. Carl cheered for Gabby to stand up. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 11:31 PM As Angelo slowly used the apron to get off of his knees, Gabby jumps on the steps and hits a hurricanrana on Angelo sending him towards th guard rail. The ref is calling for them both to get in the ring before he starts counting. Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 11:32 PM "Get in the ring!" Carl shouts while Angelo picks himself up and moves toward Gabby. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 11:39 PM "......." Gabby suddenly shakes himself awake. He sees Angelo coming at him and it looks like he is coming for a shotgun dropkick. It hits but Gabby braces to cover the back of his head. He cringes amd squirms around as he hits the steps. Yet, he's not out of it yet. "One.....two...." The ref starts counting. Angelo gets on the apron and climbs to the top rope. Gabby slowly stands up as Angelo goes for a moonsault to the outside. Gabby rolls over the stairs to dodge. Like the cat he is, Angelo lands on his feet. "Three....Four...." Gabby jumps on the steps and twists his body, before jumping back and hits a cutter on Angelo on the floor. "Five....six..." Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 11:41 PM "Back in the ring, kitten!" Carl shouts. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 11:44 PM Gabby climbed up and dragged Angelo into the ring "Seven....Eight...." Gabby stood there tired, sleepy, out of it. "Nine!" He jumps up and rolls in the ring. His heart pounding and eyes widened. Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 11:47 PM "Come on, kitten! Pin the sucker!" Carl cheered. Angelo got up and got Gabby into a hold before giving him a powerbomb, followed by a pin attempt. "Get out of there!" Carl shouted. Babygabrial June 22nd, 22 11:55 PM Luckily, Gabby had his wits about him and grabs the ropes when the ref counts two. The ref calls for the break and Angelo lets go He pulls Gabby away from the ropes and Gabby pulls him down and wraps his legs around the smaller cat's head to choke and wear his neck down. They are center of the ring now. Angelo would have to excert a good bit of power to break out. Mr Hoo June 22nd, 22 11:57 PM Angelo thrashed, trying to throw the big baby off of him. "Keep him there, kitten. You almost got it!" Carl cheers. Babygabrial June 23rd, 22 12:02 AM The crowd cheers as this one looks like it could be over. Gabby has his legs wrapped around Angelo's neck, and his arms holding Angelo's head there. Angelo starts bashing Gabby's bad arm. Gabby has to let his arms go. Then. Angelo pulls Gabby's legs apart just enough to slip his head out. He pulls away coughing and holding his throat. Mr Hoo June 23rd, 22 10:56 PM Carl snapped in frustration, "Damn it! So close." Babygabrial June 23rd, 22 11:11 PM Gabby stood up and went over to Angelo. He lifts the cat up and gets him into a cavot. He goes for the cutter, but Angelo slips out. When Gabby pivots around, Angelo boots him in the mid section and lifts Gabby up going for his finisher. Cat's Cradle Piledriver. Howerver , Gabby moves his body up and reverses the hold into a hurricanrana knocking Angelo to the middle rope. Gabby runs up Angelo's back and jumps over the top rope hitting an insane guillotine leg drop. Gabby tries to get himself together while sitting on the apron as Angelo writhes on the mat, holding his neck in pain. Mr Hoo June 23rd, 22 11:12 PM "Come on, kitten! Finish him off quick!" Carl cheers. The crowd cheers him on too, wanting to see Gabby win. Babygabrial June 23rd, 22 11:19 PM Gabby rolls in and waits as Angelp gets up still holding his very weakened neck. Gabby flips him into a tilt-a-whirl neck breaker, before lifting him up over his shoulder and charging for the corner. Gabby dives as he launches Angelo as a Lawn Dart. Angelo's head and neck hit the middle turnbuckle and he crumples to the mat. Gabby pulls him away from the ropes and covers him. "One-Two-Three! Ring the bell!" Crowd cheers as Gabby gets on his knees and yawns before the ref comes and raises his hand. "Here's your winner by pinfall. Burning Princess Gabby Angel!" Mr Hoo June 23rd, 22 11:21 PM The crowd pop as they stand up and cheer. Carl runs into the ring and gives Gabby a big hug, "That was great, kitten! Daddy's so proud of you. You can rest now." Babygabrial June 23rd, 22 11:26 PM "....sweepy...." Gabby says as he lays on his Dada and falls asleep with a smile on his face. Three victories, two rounds in. Gabby continues to excell past expectations. But can this streak of wins continue? Especially as each opponent gets tougher, and the pressure builds. He has to though as the shadows of what he feels is his one failure looms ever so closer, and the light of his dreams grows brighter with each victory. Mr Hoo June 23rd, 22 11:28 PM Carl knew Gabby could do it. They both trained hard for this tournament and he was going to make sure that they didn't lose. Besides, he had a lot of good people in his corner, coaches, nannies, aunties, and of course a loving daddy. Carl picked up his little kitten and carried him out of the ring and straight to his crib for a well-deserved nap. Babygabrial June 23rd, 22 11:32 PM Gabby slept peacefully as Wendy and Jerry came to stop by to make sure he's ok. "His blackouts in the ring were pretty scary." Wendy says sounding concerned. Mr Hoo June 23rd, 22 11:33 PM "Yeah, I thought the poor kid wasn't gonna make it." Jerry said. "Skipping nap time was a horrible decision in hindsight. We are not going to make that mistake again." Carl said. Babygabrial June 23rd, 22 11:36 PM "Good to know. No tellin' what some hungry opponents will do to the kid in the ring if he's nappin' all over the place." Jerry says. "Speaking of opponent's you were probably too busy to see who faces Gabby tomorrow." Wendy says. Mr Hoo June 23rd, 22 11:37 PM "Right. Who is he facing?" Carl asked, trying to get the thought of a napping Gabby about to be slammed on in the ring out of his head. Babygabrial June 23rd, 22 11:46 PM "The number seven seed. Gabby's now back to fighting top ten opponents, so definitely no more naps. If it was Donavan that had happened with, Gabby's neck would be broken." Wendy warns. "Anyway, the guy's pretty new, he's been around for two years. Calls himself The Steel. He's a hard hitting alligator. He's got a bit of big time experience with the big leagues in the country, but he isn't exactly top billing, and mostly operates in a tag team. Though he definitely has had more singles experience than Angelo." Wendy explains. Mr Hoo June 23rd, 22 11:48 PM "I see. Then I guess Gabby will need use his maneuverability to counteract the guy's strength. If there's one thing I know about powerhouse fighters, you need to trip them up with their own weight." Carl said. Babygabrial June 23rd, 22 11:50 PM "Not this guy." Jerry points out. "We watched his match today. The guy's got speed and strength. He's not like typical gators. He'll be hitting hard and fast. Gabby's gonna have to think outside the box with this one." Jerry informs Mr Hoo June 23rd, 22 11:51 PM "Hmm... I'll discuss strategies with him tomorrow." Carl told them. "Until then, I'll make sure he gets lots of rest." Babygabrial June 23rd, 22 11:54 PM They nod and head out. "Oh, before we go. Tell the kid, we're sorry we won't be there tomorrow. Too much is going on at the gym so us and Jess need to be on deck." Wendy says. With Rufie still away doing bookings. That means no one will be in the audience for Gabby. At least not of his team. That's gonna break his heart a little. Mr Hoo June 23rd, 22 11:56 PM Carl didn't like this news either, but he still has to break it to his sweet, little kitten. He wished them well and saw them off before using the crib's mobile to play a lullaby for Gabby. Babygabrial June 24th, 22 01:28 AM Soon Darla comes in with a big smile on her face holding the cash box. "The sales today are insane! The shirts are flying off the hangers!" She says happily. Mr Hoo June 24th, 22 05:28 PM Carl makes a shushing motion with a paw to his mouth before pointing at Gabby. She leads her away to a private location where they can talk no problem, "That's great news. People are loving Gabby more each day." Babygabrial June 24th, 22 05:36 PM They sit back in the hotel lobby together. Some coffee in hand after quite the work day for both of them. "The Burning Princess shirts should be here tomorrow. I'll need to go by the post office tomorrow to get them. Can I use your car?" She doesn't know that it's Gabby's car. Technically, outside of his phone, Carl doesn't really own anything. He does technically get a cut of Gabby's checks, but Gabby leaves him in charge of all of the funds so cut is a formality at best. "I looked on social media. There is a bit of a vocal minority in the comment sections of the videos who really don't like Gabriella." Darla says sounding a bit concerned. "Think this could have a domino effect?" Mr Hoo June 24th, 22 11:08 PM "I don't think we should worry. Probably just basic hate stuff and the like. We just need to train Gabby to ignore them and focus on the ones who actually want to see him in the ring. Although if they do start influencing others, then we could have ourselves a problem. Also, it's not my car, it's Gabby's." Carl said. Babygabrial June 24th, 22 11:10 PM "Oh, uh...sorry. Yeah, you're right though. Can't have him cracking under pressure at this point right?" Darla says as she leans on her boyfriend. Mr Hoo June 24th, 22 11:11 PM Carl moved closer to her, "Yeah, especially not now when all eyes are on him. I'm starting to worry about him." Babygabrial June 24th, 22 11:16 PM "Yeah, me to. Hope we can keep going like this." She says. A few floors up in their hotel room, Gabby's phone rings on the nightstand by his crib. It buzzes over and over. Gabby wakes up and rubs his eyes whimpering. He reaches through the crib bars and grabs his phone after a bit of struggle. He gets it and rubs his eyes, as he wakes the phone up to see dozens of messages. Not all of them from different people, all of them hurtful though. 'You sissy bitch should sleep forever', 'You're not making it another match, you no talent pansy.', 'GO THROW YOURSELF OFF THE NEAREST SKYSCRAPER SO WE DON'T HAVE TO SEE YOU ON OUR SCREENS!'.Gabby is flabbergasted seeing this and throws his phone out of his crib and hides under the covers. Slowly crying himself back to sleep. Mr Hoo June 24th, 22 11:18 PM Carl was completely oblivious to this, but he was still thinking about what he was going to do to get Gabby ready for the criticism, or in this case teach him how to endure it. Babygabrial June 24th, 22 11:21 PM Little did either of them know, how tomorrow's challenge will be one that even when prepared for, still will hurt in ways that are hard to bounce back from. Gabby slept through the rest of the night, but woke up on the wrong side of the crib. Mr Hoo June 24th, 22 11:27 PM While feeding Gabby breakfast, Carl noticed the cell phone on the floor. His eyes widened in shock when he saw the messages and came to the conclusion that his little kitten must've read them. "So that's why you look so upset this morning." Babygabrial June 24th, 22 11:29 PM Gabby has his arms crossed looking down while sitting on his daddy's lap. "Hmmm" he hums in a tone that is as sassy as it is guilty. His face goes a bit red and his tummy gets butterflies. Mr Hoo June 24th, 22 11:34 PM Carl comforted him as best he could, "Kitten. You shouldn't worry about what those people think of you. You're strong, cute, and very kind. Think of everyone who loves you and cares about you. Me, Auntie Darla, coaches Wendy and Jerry, Nanny Rufie, and everyone who cheers you on in your matches. These people who say mean things about you are just bullies with nothing better to do. Don't focus on them, focus on the ones who actually love you." Babygabrial June 24th, 22 11:37 PM He seems unsure but then he remembers everyone coming to see him...at least, he thinks they are. "Yeah, coaches coming to watch, Nanny to!" He says cheering up in a form of blissful ignorance. Mr Hoo June 24th, 22 11:44 PM Carl's chest hurt again, but he had to break it to him. "I'm sorry, kitten. Everyone's busy. But keep in mind that they are all rooting for you. They wish you the best and they know you'll win for them. Because they love you no matter how far they are. Babygabrial June 24th, 22 11:50 PM "They.....they no coming?" Gabby tears up. His eyes widen. The 18 year old in him understands, but the 1 year old in him feels abandoned and alone. Dada and auntie won't be in the crowd due to their workies. He'll be out there...all alone... Mr Hoo June 24th, 22 11:55 PM Carl hugs him tight, "Shh... There, there... Daddy's here. He'll always be right beside you." Babygabrial June 25th, 22 12:31 AM Gabby leaned on his Daddy and nuzzled, but he also whimpers. He clings to his Daddy tightly. Mr Hoo June 25th, 22 11:07 PM Carl rubs Gabby's back and gives him lots of kisses, letting him know that he will always be by his side no matter what. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 12:53 AM Soon it was time to head to the arena. They have to walk there since Darla is using the car. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 05:08 PM They made it there on time for the matches to be called out. Carl knew who Gabby was fighting against, it was just practical to see who would be facing who. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 08:28 PM BAR was facing Pentence in the main event tonight. DB3 is facing the number 9 Seed. Gabby will be a bit later on the card two matches before the main event in fact. They got tp take a look at The Steel. With his manager a white rabbit woman named The Bunny, because...Come on that one was already sounding like a parody name. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 10:43 PM Let's be real, in this business, a lot of these character names sound very ridiculous already. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 10:46 PM Yeah but...some of these I can't even make up a legally distinct name for. The real life wrestler is called The Bunny. How do I beat that? Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 10:47 PM Fair point. Anyways, back to our heroes. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 10:50 PM They chill in the locker room. Things go fairly smoothly. Interesting enough, BAR and Desmond are in the lock room today. The two of them are usually off doing their own things. But today Desmond is stretching and hydrating. BAR is loudly listening to music, daring someone to tell him to turn it down. It's brought...tension to the locker room. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 10:51 PM Gabby was under enough stress already, perhaps this wasn't the best place to calm his nerves. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 10:52 PM They'd need to find somewhere else to be, especially since the three of them won't be having matches until later. Gabby needs to be somewhere where he will feel safe to look away. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 10:53 PM They eventually found a small area in the hallway where they can be alone. A good place to give Gabby some cuddles and emotional support. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 10:55 PM The show had started. Gabby needed a feeding, make messies in his diapers before he has an upset tummy during his match, and of course following yesterday's lessons, nap time. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 10:58 PM Carl made sure to feed him a nice warm bottle while humming gently to him. After that, he gave him some gentle belly rubs to help him digest his food and make his mess. After that, a swift diaper change before finally getting Gabby settled with a nice lullaby. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 11:00 PM The entire process brought Gabby joy. By the time he was being rocked in his Daddy's arms, and sucking on his pacifier, he had a smile behind said paci. He nestles his daddy and falls asleep soundly. Hearing the muffled roar of the crowd helps him sleep a bit more soundly. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 11:02 PM Carl enjoyed this as well. Seeing his little kitten happy brought him so much joy and happiness. He always looked so precious when he slept like a cute little angel. Hard to believe he was going to bringing the pain out in the ring later. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 11:08 PM Speaking of that time about two hours later, a producer comes over lets them know that it's almost time for Gabby to get set. Right now, DB3 is working the shoulder of his opponent. Its a semi competitive match, but DB3 is making sure the pace stays his, and his opponent wrestles Desmond's match. Gabby is on after the match after this one. Giving Gabby time to wake up, and get warmed up. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 11:09 PM Once that happens, they get ready as Carl goes over a few strategies and gives him one last pep-talk. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 11:11 PM Gabby smiles as he streatches his arms and legs. He jumps up and down as Desmond comes backstage. He walks by and him and Gabby share a glance. Gabby seems like he's frozen in time, and he gets nervous, but Desmond keeps moving. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 11:13 PM "Focus, kitten. It's all you know. You can do this. Daddy's knows you can." Carl said to Gabby. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 11:19 PM Gabby's head whips towards his Daddy. "Uh um...w-wes sir." He nods his head and keeps up some stretches to try to reclear his mind. Then the promoter at gorilla position calls Gabby up to head out of the curtain. Gabby's music hits and when it's time Gabby pops out and raise does his usual stuff smiling, waving, and skipping down the ramp. He goes to hug and high five fans at ringside, but suddenly there's a group of fans booing him. Gabby jumps as he recognizes some of them. They're people he used to train with at wrestling school. At the Dog Pound Gym. Gabby was so thrown off, that he rolled in the ring slowly, and didn't do his twirl and curtsey. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 11:23 PM "Oh, great. It's the missing links." Carl said to himself. He thought he erased those guys from Gabby's life entirely, but it seems like that's not the case. He just hoped Gabby would block them out and not let them distract him, otherwise they were going to have a real problem. He decided to keep his eyes on them as well as Gabby, watching for anything damning. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 11:26 PM Gabby looked towards the section of the crowd rooting, not for his opponent, but strongly against Gabby. It was nerve racking to say the least. Some industrial metal plays and The Steel and marches out inodd looking garbs as the bunny looks sexy around him. They come down and The Bunny stays at ringside as The Steel poses on the apron. Mr Hoo June 26th, 22 11:28 PM Carl could do nothing but shake his head no and rolls his eyes at this stupid display, "This is wrestling, not a strip club asshole." Carl thought. Although he had to expect a wrestler like this to come out at one point or another. You know the ones, those so-called 'he-men' who have to bring sexy women for set decoration alone. Shameful. Babygabrial June 26th, 22 11:31 PM Yeah it isn't classy and tasteful like juvenile, cutesy, crossdressing. The announcer began. "The following quarter final match is scheduled for onefall with a 30 minute time limit. Introducing first. From The Boroughs of Empire City. Weighing in at 183 ibs Burning Princess Gabby Angel!" Some cheers from the crowd but from the front row there are loud boos where Gabby can easily hear. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 05:13 PM Carl added his own loud approving cheers to drown out the booting, which was not easy. If he screamed himself hoarse then he wouldn't be able to cheer at all. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 05:18 PM Not to mention, Carl is backstage. It's impossible for Gabby to hear him, unless Gabby is up stage. "And his opponent from Nickle City. Weighing in at 450 ibs. Accompanied to the ring by The Bunny. He is The Steel!" Respectful mix of cheers and boos from the crowd. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 05:19 PM Yep, he was a pretty big guy alright. Gabby needed to do some skillful maneuvers to get around the hard hits that guy was sure to dole out. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 05:25 PM Gabby has battled bigger foes before. But his mind was clear, he was focused. However, on this day, he cannot see clearly. His mind is clouded by the thoughts of his family not being there for him, and in their place are those who wish to see him fall. Gabby is snapped into focus by the ref asking him if he's ready. Gabriel nods his head and turns to his opponent. The ref calls for the bell and the match begins "Steel! Steel! Steel! Steel!" The anti Gabby section chanted off the back as Gabby moves in about to go in for a tie up. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 05:28 PM Carl gave Gabby the pep talks, told him that he'll always be there, told him that his family was still rooting for him despite not being there. Their love for their precious child was way stronger than any hatred that could be pushed against him. Carl knew that his kitten knew this. All he needed to do was focus on that. Turn the hate into love. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 05:33 PM That's easier said than done, though Gabby will try. He may have to block out the crowd entirely for this. Steel goes for the lock up. Gabby remembers how he usually goes against bigger opponents. He shoots in for a a leg to try and chop the big gator down, but Steel dodges to the side and stomps on Gabby's back. Flattening him out before hitting an elbow drop on him. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 10:11 PM Carl cheers at Gabby to get back up and show this guy what for. Meanwhile, Steel picks Gabby back up and attempts to whip him into the ropes. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 10:27 PM Steel goes for a clothesline, but Gabby grabs hold of his arm and uses it to pull himself over, and hits Steel with a DDT the normal crowd claps, but the front section loudly boo. Gabby blocks it all out. He shakes his head and runs over, only for Steel to kip up, jump on the middle rope, and fly back to smash Gabby's face with a springboard back elbow. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 10:29 PM Carl growled in frustration, that stupid crowd probably got to him somehow. Steel prepared to put Gabby in a hold. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 10:33 PM He grabs Gabby and sits him up. Steel grabs both of Gabby's arms. Then digs his knee into Gabby's back. He pulls Gabby back by his arms and digs his knee further. Gabby cringes in pain. "Sub-mit! Sub-mit! Sub-mit!" A certain crowd yells to Gabby. The ref asks Gabby if he'd like to submit, but Gabby shakes his head no. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 10:35 PM As Steel hardened his hold, Carl kept shouting for Gabby to break free. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 10:40 PM Gabby squirms around as his back and arms get worm down. He starts standing up and twists his body, until he can turn around. He drops back jamming his feet into Steel's soft underbelly to monkey flip him over. Gabby gets up holding his back, but moves in, focusing in harder than ever. Cutting all crowd noises from his mind. He runs up and as Steel stands up, Gabby clotheslines him over the top rope. Steel hangs on to the ropes and Gabby runs to the opposite ropes, looking to spear Steel off of the apron. However, Steel hops to the side and axe kicks Gabby as his head comes through the middle rope like it was set up on a chopping block. Steel poses as Bunny points to her man. Much of the crowd boos, but a very vocal section cheers super loud. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 10:43 PM "Why doesn't this guy go bang his bunny and leave my kitten alone?" Carl thinks to himself as he watches Gabby writhe on the mat. "Don't let it end like this, kitten." Carl said to himself. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 10:51 PM Steel goes on the top rope suprising the crowd and hits a flying elbow drop. He goes for the cover "One-Two" Gabby kicks out. Steel tries again, this time putting more weight on Gabby and hooking his legs. "One- Two" Gabby kicks out again this time rolling on his belly to not get pinned again. Steel stands up and lifts Gabby up for a gut wrench. When he goes for the slam, Gabby lands on his feet. Yanks Steel's head down and hits two knees before sitting one leg on Steel's neck, and underhooking an arm. Gabby jumps, putting all of his weight on Steel's neck and hits a famouser. Gabby gets up immediately. Taking no time to rest, the longer her waits, the more he'll hear the crowd. He gets Steel up to his knees and runs the ropes. He goes for a sliding clothesline, but a front row crowd member yells at Steel "Lookout!" Before sgeel pops up and smacks Gabby with a clothesline of his own. Gabby flips turning inside out. Things get really loopy for him. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 10:54 PM Carl could do nothing but groan in frustration and think, "Thanks a lot, jackass. He looks at Gabby laying down in the ring with Steel standing over him. "Get up, kitten! Snap out of it!" Carl shouts. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 11:01 PM Steel gets up and sets Gabby up for a powerbomb. He lifts Gabby, but Gabby rais closed first punches down on his head. Gabby pops up and stands on Steel's shoulders, and bavk flips off of him. Steel moves to grab him, but Gabby slides between his legs, and jumps up wrapping his legs around the front of Steel's head, and leans back, flipping Steel on his scaley dome hitting a poisonrana. The crowd cheers but Gabby can hear chants of "Die Gabby Die! Die Gabby Die!" Gabby cringes and blocks the whole crowd again from his mind. He lifts Steel, but Steel pushes Gabby to the ropes. Steel charges but Gabby jumps on the ropes, and springboard back flips over Steel who falls out the ring, luckily on his feet. Gabby runs the ropes amd goes for another suicide dive, but this time as Gabby laumches himself through the middle rope, Steel roles under the bottom rope. So Gabby gets some steel alright. The steel of the guard rail. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 11:03 PM Carl cringes at this too, hating to see his kitten get hurt. Simultaneously, he was angry at those crowd members. He wanted them to die right now. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 11:12 PM The crowd cheered at Gabby's pain. Not all of the crowd, just this mass up front, but with Gabby at ringside, their words ring harder. Not as hard as The Bunny standing over him and taunting. "What's the matter? Crash and burned little girl. Might as well stay down and take the count out loss." Speaking of which the ref started the count as Gabby held his shoulder on the floor. He got to the count of three before Gabby started getting up. "Stay down kid. You're done." The Bunny continues to taunt before Gabby started crawling towards the apron. The ref got to a count of five as Gabby turned and sat down leaning on the ring skirt with this woman in his face and these bastards in his ear. He can hardly hear the ref. Soon the ref got to seven as Gabby pulled himself up. "What do you think you're doing!? Stay down! You're just embarrassing yourself! Gabby climbed on the apron at the eight count. The Bunny behind him yelling at him at the count of nine Gabby looked up to see Steel charging at him Gabby jumps off the bottom rope and splits his legs. Steel dives through them crashing into Bunny and the crowd pops. Gabby looks to the other side and sees cheering fans on their feet amd he lets himself hear them. "Gabby Angel" the supporters cheered. "Gabby Sucks!" The contrarions cheered. Soon duel chants began "Gabby Angel!! Gabby Sucks!! Gabby Angel!!! Gabby Sucks!" GABBY ANGEL!!!" Soon the oppressive chants were being drowned out. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 11:15 PM Carl laughed as the 400+ pound gator smashed into his little slut, "Serves you both right." He then became elated as the lovers fought back against the haters, adding his own voice to the former. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 11:22 PM Gabby smiled and feels energized by the crowd. His mind is clear now. His adrenaline is pumping. Gabby looks behind him as Steel helps Bunny up and is apologizing to her. Gabby jumps up and bounces off the top rope and hits a springboard corkscrew moonsault on the both of them. The crowd are wowwed and continue to cheer. Gabby throws Steel into the ring and hops on the apron. Gabby jumps off of the top turnbuckle and knees Steel in the face making Steel stumble. Gabby runs the ropes keeping the momentum going, feeding off of the roar of the crowd. Gabby hits a flying clothesline making Steel stumble again. Gabby runs the ropes a gain and hits a springboard moonsault into a reverse DDT. Gabby kips up and twirls before giving a curtsey and the crowd are on their feet, elated at the comeback Gabby has made. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 11:24 PM Carl cheered as well. It seemed like the energy was rubbing off on him as well. He was pumped up as much as Gabby was. Steel began to stagger to his feet, glaring at Gabby. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 11:31 PM Gabby goes for some strikes and runs the ropes. The Steel jumps up and hits Gabby with a flyimg cross body. He, from the ground lifts Gabby up going for his finisher, The Metal Bed. He swings Gabby around about to smash his face on the canvas but Gabby flips it into a DDT. The whiplash makes Steel stand up and stumble around. Gabby runs in and jumps hitting a Cutter. But instead of going for the pin, Gabby grabs him by the head and cranks back, locking Steel into a Bulldog Choke. Going back to his training at the Dog Pound Wrestling Academy. He pulls back as the crowd is yelling for him "Lean back! Lean back! Lean back!" Gabby delivers and leans so far back, cranking on the choke, he is bridging on his head. The crowd stand on their feet cheering and then pop when Steel taps out. The ref calls for the bell as Gabby lets go falling to the floor panting. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 11:33 PM Carl cheers and runs out into the ring to give Gabby a hug, "You did it, kitten! You did it!" Babygabrial June 27th, 22 11:36 PM Gabby giggles and hugs his daddy as the ref comes over and raises Gabby's hand. "Here's your winner by Submission Burning Princess Gabby Angel!" The crowd cheers "Semi-Finals!" They do a five clap sequence "Semi-Finals!" This was the reality. This tournament, that Gabby wasn't supposed to make it past round two. He is going to be in the semi finals, and if Gabby's gut feeling is correct, he knows already who he's facing. The one man who can say they've beaten him. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 11:39 PM BAR. Carl needed to get Gabby ready for that match. But first, this win called for a little speech. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 11:41 PM Actually Gabby shakes his head no. All his words are for one person. He wanted to wait for after the main event. Especially if it goes how he thinks it will go. Gabby rolls out the ring and skips up the ramp. Rolling his shoulder. His arm hurting a bit again after that failed suicide dive. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 11:43 PM Carl took him backstage to get that arm looked at. He will need to be in top form from here on out. Babygabrial June 27th, 22 11:46 PM Friday, the semi finals, and if he wins then he goes on to Saturday, already qualified for the US Rookie of the Year Tournament, and battling for that $10,000 grand prize. The match to determine who faces Desmond tomorrow occurs, and soon the doctor tapes an ice pack to Gabby. "Dada, can we watch the main event in gorilla position pwetty pwease?" Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 11:47 PM Carl chuckles, "Sure, kitten. We can watch. I would like to see it too." Babygabrial June 27th, 22 11:55 PM By the time they get there the main event has started. Like Gabby's match, BAR and Penance Bishop go at it. They trade strikes, punches, kicks knee strikes. BAR slips under a head kick and goes for a german on the tall Puerto Rican bat, but Bishop lands on his feet and hits BAR with a poisonrana. Insane for someone 6"7. BAR stands up and struts towards Penance before shooting in for a blast double leg takedown. When on his back Penzance immediately gets in butterfly position and tries to trap BAR in a triangle hold. BAR slips out as Penance kips up. BAR traps him from there and hits an STO and goes for a choke. Penance's long legs allow him to get to the ropes. Making the ref break it up. When the ref seperates them Bishop pops up and hits a jumping spin kick smacking his heel to the cold hearted BAR's cheek making him crumple to the ground. Gabby is stunned. He's never seen BAR on the defensive like this. Mr Hoo June 27th, 22 11:57 PM Carl wondered how BAR was going bounce back from that. If he lost this thing, then he was going to have to go over a different strategy. Although, knowing him, the punk would probably have some trick up his sleeve to even the odds. Babygabrial June 28th, 22 12:09 AM Bishop runs up and hit a standing shooting star press and goes for the cover, but BAR kicks out at one and stands up brushing his hair back. Penance stands up and gets face to face showing a good foot difference between the two. Now they go back to trading shots until BAR ducks under and finally hits that gernan suplex. BAR hops up to the top rope and gets ready to jump off. Bishop kips up and runs up the ropes and hits BAR with a top rope spanish fly. He pins BAR again "One Two " BAR kocks out again. Bishop backs up and sets up for his Judgment Day kick. He goes over and spins and goes for the kick at the back of BAR's head. BAR ducks and rolls backwards. He grabs Bishoop and pops his hips and suplexes Penance on his head before dragging him to the middle of the ring and locking hin in that crossface chicken wing he won the Humanweight title witu Mr Hoo June 28th, 22 11:00 PM There was no way Bishop would be getting out of that thing. Carl watched as the bat struggled to get out of the hold. Carl took note of it, seeing that Gabby would need to keep a strategy in mind for getting out of that thing. Babygabrial June 28th, 22 11:05 PM Bishop rolled on his stomach and crawled to the ropes. Using his lanky arms to get a rope break. BAR had to let go but he refused. So the ref counted "One! Two! Three! Four!" BAR let go if the ref got to five, then BAR would lose by disqualification. Mr Hoo June 28th, 22 11:09 PM He had to have been doing that get the extra pressure on. Sounds just like the thing he would do. Babygabrial June 28th, 22 11:13 PM Bishop used the ropes to lean on, and hold himself up. BAR runs up and sweeps his leg. Bishop cartwheels to avoid falling. He then goes for a cartwheel kick, and BAR dodges and hits a jumping knee strike. Making Penance stagger and fall to the corner. Mr Hoo June 28th, 22 11:14 PM That looked like it hurt. Would he even get up after that? Babygabrial June 28th, 22 11:18 PM BAR goes over and lifts Penance up and sets him on the top turnbuckle. BAR climbs up and hooks him in a crossface chicken wing before popping his hips and suplexes him off the top rope on his head and keeps the chicken wing locked on. Bishop passed out. The ref calls for the bell. Mr Hoo June 28th, 22 11:22 PM Carl's jaw dropped at that display. Yep, he was going to over his strategy for Gabby to follow regarding him. Good thing he watched this match, these were going to make some good notes to follow. Babygabrial June 28th, 22 11:25 PM The crowd cheered for the nice, explosive main event. The ref raised BAR's hand and he brushes his hair from his face. The crowd suddenly pops as Gabby is shown walking down the isle. Eyes never peeling from his opponent tomorrow. Mr Hoo June 28th, 22 11:26 PM BAR picks up a microphone and address him, "Well, look who decided to show up? The crowd's least favorite sissy! That win of yours, a total fluke!" he said in a harsh tone. The anti-Gabby section of the crowd cheering. Babygabrial June 28th, 22 11:33 PM Gabby grabbed a mic and went into the ring. He stared BAR face to face. "Earlier tonight, I won the support of the fans, and with that I won and earned my rematch. I thank the crowd, and anyone watching at home who cheered me on." Gabby looks into the nearest camera "You all know who you are." He turns his attention back to BAR "But right now, leave everyone else out of this. This conversation right here." Gabby sits down criss cross applesauce and looks up "Is just between me and you. So sit down and look me in the eye like a man, or look down on me like a coward." Gabby calls out. The crowd is really intrigued. Mr Hoo June 28th, 22 11:36 PM BAR chuckles and sits down, not our respect for what Gabby wanted, but out of pity, "Look freak. I don't know what fetish club you crawled out of, but this here's the real world. Those people out there have the right to shun you. A person like you doesn't belong in the ring. The janitor has enough to worry about with all the blood and spit he was clean up in the ring. I bet he doesn't want to clean up any of your crap and piss." Babygabrial June 28th, 22 11:42 PM Gabby sat there for a moment. He stared BAR down. There was a look in his eye. It was the calm before the storm. "For the better part of a month. I have waited, I have waited so long to say what I want to say to you. You have been a blemish. Nothing but a disgusting, vulgar, and apathetic blemish on my record. You sit in front of me and have the nerve to show me no respect. Those in the crowd will think of me how they want, but I showed you who I really am, what I really am. I am a wrestler, one just as good as you. But you either can't see that, or you don't want to see that. You want to bring the crowd into this fine. Talk to the crowd, talk to the hundred thousand people watching at home. Tell them the truth BAR!" Mr Hoo June 28th, 22 11:49 PM "The truth is that I'm the real man here. Last time I checked, real men didn't wear diapers and have some freakish, green feline be their daddy." BAR said. Carl got really pissed at this. He reached into his pocket and once again felt that cold, metal texture. ...No, stay calm Carl... You're better than that. BAR continued his taunts, "The other truth is this. Say you do win this tournament. Say you do win the admiration of millions. Say you do get into one of the major wrestling promotions in the world. Those are the big leagues kid, real men, serious professionals. Do you really think they'll take on some dude who shits himself and thinks its normal? No. They'll see you as just another gimmick, a joke. They'll probably bring you on as the punching bag. Ain't nothing funnier than watching a guy in a diaper get beat up every single week." Babygabrial June 29th, 22 12:03 AM Gabby looks him dead in his face. "You forgot a very important truth. Because the truth that these people don't already know is, I took you to your very limit." Gabby says in a cold venomous voice. The crowd are wide eyed. "Last month, when you locked me in that sleeper. I could feel you squeeze tighter and tighter, until I noticed you couldn't squeeze tighter. You were spent, your body worn down, your fighting spirit weakening. You had to trap me, because you knew if I had broken out, I would have dropped you on your neck and made you look like an absolute paper champion." The crowd goes "Ohh!!!!!!" However they are silenced when Gabby says "BUT I LOST!......I never want to accept it, but in the back of my mind I know it" his voice is cracking. "I threw everything I could at you, and you had an answer for it. I came so close, but couldn't pull the trigger. You were the better man, and I have no choice but to respect you for it. But what urks me more than the loss itself, is how you refuse to see me. You refuse to see me as the person who on another day could have beaten you, or heck, you and I are the only humans in this tournament. Look where we are! Look at what we've done! We are battling in the semi finals a spot you weren't meant to be at as much as I wasn't! But you don't want to admit that. I want you know this. I...hate....you! I hate you more than the garbage wrestler who tried toset me on fire, I hate you more than those cruel traitors at ringside who threw me out for nothing and are set on making my life hell. I hate you more than any person I have ever met. Wanna know why? Its the cloth you and I are cut from is no longer in manufacture. Game recognize game, and I recognize you, but you don't recognize me. And it hurts. It hurts to no end. So tomorrow, if I can't get you to see me, and I mean really see me, then I will leave you in this ring to Burn! Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 10:44 PM BAR stared at Gabby in silence before giving an ominous chuckle. This gave way into a full laugh. He got his breath back before standing up again, "Alrighty. I'll let the little baby keep playing pretend. Let him have fun with his little plushies, acting out the matches as he likes. But be careful. Once reality comes knocking at your door, it's gonna hit hard. It's gonna tear those playthings out of your hands, pound you until you bleed from your ears, and then toss you out the window. You'll be left out with the trash, eaten by the roaches. Then your name will only be a fleeting memory in the minds of those who regret wasting their time on you. Everything dies in the end eventually." He said this with a mix of quiet antagonism and soft sadness. He walked off in a nonchalant stride as if nothing ever happened. Babygabrial June 29th, 22 11:01 PM His music hits as he walks away and Gabby remained in the ring. Soon the quarterfinals ended. Gabby went back stage he went to his Daddy and nestles. Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 11:06 PM Carl stroked his kitten's head, thinking deeply about BAR's words. He didn't want to admit it, but he had a point. What if Gabby was rejected from the big leagues because of his whole deal? He really didn't want to think about it, but he just couldn't help doing so. Babygabrial June 29th, 22 11:09 PM Gabby wasn't thinking long term at the moment, or well, he kind of was. He saw his loss to BAR as a road block on his road to the World Heavyweight Championship. He had to overcome that block if he ever wanted to even get to the big leagues. Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 11:11 PM Besides, after what that punk said tonight, Carl really hoped Gabby would do good on his promise. If there was any type of person he wanted to see fail, it was him. Babygabrial June 29th, 22 11:14 PM Back at the hotel Gabby was quiet. The semi finals was looming ever closer with every tick of the clock. Gabby was trapped in his own mind. Replaying his previous match with BAR over and over. Picking at every flaw from both sides. Shadow boxing with the BAR they witnessed in the quarter finals main event. Gabby is deep thinking about wrestling and has the rest of the world blocked out. Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 11:18 PM Carl just sat by himself, thinking about what he almost did back there. He placed his paw in his pocket and pulled out what he had been hiding in there. It was old-fashioned switchblade from a time he would rather forget. The memories came flooding back... the screams... the blood... the pouring rain... the helplessness he was feeling that night... He shoved the item back in his pocket as a tear rolled down his face. "Never again." he repeated to himself over and over. Babygabrial June 29th, 22 11:21 PM Soon Darla bursts into the hotel room. "I'm back~ and guess who I brought." She steps aside as Jack comes in. "Hey there! Semi finals! In the bag!" Jack says in a very chipper mood. Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 11:23 PM The entrence caught Carl off guard as he tried to hide his sadness as best he could. "Hey, good to see you both." he said while giving Darla a kiss and giving a handshake to Jack. Babygabrial June 29th, 22 11:28 PM "So the kid is hot right now." Jack says sitting on one of the hotel beds. "The new catchphrase, the interview, the acclaimed matches. This momentum is great." He lets them know. "If he wins tomorrow, then next Saturday he's gonna have wicked return. He loses tomorrow, well hey, Rufie's been asking about that match for Saturday. Crowd will love him even more." Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 11:30 PM "I can only imagine. Can't believe we actually made it this far." Carl said. Darla went over to Gabby and gave him some loving kisses and nuzzles, "And we couldn't be any prouder." Babygabrial June 29th, 22 11:32 PM Gabby lays on his auntie quietly in deep thought. He actually has a really tight grip on her as his mind is completely elsewhere. Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 11:35 PM Darla enjoyed every second of her snuggles. She knew he missed her very much. Carl knew this too. Besides, it was nice to see Gabby snuggled up with his auntie. Babygabrial June 29th, 22 11:39 PM No telling how much longer she'll only be auntie. "BAR seems pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, but you can bet Gabby got his attention with that verbal smackdown earlier. I'm gonna have Gabby on the promotional poster for the show next Saturday. See how much we can sell off of this. Tomorrow's the big day. One of my wrestlers, humans no less, will be qualifying for next month's Rookie Of The Year Tournament!" Jack exclaims Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 11:41 PM "And we're gonna go all the way. Right, kitten?" Carl asks. Babygabrial June 29th, 22 11:44 PM "..." Gabby has no idea what is being said. He hardly knows what's around him. He has a very concentrated look on his. He was off on another world mentally. Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 11:47 PM "Good things are happening, kitten. People love you." Carl said. "You're starting be everyone's favorite cutie." Darla said. Babygabrial June 29th, 22 11:49 PM Gabby's eyes begin to close. He's physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. He relaxes his body. Which does make him poop himself, but he also rests. Mr Hoo June 29th, 22 11:50 PM "I think our little champ needs his nap." Darla said while going to change Gabby. Babygabrial June 30th, 22 10:54 AM Leaving the men to chat amongst themselves. It also gives some lovely alone time for Gabby and Darla. They haven't really been alone much. Mr Hoo June 30th, 22 11:28 PM And Darla took her sweet time with changing Gabby's diaper. She was absolutely gushing over his sleepy face. Once the change was complete, she gave the diaper a pat and cradled him in her arms. She even put him in her pouch to rock him to sleep. Babygabrial June 30th, 22 11:32 PM That definitely does it. He sucks his thumb as he rests his mind and body. He feels the nice warmth of Aunty Darla's pouch and sighs. Coming back to reality for just a moment. He nuzzles her chest and snuggles up. Mr Hoo June 30th, 22 11:37 PM Darla pats his head and hums to herself, enjoying the feeling of having her little baby nestled in her warm, comfy pouch. Babygabrial June 30th, 22 11:40 PM Soon Jack flocks off leaving the three of them for the night. It's a quiet night. The storm is fast approaching. Tomorrow will victory rain down, or will defeat strike the same place twice? Mr Hoo June 30th, 22 11:44 PM The three of them held out for the best. The unlikely couple watched their precious star-child nap in his temporary crib. They have high hopes for him and knows he will succeed. Babygabrial June 30th, 22 11:51 PM The sun rose on a friday morning. Outside of the arena, a digital poster displayed showing eight competitors. The final fours of each tournament on full display as around around 2,000 wrestling fans across the Empire State pile in for the semi finals. Merch and concessions get busy fairly quickly, the camera, sound and lighting crew hustle and bustle about. Of course many wrestlers arrive. The 8 men and women still in the tournaments, plus a few who were eliminated, back for preliminary exhibition matches. Mr Hoo June 30th, 22 11:54 PM Among these individuals were our heroes. Carl was giving final preparations for Gabby, pumping him up for the match to come. Babygabrial June 30th, 22 11:58 PM Gabby's hair was done up in a high ponytail today as his dress is slipped on over his wrestling gear. He was so focused, he didn't cry when his makeup was applied. During the meeting it was announced that they would be broadcasting live today. No cuts, no edits, no post production. What the camera sees, all of the Empire state watching local television will see, amd waht all subscribers to the viewtube profile will see on the live stream. Mr Hoo July 1st, 22 12:00 AM This meant a lot of eyes were going to be on Gabby. No doubt they played his little promo battle yesterday, so the audience was surely expecting a big smackdown between the punk and princess. Babygabrial July 1st, 22 12:02 AM The tournament matches wouldn't be happening until later in the show, so they had about 2 hours to wait. As he was warming up Gabby's tummy growled. Mr Hoo July 1st, 22 12:04 AM Carl took that as a sign to give Gabby his pre-match num nums. After that, a tummy rub to help him mess his padding. Babygabrial July 1st, 22 12:05 AM Over at catering they get to see a recently familiar face. "Well if it ain't the little princess!" A cheery Odessius Pain comes over with a plate of food. Mr Hoo July 1st, 22 12:07 AM "Hey, good to see you again. You holding up OK?" Carl asked. Babygabrial July 1st, 22 12:09 AM "Yep, they called me back for an exhibition match. I been keepin' tabs on the tournament though. I gotta say, I may have lost, but I'm glad I ain't take that Burning Hammer." He says pintching Gabby's cheek making him smile for the first time since yesterday. Mr Hoo July 1st, 22 12:10 AM "Yeah, I just can't believe that we made it this far. The special thing about today is that Gabby has a little score to settle with his opponent today." Carl explains. Babygabrial July 1st, 22 12:13 AM "Oh yeah, I heard. A bunch a folks went and looked up your first match against BAR after y'all had started dissin' each other yesterday. That was a damn good match. Hope y'all top it, and we get different results this time around." He says. "I'm gonna win!" Gabby suddenly bursts out with a series look on his face. He was naturally adorable, but his serious look didn't seem forced. He was hot, ready to burn. Mr Hoo July 1st, 22 12:15 AM "Yeah, you are, kitten. You're gonna show that punk what for. You're better, faster, and stronger than you were the first time." Carl encouraged. Babygabrial July 1st, 22 12:19 AM "Well ay, imma sho be watchin' rumble, you girl, rumble!" Odysseus heads off to enjoy his food. As Gabby should to, can't go through one of the most important matches of his career without some numnums. Looking around, all of Gabby's beaten opponents are there. Except Donavan, word on the internet is he's out injured after his match with Gabby. That Burning Hammer is power, and dangerous. Mr Hoo July 1st, 22 12:20 AM Indeed. Carl goes to get Gabby his num nums, helping him eat it like a father should. Babygabrial July 1st, 22 12:22 AM Gabby sat on his Dada's knee and ate like a good girl. Time ticks, the show is about to begin, out in the crowd Wendy and Jerry are just arriving as they see Jess and Rufie already at their seats. Mr Hoo July 1st, 22 11:01 PM "Hey guys. Ready to see Gabby in action?" Rufie asked. "Oh yeah. After that little promo last night, we're expecting a big brawl." Jerry said. Babygabrial July 2nd, 22 02:09 AM "Yeah, hopefully things go differently this time. I'd hate to see how Gabby feels if he loses." Jess says. "Eh, it'll be alright, he's come plenty far in this thing." Wendy says. "Besides if something happens, I'll get to see him tomorrow in a tag match." Rufie says. Jess doesn't know how to respond to that. Mr Hoo July 2nd, 22 10:30 PM She'll find out soon enough. For now, it was time for the match to begin. Babygabrial July 2nd, 22 10:36 PM Gabby's music hit and the crowd pops. Louder than the EWS crowd in their first encounter. Gabby skips out and waves to the crowd blowing kisses. He stops at the top of the stage, dropping his routine to take a breath. The crowd chanting his name. His family up front holding up signs. He smiles and skips down high fiving fans. Mr Hoo July 2nd, 22 10:38 PM Rufie reached out for a high-five, cheering loudly for Gabby. Babygabrial July 2nd, 22 10:41 PM Gabby give his partner a high five along with a handshake to coach Jerry. Then hugs for Jess and Wendy before hopping onto the apron. He gets in the ring and twirls before curtsying. Mr Hoo July 2nd, 22 10:52 PM Carl smiled at the display, he could tell his little kitten was happy to have them see his big match... Well, second biggest considering what comes after this. Babygabrial July 2nd, 22 10:55 PM Gabby goes to his corner to streatch as an alternative rap song hits and the crowd pops again. BAR comes out in fight trunks with his fists taped up. He struts down with his apathetic devil may care attitude. Mr Hoo July 2nd, 22 10:58 PM BAR climbs up to a turnbuckle and pumps the crowd with his fists before turning to Gabby and giving him a thumbs down. Babygabrial July 2nd, 22 11:02 PM Gabby just glares him down while hopping in place. The music fades and the announcer begins. "Ladies and gentlemen this is the first semi finals match and it is scheduled for one fall with a 60 minute time limit. Introducing first, from the Boroughs of Empire City. Weighing in at 183 Ibs. 'Burning Princess' Gabbyyyyyyyy Angeeeeeel!" Mr Hoo July 2nd, 22 11:04 PM Carl and Gabby's other supporters cheer him on at the announcement of his name. Babygabrial July 2nd, 22 11:09 PM The announcer continues "And his opponent, weighing in at 201 Ibs, from Mechanicsville, Empire State. Bad And Rough, BAAAAR!!!" Mr Hoo July 2nd, 22 11:15 PM BAR raised his hands once more to the crowd, taking in the cheers and boos alike. Babygabrial July 2nd, 22 11:20 PM The ref makes sure both competitors are ready and calls for the bell. Upon the bell's ringing, Gabby bursts in at insane speed and shot gun dropkicks BAR, catching him off guard. Gabby backs up and runs in and helluva kicks BAR's head and he staggers out of the corner as Gabby lifts BAR up on his back for a Burning Hammer. The crowd are on their feet cheering, before BAR grabs the ropes and pulls himself over, quickly running out of the ring. Mr Hoo July 2nd, 22 11:23 PM "Get after him, kitten!" Carl shouts. "Get that coward!" Jerry cheers. Babygabrial July 2nd, 22 11:30 PM BAR moves around the ring trying to compose himself, only to turn as Gabby hits him with a suicide dive. They crash against the guard rails. Gabby gets up quickly and throws BAR in the ring. Gabby rolls in as BAR stands up staggering. Gabby goes for a cutter. BAR twists it around into a backslide pin "One-Two!" Gabby kicks out, but BAR keeps hold of Gabby's wrists and hits him with a kamigoye knee strike making Gabby crumple. BAR sits on the floor catching his breath. Mr Hoo July 2nd, 22 11:32 PM "Get up, kitten!" Carl cheers. BAR managed to stand up with a stagger and begins to drag Gabby over to the corner. Once there he sets himself up for a splash. Babygabrial July 2nd, 22 11:37 PM He runs in and Gabby rolls out of the ring, accusing BAR to hit the middle turnbuckle. Gabby grabs him by the leg and yanks him out of the ring again before suplexing BAR outside of the ring. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 10:03 AM BAR was stunned by the move, but he wraps his legs around Gabby's neck and pulls him down. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 10:39 AM BAR tries to fully lock that triangle choke in, but Gabby plants his feet on the ground and hoists BAR up and powerbombs him into the crowd. The ref is trying to avoid starting the count as long as he can. In a match as important as the semi finals, a draw wouldn't be ideal. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 10:40 AM It might possibly start a riot of some kind. We all know how these wrestling fans can get if you don't give them a proper show. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 10:47 AM Especially in a rowdy Empire City crowd. Though they aren't as bad loud as a Second City Crowd, or as violent as Quaker City. The crowd were on their feet as those up front were cheering and patting Gabby and BAR on the back. No one, luckily, being a douchbag and trying tl grab one of them. Gabby pulls himself up with the guard rail and BAR tries to back away. Gabby pursues and punches him in the face staggering him. Gabby goes for another punch, but BAR dodges and push kicks Gabby into the lighting and sound booth. The ref has no choice but to begin the count. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 10:49 AM Carl hoped Gabby wouldn't get too carried away with beating BAR's ass to get back in the ring in time. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 10:55 AM BAR started choking Gabby and drags him up the stairs to the booth as the Ref counts two. BAR slams Gabby's head against the monitor, messing with the lighting in the arena. Gabby stumbles and BAR palm strikes Gabby in the gut before knee striking him in the mouth. He goes for a bicycle kick to send Gabby over, but Gabby pops him up looking for another powerbomb. This time though, BAR rains shots down on Gabby as the ref counts three and they both fall over the rail into the pile of chairs. The crowd chants "Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!" Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:00 AM "Well, I'm sure glad we came to see this." Jerry quipped as he watched the chaos unfold. Rufie was silently praying for Gabby's safety. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:08 AM BAR emerged from the chair pile at the count of four and started stumbling to towards the ring. Gabby comes out at the count of five. He runs up and tackles BAR before they get to the guard rail. Gabby crawls and gets to the rail at the count of six. BAR runs up and spears Gabby through the rail. The crowd pops again as they both lay on the detached metal railing. The ref counts seven as they both roll over and start crawling towards the ring. The ref count eight as they get to the ring skirt. They count to nine and simultaneously pop up and slide into the ring. The crowd give a standing ovation. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:09 AM Carl breathed a sigh of relief, although Gabby wasn't out of the woods just yet. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:19 AM BAR gets up first and pulls Gabby to his knees and its easy to see now that Gabby is bleeding from the mouth. BAR knees him in the forehead and makes Gabby fall back. BAR pulls him back to his knees and hits a spin kick laying Gabby out. BAR pulls Gabby to the middle and goes for a pin but Gabby rolls him up for the pin. "One-Two!" Gabby lets the pin go and they both scramble. BAR gets up, but Gabby stays on all fours. Gabby shoots in, and BAR goes to kick him in the head. Gabby saw this coming from their previous matches and rolls to go for the other leg and comeplete the takedown. Gabby and BAR fight for wrist control which Gabby wins and Gabby pulls him to a seated position and overhooks his head going for a seated front headlock. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:20 AM "Hold him down, kitten!" Carl cheered. "Don't let up!" Rufie called out. BAR struggled to get out of the lock, repeatedly driving his elbow into Gabby's side. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:24 AM Gabby loosens up for a moment, only to hop up and wrap his legs around BAR's hips, and reapplying the front headlock. BAR struggles as his face turns red. He is slowly trying to scoot on his bottom towards the ropes. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:25 AM He tries reaching his foot out towards the ropes for a break, with Gabby's family cheering for him to pull back. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:34 AM Gabby pulls harder, but BAR gets his foot on the rope and the ref calls break. Gabby lets go and gets up. BAR is holding his head BAR stands up and Gabby runs up and german suplexes him to the middle of the ring. Gabby keeps the hold and stands him up, Gabby goes to his side and pops his hip and hits him with a Urinagi Suplex dropping him on his head and neck.BAR tries to roll away, but Gabby pulls him back and and stands him up and hits a Saito suplex, BAR's signature, before locking in a katahajime, the crossface chicken wing, BAR's submission hold. The crowd are on their feet cheering. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:37 AM Carl chuckled at this display while BAR was feeling slightly embarrassed about being caught in his own holds. He was screaming at Gabby, but it was slightly incoherent over the roaring crowd. Although it was something along the lines of: "You dumbass, AB asshole!" Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:47 AM The roar of the crowd motivates Gabby to squeeze tighter. BAR slips his hand under Gabby's arm to relieve some of the preasure of the choke hold. He turns and tries to stand up he muscles his way out and Judo throws Gabby. "15 minutes have passed." The announcer says at ringside. BAR drops to a knee holding his neck. Gabby gets to his knees. BAR jumps on his back and flattens him out and rains down punches going for ground and pound. He goes for elbows as Gabby weaves his head around to avoid some of the strikes before he twists himself on his back. Gabby tries what Penance did and gets himself in butterfly position, and grabs his wrist before bringing his legs up going for a triangle choke. BAR blocks the leg and reverses it into a knee bar. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 10:00 PM "Get out of there!" Carl cheered. The rest of the crowd followed along. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 10:07 PM Gabby slowly pulls his leg free and twists it over so he has BAR in a figure four leg lock. BAR struggles for a bit before rolling them to their stomachs reversing the preassure. Gabby howls in pain before slowly pushing his body up to reverse the hold into a sharp shooter. BAR crawls towards the ropes before Gabby lets go of a leg and pulls him back to the center with the other, and gets in a single leg Boston crab. Gabby then flattens BAR out, hooks their legs together, and gets a crossface in transitioning into an STF. These two have been going from submission to submission, back and forth for the better part of ten minutes. BAR mustles his way out before smoothly slipping on top of Gabby locking in a sleeper hold. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 10:26 PM BAR tightens his grip as much as he could, looking to make his padded opponent pass out. Carl and the rest of Gabby's family cheer him on to get out of there. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 10:33 PM This was how Gabby lost last time. Gabby sstruggles getting to his feet as BAR flattens him out. Gabby slowly crawls on his tummy towards the ropes. BAR lets go and yanks Gabby back to the center of the ring and locks in his finisher. The Katahajime, Crossface Chicken Wing. He locks it in as he gets Gabby on his back and wraps his legs around Gabby's hips. However, Gabby learned how to break out from how BAR broke out when Gabby locked him into it earlier in the match. Gabby slips his hands under BAR's arm to relieve pressure from his neck. He pushes as he rolls over on his stomach and breaks the hold before slipping out and locking BAR into a Bulldog Choke and leans back with it. The crowd are on their feet as BAR may tap out like Steel did in the quarter finals. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 10:36 PM BAR struggled with getting out of the hold, thrashing and throwing elbow strikes to get out. He was losing air fast, but he was refusing to tap. He was going to give Gabby the satisfaction of beating him. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 10:40 PM "30 minutes have passed 30 minutes remain in the match." The announcer calls. These two have been battering each other and wearing each other's down for 30 straight minutes. It hasn't felt that long to the crowd at all. BAR standa up while the choke was still in. Gabby transitions it into a chicken wing and suplexes BAR with his own signature. BAR pops to his feet and returns the favor by hitting Gabby with a Cutter. Now they are both down and the 30 minutes are being felt by both of them. The crowd are on their feet. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 10:43 PM BAR slowly stood up with a slight wobble and locked Gabby into a camel clutch, looking to tire him out so he can get a pin. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 10:49 PM Gabby leaned back into the clutch and flipped back pinning BAR to the floor. "One-Two-Thre" BAR let go of the hold so Gabby got off of him. He stands up as Gabby runs up and slips behind BAR and hits another german suplex. BAR rolls to his feet and superman punches Gabby. Gabby stumbles to the ropes and BAR runs up and Gabby pulls the ropes down, but BAR stops short remembering the beginning of the match. BAR stomps on Gabby's face and Gabby rolls onto the apron. When he stands, BAR tries to suplex him back into the ring, but Gabby suplexes him out onto the floor. BAR tries to get onto his feet but it gets harder and harder. Gabby runs across the apron, jumps up onto the top turnbuckle, and hits a moonsault onto BAR on the floor. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 10:52 PM BAR's body jolted up at the attack before flopping back down to the floor. Some of the crowd member's flinched at that. It must've been painful. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:01 PM Gabby gets up and throws BAR into the ring and rolls in as BAR stands up. He starts laying in body shots, elbows, forearms, and kick combos on Gabby. Gabby finally grabs hold of an incoming fist and yanks him in for a cutter, but as Gabby hooked his head, BAR hooks back into the Katahajime. Gabby panics and drops down before BAR could fully hook it in. BAR runs the ropes and pk kicks Gabby right in the face. Blood from Gabby's bleeding mouth flies. Gabby, before he can be pinned rolls to the ropes. BAR frustratedly stands Gabby up, leaning him against the ropes. BAR runs the ropes and comes back hitting Gabby with a flying knee strike. Gabby uses the ropes to keep himself up, as BAR goes and hits a second flaying knee. More blood flies as Gabby dropes to the matt but in a show of defiance, gets back up using the ropes. BAR goes for a third knee but Gabby meets him halfway and nearly takes BAR's head off with a thunderous clothesline sending both men down again. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:04 PM The family and crowd cheered loudly for this impressive display. BAR struggled to get up and crawled over to Gabby to pin him, barely managing to hook his leg. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:10 PM "One-Two-thre" Gabby reverses the pin by hooking BAR into a crusifix pin. "One-Two-thr" BAR rolls back on his feet with Gabby on his shoulders. He goes to ram Gabby into the corner, but Gabby slips down and Pushes BAR into the turnbuckle. Gabby kicks off of him and jumps onto the top turnbuckle. BAR pushes the rppe to make Gabby slip and be sitting on the top rope. BAR gets on the top rope and goes for a super chickenwing suplex. Gabby elbows him and squirms making BAR get down. But BAR jumps back up and quickly goes for a super German suplex. Gabby rotates mid air and lands on his feet. While BAR is on the mat, Gabby jumps and rolls him up for the pin. "One-Two-Three!" Gabby lets go and BAR pops to his feet as the bell rings and the crowd pops and BAR sits down with a look of disbelief as Gabby's theme plays. He lost, not with the cutter, not with the bulldog choke, not with the lawn dart, not even with the burning hammer. Just with a simple rollup pin. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:13 PM He was completely embarrassed to say the least, the world seemed to darken around him as the realization of how bad his loss was came to his mind. Meanwhile, Carl ran into the ring to congratulate his little kitten. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:19 PM The ref comes over and raises the exhausted Gabby's hand as Carl holds him. The announcer makes it official. Here's your winner Burning Princess Gabby Angel!" Gabby won, Gabby made it to the finals, Gabby has now qualified for the rookie of the year tournament. This week Gabby has been battling for 95 minutes. Clawing and scratching, and he still has one match to go, but he's done so much already. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:22 PM Carl wants to make sure that Gabby is fully prepped for that fight, that means a nice meal and good bedtime tonight. From a monitor, a certain deer watched everything unfold. Needless to say, they were impressed by what they saw. They knew that this was the one to give them a good match for the ages. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:26 PM But, said dear needs to qualify for the finals himself. Gabby is carried backstage as the next match is a woman's semi finals match. Gabby is given time to be looked over and made sure that there's no injuries. He is given a clean bill of health, and he goes to his Daddy to rest while the rest of the show goes on. He never asked but it went without saying. He wanted to be there to see his opponent for the finals. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:31 PM Carl obliged and brought him over to a spot where he could both watch the match and relax. Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:39 PM The women's match goes by and it was a pretty good match within itself, but what Gabby is here for is to see Desnond Blade The Third. Gabby relaxes with a nice bottle of water to hydrate himself. An ice pack held to his lips. He watched the final match of the semi finals. It was a nice technical masterclass, but in a different way from the submission showcase in the middle of Gabby and BAR's match. It's way more fundamentals based. Headlocks, suplexes, streatches, joint manipulations. Picking a body part and working it with different holds and slams. Desmond hardly even throws a strike the entire match. The match takes about 15 minutes but at the end of the day. Desmond wins, by making his opponent tap...to a Bulldog Choke. Message. Sent. Desmond gets his hand raised as he's announced as the winner. But his music is stopped, and Gabby's music hits to a big pop. Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:42 PM This caught Carl off guard. Was Desmond inviting Gabby for a promo? Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:47 PM No, because Gabby is suddenly not in Carl's lap while he wasn't looking. The other way around. Gabby emerges with a mic in hand. He limps down and steps into the ring. Going face to face with Desmond. His music fades and Gabby slowly brings the mic to his mouth. "This....is it. No one else is left standing. Just me, and you, but...you always knew it would be this way didn't you? When did you call that shot? Was it...when I used the burning hammer? Was it...when I won my wild card match?" Suddenly gets in his face and says coldly, but excitedly "or...was it on that foggy day, when you won that carnival match?" Gabby says Mr Hoo July 3rd, 22 11:51 PM Desmond simply stared at Gabby and addressed him, "I would say it was when I first lay eyes on you. I didn't think much of the thoughts I had in that moment, but after some contemplation I realized that I was near my possible biggest challenge. Everyone who faced me always bored me to no end. It's been a while since I had a real challenge, and yet here you are. You won match after match in order to get to me. That is the drive of someone who will stop at nothing to win, the same drive I have." Babygabrial July 3rd, 22 11:57 PM The two circled each other mirroring each other step by step. Gabby giggles "Why wouldn't I be. Your ring craft is nothing less than beautiful. The moment I watched you on that cold foggy day, I couldn't stop thinking about it, about you. I never heard of you before then, but in a swift moment, you made your way into my heart with your ability. You intensified my dreams, and haunted my nightmares, you made me feel things I have never felt before. You are what I strive to be, yet a catalyst of what I can possibly not live up to. I want to be world champion, you have battled world champions. I want to win this tournament, you were pegged to win before it even began. I want to be accepted by the fans. You make sure the fans, love or hate, respect you. You, are absolute beauty." Gabby says with a jagged breath. Mr Hoo July 4th, 22 12:10 AM "I'm flattered, but I will not let that feeling get in the way of trying my best to defeat you. Your dream is an admirable one, but I still have my reputation to protect. In return, I don't want you to hold back against me in our match. Give me everything you have all at once, show me your drive to win." Desmond said while pointing at Gabby. Babygabrial July 4th, 22 12:27 AM "You, are quite the precious little thing." Desmond continued. "You are very cute. You may believe that because you come out here with frills and makeup that these people won't respect you. Darling, what is the difference between frills and a feathered robe? How is a manicured nails different from bleach blond hair? Maybe several things, but there's one thing that they both do. They get eyes on you. You are quite cute, how you walk and talk. You say these people may love me , some may hate me, but they all respect me, and you are right love You are right for one simple reason." Desmond says with that British accent of his. "I get their attention with beauty and grace. I keep their attention by being the best there's ever been within the squared circle. You ought to know this little one. Didn't you just pound a poor sod for forty straight minutes to get his respect? That's just how it is. He hates you because you're cute, but hate means he's noticed you. Same goes for this crowd. You skip and twirl down that ramp and that turns heads. You drop these lads on their necks and that keeps their eyes open. You and eye, love. We're one in the same. But I'm older, more experienced, and by all means better." He says as he caresses Gabby's face. Gabby getting lost in his words. "Tomorrow, I want you to come in and show me who you are. Be it a cute little poppet, or a technical wrestling machine, and I in turn will show you where beauty lies." He says. Gabby is slow but soon responds. "Just.....just by you talking, I learn so much from you. Every word you say to me is like a knife in my heart." He says smiling and blushing. "You say such nice things about me, but you say it with such ease and confidence that it terrifies me. You aren't trying to make me upset, and you don't make it sound like you're trying to hurt me. That just makes it scarier. However, it just makes me want to battle you more. You didn't need to make a request, sir. From Empire City, with love, I will throw at you everything I have, and unleash upon you everything that I am. I will strike, grapple, curtsey, twirl, and seal it all with a kiss." He blows Desmond a kiss. "And in the end, we all leave satisfied." He giggles again and curtsies for Desmond who bows and Desmond's music hits. Mr Hoo July 4th, 22 11:35 PM Carl met with Gabby backstage, along with the rest of his family, "That was pretty neat promo there, kitten." he said. "I agree, that was truly wonderful." Rufie added. Babygabrial July 4th, 22 11:36 PM Gabby giggled and blushed as he was praised by the people who mean the most to him in the world. He reaches up and makes grabby hands for someone to carry him. Mr Hoo July 4th, 22 11:39 PM Rufie obliged, as she hadn't held Gabby in a while. She cradled him in her arms and nuzzled him. Babygabrial July 4th, 22 11:42 PM He giggles and nestles his Nanny. The family helps Darla pack up and they head to the hotel. It went from every day brought them one step closer to the end of the road, to every day is a new cause for celebration. Mr Hoo July 4th, 22 11:47 PM The celebration will come after the final match tomorrow, that is if Gabby overcomes Desmond's strength and fighting prowess. Gabby's family believed that he could, after all, they wanted to see him succeed more than anything. Babygabrial July 4th, 22 11:49 PM Everyone has profited off of his success, so it only makes sense to keep the gravey train rolling. He has wrestles nearly 100 minutes in one week. This tournament has been absolutely brutal on him. Mr Hoo July 4th, 22 11:57 PM That means he needed to be taken care of in the best way possible. That not only means making sure he was top physical condition, it also meant keeping him happy. Babygabrial July 4th, 22 11:59 PM They played with him, the fed him, they kept him clean and swaddled him. Right now he was getting yummy milk from Nanny Rufie. Mr Hoo July 5th, 22 12:01 AM Fresh from her udders of course. Feeding her little darling from a bottle was all well and good, but nothing beat the feeling of having him suckle her udders while she stroked his head. Babygabrial July 5th, 22 12:04 AM Around him the adults drank and enjoyed themselves. This has turned into a very profitable week. Gabby is now going to be in the United States Rookie of the year tournament. That's national ppv exposure. Mr Hoo July 5th, 22 12:06 AM This was the kind of exposure Gabby needed. They were slowly, but surely climbing the ladder to the top. Their money was growing as well. Carl and Darla were already thinking up plans for their star-child's new nursery. Babygabrial July 5th, 22 12:09 AM Of course they would need to take time to look for places. Plus maybe Darla move in with them. They would need a place with at least two larg enough bedrooms though. In Empire City. That's pretty expensive. Mr Hoo July 5th, 22 12:11 AM Which is why they need to earn more money, and lots of it. Of course, that's gonna be even harder with the damn inflation rising every day Babygabrial July 5th, 22 12:14 AM Gabby soon had a full belly and hiccuped needing his nanny to burp him. Mr Hoo July 5th, 22 12:16 AM Rufie held Gabby over her shoulder with a towel and patted his back gently. Babygabrial July 5th, 22 12:49 AM Gabby quickly burped and spit up milk on the shoulder. Mr Hoo July 5th, 22 09:14 AM Rufie wiped his mouth and kissed his cheek, "Very good, sweetie." she said. Babygabrial July 5th, 22 11:18 AM He babbles and gurgles. Drinking milk like that makes him feel even more babyish. He yawns about ready for bed time. Mr Hoo July 5th, 22 11:10 PM Rufie hummed and rocked him to sleep while carrying him over to his crib. She doesn't remember a time when she didn't rock Gabby to sleep. Babygabrial July 6th, 22 03:23 AM Gabby has become everyone's baby girl. His vision is wild, his drive is admirable, but his success is contagious. Mr Hoo July 6th, 22 11:45 AM All he can do now is have a good night's rest while Rufie went to chat with the other adults. Babygabrial July 6th, 22 11:53 AM Jack had joined the others in the lobby. "The kid made it to Saturday with an extra match. He could go in the ring tomorrow, and tap out to a Boston crab in 5 minutes, and no one would call him less of a wrestler for it. I got big plans next Saturday for when he comes back." He says. "So many people bought shirts today. We were almost sold out for the very first time. This is so worth taking a week off from the shop." Darla says "Ooooooh wait until you all see the outfit I made for her if she made it to the finals." Mr Hoo July 6th, 22 12:01 PM "Can't wait to see it. I bet it's gonna look stunning." Carl says. "It's your, little darling. Of course she'll look stunning." Rufie says. "So, Gabby's being invited to a match just to take a dive?" Jess asked. Babygabrial July 6th, 22 12:06 PM "Nonono!" Jack says holding his hands up. "I'm saying that he has the love of the local hardcore fans. Heck some of them may travel to see him in other promotions." He explains Mr Hoo July 6th, 22 12:16 PM "Relax, Jess. Everyone knows how tough our kid is." Jerry reassured. "One little scheduled loss ain't gonna hurt him." "Sorry, I didn't mean it like I was criticizing the decision. Just curious, that's all." Jess says. Babygabrial July 6th, 22 12:44 PM Jack is really confused on why they're talking about him taking a dive. Jack hasn't made any deals for Gabby to take a dive for anyone. Some other wrestlers maybe, but not Gabby...yet. Mr Hoo July 6th, 22 11:20 PM He literally just said that he'll lose to a Boston Crab, what else was that supposed to mean. To Jess, that couldn't mean anything else but taking a dive. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:15 AM He said he could lose, and it wouldn't lose him popularity. Pretty much saying that he has some really good momentum. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 05:37 PM Might as well make that clearer the next time he says something like that. Otherwise, they might get the wrong idea. Or maybe they would just need to read the sentence more carefully next time. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 05:59 PM Who knows, everyone is hu....a person. Anyway, they chat for a few more hours as Gabby sleeps in his crib. His heart pounding profusely. His excitement, unwavering. His soul, crying for victory. His bowels, moving with ferocity. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 06:04 PM Yeah, he might need a change when he wakes up, will he? Babygabrial July 7th, 22 06:11 PM Very much so. He's gonna be ripe in the morning. Possibly in the middle of the night. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 06:12 PM But, not to worry, Carl will be there to give a quick change. Good thing cats are mostly nocturnal creatures. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 06:16 PM Gabby woke up and started crying around 3 AM. Any hypersensitive noses will be able to smell the issue fairly quickly. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 06:18 PM Carl's daddy senses perked up and immediately got to work changing his crying kitten. He swiftly finished the job and got Gabby back to sleep. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 06:20 PM Gabby slept peacefully through the rest of the night. The morning came and it was time to wake up and get packed up to go get breakfast and check out of the hotel. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 06:22 PM Which they did in an effective and fast manner. Well, as effective and fast as it could be with Gabby being a fussy morning baby. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 06:31 PM He sucks his thumb laying on the bed as Darla tries to get him dressed. This is a new outfit. Its a white rumper with his logo on his chest. Over that is a see through lacey white dress with a big orange sash around the waist tied into a bow. His hair is put into twin tails and a white lolita head dress is tied on his head. His cheeks are powdered extra pink, he definitely was fussy during that. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 10:28 PM He was certainly easier when he was being fed his breakfast. Carl thought the new outfit was positively adorable. After that, they got all their things packed and went down to the hotel front desk to check out. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 10:52 PM Gabby was playing with auntie while his daddy was checking out. He was a happy little girl. Very affectionate to. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 10:54 PM Darla loved every second of playtime with Gabby. She wanted to make sure her little girl was happy and chipper for today. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 10:59 PM Gabby was quite happy and in good spirits today. He's clean, full, and feeling all pretty. Soon they were checked out and had the cars packed with their stuff. That way they can go from the arena straight home. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:00 PM They've been from home for a long time. Sure, it might've been just a few days, but it felt like forever. Now they were at the final match of the tournament. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:04 PM Hey, they'd take homesickness over the feeling they'd get if they went home last monday. As soon as they made it to the arena the line for tickets could be seen going a while. This was the finals. The show was going to be sold out. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:06 PM No doubt, and it was a big match as well. A rising star vs a highly decorated professional. It will surely be one for the books. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:09 PM Plus, the four men and woman competing in the main events tonight will be their hometown heroes going on to claim glory on the national stage. This has been a hell of a week. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:10 PM Gabby was led to the locker room to go over some final strategies for the match. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:17 PM This opponent brings a whole new definition to technically sound. Actually, no, he brings the classic definition back. He knows the fundamentals like the back of his hand, and he is ready to backhand slap the taste out of Gabby's mouth. Gabby's reactions and high impact moves will definitely help, but it could be definitely painful if Gabby doesn't set up each attack. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:20 PM Which Carl explained to him in full. He wanted his kitten to be extra careful out there and plan accordingly. Plan the attacks and respond to the right moves. One wrong move and Gabby could be laid out for an early nap time. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:24 PM A painful nap at that. Desmond and Gabby have been both winning their matches with different moves. Desmond has been using different submissions, and targeting different body parts to make his opponent submit. Gabby has won in the tournament with The Cutter, The Burning Hammer, The Lawn Dart, The Bulldog Choke, and a rollup pin. These two are swiss army knives of technique. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:27 PM Now it was time to see which knife had the durability and utility to last in the ring. Carl was hoping every last ounce of his being for Gabby's victory. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:31 PM Do you know what a cat Dad can do with 10,000 dollars? Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:35 PM Knowing Carl, he would most likely spend it on stuff for his little kitten. He was that grateful. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:37 PM In the locker room, like yesterday, are many who didn't make it to the finals. Likely to be in tag matches and such. Soon, they go through weigh ins, and the meeting. They're gonna be live again, and this time Gabby's gonna be in the main event. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:40 PM A huge step up from the previous times. A lot of eyes were gonna be on Gabby. He'll not only have to win, but also give a showstopping performance. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:47 PM In this case, a good showing is going hold for hold, counter for counter, with this beautiful worker. There's a feeling after the meeting. Not tension, not nervousness, just spine tingling excitment. Gabby is blocking out the world outside the sounds of the packed crowd. The clock is ticking. He's been waiting for this match for weeks now. It's finally here. He had goose bumps. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:48 PM Carl calmed whatever nerves he had with words of encouragement; he knows his kitten will do great out there. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:50 PM Gabby had to pass the time. Feedings, changings, naps. When the show began Gabby jumped. He wanted to be out there now, but he had to wait. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:52 PM Carl made sure to fill his baby's tummy with tasty mush, change him into a nice, soft diaper, and rock him to sleep to have a nice calming nap. Babygabrial July 7th, 22 11:54 PM The nap was definitely helpful to pass the time. He was well fed and well rested. The minutes tick by. The roar of the crowd, 2000 strong, acting as motivation for excitement. Soon, a producer came. Its time. Mr Hoo July 7th, 22 11:56 PM Gabby was woken up, taken to gorilla position, and given a few more words of encouragement. The moment of truth lay just beyond those curtains. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 12:01 AM Soon......everything went silent. His heart pounded. He could faintly hear his music hit. He took echoed steps forward. He reached out and as soon as he came through the curtain, he could hear the crowd pop in excitement. He smiles and looks around at 2000 fans, holding up signs and some even wearing his merchandise. He skips down, his white dress swihing about. He gets to ringside where of course his nannies, coaches, and Jack sat. He hugged them all and jumped on he apron. He posed and blew kisses before hopping in the ring. He twirled around letting his dress fall to the floor and revealing his ring gear. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 12:03 AM The crowd cheered with loud applause for their favorite padded fighter. His family cheered even louder. Carl gave a wide smile for backstage, his little kitten was living in the moment. Then another tune filled the room as the spotlight shone on the ramp. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 12:10 AM An EDM track hits as Desmond comes out wearing a black jumpsuit with DB3 On the back. The crowd pops loudly for him as well. He doesn't engage with the crowd but he does smirk towards the cameras before walking up the steps. He enters the ring and stands on the turnbuckle posing. Dueling chants ring out. "Burning Princess!" Half the crowd would chant "D-B-3!" The other half chanted. Heck there was even a bit of overlap as some of the crowd cheered for both of them. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 12:12 AM Desmond looked at Gabby and gave him a nod. The classic warrior's signal to prepare for a good match. He was recognizing him as a worthy opponent. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 12:17 AM The bell rings and a spotlight shines on the ring giving this a big fight feel. "This ladies and gentlemen is your main event of the evening." The announcer began. "And thus, this is the finals of the Empire State Men's Young Wrestler Of The Year Tournament and it is scheduled for One Fall! With a 60 minute time limit. Introducing first, from The Boroughs of Empire City. Weighing in today at 182 Ibs. Starting this tournament ranked as a Wild Card. Burning Princess, GAAAAAABBYYYYYYY ANNNNNNGEEEEEEL!" Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 12:18 AM The crowd pops as that name is said, especially from the family of said wrestler. 60 minutes, a full hour. Carl wondered if Gabby could hold out for that long. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 12:24 AM 100% probably, but Gabby has been wrestling for nearly 100 minutes this week. He is not going in comepletely fresh. The announcer continues "And his opponent. Born in Garden County, England and fighting out of Nickle City, Empire State. Weighing in at 203 Ibs. He came into this tournament as the Number One Seed! DB3! DESMOOOOOOND BLAAAAAAADE THE THIIIIIIIIIIIIRD!!!" Desmond unzips his jacket and throws it to the crowd. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 12:26 AM A few females in the audience catch it and swoon over the act. This causes Desmond to roll his eyes, not really understanding why 'certain' fans acted this way still. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 02:32 AM The announcer leaves the ring as the ref starts the match. These two have a little stare down with each other. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 03:15 PM Desmond got into his stance, waiting for Gabby to make a move. One could only imagine the whirlwind of strategies going through his mind right now. He seemed to have an answer for anything Gabby could lead with. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 03:29 PM Gabby took a risk, and went over offering a tie up. Desmond took Gabby's hand and they went in for each other's neck. Gabby staying with a low base to keep from being lifted up. Desmond got ahold of Gabby's wrist and slowly shifted into an arm wringer. This was the arm Gabby got hurt in round 1. This makes sense to attack that, even if not in great pain, it would still be a weaker body part. Gabby leaned over trying to relieve the preasure. Desmond cranked on the arm before Gabby rolls onto his back, kips up, then reverses so that Desmond is in an arm wringer. Desmond in turn flips onto the ground, pulls Gabby down. Wraps a leg around Gabby's arm, and gets a crossface in. Gabby stays calm and leans back with it. Soon Gabby rolls over onto Desmond and gets in a head and arm lock. Desmond rolls Gabby over and wraps his legs around Gabby's head. Gabby kicks his head loose, but spins around with his head still between Desmond's legs and flips over for a belly to back pin. "One-two" Desmond bridges up to get out of the pin. He rolls Gabby around, and now they're back to back. Desmond underhooks Gabby's arms and goes for a backslide pin. "One-Two" Gabby kicks back and rolls to his feet, and grabbing hold of both of Desmond's wrists. Gabby yanks him in and hits a drop toe hold, before rolling across Demond's back going for a front headlock. Gabby cracks on it as Desmond stands up and hits Gabby with a bridged Suplex and goes for the pin. "One-Two" Gabby kicks out and and sits up. The two turn and look at each other from a sitting position. The crowd gives a standing ovation. That sequence of basic holds, counters, and transitions. It was all so fluid and graceful. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 03:44 PM Desmond was impressed by how well Gabby was keeping up with him, but that didn't mean that he wasn't going to go all out from here on. He slowly stood up and gave Gabby an intense stare before giving him a gesture to stand back up and face him. No words were needed during this match, the actual fighting was the language being used. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 03:54 PM The two stood and locked up once again. Demsond swiftly slipped under the arm. And threw him for a takedown Desmond rammed his knee into Gabby's hip, and overhooked his arm. Desmond proceeded to dig an elbow into Gabby's shoulder. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 03:57 PM He pushed down and slammed Gabby's head into the match while pulling his arm backwards in a painful hold. Carl shouted for Gabby to get out of there. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 04:05 PM Gabby squirmed around a bit. Desmond grabs an ankle and puts both knees into Gabby's back amd rocks onto his back. Converting it into a bow and arrow. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 04:12 PM Desmond held it there, waiting for Gabby to tap out or pass out. Carl's family screamed for him to fight back. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 04:21 PM Gabby squirmed around slowly peeling Desmond's hand from his neck. Gabriel rolled onto his stomach and spun around to face Desmond. Gabby grabs hold of Desmond's legs and went in for a single leg boston crab. After a bit, Gabby switches it to a double leg. Gabby after a minute crawls backwards, and put his knee into Desmond's neck. Gabby has a lion tamer locked in. After a bit of fighting, Desmond slips between Gabby's legs and pulls him down and hits a monkey flip on Gabby. They both kip up to face each other and Gabby goes in for a pelee kick, but DB3 side steps and elbows his arm. Desmond proceeded to pull Gabby's arm out and stands on his head, pressing his forehead into Gabby's arm. Gabby bites his bottom lip kicking in pain. Desmond spins around and slams Gabby's elbow into the matt before jumping up and stomping it. Gabby cringes and hisses pulling his arm to his chest. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 04:25 PM Desmond drags Gabby over to the turnbuckle and jumps onto the top rope with his hands before swinging down and slamming a knee, straight into Gabby's chest. He then sets him up on the ropes before going for a stomp to bring him down. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 04:41 PM Gabby flips Desmond off of him. Desmond lands on his feet, and Gabby jumps off clotheslining him, and flipping him onto his back. Gabby shakes the pain from his arm and picks Desmond up hitting a DDT. Gabby rolls over and stands up raising Desmond into suplex position, and Desmond flips over and hits an arm drag on Gabby's arm. Gabby whinces as the pain grows with each hold and attack on it. Desmond comes over puts Gabby in a hammer lock. Gabby cringes, and squirms around. The crowd claps in rhythm to motivate Gabby to stand up. Gabby gets to his knees while the lock is still held. Gabby throws his free arm up around Desmond's head and drops down hitting Desmond with a jaw breaker as Gabby rams Desmond's chin into his shoulder. Desmond is stunned and Gabby kips up holding his arm. Gabby runs over to the ropes and hops up with no hands before hitting a springboard moonsault into a reverse DDT bringing them both down as Gabby holds his arm the crowd applauds as the announcer calls "15 minutes have passed. 45 minutes remain." All of the holds and submissions really made the time fly. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 04:44 PM Carl's family cheers for Gabby to stand up and keep fighting. The rest of the crowd was no exception, for they liked what they were seeing. Desmond tries hard to stand up, trying to fight off the headache he was feeling. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 04:55 PM Gabby stands up and shakes his arm out again. Desmond shoots in and slips behind. Desmond lifts him up hitting a German suplex, but keeps the waist lock. He stands Gabby up and jumps on him, wrapping a leg around Gabby's head and wrapping the other leg around Gabby's leg before pulling on Gabby locking in an octopus stretch. Gabby struggles reaching for the ropes but he can't really move. Gabby pulls Desmond's leg from around him and throws Desmond over for a hip toss. Desmond rolls to his feet as Gabby runs in. Desmond chop blocks Gabby's leg by ramming his shoulder into it. Gabby rolls holding his leg. It was worn down by the octopus hold and the bow and arrow earlier. Desmond pulls Gabby to the center of the ring and wraps both of Gabby's legs around his and grabs both arms and rocks back further and further until he's all the way back pulling Gabby into a surfboard stretch. Gabby is now yelling out in pain. His arm and leg hurting greatly. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 04:57 PM Carl chanted for Gabby to escape, with the crowd following along. The energy was very high right now, the match starting to get very interesting. They were watching two titans at work. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 05:14 PM Gabby slowly unwrapped his legs from the hold and rolls backwards. He grabs hold of Desmond's wrists and stomps on his head several times. Gabby pulls him up, cringing as his arm has been stretched and beaten so there's not much strength in it. Gabby lifts him over and points to the corner going for his Lawn Dart, but as he charges in, Desmond slips outand throughs Gabby shoulder first into the metal corner post. Gabby falls back and Desmond lifts Gabby up on top and climbs to the middle rope. Desmond throws Gabby's good arm over his shoulder and gets the bad one in a hammer lock again as the ref yells to get off the ropes. Desmond lifts Gabby up and hits a super hammer lock suplex off the middle rope. Dropping all of Gabby's own weight onto his arm. Gabby's eyes roll back and his jaw drops feeling intense sharp pain in his arm. He flops around until Desmond holds him down and brings his arm out. Desmond runs the ropes and hits a leg drop on the arm. Desmond then goes on the top rope and jumps off going for another leg drop but Gabby rolls out of the way Desmond hits his tail bone on the matt as Gabby gets to the ropes and pulls himself up. Gabby climbs out onto the apron. Nearly 25 minutes in and this is the first time someone has exited the ring. Gabby springboards as Desmond is standing up and dives over Desmond, flipping them both in a sunset, and driving Deamond on his head. The crowd pops as Gabby hits the Canadian Destroyer, and Gabby goes for the cover. "One-Two-Thr" Desmond quickly rolls them both over and wraps his legs around Gabby's arm. Gabby scrambles as his arm can't take much more. Gabby gets a foot on the rope and the ref calls for the break. Desmond lets go immediately. He stands up slower than he was earlier and pulls Gabby to the center. Gabby pops up and lifts Desmond high into the air and slams him hard for a thunderous spine buster. Gabby gets Desmond's legs and steps one leg through them and wraps them around like he's going for a sharp shooter. Instead of rolling Desmond on his stomach though, he pulls Desmond into a seated position and gets a front headlock in. They are center of the ring and no way Desmond can move from this position, but Gabby's arm is so hurt, he can't tighten the hold enough to get pressure in to choke Desmond out. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 11:28 PM Desmond managed to wriggle free of the hold with a hard elbow to the side. He regained his breath for a short second before dragging Gabby over him and locking him in a head scissors. He also took Gabby's arms and pinned them between his legs as well, limiting Gabby's escape methods. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 11:41 PM Gabby with was struggling. He was beginning to cade. The ref came over grabbed his limp free hand as his eyes were closing. He raises Gabby's hand as it drops to the matt "One!" The ref counts. He grabs Gabby's hand and drops it again. If smacks the floor once more. "Two!" The ref counts. One more and the ref will callfor the bell. He raises Gabby's hand and drops it. Just before it can hit the matt, it stops and balls into a fist. Gabby wakes up squirming and struggling. He lets out a squeaky little battle cry as his lifts the deer up and hits a running powerbomb on him. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 11:49 PM Desmond was shocked at the sudden burst of energy as he a little dazed from the surprise attack. Gabby's family cheered the move and ushered Gabby to keep the pressure on while Desmond was vulnerable. Babygabrial July 8th, 22 11:53 PM Gabby went over as Desnond rolled to all fours. Gabby ran up his back and jumped up hitting him with a guillotine leg drop. Gabby goes for the cover. "One-Two-Thr-Desmond kicks out. Gabby stands him up, and Desmond jumps and wraps his legs around Gabby's worn down leg hitting a flying knee bar. Gabby falls to the ground screaming in pain. The ref asks if he gives up. He shakes his head no. Mr Hoo July 8th, 22 11:55 PM Desmond puts the pressure on. If he could hold that leg for long enough, Gabby will surely tap out. Meanwhile, Carl cheers for Gabby to get out of there. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 12:01 AM Gabby starts dragging himself slowly, with one arm trying to get to the ropes he stops as the pain is getting overwhelming. He reaches for the ropes desperately. When he realizes he can't get to them, he raises his hand to tap out, but he stops himself. He sits up and starts punching Desmond's leg. Desmond lets go and picks Gabby up. He raises him for a suplex but hits him with a brain buster dropping him in his head and neck. As he stands up. Gabby pops up on one leg and launches himself at Desmond hitting a sickening clothesline with his bad arm, flipping Desmond inside out. Now they're both down. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 12:02 AM Desmond struggled to get up, trying to work through the pain and stand up. He was trying so hard not to lose here. Gabby's family were in hysterics, cheering for their little star to stand back up and pin him. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 12:08 AM As they are both down, or can't stand up the ref begins counting for a double knock out. "One.......two......three......four...." Gabby begins crawling. Demond rolls over getting on all fours "Five....six..." the ref counts but them the announcer calls "30 minutes have passed 30 minutes remain" Gabby crawls to the ropes as Desmond gets on one knee. "Seven...." Gabby gets to the ropes. Desmond stands and wobbles. "Eight...."Desmond gets his balance as Gabby is still climbing "Nine..." Gabby makes it to his feet and gets his balance. The ref calls for the match to resume and the crowd pop. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 12:09 AM Desmond starts walking over to Gabby, looking to end the match here and there. He grabs Gabby from behind and starts to prepare a suplex. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 12:14 AM He lifts Gabby but Gabby floats over behind him and gets him back to shoulder raising him up for the Burning Hammer. However, Gabby stumbles and his hurt leg gives out. So Desmond slides off behind him. Gabby reaches behind, gets him in a cravat, and drops him down hitting the Cutter. The crowd are on their feet. Gabby's about to win. Gabby, with one arm, slowly rolls Desmond on his back and drapes an arm over him laying in north south position. The ref counts "One-Two-Thre" Desmond gets one foot on the rope. Desmond got pushed to go for a rope break. Desmond wasn't going to kick out from that. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 12:17 AM He tried to stand up again and pin Gabby, but was having difficulty in doing so. Carl cheered for Gabby to be careful and watch him. What Gabby needed to do was get Desmond down long enough for him to be pinned. However, it seemed like the multiple aching limbs was going to make that very difficult. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 12:22 AM Gabby's own body was working against him now. This was how Desmond made it to the dance. Targeting body parts and expertly working them until they couldn't work anymore. Gabby would be screaming in pain to a boston crab. God forbid an Arm Bar. Gabby hobbled on one leg as Desmond went for another Chop Block. Gabby dove on him and they fought on the ground for control until Gabby get the Bulldog choke locked in. Gabby could only plant one foot on the ground so he couldn't crank back as much as he'd like. Even worse, Desmond started grabbing at the bad arm to peel the crossface off. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 12:25 AM Desmond grasped at that arm as much as he could, using his strength to pry it off. His drive was unmoving, relentlessly fighting for his win. This is what he promised Gabby in the first place, he was not going to take it easy in the slightest. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 12:31 AM Now for the coup de grace. He yanks on Gabby's arm to make him brake choke. Then he switches it to an armbar. This is it, Gabby's arm is too weak to defend. It's hyper extended, but he's not tapping. "Submit! I'll break it!" Desmond demands. "No! NEVER!" Gabby replies as he screams in agonizing pain. Gabby's arm is about to snap when Desmond suddenly lets go. Desmond rolls to his feet and quickly stands Gabby up, and lifts him up and hits a running pile driver. Gabby is out cold, and Desmond covers "One-Two-Three!" The ref calls for the bell as Desmond holds Gabby to his chest. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 12:33 AM Carl's heart sank in defeat. It felt like he was close, but it was really so far away. Still, he had his duty as a daddy to fulfill. He went up to the ring to check on his little kitten, hoping that he was alright. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 12:36 AM Desmond held him tightly as the announcer made it official. "Here's your winner of the Empire State Young Wrestler Tournament! DB3 DESMOND! BLADE! THE THIRD!" The crowd were on their feet seeing such a heart pounding match. "This what you wanted lad?" Desmond asks before pressing his lips to Gabby's forehead. Like Gabby said, seal it all with a kiss, and in the end. Everyone leaves satisfied. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 12:38 AM "Daddy's so proud of you, kitten." Carl whispers in Gabby's ear. He then turns to Desmond and holds his paw out to shake, "You were excellent out here today. We'll never forget this. We hope we'll meet again someday." Babygabrial July 9th, 22 12:40 AM "We'll see each other again soon mate. Got the whole US tournament to streatch each other again." Desmond says shaking Carl's hand and hands the runner up and MVP of the tournament to his manager and father. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 12:42 AM Carl, with his head held high, carried his little kitten backstage. Gabby was taken to the infirmary to get looked over, his family was there as well to check on him, "It's a shame he lost, but he still did great." Darla said. "Yep, a mighty fine match that was." Jerry commented. "Only our little girl could pull a match like that off." Rufie said. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 12:46 AM "It was amazing! I've never seen so many moves and holds! It was a marvel!" Jess says. "Better than most of the shit I did in my day." Wendy says. "Best of all, he's still qualified for the US Rookie Tournament." Jack says Gabby's arm is put into a slink and his leg is wrapped up in ice. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 12:48 AM "We're all proud of you Gabby. You did your best and that's all that matters." Carl said to him. "He's going to need a lot of recovery before he even thinks about stepping in the ring again." Rufie says. "Agreed." says Darla. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 02:52 AM Well Gabby has now suffered his second one on one loss, and even worse he's now been pinned, but he feels the kiss on his forehead and he can't help but smile. At some point, he knew he wasn't going to beat Desmond, but he made himself believe that he could, and he left it all out in the ring. Now Gabby lays back, closing his eyes and rests. Who knows what the next stop on road to World Championship glory will be for our Wrestle Princess, Gabby Angel. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 04:25 PM That is a question that will be answered in due time. For now, it was time to go home let Gabby recover for his future matches. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 05:01 PM They broke down the concession stand, and let Darla have what they made from the finals. Gabby got a $5,000 cash prize for being the runner up, and a $3,000 bonus for being the tournament MVP. Add that up with what they made in merch from previous days and they were settled. Gabby got a bowl of ice cream as a treat from daddy the day after. It was pretty much agreed that Gabby shouldn't take any bookings during the weak. After a couple of days Gabby was allowed to train at King's Wrestling Academy again. He still needed to wrest his arm when not training. That made playtime hard. Jack sent out the card for this Saturday's show, and Gabby was main eventing in the tag match he and Rufie would have had last Saturday if Gabby didn't make it to the finals. Speaking of which Rufie decided to come over Friday evening around the end of Gabby's nap time. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 05:04 PM Carl welcomed them in and they immediately greeted them both with affection. They walked up to Gabby and gave him kisses, "How's my little sweetie doing?" they asked. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 05:07 PM Gabriella giggles and coos currently wearing sweater with a dress on over it. "Nanny! Nanny! We main eventing tomorrow's show!" He said in excitement as if Rufie wouldn't already know. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 05:14 PM "I know all about that sweetie, and Nanny Rufie's very excited for it." the bovine said as they nuzzled Gabby. They then turned to Carl, "That's partly why I came over here tonight. I was thinking of possibly looking into other bookings for tag matches. Possibly outside the EWS." "I guess we could look into that. If we get into more promotions, we could set you and Gabby up as a prominent tag team. Although, we still need to work on your guys' stage personas and team-up moves as well. Singles matches are one thing, but tag-teaming is a whole other beast." Carl explained. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 05:19 PM Rufie bounced Gabby on her hip as Gabby played with their ears. "Oh trust me, I have been thinking of all of that. We can hit the road together. Rent a van and travel. Darla can sell our merch, and we can get big wins across the country." Rufie says sounding pretty excited. "Ooh ooh ooh! How does this team name sound?" She holds a hand up and waves it across "The Princess And The Maid" The gender fluid bovine offers. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 05:24 PM Carl puts a paw to his chin in thought before standing up on his chair and speaking into an imaginary mic, "Ladies and gentleman! Coming out of the west corner, The Princess and the Maid!" he announced. "Huh, does have a nice ring to it." "My thoughts exactly." Rufie said confidently. "But you also need to remember that Gabby has his own singles career to focus on. We need to find a balance." Carl reminded. "Oh, of course. That's right." Rufie said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 05:37 PM Rufie perked right up. "Listen, I'm sure you'll find a way to balance it all. After all, Gabby has plenty of singles bookings. Buuuuuut butbutbut" He's free next week. I hear there's a promotion in Prarie State has some spots open. Plus we do a match there maybe even two. Come back, then th week after maybe do a show over in Quaker State and maybe a few shows nearby in Garden State. Heck we can even do other promotions here in Empire. Just you know one or two matches a week. Plus you know, whenever we tag in EWS." Rufie pleads her case grinning ear to ear. "Besides these places are nearby so Gabby can scout others for the US tournament without exposing themselves too much." Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 05:39 PM Carl thinks it over and nods his head, "Well, I'm sure we'll find some way to fit everything in. Besides, Gabby has a good track record thanks to the Rookie Tournament. I'm sure we'll be able to get those matches booked no problem." Babygabrial July 9th, 22 05:50 PM Rufie cheers happily and holds Gabby up spinning him around making the baby giggle. "Nanny, I hungy." Gabriel says as he flashes a bright smile over to him. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 11:37 PM "OK, sweetie. Nanny will get you something to fill up your tum tum." Rufie says as they go to the kitchen and look for something to feed Gabby with. Babygabrial July 9th, 22 11:40 PM "Gabby want Nanny milkies! Gabby want Nanny milkies" he cheered as he bounced in her arms. He's become of a bit of an utter calf. Who can blame him though? Milk straight from the source was the best tasting and the best experience. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 11:50 PM It was good for Rufie too. For cows, having a full udder was fine, but it was best not to overdo it. There's only so much one udder can hold you know, and it could have serious health problems. Not to mention being milked was usually a pleasurable experience if done right, like feeling relived of a heavy weight. Since Rufie was already unclothed, they sat down on a chair and gently motioned Gabby toward a teat to suckle on, "Alright, sweetie. Nanny's got nice, yummy milk for you." Babygabrial July 9th, 22 11:53 PM He layed down and began to nurse from his literal milk maid. He suckles from her like a little near 200 pound pro. "Mmmmm" he lets out a little high pitched moan of satisfaction as he suckles out gulps of milk. Mr Hoo July 9th, 22 11:55 PM Rufie couldn't help but giggle at the sensation, loving the gentle suckling. She hummed a nursery rhyme as she rubbed Gabby's head. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 12:00 AM Gabby pat his pretty eyes up at Rufie. They looked like a happy little family, if only Darla was here to watch, but a week without running the shop means she's pretty behind on work, even with the cash she earned from being with the boys last week. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 12:01 AM Working the matches and selling merch was fine, but the shop was her main source of income. That needed to be first and foremost to her. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 12:04 AM So needless to say she's not gonna be joining them for the next tournament, which will be longer, and out of the state. Though that tournament will be broken up a bit more so it wont be as hectic as the Empire State tournament. But yeah, this is Gabby's family, Carl's as well. At least the only family Gabby knows of. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 12:07 AM Carl often thought of Gabby's family. Surely they knew about this side of him, right? If not, does Gabby even keep in contact with them? It will surely be a mystery unless Gabby opens up about it. Then again, Carl did want his little kitten to meet his family too. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 12:14 AM But that question goes both ways. Gabriel's Daddy hasn't mentioned any family to his little girl. In fact it almost seems like that topic is avoided sometimes or things get uncomfortable. Who knows? Gabby is enjoying hi life right now, and would like it to keep going. Of course with the newly acquired funds they have. It is about time to try and get some more space. Maybe get Darla in on it as well to have extra income. Gabby can have his own room...well, again since the master bedroom was his room, but it's daddy's now. Gabby happily gives everything to daddy. Daddy knows how to use it better. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 12:18 AM Even Carl had a hard time deciding what to do with the money they earn aside from paying the bills. Sometimes he just can't seem to decide whether to use it for luxury or some other pointless stuff. He was still trying to save up for that new apartment and nursery, but new apartments are expensive. He was worried that they would burn up their funds too fast. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 12:24 AM They needed to save up more, but they needed better than this cramped one bedroom apartment. Especially as they rack up furniture for Gabby. The rocking chair and toys take up so much as it is. Gabby honestly needs a crib and a changing table, but no way those could fit in here. As these situations were pondered, Gabby got full of milkies. "Hiccup!!!" the baby needed a nice burping. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 12:26 AM Rufie got a towel and patted Gabby's back to burp him. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 12:45 AM He hiccups a few times before burping and spitting up some excess milk onto the cloth. He coos softly. A bit of vomit dribbles from his mouth. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 09:06 AM Rufie wipes his mouth, "Wasn't that delicious, sweetie?" Babygabrial July 10th, 22 11:46 AM "Uh huh! Uh huh! Nanny milkies! Nanny Milkies!" He cheered happily, pumping his fists in the air. It was good seeing Gabby smile. Most of them were worried that their princess would fall into a slump after losing. Yet, it looks like Gabby just became an even bigger baby. Almost like there was a tremendous weight off of his shoulder. Even banged up after fighting for 128 minutes in a week. Gabby was smiling, being even more playful, and hugging everyone. Perhaps his loss to Desmond is how he really would have wanted to end his undefeated streak. Gabby's almost glowing right now he's such a happy baby girl. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 11:05 PM It seemed that to him, it didn't matter whether he won or lost. He was just happy that he got to do what he loved doing the most. As long as he was in a ring, or being coddled by his family, he was going to be a happy baby. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 11:08 PM Of course, he does care about winning. However, he knows that all streaks are meant to br brokem the support he's been garnering has taught him how entertaining the crowd can be almost as important as the win itself. His cute prissy nature, and along with his technical ability all get and keep eyes on Gabby. Just like Desmond said. Right now though he was babbling and drooling on his tag partner's shoulder. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 11:26 PM Said tag partner was also playing with Gabby, keeping him entertained with his toys. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 11:30 PM Watching this boy be loved more and more with each match. Watching this unknown kid stand out, not in spite of his controversial gimmick, but with embrace of it. Watching them...succeed where Rufie wants to be. Gabby squeals and shakes his colorful plastic keys around and bats those pretty bright eyes up at him. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 11:32 PM Rufie suddenly started to tickle Gabby, wanting to hear his cute laugh. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 11:33 PM Gabby giggles laying back on the floor. His cute giggles become high pitched laughs as he kicks his feet up. Gabby tries to roll on his tummy to crawl away. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 11:34 PM Rufie isn't having it and pins Gabby down, keeping up their tickle attack. They found him much too adorable when he laughs. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 11:36 PM Gabby squeals flailing his arms around as he's laughing his pretty little heart out. He even starts wetting his diaper, he was laughing so hard. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 11:40 PM Rufie stops tickling and lets the baby catch his breath. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 11:42 PM He lays there panting and grinning ear to ear. He sits up, before crawling over and reaches over to be put into his Nanny's lap. He coos happily with a bit of drool dribbling down his chin. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 11:46 PM Rufie nuzzles Gabby and checks his diaper. Noticing that it's wet, goes to get him changed. They lay him down and immediately get to work. Babygabrial July 10th, 22 11:48 PM Gabby lays back and babbles little coos and gurgles as he feels his diaper getting untaped. He smiles relaxing and wiggles his toes a bit. He feels his nanny between his legs as he feels the coolness of his changing matt. Mr Hoo July 10th, 22 11:58 PM His rear and crotch were wiped, powdered, and padded back up. Rufie gave a little pat to the diaper when they were finished and scooped up Gabby while nuzzling him. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 12:01 AM Gabby nestled and nuzzled. He cooed with pleasure and satisfaction. He clings to Nanny wanting to play some more. He was having a ton of fun, and was well entertained. Rufie's mission, accomplished. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 12:03 AM As his nanny, Rufie took it as their duty, no, their right to make sure that Gabby was happy. After all, what kind of nanny would they be if they didn't have a happy baby on their hands? Babygabrial July 11th, 22 12:09 AM Gabby was pretty happy playing with his namny until it was dinner time. It was getting dark outside and the clouds covered the moon and stars. The cold winds blew, as the Empire State winter started showing it's true form Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 12:12 AM Yeah, being out on the streets for most of his life, Carl knew how harsh the winters in this city were. At least the local homeless folks were kind enough to let him share their secret bonfires. If not that, then a radiator somewhere indoors would surely do. Now, it was all warm dinners inside for him and his kitten, plus Rufie for the night. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 12:17 AM As the three of them were eating dinner, snowflakes began to fall from the sky. It was quite the sight if you weren't trapped without heat. No more outdoor events for a while that is for sure. Gabby was being fed some mushed up baby food as he was relaxing happily as he watched the snow fall from his window. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 12:19 AM It definitely was a picturesque scene. Just a happy family enjoying a nice dinner without a care in the world right now. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 12:30 AM It was getting late, but driving at night in the snow wasn't exactly a good idea. Gabby really wanted his nanny to spend the night with them. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 03:00 PM So, Carl allowed them to out of his generosity. He was fine sleeping with Gabby, so Rufie can sleep on the couch. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 03:17 PM Gabby squeals happily at Nanny staying the night. He will likely get more milkies. He hugged and nuzzles them. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 03:18 PM Rufie helped get Gabby to bed by singing him to sleep while Carl rubbed his belly. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 03:50 PM Gabby slept easy, besides the messy diaper he made in the middle of the night, but that didn't wake him up. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 03:50 PM That won't be too much of an issue until the morning when either Carl or Rufie has to change him. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 03:58 PM Gabby crawls out of bed early in the morning. Saggy diaper in tow. He crawls to the couch and shakes Rufie. "Nanny! Nanny!" He cried with a smile. "Lookie outside! It snowy!" Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 04:02 PM Rufie yawned and looked out the window, seeing the snow piling up outside, "Wow, it's so pretty." she said before the smell got to her. She picks up Gabby and takes him to the changing table, "Let's get you into some fresh padding." Babygabrial July 11th, 22 04:20 PM Clung to her "Gabby wanna pway outside!" Sadly there wouldn't be much time. They needed to go and help Rufie to their apartment. Then they go to the arena for the EWS show today. The snow is gonna make driving hell. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 10:56 PM Plus there was the fact that playing outside in the snow might cause the risk of Gabby getting a cold. Needless to say, they were pressed for time and not in a good position right now. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 10:58 PM Gabby layed across Rufie's lap as his messy bottom was about to be unveiled. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 11:10 PM Rufie swiftly changed the little baby with no problem. Now it was time to get him dressed for the cold weather. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 11:11 PM Long sleaves, knee high socks, and a coat to start off with. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 11:12 PM Not to mention long pants as well. Rufie dresses up accordingly as well, with her fur being so thin and all. Carl didn't have to worry too much at all as well. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 11:15 PM "Nanny I hungy." To his disappointment, due to time constraints, either Rufis sits in the back to udderfeed Gabby, or they pump their milk into bottles. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 11:17 PM Rufie came prepared, for in their bag that they brought with them were about three milk bottles filled with their milk. A bovine must always be prepared in this day and age. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 11:36 PM Gabby pouted but quickly got over it. Now they were just waiting for the man of the house to get up and get prepared. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 11:37 PM Carl was up soon after Gabby got changed. He packed up everything they needed into his bag and got everyone into the car. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 11:39 PM Soon they pulled off as the hustle and bustle of Empire City shows its resilience. Folks are walking, driving, and taking cabs like the snow is just the most minor inconvenience. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 11:41 PM It kind of is, in a way. The snow was making it very hard to drive. There was always the danger of slipping and sliding, and thus crashing into something. Carl had to be extra careful today. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 11:44 PM Then you have the usual impatient urban anthros ready to pop out of their car and throw hands at any moment. You would hope the cold would give them enough reasons to stay in their cars. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 11:46 PM Alas, the people and anthros of this city are a fickle bunch, ready to go off at any minute. Carl had to deal with people like that for most of his life, and he had grown used to it. Doesn't mean he'll stop complaining about it though. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 11:48 PM Actually they seem to be passing by a predominantly cat neighborhood on the way to the venue. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 11:50 PM Carl recognized this area. This was the neighborhood where he used to live with his family before he set out for the streets. He started to think about them, his mother, his siblings, his cousins. He wondered if there would be enough time to look them up after the event. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 11:53 PM Gabby seemed to not really notice. He kicks his feet and drinks one of the cow milk bottles. About a good 20 miles later, they get to the arena. It was a small ballroom that seated around a thousand people. Rufie had to keep driving to get their gear and will come back later. Mr Hoo July 11th, 22 11:55 PM In the meantime, Carl brought Gabby inside and signed them in. He sent a text to Rufie about where they will meet once she got back. Babygabrial July 11th, 22 11:58 PM They get to the dressing room, being used as a locker room. Gabby had to get into his gear. He will be wearing his regular tournament outfit. His hair is allowed to stay down. He had some snow in his hair and had to take layers of clothes off. Mr Hoo July 12th, 22 12:00 AM Carl got to work with prepping Gabby for the event. That meant making sure he was warmed up and taken out of his winter clothes. Not to mention that snow needed to brushed out immediately. If there's one thing Carl didn't need right now was for Gabby to get a cold. Babygabrial July 12th, 22 12:23 AM Folks come by is congradulate Gabby. They go, and get ready for the pre show meeting, when they see a vulture wearing a suit and a head dress with a title over his shoulder yelling at Jack. "You are making a big mistake Jack! Make sure you remember who your champion is!" He says before marching off and giving a quick glance to Gabby as he passes by. Mr Hoo July 12th, 22 03:17 PM Carl walks up to Jack and greets him, "Hey Jack, how've you been?" Babygabrial July 12th, 22 03:46 PM "Ah you know. Just been running a business. For better or for worse. Our little finalist all set for tonight?" He asks Carl as they shake oaw and feather. Mr Hoo July 12th, 22 03:50 PM "Ready as he'll ever be. We just need to wait for our friend to bring over some gear he'll need." Carl explained. Babygabrial July 12th, 22 05:07 PM "Ah yes, your pretty lady. Hey man. " He pats his wing on Carl's shoulder. "She got a sister?" He raises his eye feathers. Mr Hoo July 12th, 22 11:04 PM "Uh, I meant Rufie. The bovine?" Carl told him, thinking that he was asking about Darla. Babygabrial July 13th, 22 01:50 AM Jack jumps a bit. "Oh...them...well alright, we need them for sure. I really don't feel like scrambling for a new tag partner." He says and pats his shoulders Mr Hoo July 13th, 22 10:29 PM "They're a good partner. I bet that them and Gabby will make a highly efficient tag team. I've seen what they can do together." Carl says. Babygabrial July 13th, 22 10:36 PM "Hey that's great. Then we'll have a great main event." Jack says "Alright, I gotta get things together for the show." Mr Hoo July 13th, 22 10:42 PM "You do that." Carl says to him as he spends more time taking care of Gabby and waiting for Rufie to show up. Babygabrial July 13th, 22 10:57 PM Gabby and Carl left to go streatch and get warmed up. Soon the bovine of the hour showed up just in time for the meeting. Mr Hoo July 13th, 22 10:58 PM "I'm back. And I brought our gear." Rufie said as they handed over Gabby's gear. "Thanks. Right on time too." Carl said. Babygabrial July 13th, 22 11:01 PM Gabby was quickly dressed and curtsies for his Nanny giggling profusely. Mr Hoo July 13th, 22 11:02 PM Rufie cooed at him before getting dressed into her own gear. Babygabrial July 13th, 22 11:22 PM They go to the meeting and Jack is going through the schedule. In the main event Gabby and Rufie are tag teaming against 747 a tag team of high flying pigeons. Mr Hoo July 13th, 22 11:24 PM Rufie looks over to their competition. They do look pretty skilled and due to their size, they may have trouble with them in the agility department. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 11:45 AM The duo look hyped for this. They get a main event spot, and can possibly get another win to push them towards the tag titles. Not that Gabby and Rufie are a high profile team. Gabby has gained quite the notoriety, but he's still pretty midcard. Rufie.....well they stand out. But with the hype generated from Gabby's tournament matches this can be a good time to take the spotlight. That doesn't just go for their opponents either. Rufie peaks over at Gabby in theri lap. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 04:47 PM Rufie concluded a long time ago that they are nowhere near the caliber of Gabby. It was obvious that they worked better when they were with someone else. Hardly anyone wanted to be partnered up with a bovine like them, which made Gabby even more special to them. They felt that with Gabby, they could perform at their best. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 05:12 PM Quickly the meeting concluded and not long after, the show started. BAR was there and had a match earlier on in the night. It was pretty short and sweet. Some of the people from the tournament actually got invited for matches. Word is Desmond took a flight to japan for a tour over there after last Saturday. Probably won't see him again until the US tournament. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 05:14 PM Meanwhile, Carl was going over some last-minute strategies with Rufie and Gabby. He wanted to make sure they were ready for their opponents. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 05:17 PM Gabby smiled confident and excited for the match. Soon it was main event time. The four competitors were called to gorilla position. "Nanny! Nanny! Lets go! Let's go!" Gabby pulls Milk Maid along. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 05:18 PM Rufie giggled at Gabby's excitement, "OK, Nanny's coming." they said. Carl wished them luck as they entered position. He had given the new team name to the organizers and couldn't wait to see how it sounded. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 05:23 PM Their opponents music hit first and they ran out getting a pop from the crowd. They moved with high energy, sprinting down the ramp and jumping from the floor through the middle rope. They posed as the crowd cheered. "Ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer began. "Your main event bout, is scheduled for one fall ! With a 30 minute time limit. Introducing first. At a combine weight of 310 Ibs. Chris Talon and Johnny Soar! Together they are Seven! Forty! Seven!" Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 05:25 PM The pigeons struck a variety of poses before going to a corner. The announcer continued as Rufie and Gabby prepared to make their grand entrance. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 05:31 PM Gabby's music hits and the crowd pops loudly. They come out and Rufie twirls Gabby around in the stage before Gabby skips down. "And their opponents, weighing in at a combine weight of 1683 pounds! Milk Maid And Burning Princess Gabby Angel! The Princess And The Maid!!!" The crowd chant for Gabby as he reaches for Milk Maid to lift him on the apron. Rufie does so and when Gabby enters the ring and does his twirl and curtsey, the crowd throw pink, purple, and orange streamers into the ring making Gabby look like an indie star. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 05:35 PM Rufie did their fair share of curtsies waved as the crowd cheered for the both of them. They took Gabby to their corner to discuss who should go first. Their opponents did the same. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 05:37 PM Gabby wants to be polite and let his Nanny go first. 747 lets Johnny go first. He comes in and does some Bruce Lee type bounces as the bell rings. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 10:05 PM Rufie locks up with Johnny before getting him in a headlock with him being bent down. They then jump up and give the pigeon a piledriver before putting him in a leg split. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 10:09 PM Johnny slips out and jumps up, before hitting a double stomp on Milk Maid's chest. They shake the cobwebs out of his head after that early piledriver. If the head and neck was worn down, then the massive damage of the piledriver could have won the match. Heck, Milk Maid possibly could have gotten a lucky quick win, had they attempted a cover. Johnny kicks Milk Maid in the hips before doing a standing shooting star pres. Johnny runs the ropes and goes for a springboard moonsault when Milk Maid is on one knee. Milk Maid quickly gets up and catches the pigeon. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 10:37 PM They then slam him onto the mat in a splash. They then get up and bounce off the ropes while Johnney is getting up before hitting him with clothesline. Rufie then goes to the corner and tags in Gabby. In training, Rufie picked up that it was important to periodically switch in a tag match so one wrestler doesn't get too tired. Not only that, it could also be used to set up a tag move. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 10:41 PM The ref acknowledges the tag and Gabby hops. The crowd pops as Gabby comes in, and Gabby gets whipped, by Milk Maid into Johnny. Gabby hits an enziguri headkick on Johnny before running to the rops and hits a middle rope springboard elbow drop. Gabby picks Johnny up who jumps on Gabby's shoulders and jumps over him to tag his partner in. Gabby turns around to be met with a flying double stomp by Chris sending Gabby down. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 10:47 PM Rufie cheers for Gabby to get up while the crowd cheers along. Chris steps up to Gabby and puts him in a Boston Crab. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 10:52 PM A high flier locking in submissions looks odd, but there's a method to the madness. Chris walks the crab over to his corner, and Johnny taps his head to tag in. With Johnny still in the Boston crab by Chris. Johnny goes a around and does a springboard 450° leg drop on Gabby's neck and back before Chris lets go and leaves the ring. Johnny picks Gabby up, and goes for a punch, but Gabby ducks it, causing Johnny to hit Chris. Johnny apologizes, as Gabby grabs him from behind and launches Johnny across the ring with a german suplex. Johnny stands up when he lands, but stumbles around before falling again. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 10:59 PM Rufie holds out a hoof to tag in, wanting Gabby to take a rest while they keep up the pressure. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 11:02 PM Gabby runs over and shotgun dropkicks Johnny into their corner, before tagging in Milk Maid. They both charge in, and boot the sitting pigen in the the face, whipping his head back in the corner. Gabby leaves the ring, and Milk Maid needs to slow the pace of this match down. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 11:05 PM Rufie drags the downed pigeon over away from the ropes. They attempt a pin by laying on top and hooking the leg. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 11:11 PM "One-Two" Kickout by Johnny. He rolls away and baits Milk Maid by the ropes. Milk Maid runs in for a clothesline, and Johnny pulls the ropes down sending the bovine tumbling out of the ring. Johnny runs the ropes and jumps on the top rope hitting a 450° clothesline on Milk Maid. However, Gabby jumps on the top turnbuckle as they're getting up and hits a moonsault on them. But then Chris jumps on the ropes in his corner, walks on the ropes to get near them, before jumping and hitting a shooting star press on all three of them. The crowd gives a standing ovation as all four wrestlers outside the ring. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 11:14 PM Rufie got up and tossed Johnny back in the ring. They start working him with an armbar and camel clutch before doing another slam. They had to use their weight to their advantage to wear this bird down. Babygabrial July 14th, 22 11:21 PM The holds definitely hurt and slowed Johnny down. It gave time for Gabby to get back on the apron. Johnny tried crawling to his partner's corner, but Milk Maid grabbed his leg. However, Johnny still makes the tag to Chris, and Chris jumps on the ropes and springboards onto Milk Maid hitting a huricanrana on the bovine. The height and weight advantage makes Milk Maid a huge threat. So Chris keeps going by running to the ropes and hand springing against them, before bouncing back, and hitting a jump kick on Milk Maid. This staggers them, so Chris runs to different ropes, and hits a springboard knee strike making Milk Maid stagger more. To finish them off, Chris goes to the top rope and goes for a diving cutter, but Milk Maid catches them and bends Chris backwards, and raising their leg over Chris' neck before plopping down hitting a hog log. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 11:23 PM The avian was trapped in place, wriggling to get free of the bovine's grip. This looked like the perfect set up for a good move. Rufie signaled to Gabby and reached out to tap while moving toward him Babygabrial July 14th, 22 11:30 PM Gabby leans in and gets the tag. Gabby gets on the top rope and hits an elbow drop, knocking the wind out of the pigeon's sails. Milk Maid lets go and Gabby pulls Chris to the middle of the ring to pin him. "One-Two" kick out, and Gabby gets rolled up for a pin. "One-Two!" Gabby kicks out. Chris kips up and runs the ropes. Gabby drops low to duck the incoming attack, but Chris hits a shooting star press on Gabby's back. Chris whips him into their corner and tags his partner in. They both get Gabby on the top rope and get ready to go for a superplex but Gabby is squirming and struggling. Milk Maid comes in and hooks them both between their legs and sends all three down in a tower of doom. Mr Hoo July 14th, 22 11:32 PM The crowd cheers loudly at this display while Rufie holds the two birds down. They are only biding time until Gabby can execute a pin attempt. Babygabrial July 15th, 22 11:14 AM The ref is yelling at the two illegal men, Chris and Milk Maid, to get out of the ring. When they both roll out, Gabby goes for the cover "One-Two-Thr-" Johnny kocks out and Gabby slow stands up. He and Johnny start Throwing kicks at each other, Chris runs up for a knee, but Gabby side steps. Gabby goes for a jump kick to the back of the neck, but Johnny ducks it. Johnny goes for a scissors kick, but Gabby rolls backwards away from it, then thrusts in with a super kick. Landing flush on Johnny's chin. Gabby goes to cover him. "One-Two-Thr-" Chris dives in to break it up. Milk Maid dove him to stop him just too late. Now all four competitors were in the ring. Milk Maid helps Gabby up, and Chris helps Johnny up. Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 04:00 PM Rufie checked on Gabby to see if he was still OK to keep going. They offered up a tap in case they weren't. Babygabrial July 15th, 22 04:07 PM Gabby says he's good. Their opponents charge in, and Gabby ducks under a kick, to get in german suplex position, and Milk Maid clitches the other getting in belly to belly position. Gabby and Milk Maid turn their backs to each other and suplex their opponents into each other, in a fine display of modern tag offense. Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 04:33 PM Rufie pulls their opponent away and out of the ring to hold them back. They hope that Gabby will take this opportunity to wear them down and attempt a pin. Babygabrial July 15th, 22 05:00 PM Gabby picks up Johnny and Johnny punches him in the rib several times before whipping Gabby into the ropes, and jumping over Gabby in the rebound. Gabby goes for a flying clothesline but Johnny reverses it into a Spanish Fly and pins Gabby. "One-Two-Thr" Gabby bridges and flips the pin into holding Johnny in his arms. He pops Johnny on his shoulders and spins him off, hooking his neck and yanking him down into a Cutter. Gabby covers and goes for the pin "One-Two" Milk Maid pounces Chris who goes for the save "Three" the ref calls for the bell as Gabby's music plays. Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 05:19 PM Rufie cheers and climbs into the ring to lift Gabby onto her shoulder. "The winners, The Princess and the Maid!" the announcer says as the pair celebrate. Babygabrial July 15th, 22 07:46 PM The crowd cheers as the ref raises their hands. 747 roll out of the ring and Gabby climbs down. Milk Maid goes to leave the ring and walk up the ramp. The crowd suddenly pops and Rufie looks around confused then looks towards the ring gasping in horror. Gabby smiles and sighs "Took you long enough." Gabby turns around and is suddenly face to face with BAR who's glaring and holding his belt in his hand. "Last week, you didn't beat me. You survived because I let you." Gabby has a cheshire cat smile. "I have your attention now. You want to go round three? Lets do it, but" Gabby pats the EWS Humanweight title. "You have to put that on the line." Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 10:31 PM "Fine by me, freak. I've been wanting a shot at you either way. You think you can humiliate me like that and get away with it? Think again!" BAR spat, getting right in Gabby's face. Rufie immediately moved toward them to get between if things got bad. "Stay right there, bitch! This has nothing to do with you!" BAR said to them. Babygabrial July 15th, 22 10:41 PM "No, kid. You get back!" Milk Maid intervenes Gabby is trying to get back in front of them, but his Nanny is holding him back. "I got it! I got it!" He whines a bit. Rufie pulls him away "Baby we just had a match, lets just go celebrate." Gabby is trying to squirm his way out "Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!" Jack comes out speaking through a mic. "Looks like we got ourselves a high profile rematch." The crowd pops. "A bit over a month ago you two tore the house down for that title. Then a bit a week ago, you both did it again in the Empire State Young Wrestler Tournament semis." The crowd cheers louder. "One win each. Next week, in the main event, we will see who the real winner is." The crowd pops "See you boys next Saturday." Jacks music hits as the show ends. Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 10:51 PM Backstage, the trio were having a small argument, "Rufie, why did you do that? Gabby was on a roll." Carl asked. "That punk had no right to call me a bitch. And he no right to call our Gabby a freak." Rufie said. "Clearly you didn't see Gabby hold his own in a verbal beatdown. That punk has nothing on him." Carl said. "Still, it's useless to argue or backtalk to a delinquent like that. Trust me, I know from experience." Rufie said. Babygabrial July 15th, 22 10:53 PM Gabby starts crying as the grownups argue with each other. Of course from their perspective, it could be that, the fact that he had a wet diaper, or he could just be sleepy. Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 10:54 PM They end the argument to take care of Gabby, whatever he may need. They both use their best tricks to calm him down. Babygabrial July 15th, 22 10:57 PM Soon things settle down and Gabby is cleaned up and dressed. "Alright, well guess you got your match huh." Rufie says not sounding the happiest, but that could be because of the argument they just had. Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 11:08 PM "Yeah, that guy and Gabby have quite the history. The problem with him is that he refuses to admit that Gabby is a legitimate wrestler." Carl says. "I don't know why you have to listen to these creeps. Tons of things get thrown my way and I hardly pay attention." Rufie says. "In this business, you need to kick ass to prove your worth." Carl said. Babygabrial July 15th, 22 11:12 PM "And speaking of business." Jack says entering the conversation. "You folks' payment for the evening, including victory and main event bonuses as agreed upon." Jack says handing Rufie and Carl the checks. Rufie looks at their pay and eyes go wide. They let out a jagged breath then look at Gabby for a moment. Rufie then goes to Jack. "Hey um..Jack, can we talk for a minute?" They look to Carl "I'll talk to you guys later ok? Get out of here before the snow piles up." Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 11:19 PM Carl looked at her strangely before saying, "OK, then... Let's go, kitten." Babygabrial July 15th, 22 11:25 PM They left out of the arena with Gabby leaning on his daddy when off to the side a voice can be heard. "Hey, Hey! I think that's them!" A second voice pitches in "Yeah there they are! Carl! Hey Carl!" Two figures run up. Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 11:35 PM Carl looks at the two figures running towards him. They were two cats, one had golden-orange fur and yellow eyes. He was the tallest of the duo. The shorter cat was light grey with silver eyes. Carl's eyes lit up as he recognized them, "Mason? Addison? Is that really you?" Carl asked. "It's us, Carl! We knew we'd find you here." Addison, the grey cat said while hugging him. Carl hugged back before Mason, the orange cat joined in. Babygabrial July 15th, 22 11:50 PM Gabby looked confused at the two other cats hugging his daddy. "Daddy who they?" Gabby says looking up. "Oh, man. It's really him. Its the Burning Fuckin Princess! With our cousin!" Mason says gesturing to Gabby and looking at Addison making sure Addison sees what he's seeing. Mr Hoo July 15th, 22 11:52 PM "Um, Burning Princess? We're such huge fans! Can we have your autograph, please?" Addison asked. "Guys, please. Let's have some introductions first. Gabby, these are my cousins Addison and Mason. Guys, this is Gabby. One of my clients." Carl explained. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 01:33 AM "Cousins? Does that make them Gabby's cousin to?" He asks his daddy while hanging on to his arm tightly. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 03:16 PM "I believe it does. Even though we are in a working relationship, I consider myself a father to Gabby." Carl said. "Wow, that's cool. I knew you would make a great dad, Carl." Addison said. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 03:21 PM "Who knew you'd take in a wrestler! Especially a home grown imperial. Even for a human, your matches fuck!" The cats proceed to mark out for the little indie wrestler. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 03:28 PM "Well, Gabby's going all the way to the top. We just got done doing a tag match with one of my other clients." Carl says. "You mean Milk Maid?" Addison asked. "That's right. They're inside right now in a meeting, and we were just about to head home." said Carl. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 03:31 PM "We saw the match!" Said the biggest cat amongst them. "That was some sick shit you pulled out there!" Gabby starts shivering as the smowy winds pick up. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 03:46 PM Carl noticed this too, "Uh, guys. Gabby's getting cold. We'll talk later?" "Sure, it was very nice meeting you, Burning Princess!" Addison said while hugging Gabby and Carl. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 03:52 PM Mason pipes in "Hey will we be seeing you two at Granny's Sunday dinner tomorrow?" He asks Carl. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 03:59 PM "Oh sure. We'll be there." Carl says. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 04:11 PM "Oh cool!" The smaller cat says. "Granny's gonna be excited to see you Carl. Get ready to answer why you don't call her, and Gabby, get ready to get a full stomach." She says as they head off. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 04:13 PM Carl watches them run off, realizing that he didn't call his Granny this whole time. I guess that's what happens when you're busy. He turns to Gabby, "I can't wait for you to meet my family. Anyway, ready to go home?" Babygabrial July 16th, 22 04:14 PM Smiles and nods at his daddy before jumping up wanting to be carried. "Up up! Up up!" He demands. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 04:25 PM Carl chuckles and obliges, carrying Gabby through the parking lot and to the car. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 09:42 PM Gabby slept on the way back home. Darla texted Carl for a bit. She watched the live stream of the show. 'So, everything's cool with Rufie?' She asked. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 10:05 PM "Yep, they seem OK. Though they did interrupt a bout of smack talk between him and BAR." Carl informed. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 10:12 PM 'Yeah it looked like Gabby didn't like her jumping in between the two of them.' Darla texted her boyfriend in her own tiny apartment. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 10:18 PM "I think they're starting to get a little overprotective of Gabby. I can't help but be worried." Carl texted back after putting Gabby to bed. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 10:21 PM Gabby sucks his thumb in his sleep. Bundled up in a footed onsie tonight. Its so cold, that the apartment heat definitely wasn't enough. 'Gonna keep letting her team with Gabby?' Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 10:33 PM "Rufie's struggling right now. They need some wins under their belt if they want to get some recognition. Perhaps there will come a day when someone else will want to tag with them." Carl said. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 10:42 PM 'I mean, I like the girl, but if she can't get thejob done then....maybe she should try something else.' Darla texts 'I mean she can't rely on Gabby forever.' She says under her heated blanket she bought with her merch money. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 10:52 PM Meanwhile, Carl just lay on the couch, which was comfy enough for him, "I don't know. They seem to take a lot of pride in the sport. Almost like they want to prove something." Carl texts. "On a lighter note, I ran into my cousins today. They invited me and Gabby over to dinner with my Grandma." Babygabrial July 16th, 22 10:58 PM 'Ooooh which ones?' Darla asks. They used to live near each other when they were teens before she went to college, and Carl... Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 11:04 PM Yeah, those were some good times. "Mason and Addison. Turns out they're big fans of Gabby." Carl texts. Babygabrial July 16th, 22 11:11 PM 'Big fookin Mason! Lol!' Darla texts mocking Mason's imperial accent. Mr Hoo July 16th, 22 11:17 PM Carl chuckles at this and texts back, "Yep, that Mason. Guy's still as energetic as ever and Addison hasn't lost her cuteness." Babygabrial July 16th, 22 11:50 PM 'Oh my, I wouldn't have competition would I? King cousins make a dozen.' She jokingly replied to him Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 09:50 PM "Hey, you're the only girl for me." Carl texted back. And he meant it. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 09:52 PM She texts back with an 'Awww' and adds a kissie face emoji. Soon Gabby wakes up crying and wanting something to eat, and some cuddles. Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 10:00 PM "GTG, baby's crying." Carl texts before checking up on Gabby. He takes his little kitten to the kitchen for a nice jar of mush and a nice warm bottle afterwards. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 10:03 PM Gabby clung to his dada crying into his shoulder and nuzzling him. A nice night, a quiet night. Just the two of them. Will it always just be the two of them? Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 10:24 PM Carl sure hoped so. Still, he did want to eventually marry Darla and raise Gabby together. However, he wondered if their career will distract them from the family. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 10:28 PM Gabby was soon enjoying a nice late night snack. Curtousy of his Dada. He opened wide for his yummy baby mush, and a bottle of warm baby formula. Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 10:45 PM They sat on the rocking chair while Carl fed his kitten the bottle. He rocked gently as he hummed a nursery rhyme. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 10:48 PM Gabby looked at his daddy as he kicked his feet idly and suckled. He bats his pretty green eyes up and relaxes. He lets out little coos and soon began to drift back to sleep. Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 10:53 PM When the bottle was done, Carl carried his kitten back to bed and tucked him in. He sang his usual lullaby as he sent his kitten to dreamland. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 10:55 PM The moon soon sets and the sun rises on the Empire State. It was a nice cold Sunday. They will be going to Carl's grandmother's this evening. Darla decides to come over and go with them she's wearing a nice little church dress. Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 11:02 PM Carl was dressed up too, in a standard suit and tie. Nothing too flashy. They also needed to make sure Gabby was properly dressed as well. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 11:09 PM Gabby was playing in his jammies as he sits on the floor. The grown ups were getting ready while he was being a happy, carefree baby. Babbling to his dollies. Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 11:11 PM That was until they got him fed and dressed into some nice clothes. This was going to be his first time meeting Carl's grandmother after all. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 11:14 PM Gabby looks around. He's in a pretty pink dress that Aunty brought from her shop. His hair is done up in twin tails with ribbons that match his dress. Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 11:16 PM He looked absolutely precious. Soon, it came time to drive over to Carl's old stomping grounds. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 11:19 PM They lived on the other side of King's County. About a good 45 minute drive. Plus traffic, Gabby was playing around with his dress in the back seat. After a good ride they are getting into a more lower income area. Kind of like Gabby's, but with a lot more cats. Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 11:23 PM They eventually reach the home of Carl's grandmother. The sounds of chatter could be heard the lights were on, movement clearly being visible inside. They walked up to the front door and knocked. It was Addison who answered the door, "Carl, you made it!" she said. "Yep, and I brought Gabby along with my girlfriend Darla." Carl said. "Pleased to meet you." Darla said. Addison said her hellos and let them in. The rest of Carl's cousins greeted him as soon as we walked in. Many questions tried to reach him at once. It was hectic, but he enjoyed the attention. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 11:30 PM Gabby was scared and whined wanting to be picked up. A litter of cousins, a few aunts and uncles approach. "Ay! Carl! Been too long!" "Where have you been? Thought you were dead!" "Oh damn, who is this pretty damn. I see you like 'em from down under!" "Holy shit! Ma! Come look! Carl's here and he brought a human!" Mason shoved his uncle. "Look ya old coot. That's Gabby Angel, from that wrestlin show last week!" He goes over and hugs Darla "Darla From Down Unda! Hot damn, ain't seen you since high school!" Mr Hoo July 17th, 22 11:35 PM Carl stood by Gabby to comfort him through all this chaos, "Everyone, please. I understand you all have a lot of questions, but you're startling Gabby here. Let's give him some space." Darla did her part by putting Gabby in her pouch. Soon after, an elder cat stepped into view, "Carl? Is that you?" she asked. "Grandma, good to see you." Carl said before they embraced each other in hug. "My, look how big you've gotten. And is that Darla with you? It's been so long. And who's that in her pouch?" she asked. "That is Gabby. He's my wrestling client and adopted child." Carl says. Babygabrial July 17th, 22 11:44 PM Gabby peaked out looking at the elderly cat. "Hi ma'am. Its been way to long." Darla greated as she tried to walk over with Gabby in her pouch. The rest of the family dispersed pretty much. Mr Hoo July 18th, 22 10:00 PM "It sure has. We certainly need to talk more. Dinner won't be ready for ten more minutes, so we have plenty of time." she said. Everyone gathered in the living room to talk about what they've been doing. Although, everyone really just wanted to hear about Carl's new career as a wrestling agent. Babygabrial July 18th, 22 11:24 PM "Can't believe we got ourselves a little celebrity in the house." One of the cousins said. "I always thought he'd be a bit taller." A middle aged female cat says. They are talking about Gabby as he looks around at all of them. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 05:10 PM Carl retold the story about how he and Gabby met by pure accident. He told them about their most exciting matches, their ups and downs, the enemies and friends they made along the way. Carl's family listened intently to his story, some of the females even started to fawn over Gabby. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 05:52 PM "Oh my gawd, a death match? He killed a man?" Carl's Aunt Linda said in shock. "No Ma, you don't actually die in deathmatches!" Mason said. "If you don't kill each other then why is it called a death match?" Aunt Linda asked "I'm just saying the name is very misleadin'." A sleezy looking cat asked Gabby directly "Say kid, you gots to have some tickets to these wrestling shows. Right, why don't you let your nice old Uncle Paul have a few?" Addison pulled his ear as she deadpan glared. "Gabby don't listen to my old man. Daddy's just gonna try and sell them." Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 05:56 PM Carl gave a glare to him as well. He loved his family equally, but there were some members who did things that he did not agree with. Meanwhile, the females were giving Gabby so much attention, commenting how cute he was and whatnot, "Hard to believe this little cutie can hang tough with the big boys." one said. "I know, he looks so precious." Another said while patting Gabby's head. "Did you dress him up, Darla?" Came a quesion. "Yep. Also, if you've seen him in any of his matches, I also did his gear." Darla said. "My, how wonderful!" Babygabrial July 19th, 22 05:59 PM "Ooh, Mama, you should see him. He does a little twirl in the ring and his dress comes off to show his ring gear." Addison says in cat language to her mother. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 06:06 PM "I might just do that, dear." her mother says back. After a few more minutes of chatter, everyone was ushered into the kitchen for dinner. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 06:10 PM Grandmama and some of the older women layed out the food on the long family table. Darla wanted to help, but Gramdmama insisted she sit down. Everyone gathered and said grace before they started digging in. Some of the older men made themselves a plate before going to the living room with beers to watch sports. Most of the younger kids sat at a little kids table. Gabby insisted on staying with Dada and Aunty so Grandmama brought out a high chair for him. Its an old one most of the family has used at some point or another. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 06:17 PM Carl's family never had enough money, so they had to share a lot of things; clothes, meals, anything you could think of. One thing they all had enough of was love for each other. They could depend on each other for anything, and have each other's backs when they needed it. One reason why Carl wanted to get into the agency business was to earn enough money to help his family. He had been sending a portion of Gabby's earnings to his Grandmother to help her pay for important things she needed. Every member of the family with a job did their part as well, a testament to their love. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 06:24 PM The family ate and laughed. Pretty soon Gabby was starting to get into the spirit. He giggled every time Grandmama tried to convince him to try new food. The teens and young adults were intrested in Gabby. Be it the boys with wrestling, the girls with his cute clothes. They were a happy family that could depend on each other. Some more than others though. Speaking of which. "So Carl, how's your folks been?" Everyone went dead silent when Mason asked that. Only the sound of the heater and the tv could be heard. Darla cringed and Gabby looked confused. A pin could drop in the room. Addison slapped Mason in the back of the head. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 06:27 PM Carl's spirit was instantly lost when those immortal words were said. It brought back painful memories that he had tried to get rid off long ago. "Pardon me for a second." he said softly as he left the table and stepped outside. Grandma gave a disapproving stare at Mason, "You and your big mouth." Babygabrial July 19th, 22 06:30 PM "What? What I say!?" Mason said Addison face palmed. Gabby whimpers seeing his Daddy walk away. He reaches out for Carl making grabby hands. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 06:33 PM "We'll go talk to him." Darla says, leaving the table and taking Gabby with her. Carl was found on the steps to the apartment, crying his eyes out. Darla gently sits next to him and comforts him, "You know he didn't mean it." she said. Carl didn't say anything, he just continued to cry into his paws. He hated it when people saw him like this, he especially didn't want Gabby to see him like this. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 06:37 PM Gabby looked really worried. Just mentioning something brought him to tears like that. That's expected of Gabby, but not his Dada. Gabby reaches down and hugs his Dada and nestles him. He starts sniffling and now Gabby begins crying. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 06:41 PM Carl turned and comforted his kitten, not wanting him to cry as well. Although he couldn't help but hold back his own tears. After a few minutes of this, the crying eventually stopped. "I was so stupid..." Carl eventually said. "You're not stupid Carl. It wasn't your fault." Darla said. "It was. If I didn't make that stupid decision, she would still be with us. My dad was right about me." Carl said. "Don't say that." Darla said while hugging Carl close. She wasn't about to let those memories come back to haunt him. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 07:07 PM Gabby started crying and hugs his daddy. "Carl come on, the baby's watching." Darla says. She wants to comfort him, but there wasn't enough time and it's too cold to have that theropy session out here. Plus Gabby should have to worry about that. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 07:10 PM Carl calms himself down, staying strong for his kitten. He collected himself and put away those thoughts for now. They all went back inside, with everyone ready to comfort Carl. Mason was eventually pushed in front of him. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 07:29 PM "Hey uh...sorry man. I really forgot. I ain't mean nothin by it." Mason said looking guilty. He Gabby sniffles and rubs his eyes. Grandmama comes in for the rescue. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 07:32 PM Carl hugs Mason, "It's OK man. I know you didn't mean it." he said. Meanwhile, Grandmother goes up to Gabby and comforts him, "Shh... it's OK, sweetie. Your daddy's going to be alright." she says before giving him a kiss on the head* Babygabrial July 19th, 22 07:37 PM Gabby coos as Grandmama takes him. Gabby whimpers at first. "Here why not help Great Grandmama with the brownies and ice cream." Gabby's eyes sniffled and rubbed his eyes. "Gabby want some." He spoke to her for the first time. He sounded a bit pouty of course since he just got done crying. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 07:39 PM She found it delightful though. They went into the kitchen and Darla watched them go with a smile, figuring that Gabby would want to spend some time with his great grandma. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 08:46 PM Gabby got to lick the brownie spoon as some of the other kids got to help cut shapes into the brownies. The kids have taken to Gabby quicker than the adults. The girls want to use him as a human baby doll. The boys want to try and wrestle him. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 09:46 PM Carl was sure that Gabby wouldn't mind a little dress-up. Although if the boys wanted to wrestle him, he would have to make sure that Gabby would not use his actual strength. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 09:48 PM Gabby stuck with Great Grandmama,and sat by her feet as the brownies cooled. "So, Carl. Where are you staying at now?" Addison asked handing him a glass of wine. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 09:58 PM "I'm staying with Gabby at his studio apartment. Its sorta become our home now." Carl explained before sipping the wine. "It's nice and all, but I am looking for a bigger place to live. I want to give Gabby a proper nursery." Babygabrial July 19th, 22 10:04 PM "Studio apartment?" His younger cousin says. "Sheesh it's gotta be cramped in there. You two can't get a bigger place?" She says. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 10:06 PM "I'm trying to look, but the other places are so freaking expensive. I don't want to burn through all our winnings." Carl explains. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 10:08 PM She shrugs "Well you should come visit me some time. I'm sure all the Queens on campus would love ya." She teased. Gabby reaches up for Grandmama wanting to be held. Though she's a fat cat. He's quite heavy for an old woman to pick up. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 10:09 PM Darla got that covered, picking Gabby up for her. This prompted the old cat to thank her before calling everyone for brownies. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 10:11 PM Gabby was strapped in the highchair and bounced up and down ready for a grown up to feed him. "Gabby want bwownie!" He demanded cutely. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 10:12 PM Grandma got that part covered, feeding Gabby his brownies while making airplane noised. Carl couldn't help but smile at this cute scene. He could tell that his grandmother missed taking care of the kids in the family when they were babies. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 10:19 PM Especially with Grandpa not around anymore. It must be nice for her to take care of someone new. All of her kids have kids already. So a new baby is refreshing. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 10:20 PM Even if that baby really is a grown human. But, hey, details details. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 10:22 PM Besides she doesn't interact with humans. She probably hardly remembers the difference between a human baby and a human adult. If Gabby was a cat this would look a lot weirder to his family. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 10:23 PM Maybe some diversity is just what the family needed. Besides, Grandma was kind to all species. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 10:25 PM Soon everyone ate and interacted. One by one everyone was leaving for the night. Carl and crew were the last ones there with Grandmama. Gabby made a little preasent so Darla went to change him leaving Carl alone with his grandmother. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 10:26 PM "That Gabby is a very cute little rascal. I would surely love to spend more time with him." she said. "Hey, we might come to visit you often. He seems to like you too." Carl said. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 10:31 PM "That would be lovely." Grandmama says wiping the counter. "Though Iwish it didn't take the little one to get you to think of visiting family." She says in the cats' language, as her tone a bit more serious and lecturey. "Or at least a phone call to let them us know you are ok." Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 10:33 PM "I'm very sorry for that. I've just been very busy with the sudden career trajectory. Lots of planning and organizing. That's something I'm willing to rectify, starting now." Carl responds. Babygabrial July 19th, 22 10:39 PM "What have I told you about telling lies, Carl?" She said as she continues cleaning and not looking at him. "I heard you say that you have only been with the little one for a few months. "I have not heard from you in two years. Your siblings say you have not spoken to them in nearly as long." She shakes her head and speaks with him honestly and caringly."We worry for you, you know. You look like you are not eating well either. If you needed help, you should have called. I would do anything for you kittens." She tells him giving a good estimate of how long Carl was homeless. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 10:46 PM She was right, it wasn't easy for a homeless cat to call his family and let him know he was OK. Heck, most animals and humans took one look at him and immediately turned away. It was all because of his stupid green fur. Carl couldn't help but feel guilty over his grandmother's words. "I hit a rough patch. After the incident, I just had nowhere to go. After what happened, I just completely lost myself. I didn't know who I wanted to be anymore. I just wanted to hide away from the world and hope that no one would find me. Then I found Gabby. My life instantly changed. I was caught up in a different world where I can be among other outcasts. It was wrong of me to not go to you, even if was suffering from traumatic memory loss for a short time." Babygabrial July 19th, 22 10:51 PM She comes over and hugs her grandson and the elderly matron kisses him and reminds him.No matter what, you will always have a home here. Just ask whenever you need." After she says tgis Darla comes back with Gabby half asleep in her pouch and a garbage bag with his dirty diaper in it. "Ok, I got the baby all set." She announced. "Grandmama thank you for having us over." Darla said. Mr Hoo July 19th, 22 10:53 PM "Oh, it's no problem at all, dear. Remember to visit from time to time." she says while winking towards Carl. Carl returned the kiss, "Sure we will. Alright, let's head out." With that, the trio made their way out the door and into the night streets. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 10:53 AM Gabby got in his dada's arms and nestled him happly. It looks like he's forgotten what happened earlier. Though appearences can be deceiving. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 10:18 PM Carl didn't want to focus on that right now. All he had to keep in mind was Gabby's career and keeping his grandmother informed on his condition. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 10:21 PM And of course finding a new place to stay. Darla decided to stay the night with them once they got back to the apartment. It was nice but felt pretty cramped. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 10:26 PM Yeah, especially after being in such a wide space. One thing's for sure, once they moved, they would not miss this tiny space at all. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 10:29 PM They slept through the night and the next morning Gabby was at King's Wrestling Academy bright and early for training. He definitely had specialized training since he was pretty much the most prominent member of the gym. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 10:57 PM As always, Carl watched over his kitten's training, as well as Rufie's training. Keeping track of two fighters was no easy feat, but he managed to do it. Doubly so while keeping track of matches. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 10:59 PM While Gabby is sparing with a few of the other guys, Rufie comes over to Carl. "Soooooo, anything you got us booked for this week?" They ask eagerly. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 11:01 PM "Let's see..." Carl says as he looks over the schedule. "Well, I did get you and Gabby another tag match. Although, I also got Gabby some single matches as well." Babygabrial July 20th, 22 11:06 PM "Oh, um...well nice. Though with such a big match coming up this weekend I'm suprised you want Gabby exhausting so much anything." They say sounding a bit concerned. Key word being sounding. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 11:08 PM "Well, I need to keep up the momentum that he has going on. Although, I am still considering some of these. It may not be final." Carl said, not really noticing the true nature behind the words. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 11:13 PM "Well you know, tag matches, and even big multiman tag matches, are an excellent way to avoid wear and tear. That way Gabby is good to go for big matches. You don't want him going 100 minutes a week do you? That looks great four the journalists, but that can't be good for the body." The bovine points out...some honestly valid points. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 11:15 PM Carl saw the truth in her words, "Yeah, you're right. Don't want to wear Gabby out too much. Or you for that matter. I'll see what else I can find." Carl said while going back to his search. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 11:17 PM Rufie smiles and pats his shoulder "I'm always here for you two." They say before heading over and getting Gabby to work on tag stuff with them. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 11:19 PM While they were doing that, Carl found one of those multi-man tag matches that Rufie mentioned. Even a few smaller tag matches. Besides, he wanted to get some wins under Rufie's belt as well. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 11:23 PM It has the risk of slowing Gabby's ascent to the singles rankings, but heeey what's wrong with some tag action to mix things up a bit? Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 11:25 PM It was good way to show Gabby's versatility and willingness to cooperate with others. Who knows, it might get Gabby into other tag gigs with other wrestlers. Although, it was apparent that Gabby loved tagging with Rufie the most. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 11:33 PM Not to mention Gabby has made it loud and clear that he's shooting for a World Heavyweight Championship. Not a World Tag Team Championship. Plus, being labled a "Tag Guy" can have consequences if you want some companies to see you as a potential singles star. However, Carl wouldn't know these things without experience in the business. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 11:40 PM He was knowledgeable about this stuff though. That's why he didn't sign Gabby up for too many of these matches and had him focus solely on his solo career. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 11:46 PM Moving forward after practice and a nice bath it seemed like a nice day to give Gabby some time to play out in the snow. Gotta get their little furrless human bundled up though. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 11:47 PM He did just that by putting a coat and many other pieces of warm clothing on Gabby. He took him outside and watched him play in the snow. Babygabrial July 20th, 22 11:51 PM Gabby waddled about in the heavy clothing and fell into the snow face first. He immediately moved his arms and legs around like he's making a backwards snow angel. Mr Hoo July 20th, 22 11:52 PM Carl chuckled at this and turned his kitten over, even joining him in the activity. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 05:33 AM Gabby giggles and and reaches to be helped up. Once up, he and his daddy try to make a snowman together. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 04:58 PM There wasn't much snow to make a full-sized snowman, but there was enough to make one at half of Gabby's height. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 05:05 PM It was small, cute, and plump. Honestly, pretty perfect for Gabby. They didn't have carots or buttons to make the face. So, they had to improvise for that portion. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 05:10 PM Luckily, there were many small stones on the ground. They served perfectly to make a face for the snowman. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 05:29 PM Gabby squealed and clapped his mittons together as he bounced up and down. He feels proud of this little creation he made with his Dada. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 05:33 PM Carl had to admit that it was cute snowman. Although not as cute as his little kitten was being right now. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 05:37 PM Gabby hugged and nuzzled the snowman, getting a good bit of snow on his face and coat. He laughed and bounced. It was a picture perfect moment. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 05:39 PM As a matter of fact, Carl took out his phone and took some pictures of Gabby. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 06:07 PM Gabby looked up and smiled pretty for his daddy. Until he gets a nice little far off look that is. Well, as long as the snow below him doesn't suddenly turn yellow. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 06:08 PM It was fine though, Carl was there to give Gabby a change if he asked. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 06:34 PM Like Gabby ever asks. He wallows in it until it gets itchy, then he cries until he fells a wet wipe touch him. Quite authentic. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 10:01 PM Sensing that might happen soon, Carl takes Gabby inside to give him a swift change. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 10:09 PM By then Gabby was yawning. Probably getting close to dinner then the usual bedtime routine. Besides they're traveling tomorrow. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 10:11 PM That means Gabby had to be well-rested by then. He decided to feed Gabby first and get him to bed before making something for himself. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 10:15 PM Gabby of course was tuckered out between training and playing outside. His winter clothes stuffed in that tiny closet along with all of his bany clothes, normal clothes, and Carl's clothes. A reeeally tight squeeze. Plus Gabby's toys are all over the floor. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 10:15 PM Gabby of course was tuckered out between training and playing outside. His winter clothes stuffed in that tiny closet along with all of his bany clothes, normal clothes, and Carl's clothes. A reeeally tight squeeze. Plus Gabby's toys are all over the floor. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 10:30 PM After he got Gabby to sleep, Carl silently cleaned up the toys and went to the kitchen to make himself something. After he had his fill, he went to sleep with Gabby. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 10:37 PM The mattress squeaks as they snuggle up. It was old and kind of smelled honestly. Probably from many diaper changes on top of it. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 10:39 PM That's weird, Carl remembered changing Gabby on the dresser drawer. Perhaps that was just how the mattress usually smelled. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 10:44 PM Plus there's no telling how many times Gabby tried to change himself before Carl came along. It was necessary, doesn't mean it was good. Goes to show how much Gabby needed Carl. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 10:45 PM And also how much Carl needed him. He had grown used to the smell, mostly because he used to spend his night by the garbage cans. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 10:48 PM The next day they were gonna drive down to Garden State with Rufie for a tag match on a pretaped indie show. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 10:50 PM After a lengthy drive, they made it to the venue. Rufie told them to meet them at the sign-in desk. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 10:57 PM Garden State is no warmer than Empire State since they were next to each other. Luckily they were doing indoor shows in these parts as well. They were at a local college's gymnasium. Looks like a line of 500. Mostly males, makes sense. Young men is the primary democratic for wrestling. Though there's plenty of female fans as well. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 11:00 PM Wrestling is for everyone, it shouldn't just be a male pastime. Anyway, they found Rufie waiting for them after signing in. "Hey guys, ready for today?" they asked. "Yep, let's give these guys a real show." Carl said. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 11:01 PM "Uh huh! Uh huh!" Gabby says jumping up in Rufie's arms. They quickly got changed in the locker room. They used the men's locker room, though the promoter asked Rufie if they'd like to use the female locker room. Mr Hoo July 21st, 22 11:03 PM Rufie was fine with either. Being gender fluid certainly helped with certain situations like this. Now all they needed to do was wait for bell time. Babygabrial July 21st, 22 11:50 PM Their opponents are two bears, they look pumped up. They're called Garden Grizzlies, they are exactly what you think of when you think of two big wrestling bears. What you see is what you get with these two. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 03:04 PM Gabby has wrestled a bear before, so this was nothing new to him. Rufie was strong, but they weren't strong enough to overpower an opponent larger than them. They would have to rely on their smart tactics to get them off balance. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 03:08 PM The booker approaches them as they wait at gorilla position. "Hey, Gabby Angel. Good to meet you. Say, after the match, mind doijg an interview about the upcoming US Rookie Tournament?" They ask him. "Ummmm Ok!" He says but then looks up to his Nanny for permission. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 03:18 PM "Why of course, sounds like fun." Rufie says a little distantly. They were too focused on the match that they were about to take part in. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 03:33 PM Soon it was time for them to head out. Gabby's them hit and they come out to a nice cheer from the crowd. While not exactly the same crowd, Empire State and Garden State are so close to each other that EWS does have fans who watch their content online. Plus in a niche section are the super hardcore fans who have been following rookie tournaments across all fifty states. Not all the states have done their tournament yet. Some could even be delayed. If that were the case it would delay the whole tournament. We can discuss the structure of the US Tournament later. For now....bears. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 03:40 PM Since Rufie went first in the last tag match they had, Gabby should be the one to lead in this time at the behest of Rufie. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 03:45 PM The bears come out to a series of mixed reactions. They acted heelish, but they seemed to have the respect of the crowd. The two of them, Griz and Blak respectively, decided who should go first. The smaller Blak steps up to the plate. The ref calls for the bell, and Gabby circles around the big bear and throws several leg kicks to try and chop him down. Blak grabs Gabby's leg mid kick, and launches him across the ring into his and Rufie's corner. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 03:48 PM Rufie goes for a tag in and jumps off the ropes, straight onto the downed ursine. They then drag him away work his neck with a scissorhold. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 03:53 PM Blak squirms around before breaking out and jumping on the Bovine with a body splash and goes for a cover. "One" Milk Maid kicks out at one. Blak tags out to Griz and they double team Milk Maid. One irish whips them towards the other, and the second launches Milk Maid in the air and swats them to matt with a big thud. Lots of big beef in the ring. Figuratively and literally. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 03:56 PM Milk Maid wasn't going to go down easy. They trip the one that swatted them and get them into a crossface. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 04:02 PM Griz struggles trying to break the hold, but Milk Maid's strength is hard to break down. They cheat by yanking the ref on Milk Maid making them bump heads and get out by that sudden distraction and attempt to ram Milk Maid in the corner. Sadly their cheating back fired as with the ref down Gabby springboards in and double stomps Griz in the back. Now their turn to double team. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 04:07 PM Milk Maid grabbed Blak and pinned his arms to his back. They then faced Gabby, who held Griz in a similar lock. They ran toward each other and slammed the two bears into each other while slamming a knee into their backs. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 04:10 PM The two posed while on top of the bears and the entertained crowd cheered. Gabby took Blak and threw him out of the ring, and ran the ropes before doing a cartwheel into a back hand spring, into a moonsault over the top rope onto the bear. Leaving Milk Maid to finish the job. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 04:14 PM The bovine did so by dragging ursine over to the corner and climbing the ropes halfway before landing with a big splash. They then turn the bear around and hook the leg for a pin. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 04:19 PM "One-Two-Three!" Quick and easy, while showing a nice display of teamwork between the two. Their music played as Gabby came in the ring and they got their hands raised. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 04:20 PM Rufie hugged Gabby, "That was a good match." they said. They then gave a curtsy to their downed opponents. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 04:29 PM The Bears grumble, growl, and leave as an interviewer comes into the ring with a mic. "Excellent match you two. Good job on the win." The announcer began. "Gabby, we didn't see much from you this match, but there was a lot of you to be seen a few weeks ago in Empire States Young Wrestler Of The Year tournament, and became a runner up. That cemented you a spot as one of the ten wrestler that will be in the Tri State Division of the United States Rookie Tournament. How do you feel about this?" Gabby gets on the mic and says "I'm super excited, I never thought I'd make it to this point in my career, but I always hoped. You said there's going to be ten others in the tournament?' He asked "Well in your division at least not the whole tournament." Gabby doesn't really get it. He's going to need the tournament explained to him. "Well, anyway I can't wait to wrestle new and high profile opponents. I hope the fans like what they see!" Gabby says excitedly. Not his best work on the mic, but it was ok. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 04:33 PM Rufie nodded in approval. Soon they were backstage, being congratulated by Carl. "That was good, you two. Very good performance." he said. "I'd say so. Me and Gabby make the perfect team." Rufie said while putting an arm around Gabby, a little tightly if I may add. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 10:22 PM Gabby giggles and nuzzles his nanny. They get their checks and head off. They actually go through matches across the next several days. They do shows for different promotion across the tri state area. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 10:23 PM It was certainly a hectic week for sure. Busy for everyone involved. It all just seemed to fly by so fast. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 10:26 PM Traveling and wrestling, one thing is for sure. The hotels feel more comfortable then the apartment at this point. They aren't even paying for expensive hotels. It just feels like there's more room. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 10:30 PM This was one of the things that was on Carl's mind. He kept thinking about his grandmother and all the space she had. He remembered her offer to him. He was stuck on trying to decide on whether to take her up on it, or keep going his own way. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 10:33 PM While Gabby is having his dinner Thursday night in daddy's arms, Gabby's phone rings in Carl's pocket. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 10:35 PM Carl picks it up and answers, "Gabby's phone, Carl speaking." Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 10:37 PM Some sniffling is heard it takes a moment before a familiar voice comes on the line. "H-Hey...Carl? I-it's...it's me." Darla speaks on the other side. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 10:39 PM Carl instantly starts up, "Darla? What's wrong? Are you alright?" he asks. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 10:43 PM "I...yeah...no...No I'm not...." She says before she sniffles and whimpers. "I...I've been behind on my rent...the past several months. I thought...I thought the extra money would buy me more time, but.....I got home and...all my stuff is pushed out....the key doesn't work.....I'm outside in the cold...." She breaks down crying on the phone. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 10:46 PM "Darla, stay right where you are, I'll be right over." Carl says. He tells Gabby what's happened and gets him dressed to go help Darla. They get in the car and drive over to Darla's apartment building, finding her among her things outside. He immediately goes over to her, "Darla, I'm here." Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 10:50 PM She's bundled up in her stuff in front of the apartment building, covered in snow. She looks up at him. She had clearly been crying. Not to mention she's probably freezing. She hugs him and begins to cry again. It had to be scary for her. It was a good thing the area the were at today was only 3 hours away. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 10:51 PM Carl knew that he couldn't just leave her there. Or her stuff for that matter. He worried that the car wouldn't be able to fit it all. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 10:59 PM They both had cars but still there's the matter of the big furniture. They're gonna have to drop some cash getting a moving truck, and getting her storage on such quick notice. Even then, its so late they probably can't do that. They may have to make multiple trips. Back and forth, with one of them watching the stuff while the other takes things to Gabby's apartment. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 11:01 PM So, that's what they did. It was tedious and tiring process, but they managed to get it done. By the end of it, all three of them were worn down and exhausted. Nevertheless, Carl took care of Darla, giving her a warm drink and covering her in blankets. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 11:05 PM They all snuggled up around 3AM in Gabby's bed. Normally the three of them in one bed isnt the worst. Usually they like it, but something this time feels more.....claustrophobic. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 11:06 PM So cramped and cluttered. Carl didn't like any of this. It was at this moment when he realized what he needed to do. This was the last time they would be seeing this dingy place. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 11:10 PM Their Friday was....well it didn't start on the right foot to begin with. They're woken up by Gabby's landlord knocking on the door loooking into a noise complaint last night. Upon seeing Carl and Darla, plus all of both of rheir stuff just in the front room alone, he almost lost it. Apparently in the contract Gabby signed he wasn't supposed to have a roommate, much less two for...well kind of this reason. The apartment wasn't made for multiple people, and the landlord was only getting rent for Gabby living there. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 11:12 PM Now seemed like a good time to announce their move. Later that day, Carl gave his grandmother a call and broke the news to her. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 11:15 PM "Oh dear, both Darla and Gabby are losing their apartments? That's terrible. " Grandmama says as she's cooking breakfast and talking on a really old cell phone. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 11:17 PM "Yeah. I felt bad watching Gabby get yelled at like that. And seeing Darla out there in the cold just broke my heart. So, that's why I've decided to take you up on your offer and move in with you." Carl says. Babygabrial July 22nd, 22 11:24 PM "With me? Well, this is sudden. I do have plenty of room since your grandfather passed away. It would be nice having more people here. Alright, would you like me to come and help move stuff?" She asked as she turned the stove off. Mr Hoo July 22nd, 22 11:25 PM "That's a kind offer, we could use some help with figuring out where everything should go." Carl said. Babygabrial July 23rd, 22 12:32 AM "Alright, tell me the address and I will be over as soon as possible. " she says getting a pen and pad. Poor Grandmama doesn't know how to text. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 03:19 PM Carl gave her the address, making a mental note to teach her how to send texts. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 04:28 PM As they waited Gabriel was dressed to go to training, at least there was an attempt. Getting to Gabby's clothes, which were burried behind Carl's clothes, which are burried behind Darla's clothes, weren't exactly easy to get to. Heck nothing was easy to get to, to organize. It was all such a mess and tensions were rising. This made Gabby so whiney this morning that he was going to make one of them upset if he wasn't hurried to the gym. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 04:31 PM Carl volunteered to go to the gym with Gabby. Once there, he could leave him under the care of Jerry and Wendy while he helps Darla and his grandmother with the move. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 04:38 PM Gabriel just got on a t shirt, and shorts. Along with his wrestling shoes which were luckily by the door. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 04:40 PM With that, Carl drove off the gym and dropped Gabby off. He promised that he would be back later to see him after the move was done. He gave him a quick hug and kiss before he left. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 04:48 PM Back at the apartment three cars drove up. Out comes of course Grandmama, but the other two bring out Addison and Mason. "I believe this is the place." The eldest cat says "What a dump." She says as well, but she's old she can get away with saying off the wall stuff at random. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 04:50 PM "Thanks for coming. All our stuff is here and inside waiting to be packed up." Darla said. "Well, let's get this done quickly." Addison says, her strong work ethic clearly showing. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 04:52 PM They came in and all started pitching in as they could. Grandmama organized and supervised. Addison and Darla packed. Mason did the heavy lifting. Especially going up and down the stairs. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 04:55 PM Soon after, Carl joined to help out with the rest of the stuff. He joined Mason with the heavy lifting, always happy to help out his family. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 05:00 PM The five of them packed and loaded the cars. It will take them a few hours to go and pay for a storage locker, and also move everything in it. They were only keeping a few things like their clothes. Darla's equipment, and it was a debate on what to lock up in storage for Gabby and what to keep. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 05:01 PM They managed to get it done however and got it done with little problems. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 06:07 PM Now to pick up Gabby and show him his new home, at least for the time being. Grandmama and the cousins were excited to show Gabby their home. Grandmama's house means alot to the family. Its always been a second home for everyone. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 10:14 PM After picking up Gabby from the gym, Carl drove him to his grandmother's place. Once there, he found that everything had been put in place. Nice and neat like he expected. Gabby was also shown to his new room by Darla. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 10:43 PM It was an old and small room. However, it was a complete vintage nursery. This nursery has been used by almost all of the family members. There was a crib by the window, a mobile above, a changing table across the room. A rocking chair near the crib, with a night stand in bwtween. Plus a nice little toy box. Gabby squeals in delight. Best part, Daddy and Auntie are right next door. They get to sleep together in a nice little queen sized bed with her own television. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 10:44 PM It warmed Carl's heart to see his little kitten excited over having an actual nursery. It was one of the thing he wanted to see besides seeing hold up that champion belt. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 10:49 PM It wasn't one of his own, and he'll have to share when family's over, but it beats where he was at. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 10:50 PM Definitely. At least they could savor the moment for the time being. One day, Gabby will get a nursery of his own. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 10:53 PM Now, they can save up for their own place one day. Grandmama comes up. "Dinner will be ready soon. Probably should get baths and showers while you wait. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 10:55 PM Carl obliged and decided to give Gabby his bath first, followed by his own, and Darla following after. They had a delicious dinner that night. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 10:57 PM The three of them, plus Grandmama. Gabby is even getting to sit in the highchair as he eats. He plays with the tray and his bib happily. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 10:58 PM Carl and Darla happily take turns feeding him. It was definitely a family moment for all of them. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 11:00 PM Gabby ate like a good girl. Spirits are high right now. Gabby was so excited, he wanted to play all night with all of his new toys and exploring this big two floor apartment. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 11:01 PM That would have to come later, however. For after dinner, it was straight to bed for the little kitten. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 11:03 PM He's going to whine and complain until he has a bottle in his mouth. After all, tomorrow is Saturday. The big title rematch is tomorrow. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 11:04 PM That's right, so Carl had to make sure he was happy and well-rested. He fed Gabby a warm bottle while sitting in the rocking chair. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 11:07 PM Gabby was looking around as he's rocked. In the apartment the chair was in the living room with their lighting coming from the kitchen. This felt so much calmer. The rocking chair, right in the nursery, with the little lamp right next to them. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 11:12 PM It was cute scene overall. The atmosphere was just right. This was definitely much better than their last setup. Carl hummed a nursery rhyme as he rocked his little kitten. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 11:15 PM Gabby soon fell asleep in Dada's arms. He slept peacefully like a sweet little girl. He was his Dada's daughter more and more. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 11:17 PM And Carl wouldn't have it any other way. He placed the sleeping kitten in the crib and spun the mobile. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 11:18 PM Darla was in their room doing some work while Grandmama cleaned the kitchen. There's other people now. It isn't just the two of them anymore. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 11:21 PM And the best part was that they all had each other. Carl kissed his grandmother goodnight and went to his and Darla's room Babygabrial July 24th, 22 11:24 PM They soon joined each other in bed. Darla got on top of him and began kissing him passionately as we leave them for the night. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 11:25 PM The next morning came, and Carl woke up refreshed and more energized then ever. Babygabrial July 24th, 22 11:32 PM Darla was up early as well, helping Grandmama in the kitchen. That left Carl on baby duty. Mr Hoo July 24th, 22 11:34 PM He went to the nursery to see Gabby awake in his crib, waiting for his Dada to come and get him. He was lifted out of the crib and changed into a new diaper before getting some clothes on. After that, they had breakfast, where Carl said his good mornings to his grandmother and Darla. Babygabrial July 25th, 22 01:47 AM "Morning babe." Said Darla. "Morning Sweetheart." Said Grandmama. Gabby clung to his Dada and nestled him before being sat into the highchair chair. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 07:07 PM Darla took to feeding Gabby his breakfast while Carl and his grandmother ate. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 07:29 PM Gabby sees food he's never eaten before. He keeps his mouth closed and looks away. "Nuh uh." He says sassily. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 07:37 PM "Come on Gabby, open up for Auntie Darla." Darla coos as she holds the spoon to Gabby's mouth. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 07:47 PM He cutely shakes his head. "Nuh uh!" Saying that leaves him open to get the food shoved in their mouth. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 07:49 PM Darla promptly shoved the spoon in Gabby's mouth, "Mmm... Nummy, nummy." Darla coos as she does so. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 09:05 PM Gabriella eats and squeals. He opens for more like a good girl. He turns his head though hearing the doorbell ring. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 09:57 PM "I got it." Carl said as he goes to the door and opens it. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 09:59 PM Its an eager looking Addison and Mason. "Ah sweet he hasn't left yet!" Addison elbows him in the hip. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 10:08 PM "Hey guys. What's up?" Carl asked while letting them in. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 10:19 PM "W3ll you know..." Addison started. "Its Saturday, we wanted to come and hang with you guys." She said forcing a big smile on her face. "Yeah and ride with you guys to the EWS match!" Mason said. Addison firmly stomped on his foot. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 10:22 PM "Sure, we'd be glad to take you along. Right guys?" Carl asked. "Yeah, you can see Gabby wrestle up close." Darla said. "Only question is if they will let you in with us or not." Carl wondered. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 10:26 PM Darla says as she continues to try to feed the baby. "I could use help with merchandise." She says. They haven't been able to sell much without her, and she can't take off from her shop every Saturday. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 10:27 PM "Hey, there's something. You two feel like being a part of the team?" Carl asked. "You mean we get to sell the Burning Princess merch!?" Addison exclaimed excitedly. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 10:30 PM "Hell yeah!" Mason said. "Mason! Language! There are children and elderly here!" Grandmama scolded him. Gabby babbles nonsensically and bangs on the high chair. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 10:33 PM Carl chuckled and went back to eating breakfast. After they were all fed, they were ready to get Gabby dressed and into the car. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 10:35 PM Addisson helped Darla with hair and makeup. This made Gabby through a fit and start crying. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 10:37 PM He was quickly given a pacifier to calm him down, along with a light scolding from Darla. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 10:39 PM He whimpers and cowers at Darla's authority. She may actually pop his hand unlike Daddy. Gabby still whined as they continued. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 10:42 PM They both managed to cheer him up by giving him a light tickle and silly faces when they were finished. Babygabrial July 26th, 22 10:44 PM Soon he forgot all about the makeup and let them dress him in his pretty little dress. Mr Hoo July 26th, 22 10:46 PM Now with their baby looking super cute and presentable, they got in the car and headed for the venue. Babygabrial July 27th, 22 04:31 AM Gabby looks between Mason and Addison on either side of him. He's curious about them. Mr Hoo July 27th, 22 10:54 PM They decide to pass the time by making small talk... Well, as much small talk as Gabby is able to make. Babygabrial July 27th, 22 10:59 PM "I go to Empire U right now. First one in the whole family to go to college." Addison says feeling proud of that accomplishment. "I stay in my dorm usually but I'll sometimes spend a weekend with my folks or that furball." She says pointing to Mason Mr Hoo July 27th, 22 11:01 PM "And I work part time as a delivery driver for a big company. The pay is good enough and the work is very rewarding." Mason bragged. Babygabrial July 27th, 22 11:04 PM "I wrestle!" Gabby says quite oblivious that these two are just here to fanboy/girl all over him. He kicks his feet looking at them smiling cutely. Mr Hoo July 27th, 22 11:20 PM They didn't care what came out of his mouth, they would indulge him regardless. That's what fans did. Babygabrial July 27th, 22 11:27 PM Star struck ones at least. It was a nice little drive to Salt City as they get to the venue and get the car unloaded to set up the merch stand. Darla supervised the cousins in how to set things up. They're getting more work then they likely expected, but that's the price to pay. Mr Hoo July 27th, 22 11:29 PM Meanwhile, Carl was getting Gabby signed up and into the locker rooms. He went over some strategies with him and made sure he was ready and happy. Babygabrial July 27th, 22 11:33 PM It was another main event match, luckily EWS doesn't have tv deal so they are bound to tenuous time constraints. Lucky for Gabby and Carl at least. A tv deal woyld be a good thin