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  1. I’ve been inspired by those abdl roleplay online quizzes recently and always inspired by the diaper dimension world by Princesspottypants. Wanted to share the idea for others to enjoy as well~ - - - - Part One You Belong in Diapers Quiz Shouldn’t it it say ‘Do I belong in diapers’? This could be the chance to show them you were telling the truth, but this ‘quiz’ has no question mark. Was it a typo? Or did it just fit the theme of this ‘dimension’ you’ve found yourself stuck in; like the silencing pacifier stuck suckling in your mouth. That was the price of too many questions you learned, and you were learning fast. These ‘Amazons’ quickly grew annoyed when their ‘Littles’ pretended to know what was best for them. It was true the farther you moved into the compound the quieter it became. At the front was a cacophony of harried explanations, firm commands, disciplinary threats, and the inevitable follow-through. That was all muted now replaced by soft suckling, condescending cooing and the crinkle of diapers. Your bottom still bemoans your naughtiness as the redness stands in sharp relief beyond the white frilly leak guard of your own diaper. You shift buckled to the hard seat and the cool lotion trapped inside at least continues to provide some relief despite the constant reminder of the circumstances surrounding how it was lathered on then dusted with powder. A warning swat jumps you in your seat. The sting lingers between your diaper and thigh from your caretakers wickedly pink gloves. You refocus on the quiz, unknowingly working the pacifier in your mouth more noticeably as you begin. The first questions were harmless enough; matching the quiz better to your information on file, and you interacted with the tablet with no real concern until the next question gave you pause When was the last time you wet in your pants? You glance nervously at the expectant Amazon nurse, an air of smugness by now constantly around her and her clipboard poised in hand. This one has been your ‘caretaker’ during this entire lengthy process and has given you enough ‘personal attention’ to have gotten to know you in a multitude of embarrassing ways yet never seems to tire. Her haughty brow raises knowingly and in warning; any ‘lies’ were to be punished. You consider the choices... A. Not since I have been wearing diapers B. Not since I was ‘potty trained’ What choices. Amazons, ever prepared, had you already put in ‘protection’ as soon as you arrived, so it was simply a prompt trip to the appropriate changing station and an upgrade (or downgrade) to tab-style diapers when it happened. With the ‘witness’ with a penchant for spanking in the room, you placed your finger on the ‘correct’ response and kept your eyes on the test to save yourself from the nurse’s triumphant look. All those protests at the beginning claiming the validity of your potty training level and now look at you moving on to question two. How often do you wet yourself? A. Often B. Sometimes Yet again, two choices and neither were ‘no’ but the lesser of the two ‘confessions’ seemed almost like a gift considering your day. Question three. When you wet, how large is the accident? A. Only a little B. A full accident that requires changing You flushed and the nurse made another delighted tally upon the clipboard against you proving the choice was obvious to all involved. The ordeal of your losses of control had consisted of a quick transition from sudden plastic pitter and warming between your legs to being grabbed by the wrist for a change by your caretaker who didn’t waste time marveling at how such a wet diaper could possibly belong to someone as well potty trained as you before plopping it in the pail and proceeding to further wipe, massage, sprinkle, and diaper you yet again. Shaking the memory, you continue somewhat defeatedly down the list. Your hope of an objective test being wiped away like your changed bottom. When was the last time you messed your pants? This perked you up a little. Messed? Did that mean...soil? No, you hadn’t done that. You look at the choices. A. Today B. Within the last week. Another hard suck made the plastic pacifier tinkle. Again with these two choices. The implication that you had ‘messed your pants’ ‘within the last week’ burned your cheeks as you pressed the screen, but not enough to warrant another burning to the ones on your bottom. The nurse made an ‘ah ha’ noise, and scribbled on her board most likely noting your movements and to soon expect dirty diapers. The quiz followed the predictable pattern giving you the questionable gift of being able to claim you mess your pants ‘Sometimes’ and ‘Only a little.’ The quiz continued. Forcing you to admit to many more things, such as, yes, you currently were wearing ‘A diaper’ and when changed you were changed by ‘Yourself?’ No of course not ‘A caregiver.’ In the end, the results were in, and echoed everything the Amazons had been saying. ‘Littles belong in diapers for both daytime and nighttime wetting accidents, and in your case, with the occasional inability to make it to the potty for messes as well. An Amazon must monitor when it is time for your changes and provide minimal potty training only if your behavior improves.’ The clack of the nurse’s clipboard signaled this stage of the processing was complete and it was on to the next. - - - - Part Two Is Your Little Ready for Potty Training Quiz The Amazon sighed at the tablet screen one eye always on you as you sat with your coloring. No change noted in the state of your diaper since your morning routine. A tingle of happiness floated through her looking at how cute the newest printed diapers she’d bought for your looked on you and how snuggly they fit beneath your cropped tee. In all honesty she really didn’t want to take this quiz but the report was due and it was mandatory so she sipped her tea and began. Does your little tell you right away when their diaper is messy or wet? She nearly spit. Goodness no! What a scandalous question. It was completely against her house rules and her little knows Mommy is the only one who can say when a diaper has been properly wet or dirtied. Still shocked, she scanned the choices for more targets of her ire but instead she relaxed into a bit of a laugh as she read the actual options, especially the second. B. My little one does not notice or hides when they need to go. Oh this was true, she had caught her silly little one on multiple occasions looking for a place to go ‘in private’. What a silly thing when even most efficient changes can still be done on a park bench or the back of an open car. This was the obvious answer. Can your little one follow simple instructions? Certainly not to her caliber. Far too much hesitation in certain simple requests like ‘smile and show them your cute diapers honey’ or ‘I haven’t seen a messy diaper in a while drink your boom boom bottle little one.’ She selected the appropriate response. Does your little one have periods of a few hours during the day that they stay dry? She chewed her lip. How easy it would be to lie. She didn’t track it that closely after all, and Littles needed wet diapers to remind them of their needs. Although it was true her diaper changing times were certainly greater than a few hours. Reluctantly she with conceded with ‘A. I can typically go a few hours during certain times without any changes.’ A huffy sigh left her as she moved on from picking the option that would place her little closer to potty training. Does your little have the language skills to communicate needs? A. My little is able to express wants and needs to myself and other adults. She laughs out loud. Choice A was simply comical! Words as simple as ‘diapie’ ‘pee pee’ and ‘poo poo’ were extremely difficult words to be said by her little. Her little one simply made a pouty face most times when asked to do so by herself ‘and other adults.’ Ha! A few more questions proceeded quite similarly and the results where in Your little one is not quite ready for potty training. Sometimes the best advice is to wait and continue diaper use until they are more behaviorally developed. The Amazon grinned and began browsing social media to chuckle at the other comments at the absurdity of the mandated quiz. She looked to see her little one moving towards the corner and she chuckled under her breath it seemed a new diaper change was going to be needed sooner than she thought.
  2. So while I was working on Chapter 4 of my other story "Babied By The Sitter" (still being worked on by the way) I had this idea and it was so good I thought it deserved it's own story. This story will serve as sorta an easier to write faster-paced story with a lot more sexual content right out the gate. It'll also help me have something to write for when "Babied By The Sitter" is giving me writers block. I hope you enjoy this story and as with all my stories feel free to download, modify, redistribute this story however you like. ====Chapter 1==== I was walking through the forest trying to find my way back to the lodge. I got distracted and accidentally went off course while hiking and I'm worried I might not make it back in time, especially since it's starting to get dark. I don't have the slightest clue where I'm going, everything looks the same. Trees to the left, trees to the right, trees everywhere. And they're all the same exact type of tree, Maybe if mother nature would mix it up a bit once and awhile I wouldn't be in this situation. Eventually I just picked a random direction and started walking, hoping I'd either make it back to the lodge or find a road that would lead somewhere. After what felt like hours of walking I broke down, sat by a near by tree and started quietly sobbing to myself.. I had no way to get back home and these woods were so large the chances of someone actually finding me would be very unlikely. "What's wrong little one? Are you lost?" An unfamiliar voice asked. I looked up and it was a women, she had long light brown hair, huge breasts and she was certainly the tallest women I ever saw, she was a regular giantess. I must've looked like a literal child to her. "I have no idea where I am or how to get home, I got distracted and got off course. I have no idea where the lodge is." I replied, wiping the tears off my face. "Aww you poor thing! Come here, you can stay with me for the night." The women picked me up and draped me over her shoulder like you would an infant. "Uhm, I can actually walk myself.... miss....." I said awkwardly "Emily, and I figured as much, but you're so little it'd probably take you forever to catch up with me and I'd rather not have to keep stopping just so you could catch up, it's easier this way." Emily said to me, bouncing me up and down like you would a cranky baby. After a few minutes of walking we reached Emily's cabin in the woods. Once we were inside Emily took me to the guest room and put me down on the floor. "You must be tired, so I'll leave you here to rest for the night. I'll help you get to the hiking lodge in the morning." Emily smiled handing me a glass of milk before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. The guest room was nothing special, just a small room with a bed, nightstand and a dresser, more than enough to suite the average guest. I dropped my backpack on the floor, drank the glass of milk, placing the empty glass on the nightstand and passed out on the bed. I woke up to find Emily at the foot of the bed putting a diaper on me. "What's going on here?" I said confused and slightly startled. I tried to squirm away but my body was strapped to the bed. "Aw did I wake you up sweetheart? Mommy was just putting a diaper on you. I thought you already had one on, but when I came to check on you, you didn't." Emily said putting on the last pieces of tape. "I'm not a baby! I don't need a diaper." I said, still trying to keep my composure, since this giantess did let me stay at her place and she might just genuinely be confused, since from her point of view I probably do look pretty infantile. "It's okay Honey you don't need to pretend to be a big boy for Mommy." Emily reached into her bra and took out a Baby's Pacifier. "Now open wide. Mommy has something yummy for you." Emily moved the Pacifier towards my lips. Instantly I clamped my mouth shut, turned my head away "I wish you wouldn't fuss so. I'm just doing what's best for you." Emily started rubbing the front of my diaper. I couldn't help but moan from the stimulation Emily was putting on my penis, which caused my mouth to open uncontrollably just enough for Emily to shove in the Pacifier and tie the straps around my head. "There's a good boy. Don't you feel much better now that you have your paci? I bet you do. Now give it a good suck." Emily instructed still stimulating my penis through my diaper. "Nuhuh" I said muffled through the pacifier shaking my head in refusal. "Okay sweetie, I tried being nice, but if you're going to continue being fussy you're going to have to be punished." Emily untapped two pieces of tape at the very front of my diaper, revealing a crotch hole. Emily fished my penis out through the crotch hole and slipped a cylindrical device onto it, placing two sticker-probes to my balls which attached to the cylindrical device via wires. I tried to let out a yell but all that could be heard was a muffled "MMMMMMMM." Pressing a few buttons on the device Emily made the small LCD screen on the front of the device go from 000 to 024. Instantly the machine started to stimulate my penis, causing me to moan and squirm uncontrollably. "I'll leave baby to his new toy for a little while." Emily said before walking out of the room. I don't understand it, 'what exactly is the punishment here?' I thought to myself. This machine just keeps stimulating my penis, which will just lead to a pleasurable climax. what's the punishment in that? Well just as I was about to reach climax.... the machine stopped. I just sat there strapped to the bed moaning and squirming, both because I wanted out of this situation and because I wanted some release. After my penis got a little softer the machine turned back on and started stimulating me again. After the 3rd time the machine restarted I started sucking on the pacifier in my mouth to distract me from the absolute misery of not being able to reach orgasm. The pacifier did actually help comfort me, it didn't completely remove the sexual frustration induced by the machine, but it certainly helped reduce it. Several minutes later Emily walked back into the room. The machine had started and stopped about 12 times at this point. "Is baby enjoying his special toy?" Emily walked over to me. As soon as Emily saw that I was sucking on the Pacifier her stern facial expression turned into a happy loving smile "Oh good, baby is sucking his paci like a good boy! Well in that case I think the machine has done it's job." Emily turned off the machine and disconnected it. "That's just one of the many punishments I have for little boys who don't do as their told. So if I were you I'd start being a little more cooperative." Emily patted my diapered butt. "Now I'm going to go back to bed. Goodnight baby." Emily left the room, shutting the door and turning off the light on her way out. I furiously started jerking my body against the restraints shortly after Emily left the room, hoping that I could either squirm out of the straps that kept me tied to the bed or that I could rip the straps somehow and manage to escape. I just kept thrashing and jerking my body trying my absolute best to escape the situation I was in nomatter how tired I got I persisted. Until I heard a snap. The straps restraining me to the bed finally snapped, allowing me to take the Pacifier out of my mouth and take off the diaper that Emily put on me against my will while I was sleeping. Everything was working according to plan up until I tried to take the diaper off, not only could I not take it off, but when I tried a loud beeping sound started going off. I could hear footsteps approaching the guest room, I began sweating profusely. I don't know this women or what she's capable of, from her size alone she could probably snap me like a twig without even breaking a sweat. As the door creaked open the sound coming from the diaper got even louder *BEEP BEEP BEEP*. "Did baby try to mess with his diaper?" Emily asked slowly moving towards me as I backed myself into a wall. "Don't be scared baby, I wont hurt you and neither will the alarm. I can see I wont be able to keep you in the guest room, there's way too much you could hurt yourself on in here." Emily scooped me up and started rubbing the front of my diaper slowly, causing the alarm to turn off and me to get an erection. "It's okay baby, Mommy knows you didn't mean to be naughty, but don't worry, Mommy is going to move you into a room that's far safer." Emily stuck her finger in my mouth, preventing me from talking as she took me down the hall into a room with a sign saying "Nursery" on the door. Instantly I was greeted with baby stuff as far as the eye could see, there was a shelf full of various baby things, bottles, pacifiers, diapers and even a bunch of items I had never seen or heard of before. "Okay baby, this will be your new room." Emily placed me in a large metal baby crib replacing her finger with a pacifier, which she strapped around my head. "That'll keep you quiet while I prepare your nighttime paci." Emily said picking up a baby bottle full of a milk-like substance. Emily then took another pacifier off the shelf unscrewed the end cap and screwed in the baby bottle into it. Not really a fan of the idea of drinking whatever it is that liquid in the bottle was I looked around to see if there was any possible way out of the crib I was in. The crib had a roof so I couldn't climb it and the metal bars made breaking it almost impossible, it looks like If I want to get out of here I need to be out of this crib first. Emily walked over to me with the milk filled pacifier in hand. With ease she held me still, took the pacifier out of my mouth and replaced it with the milk filled pacifier, strapping it to my head so I couldn't spit it out. "That's it baby give your nighttime paci a nice suckle." Emily tied my body to the crib making the possibility of escaping that much more difficult. Milk slowly dripped into my mouth even without me sucking on the pacifier due to small holes allowing a slow drip feed of milk to continuously flow into my mouth. "Be sure to drink it all, it's good for you. I'll see you in the morning and when I do all that milk better be gone." Emily walked out of the room turning off the light and closing the door behind her. There I was, alone, strapped to this huge metal crib with a pacifier strapped to my head, slowly drip-feeding me milk whether I sucked on it or not and to make things worse my body was tied to the crib so there was no way I could escape. Without even noticing it I had started sucking on the pacifier in my mouth for comfort, which caused the steady drip of milk to turn into a steady stream instead. I wasn't even half-way finished with the liquid in the pacifier before my eyes started to feel very heavy all of a sudden. I tried with all my might to keep my eyes open and to keep myself awake, but my sudden urge to sleep got the better of me and I passed out in the crib still sucking on the pacifier. ******* Emily was watching Daniel from the comfort of her computer desk. She had over thirty surveillance cameras scattered across the whole house, five of which were in the nursery. "Aww baby's all tuckered out, I don't blame him he's had a big day and it way past his bed time. The poor thing needs some sleep. Good thing Mommy Emily gave him some milk to help relax him. Hopefully he finishes all of it by the time I check on him tomorrow morning, otherwise I'll have to punish him again and I'd sure hate to have to do that." Emily giggled. ====End Of Chapter 1==== Well there's chapter 1 of Emily's Cabin. I hope you enjoyed it. I'd absolutely love to see what you guys have to say! Chapter 4 of "Babied By The Sitter" is in the works as well as Chapter 2 of this story. I've also attached the unreleased 4th chapter of Babied By The Sitter which eventually turned into this story for you to read, kinda as a special treat Babied By The Sitter Unreleased Chapter 4 Emily's Cabin ~ A Kasarberang Story
  3. I watched from my front room window as the delivery men unloaded their removal lorry and transported the various objects into next door. I could not see who the new owner was, just the amount of furniture and boxes that were being taken into the house. Several days passed before I noticed her as I pulled up onto my driveway, my new neighbour was collecting a newspaper from her postbox. She was in her mid to late forties bobbed brown hair and was wearing a silver silk dressing gown, not leaving much to the imagination. “Hi nice to meet you, my names PJ,” I said introducing myself. My new neighbour replied with a smile. “Hi there PJ, I’m Cathy,” she said holding out her hand. I lightly shook her hand to greet her. From that point we started to chat regularly whenever we bumped into each other. I established that Cathy was now single and maybe been through some kind of breakup, but I didn’t push the issue and enjoyed the fact that I had not inherited a nightmare neighbour, but a friendly one. As the weeks went by I didn’t really speak with Cathy a great deal. I did however get a strange feeling that I was being watched by her (I didn’t have any proof and never saw her.) But, whenever I went to go out or returned I just had a funny feelings he was watching me. Cathy had moved to the area for a fresh start. She had not long broken up with someone that she had been seeing, but that was not the reason, Cathy was in fact the one that had called the relationship off. No, Cathy had moved to a new area so that she could initiate a life long dream. It was no coincidence that she had moved in next door to PJ, she had been stalking him for months. After purchasing the property she had ensured that all the necessary improvements had been completed before moving in, now the time had come to commence. BANG! BANG! BANG! My front door echoed. I had just got out of the shower and dried myself. Pulling on a pair of shorts I hurried downstairs to open the door. Stood in front of me was a frantic and slightly upset Cathy dressed in her silver silk dressing gown. “Oh PJ, please come quick something’s happening in my basement, please help me!” Cathy said while wiping a tear with a tissue. Unsure of what to expect I slipped on my trainers and grabbed a baseball bat and followed Cathy. “What is it?” I asked as we hurried to Cathy’s house. Once inside the front door Cathy shut it behind me, “I need you to look downstairs for me, please?” Cathy pleaded as she pointed to a wooden staircase. “Ok!” I responded as I gripped my bat and proceeded to head down the stairs towards a dark door at the bottom. Cathy was following me in close proximity. Upon reaching the lower floor I put my had to the door handle and pushed it down, simultaneously pushing the door open into the dark filled room. I edged in with Cathy still close behind me. Suddenly lights above my head were on and I was momentarily blinded by there brightness. Cathy’s plan had gone well this far and had managed to get her potential victim into position. After flicking on the light switch she grabbed a sealed see through bag from the side cabinet next to the doorway and opened it. She retrieved the thick white paper handkerchiefs that she had prepared earlier that were laced with her special chloroform concoction. I was stunned when my eyes adjusted to the light and I could see what was before me. The bright white tiled walled room was full to the brim with equipment. My brain was struggling to process what was laid before me. An adult sized cot, a changing table, large rocking horse, shower, glasses front cabinets upon cabinets full of items. I just didn’t understand why this would be here. I turned to ask Cathy what was going on. However at this point With the thick paper hankies firmly in her right hand Cathy circled my neck and applied them over my mouth and nose. “Mmmmmmppppppphhhffff,” I cried as the thick white crisp tissues formed a gag around my face. I was obviously in shock and dropped the baseball bat as Cathy expertly clamped the paper hankies over my mouth and nose. I inhaled almost instantly and was hit by the chemical smell that was held within. “Mmmmpppphhhhhfff” I cried again as I grabbed hold of Cathy’s hand holding the paper hankies in place. Cathy was well prepared for my attempt of escape and quickly used her knee to push into the small of my back to knock me off balance. As I found myself falling backwards into my assailant I inhaled again. This time the chemical within the tissues had Cathy’s desired effects and caused my head start to spin. I desperately started to struggle now, as I lay collapsed on the floor with Cathy directly behind me supporting my head and holding my hands away with one hand, whilst holding the thick paper hankies over my face with her other. “Mmmmppppppjhhhfff,” I complained as Cathy looked into my eyes. “Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh! Baby it’s ok, mummy is going to take good care of you. Just relax and breathe in mummy’s special medicine Cathy responded as the drug started to really take effect. My head was spinning, my eyes were starting to blur, why would Cathy do this to me? I don’t have a lot of money and definitely do not have anyone who would pay a ransom. But what I didn’t know is Cathy know exactly who I was, she had done her homework and I was ‘her choice’ candidate. Drugged and confused I continued to struggle against my abductress, but this was in vain. Cathy now had me exactly where she wanted me. On the floor, the drug laced tissues in place and going nowhere! “Mmmppphhff” I cried again trying to question why, but Cathy was not moved. “It’s ok precious, mummy has planned this for a long time, you just need to be a good boy and go night nights! I know you don’t want too, but mummy knows best sweetheart, just relax baby and everything will be just fine, I promise!” Cathy stated as my eyes were now glasses over and I was falling into a drugged slumber. “Gooooood booooooy!”Cathy said as I drifted off into la la land.
  4. Mike is a submissive husband. Laura is his wife and Mistress. Mike lives the life his wife wants him to have and has little say in what he does or where he goes. Laura has a special night planned and she wants Mike to make the place ready then, like a good husband, he would sit meekly in his room and pretend not to exist. ---- Every story update that gets posted publicly appears on my Patreon page one full week beforehand. You can view all of these updates for just $5 a month. Pledging $10 gets you the early access plus access to TWENTY-THREE Patreon exclusive stories. There are more tiers and rewards that can be found on my Patreon page. It is only through the generous support of my patrons that I'm able to write and post as much as I do so if you enjoy my stories please consider taking a look https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 If we get up to $800 a month in pledges I will be posting EVEN MORE regularly! --- A big thank you to all my current patrons who make my writing possible: DannyDazzler, Jerry J, Coin W, Hollowbanana, Chloe N, Bojack D, Chris, Robert D A, Whatsnot, Guilend, Gomez J, Padded Quill, Jeremy C, Joseph B-A, Daddysmuffin, Andy, Frank, Ryan, James S, Justin C, Fuli, Spaxxs, J Onyx, Dre, Pat M, Miss X, PF, Georgia C, Camilo H, Babyjay, Jeffrey G, Martijn de J, Phantom Sonic, Vivi L, Mike S, Dr J, Blipp, Jake W, Brandon G, LuvsSissy, DreaR, Alex B, Malcolm E, Pete W, Cless, Frank S, PatheticABDL, Joshua M, NunyoBC, Kim, S Miller, Britnee L, Tim F, WillNotWill, Orion F, Sterling W, Jens B, THE Dude, Wet, Cam, Alex C, Daniel, Robert C, Artemisclydefrog, Raven, Littleb, Scott, Lyra H, ReiofLight, Bask25456, MagmaLord, DJKazoo, Cutecurlybabygirl, Kirk H, Mikkel L, Bruce D, Alice W, Bob S, Timothy A W, Erik P, Ben F, Steven H --- The Submissive Husband By Elfy “Mike! Have you washed my clothes?” Laura called out from the bedroom. “I’m doing it now…” Mike replied from the bottom of the stairs. Mike had just been cleaning the mirror in the entry way with a washcloth. It was the third thing on his list of chores for that Friday evening, he had come home from work to get straight to his duties at home. He hoped he would get it all done in a few hours, he might even get a little time for himself before his bed time. “Hurry up!” Laura sounded exasperated and her voice made Mike tremble a little, “My book club will be here in a few hours and I need my good dress.” “Yes, Laura.” Mike replied with a sigh. As Mike walked across the hallway and placed the cleaning items on the small table next to the phone he felt the thick mass between his legs. His diaper was slightly damp but that was hardly surprising to Mike who was very used to this feeling. It had been over a year since he had put his first diaper on and he had very rarely been without them ever since. Mike made his way down the hallway to the doorway underneath the stairs. He paused for a short time to look at the downstairs bathroom just a little further down the hallway, he hadn’t been in that room except to clean in a long time. He wondered if he could even remember how to use a toilet now, it seemed such a weird thing to think about but it had been a long time since he had used something other than his diaper. Even at work Mike was expected to keep up the diaper wearing routine. He knew he could probably use the toilet if he really wanted but he didn’t want to risk it, he could only imagine what his wife would do if she knew he wasn’t using his diaper like he was supposed to. He was very lucky that he worked alone in an office and he was able to change his diaper without much fuss no matter what the circumstances were. Mike opened the door under the stairs and walked down the stairs into the basement. The washing machine had finished a few minutes ago by the looks of things. He turned the dial to turn the machine off and then opened the door, heat came out from the clothes since the drying process was built in to the wash. Mike stood back for a second as he waited for the heat to dissipate. The fancy dress and other clothes contrasted wildly with his plain white shirt and diaper, his usual clothing for his homely duties. Setting up the ironing board and plugging the iron in made Mike remember when all this had started. His relationship with Laura had always been a good one even if his wife had been a little domineering, if they decided they wanted to eat out she would choose the restaurant and it was the same for everything else. He had been happy to go along with things because he loved her. It only took a few months after their wedding before Laura started taking control more completely. He noticed what little choices he had were slowly being taking away and whenever he broke the rules he would find his wife punishing him in increasingly humiliating ways. Before Mike knew what was happening he was totally under the control of his wife. The day Laura was due to go out to a party with some friends had been the day everything changed. She had asked Mike, although it felt more like an order to the husband, to wash her clothes. Mike had been watching football and had lost track of the time, when Laura walked into the living room asking where her clothes were he was forced to admit he hadn’t done the task. Laura had been furious and she had dragged him out of the living room and down into the basement where Mike now stood. The ironing board was already set up and Mike was forced into a bending position over it. Mike knew better than to try and resist his wife when she was in a bad mood, even when his pants and underwear were pulled down he did little more than ask for leniency. Despite everything Mike had been shocked when Laura suddenly slapped his rear end. His mouth had dropped open and he fell into shocked silence whilst Laura spanked him until his butt had gone bright red. It was the first time Mike remembered there being a physical punishment and it seemed to step everything up to another level. It was a couple of days later that the first diaper was brought out and that was the beginning of the diaper punishment that had so far not finished. At this point Mike wasn’t sure that his punishment would ever end but he still wouldn’t stop doing as he was told. He was beholden to the woman he had married and if she thought this was for the best he wouldn’t stop her. Maybe it was weakness but Mike just wanted his wife to be happy no matter what that meant for him. Back in the present Mike was pulling out the dress that Laura had specifically asked for. It was nice and warm after the drying procedure and it had a strange static feeling. Mike placed the dress on the ironing board and waited for the iron to finish heating up. The dress was long and quite conservative by Laura’s standards, perfect clothing for a book club, the black and white stripes across the chest did a great job of emphasising Laura’s generous figure. Mike ironed the dress until it was perfect and ready for his wife to wear. He carefully folded the clothes and started carrying them back up to the main house for his wife to inspect, he certainly hoped she liked his work since the alternative was more punishments. He was looking forward to sitting upstairs and enjoying some time alone whilst his wife was downstairs having fun, he didn’t want to provoke her ire and end up being tied up or something. Mike knocked before entering his own bedroom and saw his wife sitting at the little make-up desk at the foot of the bed. He walked over and held out the dress for her to inspect. “It looks fine.” Laura said, “Leave it on the bed and wait here in case I have any further need of you.” Mike did as he was told and looked at the back of his wife’s head. Her long blonde hair went just below her shoulders and seemed to flow perfectly like golden waves. Mike glanced at the mirror and saw a reflection of the perfect face he had married. Deep green eyes were above a petite nose and her lips were full and very red with the addition of lipstick for the evening. When Laura stood up Mike could see her whole frame. Her dressing gown hung off her shoulders and although she was slightly shorter than her husband she certainly had more of an aura of power. Mike stared as her dressing gown came off and she stood in front of him perfectly naked. Her breasts were perfect for her size and there didn’t seem to be an ounce of extra fat anywhere on her, she was perfect. Mike could feel himself getting a little excited in his padding, he knew nothing was going to happen but it had been a while since he last had permission for sexual activity either with his wife or alone. “I’ll expect you to stay up here and be quiet.” Laura said, “And obey the usual rules. I’m being very generous in not telling my friends how pathetic you are.” “Yes, Laura.” Mike said quickly, “Thank you, ma’am.” Laura pursed her lips and nodded. She walked forwards and placed a hand underneath her husband’s diaper, she pressed the diaper up and against Mike’s crotch. The submissive man blushed and he was sure Laura could feel his slightly thickened penis. He knew she wasn’t doing anything for his benefit, she was just checking if he needed a change. “I should probably change you before anyone arrives.” Laura said, “I’ll get dressed first.” As soon as Mike felt Laura’s hand leave his diaper he climbed on to the bed and laid down on top of the covers in the prescribed position for a diaper change. He watched as Laura pulled up a pair of scandalously thin pink panties that had a little bow on the front, it was almost too much for Mark to stand. Her ample bosom was soon locked behind a black bra that only seemed to make the breasts look bigger. Finally, the freshly ironed dress was lifted high into the air and pulled down over Laura’s head, somehow she seemed to pull her head through the collar without moving a single hair out of place. It was as if she was magic. “Right, let’s get that dia-” Laura was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. She turned to look out of the bedroom, “Never mind. It doesn’t look like we have time.” “But…” Mike looked panicked as Laura stood up straight and pulled her dress into its correct position. “You know the golden rules.” Laura said as she started to leave the room, “No leaking, no changing yourself and no using the toilets. All the other rules apply too… I think I’ll have to make a rulebook for you!” Laughing as she left the room Laura started hurrying downstairs to where her first guests were arriving. Mike was left watching her go with anxiety, he reached down with one hand and found a diaper already wet enough that he would consider asking for a change. These weren’t normal circumstances though, he knew he wasn’t supposed to leave the bedroom for any reason. His only hope was that there would be a break in the discussion and Laura would be able to come up and change his soggy underwear. Mike liked having time alone since it meant he could do whatever he wanted. He chose to pick up a book and start reading, it was a book about history and was something Mike didn’t often get time to indulge in thanks to his numerous chores. An hour passed and Mike was still sitting on the bed. He turned a page uneasily and looked towards the closed bedroom door, there had been no sign of his wife since she had left the room. The only indication that other people were in the house were the occasional laughter which Mike could hear. A couple of times he heard footsteps on the stairs and he held his breath as guests walked past the bedroom and into the bathroom. It was always nerve wracking knowing that an inquisitive visitor could find out about his secret at any moment. Mike reached down with one of his hands and felt the swollen padding that was pushing his thighs apart. He made a little worried noise as he felt how wet he was, the diaper seemed so full and under normal circumstances would’ve been changed a long time ago. His options were very limited by the rules that had been drilled into his head, he couldn’t use the toilet and he couldn’t leak without terrible punishment. He wasn’t supposed to go downstairs either and yet that was where he would find his wife. Mike supposed he could change his own diaper but that would also break the rules, Laura had no time for rule breakers and he knew he would regret it deeply. Mike tried to wait and after another half an hour on the bed he wet the already saturated padding a little more. The diaper dutifully absorbed it but as he felt the back of the disposable underwear he knew it didn’t have much life left in it. He stood up off the bed and felt the diaper sag heavily as he did so, he reached down and pushed the padding up against his own crotch. He couldn’t remember ever being this wet before. Very worryingly for Mike he could feel moisture around the leg bands and on the plastic itself. It was clear this diapers lifespan was at an end and he needed a change immediately, one more wetting would push it over the edge. The diapers were sitting in a drawer nearby and yet they might as well have been on Mars, he wasn’t allowed to change himself unless he was at work. Mike wondered if there was any way he could contact his wife from up here. Laura didn’t have her cell phone with her and he knew she hated to be interrupted. He only had to remember any of the nights she brought a man home and he was left in the other room. She definitely didn’t like him coming in and disturbing them, Mike shuddered at the memories. Mike couldn’t just leak on the floor or in the bed. If he did that he was sure he would be in a lot of trouble, he didn’t even want to think about the punishments that could be heading his way. There was nothing else for it, he would have to head downstairs and ask Laura to come and help him. He prayed she would be discreet but knowing her it could be fifty-fifty as to what she would do. Walking towards the door made Mike realise just how wet he was. He had to waddle quite dramatically when he went across the room. He opened the door a little bit and peeked out, the coast was clear. Mike grabbed some pants from by the side of the bed and quickly slipped them up his legs. It covered his diaper but the padding caused the pants to bulge out in seemingly obvious ways. Mike walked out of the bedroom on shaking legs. He could hardly believe he was going to do this and he wanted more than anything to turn around and go back to the bed, he had to remind himself that that wasn’t an option. As Mike walked down the stairs he heard another rumble of laughter from within the living room. He felt a bolt of anxiety go down his spine as he got closer and closer to his wife’s gathering. He felt like he was gate crashing something even though this was just as much his house as his wife’s. The living room door was closed and Mike stood right behind it for a couple of seconds as he tried to work out what he was going to say. He felt like a child sticking his head in to a party his parents were throwing, he was completely out of place in this situation. A small submissive man just playing at being a grown up. Summoning up all the courage he could muster Mike knocked on the wooden door. The noise inside the living room died down quickly and there was a little muttering from someone. Mike didn’t open the door, he knew he should wait until he was told to do so. “Yes?” Laura’s voice cut through the silence like a knife. Mike pulled on the handle and opened the door just enough to stick his head through. He saw eight people sitting around the room with books open in front of them, on the table in the centre of the group were several bottles of wine and everyone had a glass. It was an all-female group and they looked around at the male who was disturbing them. “Can I help you?” Laura’s voice was the one to break the silence and it focused Mike on what was happening right in front of him. “C-Could I speak to you out here?” Mike asked timidly. He was making sure not to stick any more of his body through the doorway than he had to. Everyone’s eyes was on them. “No, but you can come in here.” Laura said with a smirk. “It’s OK.” Mike said quickly, “I’ll speak to you lat-” “I said come in here.” Laura cut her husband off.
  5. Hello all! This is my very first original story! I hope you like it! Please feel free to leave comments/suggestions and what not! I'd love to hear what you have to say! As of Chapter 3 this story has 2 perspectives **** is shown to signify perspective switching. This is an experiment I'm doing to see if I can tell the story better this way. ====Chapter 1 "Just A Checkup"==== I was getting ready for a doctors appointment. It was 6am, but my doctors appointment wasn't until 1pm. Than why was I getting up so early, It's entirely due to the method of transportation I use. "Phone-A-Trip" a service that allows disabled people and seniors to go anywhere in the county for a mere $5 each way. I didn't have a car so this seemed like the most cost-effective option, especially when you consider ride-sharing apps like "Ryde" would cost at least triple that price. As the saying goes you get what you pay for, Phone-A-Trip would guarantee you get to your appointment on time or your money back. The way they did this however was by giving you a pickup time about 6 hours away from your actual appointment time, give or take. Today my ride was scheduled between 6:30am - 7:00am, this meant that I had to sit outside my front door for a half hour as Phone-A-Trip did not call you when the driver arrived, if you missed your ride you could be penalized and possibly lose access to the service entirely. Lucky for me I was ready and out the door by 6:15am. Once the Phone-A-Trip had arrived I paid the driver $5 and took my seat. There was only 1 other group of people on the bus so I assumed they would get me to my appointment early. I was wrong, I got to my appointment with less than 10 minutes to spare, the other group of people wanted to go to the complete opposite side of the county and Phone-A-Trip put them ahead of me on the queue because their appointment was earlier, even though my destination was on the way to where they wanted to go, I literally saw my drop off spot while we were driving and asked the driver if he could just drop me off. He replied with something along the lines of "I have to drop everyone off in the order they are assigned." I walked to the pediatrics clinic, which I had been going to for years and continued to go to. They already knew everything about my situation, it would've just been a pain to go to a different doctor who I didn't know. I barely trusted the doctors I had been seeing for years! No way I was just going to go somewhere else with people I didn't know at all and just trust them with handling my situation. The worst part about the pediatrics office was by far the Waiting Room. Nothing but kids running screaming and crying. There were some well behaved kids here and there, but the shear amount of misbehaving kids kinda outnumbered them, maybe not in size but definitely in noise level. I usually just brought a pair of headphones so I could listen to some Music on my phone while I waited. It didn't completely drown out the noise of loud children, but it helped significantly. When my name was called I received a little SMS alert on my phone saying "Daniel Kasar Berang the doctor will see you now please go to office #15 within the next 15 minutes." If you waited more than 15 minutes to report to the office you had to sign in again as they only had a few available rooms at any given time. I think a 15 minute wait is more than reasonable though, I know people who can't even be 2 minutes late after being called into see the doctor. I got up off my chair and started walking into the hallway where all the rooms were located I walked until I came across a restroom, at which point I stopped and paused to think if I needed to go number one or number two before my appointment. I sorta had an urge to do both, but these appointments weren't usually longer than 15 - 30 minutes. Ultimately I ended up deciding against it this time, besides I didn't want to be late and potentially be stuck in the waiting room for even longer and possibly never get seen for missing my original appointment time. I continued walking down the hall until I saw rooms number #12 #13 #14 and #15. I had never been to room #15 in my entire 21 years of going to this hospital, in fact I didn't know they had a room #15, they were recently doing a lot of renovations though, so it's entirely possible it's a new addition. I gave the door 3 good hard knocks just to make sure no one was already in there. I've accidentally walked into the wrong room before and it was very embarrassing to say the least, ever since then I've done this 3 knock routine and I haven't gotten the wrong room since! I slowly opened the door and walked into the examination room and I see a large hospital crib. The thick metal bars were not raised so the crib was more like a standard examination table. You could tell it was still a crib since the bars were still there touching the floor they just weren't raised. The room also had stuff like baby bottles, breast pumps, toys and other things scattered about the room. At first I thought I got the wrong room. I got my phone out my my pocket and went to go double check the text to make sure the room number was correct, sure enough it said right on the text "please go to office #15 within the next 15 minutes." As I stood there to ponder what could have possibly gone wrong I hear a knock on the door before it begins to open. "Hello Daniel My name is Emma I'll be your nurse this evening. Are you ready for your checkup?" She asked as she stepped further into the examination room. Emma was a tall woman with medium blonde hair, it went about down to her shoulders. She was wearing white nurses uniform which had 2 of the buttons undone, presumably to prevent her huge breasts from popping the buttons completely off the uniform entirely. She also had a baby's pacifier pinned to her shirt dangling right next to her nurses badge. "Yeah, I do have one question though. Am I in the right room? This seems like an examination room for infants not like the regular exam rooms." I questioned "I'm very sorry about that! all of our regular exam rooms are occupied, we're currently at full capacity. This room should work fine, but if you feel uncomfortable I can reschedule your appointment." She replied with a smile, obviously trying to make sure that I was as comfortable as possible "No no, I'm already here, I was honestly just curious is all." I said not even noticing I was staring at the pacifier clipped to her uniform. She looked at me and followed my gaze to the pacifier. "Oh this? Sometimes infants can get really fussy, this helps calm them down. I get a new one every time I get assigned this room with a new patient. I didn't actually know it was you until I was already wearing it." Emma explained as if she knew exactly why I was staring. "So shall we get started? Just come here and take a seat on the examination table." Emma said as she grabbed my hand and walked me over to the crib which I suppose doubled as an examination table. I sat down on the "exam table" and Emma began going through the usual steps. First she got out a stethoscope and pressed it against my back "Deep Breath Please." Emma asked politely. I Inhaled deeply and than gave a quick exhale, like anyone would after being told to give a "deep breath". "Careful now! You don't want to blow the roof off this place do you?" Emma teased with a cute giggle." After about 4 or 5 more deep breaths with the stethoscope she moved on to heartbeat. "Alright heart rate is normal, maybe a little fast but it's within the normal margin of error." She commented placing the stethoscope back in her uniform pocket. "There is one more thing I have to test before I can release you with a clean bill of health." Emma had a nervous tone to her voice as she said that. "It's nothing serious or anything, it's just a simple temperature. The issue is... we only have thermometers meant for babies, meaning.... it goes up your butt." "W-w-w-Wait! You must be able to get a thermometer from another room! That can't be the only option!!" I quickly stammered to try to think of any alternative. "Unfortunately it is the only option. The reason you got put in this room was because all the 'big kid' rooms were taken, so I'm afraid all the 'big kid' thermometers are currently being used for other patients." Emma replied matter of factly as she went over to get the thermometer and some lubricant. "I'll try to make it as painless as possible okay?" Emma said trying to comfort me. "Just get it over with. P-Please." I said, my whole body shaking slightly and my cheeks blushing bright red. I assumed the position on the crib, currently exam table. My asshole pointing upwards, overall just trying to make the whole thing get done as quickly as possible. Emma laughed "Maybe you do belong here after all." "That's not funny!" I growled. Emma got her fingers covered in the lubricant and set course for my butthole. "Here comes the plain! VRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM" She sounded out with her mouth, really drinking in the humiliation of the whole situation. I let out a yelp once the cold lubrication made contact with my butthole. Before I even had time to process what just happened I felt the thermometer enter through my back door without so much as knocking. "Eeep" I squealed. "You're really cute, you know that?" Emma started to count down from 30. "30, 29, 28, 27, 26." It felt like a literal eternity with this unwanted object just sitting there in my butt and if I didn't know any better I'd say Emma was enjoying every minute of it, judging by the huge grin she had on her face. "15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 10, 9" 'Did she just fucking rewind a couple of seconds?' I thought to myself. 'SHE REALLY IS ENJOYING THIS ISN'T SHE!?!?!?!' "5, 4, 3, 2.....5, 4, 3,...4, 3 2 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand 1." she made sure to make those last few seconds the longest. I swear those last 5 seconds were longer than every other number of the countdown combined. Emma slowly started to move the thermometer out of my asshole just when it was about halfway out, she decided to push it back in. Which caused me to let out a slight squeal. I would've called her out on her bullshit, but It'd be pretty stupid to anger her, especially when she literally had me defenseless. After about a minute or two of her playing around with the thermometer, pretending to remove it before putting it back in and letting it sit for a couple of seconds and repeating the process over multiple times. She finally decided to stop joking around and took the thermometer out of my asshole, for real this time. "See that wasn't so bad now was it?" I swear she had the biggest fucking smug ass look on her face, she was practically getting off to this. I quickly pulled my underwear and pants back up, not wanting to have them off any longer than absolutely necessary. "Sorry I had to keep re-inserting it like that. The thermometer kept giving me a bad reading." she attempted to excuse herself. That's the worst fucking excuse I've ever heard of! "Yes, it was exactly that bad." I sulked. "Aww come now, don't pout!" Emma went over and got a couple pills and a cup of water. "Here take this, you have some irregularities in your vitals, nothing serious but these should get them back to normal." Emma handed me the pills and the class of water. I reluctantly took the pills and washed them down with the cup of water. "Those pills will make you feel pretty tired so I recommend laying down for a few minutes, we'll sort everything out after the effects wear off." Emma gently pushed me down onto the exam table so I was laying instead of sitting. Instantly I started feeling the effects of the pills kick in. I didn't get much sleep last night anyway, so I decided to close my eyes take a quick snooze. ====End of Chapter 1==== I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of my very first public story of this type! Let me know if you enjoy it and want me to make more. I had a pretty fun time making it! Remember this is my very first public story, so go easy on me! Hope it was worth your time. Look forward to potentially writing more chapters. Feel free to Modify, Remix, Redistribute this story in any way you like. So long as it remains publicly available and free you have my official permission. Some credit in the modified, remixed, redistributed would be nice, even something as simple as "Original By Kasarberang" would be greatly appreciated, but that part doesn't matter that much to me. I think these terms are more than reasonable. Just A Checkup ~ A Kasarberang Story
  6. Subscribe to our patreon for access to exclusive captions and stories from only $1!https://www.patreon.com/femdiapers Chapters 3 and 4 are currently available on our patreon for anyone who pledges to the $2 tier. I will be posting the full story here just at a slower pace expect to see Chapters 3 and 4 sometime next month. Let me know what you all think I hope you enjoy it! CHAPTER 1 It was a beautiful day outside today, that’s why Dylan and his girlfriend Melony decided to go on their picnic a week earlier then they had originally planned. Everything was packed in the car for the short trip only a twenty minute drive to this particular park that Melony had chosen; the same one she had frequented back when she was a child with her family. Dylan was supposed to be visiting his mother today and was thankful for the excuse that he no longer had to go. He wasn’t in the mood for listening to his mother berate him again after his last visit. The couple got into their car; Melony was always the one who drove Dylan was lazy and still hadn’t finished getting his licence yet; he was also between jobs at the moment. They were both living off Melony’s pay check which to be fair was more than enough to cover everything they needed and was more than double what Dylan used to make at his low end office job any way. Melony seemed to prefer having him around the house; she had trained him well making sure he completed all the cooking and cleaning while she worked her 9-5 job. Their house was also less than modest; an early inheritance gift from Melony’s parents before they moved across country. As the car pulled out of the drive way Melony decided now was the best time to spring some news on Dylan when he had no means of escape. “By the way; I felt really bad that you were supposed to be seeing your mother today. So when you spoke to her and told her you couldn’t make it I called her up and invited her to our picnic.” Dylan groaned “Did you really have to; you know she’s been getting on my nerves lately.” “Dylan she’s your mother, you shouldn’t avoid spending time with her; I wish my mother lived as close as yours does to us, so be more grateful and stop pouting.” Melony said as she chastised Dylan. It wasn’t that Dylan disliked spending time with his mother it was just that lately she had become so overbearing. She constantly brought up children and why he hadn’t given her any grandchildren yet and when was he planning on getting married. Yadda Yadda Yadda it never ended, she would keep whining that she missed having someone dependent on her; someone she could coddle, change their diapers and give them constant love and affection. Last time Dylan went to visit her he accidentally spilled his drink down his top and onto his trousers. His mother insisted on washing the clothes so there he sat on the couch in only his underpants as they spoke. That would have been embarrassing enough for him but his mother kept on making jokes at his expense. “Maybe if you’re having so much trouble drinking from a cup next time you’re around I will give you a baby’s bottle to drink from.” She didn’t stop there though, taking every opportunity to embarrass him further. “Do you normally get your clothes wet? I should probably get some diapers too just in case next time you wet them it’s not because you spilled something but because you had a widdle accident.” She laughed at her own joke then splashed some of the soapy dish water at Dylan’s underpants as he stood their helping her dry the dishes. This caused her to burst out laughing. “See Dylan what did mummy say; looks like someone isn’t ready for his big boy pants yet.” Dylan stared at her angrily; throwing the dish towel on the floor he stormed back into the living room. His mum ran after him clutching her sides laughing. “Come on Dylan don’t have a tantrum I was just having a laugh, when did you suddenly become so serious.” Dylan just looked back at her frustrated. “Now what am I supposed to wear.” He whined. “Hold on I will go get you something, back in a jiffy.” His mum ducked out of the living room before returning quickly, flinging a piece of fabric toward him. Dylan caught the fabric between his hands; unraveling it he realized he was now holding a pair of his mother’s panties. They were silky white with lace around the waistband and a cute little pink bow in the middle. He looked back toward his mother. “You can’t be serious.” He said to her, clutching the underwear in one hand gesturing for her to take them back. “Oh don’t be such a baby; you’re only going to be here for another hour or two you can cover up as soon as the rest of your clothes are clean then return them to me the next time you see me. You don’t even need to worry about washing them I can sort them out, besides you probably don’t know how to wash delicates anyway; I wouldn’t want you damaging them.” His mum stood there with her hands on her hips waiting for Dylan to say something. When he didn’t she spoke up again. “Look if you put them on I’ll stop teasing you, I won’t say another word you can come back and help with the dishes then your clothes will be done and you can be on your way till you begrudgingly make your way back here for your next monthly visit.” She walked off back to the kitchen in a huff, Dylan brought his attention back to the underwear he held in his hand. He sighed then quickly stripped off the wet underpants which were starting to get uncomfortable anyway he reasoned and quickly pulled the panties up around his waist. They didn’t feel so bad he thought as he ran his hands over his backside. He was surprised they fit, they definitely didn’t do anything to hide his bulge which if anyone were to see him they would quickly realize that the underwear wasn’t designed for a young man to wear. Dylan did feel bad about his mother’s last comment though. He quickly made his way back to the kitchen to help his mother with the rest of the dishes. He tried striking up a conversation with her a few more times but for the most part they spent the rest of the time washing up in awkward silence until Dylan’s clothes were finished and he went home. Once there he hurriedly changed into his normal briefs discarding his mother’s underwear into the bottom of his wardrobe quickly forgetting about them. Dylan was pulled from his thoughts as the car pulled to a stop next to the park. “We’re here!” Melony cheerfully announced. CHAPTER 2 Dylan looked across the car park unsurprised that his mother had already arrived she was always punctual. He grabbed the picnic basket and rug as the pair walked over to greet his mother who was standing by her car waving toward them. She rushed over and grabbed Melony in a big hug who returned it equally as affectionately. “Melony it’s so great to see you again thank you so much for the invite!” “It’s no problem at all Cheryl I’m sure Dylan would have invited you himself if he wasn’t such a scatterbrain.” Melony replied trying to offer an excuse for Dylan being so inconsiderate. Dylan smiled and muttered his hello’s to his mother who replied back with a stale “Hi Dylan.” “Oops I better go check I locked the car.” Melony exclaimed before quickly scuttling off leaving Dylan and his mother alone. Dylan thought for a moment before quickly speaking up. “I’m sorry.” He started; his mother refused to make eye contact with him. “I’m sorry I don’t spend more time with you and I’m sorry I didn’t think to invite you to the park I’m glad Melony did and that you came. I probably don’t say this as often as I should but I love you.” Cheryl finally turned and looked her son in the eye. She knew when he was being sincere; she also knew she could never stay mad at her son. “Oh come here honey, mummy loves you too.” She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a dozen kisses on the cheek. Dylan would have hugged her back to but with the load in his arms he just stood there awkwardly as his mother showered him with affection. Melony re-joined the group just in time to witness the loving display. “So, what did I miss then?” She asked beaming. “Just my darling son telling his mummy he’s sorry for being so distant and that he loves me.” Cheryl said facing Melony with one arm still clutched firmly around Dylan’s shoulders. “Awww, see I always knew you were secretly a mummy’s boy Dylan.” Melony teased. Dylan blushed as Cheryl gave him one last kiss on the cheek before releasing him and the three walked over to a nice shady spot under a tree. The spot was pretty secluded; the park wasn’t too busy today just a few families with their children running around the playground so it was a nice area out of view of everyone else. Dylan laid the rug on the ground as Melony and Cheryl started pulling out various home cooked foods and cutlery. It was a delicious spread that Melony had prepared that morning, Dylan had offered to help but Melony insisted that he leave it to her. She was always planning on inviting Cheryl to go with them behind Dylan’s back and wanted to impress her and show her that she was a good cook. Dylan wasn’t a bad cook and she appreciated that he prepared most their meals while she worked; but he would still occasionally burn stuff or under cook something here and there, sometimes use to much salt and she wanted it to be perfect. Her efforts had not gone unnoticed when Cheryl spoke up. “Melony this all looks lovely; this must have taken you all morning!” Melony had to try and keep herself from grinning too broadly. “Oh it was no biggie just a few things I threw together, luckily I picked up the ingredients early when we were planning to go next week so I had everything on hand.” “Don’t be so modest, you did a wonderful job dear. I’m just sorry that I didn’t have the time to contribute much, I did manage to throw together a dozen cupcakes though.” Cheryl said feeling guilty and a little envious that she didn’t have more notice to contribute more to the picnic. As the three sat down and began helping food onto their plates Dylan went to pour himself a drink and looked around the bags before addressing his mother. “I thought you said you would bring the cups.” “Oh yes, silly me they’re just in here.” Cheryl replied. She reached over into a bag which had been kept zipped up and separate from the rest of the picnic supplies resting against the tree. She produced two firm plastic cups handing one to Melony and kept one for herself placing it down beside her. “Aren’t you forgetting someone?” Dylan asked expectantly. “Oh you’re ready for your bottle then are you.” Cheryl asked. Dylan and Melony watched her with confused expressions on their faces as Cheryl produced a baby’s bottle and began to unscrew the lid. “Don’t you remember what happened last time Dylan, I told you next time I would get you something you could drink out of so you didn’t have to worry about spilling anything over your clothes.” Cheryl stated as she began to fill the bottle with the soda Dylan had originally reached for. Melony burst out laughing “Did he really spill his drink all over his clothes.” Dylan’s face turned a bright red. “As a matter of fact he did, he had to sit there in his underpants while I put them through the wash! There you go Dylan no more spills.” She handed the bottle toward Dylan who refused to take it. “Come on Dylan take your bottle there’s no need to be a spoil sport she’s just having a laugh it will teach you to be more careful. He’s knocked over more than his fair share of drinks at home to; just the other week I had to ban you taking cups on the carpet while you’re playing games because of the stain you left on the rug; which took me an hour to clean up. Maybe we should keep that bottle so you can use it at home.” Melony teased. Dylan couldn’t tell if she was being serious or not but begrudgingly took the bottle from his mother. “Now what do you say Dylan.” Cheryl asked him. “Thanks.” He muttered insincerely. “Go on then drink up.” Cheryl encouraged him. Both she and Melony watched with amused expressions on their faces as Dylan drank from the bottle, struggling to get anything out of it. Both women laughed at his pathetic attempt. “Not like that Dylan, you would think at your age you could manage to drink from a baby’s bottle.” Cheryl said as she made her way around the picnic rug sitting down alongside Dylan. “Here let me show you how it’s done.” Before Dylan knew what was happening Cheryl pulled him down so that his lower back rested in her lap with his head nestled inside the crook of her arm. Dylan was about to resist and tell her to let go when Cheryl seized the opportunity and shoved the bottle down into Dylan’s open mouth.
  7. Chapter 1 I woke with a start. It was only 3.12am according to the bedside alarm clock but I was awake none the less, the ache in my bladder had stirred me from a deep dream in which I was holing out on the 18th green for the US Masters golf tournament. Now instead of winning a big sports title I had a major need to urinate. I moved the hand that lay across my chest in readiness to visit the bathroom and relieve myself, but before I could swing my legs off the bed the crinkling sound coming from beneath the duvet bought me back to my senses. The feeling of comfortable padding around my genitals hit me, of course, I was wearing a thick disposable nappy, how could I have forgotten? As I lay there looking around our room at the various bottles and pacifiers on table tops I knew it would nt be long before I was wetting yet another nappy, soaking it with the waste liquid that I produced from suckling from one of the bottles I had been given earlier, flooding a garment that I had once thought only babies wore and I thought how on earth did it come to this? I looked to my left, at the owner of the hand that had previously been draped across me. “Ah, Karen, my beautiful Karen” I whispered to myself as my mind wandered back to a time six months previous “the things you’ve made me do!” I’d first heard of Karen Terry in 2008, she was the Mother of a class mate of my 8 year old son and already dividing opinions of parents at the school gates. My then wife had told me of the easy way she made ‘enemies’ of the other pupils parents with her over protective nature towards her only Son. How she would scold other children who had dared mess about with her precious boy and how she told the scolded pupils parents of how precious her baby boy was compared to their own offspring. She was single, it was said that her baby father had run off when their son had developed health problems aged just two, and by all accounts Karen had devoted the six years since to caring for her “little Georgie”. She alone had nursed him through the first sign of health difficulties and the subsequent kidney transplant he eventually needed and she alone had spent every moment after that she could caring for her ‘baby boy’. Some of the other Mothers had said that she went overboard with the protection she demanded others gave her Son, that the successful operation six years previous had meant that her George was a normal 8 year old child, there were even suggestions that Karen had Munchausen by proxy, that she was exaggerating the boys health problems to get attention but despite all that and the growing animosity aimed towards Karen she was steadfast with her Motherly protection. I had all these tales in the back of my mind the day I first actually met Karen that summer. I had volunteered to help out on a day trip my Son’s school class was taking to a local nature reserve, looking after a group of 8 year olds for the day held no fear for me and it had giving me something to do on a very rare day off from work. There were numerous groups on the trip and I spent the morning concentrating on helping the teacher I was assigned to deal and educate the 12 children in our care. Lunchtime we sat and ate the packed lunch that we had bought with us, I watched as other groups of children arrived to the eating area in the hope of spotting my Son (I had nt been allowed to join his group for the day as they had already had a parent volunteer) and it was nt long before I caught his smiling face wandering through the trees. My eyes followed his group as they made their way down the dusty hill and I was drawn to a dark haired woman who held the hand of a rather tubby boy in the class. She was stunning, she had dark shoulder length hair, a golden tan and you could clearly see that under her tight summer clothing she had a body that would rival any Playmate. As the group came closer I could see that she had the darkest eyes I had ever seen and a natural hard pout that I’ve always found sexy, I had nt even realised I was staring at this beauty until my Son walked in front of me and broke my eye line. My Son and I ate together and then took the opportunity to have a kick around with a football during the hour lunch break afforded us, although even whilst I ran about with a number of children all playing football I took every opportunity I could to look in the direction of the beauty sitting alone with the tubby boy. Just before the groups were gathered to continue the afternoon nature lesson I kissed my son goodbye and asked him who the adult was that was helping out in his group? He replied “oh, that’s George’s Mum, I think her name is Karen” That’s Karen Terry I thought to myself, I’d remembered all the horrible tales I’d been told of her antics but nowhere in those stories relayed to me by my wife was the mention that Karen was an absolute stunner. I never saw my Son’s group or the lovely Karen for the rest of the trip and at the end of the day I met my Son when he returned to his classroom to take him home. Work commitments always meant that I’d never got the opportunity to collect my Son from school and it was years until I clapped eyes on Karen Terry again.
  8. Not going to lie this is most likely going to be a little slow and hard to read but meh first time plus the fact I some how managed to type over twenty thousadn words of it when I cam home slightly inebriated one night from the bar. Meh all the same ehre it is those who like it will like it those who don'T you probably won'T read it so all is good. For diaper lovers only how diapers can go bad in a relationship coming up in a few instalments followed by how diapers can be overbearing then well it goes freelance from there on out. Took a brief look and tried to make it sensical really do not know what to do with the dialouge as I am honestly no writer but enjoy. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tick, tick, tick, tick I could hear the old clock on the shop wall taunt me as I agonizingly waited for the minutes to pass and the work day to end. All around me my coworkers were ragging on each other sitting the the front office of our shop as another long work week had come to an end. I could faintly hear them talking about all the fun and excitement they had planned for the upcoming weekend which considering their average age was about twenty-three it all revolved around how much they were going to drink and how many women they were going to get with. Normally I would humour them and play along with their delusions of grandeur sometimes even retelling stories from my glory days but right now my mind was elsewhere. I heard a loud outburst of laughter before feeling a stiff punch in my arm. One of the younger guys on my work crew Jeff called out “Earth to Ryan.” I shook myself out of my trance managing to fumble out “What?” This led to another round of laughter from the group. “Sorry I was just trying to enter in the days work” I offered as a weak excuse only turning my head form my computer screen long enough to say it. Jeff repeated himself again “Mind if we knock off a little early, you know how busy O’Doyles gets on a Friday. Randy and I have a couple tinder ladies coming by and they are bringing some of their friends.” Randy cut in while slinging his arm over my shoulders “Yeah Ryan you should come along, watch and learn how a couple ladies men work and if you are lucky I might even give you a few of my tips on how to make a girl real happy….” I looked at him dead pan in the face and replied “Randy the only women who are ever happy around you are when they see you leaving.” This brought a round of laughter from the crew Randy just shaking his head in a mockingly hurt tone saying ”ouch, you know I have feelings man. If you are that jealous of all the women I get come with us and I might toss you my scraps.” “If you promise to shut up everyone can go.” After a short pause as if he had to really consider it and Randy said “deal” as everyone in the crew grabbed their belongings and started towards the door. “That wasn’T a very good job of shutting up you know.” I let those words hang for a minute as the crew froze. I was known to be a bit of a hard ass so I made sure to wait just to the moment everyone slowly turned to walk back towards me before I finished saying “The managers are all gone, get out of here.” Everyone excitedly wished me a good weekend with Randy telling me “Thanks” “oh don’t thank me yet Come next week I think you just volunteered yourself for all the dirty grunt work.” Randy just laughed as the door to the shop closed behind him everyone else close in tow with the exception of Jeff who just lingered behind a little bit. “You know boss you really should come out tonight, ever since Jennifer dumped you, what is it now? Three months ago you have been awfully grouchy. Why not come out with us I guarantee it will not be like last time.” “Oh so you guys are not going to just drink all night then take off leaving me with the tab like last weekend?” “Don’t be like that, we paid you back.” “Or the time before when you and Dave swore you had a ten out of ten for me and I just needed to come be your wing man. I ended up having to talk all night with Janet the old tobacco chewing, swears like a sailor, grizzled fifty-eight year old going on ninety who could only rant on about how horrible the country was becoming with all the immigrants arriving.” “Hahaha, She really liked you” “Then you two disappeared and I could not shake her all night to the point where when I caught a cab home she just jumped in it trying to squeeze over nice and close to me. After pushing myself as far as I could into the door without actually popping out onto the road and still she pushed closer to me to the ;point where I felt like she was an amoeba about to consume so I relented and agreed to go to her place just to get her to give me some breathing room. Then had to pretend to be all gentlemanly and open her door for her as it was the only way to get her out of the cab and after she did I had to bail into the cab yelling at the driver to pin it.” “You know after you ditched her she sent daughter an angry drunken text. The daughter then kicked me right out of her bed and tossed my clothes out the window. I had to find a cab home at three in the morning. You know how hard that is when you are in the burbs?” “Oh poor buttercup….Wait. Did you knowingly set me up with the mother of a girl you were trying to get with? You do know I am only thirty-five right?” “Haha yeah, might have forgotten to mention that, besides what is age but just a number?” “I hate you so much right now.” “It is only because I care about you man, come on come out with the boys tonight I promise it won’t be any worse than the last two times.” “While that is reassuring. I am glad you care about your hard ass boss but I actually have my own thing going on tonight. There is a lady I have been chatting with and I am going to go meet up with her.” Shootign me a stunned look and then letting out a repressed chuckle he just patted me on the back before walking backwards out the shop yelling “You dirty dog, I want all the details come Monday and I better not hear you just played the nice guy and walked her home only giving her a kiss.” Just as the door shut behind him I heard him call out to the rest of the crew laughing “Ryan’s getting laid tonight!” All I could do was shake my head. Returning my focus to the computer screen in front of me intent on dealing with the last few pieces of paperwork I needed to enter I set to work on them but kept finding my mind wander from the task each time I heard that annoying tick from the clock. I shouldn’t be this distracted, I shouldn’t be this excited. It was just going to be another date. I had gone on plenty before. Most were fun, a few were great and sadly a handful were unmitigated disasters but ultimately none of them amounted to much.
  9. Changing Roles Chapter 1 Chris sat miserably silent in the passenger seat of the car as his wife chatted to the couple standing outside in the mall carpark. The couple were Dave and Anna. Anna was a firm friend of Chris’s wife Sue and Chris had teamed up with Dave on the golf course a few times. At least they said hello to me, thought Chris unhappily. Since Chris had been ill he’d become used to the type of awkward greeting he had just received as both Anna and Dave had ducked their heads down and said hello. They said it with the usual look of concern, and as usual they waited until Chris had returned their greeting in the halting, stuttering manner which was now the best he could manage. Their faces had then gone back out of Chris’s sight, probably with relief, Chris thought. There wasn’t much they could say to each other since Chris’s problems had begun. Conversation was as difficult for them as it was for Chris. ‘We’ve been looking at a new driver for Dave,’ Chris heard Anna say before returning to his jumbled thoughts. ‘Just a bit of shopping,’ he heard his wife reply a moment later, and he felt a jolt of despair. Sue had been buying diapers for Chris. He was wetting every night now, and the doctor had recommended a thicker diaper from the medical supply firm next to the mall. Dave and Anna were looking for a golf club for Dave, and Sue was buying diapers for Chris. As if to underline Chris’s new needs, he felt another jolt, this time from his lower body. He turned to say something to Sue, but couldn’t get the words out. He put his hand on her thigh, and gave it a squeeze. Sue turned to him, and saw the look on his face. ‘Well,’ she said to the two torsos Chris could see next to the driver’s window. ‘We’d better get home.’ ‘OK,’ Chris heard Anna say. ‘Good to see you. Bye Chris,’ she added with another quick look inside the car. ‘Yeah, see ya Chris,’ he heard Dave say. As they drove out of the carpark, Sue turned again to Chris. ‘Are you OK, honey?’ she asked. Chris nodded, but Sue could see that he wasn’t comfortable. She guessed the reason. ‘Honey, we’re going straight home. I asked you if you needed to wee in the mall. Why didn’t you say so then?’ she said. ‘It’s OK,’ Chris stammered. Sue turned out onto the main road, then reached across and put her hand to Chris’s crotch. ‘Oh, it’s not OK, honey. You’re wet again,’ she said. Chris looked down at the crotch of his chinos. It was soaked. He hadn’t been aware of peeing. ‘Honestly, Chris…’ she began, but was interrupted by Chris’s tears. Sue took a deep breath. ‘Chris, please, it’s not the end of the world. Just be thankful it didn’t…’ ‘They were buying golf clubs for Dave,’ Chris blurted out, managing to string all the words together without stalling. He took a breath. ‘And we were, you were, buying, d, d, diapers for m, m, me,’ said as his tears overwhelmed him. Sue loved Chris deeply, and her caring instincts welled up. Chris often cried now. The doctor said it was a result of his lowered ability to cope with his emotions. ‘Honey, we’ll just get you home, then we can fix you up, OK?’ said Sue. Chris nodded through his tears. Neither spoke as they drove on. Chris was worrying that his problems were taking over more of his life, while Sue was thinking this meant another discussion about daytime protection. She decided she would be much firmer with Chris this time. After all, the doctor had said that it would be better for both of them if she took a firm hand with Chris. ‘Whether you like it or not, Sue, your roles have changed. You need to take charge of the situation a little more. He needs that, and it’s better for both of you,’ she had told Sue. She was thinking about the doctor’s words as she looked across at her unhappy husband. ‘I love you, sweetie,’ she said. Chris returned her words with gratitude in his eyes. He was trying to say something. ‘It’s ok,’ Sue said. ‘We’ll be home soon.’ To be continued.
  10. The following story was not written by me. It was written by an unclaimed author that I stumbled upon while searching for a missing story. I used to love this story however the main character was underage. I edited it to make her of legal age please enjoy. If this is yours please claim it. I found it on the way back machine from a defunct site. Dd Julie's nineteenth Birthday Julie looked at the bedroom clock with dread. 11:30. Her mother invited the guests for 12:00 "Damn! She thought. "Only half an hour till my birthday party". Julie was a eightteen year old girl with a major problem. She still occasionally wets her bed and unfortunately it last happened less than 2 weeks before her 19th birthday. Her mother had warned her on earlier occurrences that she didn't stop wetting her bed, she was going to have a punishment day she would not quickly forget. When her mother found the wet bed, a punishment day on her nineteenth birthday was quickly organized for Julie by her mother. Punishment days were nothing new to Julie. They occurred with regular frequency from when she turned seven. These days usually included spankings, shame clothing, corner standing and, worse of all, castor oil and enemas. It occurred from breakfast till she went to sleep at her earlier bedtime of 7:45 p.m.. Until this one, punishment days were private affairs between her and her parents. But this time, her mother was so mad that she decided a little public humiliation of her daughter would be needed. Julie became very upset when her mother decided that her punishment day was going to be her 19th birthday. "Mom, Please. I know I should get a punishment day for wetting my bed but not on my nineteenth birthday. Please, Mom, can't you punish me the day after ?" "No" her mother quickly replied "Your nineteenth birthday would be the ideal day for your punishment. Your relatives and cousins will be there to tease and humiliate you and watch as you suffer the punishments I have planned for you. I assure you that it will be the longest day of your young life." Julie begged "Please, Mom, you cannot be serious. You are going to punish me in front of other people ?" "Yes. My naughty bed wetting daughter" Her mother replied. "Mom, Please. I am willing to have two punishment days in private than that 1 in public. Please, Mom, Pretty Please" her daughter pleaded "NO" her mother said sharply "I decided a little public humiliation is necessary for you and your 19th birthday party will be the ideal place for it. The subject is closed" "Please" Julie whined again "Do you want to go over my lap right now ?" her mother said angrily "No, Mother" Julie said softly "Okay, then. I will make the arrangements" Julie's mother started the arrangements by picking up some birthday party invitations at the local card store. They were light pink party invitations for 1 year olds and her mother added a small 9 just to the right of the 1 to read 19. Julie groaned when she saw the invite but a far worse humiliation was then ordered for her. Her mother told her "I want you to fill out the information for the party and enclose a copy of this note. The party will start at 12:00 sharp. You must hand print each copy of the note, you are not allowed to write it. Understood ?" "Yes, Mother" Julie quickly replied. The note said "YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO MY NINETEENTH BIRTHDAY PARTY. THE THEME FOR THE PARTY IS JULIE'S A BED WETTER. I WILL BE APPROPRIATELY ATTIRED AND PUNISHED AT MY BIRTHDAY PARTY AND MY MOMMY WILL LIKE YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY TO ATTEND. THE ONLY GIFTS TO BE GIVEN ARE THOSE APPROPRIATE FOR A NAUGHTY BED WETTER. SUGGESTED ITEMS ARE DIAPERS, PLASTIC PANTS, BIBS, RATTLES, BOTTLES AND INFANTILE OUTFITS. ALSO YOU ARE REQUESTED TO BRING A PUNISHMENT ITEM. SUGGESTED ITEMS ARE A SOLID WOODEN HAIRBRUSH, A PADDLE, OR A NICE STINGING LEATHER STRAP. PLEASE CONTACT MY MOMMY TO TELL HER WHAT YOU ARE BRINGING TO INSURE ALL THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE EVENTUALLY BOUGHT . ANY ADDITIONAL PUNISHMENT IMPLEMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOMED. THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME ON MY VERY SPECIAL 19TH BIRTHDAY. JULIE" "Mom, please don't make me do this" Julie begged. Her mother looked at her sharply and said "I told you that subject is closed. For pestering me, an additional punishment activity is going to be added for your birthday party" Julie fell silent and began to look with terror at her upcoming nineteenth birthday party. Chapter 2 - The Party Preparation The day before the party, Julie was ordered to decorate the house for her birthday party. The decorations included balloons, streamers and "Happy Birthday" cutouts. Julie was thankful that their were no obvious embarrassing decorations as she spent the next hour carefully placing each item as directed by her mother. Her mother then sent her to her the hall closet. "Oh, no" Julie thought "Here it comes""Get the big box in the back of the closet and bring it here, Julie" her mother said. "Yes, mother" Julie responded as she retrieved the large box from the closet "This is your first birthday present for us, Julie. It hope you like what is inside" Her mother said. "Pick out one present at a time and open it" Julie opened the first present and read the box. "Attends" it read. "Their a case of diapers for our little bed wetter" "Yes, mother" "I hope I bought enough. You are going to be spending the next several days in them" "Yes, mother" "But I think a couple of them can be used as decoration for your party" "Mom, Please" "No buts, Julie. I want you to attach six diapers in a row to the wall over there" "Yes, mother" "And when your diapers need to be changed tomorrow, you can just go to the wall, pull down a diaper and give it to the person in charge of changing you" Julie said, barely audible, "Yes, mother" The next gift was a rattle. "Attach it to the living room wall and come back here" Julie did as she was ordered and returned to her mother. The next gift was a pacifier. "You will be sucking on your pacifier in bed tonight and attach it to your party dress tomorrow." "Yes, mother" The next eight gifts were strictly for Julie's punishment. A large hairbrush, paddle, enema bag, and a rectal thermometer soon decorated the walls of the living room. The next item was a children's potty. "After you open all your gifts, you will bring the potty up to your room and place it in the corner. You may find it useful to have it there in the future" Julie wanted to scream at her mother for making her do this but another "Yes, mother" was Julie's only timid response. The next items were clothes a frilly but very short party dress, several sets of plastic panties with rows of lace across the seat, and several footed sleepers with snap crotches. The final item of clothing was several sets of pajamas with fold down flaps. "That fold down flap can easily be taken down for spankings, Julie. All the pajamas you will be wearing for bed as of tonight forward will be flapped and we will break in the use of pajama flap with your bedtime spanking" "You plan on spanking me tonight ?" "Oh, yes my dear. Mommy will give you a good spanking tonight and you will get another spanking tomorrow when you wake up" "Two spankings ?" "Yes, Julie. Those spankings, plus a lot more. Your nighttime spanking and your spanking tomorrow morning is just the warm up" "2 spankings is just the warm up ? Just how much do you plan on spanking me ?" "You will have to wait and see" Her mother replied At 7:00 pm, Julie heard her mother call to her "Julie, come in here. It is time for you to get ready for bed" "Ready for bed ? It is only 7:00" Julie said to her mother, shocked by her mother request. "Little girls need their sleep. You will be bathed by mommy and mommy will then tuck you into bed." "Mom, I think you are taking this a little too far. First the party and now my bedtime is 7:00." "You haven't seen anything yet, my girl" Julie was then grabbed by her mother by the earlobe and marched toward the bathroom. "Are you ready to undress and take your bath or am I going to have to strip you myself ?" Julie hesitated a second but started to undress. "Mommy will turn on the water and prepare the bath for Julie" Her mother walked over to the tub handles and carefully adjusted the temperature to very hot. Julie finished stripping and stepped into the tub. "Mom, the water's too hot" Julie cried as her foot hit the water "Stop being a baby and get in the tub. I will add some cold water now" Her mother turned on the cold water full blast and it quickly made the water bearable for Julie. Julie knew her mother made the water too hot on purpose so Julie would have to complain to her like a little kid. "Julie, wash yourself all over and call me when you are finished. No dawdling" "Yes, mother" Her mother walked out the bathroom and Julie quickly soaped her whole body and washed her hair. After making sure she was absolutely clean, she called to her mother. "Mom I'm finished" "I be there in a second. Stay in the tub" Julie wondered "What is she going to do now ? Check to see if I cleaned behind my ears ? " Julie quickly soaped a washrag and rubbed behind both ears quickly. She was able to complete her touch up before her mother walked in several seconds later. "Did you do behind your ears ?" Julie sheepishly replied "Yes, Mom" "And your vagina. Is that area clean too ?" Julie was not used to hearing her mother asking if her vaginal area was clean. She was taken aback by the question but answered yes after several moments. "Good. Then you are ready to be shaved" "Shaved ? Mom, Please. Don't shave me, Please" "Bald as a newborn. Now wait here" Her mother returned with a razor, shaving cream and a towel. The razor made short work of her daughter's pubic hair and soon Julie had a bald vagina. "Julie, your vagina will stay that way till you are told different. You will shave down there often enough to keep it baby smooth at all times. I will periodically order you to show me your vagina and you are to comply immediately. It will usually occur in private but semi public inspections are also planned for you. Upon hearing my order to expose your vagina, you must drop your pants and panties and show me your bald vagina. Is that understood ?" This was getting too much for Julie to handle. Julie blurted out "Mom, you bitch. Now you are going way too far. Dropping my pants in public. Are you crazy ?" Her mother grabbed Julie out of the tub, flipped her over her lap and started to spank her. Her hand on Julie's wet skin made the spanking even more painful. Soon Julie was pleading "Mom, Please" "Mom, Stop" "I do it. Please Stop" The spanking went on and on. Julie's mother continued spanking her till her daughter's bottom was red and she was wailing. Her mother finally asked her "Are you ready for me to stop ?" Her daughter's will was broken "Yes, mother please stop" "You now agree to vagina inspections ? " "Yes, mother" "And everything else I have planned for you ?" Julie hesitated and her mother immediately started spanking her again. Ten spanks later, Julie agreed to her mother's demands. Julie was released for her mother's lap and started to rub her bottom. "I didn't release you to rub your bottom. Now bring that bar of soap over here. Let's see if we can clean out that filthy mouth of yours. Now open that mouth up" Julie had her mouth washed with soap before by her mother for using naughty language and simply open her mouth to accept the full sized bar. "Now, you will suck on that bar of soap for five minutes and then I will dry you off" The soap tasted as awful as ever as Julie sucked the bar. Soap bubbles quickly formed and her mother directed her over to the sink and Julie leaned over the sink dripping the soap bubbles into the washbowl. After about 5 minutes, Julie's mother removed the bar of soap. "Ready to apologize ?" Julie apologized to her mother by saying "I m sorry for calling your that name" Her mother accepted her apology but warned her "If you ever dare call me that again, you will be sampling every new bar of soap that I put in this bathroom from that moment on" "Yes, mother" Julie's mother quickly dried her off and walked her back to her bedroom. "Now for your spanking" "But, Mom, I'm already red and sore" "You chose to be naughty before. You will simply have to suffer 2 spankings tonight" Julie was then dressed in her flap pajamas and told to stand in the corner for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, her mother called to her. "Julie, come here please" Julie was placed across the lap of her mother and was instructed to ask that her pajama flap be undone. "Please Mom" "Julie, remember what you promised me in the bathroom. Are you going to break that promise the first time I ask you to do something ?" "No, mother. Please unflap my pajamas" Julie's mother undid the pajama flap and readied Julie for her spanking. "Julie, you know what comes next" "Mommy, please spank me." Julie's mother started to spank Julie hard. Soon the pleas started. "Please, Mom" "No More, Mom" "Please Stop" "Ow" Her mother continued Julie's spanking till she was sure her duaghter would have a red hot bottom for several hours. She placed the last few licks to Julie's behind and then stopped. "Julie, Mommy wants you to get up now" Julie was crying very hard and slowly got off her mother's lap. Julie walked over to the corner as she always had to do after her mother's spanking. Her mother patiently waited as Julie slowly stopping crying and calmed down. "Okay, Julie, to bed" Julie's mother placed the flap up of Julie's pajamas and handed a baby pacifier. "Little babies always fall asleep with a pacifier". Julie placed in her mouth started sucking the pacifier hoping to please her mother. "Oh, I almost forgot. Give me your pacifier, Julie" Julie remover the pacifier and gave it to her mother. Her mother placed the pacifier on the nightstand and walked out the room telling Julie she had to get something downstairs and would return shortly. Her mother returned with a bottle of liquid soap and a plate. "Guess what I am going to with this liquid soap ?" "No, Mom. Please" "Julie, I told you to guess. Now guess" "You are going to coat the pacifier with liquid soap" "Very good, Julie. That is correct. Mommy is going to make Julie's pacifier nice and soapy to serve as a reminder for her to always use proper language". Her mother then coated the pacifier with soap and placed the pacifier in Julie's mouth. Julie made a awful face due to the soap covering but soon, the soap covering was swallowed and Julie sucked on the pacifier as before. Her mother then pulled down the covers and Julie quickly got into bed lying on her stomach "You usually sleep on your back, Julie. Why are sleeping on your stomach ?" Julie wisely ingored her mother's barb and said "I think I will be more comfortable tonight sleeping on my stomach" "Okay, what makes you happy" her mother said as she got up and walked out the room. At about 10, Julie's mother walked into Julie's room. "How does your bottom feel ?" Julie remover the pacifier from her mouth and replied "Still pretty sore, mom" . "I know I should let you suffer with that sore bottom all night for all the trouble you caused, but I have decided because you are going to be spanked again tommorrow, I will cool your bottom with some sunburn cream now" "Thank a lot, Mom. I know in my heart you only punish me because you must. I stay right here while you get the cream" Julie's mother returned with the cream, unflapped Julie's pajamas and applied a generous amount to her daughter's bottom. "Feel better ?" "Oh, yes, Mom. It feels wonderful" "Okay, Just a little more" "Thanks a lot, Mom" "The main reason I am doing this is to get your bottom in condition for tommorrow. " "I know, Mom. But it still is very nice of you" "It's ok. Place the pacifier back in your mouth and go to sleep" "Yes, Mom" Chapter 3 - Happy Birthday Julie Julie's mom walked in about 8:00 and greeted Julie with a kiss on the forehead. "Happy Birthday, Honey" Julie's opened her eyes, removed the pacifier from her mouth and said "Thanks, Mom" Julie's mother noticed a worried look in her daughter's eyes and said "Worried about your party ?" Julie then repiled "Yes, mother. I don't think I will have a good time. " Her mother words didn't offer encouraging news "The purpose of this party is not for you to have a good time. It is to punish you. And punish you it will. How's your bottom ?" Julie replied "Okay I guess. Can you please tell me a little more about what you have planned for me at my party ?" Her mother told her "No, you must wait and see. Go wash up and I prepare you your breakfast." Julie then asked "My special breakfast ?" "Of course. You always get your special breakfast on punishment days." her mother replied as she walked out her room Julie waited till her mother was safely out of range before she started swearing. "Damn, castor oil again" as she went to the bathroom to wash up for breakfast. The breakfast her mother prepared for her was Julie's favorite. Strawberry pancakes and bacon. The pancakes had a candle in them and her mother sang "Happy Birthday" as she placed the food in front of her daughter. "The punishment comes at the end, as always, Julie." Julie tried to forget the punishment part for now . She just wanted to enjoy at least this part of her birthday. The pancakes tasted really good and Julie ate hungrily. Her mother also gave her a large glass of orange juice and her daily vitamin. All too soon, the moment of truth had arrived. Her mother solemnly handed her the glass of castor oil. "You know what to do". Her mother ordered her. Julie picked up the glass and put it to her lips. She drank all the liquid in one mouthful and it's awful taste invaded her mouth. She held it in her mouth awaiting her mother's next command. "Swallow". Julie swallowed the awful liquid and handed the glass to her mother. She usually gets at least 2 mouthfuls, sometimes 3 of the awful liquid on normal punishment days. Maybe because it's my birthday ? "That's all, Julie" "Thanks, Mom" "You're welcome. Now stand up beside your chair" Julie stood up and waited. Is she going to spank me now ? Her mother waited a couple of long seconds then she spoke "You know you are going to get a spanking from me sometime this morning ?" "Yes, Mom" "I want you to spend at least 30 minutes before your spanking in the corner" "Yes, Mom" "Do you want your spanking at 10:00 or 11:00 ?" "Am I going to be spanked at my birthday party ?" "I am not revealing any information about your birthday party till it happens. That is your last warning, Julie. I don't want you to ask me any more about things that will happen at your birthday party. Is that understood ?" "Yes, Mom. In that case, I will like it at 10:00" "11:00 too close to your birthday party spankings" "Something like that" "Ok then, 10:00. At 9:30 I will call you to the corner." "Yes. Mom" "For now, enjoy yourself" Julie ran to her room and switched on the TV. "No TV, you are still being punished. But it is your birthday. You can listen to your stereo if you want." Her mother shouted to her. Julie quickly switched on the radio and listened to her favorite morning radio show. At about 9:25, her mother warned her to get ready for corner time. She stripped off her pajamas and retrieved the long tee shirt located in the bottom drawer of her dresser. She then put on a pink pair of panties and laid face down on her bed awaiting her mother. Her mother walked in and sat beside her on the bed. "Julie, are you ready for your corner time ?" "Yes, Mom. Please pull down my panties" "Okay". Her mother pulled down Julie's panties to her knee hollows and then told Julie "Turn over" "What ?" Julie never had to turn over before for corner time. What was this ? "I want to do a vagina inspection" her mother simply stated Julie slowly turned over. This was so very embarrassing. "Okay, Julie you pass inspection for now. But I may ask you for a vagina inspection at the party" Julie mind raced at her mother's suggestion. "The party ? In front of other people ? I can't. I won't" but kept these thoughts to herself. Julie tried to let the thought of her aunts seeing her bald vagina not upset her but it was very hard, if not impossible. This punishment day was certainly starting off on the wrong foot for Julie, and the day just began. "Stand up, Julie, beside your bed" she heard her mother say. Julie stood up and stopped beside her bed. "Julie, you will be spending thirty minutes in the corner before you come back here for your spanking." "Yes, mother" "Turn around and lift your tee shirt to your waist" Julie turned herself so her back was to her mother and lifted her tee shirt to her waist. "Go to the corner and you better not let that tee shirt fall if you know what is good for you" Julie walked to the corner of the bedroom and placed her nose right into the corner. "That nose of yours better stay in that corner as if it is glued there. Understand ?" A muffled "Yes, mom" was heard for the corner. "Be back in thirty minutes "and her mother left the room. The castor oil was beginning to have effect and Julie's stomach was by now very upset. Can she last thirty minutes ? Time will only tell. Julie suffered through the thirty minutes of her corner time and was glad when her mother finally opened the door. "Glad to see me ?" "Yes, Mom. Can I go to the bathroom now ?" "Yes, you may" Julie raced to the bathroom and placed herself on the toilet. With a loud explosion herbowels released. Julie spent several minutes cleaning herself up before returning to the bedroom. "Feel better ?" "Yes, Mom" "Okay, over my lap" Julie placed herself over her mother's lap and said "Mom, BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO GROW UP AND ACT LIKE AN ADULT, YOUR LIFESTYLE WHILE YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE WILL BE CHANGED TO REFLECT THAT. THE FOLLOWING HOUSE RULE CHANGES ARE PLACED INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELY AND WILL REMAIN THAT WAY TILL YOU ARE NOTIFIED OF THEIR SUSPENSION OR MODIFICATION A CONDUCT REPORT WILL BE PRODUCED FOR YOU EACH WEEK FROM NOW ON. IT WILL LIST ALL FAULTS OBSERVED BY US AND THE CORRECTION REQUIRED FOR EACH FAULT. IT WILL BE PREPARED EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE BEDTIME FOR PUNISHMENT IMPLEMENTATION OVER THE WEEKEND. ALL CLOTHING WORN BY YOU MUST FIRST BE APPROVED BY ME OR YOUR FATHER. ALL NEW CLOTHES MUST MEET WITH OUR APPROVAL BEFORE THEY ARE WORN BY YOU AND ANY CLOTHING YOU NOW OWN WILL BE REVIEWED BY US AND IF FOUND INAPPROPRIATE, WILL BE GIVEN AWAY. THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN YOUR BEDTIME ARE NOW IN EFFECT. FOR THE FIRST THREE MONTHS, YOUR BEDTIME WILL BE 8:00 PM ON WEEKDAYS AND 8:00 PM ON WEEKENDS. FOR THE NEXT SIX MONTHS, YOUR BEDTIME WILL BE 8:00 PM ON WEEKDAYS AND 9:00 PM ON WEEKENDS AND FINALLY YOUR BEDTIME WILL BE FOR 9:00 PM ON WEEKDAYS AND 10:00 PM ON WEEKENDS. NOTE: THESE TIMES ARE NOT AFFECTED BY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS. THESE BEDTIMES ARE IN EFFECT YEAR ROUND. THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN YOUR ALLOWANCE ARE NOW IN EFFECT. FOR THE FIRST THREE MONTHS, YOUR ALLOWANCE WILL BE REDUCED TO $2.50 PER WEEK. AFTER THE FIRST THREE MONTHS HAVE ELASPED,YOUR ALLOWANCE WILL BE INCREASED TO $5.00 PER WEEK. IT WILL REMAIN AT THAT LEVEL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN YOUR TELEVISION/STEREO PRIVILEDGES ARE NOW IN EFFECT. FOR THE FIRST THREE MONTHS, YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO WATCH TELEVISION OR LISTEN TO THE STEREO FOR A MAXIMUM OF 2 HOURS A DAY. FOR THE NEXT SIX MONTHS,YOUR APPROVED TIME WILL BE A MAXIMUM OF 2 1/2 HOURS A DAY. AND FINALLY YOUR APPROVED MAXIMUM TIME WILL BE 3 HOURS PER DAY. ALL TELEVISION VIEWING OR STEREO LISTENING MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE AND LOGGED IN A NOTEBOOK TO INSURE AN ACCURATE ACCOUNT OF TIME IS TAKEN. After Julie finished reading the entire note, her mother walked over to her. "Julie, do you understand and plan to follow the new house rules ?" Julie, looked at the note for several long seconds and replied "Yes, mother" "Very good, Julie. You know it is only for your own good that we are doing this" "Yes, mother" "Now open the envelope I gave you earlier and let's start your party" Julie quickly opened the envelope and a card it contained said "DIAPER CHECK - GREEN" "Tell us what the card says, Julie ?" her mother asked All it says is "Diaper Check - Green" Julie replied. "Who has Green ?" Julie's Aunt Dolores stood up and said "I do" Julie's mother went over to Julie and motioned her to walk over to her Aunt Dolores. Julie walked over to Aunt Dolores and stood beside her. Julie's mother then handed her a piece of paper and told Julie to read it aloud so everyone could hear. Julie almost fainted as she read the words on the note. The note said "Would you please take me to my bedroom, pull down my plastic pants and check my diaper ?" Her Aunt Dolores agreed and Julie walked with her to her bedroom. Julie was placed on her bed and her plastic pants were pulled down. Her Aunt Dolores quickly unpinned her diaper and gasped as the hairless vagina of her niece. "Mom made me shave it. Aunt Dolores" "I think it looks cute. How long do you have to keep it like that ?" "Till she tells me different. It's so embarrassing." "Well your diaper's clean. If you mess your diaper, just ask me and I will change you" "Thank you, Aunt Dolores for not making such a big deal out of this " "Your welcome, honey" Julie got up and her aunt replaced her clothes. Julie and her aunt returned to the party, and as she walked in, her mother held a bottle filled with milk. "I think my daughter needs a bottle. Dolores, will you give my daughter her bottle ?" "I be glad to" Dolores got the bottle for Julie's mother and motioned for Julie to lay her head and her lap and suck the bottle dry. Julie did as she was bid and her cousins all stared as their nineteen year old cousin quickly finished the entire bottle. Aunt Dolores announced to everyone "Julie has finished her bottle. Now I will have to burp her" Aunt Dolores placed Julie across her shoulder as best she could and patted Julie's back slowly. After Julie made a burping noise, Aunt Dolores asked her "Everything okay ?" "Yes, Aunt Dolores" "Good. Aunt Dolores now want you drink up another 2 bottles" "2 Bottles, Aunt Dolores ?" "Yes, 2 Bottles, right now" Julie's mother retrieved another 2 large baby bottles for the kitchen and handed them to Aunt Dolores. She again motioned Julie to her lap and Julie laid across Aunt Dolores's lap. "Now, Julie, I want to drink these bottles much slower. I want each bottle to take you at least 10 minutes to drink. If you finish your bottle early, you get another to drink. Understood ?" "Yes, Aunt Dolores" Julie very slowly sucked on her next bottle and only finished 1/4 of it after five minutes. When Aunt Dolores told she could drink a little faster, Julie sucked harder and took another 10 minutes to finish the bottle. But now Julie had a somewhat full stomach and knew the third bottle would be difficult to finish. Julie took a long time to finish the third bottle and it took a lot of effort on her part to force the milk down her throat. Finally Julie completely finished the third bottle and was burped by Aunt Dolores. About five minutes after the third bottle was finished by Julie, she got an immediate urge to pee. Julie tried not to let anyone know about her needing to pee but it was impossible. Her mother immediately called to her "Julie, is something wrong ?" "Yes, Mom. I have to pee. Badly" "That's understandable. Those bottles had a diuretic in them as will some of the other bottles you will drink this afternoon" "A diuretic ? What's that ?" "It makes you pee a lot" "Those bottles were laced with something to make me pee a lot ? Why ?" "So you wet your diapers often, silly" With a loud groan from Julie, the unmistakable sound of Julie wetting her diaper was then noticed by her mother and she called out "Julie is wetting her diaper. Come everyone gather around" Everyone gathered around Julie as she wet her diapers for at least a full minute. The plastic pants changed color to indicate the diaper's wetness and the diaper Julie wore was fully soaked. "Are you finished wetting your diaper ?" "Yes, Mom" "Then ask Aunt Dolores to change you" Julie walked over to Aunt Dolores and said sweetly "Aunt Dolores, will you change me ?" "Sure, Honey. Get a fresh diaper off the living room wall." Julie walked over the living room wall and pulled down a diaper. Her aunt then called to her "Lie on the floor, Julie" "Aunt Dolores, I thought I get changed in my bedroom" "No, Julie. Out here. In the living room" "Out here ? In front of everyone ?" "Yes, Julie. If you want me to change you, you get changed in front of everyone" "Please, Aunt Dolores" "Julie, you heard the options. Stay wet or be changed in front of everyone" Julie really had no choice. She placed herself lying on the living room floor. "That's better. But I think naughty nieces that contradict their aunts don't deserve to have their diapers changed promptly. I think they should remain wet for a while to teach them respect for their elders" Julie's mother quickly agreed and told Julie "You will stay in that wet diaper lying on the floor for 30 minutes and then ask Dolores politely to change you. If you ever hesitate like that again, you will not be changed for more than 3 hours" "Yes, Mom" Julie's younger cousins all gathered around Julie and screamed "Stinky Baby Julie", "Pissy Diaper Wearer" "Bed wetter Julie" and other such insults for the next 30 minutes as Julie cried from their teasing of her. After the 30 minute wait finally finished, Julie was directed by her mother to go to Aunt Dolores and politely ask to have her diapers changed. Julie politely asked her Aunt Dolores to change her and laid on the floor. Her younger cousins were thankfully then taken to anotherroom out of earshot so they couldn't see nor hear the show but Julie was still very, very embarrassed for her aunts, uncles and grandparents see her bald private area. Her Aunt Dolores even made a special point of insuring everyone noticed Julie's "bald spot"when she first pulleddown Julie's diaper. "Notice my niece's bald beaver. Her mother made her shave it and Julie told me it will stay that way till my sister allows Julie to grow up That could easily mean years. Isn't that right, Julie ?" Julie was almost embarrassed beyond words by this point but she managed to blurt out "Yes, Aunt Dolores" Julie's diapering quickly proceeded after that and soon a freshly diapered Julie told her cousins to rejoin the group in the living room. Julie was told to go play with her cousins upstairs till her mother called her. She was also told by her mother to be mindful of Mindy, her 16 year old cousin, because a bad report from her would mean, at the very least, a severe spanking. The cousins all walked into Julie's room and started playing games. Mindy liked Julie a lot so she decided not to take full advantage of her charge but only embarrass her a little. She made Julie play with her stuffed animals with her 2 year old cousin while she enjoyed a card game with the older cousins. About 15 minutes later, she decided Julie was not "playing properly" with her stuffed animals so she ordered Julie a timeout in the corner for 20 minutes. After the 20 minute corner time was over, Julie apologized to Mindy in baby talk for her naughtiness and Mindy said she was forgiven. Mindy also warned Julie at that time that if she did another bad thing again, it would mean a bad report and at least a good spanking of her bottom by her mother. Julie thanked Mindy for accepting her apology and started to play with her stuffed animals again. A short time later, Julie's mother called to Julie and told her to come back to the living room with her cousins. When the group returned to the living room, Julie's mother asked Mindy if Julie behaved for her. Mindy told her that though Julie had to endure a timeout while they were playing upstairs, she behaved pretty well and should not be given any additional punishment. "A timeout, Julie ?" "Yes, mother" "Very well. Maybe Mindy would like to babysit for you when I and your father need to go out" Julie thought "Baby sitter !?!" but just let it go. Her mother continued "Yes, I think you would make a excellent babysitter for Julie, Mindy. Of course, you must be willing to change her wet and messy diapers in addition to feeding and burping her" "Yes, I could do that, Aunt Jackie" Mindy told her aunt. "Very good. But I want you to be a very strict with her whenever you babysit. Early bedtimes, baths, and eating everything off her plate. I will also require you to make a written report of her conduct for my review each time you are hired by me. And if she gives you the slightest hint of trouble, no timeout warnings. Just place her over your knee for a good spanking and when I return, you can be sure she will go over my knees for a long session with the paddle. Is that understood ? "Yes, Aunt Jackie" "I think I will be in need of your services next Friday evening. I wish to go out with her father on a date and she will spend the evening with you here at home. You will be paid 9 dollars an hour and you will be working from 7 pm till 1 am. The cost of your baby sitting will be covered by Julie's allowance and bank account and I expect to need your services once or twice a month for at least the next 18 months. Is the pay fair enough for you, Mindy ?" "Yes, Aunt Jackie. Nine dollars an hour is fine." "And if you do a good job, a 20 percent tip is also yours" "Thanks, Aunt Jackie" "No problem. Julie worked as a baby sitter a lot last summer and she earned $6.00 an hour. She will just have to work about 2 hours this summer for every hour she will be babysit by you. Right Julie ?" Julie was shocked at the mere thought of the last 5 minutes "Being babysat at 19 and I'm paying for it. Working as a babysitter so I could pay MY babysitter. How cruel" but like always simply said "Yes, mother" "And you can look forward to a raise next year, Mindy" "Thank you, Aunt Jackie" "No problem. I'm not the one who has to pay it" Julie's mother said with a laugh. Chapter 4 - The Second Punishment ------------------------------------------- Julie's next humiliation came about half an hour after the note incident. For the next thirty minutes, all the cousins sat in the living room talking while Julie's older relatives talked with her parents about the changes in Julie's life. The relatives all agreed that Julie needed these changes and complemented Julie's parents again for their efforts. The next humiliation started simply enough with her mother calling out to Julie. "Julie, come here, please" Julie excused herself from the conversation with her cousins and walked over to her mother "Yes, Mom. What is it ?" "Mommy wants you to go over to the wall where those envelopes are lined up" she said as she pointed to a row of envelopes hanging on the wall. Julie didn't notice the envelopes on the wall till then and certainly didn't put them up yesterday. Julie walked very slowly over to the wall and stood beside the row of envelopes. "Julie", her mother said "Pick the first envelope on the left and bring it to me" Julie obediently picked the leftmost envelope off the wall and gave it to her mother. "What do you think this contains, Julie ?" "My next punishment, Mom" "Yes, Julie. Your next punishment. What nice punishment does Julie get to have now ? Open the envelope but don't the read the note inside till I say you can" "Yes, mother" Julie opened the envelope and it contained a folded piece of paper "Julie, I want to hear a thank you from you for the punishment on this slip of paper" "Thank you, mother, for the punishment of this slip of paper" "Very good, Julie. Now read aloud what is written on the slip." Julie unfolded the note and read aloud "RECTAL TEMP - ORANGE" Julie's mother called out "Who has orange ?" Julie's Aunt Sue then stood up and said "I do" Julie's mother handed Julie another note and montioned her toward her Aunt Sue. After Julie walked over to Aunt Sue, Julie unfolded the note and read it aloud. It read "Would you please take my rectal temperature in front of everyone ?" "Certainly, I love to. Get me the thermometer off the wall" Julie retrieved the thermometer off the wall and gave it to Aunt Sue. Anut Sue then asked Julie "What about the vaseline ? I don't want to hurt you" Julie then went to bathroom medicine cabinet and retrieved the vaseline for her aunt. She handed the vaseline to her and waited for the next command. "It seems we are ready now, Julie. Lie accoss my lap" Julie placed herself accross Aunt Sue's lap and asked "Aunt Sue, will you pull down my plastic pants ?" "Yes, Julie" Her Aunt Sue replied as she quickly pulled Julie's plastic pants down. "Aunt Sue, will you unpin my diaper ?" "Certianly, Julie" Julie felt the diaper being pulled away from her body and felt her aunt's eyes staring at her bare bottom. "Please lubricate the thermometer with vaseline and insert it into my bottom" Julie asked quickly. Julie waited as her Aunt Sue put a generous amount of vaseline on the thermometer and quickly shoved the thermometer into her bottom. "Five minutes, Julie" she heard her Aunt Sue say. Julie patiently waited out the five minutes and waited as Aunt Sue removed the thermometer from her bottom. "Julie, I don't have a tissue to clean the thermometer with. Do you have one ?" "No, Aunt Sue, I don't" "Does anyone have a tissue ?" Her Aunt Sue called out to the party "Yes, I do" Julie's dreaded Aunt Mary said. "Julie, Get off my lap and get the tissue from your Aunt Mary" "But, Aunt Sue. I'm naked in front." "And you will stay that way as you get the tissue. Now go" "Everyone will see my front" "Yes, They will. Walk slowly over to your Aunt Mary and get that tissue from her. Maybe because of this, you will remember next time to have all the necessary items for your punishment at hand before you lie across a person's lap" Julie realized she had no choice and said "Yes, Aunt Sue" Julie walked over to Aunt Mary covering her private area as best she could during the trip with her hands. Her Aunt Mary stood up and held the tissue out above her head high but not out of Julie's reach. "No jumping, Julie. The only way I will allow you to get the tissue is for you to reach up with your hands and expose your entire private area to me" Julie thought "Aunt Mary, you bitch. If it is a show you want, I give you a real show" Julie stood up shraight and tall and gave her aunt and those around her a very good, long look at her private area before clutching the tissue from her Aunt's hand. Julie covered herself up again with her hands after about five long seconds and walked back to her Aunt Sue. She handed the tissue to her Aunt Sue and agian laid across her Aunt's lap. "Julie, I don't believe you" her mother said to Julie, anger flaring. "Yes purposely exposed more than required to your Aunt Mary just then so now you are going to expose yourself to everyone else. Get up off your aunt's lap." Julie realized she made a major mistake with her aunt but did as she was told. Her hands automatically protected her private area as she got up. "Julie, Walk over to me. Bring the rectal thermometer with you" Julie walked over to her mother still protecting her private area. "I want you to strip totally nude and stand with your heads outstreched over head" Julie slowly removed her party dress and underclothes. She then outstreched her totally nude body in front of all her guests. "Now Julie, I am going to reinsert the thermometer with no additional vaseline. It may hurt you so be ready. I warn you, don't dare move a muscle, Julie" Julie felt the thermometer being inserted and a searing pain in her behind but held her position. "Now, Julie, go to the center of the room where everyone could get a very good look at you and slowly turn in a circle till I tell you to stop. You are to keep yourself total exposed throughout the exercise. You will then be dressed by me except for your diaper and plastic pants and will return to Aunt Sue's lap for the completion of your temperature taking." Julie did as ordered and about 10 minutes later, again found herself across Aunt Sue's lap,dressed, tissue in hand. She gave her aunt the tissue to clean the thermometer and heard her aunt announce "98.6 Normal, Julie" Julie felt her diaper being pinned up and her plastic pants returned to their position around her waist. She then got up after Aunt Sue was finished and thanked her for her temperature taking. The Second Bottle Feeding A couple of minutes later, Julie's mother announced that Julie was to take another set of bottles and asked if any of her aunts would like to feed her. All her aunts said yes but Julie's mother selected Aunt Mary for the honor. Aunt Mary said "Come here, Baby Julie and place your head on my lap" Julie walked over and was about to place her head on her Aunt's lap when she heard her aunt say just one word "Strip" Julie stayed quiet as she slowly stripped nude and placed her head on her Aunt's lap. "Now Julie, I will give you 10 minutes to finish off all 3 Bottles. If you don't, I will punish you" Julie knew she could never finish all those bottles but she felt she had to make a good effort. She sucked as hard as she could but was in the middle of the second bottle before Aunt Mary told her time was up. "Julie, What did I tell you would happen if you didn't finish those bottles in time ?" "I would be punished" "Yes, that's right" "I am going to talk to your mother in private about your punishment and will return when we are done" "Yes, Aunt Mary" A few minutes later, Aunt Mary and Julie's mother returned to the group. I wanted to strap your behind but your mother felt your bottom needed a rest for now. She then suggested castor oil and I countered with Docalax. Your mother agreed. Aunt Mary then ordered Julie accross her lap again. Julie placed herself accross Aunt Mary's lap and asked "Aunt Mary, will you pull down my plastic pants ?" "Yes, you brat" Her Aunt Mary replied as she pulled Julie's plastic pants down. "Aunt Mary, will you unpin my diaper ?" "Certianly, Julie" Julie felt the diaper being pulled away from her body and exposing her bare bottom to her aunt's gaze. "I want you stay bare bottom for five minutes and wait for your Docalax" Julie waited for five long minutes till her Aunt Mary inserted the Doculax deep in her bottom. "Too bad for you it is not a ginger root suppository. They really hurt. Now stay over my lap till you expel." Thank God for small favors, Julie thought. Julie felt the effect of the Doculax immedately and her stomach instantly started to hurt her. She started to expel a couple of minutes later and soon her diaper was full. Julie's Aunt Mary waited patiently as Julie completely filled her diapers. "Finished ?" She asked Julie. "Yes, Aunt Mary" "So someone is wearing a very messy diaper. Aren't they ?" "Yes, Aunt Mary. Please change me" "If you think I am going to change your messy diaper, you have another thing coming. I haven't changed a diaper in years and I am not about to start now" "But, Aunt Mary, I really need to be changed" "That's your probelm" Julie didn't know what to do. Here she was in a fully loaded diaper and her Aunt wouldn't change her. Now what is she going to do ? She had only one choice. Ask someone else. "Mom, would you change me ?" Julie's mother thought Aunt Mary was being a little mean to her daughter so she agreed to change Julie's diaper. "Get a diaper off the wall and lie down on the floor" Julie pulled down a diaper and laid on the floor so her mother could change her. Her younger cousins were escorted out the living room and soon a clean diaper was being worn by Julie. Julie was then another 2 sets of bottles over the next 1 and 1/2 hours and each required adiaper change. Julie had only 1 more diaper change left. She realized that may present a probelm for her in the future but could not spend a lot of time worrying about it about it now. The Third Punishment -------------------------- Julie's third punishment came soon after the fourth diaper change It started as the last one did with her mother calling out to Julie. "Julie, come here, please" "Yes, Mom. What is it ?" "Mommy wants you to pick another envelope" she said as she pointed to a row of envelopes hanging on the wall. Julie walked very slowly over to the wall and again picked the left most envelope and walked the envelope to her mother. "What do you think this contains, Julie ?" "My next punishment, Mom" "Yes, Julie. Your next punishment. As before, open the envelope but don't the read the note inside till I say you can" "Yes, mother" Julie opened the envelope and in it it contained a folded piece of paper "Julie, I want to hear a thank you from you for the punishment on this slip of paper" "Thank you, mother, for the punishment of this slip of paper" "Very good, Julie. Now read aloud what is written on the slip." Julie unfolded the note and read aloud "HAIRBRUSH - BROWN" Julie's mother called out "Who has brown ?" Julie's Uncle Phil then stood up and said "I do" Julie growned as she saw Uncle Phil stand up. She knew that Uncle Phil was a very hard spanker based on several experiences she had while she visited his house. Her cousin Betty was spanked in an adjoining room several times while she visited them and Betty would be screaming long before Uncle Phil finished spanking her. Betty even once allowed Julie to see her bottom after one of Uncle Phil's touch ups and it appeared very, very red and quite sore. Julie's mother handed Julie another note and montioned her toward her Uncle Phil. After Julie walked over to Uncle Phil, Julie unfolded the note and read it aloud. It read "Would you please give my bottom a good spanking with the hairbrush in front of everyone ?" "Sure. I would be honored. Get the hairbrush of the wall and return to me" Julie quickly returned with the hairbrush and got accross the lap of Uncle Phil. Julie's bottom was in pretty good shape because her morning spanking had pretty much faded by now so Uncle Phil saw no reason not to give his niece the full treatment. Julie's plastic pants and diaper were pulled off at her request and the hard spanking started Julie soon started begging and pleading but Uncle Phil continued without letup. "Please stop" "Ow" and incohert bulberring was heard form Julie as Uncle Phil continued spanking her for about seven minutes shraight. When he finally stopped, Julie's bottom was red hot and sore. Uncle Phil repinned her diaper and lifted her plastic panties. As soon as he was finished, Julie dashed off his lap, ran to the corner and pressed her face into it. She cried and cried for about 15 minutes till her cousin Betty walked over to the corner to comfort her. "Julie, you ok ?" "Ow" "Ow" "Ow" was Joile's only response. Betty put her hand on her cousins shoulder and walked her out of the corner to her bedroom. "Lie down on the bed. I know how much it hurts. Dad mainly uses his hand but I still get the hairbrush or paddle at least once every 2 months. That was a hard spanking, even by Dad's standards. Your mother must have told him to really punish you for him to give you a spanking that hard. " Betty words comforted Julie and soon Julie was sufficiently calm enough to talk. "Thanks a lot, Betty. You are a true friend." "Hey, It's ok. No one knows how hard my father spanks more than me. I get a sore bottom from him at least once every 2 weeks. Ready to go back downstairs or you want to wait up here a while ?" Julie rubbed her very sore bottom and said "I just want this day to be over. Come on" Betty replied "Ok" The two girls returned to the party and Julie thanked her Uncle Phil for his spanking. He made a joke about her running off his lap like her tail was on fire and Julie tried hard to smile. Her mother then walked over Julie "Julie, we were waiting for you. It is time to sing Happy Birthday and open your gifts" In keeping with the spirit of the party, the cake had only a "1" candle and a picture baby wearing a diaper occupying half the cake. Julie face got red as Happy irthday was sung to her and she was refered as "Baby Julie' but she kept her cool and thanked everyone for attending and for the gifts. Her mother brought her gifts into the living room and Julie opened her gifts one by one. Several box of diapers,clothes outfits, rattles, bibs, several pairs of plastic pants and bottles filled the floor. Julie was very embarassed by the gifts but thanked the giver and gracefully as she could. Then the moment came that Julie was dreaded all day. Her other birthday "gifts" were next. Julie opened the first gift and it contained a small leather paddle. "Perfect for traveling or visiting" said Aunt Delores "It fits in my purse and my kids know if my travel paddle comes out, it will be nothing compared to the paddling when we get home." The next gift Julie received was a hardwood paddle. "It gives a nice sting but it shouldn't bruise during even long paddlings. It has to be used at least 5 minutes to be effective." The third gift was the hardest of all. It was a flexible leather paddle with air holes. "That paddle is flexible and has the benefit air holes. My kids say it stings like fire and I could tell it really works". Julie's Aunt Gloria said loudly as her gift to Julie was opened. The next gifts consisted of several hardwood hairbrushes and 3 leather straps. Julie looked at the presents and groaned. "Mom sure has a lot of weapons in her arsenal. I better learn to behave well real fast" Julie's mother noticed her daughter long looks at her gifts and said "Julie, looks like I have a nice selection of items to correct you with" "Yes, mother" Julie said with worry in her voice "Well, enough of that for now. Bring all your gifts to your bedroom and place them neatly on your bed." "Yes, mother" Julie got up and made the required several trips to her bedroom to carry all her new birthday gifts. Julie, upon returning from her final trip upstairs, was given a several bottles of milk and a large piece of cake by her mother. She was about to start of her mouthful of cake when her mother said "I will spoon feed your cake. You are being punished and therefore are not allowed to eat your cake by yourself." The guests gathered around as Julie's mother feed her the cake by spoon. Her mother purposely messed Julie's face with the cake's icing and used a waahcloth on her daughter after she finished feeding Julie her cake to wipe the excess icing off her daughter's face. Julie felt like she was six months old getting her face washed throughly by her mother and the shame of having it done didn't escape her. The Fourth Punishment -------------------------- Julie's fourth punishment came about thirty minutes after Julie dinished her cake with the familiar "Julie, come here, please" "Yes, Mom" "Mommy wants you to pick another envelope" she said as she pointed to a row of envelopes hanging on the wall. Julie walked very slowly over to the wall and again picked the left most envelope and walked the envelope to her mother. "What do you think this contains, Julie ?" "My next punishment, Mom" "Yes, Julie. Your next punishment. As before, open the envelope but don't the read the note inside till I say you can" "Yes, mother" Julie opened the envelope and in it it contained a folded piece of paper "Julie, I want to hear a thank you from you for the punishment on this slip of paper" "Thank you, mother, for the punishment of this slip of paper" "Very good, Julie. Now read aloud what is written on the slip." Julie unfolded the note and read aloud "PADDLE - GOLD" Julie's mother called out "Who has gold ?" Julie's grandfather then stood up and said "I do" Julie's mother handed Julie another note and motioned her toward her grandfather. After Julie walked over to her grandfather, Julie unfolded the note and read it aloud. It read "Would you please give my bottom a good paddling in front of everyone ?" "Sure. Baby. Get the paddle of the wall and return to me" Julie's mother than chimed in "Dad, if you wish you can use one of the new paddles on your naughty granddaughter. Julie, go upstairs and bring your grandfather all the birthday gift paddles to see if he wants to use one of those on you instead" Julie went upstairs and retrieved the 3 birthday gift paddles and placed them to the table in front of her grandfather. He picked up the small leather paddle and swung it against his hand "Light sting to that paddle. Good for a quick correction." He then picked up the hardwood paddle and swung it against his hand "Now that's more like it. Nice sting. A good choice" Her grandfather next picked up the flexible leather paddle and swung that one. "Wow. That has some punch to it. Fifty with that will be remembered for sure." Her grandfather went back to the first two again. Julie's mother then spoke to her grandfather. "Remember, Dad. I used to get spanked by you and I don't remember you taking it easy on me. I hope you are not taking it easy because that's your granddaughter" "I'm not Jackie. Julie's bottom has already been paddled today. I don't want to hurt her too much" "You didn't care about that when I was the one getting spanked. I remember several times when I really made you mad that I was given a "double" with only a 30 minute rest in between" "Yes, I know. But" "But what, Dad ?" Julie's grandfather had no response for his daughter. "Don't you think you granddaughter deserves the most severe correction for her actions ?" "Yes, Jackie. But" "But, nothing Dad. Your granddaughter deserves a good paddling with the most severe paddle you can find. That paddle is the flexible paddle. Now give it to her" Julie's grandfather picked up the flexible paddle and motioned Julie over his lap. Tears started in her eyes before even the first paddle spank landed. Her wailing began with that first spank and the only sounds the guests could hear was the flick of the paddle and Julie's wail from each impact. Her grandfather paddled Julie with the paddle 25 times till her bottom was deep red with splotches of purple. Julie stayed over her grandfather's lap wailing for 10 minutes as her relatives watched the poor girl sob her heart out. After about 10 minutes of watching her daughter cry, her mother went to get some sunburn lotion to use on her daughter's behind. Julie just laid across her grandfather's lap as her mother soothed her scorched behind with the sunburn lotion. About 5 minutes later, Julie had her diaper put back in place and her plastic pants were replaced around her waist. After about another ten minutes, Julie finally calmed down enough to speak and was asked by her mother how the paddle felt. She honestly told her mother it burns and she hopes to never feel that paddle again. Her mother told her that she will keep that paddle in reserve and it would be used in only the most severe cases, like this one. Julie thanked her mother for that and said she would like to spend several minutes in the bathroom freshening up before having to rejoin the party. Her mother agreed and Julie spent several minutes washing her face and redoing her hair before she returned o the party. The Final Punishment -------------------------- Julie birthday party was almost over and Julie was wearing the last diaper on the wall. Her mother called to her "Julie, come here, please" "Yes, Mom" "Mommy wants you to pick the last envelope off the wall" she said as she pointed to a the last envelope hanging on the wall. Julie walked very slowly over to the wall and again picked the last envelope and walked the envelope to her mother. "What do you think this contains, Julie ?" "My last punishment, Mom" "Yes, Julie. Your last punishment. As before, open the envelope but don't the read the note inside till I say you can" "Yes, mother" Julie opened the envelope and in was a folded piece of paper "Julie, I want to hear a thank you from you for the punishment on this slip of paper" "Thank you, mother, for the punishment of this slip of paper" "Very good, Julie. Now read aloud what is written on the slip." Julie knew what it said before she even read it . Her traditional punishment day enema. It says "ENEMA", mother "Yes, Julie, a nice public enema." "Yes, mother" "Julie, you have no more diapers on the wall. What are you going to do?" "I can use my potty upstairs, Mom" "No, I think you could use the potty right here in the living room" "Yes, mother" Julie went upstairs and quickly carried the potty down to the living room and placed in the corner as her mother directed. Julie then walked as calmly as she could to the wall and pulled down the enema bag. Her mother filled the enema with warm water and Julie had herself placed over her mother lap. Her mother slowly pulled down the plastic panties and diapers and lubricated the enema tip. "Julie, you ready for your enema ?" "Yes, Mom" "Good. Here it comes." The warm water invaded Julie's bottom and soon the cramps started "Mom, can I go now?" "No, dear. 10 minutes" Julie suffered through the 10 minute wait as the enema cramped her stomach something awful. She squirmed across her mother's lap as she waited and provided a good show for her relatives. Finally her mother let her expel the enema in the child's potty. The party quickly ended after that final humiliation and Julie was finally put to bed after a birthday she was sure she would not forget. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
  11. At his wife's insistent request, Ben had taken a week off from work. She had been pressuring him to use some of his stockpiled vacation times for several months, with various means of motivation employed. Sometimes she would remind him that his loving wife and daughter hardly got to feel like a family in his absence. Others she would bring up her recent promotion, and how her new position's lavish salary would permit them both significantly more latitude in their schedules. Still others she would bring out a sultry purr and tempt him with the ways that Mistress could make the most of a vacation. And now her myriad tactics had paid off, for it was mid-morning on a Friday, and Ben lay nude on his back upon the bedcovers.His wife Amy was clad in a black leotard with long sleeves, high-cut legs, and a turtleneck over sheer black tights, straddling him with a leather plug gag in her hands. "Open wide, honey," she purred, and Ben obliged, allowing the fat rubber plug to fill his mouth. Amy took plenty of time doing up each leather strap around her husband's head, securing the gag before planting a kiss on the panel over his lips. Ben was eagerly erect already as Amy slipped a white leather hood over his head and neck. The hood encased his head snugly, revealing only an oval of skin around his eyes. "Mmmphh," Ben whined, testing the gag. "Hmmmghh..."Delighted with how thoroughly she'd hushed him, Amy gave her husband's manhood a playful squeeze. "Oh, hush you," she mock-chided, picking up a heavy cotton duck straitjacket from the bed. She slipped its long sleeves, which were sewn shut at the ends, down Ben's willing arms, and guided his limbs through the loops on the white jacket's chest. After pulling all the slack from those loops, she rolled a cooperative Ben onto his back. Amy zipped the jacket all the way up the back. Its high neck overlapped with the white leather hood and felt pleasantly restrictive around Ben's throat. She secured the sleeves to immobilize her husband's arms, though she left the crotch strap alone for now and simply rolling him onto his back once more.Given a moment to think as his wife vanished into the bathroom for who knew what reason- not that he could protest, anyway- Been realized that he wasn't wearing the usual straitjacket. This one had a fleece lining that felt comfortable against his skin, and a high-cut waist. The hem of the high-collared straitjacket didn't quite reach his navel. Ben could only wonder at why his wife desired such qualities in a straitjacket, and the thoughts vanished from his mind anyway at Amy's return.She wore latex medical gloves and toted an oversized white leather purse, which she plopped down on the bed. From within, the red-haired dominatrix extracted a flannel-covered rubber mat, lifting her husband's legs with an elbow around the ankles and slipping it under him so his bottom and legs rested upon the soft pad. Then she produced from the bag a bottle of, of all things, shaving cream, which she squirted liberally into her latex-gloved palms and began applying to Ben's bare legs. "Hold still," she ordered.In no position to argue, Ben simply let his legs be stripped of hair, staying still as commanded to avoid incurring nicks from the razor. Amy applied a cream to his newly bare thighs and shins, which tingled pleasantly, then set about shaving his midriff. The mystery of why his jacket exposed that region was resolved, though in its place were countless questions. Finally, Amy carefully stripped his crotch and bum of all hair, using plenty of shaving lotion to protect his skin and following up with a generous slathering of protective salve. "You look so cute all smooth like this," Amy cooed. Ben's member swelled to attention as his Mistress massaged the ointment into his length.Then, the morning's events took an unexpected turn. Amy got out a container of talcum powder and shook a lavish layer over her spouse's crotch, kneading it into the hairless flesh before rolling him onto his tummy to give his behind the same thorough treatment.Rolled onto his back, Ben lost all confusion, but became filled with dread. Amy had before her a stack of three disposable diapers, as well as a soaker pad and a set of white rubber panty briefs. "Hmmmgghh!" Ben whined, squirming helplessly in his straitjacket. "Mmmmgghh!" Amy simply smirked domineeringly down at him, opening the first disposable and fitting it with the soaker pad. "Don't bother throwing a little tantrum," she purred, pinching his member with a thumb and forefinger at the base. Been whimpered meekly, growing flaccid at the painful press of his Mistress's sharp nails. "You'll just have to get used to wearing diapers," Amy stated, slipping the thick disposable diaper beneath his hairless buttocks. Tucking his manhood between his legs, the redhead pinned it against his body by sealing the diaper, durable tapes holding it shut. The diaper was tight as could be, a perpetual reminder to Ben of his humiliating state, and came up to the high waist of his straitjacket, encasing his belly in thick padding."With my new promotion, I make enough money that you don't have to work anymore," Any explained. "So you're going to give up your life and become my incontinent diaper boy." Been screamed in helpless frustration, bucking and writhing in the unyielding confines of his jacket. Amy simply allowed him to wear himself out struggling in vain, then planted a kiss on his leather-clad cheek. "Surely you see how pointless struggle is," she said sweetly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep you diapered at all hours." Ben's diaper had a porous outer shell, the purpose of which was made evident when Amy opened a second one and sealed it over the outside of the first. A third diaper covered them both, this one with a waterproof plastic outer. Under three layers of diapers, Ben's tummy, bottom, and tucked-back penis felt even more snugly squeezed.Lastly, Amy applied the white rubber panties, though she had some difficulty fitting them over Ben's enormous diaper bulk. The panties were high-waisted with a full-cut leg, so they completely encased his triple diapers to prevent any leaks. With the sheer bulk of the diapers they encased, the white panty briefs looked like they'd been inflated. "Don't you just look adorable in diapers?" Amy teased, doing up the straitjacket's crotch strap. "This whole outfit just suits you absolutely- as will total incontinence."Ben grumbled into his rubber plug gag, but he was quickly hushed by necessity. Amy retrieved a bottle of translucent yellow fluid from her purse. Its top sported a thin tube, which fitted perfectly into a narrow channel in Ben's plug gag. "Drink up," the dominatrix cooed, squirting the bottle's contents into her husband's mouth. Been had no choice but to swallow all of the sickly sweet juice. "Like it?" Any taunted. "I hope so, because you'll be drinking a lot of it. It's a special mix of diuretics, laxatives and stool softeners, and sweet lemonade. Everything a boy needs to become incontinent." Been was made to drink another bottle of the juice. Then Amy unzipped a zipper on the leather hood, exposing her husband's gagged mouth, and popped the plug free, wiping it clean of drool. About to protest incoherently into the ring gag that remained in his mouth, Ben was silenced by a bottle with a much wider spout. Ben was forced to ingest a thick, chocolatey sludge that reminded him of protein shakes, and though he felt unpleasantly full after the first serving, Amy force-fed him a second bottle before sealing his gag with the plug and rezipping his hood. "That's your new diet," the redhead declared. "All the calories and nutrients a boy needs, plus all those drugs that will help you give in." Been shuddered at the prospect of consuming those thick shakes every day. Given two more bottles of juice as a chaser, Been felt intolerably bloated. "You'll be eating and drinking quite frequently, sweetie," Amy explained. "With how often you'll eliminate, you'll need plenty of food to hang on to enough calories."Ben whined piteously into his gag at this most distressing news, but his strength was fading. "I put some sedatives in this batch," Amy said with a smirk. "I need to put things in order for your new life." Zipping shut the eye opening on his leather hood, Amy sealed her husband in darkness with a kiss on his thoroughly gagged mouth. "Night, honey!" As Ben succumbed to sleep, his last thoughts transfixed him with horror. To be in this state with his wife was degrading, but for his daughter to see him bound, gagged, and diapered was the worst fate he could imagine. Ben woke up utterly disoriented, but the events before his forced slumber quickly flooded his limbs with dread. Straitjacketed and gagged, he was at the mercy of his wife and her plans to make him permanently incontinent. She'd already made progress towards this goal, for he'd wetted his triple diapers in his sleep, a moist patch in the seat of his soaker pad attesting to that humiliating act. The dampness made it impossible for him to lie comfortably, but squirming did little good. Lying there, unable to see or move, Ben's attention was inextricably drawn to the mounting pressure in his bladder. He rallied his willpower against the building urge to relieve himself. Wetting in his sleep was one thing, but voluntarily giving into the call of nature in his diapers' grip was a much more humiliating prospect. Yet it was an inevitable one, for there was no other means of relief. When the discomfort in his bladder grew to be too much to bear, Ben helplessly streamed into his diapers. With his cock pinned back between his legs by the diapers' tight squeeze, the urine soaked into the back of his diapers, an unpleasant sensation even with the liberal coating of powder over his bottom.Light stung Ben's eyes. Amy had unzipped the eye opening on the front of his white leather hood, kissing the hood where his plug-gagged mouth lay within. "Wake up, sleepyhead," she teased. "While you were getting your beauty sleep, I've been making the necessary arrangements for your new life. No need to thank me." Ben rolled his eyes, and immediately regretted it. In a flash, Amy had him over her lap, his thickly diapered posterior jutting up into the air, and was mercilessly smacking the bulging back of his rubber panties, the sharp crack of skin against rubber mingling with the puffing sounds of padding compressing. The spankings didn't hurt through the layers of padding, but it was humiliating enough to quell any attitude he'd been fomenting. The redhead sat her husband back up and kissed his encased cheek, stroking his leather-clad head. "Now, will you be a good boy?" she cooed condescendingly, and Ben, cowed, nodded as much as the high, padded collar of his straitjacket would permit."Anyway," Amy continued, "I've filed a letter of resignation with your employers and cancelled all of your appointments. No one will come looking for you." Ben's heart sank as hopes he didn't know he had been clinging to were mercilessly dashed. "Aren't you a lucky boy?" the dominatrix purred. "With not a care in the world, all you need to do is give up control." Tears welled up at the corners of Ben's eyes, but his emotional wallowing was cut short as Amy quickly slipped the thin tube of a drinking bottle into the channel in his plug gag, squeezing the soft plastic vessel until Ben had gulped down the laced fluids. This time, she'd chosen apple juice to sweeten his medicine. Not missing a beat, she unzipped his hood's mouth and extracted the rubber plug to feed him a meal shake with a sickly vanilla flavor. Subjected to these cloying tastes, Ben found it less unpleasant to swallow quickly, though it was yet another form of submission that eroded his ego. The plug was back in, and the white hood zipped up, before he could say a word, and a chaser of drugged apple juice soon followed.Amy slipped her husband into white leather booties, ankle-high and padded on the inside, and stood him up. Ben's legs were spread by the triple diaper bulk between his thighs, forcing him to waddle. She led him over to their bedroom's full-length mirror so he could get a good look at himself, swatting his thickly cushioned bum all the way there, not as a punishment, but simply to remind him that he was helpless in the tight grip of three diapers. When Ben saw himself, a fresh wave of humiliation made him weak in the knees. He had been able to feel how voluminous his diapers were, but seeing their size firsthand was another experience entirely. The diapers made his posterior seem comically enormous, and they certainly weren't thin over his belly and crotch either. His white rubber panty briefs ballooned out with the diaper bulk they had to accommodate. "Just look at how cute you are," Amy cooed. "I can't think of a better look for you."Ben felt a tugging sensation at the back of his diapers. Looking in the mirror, he saw the cause. This new straitjacket's crotch strap had a second strap attached to it in the back as a handle. Indeed, Amy held a strap situated right on his padded backside. It was a means of control that Ben found immeasurably humiliating, but it was one degradation among many. "This will help me keep you in line," Amy said with composed mirth, tugging it once more for good measure before releasing the handle, and simply letting her hand rest upon the seat of his rubber panties.Moving him along with firm swats to his diapered rear, the redhead showed him the changing table she'd installed in their bedroom. It was decked out with plenty of straps to restrain an unwilling changee and drawers beneath the generously padded changing bench to hold all the supplies necessary for a diaper change. A plastic pail rested near the table so dirty diapers could be disposed of. "Now, isn't this nice?" she cooed, giving her husband's diaper butt a playful squeeze. "Of course, we'll have to wait until your diapers are full until we change you. No sense in wasting perfectly good diapers." Ben groaned into his gag, now knowing that he would have to endure the cling of wet diapers for most of the forseeable future, but he had little time to think on it before Amy led him into the bathroom, hustling him along with sharper spanks to his padded behind. Within, he saw that the bathtub had been fitted with a set of straps, and that a butt plug rested in the tub. "That's so you don't make a mess during bathtime," Amy explained. Ben had no intentions of losing control to the point where he'd need such a precaution, but he couldn't deny that his intentions made no difference in his predicament.As if on cue, Ben's bladder started bothering him. He fidgeted, trying to move as little as he could so as to avoid Amy's notice, but the absurd bulk of his triple diapers emphasized every motion in his nether regions. "Don't waste your energy fighting it, sweetie," the dominatrix purred. "Just let go." Ben gave his best effort, clenching up so hard that his cheeks flushed hot beneath his hood, but in the end, he succumbed and wet his diapers yet again. Amy clapped her hands in exaggerated joy and grabbed the crotch-strap handle on his backside, reeling him in for a kiss as her hands squeezed his triply cushioned buttocks. The sounds of his diapers compressing had grown a bit soggier.Now exceedingly uncomfortable in his diapers, Ben was made to waddle out of the bathroom, his wife hurrying him along with firm swats against the seat of his rubber panty briefs. As he ambled down the hall, he realized what was about to happen. His daughter was about to come home from work, and Amy wanted her to become complicit in Ben's forced incontinence. Slowing his pace was a fruitless effort, for all it got him was a swift smack on his padded bottom and an admonishment to hurry up. Ushered into the dining room, Ben was seated in a comfortably padded chair, and Amy strapped his ankles to its legs and his straitjacketed trunk to its back. He found himself unable to do much more than fidget in his sodden diapers, and though he knew it would bring him no comfort, he squirmed anyway, anxiety over what his daughter might think gnawing at his gut. He clung to the hope that she would demand his freedom. Though nothing would restore his dignity, at least in that case he would be able to rebuild his life, starting with a divorce.Before long, Jenny had returned home. Despite having graduated college, she lived with her parents rather than forage in the cutthroat housing market. When she walked inside to the sight of her mother in a long-sleeved black turtleneck leotard and sheer black tights, and her father in who knew what sort of deviant getup, she covered her eyes, turning her head away. "You could have warned me!" she shouted, cheeks flushing beet red. Ben's hopes soared at Jenny's repulsed reaction. She'd get him out of this. He struggled as much as possible, squealing into his gag until he was breathless from exertion, in hopes of conveying his displeasure, but Amy cupped his head in her hands and stared daggers into his eyes until he ceased his protestations. "I wanted to tell you in person," Amy said, turning to face her daughter. "Since I've gotten a lucrative promotion recently, your father will no longer be working. Instead, he will remain in my care so that I can make him completely dependent on diapers."It took a moment for Jenny to process this, her brow furrowing. "So Dad would rather stay at home and use diapers than go to work?" she asked hesitantly. "Yep," Amy said. "He practically begged me to do this to him." Ben growled into his rubber plug gag and thrashed in his immutable restraints, and Amy patted his leather-clad cheek. "Oh, don't be so embarrassed. I agreed, didn't I?" Jenny sighed. "Well, if it's what Dad wants," she said, "I guess I'll go with it." Ben's heart sank as his last hopes were dashed, as Amy's smile brightened. "Fantastic!" she said. "Now, I know it's a big favor to ask of you, but would you help me out with him? I have to be at work, and he can't be alone during the day." Jenny found this idea far less palatable. "So I'd give up my job, just to change my dad's diapers?" she asked. Amy sighed and looked down at Ben. "Honey," she said, "Can't you see how uncomfortable you're making your daughter?" Ben grumbled into his gag, not even bothering to issue muffled protests he knew Amy would explain away. "I understand how difficult this must be for you," Amy said kindly to her daughter, "but you did go to college for nursing. I can pay you a fine wage, much better than what you're making now." Jenny's features softened. "Fine," she said, "but I'll only do it when you're not here." Amy nodded, smiling contentedly, and Ben slumped in his chair. His own daughter would be making him incontinent."Let me show you your responsibilities," Amy said, striding to the fridge. Jenny followed, eyes attentive. "I'll handle his morning and evening needs, so all you'll have to do is feed him and change his diapers." The redhead opened the refrigerator, where a special shelf had been stocked with bottles of juice and meal shakes, and handed her brunette daughter two of the former and one of the latter. "Those are his drinks and his food," she explained, then gestured to a chart on the refrigerator. "That's how we keep track if he's been fed or not."The women returned to Ben at an embarrassing time for him. He was streaming into his diapers, the distinctive sound of diaper wetting clearly heard in the dining room. Jenny sighed. "Do I have to change him now?" she asked wearily. Amy shook her head in response. "See how thick his diapers are?" she asked rhetorically. "He's wearing three diapers and a soaker pad, so he can wet his diapers a fair few times and not need a change." Jenny nodded. "So what do I do with the bottles?" she asked. Amy took one of the juice bottles from her and fitted the tube into the thin channel in Ben's plug gag, squeezing its contents into his readily submitting mouth. "That's how you give him his juice. It's a mix of fruit juice, sugar syrup, and my special blend of diuretics, laxatives, and stool softeners." Amy then unzipped Ben's white leather hood and tugged the rubber plug from the ring gag that held it in his mouth. "Now, put the larger bottle's spout in that ring," she instructed. Ben's brunette daughter did as she was told, the strawberry-flavored sludge quickly filling her father's mouth until he'd swallowed it all. "That one's a mix of vitamins, nutrients, and calories, and of course the drug blend I mentioned earlier." Amy slipped the plug back into his mouth, zipping his hood shut and kissing right over the zipper. "Good boy," she praised him, then turned back to her daughter. "Feed him the second bottle of juice as a chaser." Jenny did so adeptly. She'd always been a quick study.As before, Ben's gut felt heavy and bloated, but there was a different sort of pressure building within him. He recognized it as the urge to defecate, and a chill shot through his entire frame. Wetting his diapers had been bad enough, but to fill them in front of his wife and daughter was a humiliation without compare. He clenched up his bottom, resisting the urge to eliminate with all his might, only vaguely aware of Amy showing Jenny how to mix his food and beverages. Sweat beaded up on his forehead, and he gyrated in his seat, trying his best to hold on. The two women came back over to a panting, writhing Ben, and Amy sighed. "It looks like your father is being difficult," she said in mock weariness. "I guess I'll show you how to punish him."Pulling up a normal kitchen-table chair, Amy unstrapped her husband and laid him over her lap. "If he's a naughty boy, give him a good spanking." It was all Ben could do to control his bowels as his thickly padded bottom was sharply slapped over and over. "You give it a try," Amy said, using the butt strap built into his straitjacket to lift her husband to his feet as she stood. "Oh, and that strap is for getting ahold of him if he's too squirmy." Hesitantly, the young brunette sat down and laid her father over her lap. Ben wished he could dissolve into the void rather than endure this humiliation one more instant. Jenny patted his cushioned buttocks a few times, and Amy sighed. "Harder," she said. "He's wearing three diapers under those rubber panties, so there's plenty of padding for his naughty bottom." After a moment's pause, Jenny brought her hand down on her father's triply diapered rump, the slapping sound echoing. She spanked harder than Amy did, and Ben had to close his eyes and bite down on his gag to keep from filling his diapers right then and there. "Good job!" Amy said. "Like I said, there'll be a strap on his bum for you to grab if you need to reel him in, and you just swat his diaper butt if you need him to waddle along."Having absorbed this information, Jenny asked, "So... what about the other kind of diaper change?" As if on cue, Ben's strength depleted and his bowels loosened, a warm, soft stool escaping from his anus and packing the seat of his diapers. Since he was still over his daughter's lap, his diapers and rubber pants swelled freely, ballooning to double their previous size. "It seems your father is letting me show you right away," Amy said, grabbing the butt strap to lift him from Jenny's lap. "Follow me to the bedroom."Ben felt as though he'd die of embarrassment. He'd just filled his diapers on his daughter's lap, with his wife watching in delight. And messing was much more unpleasant than wetting. With each waddling step he took down the hall, the soft stool squished against his nether regions in a new and revolting way, and Amy's perpetually patting hand spread it against his behind. Upon arriving at the changing table, Ben offered no resistance as Amy sat him down on it, though he did whimper as the pressure of the table squashed his loaded diapers against him. His wife pushed him down into a lying position and strapped his trunk in place. "Alright," Amy said. "First, we put on gloves." She'd left a box of latex gloves out on the changing table, and she and her daughter availed themselves. "Then, we get his rubber panties off." She motioned for Jenny to remove them, and she obliged, peeling them away from her father's swelled diapers. The redhead lifted his legs and locked them in cuffs that hung from cords on the ceiling, so that Ben's messy, padded bottom hovered a few inches above the changing table. "Now undo the tapes on his diapers and put them in the pail." The young brunette braced herself and, one by one, untaped the diapers, depositing all three in the diaper pail. She was rather cross at this point, but was loath to quit. Amy opened a drawer on the changing table and produced a plastic container of baby wipes. "Now wipe him down, and be thorough," she commanded. Now Jenny wasn't so sure. "I don't want to touch my dad... there," she said. Amy sighed. "You see what you're putting your daughter through?" she chastised her husband. Ben whined meekly, willing to agree to anything if it meant this ordeal would end faster.Jenny groaned. "I'll do it," she said in annoyance, "but you'd better pay me well for this." She began to wipe down Ben's tummy, crotch, and bottom, biting her lip when his manhood twitched under her ministrations. Ben bit down on his plug gag and tried desperately not to become aroused as his cock was caressed by the wipes, but weary from his failed attempts to inhibit his diaper use, he had no willpower left to stop his manhood from rising to attention. Amy didn't miss a beat. "Men can't help themselves," she said. "Touch them right, and inhibitions go out the window. Just pinch it near the base." Jenny took out her frustration on her father's shaft, digging her fingernails into the sensitive flesh until he grew soft again. Meanwhile, Amy had retrieved the baby powder, and passed it to her daughter. "Now give him a good coating of that." Resigned to what would happen, Jenny shook a mound of talc into her hand and spread it into Ben's rump and belly, then massaged it into his front. Waiting until the end, she suppressed his erection with another malicious pinch."Now for the diapers," Amy stated, retrieving them from a compartment beneath the changing mat. "This label is for the inner diapers, and this is for the outermost diaper." She set out a soaker pad as well. "And this goes in the innermost one." Wordlessly, Jenny opened one of the porous-shell diapers and laid in the soaker pad. "Tuck his boy parts down between his legs," Amy instructed, "and make sure all three diapers are nice and tight." Needing no encouragement, Jenny tucked her father's member securely between his thighs and pinned it in place with the first diaper, sealing it on as snugly as Amy had. She swaddled his padded privates in a second and third diaper, ensuring that each was applied as tightly as could be. "Now for the rubber panties?" the brunette asked. "Right you are," her mother replied, taking out a pair and handing them over. "It can take some doing to get them over all those diapers." Jenny rolled up the white rubber panty briefs and slid them up Ben's spread legs, unrolling them to envelop his high-waisted diapers. "All done!" Amy exclaimed, freeing her husband's legs from the cuffs and undoing the chest straps, before guiding him off the table to his feet. "Fantastic job, sweetie!" Far less enthused about the process, Jenny stared daggers at her father. Ben gulped, turning his gaze down submissively. He knew that Jenny would make his new diaper life into her revenge. Jenny quickly excused herself from her parents’ bedroom once she'd disposed of her latex gloves in the diaper pail. “I have to run some errands,” she explained. “Of course, dear,” Amy responded. “Would you mind taking out the diaper pail, though?” With a sigh, the young brunette picked up the pail full of her father's soiled diapers and strode out of the room. Mortified, Ben was barely aware of his wife's hand pushing at the thickly cushioned seat of his rubber panties, but he waddled along with her guiding hand anyway. It was no surprise to him that she idly slapped his triply diapered rear all the way to the dining room, nor that she strapped him into his chair, his dry diapers crinkling as his powdered bottom shifted in them. Ben was forced to endure another feeding, another set of four bottles of juice and two sludgy meal shakes. This time, both tasted orangey in addition to their typical cloying flavor. He was getting used to his belly feeling distended and heavy, a realization that he found distressing as a mark of just how low he'd been brought already. His bladder was under constant strain now, and he could feel his grip slipping. As Any was unstrapping her husband from his chair, she heard him streaming into his triple diapers and clapped her hands. “Good boy,” she chirped, standing him up and kissing his cheek. Ben didn't bother voicing his discomfort into the thick rubber plug that hushed him, for he knew by now that resistance would be met with a firm spanking. He simply let himself be led back to the bedroom, the tiniest of whines muffled by his gag each time Amy patted his triply padded posterior, squishing his damp diapers against his powdered private parts. Being returned to the changing table and secured in the chest straps and ankle cuffs was unexpected for Ben. He'd heard his wife explaining that he'd be changed only when his diapers held stool, so he didn't know why she was slipping on latex gloves. The answer came when the red-haired dominatrix squirted a liberal pat of lubricating jelly into her palms and slathered some on a long, fat rubber butt plug.”This will keep you from making a mess while I play with you,” Amy teased, worming the hand of hers that clutched the butt plug beneath his rubber panties and diapers and slowly pushing it into his anus. Ben winced and groaned in discomfort with each thrust and twist, but Amy heeded none of it, pushing until it was hilted in her husband's bottom. Then, reaching between his legs, she took ahold of his member and untucked it, his tip rubbing against the soft soaker pad lining his innermost diaper. Stiffening at once, Ben lacked the willpower to resist his wife's ministrations. She massaged his shaft, stroking up the length of his manhood with deft fingers and rubbing his tip with a latex-gloved thumb. Ben was helplessly erect and throbbing in the redhead's grip, waves of pleasure overwhelming the humiliation of being masturbated in a soggy triple diaper. But as climax was about to take him, Ben felt a sharp pinch at the base of his cock, snapping him from his reverie at once. “We can't let you have too much fun, now can we?” she cooed. Her lubricated gloves were immediately back to work on Ben's length, stroking and tugging him back to the edge of orgasm half a dozen more times, though she would suppress his release each time. By the end of the ordeal, Ben was panting into his rubber plug gag, sweat coating the inside of his white straitjacket and hood. Amy tucked his now-flaccid manhood back between his thighs, extracting first the plug and then her latex-clad hands. Then she discarded the gloves and cupped her husband's leather-sealed head in her hands. “No, you won't get relief just yet.” She patted Ben's overstuffed tummy before walking to the closet, leaving him to lie there immobile. “I think we should let our next-door neighbor know about your brand new lifestyle,” the red-haired dominatrix declared, slipping into a smart black pantsuit over her leotard and tights. Ben shook his head and squirmed vigorously. Their neighbor was a blonde in her late twenties who worked from home. She was quite pretty, and the notion of being paraded in bondage and diapers in front of her was mortifying. “Mmmppphh!” Ben protested, not caring what consequences his struggles would incur. “Mmmggghh!” Returning to him, Amy unlocked the restraints that held her husband to the changing mat and hauled him to his feet. “Aren't you eager?” she said. “You can't wait to show off your diapered self, can you?” Not waiting for a gagged reply, the redhead swatted the back of Ben’s rubber panties to hurry him along, the puffing sound that his diapers made as they compressed against his powdered posterior somewhat dampened by how soggy they were. He waddled down the hall, face reddening with every step and slap to his padded behind, but when Amy held the front door to their house open, he stopped dead in his tracks, refusing to submit any further. Being seen outside like this was too much for him to stomach, especially since a familiar pressure was building in his bladder. “Hmmpphhh,” he grumbled. Amy sighed and folded her arms across her chest. “You’re not going to be a difficult boy, are you?” she asked. Ben remained still, trying and failing to look determined in his stifling bondage and triple diapers. “Hnngghhh!” he complained, and immediately regretted expressing even the slightest defiance. Amy grabbed the strap connected to his straitjacket’s crotch strap over his densely cushioned butt, dragging him down as she sat and laying him over his lap. “I thought I showed you what happens to naughty boys,” she said, and began laying into her husband’s padded backside. Ben bit down on his gag, as the spanks were much more forceful than before, and whimpered piteously. Focused on the pain, he was only half aware that his bladder had lost control from the shock of Amy’s blows, but partial awareness that he was helplessly wetting his triple diapers was humiliating enough. Ben swore to himself that he would submit willingly to the ordeal his wife had planned for him if it meant no further spankings. When the red-haired dominatrix was satisfied with her work, she used the butt strap to bring a much wetter Ben to his feet. Even more uncomfortable in his diapers now, Ben couldn’t focus, and let himself be led by Amy’s firm hand on his bottom, into the balmy summer evening. The heavy cotton of his straitjacket and white leather of his hood and booties rendered him claustrophobically warm, but the golden sun felt soothing on his bare, shaven legs as he waddled towards the house next door. Amy knocked, and Sarah answered promptly, her long, wavy blonde locks in a haphazard ponytail and her glasses askew. Mouth agape at the sight of Ben bound, gagged, and bundled into an enormous diaper bulk, she tried and failed to ask what was going on, but Amy quickly explained anyway. “Oh, hello, Sarah,” she chirped. “I came by to tell you that I got a promotion recently. My new income more than provides for my family, and when Ben here found out…” The redhead gave her husband’s sodden diaper butt a firm squeeze. “He quit his job and begged me to put him in diapers.” Ben had accepted that this lie would be told to all who saw him, and he nodded meekly. Sarah’s reaction was mortifying. Grinning, she caressed Ben’s rubber panty briefs, her eyes aglow. “I’m glad you humored your boy,” the bespectacled blonde said. “He looks adorable in diapers and bondage.” Amy nodded in agreement. “Doesn’t he just?” she cooed. “Anyway, I’d like to ask a favor of you.” Sarah nodded back. “Shoot,” she said. “Would you be willing to look after Ben on the weekends?” the redhead asked. “I would love to,” Sarah replied, reaching back to give his triply diapered bottom a firm squeeze. “Honestly, I wish my boyfriend would ask me to treat him like this.” Amy clapped her hands. “Excellent!” she exclaimed. “If you want, you can come over right now, and I can teach you how to take care of his needs.” She spun her husband around, presenting Sarah with his generously padded posterior and bending him down. To stay balanced, Ben had to jut his comically bulky bum out, an act that brought even more color to his cheeks. “First lesson- see how the crotch strap of his straitjacket has a handle strap over the back of his rubber panties?” Amy said. “If he’s trying to waddle away, just grab that and reel him in. Give it a try.” Eagerly, Sarah seized the butt strap and pulled Ben towards herself. “Neat,” she said. Amy smiled, delighted that her neighbor was so willing to help her husband become incontinent. “Second lesson- if you want him to go somewhere, make sure to give his cute diaper booty plenty of swats. Try leading him back home.” Administering firm pats to his cushioned rump, Sarah led Ben back to his house. The casual attitude the blonde brought to his debasing predicament made Ben sink even deeper into submission, and he didn’t so much as attempt resistance. Once the two women were back inside with their diapered captive, Amy pointed Sarah to the kitchen, where she showed her Ben’s juice and shakes. Four bottles of the former, and two of the latter, packed his tummy uncomfortably full during the demonstration. Despite Ben’s good behavior, his redheaded wife made him lie over Sarah’s lap so she could practice spanking him. The bespectacled woman didn’t strike him as hard as Jenny or Amy did, but the joy she took in playing with his thickly diapered butt was just as difficult to endure as the pain of a stronger spanking. “The only thing left to show you,” Amy stated, “is how to change his diapers. With all that diaper bulk under his rubber panties, he doesn’t need changing if he’s just wet, but you’ll want to get him out of messy diapers… eventually.” Grinning, Amy squeezed Ben’s padded buttocks. “There’s no need to change his diapers the moment he fills them.” A chill danced through Ben’s spine at the prospect of being left to stew in his own waste. “Why don’t you come over tomorrow morning?” she requested. “He’ll have a fully loaded diaper for you to practice changing on.” Ben wanted to melt into nothingness as Amy asserted dominance over his most private bodily function. “Sure,” Sarah agreed. “I’ll see you then.” The blonde showed herself out, leaving Ben alone with his wife once more. Amy led her husband back into the bedroom. “Jenny will be back from her errands soon,” she stated, “and the two of us will be eating dinner.” She hoisted Ben onto the changing table and pushed him into a lying position, firmly strapping his straitjacketed torso in place and locking his ankles in the cuffs that hung from the ceiling. “You’ll be staying put right here, so you don’t get into any trouble.” The dominatrix slipped her hands into a pair of latex gloves yet again, retrieving a massive rubber butt plug and a bottle of lubricating jelly. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re occupied.” Squeezing a fat dollop into her palms, Amy coated the plug in gel and slowly screwed it into Ben’s anus. His eyes widened and he suckled his rubber plug gag as the butt plug filled his rectum, and he screwed his eyes shut as his wife took hold of his powdered penis and pumped it, layering lubricant jelly all over his shaft. She then retracted her hands, disposed of the latex gloves and donned a new pair, and stripped Ben of his full-cut rubber panties. Amy undid the tapes on her husband’s diapers, plopping all three into the pail by the changing table, and took out the canister of talcum powder. With Ben’s legs suspended in midair by the shackles, she had easy access to his belly, crotch, and bottom, and all were given a thorough rub with the baby powder. Ben’s member pulsed under his wife’s skilled ministrations. Despite his revulsion, she could arouse him with domineering ease. Amy then brought out from one of the table’s drawers a thick sleeve made of flexible rubber. Giving his manhood a few more pumps to keep it at stiff attention, the redhead slipped Ben’s length into the rubber sleeve, his pink head peeking out of one end. She connected a rubber bulb to the sleeve and pumped, inflating it until Ben’s well-lubricated cock was snugly squeezed in the soft rubber, but while its tight grip ensured his arousal, the lubricant and talc eliminated the friction he would need to achieve climax. “This will keep you nice and happy while you wait,” she declared, tapping his tip with a single finger. “Don't worry, you'll still be able to wet yourself. When the need gets to be too much, your erection will subside just enough to let you stream into your diapers.” Ben moaned lowly into his gag, helplessly erect in the tight grip of this new toy and dreading the prospect of peeing his diapers while wearing it. The dominatrix unpacked three new diapers, laying a soaker pad in one of the porous-shell diapers as usual. Atypically, she pressed her husband’s rubber-swaddled member against his tummy instead of tucking it between his legs, before sealing it beneath a tightly taped diaper. Ben was quickly packaged in the other two diapers and a fresh pair of full-cut white rubber panties, his pulsing erection thoroughly sealed away. Amy briefly freed his legs before strapping them down on the changing mat. She then took hold of a metal pole on the side of the changing bench and raised it vertically, hanging from a hook on the end a massive bag of drugged lemonade. “We've got to keep you hydrated, now don't we?” Amy teased. Fitting the bag with one end of a long, thin tube, she secured the other in Ben's plug gag and released a valve on the bag. A slow dribble of the cocktail trickled into his mouth as the redhead zipped the eye hole of his leather hood shut, blinding him. “I don't want you getting distracted,” the redhead cooed condescendingly. “Now Jenny and I are going to eat dinner, so you stay right here.” With a domineering kiss on his cheek, Amy left her husband to endure seemingly endless frustration. He'd just have to get used to it, for this would be a nightly routine. Ben lay on the changing table for what felt like an hour, but since the eye hole on his hood had been zipped shut, he had no way of knowing how much time had elapsed. It passed in a familiar pattern, with pressure building in his bladder but his penis, helplessly erect in the snug rubber sheath Amy had applied, being unable to discharge it. When the pain from his bladder was overwhelming, Ben found his member soften just enough to stream into the front of his triple diaper bulk, before succumbing to the rubber sleeve's arousing tightness around his shaft. Since he was receiving a steady drip of juice from the feeding bag his wife had fitted him with, Ben had to endure this ordeal over and over again, his soaker pad growing soggier and clingier against his powdered tummy. And all the while his backside ached from the sheer size of the butt plug Amy had hilted in him. Eventually, the drip of juice ran dry, and Ben felt the tube being extracted from his rubber plug gag. His legs were unstrapped from the table, and his rubber panty briefs pulled away, but his ankles were quickly locked into cuffs dangling on cords from the ceiling, raising his triply diapered bottom from the changing bench. Unable to see who was changing him with his white leather hood’s eye hole zipped securely shut, Ben suspected it was Amy, since Jenny had expressed such disgust at matters involving his manhood. Either way, the tapes on each of his diapers were undone, and the rubber sleeve was deflated and slipped from his erection. The butt plug was slowly worked out of his anus, prodding him unpleasantly every step of the way. The now-familiar caress of cool wet wipes stroked along Ben’s damp tummy and crotch, cleansing every inch of his intimate regions. He felt wipes between his thighs and against his buttocks, then down his butt crack, and found himself helplessly at attention from the slow strokes that applied baby powder to his genitals. His belly, low back, and behind all received the same thorough coating of talc. Then his hood was unzipped, and Ben was shocked to find Jenny staring down at him, an expression somewhere between malice and mirth plastered on the brunette’s face. “Amy and I talked things over,” she said, “and we’ve decided to put you in chastity.” Ben gulped, eyes widening in horror that Jenny savored. “Since you can’t stop yourself from getting aroused by your own daughter,” she hissed, “your dick will be under strict control.” Ben’s daughter began to apply what turned out to be a very complicated chastity device. First, she changed into latex gloves and massaged a mint-scented lotion into her father’s manhood. Despite the stimulation, Ben found he didn’t become erect. “That lotion suppresses your filthy response,” Jenny stated, slipping a thin latex sleeve over his flaccid genitalia. It encased his scrotum and shaft in slick white latex, but left his tip exposed. “It doesn’t last very long, but we have other ways of keeping you soft.” Despite its tightness, the sheath went on easily due to the talc and cream coating Ben’s privates. Next came a much more uncomfortable device. Jenny slipped a metal coil over his latex-clad shaft. The metal spiral was curved downwards to tuck his rod against his scrotum, and fused to it was a ring that locked around where his genitals emerged from his crotch, and two more that held his balls off to the sides, creating a groove where his shaft was made to lay. The end of the chastity cage was a small metal dome that encased Ben’s cockhead, leaving only the center of his tip exposed. Ben’s manhood was all balled up, and Jenny smirked in approval, but she had one last layer of chastening to apply to her father. She sealed his caged cock beneath a thick, rigid rubber dome that clipped to the metal rings of his chastity cage. The dome had a small aperture over the center of his tip, which would permit him to wet his diapers, but it concealed everything else. “Perfect,” Jenny said. “Now I can change your diapers without your disgusting cock getting in the way.” The chastity was uncomfortably tight, pinching and compressing Ben’s private parts into a helpless package. It was unbelievably emasculating to wear, sapping the urge to fight his predicament. Ben lay there meekly, suckling the fat rubber plug gag that hushed him as Jenny bundled him into a soaker pad and three thickweight diapers. These particular diapers had a higher-cut leg that bared more of his hips than usual, as did the white rubber panties that encased them. “Aren’t you so well-behaved now?” the brunette cooed. “Honestly, a world where all you boys are locked up in chastity is my kind of utopia.” Those words stoked a transient fury in Ben, but his layers of chastity had cowed him so completely, all that came of his displeasure was a meek little whine into his gag. Jenny undid the straps and cuffs that secured her father on the changing table and hoisted him to his feet. Ben’s dry diapers made a crinkly puffing sound at each slap to his padded, rubber-pantied posterior, and though he was waddling along as fast as he could manage, his daughter sharply spanked him all the way to the kitchen. Amy was waiting, having changed into a black bikini. “I locked up his boy parts,” Jenny declared, sitting her father down in his chair and strapping him in. “Excellent!” Amy said, clapping her hands in exaggerated delight. She strode over to the refrigerator, returning with the usual set of bottles, and the women took turns bottle-feeding their diapered captive. Ben had come to accept an overstuffed tummy and full bladder as fixtures of his life, which was at once relieving and worrisome. Jenny excused herself yet again to call her boyfriend, a shy young man who worked at a bookstore, and Amy led her husband right back to the bedroom. On the way there, Ben felt the urge to pee. Earlier, he might have fought it, but the chastity was a constant reminder that resistance was pointless. So he streamed into his diapers, the front of his soaker pad growing soggy as wetness escaped the small opening in his chastity. Ben felt his wife squeeze his thickly cushioned rear in appreciation, and he was horrified to take pleasure in the praise. Soon enough, he was on his back on the changing mat yet again, his legs cuffed, but unexpectedly, his chest was left unrestrained. As a matter of fact, he felt Amy undoing the straps of his straitjacket and unzipping the heavy cotton-duck garment, baring his slightly sweaty chest. His white leather hood also came off, baring his clean-shaven face, and his booties were slipped away as well. Ben’s arms were weak from disuse, refusing to heed his commands, and soon enough, his input didn’t matter. Amy brought two more cuffs down from the ceiling and locked her husband’s wrists in them, suspending him a foot above the changing table spread-eagled. “Hold still,” the red-haired dominatrix commanded, producing a bottle of shaving cream and a razor. She squirted liberal dollops of gel onto Ben’s upper chest, sides, and back, and worked it into a lather all over the exposed skin before clearing it away, along with her husband’s body hair. Then Amy massaged a soothing lotion into his newly hairless trunk and moved onto his arms. Cleansed of body hair, Ben was freed from the cuffs, but Amy fixed his eyes with a piercing glare, giving him a taste of what wrath would await him if he tried anything. Not needing much convincing, her husband stayed put. Amy slipped a new hood over Ben’s head. It was pastel pink and made of swimsuit fabric, and didn’t have any zippers on it, but like the leather hood, it exposed only an oval of face around his eyes. Next, she dressed him in a one-piece swimsuit in the same pastel pink, which stretched taut over his massive diaper bulk, its leg holes lining up perfectly with the higher-cut leg of his latest diapers and rubber panties. Unusually for a bathing suit, it had long sleeves sewn shut at the ends, but their purpose was evident due to the loops on the front of the swimsuit and the buckles on the ends of the sleeves. Ben’s arms were guided through the loops, folding them over his chest, and the sleeves were wrapped around his back to pull them taut and buckled in front. What he wore was equal parts one-piece bathing suit and straitjacket. Lastly, Amy fitted her husband with ankle-length waterproof booties that matched the pastel pink of his outfit, and with his getup complete, she guided him to the floor. Ben was led onto the back patio by the familiar pressure of a hand on his triply diapered rear, waddling into the balmy summer evening. The sun glowed golden orange as it slowly sank towards the horizon. The patio had a pool and a hot tub, and it was towards the latter that Amy directed her husband. She sat him down in the soothingly warm water and descended herself, draping an arm over Ben’s shoulder. “I hope you’re getting used to your new life,” she whispered, smiling warmly at him. “You’ll be the first of many boys to know such joy.” Ben’s eyes widened, and he gulped behind his gag, beginning to realize the magnitude of what his wife had in mind. “I’m starting small, taking away your continence and convincing a few close acquaintances to do the same to their husbands and boyfriends, their sons and brothers. Word will spread, and a trend will form.” Her other hand reached up to caress Ben’s pink-hooded cheek. “Eventually, the practice will be so widespread that boys simply won’t be potty trained.” The notion that Amy could bring about such a massive social shift would have struck Ben as ridiculous not even a day ago, but he’d seen what she was capable of. Amy would succeed in eliminating male continence, and he was completely helpless to stop her. Ben woke up in the swaddle that he was to sleep in, his triple diapers and soaker pad completely saturated with his urine. He'd wetted uncontrollably numerous times in his sleep, which was an unpleasant piece of information, but nowhere near the most distressing sensation he was subject to. He couldn't move within the dense padding of his sleep cocoon, not that the restraints he wore would have permitted movement anyway. Amy had dressed him in what was meant to be a comfortable nighttime set of restraints, a leather hood with thick padding on the inside that fully enveloped his head and neck with only two nostril holes as gaps in its coverage, and a stiff leather shirt with no sleeves or openings at the shoulders, inside which his arms were folded over his chest, underneath a thick layer of padding. And worst of all, he felt a terrible weight in his gut, a steadily building pressure to move his bowels. Ben squirmed and clenched, sweat wicking from his skin into the cocoon of padding that immobilized him, but he was fighting an unwinnable battle. Eventually, his strength failed him, his abdomen relaxed, and his bowels erupted, a thick sludge bursting from his anus and packing the seat of his sodden diapers. It was both relieving and horrifying to him that letting go felt so relaxing, but at least his belly was no longer painfully stuffed. And even the slushy load in the back of his triple diapers wasn't the worst thing to feel against his liberally powdered bottom. It was warm and soft, at the very least. It was some time before Ben felt his cocoon being unzipped. He willingly waddled, the back and seat of his diapers swelled with the weight of his mess, led by a hand on his soiled diaper butt all the way to the changing table. Submitting to his lifestyle, he let his rubber panties be removed and his ankles be shackled and lifted skyward, didn’t struggle as his chest was strapped down to the padded changing bench. Cool air tickled his nether regions when he was liberated from his loaded diapers, and miraculously, from his chastity. It couldn’t have been Jenny that was changing him, then. The wet wipes swabbed his crotch and bottom clean, but instead of being bundled into another set of triple diapers, Ben was given a heavily lubricated butt plug, which made his eyes water with its girth. Free from diapers for the first time in hours, Ben worried that he might pee on the table with how quickly his urinary continence had degraded, but his captors had thought of that, and a condom was slipped over his wiped-down penis to contain any leaks. Unstrapped from the changing table and marched into the bathroom, Ben found himself being stripped down, his eyes screwing shut at the sudden exposure to light. Feeling weak and disoriented, he couldn’t muster the ability to run, and though every fiber of his mind was alight with the urge to flee, all he could do was let himself be led into the bathtub. Besides, the bathroom door was locked anyway. “Bathtime, sweetie,” Amy cooed, clad in jeans and a crisp blouse with short sleeves. His wrists and ankles were locked in plastic cuffs with stuffed rubber pads on the inside, which held him down inside the tub. Ben didn’t dare speak as Amy came into focus, staying still and quiet so as not to draw her ire. He was sure that it would only bring him unpleasant punishment. She left the plug in his rectum, but peeled the condom from his penis, and then the red-haired dominatrix began to bathe him, not missing a single spot with her cloth or body wash. Ben’s wife took her time kneading and stroking his buttocks and manhood, bringing him helplessly erect within a warm washcloth time and time again as she cleansed him. Amy finished the bath by washing her husband’s hair, and then shaving his face and body, the soothing water and soapy lather making it easy to strip his skin of what little hair had grown back since yesterday. “I think you look so much cuter smooth,” the dominatrix declared. She rinsed him off, drained the tub, and then unshackled him so she could dry him off with a towel. “Aren’t you a good boy?” Amy praised him for his obedient stillness. Ben felt his wife massage a lotion into his skin to diminish the most unpleasant aspects of a full-body shave, and then slip a jaw-stretching rubber plug into his mouth, a padded leather panel pressed to his lips as she did up the numerous straps around his head. He was led into the bedroom with her hands cupping and squeezing his behind and member, keeping him at attention. She guided him to lie on his back on the changing bench, where his ankles were cuffed and raised as usual, and his trunk and arms were pinned down beneath wide leather belts. “Your turn, Sarah,” Amy said, and Ben gulped. Sarah had made good on her promise to come on Saturday; it was probably her who had changed him before his bath. Wearing a strapless black PVC leotard over fishnets, and standing in shiny black pumps, she was the image of sexy maturity, in sharp contrast to the infantilized man she was changing. After removing the butt plug, she lavished a thick shower of powder on his crotch and plastered it all over his bottom, massaging it in with slow strokes that ensured his tool remained helplessly at attention. “Awww, you like this so much, don’t you?” Gagged as he was, Ben was in no position to disagree. Then she slipped him into a tight latex sleeve that enveloped all of his genitalia but the head of his penis in form-fitting white, following it up with a rubber sleeve that gripped his shaft from the base to just below his tip. The bespectacled blonde inflated it to keep her captive erect. “And I just know you love this, honey.” Sarah unwrapped a new sort of diaper, laying in a soaker pad before wrapping it around Ben’s thoroughly powdered rump and front. He felt his rubber-sleeved erection being guided into a very tight cocoon of padding before the diaper was taped shut, a swaddle that only grew tighter when the second and third layers were snugly applied and encased in rubber panty briefs. Unstrapped from his changing table, Ben was led to the full-length mirror to behold his new diapers. “I hope you like your new look,” Sarah teased. “I know I do.” The diapers in question were lobed in back, resembling buttocks, and his full-cut rubber panties were molded to fit, so his triple diaper bulk resembled a naked bottom rendered in pure white. But the most embarrassing feature of these new diapers and rubber panties was the rod in front. A huge, pill-shaped protrusion jutted from the crotch of his diapers, his cocooned cock trapped in the protuberant tube of diaper padding. It was as though his diapers themselves had an erection. Ben was on the verge of tears at the sight of his new diapers, humiliated beyond words, beyond belief. But there was nothing he could do. Amy, for her part, was delighted. “He looks so adorable,” she cooed. “I knew these were a good investment.” She gave his thoroughly padded penis a playful squeeze he couldn’t feel through all that diaper bulk, before leading him by a hand on his diapers’ molded behind back to the changing table. Ben felt his wrists being raised above his head and locked in the cuffs that so often held his ankles aloft during a diaper change, Amy taking one wrist while Sarah bound the other. Their free hands roamed his body, his wife taking a special interest in his diaper penis while his neighbor squeezed and fondled his padded bottom at every opportunity. “You have such a lovely body,” Amy purred. “Do allow me to share it with our generous neighbor. After all, she’s agreeing to enable this new life you wanted.” He whimpered into his plug gag, sucking the rubber like a pacifier, and waiting for the humiliating fondling of his hairless form to cease. But when it did, he wheezed into his gag in pain, for a white corset was slipped around his waist. Bent over the table with Amy’s knee in his back, Ben felt the corset boning tighten around his waist until he could barely breathe, his midriff painfully compressed in the strict garment. With how tight it was, he developed a corset bulge in his diapers, but this was the least of his concerns when he found it challenging to do anything more than pant. “He looks even cuter like this,” Sarah said approvingly, patting his triply diapered rump as she and his redheaded wife each lifted one of his legs and laced him into white latex ballet boots that reached halfway up his thighs, pulling every last inch of slack from the tough cords to trap his shaven legs in the thigh-high bondage boots. “And these boots flatter his legs.” Ben knew he wouldn’t be walking anywhere as soon as his ballet-booted feet reached the ground again, for he could barely balance in them, much less step sure-footedly. Amy grinned and slipped her husband into his now usual white bondage hood, planting a kiss on his latex-encased cheek. “I think it’s a fine look for a boy indeed,” she declared, uncuffing his wrists. Right on cue, Sarah supplied a new straitjacket of white latex, and the blonde and redhead worked in tandem to strap their boy into it and tighten every belt. The crotch strap of this jacket parted around the pill-shaped protrusion of rubber-pantied diapers that housed Ben’s rubber-sleeved shaft, allowing it to stay presented quite erect in front. “And it’s all finished. Sarah, you’re responsible for Ben for the rest of the day, while my daughter and I go enjoy ourselves.” Ben squealed at the spank to his rubber-sealed diaper butt as Sarah expressed her approval. “That’s more than fine with me,” she said, weighing the cock sleeve at the front of Ben’s diapers and rubber panty briefs in her palm. “Don’t worry, sweetie,” she cooed. “I’ll take good care of you."
  12. deleted
  13. For just a three dollars, you can see more stories like this at my Patreon. If you'd like a short story, you may pledge five dollars and I'll write you one about any image you choose.  https://www.patreon.com/user?u=6660213 A young mother drove through the outskirts of the metropolitan area she once called home. Occasionally, she'd glance over to see her son, Daniel, sulking while staring at the passing fields of wheat or corn. Not only was he still grumpy about leaving behind all of his friends and the home he grew up in, but his IPhone had run out of power which had only exacerbated the tension in the midsized Crossover. The trip was almost over, but the last three hours were incredibly awkward since the ten year old would merely ignore his mother's attempts at small talk. However, she knew that things would get better once he settled into the new house. A few dozen farms later, a green sign appeared on the horizon. As they neared closer to it, Daniel's mother smiled and read aloud the sign's message. "Greeneville, a quiet town nestled amongst the never ending waves of grain." This announcement elicited a sign from the boy in the passenger seat. He simply looked at the road sign with a frown and thought about how tough it would be to start a new. All the friends he had were back in the city and now he had to go to some new school in the middle of nowhere. His mother's chipper attitude did not help things. After all, it was her idea to leave everything behind and move out to this place. "Look Daniel, I know that this is a big change for you, but I want you to have all the things I never did." "I already had friends!" The brown haired boy broke his self imposed vow of silence. "There's that quick wit." The mother, in her late twenties said sarcastically before changing her tone. "Anyway, we've never had a house and thanks to grandma's help, we'll have a big house to call home instead of that dinky apartment by the highway." Daniel brightened up a little bit. "Yeah, but what about a pool?" "If your grades improve, I'll see what I can do." "But mom!" Daniel caught himself whining and corrected his tone. "You know that I tried hard. School is just so tough." "I know, sweetheart, but you don't want to be left behind next year, do you?" "No! I want to go to middle school!" The boy replied adamantly. "That's what I thought and I believe that you can. I know we haven't talked much about why we left the city, but it's because I don't want you to struggle like I did. I don't like to talk about it, but I had to drop out of school to give birth to you and your grandmother watched you until I was able to get my GED. I know first hand that education is tough, but it's one of the reasons that we moved out here. Less distractions, smaller class sizes and a quiet town where you can study." "I'm sorry for being born." Daniel scoffed, taking away nothing from his mother's explanation. "Baby, I didn't mean it to sound like that. Your father and I worked our butts off to make sure you have all the opportunities that we didn't get. We never got a chance to go to college and that was one of the reasons why your father joined the Army. If he had the chance to attend college, he wouldn't be serving a second tour in the Middle East. We want you to go to college and never have to worry about providing for your children, honey." "I miss daddy, I mean, dad." Daniel looked down at the dashboard. "He's going to be coming home in a few months, I promise." "You think he'll be back before my birthday? He's missed the last two." "I'm pretty sure he'll be back by the summer and I know that he'd love to see you going onto Middle School next fall." "I know, mom. I know." Daniel quieted back down as the conversation ended. The town, although small, sprawled out around the country route that the midsized Crossover journeyed on. Various farms gave way to a few acres of mobile home parks and those gave way to an old main street, lined with old brick buildings and iron lampposts. It was as if they had traveled back to the late fifties save for the fact that no classic cars were to be seen. Each store had a few SUVs or pick up trucks parked in front of them. "This is like a scene from Back to the Future." Daniel mumbled to himself. His mother chuckled. "It almost is, isn't it?" As the Crossover drove down the main road, the young mother noticed that each mother or couple was pushing a stroller along the sidewalks. She couldn't exactly get a good look at the contents of the strollers, since she was driving, but she was impressed with the "baby boom" the town was experiencing. 'This must be a real great place to raise a family.' The young mother thought, she hadn't exactly gotten a chance to research the town or even visit it. Since it was her mother's money that bought the house, she found herself left out of most of the decision making. Daniel, on the other hand, saw some of the inhabitants of the strollers and felt bad for them. They looked like big kids, save for the outfits they wore: Rompers, overalls or just a kiddy shirt and a pair of short shorts. Some unlucky kids wore nothing but a thick, white diaper as they were pushed along. 'Maybe they're special needs or something?' Daniel decided to stop staring and see if his mother noticed them. "Opps, missed the turn. Well, the GPS says that we can use the next right up ahead." Daniel looked back out the window and noticed that the storefronts had ended, replaced by a football field and a swath of grass which stretched out to a tarmac surface. The tarmac surrounded a two story building, possibly the school he was to attend. "Oh, I think this is your new school." Daniel's mother broke the boy from his thoughts with her observation. She then read aloud the name listed on wooden sign in front of the main entrance. "Greeneville Community School. Yeah, that's your new school, honey." Daniel didn't take his eyes off the imposing building while his mother spoke, due to the signature structure which caught his attention: A monolithic bell tower rising up from the two story building made of granite stone. He was both in awe of it and felt a sense of foreboding build up throughout his body. This building looked like a relic from another age. It also gave the school a "private school" vibe and the boy couldn't help but hope that his grandma didn't shell out the cash for him to attend a private school. "Umm, mom?" "Yes, Daniel?" "Grandma isn't paying to send me to a private school, is she?" "Don't worry about that, sweetie. She would have told me if she did. Trust me." His mom chuckled. The boy with the chestnut colored hair felt relieved. At least he wouldn't have to worry about having to wear a dorky uniform or be bossed around by rich kids. He'd heard many rumors from some of the kids at his old school about how private schools worked and, needless to say, he wasn't a fan of them. It didn't change the fact that he'd have to make new friends, but it did make him feel a bit better that he didn't have to worry about fitting in with some odd social hierarchy. "We're on Oak Drive now." His mother happily chirped. "Okay, is that like, important or something?" "Yes it is, silly. Our house is right there." Daniel's mom pointed at a two story house, typical suburban design, surrounded by a large, luscious lawn.
  14. For just a dollar, you can see more stories like this at my Patreon. If you'd like a short story, you may pledge five dollars and I'll write you one about any image you choose.  https://www.patreon.com/user?u=6660213 Chapter 1: Abducted and Diapered Two large, humanoid, female aliens looked over their advanced tracking system which had located a high concentration of the desired energy which these creatures sought out. The women were tall, slightly pale and had large breasts. Each one looked at each other with pure excitement evident in their eyes. The readouts showed that the immaturity, relative to the subject's ages of the woman below, were absolutely off the charts. "Can you believe these readings!?" The taller female humanoid questioned her partner. "I am having a hard time. These have got to be the two most immature beings on Earth." "Quickly, we must have them on board right now!" The two creatures relayed a series of specific orders to various members of the crew. This was not a drill, typically such scans of alien worlds would be lucky to reveal a few dozen low level readings, but the planet known as Earth had two extremely high level beings. With a press of a button the ship went into cloak mode, rendering it invisible. Chi Chi and Bulma chatted on the patio of Capsule Corp's residential area, completely oblivious to the ulterior motives of the beings on the spaceship. Neither one could see the ship hovering a few hundred feet over head. They enjoyed the fair weather and the opportunity to get together on a beautiful sunny afternoon which was rarely afforded to the two mothers. Goten and Trunks were both quite a handful after all and their husbands were something else entirely. "That Goku is such--" Before Chi Chi could finish her complaining, a sudden energy had paralyzed her body. Bulma was experiencing a similar phenomenon as both women were levitating slowly until they instantaneous disappeared from Capsule Corp only to reappear aboard the alien vessel. Startled and confused they looked around the strange area that they were teleported to. "What happened?" Chi Chi questioned as she stood up from the floor. "I don't know, but everything in here is huge." Bulma replied, looking at a few large tables which stood close by. Her exploration was cut short by a door opening. A lanky, pale humanoid waltzed right in. This entity was eaaily the tallest woman she had ever seen. "Look at these two perfect specimens!" "It's a giant alien!" Chi Chi declared. "I can see that, Chi Chi. Just be calm. Let me do the talking." Bulma stepped forward towards the large woman and noticed that she barely came up to her thigh. Still, she was undeterred and unintimidated by this massive woman. "I'm Bulma Brief, head scientist and CEO of Capsule Corp." The blue haired woman held her hand out, waiting to shake hands with the enormous humanoid. "Oh, that's cute. Look at that, trying to be mature." Bulma felt a twitch of her eye as a big vein appeared on her forehead. "What do you mean by trying to be mature? I'll have you know that I'm a genius and run my father's company!" "Let's get you ready for the adoption protocol. You're going to make someone a very happy mommy!" The alien cooed, entirely ignoring the scientist. "Adoption?!" Bulma turned to run away, but was instantly scooped up by the giant woman as if she weighed nothing at all. "I'm an adult! I have two sons and a husband!" Chi Chi shrieked as a metallic arm grabbed her around the waist and pulled her towards the oversized humanoid. "Hold still, young lady!" The alien warned a squirming Bulma. "Hell no!" Bulma barked at her captor. "I want you to take me back to Earth right now!" "Can't do that, sweetie. You, and your little friend, are the perfect specimens for our home world. Now let's get you out of these silly clothes." Bulma was powerless to stop this crazy alien as it ripped her pants clean off of her body. Then she felt her top being pulled off with ease which was unmatched by even her husband, Vegeta.Lifting a grown woman like she weightless and then stripping her like it was nothing more than peeling an orange: This woman was strong! Chi Chi found herself in a similar state of undress after a multitude of metallic hands descended on her like ravenous vultures. Her trademark dress was torn to shreds and her bra and panties didn't stand a chance once they were out in the open. The raven haired woman struggled as best as she could, but she was no match for the machines. Both mothers were now butt naked. Speaking of butts, Bulma noticed that her captor was staring at her ass, almost mesmerized by it. "My stars. By the light of Azzelond, you have such a perfect rump. So fat and round. I just want to pinch it and squeeze it for eternity." "What? My ass is not fat!" Bulma fumed, pinned in the giant's hands. "Yes, it's quite the perfect bubble. Lucky for you, I can't pinch it or spank it. Violates the guidelines that state that the merchandise mustn't be damaged in any way." "Great. So, what? I'm cattle to you?" "No, you'll be the perfect pet or baby for someone who is lucky enough to get their hands on your bouncy booty." "That's exactly what I wanted to hear." Bulma shot back, sarcastically before continuing her rant. "Just you wait till my husband finds out about this. You'll all be sorry. I'm the wife of a prince!" "We've captured royalty before. They are always the most fun to train. Anyway, enough talk. Time to clean you both up." "I'm already clean!" "Yeah, me too!" Chi Chi added. "No, but you will be. Engage cleaning sequence Alpha Beta!" Once more, the machines renewed their assault on Chi Chi, but this time Bulma wasn't left out. Both ladies had their make up washed off, teeth brushed with a tiny high pressure spray from one of the smaller hoses and then a snake like tube slithered across Bulma's leg until it slowly pushed it's way into her ass. Her tight hole was instantly penetrated by the long, glistening tube. She felt it come to life and an odd sensation overwhelmed her stomach: It was pumping some kind of alien fluid up her rear end! "Oh my Kami!" Bulma cried out. "You're going to impregnate me, aren't you!?" Of course, the blue haired loud mouth failed to notice that Chi Chi was already finished with the enema, pissing out the vile oozing slime from her ass and into some kind of waste receptacle. "No, you're the baby. Baby doesn't make babies." The alien laughed while she held Bulma over her lap. The scientist still didn't trust this crazy alien. After all, her belly currently looked to be as large as when she was nine months pregnant with Trunks. Her stomach resembled a massive ballon. "Please, just let me go!" Bulma begged, but to no avail. She was held over the same type of receptacle which collected Chi Chi's waste and felt an intense pressure on her abdomen. She pushed with all her might and was rewarded with a hissing sound as the slime left her body, pouring into the space age bucket while she was held over it. "Thank you, that feels so much better!" Her relief was short lived thanks to the finger of the metallic hand being stuck up her fat butt. "What's the big idea?!" "Temperature, normal. Readings average." The machine spoke aloud while Chi Chi got an identical treatment. "Diaper Sequence: Engage!" The alien ordered. Soon both women were laid out onto a table, side by side. "I'm not going to wear a damn diaper!" "Me neither!" Chi Chi growled. Another bizarre, snake like device lowers down from the ceiling and did a quick scan over each woman's body. "Inappropriate hair detected!" "What's wrong with my hair?" Bulma retorted. "My hair looks great you bucket of bolts!" Unbeknownst to the two ladies, it wasn't refereeing to the hair on their heads, but their pubic hair. A small lazer rapidly burned off all their pubic hairs at the follicular level. Chi Chi lost her massive bush in the blink of an eye. Bulma had always kept her feminine area very well manicured, but the machine desired scorched Earth and quickly had Bulma looking as bare as a prepubescent girl. "What the hell did you do to my bush?!" Chi Chi screamed, utterly enraged. "Who cares about your bush? I spent hours grooming the Capsule Corp logo into my crotch!" While the two ladies bickered, they failed to noticed that two thick, white gleaming plastic diapers were ready, held in the robotic hands. The diapers were made of a special polymer which would allow for multiple wettings or messings. In a flash, the girls had their butts raised off of the table simultaneously . The metallic hands wasted no time and the mothers were oiled and powdered. Each one felt the bulky diaper fastened to their waists. "Well, looks like your both ready for nap time." The alien cooed. "Fuck that!" Bulma yelled at the top of her lungs while Chi Chi valiantly tried to rip her diaper off. The girls were sprayed with a gas specifically designed to knock out humans. "Sweet dreams, little ones."
  15. Taken from The ABDL MedFet Book 6, here is a little story about the power in dominance, the passion in passiveness and the patience in a patient. Part One “Hiya, Erin!” Charlotte said, putting her purse down in the nurses’ station, having arrived a bit early for her night shift - this to the surprise of her daytime counterpart, Erin. “You’re a bit early. Aren’t you?” Erin said with a smile, finishing her last bit of paperwork for the day and filing it away. “Well, yeah,” Charlotte admitted, sitting next to her. “But I wanted to hear about this hunky new guy in room 77 you were texting me about. Greg, I think you said his name was?” “Greg Townsend,” Erin confirmed, getting out his paperwork to show her. “28, white male, 5’10”, 180 lbs. He was admitted about an hour ago, brought straight from a car accident. Injuries include: bruised ribs and possibly torn stomach muscles … and yes, he’s a hunk.” Charlotte smiled, knowing how easily Erin would go weak in the knees for some of the more handsome patients left in her care. For the next week at least, Charlotte and Erin were going to be seeing very little of each other. They were also going to be seeing very little free time as they would be working 12 hours shifts each day. Normally, a third nurse split the job three ways for them. But that nurse was on vacation and with several other nurses in the wing being pulled away for quarterly training seminars that were taking place that week, Charlotte, Erin and all the others who were still there were going to be there quite a bit - the hospital saving on labor costs by not scheduling extra help for the 7th floor of St. Ignatius Hospital. Presently, Erin was covering 7am to 7pm and Charlotte was taking the other half through the night. But they would switch in a few days to allow for a little bit of human life to be shared between the two of them. Charlotte picked up Greg’s incoming paperwork and read, with wide eyes, about the accident he had survived. “Patient was struck by a female driver who was driving well above the speed limit. Patient had no time to react and when she hit his front bumper, his car went up in the air and landed on its side. His seatbelt kept him strapped to his seat, but it wretched him all over the place. And this was how his ribs became bruise as well as how his stomach muscles may have become possibly torn. Degree of the diastasis of the recti muscles to be determined.” “How did he survive this crash? His HPI reads like a horror movie,” Charlotte exclaimed, continuing to read the detailed a gruesome account. “And is the other driver alright?” “It’s a miracle he’s alive,” Erin said with sincerity. “The other driver is in much worse shape, but she was admitted to the ER at the same time he was brought in. I haven’t heard about her condition since. But I was told she was on her cell phone when the crash happened.” Charlotte scoffed. Oh, did she loathe things like that - accidents caused by the preventable carelessness of others. As a no-nonsense kind of person, she was thusly a no-nonsense kind of nurse. But it was Erin who kept her grounded to remember the human element in their work. Erin, on the other hand, was the overly-caring type. She was also a bit of a worrier. But she had learned from Charlotte to double-check herself while not second-guessing herself. Together, they balanced each other out, making a more complete pairing. Charlotte kept a close eye on Greg that first night, as she would have done for any newly-admitted patient. But despite his vital checks every hour, it wasn’t until the 4am check that he finally stirred awake. “Hello?” Greg said with a groggy voice, the lights in room 77 being kept very dim and only showing Charlotte as a silhouette until she walked up to his bedside. “I assume I’m not dead.” “You would assume correctly,” Charlotte said, Greg seeing her last name on her name tag. “Webb?” he asked, still quite groggy - Charlotte checking all three bags of IV fluid that were hooked up to quickly be changed out for him … an indication that his injuries, and therefore his pain, was severe. “I don’t suppose your first name is …” “…It is,” Charlotte said with a knowing grin, having been asked that same question more times than she could recall. “Charlotte.” “Charlotte Webb,” Greg said with a groggy smile. “My mother named me after the character,” she admitted, recording information on the laptop on her rolling cart. “Well, don’t feel too bad. My father named me after his favorite football player,” Greg said, grimacing a little. “I don’t suppose you could crank up the pain killers.” “Not without permission. But doctors will be in to see you in the morning,” Charlotte answered. “On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is extreme and 1 is mild or non-existent, what is your current pain?” “I’ve always thought some of the questions asked of hospital patients were ludicrous. That one right there is my favorite,” Greg said with a slight laugh, then cutting himself off from all further laughter as it only worsened the pain he was feeling. “Put down … 7. But you can write the word excruciating right after that.” “Most people just tell me 10,” Charlotte said, recording his answer. “Most people embellish. They will say whatever they think will get them more drugs,” he replied. “The real pain is mental, not physical.” “What do you mean?” Charlotte asked, his first impression showing him to be more than just a hunky-looking guy. “Well, tomorrow morning, doctors will come in here and tell me that I need to rest up while I am hospitalized and then they put all sorts of sleeping medication in me. And I will, in fact, go to sleep,” Greg said. “But then I will constantly be woken up for a list of various reasons, though I’m supposed to be resting.” Charlotte smiled, laughing at his response. How true it was. “How long have I been here?” he asked. “8 hours,” Charlotte said, still smiling at him. “It’s about 4am.” There certainly was a little something more to him than his handsome jaw line and strong build. Rarely did Charlotte ever take to her patients, but Greg was different. She just wasn’t sure how yet. “The girl who ran into me … is she okay?” he asked, a genuine sense of worry in his voice. He obviously knew how bad the accident had been. “She was admitted to the ER the same time you were brought here,” Charlotte answered honestly. “I don’t know anything more about her.” Greg closed his eyes, a bit of concern coming over him. “How long have I had this IV in my arm?” he asked, seeing his right forearm connected to the bags hanging behind him. “9 hours,” Charlotte replied, finishing her current check on him. “IV was first started for you when you were placed in the ambulance to be brought here.” “Before you leave, I’ve got to tell you something,” he said, stopping Charlotte in her tracks as she turned back to listen to him. “I have a weak stomach. I’m serious about that. I’m not joking about … whatever damage my stomach has at the moment. When this IV is taken out of my arm, I will begin to throw up repeatedly.” “Okay,” Charlotte said, not seeing his statement as being alarming. “I apologize in advance if it’s you who has to clean up after me,” he said with honesty. “It’s not gonna be fun for either of us.” “That’s my job. Now, get some rest,” she said, rolling her cart over to the door but then turning back one more time to say something to him. “I’ll be back in two hours to wake you up again.” Greg smiled, then quickly fell asleep. --------------- The next morning at 7:15am, Erin rushed in for her shift. “I’m sorry I’m late,” Erin apologized, setting her stuff down in the nurses’ station. “Traffic was a nightmare.” “It’s alright. Catch your breath, Sweetie,” Charlotte said, taking a seat next to her. “You were right about our hunky boy in room 77. I can tell already that his physical movements will be scarce for a while. But he has a sense of humor about the situation. Here, come with me for a minute. I want to show you something about him.” They walked down the hallway to his room, cracking the door open and peeking in at him. “He has been laying in the exact same position all night, flat on his back with his arms at his side,” Charlotte said. “Most patients do that, but he is doing it naturally. This position of sleep can lead to back pain, but he is smart enough to know, even when sleeping, that a crick in the back is nothing compared to what else he’s dealing with right now.” “Right,” Erin said, not understanding the point she was getting at. “Flat on the back is known as the soldier position,” Charlotte said, leading Erin back to the nurses’ station. “People who regularly sleep in that position have high expectations but also tend to instinctively protect. That’s why it’s call the soldier position. A soldier would sleep like that so he could get up quickly for battle or whatever, if needed.” Erin still wasn’t sure what point Charlotte was making, but throughout the day shift, she would learn a lot about Greg. And her softer nature would begin to rise to her surfaces, like always. But she would wait until he awoke that morning before bothering him again. Sure enough, he would stir as soon as the sun rose high enough to shine in through the Venetian blinds of room 77. “Good morning, Mr. Townsend. My name is Erin,” Erin said, rolling her cart into his room for an 8am check. Greg looked at her name tag, then smiled. “Your name is Erin Runner,” Greg said, the timbre in his voice almost making her knees wobble. “So, there’s Charlotte Webb at night and Erin Runner during the day.” “For now, at least. She and I will switch shifts in a few days,” Erin said, checking the drip bags and beginning to record the information. “Before you ask, just right down my pain as a 6 … with a side note of slowly getting better,” Greg said, trying to sit up but thinking better of the position shift when he felt pain from the movement. “Oh, no. Not yet,” Erin said, easing him back into a laying position. “Soon enough, though.” “I hear there are doctors coming to visit me some time this morning?” he asked, returning to his relax on the mattress. “Yes. They should be here by now. But they’re not always punctual,” Erin stated, then cryptically interrogating him. “Charlotte told me to look into the condition of the lady who hit you. Though, I can’t give you any details, I can tell you that she made it. She’s alive.” Greg sighed softly, closing his eyes - as if a sense of relief had overtaken him. Getting a bit bolder, she walked up alongside him. “Is there anyone you’d like me contact for you? Perhaps parents or relatives … or a girlfriend?” Erin asked with a sweet tone. “Well, you’re gonna have some trouble, there,” he replied with a smile. “Both of my parents passed away. My brother lives in New Mexico. And, if I have a girlfriend, it’s news to me.” Erin shared a smile with him, then going back to her paperwork at the rolling cart. “You have a very pleasant way about you, Erin Runner,” Greg said with a deep timbre that made her shudder and then smile back at him sweetly with raised shoulders of shyness. “Not everybody finds value in simply being nice. That’s a quality I hope you never lose.” “Greg Townsend?” a doctor said, walking into his room. “That would be me … or what’s left of me,” Greg said with a jocular tone, the doctor smiling and shaking hands with him. “As it turns out, you’ll be happy to know there’s more left of you than what we believed when you were admitted last night,” the doctor said. “We no longer believe you to have any muscular diastasis.” “And once I get my hands on a medical dictionary for translation, I’m sure that’s gonna mean a whole lot more to me than at the moment,” Greg said, the doctor laughing at the response. “You have no torn muscles anywhere,” the doctor restated, putting it into layman’s terms. “But you are more than likely in a great deal of pain. Essentially, you have internal bruising. And we are going to monitor you for a few days to make sure that everything inside you is working properly. I’d really like to see you up and walking around in a day’s time. That may not be possible, but here’s some incentive: until you can stand up and walk, you will be peeing in a bottle and relieving yourself in a bed pan. And you’ll return to solid food at dinner today.” “Well, Doc. You have given me all the incentive you’ll need to,” Greg said with a small laugh - anything more being too painful. “My time and my healing are for sale, but my dignity is not. I will be up on my feet before this day is over.” “That’s what I like to hear,” the doctor replied. Erin stood there, listening to Greg and that doctor speak - then feeling sympathy for Greg as the doctor had him sit up. She could tell by the look on his face that he was in tremendous pain. Then she thought about how concerned he was for the well-being of the cellphone-using lady who slammed into him and almost killed him. Charlotte was right about him. There was more than met the eye and it truly shocked Erin that he didn’t have a girlfriend. How was that even possible? He seemed like such a great guy, of what she knew of him. For this reason, she exercised caution in pursuing her curiosities about him. But seeing the doctor pushing in on Greg’s stomach and testing Greg’s limits of pain, Erin grew a soft spot in her heart for him. So, by the time the doctor stopped torturing him and left the room, she was already in a mode of I’m gonna take good care of you now. And with her added traits of worry, she slipped right into the same groove as always, wanting nothing but to make him become pain-free. Before easing Greg back down onto the mattress, Erin massaged the center point on his right shoulder blade while placing a cool right hand on his abdomen. Reaching under his hospital gown to touch his abdomen, she caught a glorious quick view of his endowment. And Wow! was all she could think of it. Trying to show no reaction to what she caught a glimpse of, Erin finally eased him down on the mattress. Then she massaged the very middle of his right foot, at a specific point which lessened the pain in his stomach area and his diaphragm. She wandered if it would be rude of her to tell him that she was also single and available but thought better of saying anything. “Breathe,” she said very quietly - almost in a whisper. “I am,” Greg said softly. Shyly, she smiled - a bit too embarrassed to reveal she was telling herself to breathe, not him. And she was even more too embarrassed to say why she was flustered to the point of needing to remind herself to breathe. His endowment! Oh, my. It would be a momentary vision that would remain in her mind’s eye for quite some time to come. And the massages worked, his pain lessening to a tolerable degree. Greg closed his eyes and fell asleep fairly quickly. But she would remain there by his side for a short while longer, studying the expressions on his face and wondering if he was dreaming. Doing her rounds, she finally had to admit to herself that she was smitten over him. Unlike so many of the other patients who were understandably miserable, Greg was not - though he had just as much right to be. Aside from the fact that he was a good-looking guy who obviously found importance in his appearance, when not in a hospital bed, he also seemed to have a positive-outlook on a negative situation. His heart was in a good place and his head was in a good place, despite where he was and why he was there. There were no red flags she could see. Greg went in and out of sleep all that afternoon. Erin kept checking on him constantly. When not checking on him or the other patients, she busied herself with text message after text message to Charlotte who was probably sleeping - telling her about how intriguing he was and also how well hung he was. By the time the dinner hour arrived, Greg was ready for some sort of sustenance and Erin was ready to dig a bit deeper into who he was - readying herself to open up to him - should all red flags remain at bay. “Be honest with me, Erin,” Greg said, leaning the bed upward to cheat so he wouldn’t have to hold himself up while eating. “Does that doctor really consider broth and Jello to be solid food?” Erin laughed aloud while tucking a napkin into the front of his hospital gown collar. His outlook certainly was a refreshing one for her to hear. He wasn’t really complaining like the other patients - instead, making light of that which needed it. “You’re completely overlooking the fact that he also thinks it’s actual food!” Erin added, sliding his dinner table over the bed and inadvertently trapping his arms underneath it. “Well, now it feels like a torturous tool used in interrogations,” Greg said with a monotone quality in his voice that broke Erin into hysterical laughter. In all honesty, Greg was happy to be able to put anything in his stomach, no matter how unappetizing the food may have seemed. “Where were you on the night of …?” Greg asked with a mocking interrogation tone until Erin cut him off by slipping a spoonful of broth into his mouth and holding the spoon there as he swallowed. “Oh, I’ve got better questions than that when I interrogate someone,” Erin said with a devilish grin and a playful tone, thoroughly enjoying the rapport they were building with each other. “Okay,” Greg, opening his mouth wide for the next spoonful. “How do you not have a girlfriend?” Erin asked, putting another spoonful of broth in his mouth and then using the tip of the spoon to scoop up the minor dribble on his lower lip - then feeding that to him as well. “And I want a real answer or I’ll break out the rice pudding next.” “I have no idea,” he responded after swallowing, his tone showing his honesty. “I guess I just haven’t met the right one yet.” “Have you ever been married?” Erin asked, feeding him another spoonful of broth, then switching over to the Jello. “Nope. Engaged, yes. But never married,” he admitted. “And why didn’t you get married?” she inquired, dipping the spoon into the red Jello and feeding him the first heaping spoonful of it. “Because engagement showed us exactly what engagement was supposed to show us,” he answered honestly again. “And what’s that?” she asked, really getting into this conversation. “That we weren’t meant to be married to each other,” he answered, trying not to laugh as laughter would have been painful for him just then. “How did you get into nursing?” Erin played very coy, returning to feeding him the broth and taking her time in deciding if she was going to tell him anything about herself. But the more intriguing thought in her mind was about what would be fun to actually tell him. She could be cryptic. She was in control and she could clearly see why Charlotte always leaned in the direction of dominating men. There was very satisfying fun in it. But Charlotte’s problem had always been about respecting boundaries. And she would quickly go from appearing as dominant to becoming domineering. Erin had no intention of disregarding her submissive nature. Instead, she would attempt a bit of topping from the bottom. But Greg’s reaction to this was her current primary concern. “I’ve always liked reading books about women who changed the world in some way and left a mark in their fields of work, like Florence Nightingale,” she said with a lowered tone, saucy to say the least as she fed him yet another spoonful of the broth. “She was a pioneer in the nursing field in the late 19th century. Her dedication to patient care got her nicknamed The Lady with the Lamp because she made rounds at night …… and this had never been done before.” Greg swallowed the broth and immediately received another helping of it. She was certainly taking charge of the situation … and of the talk. “Her example of care would forever change the way hospitals treated patients. Most consider her to be the founder of modern nursing,” Erin continued, leaning the bowl towards her as she scooped up more of the broth and fed it to him - Greg not resisting her at all. It seemed he suddenly had a bit of intrigue in her too … or so she was being led to believe. Finishing the last few spoonfuls of broth, she returned to the red Jello, only making him eat half of it. “That’s a really wonderful role model to have,” he said with a smile and authentic tone. “And nursing is noble work.” “It can also be messy work,” Erin laughed, picking up his dinner tray. “What you ate won’t take too long to digest right through you. So, when you get the slightest indication that you need to complete the digestion, please buzz me right away. Do you feel strong enough to take the painful trip to the toilet or do you want to use a bed pan?” “I’ll take the trip to the toilet,” he said with certainty, Erin smiling at the fearful look that momentarily crossed over his irises. --------------- At 7pm, Charlotte arrived for her shift, quite promptly after having awakened and read the string of texts she had been sent. Erin went right into talking to her about Greg, explaining how he was bruised internally but not damaged otherwise. And in the interest of time, she explained he had eaten his first meal at dinner. Charlotte knew what that meant and they both prepared for his forthcoming distress call. A few minutes later, his buzzer sounded and they moved quickly to his room, Erin explaining how flirting had become a common tone with him … and how he was playful about it all. “Okay, Mr. Townsend,” Charlotte said, entering his room and raising his bed to a sitting position as Erin helped him swing his over the side of the bed. “Just remember to keep breathing. It’ll be okay.” “Do most people make it to the toilet in time when they do this?” Greg asked, pain encouraging him to lean over and panic being evident in his tone. “Just be honest with me.” “It may seem like a surprise to you at the moment, but the answer is yes. Most everyone makes it to the toilet the first time,” Charlotte said with calmness, she and Erin helping him stand to his feet. “What may seem like urgency to you is actually anything but that.” “It doesn’t seem possible,” Greg said, going dizzy from being on his feet for the first time in 24 hours. “When you get there, you’ll be amazed how nothing will happen at first,” Erin said calmly, her voice softening in an attempt to ease his nerves. “It will be when you relax that everything begins.” He clung to both of them as they guided his sliding steps in the direction of the bathroom. “Thank goodness they put the bathroom on the other end of the room,” Greg said with jocular nature, seeing how far he still had to walk and wondering why his backside hadn’t let loose yet - for how urgent the need to release felt just then. “A few more steps. That’s it,” Erin said softly, encouraging him with a nurturing tone - Greg beginning to sweat from the whole ordeal. Well, he was either sweating or had just acquired a fever. He suddenly couldn’t tell. And with a dizziness to him that just wouldn’t quit, he likely wouldn’t find out until after all operations had finished. “Okay, just take your time and sit calmly,” Charlotte said as they got to the bathroom, Greg indeed making it to the toilet and sitting - then suddenly waiting for what he expected to have been immediate. “Would you like privacy?” Erin asked quietly. “No. It’s okay,” Greg said with grimace. “There’s no performance anxiety. There’s just currently a strange pad lock on the backdoor.” Charlotte and Erin joined him in a laugh. “A lot of people start to cry and fuss when they get to the toilet the first time,” Charlotte said, chuckling a little at the thought. “I guess I should laugh about that. But I sometimes have to walk out of the room to prevent them from seeing me smiling at their dilemma.” “Well, if you think about it, it’s a grown adult who suddenly can’t act like an adult … for understandable reasons, but still … I can see why that would strike anyone as funny,” Greg said, then freezing in his sitting position on the toilet. “You wanna hear something more funny, stick around a few more seconds. Okay … here it comes.” Greg found the relief his body ached for, never once blushing with embarrassment as that would have taken too much energy to do. But with the evacuation complete, he was much more relaxed - despite the fact that it was Erin who tended to the toilet paper conclusion for him. Then he was helped to his feet, carefully guided back to his bed. “So,” Greg said with a breathy whisper, sitting down on the side of his bed and swinging his legs up onto it before leaning back and sighing - then looking at Erin. “Where do you wanna go on our second date?” Charlotte laughed a bit harder, changing out his drip bags and giving him some medication to drift him off to sleep. --------------- At 2am, as Charlotte made her rounds for patient checks, he awoke. “You’re one of the lightest sleepers I’ve ever met,” Charlotte said quietly, recording his information and walking up alongside his bed. “Well, I have a tendency to talk in my sleep. I didn’t want give away any secrets if we suddenly struck up a conversation,” Greg said with a small laugh, his condition already having shown real improvement. “So, why did you become a nurse?” “The pay,” Charlotte stated frankly, then laughing at her bluntness. “But I’m also a bit of a sadist.” “Really? Well, giving needle shots might satisfy that craving for you, I guess,” Greg said with a grin. “Nursing hardly seems like a career for sadistic purposes, though.” “Well, it depends on how you look at it. Maybe even more than sadism is how I enjoy being needed by my patients,” Charlotte said, checking his drip bags. “That certainly is different than sadism,” he replied. “More maternal, in instinct than anything.” “Not really,” Charlotte said. “In truth, there’s not a maternal bone in my body. But the control factor is quite satisfying.” “I know what you mean, there. Every relationship I’ve been in always put me in a mindset where I thoroughly enjoyed melting her senses … babying her insides, so to speak,” Greg admitted. “So you play Daddy with you girlfriends?” she asked, raising her eyebrows with surprise. “Who’s playing?” Greg said with a devilish grin. “Get some sleep, Mr. Townsend,” Charlotte said, chuckling to herself as she left his room. --------------- At 7am, Erin arrived with as much promptness as Charlotte had the evening prior. And when Charlotte updated him about her talk with Greg, Erin’s eyes grew big and wide - her heart beginning to beat faster. “I don’t suppose that what he said means what I want it to mean,” Erin stated grimly but still with excitement. “Well there’s one way to find out. And I’ll even help you, to start,” Charlotte said matter-of-factly - Erin looking at her with confusion as to what she meant. “Remember that episode of Grey’s Anatomy when the nurses decide to see who was the more hardcore nurse among them?” “Do you mean the one when they wore diapers and took no breaks?” Erin asked, not recognizing the importance of the elephant-in-the-room suggestion Charlotte was making. “Yeah. I have an idea I wanna run past you,” Charlotte said, smiling at how Erin still hadn’t pieced it together yet. “I’ll stick around to help you bathe him in bed this morning. But there’s a little more I wanna do as well. And I know you’re really gonna enjoy it.” Continue on to Part Two
  16. Hi everyone! My wife and I have been in a 24/7 femdom relationship for the past 5 years (I am her slave), and we both have a big thing for humiliation. A few weeks ago, my wife and I were reading a book on female domination which listed diapers as a humiliation tool, and by her mandate, I've found myself wearing them 24/7 since then. It's really taken our dynamic to an entirely new level of intimacy, and we are both discovering new aspects to our own sexuality. That said, I'm here to meet people, learn from others, and hopefully contribute to this community! My interests outside of my sexuality are music, video games, learning, inventing or building things, coffee, and self improvement. I love to read non-fiction and I love to meet people. My personality type is ENTP. I look forward to interacting with this community!
  17. Part 1. “You go first,” Caroline smiled. “Remember, I want complete honesty.” My very attractive, 24 year old, black-haired date smiled and folded her arms across her large chest, enjoying my embarrassment. This was new to me, Truth or Dare on a first date. I remained silent while the waiter cleared the plates from the table. I felt my heart beating in my chest but decided to take the plunge. After all, my Match.com dates never result in a repeat meeting and I knew I wouldn’t see Caroline again. “I used to wet the bed and my mother would beat me for it.” Caroline’s eyebrows rose. “How old were you?” She asked. I thought she would be shocked, even appalled but nothing showed on her face. “What do you mean?” “When was the last time she beat you?” Her tone filled with impatience. “When I was seventeen.” My reply hung in the air. Across the table, Caroline kept her face impassive while she absorbed this news. I knew the next question was coming. “Do you still wet the bed?” Burning red but managing a smile, I waved a finger. “Ah.. No, it’s your turn now.” Caroline smiled and drummed her fingers on the table cloth. “When I was eight, I was sexually abused by my father and when I was thirteen, I was raped by him.” I sat there shocked and stared at her. There was no emotion or shame in her voice. My first instinct was that she was telling a joke in extremely bad taste. But how could anyone lie about such a thing? “That’s dreadful!” I muttered, finding it hard to hold eye contact with her. “How long did it go on for?” Caroline remained silent for a few seconds before smiling and picking up the desert menu. “Ok, game over. I really fancy some Crème Brulee, don’t you?” ----*---- Two weeks later she took me by surprise while I was preparing my evening meal. Neither of us had committed to another date and a handshake had finished the first date. However, she had asked me for my address on the pretext of sending me an invite to some party she was having in the future. I had offered email, but she waved that off, saying she found a real letter far more personal and acceptable. My apartment in West London has 24 hour concierge service, and the doorman would never let anyone up if I had not been contacted first. When the doorbell rang, I naturally thought it was a neighbour, after a cup of sugar or a helping hand. It took a second to recognise her after opening the door. “Caroline!” I exclaimed. “What a surprise!” Nervously, I wiped my hands on my apron and an awkward silence fell between us. “Well, aren’t you going to invite me in?” She finally asked, a smile lighting up her face. I took her through to the kitchen and poured her a glass of wine while I finished off the meal. There was enough for two. After I had served up the lamb curry and rice on the table she appeared. I had that feeling that she hadn’t actually been solely in the bathroom. After a few pleasantries over the delicious meal, she rested her knife and fork and looked up at me. “Truth or Dare. We never did finish it, did we?” Caroline raised her eyebrows in question. “It’s my turn to ask the question?” The food was feeling heavy in my stomach and I had a sinking feeling. I nodded in acquiesce. “So, I will repeat, do you still wet the bed?” There was no sympathetic smile or gentle tone. Something deep inside me compelled a truthful answer as I had nothing to lose. “Yes.” Caroline didn’t appear surprised. “And what about your mother, do you still see her?” I nodded. “She lives in Devon, but comes to stay occasionally. And of course, I go down there on a regular basis.” Caroline looked puzzled. “But the abuse you suffered. Surely you would have ostracized her?” I went pale and looked down at my plate. “She is a powerful woman,” I mumbled. “But also she is the trustee of my inheritance.” Understanding showed in Caroline’s eyes. “Ah, she controls the purse strings; a powerful force indeed.” I got up to clear the table but she smacked my hand away from her plate. “Sit down Peter, they can wait. We still have plenty to talk about.” She produced a packet of cigarettes and lighter and lit one up. I hated smoking and stared at her. “Hope you don’t mind.” I didn’t feel it was a question. “No,” I mumbled. Something compelled me to surrender. Normally I would have objected strongly. “Now,” she said, flicking ash onto her dinner plate. “Tell me the truth about the current relationship you have with your mother.” “What do you mean?” For the first time, Caroline raised her voice slightly. “I don’t like lying. And lying is telling a lie and not telling the truth, the whole story. Peter, stop lying to me will you? You are 34 years old and you have told me that she stopped beating you for wetting the bed when you were seventeen. So how do both of you handle the bed wetting now?” I was stunned. My heart was hammering in my chest and I felt my eyes water over. I stood. “I will show you.” Caroline followed me into the bathroom where I opened one of the wall cabinets. She was greeted by the sight of neat rows of disposable nappies and folded plastic pants, along with Johnson’s baby powder and zinc oxide cream. I felt weak and sat on the bath rim. If she wanted the truth, well, she was going to get the truth. “It was on my seventeenth birthday that I was woken by my mother who was holding a cup of tea in one hand and a wooden paddle in the other. Then the bed clothes would be pulled back for the normal bed inspection. She didn’t really have to inspect the bed. I was wet every morning but the inspection was just there to shame me. After breakfast, we got in a taxi and went to a clinic in Harley Street where they specialized in incontinence and since that day I have worn nappies every night to protect the bed.” Caroline looked at me. “Why the tears?” I was crying. Feeling so vulnerable and helpless. So humiliated after admitting my shameful secret. “Are you missing your Mummy?” Caroline was smiling now. Was she mocking me? Back at the dinner table, she lit another cigarette and waved at the opposite chair for me to sit. I obeyed. “Remember,” she waved a finger at me. “No lying now. We are still playing Truth or Dare.” Well, one of us was, I suppose. I nodded in agreement. Why did you join Match.com?” “I wanted a partner, maybe a wife,” I blurted out, perhaps a little bit too fast. I jumped as Caroline slapped her hand on the table. “What have I said about lying?” Again, that raised voice. She tapped her neck with one hand. “I have had it with men lying. Peter, you are not allowed to lie to me.” I was frightened and somewhat confused and didn’t reply. Caroline eased up and took a deep drag of the cigarette. “Alright,” she said softly. “I will make it easy for you. Are you looking for a partner or a mummy? Tell the truth now?” ----*----
  18. At the End of Her Tether Part 1 Jill grimaced as she sorted out the weeks wash. Five pairs of John's jockey shorts had brown streaks in the back and they all needed soaking in Napisan. Six months into their marriage and she felt she was falling into the role of Mother, rather than wife. Grimly, she inverted each pair of underpants so the unpleasant soiling was on full display. "John?" She called. "Can you come down here, we need to talk." She heard footsteps on the landing above. "What is it, I'm busy!" The irritation in his voice goaded an angry reply. "I need to talk to you right now," Jill snapped back. Since he had lost his job, he had let himself go completely, blaming depression. Her sharp tone worked and moments later her husband entered the kitchen, still in his pajamas. He paled as she pointed at his dirty underwear, "This stops now!" She snapped. "You are 29 years old behaving like a 4 year old toddler!" John was frozen, mortified by shame as her tirade continued. "Your toileting habits are revolting. You never clean the bowl from poo that you leave spread over the sides, you piss over the seat and floor, you leave poo and pee stains in your knickers." John hung his head, the shame filling his eyes with tears. Exasperated, Jill threw her arms in the air. "Again! Now the tears start!" She relented and embraced him, hugging him to her bosom. "John?" She lifted his tear stained face to hers. "We will work through this together, and get you back on normal track, OK?" He nodded. She cupped his unshaven face in her hands. "I want my husband back," she said in a soft condescending tone. "I need you to give me a baby. At the moment, you are the baby of his household and we have to make you grown up again, don't we?" She continued to hold his face in her hands and John managed to nod with his eyes. She could smell his body odour now, evidence that he had not showered for at least two days. "I will be your mommy and you will be my little boy, OK?" John nodded. "And you will do what Mommy tells you, OK?" John nodded. "Say 'yes mommy,'" Jill prompted. "Yes Mommy," John whispered. Jill unbuttoned his pajama top, removing the garment completely. She pulled down his bottoms and was shocked as she touched a wet sticky patch. Jill silently fumed to herself, realizing her husband had been upstairs masturbating to material on the internet. Silently she pulled the soiled garment away as John stepped out of it. His underpants were yanked down and Jill almost gagged at the revolting sight resting in the seat. She held the offending article up to his eyes. "Now you know why Mommy has got to take control, don't you?" "Yes Mommy," he replied meekly. She was surprised at how compliant he had become now she was asserting herself. Here is was, completely naked and looking like a lost little boy. Jill pointed at a corner in the kitchen. "Go and stand there and wait while Mommy soaks your pooey underpants," she ordered. John shuffled over at watched her fill a bucket. Jill twirled a finger. "Now turn round and face the wall and John?" she deliberately paused until he looked up at her. "Put your thumb in your mouth please.." Startled, John looked awkward. "Please Jill.." "Mommy to you," She snapped. "And do what your told. Deflated, John slowly moved his right digit to his mouth and turned to face the wall. Part 2. John stood behind Jill as she filled the sink with warm water. Jill then placed a large plastic tub on the kitchen tiles and told John to stand inside. “Jill, I mean Mommy, I can wash myself, you know?” Jill grabbed his wrist and guided his thumb to his mouth. “That stays in until Mommy says, OK?” Defiantly, John pulled his thumb out. “No!” he barked. “You are treating me like a baby, it is humiliating!” This time Jill ignored the tears welling up in his eyes and pushed his thumb back into place. “You agreed that I was to take control, and that means to do what I say.” Again, he removed his thumb. “You can’t make me,” he spat stubbornly. Jill swung her right so fast that John saw nothing until her palm cracked against his jaw. He stumbled backwards, tripping over the plastic bowl and falling to the floor. Opening a drawer, Jill picked out her largest wooden spoon and reached down to painfully grip John’s ear. “Up,” she ordered. John, his face ashen with fear and pain, scrambled to his feet, yelping out load as she twisted his ear callously. She had known John now for a year and had never struck him before, but strangely she felt gratified by the act. She wielded the wooden spoon with a couple of hard swats on his buttocks and thighs, causing an agreeable painful scream from her injured husband. It wasn’t that he was smaller, or weaker than herself but she had suspected for a long time that he needed someone more powerful and assertive in his life. Jill pointed at the plastic bowl. “Shall we start again?” Defeated and trembling, John stepped into the bowl and allowed Jill to guide his thumb to its rightful abode. John flinched as she pushed the wooden spoon under his nose. “That stays in, and you stay silent, do you understand?” John nodded, his eyes showing fresh wetness. Jill returned to the sink and filled a small jug with warm water which she poured over John’s head. A squeeze of shampoo followed and she lathered his hair. “Now,” Jill said. “Treating you like a baby? I don’t think that is fair.” She wiped some soap away from his eyes. “You have been behaving like a baby with your revolting toilet habits and lazy slovenly lifestyle.” She poured fresh water over his head, rinsing the soap away. Next, she twisted a cloth flannel into a sharp point and started reaming out his ear canals. John painfully yelped as she twisted the cloth around his ear. “When I married you,” she continued. “I thought you were going to love and cherish me. Keep me and give me babies, but it has not been like that, has it?” John started to remove his thumb but Jill slapped his arm. “Keep it there,” she snapped. “I don’t want to hear what you have got to say. I have heard and seen enough now.” She rinsed the flannel and started in earnest on the other ear. “John, my dear baby-boy husband, you have betrayed me, lied to me and betrayed me.” Jill applied some soap to the cloth and vigorously started rubbing down his torso. “I suspected your manliness when you can’t stay hard in bed, when you make pathetic excuses not to make love to me. Meaning I was to stay childless while we where together. Arms up!” Obediently John complied while his wife washed his arm pits. More rinsing water followed. “But, every since we have known each other, you have consciously been leaving me hints and clues about what sort of relationship you wanted with me.” Jill applied the flannel to his groin, ignoring the painful jumps and groans. “What hurt me was the masturbating to your fantasy world on the internet. Emptying your seed into your underpants and jammies, knowing I was going to find the stains.” John gasped as she yanked back his foreskin and roughly scrubbed the soiled glands beneath. “Then came the soiled pants.. and now we are here. Mommy is taking control now.” Jill discarded the flannel into the sink, before rummaging around in the cupboard beneath, retrieving rubber gloves and an old floor cloth. John watched apprehensively as she pulled on the gloves. “Bend over now, Mommy has some heavy duty cleaning to do.” Part 3. Jill pulled his thumb out of his mouth as she toweled him dry. His penis responded to the handling by swelling and comically bobbing around in front. She tapped it with her fingers. “Rule number one,” she said sternly. “I don’t trust you. You must understand that, don’t you? You have lost my trust and it will take a lot to get it back. So, every rule from now on reflects the fact you are, in my eyes, no longer a man, you are a child, my child to care for and guide.” Jill pinched his chin and lifted his mortified eyes to hers. “So if you don’t like any of the other rules I am going to lay down in this house, you have only yourself to blame. I will not be trusting you with anything for a long time, got it?” Sheepishly, John nodded. Jill smiled and leant forward and kissed him on the lips. “Now John, my precious baby-boy husband, I am going to show you around your new home.” Her hand brushed against his erection. “Ahh,” she laughed, “I better tell you Rule number two, would you like to hear it?” John gasped as Jill gripped his penis firmly. “No more playing with yourself. Got it?” John nodded. “From now on,” Jill said. “I want to be responsible for your orgasm, OK? I may want your sperm inside me, or I would like to be involved every time you cum, OK?” John nodded again, a brightness showing in his eyes at last. Jill smiled and kissed him again. “Of course,” she grinned. “I won’t be trusting you. I will take steps to ensure your complete compliance.” She lightly slapped his bottom and held out her hand. John took it. “So this is your new kitchen.” Jill pointed at one of the fold up plastic chairs, normally reserved for an overspill of guests. “You will sit at the table only on that chair.” She pointed at the matching upholstered chairs. “Those are reserved for adults and I definitely don’t want any Poo stains on them.” Jill pointed at the fridge and cupboards. “Those are off-limits, only Mommy is allowed in them. I will prepare all my little boy meals from now on, and that means no snacking.” Jill smiled. “There is one exception. My little boy can help himself to water from the cold tap, OK?” Jill pulled John by the hand into the Living Room. She pointed at the TV. “Only Mommy can turn that on, and Mommy decides what you watch from now on.” John looked really dejected but held his peace. Jill waved at the sofa and chairs. “They are off-limits, now you can only lie on the carpet, is that clear?” John was lost for words. To goad him, Jill gripped his penis and rolled his foreskin back and forth. “Is that clear?” she repeated, feeling him growing in her hand. “Yes..” “Yes what?” “Yes Mommy,” he gasped. Jill pressed her lips against his and pushed a tongue into his mouth. He responded and they stayed embraced for many seconds. Jill whispered in his ear. Mommy wants to talk about what you have been masturbating to on the internet.” Jill felt her breasts firm up as she pushed herself against her husband’s naked body. “Mommy found the pictures of the dominant women who were punishing their men.” Jill felt John tense as she had hit a nerve. “Mommy likes the woman who was sitting on her husband’s face.” Jill pulled back and looked at John. “Did you cum to that picture?” John paled and buried his hands in his face. Jill pulled his hand. “I think you better lie down on the carpet,:” she ordered. John complied and watched his wife disrobe. Part 4 Jill had never been here before. They had been a strict conventional missionary position couple. She had always dreamed of oral sex. In her fantasy, John was so masterful as he pushed her backwards onto the mattress, reached under her skirt and ripped off her panties. He would then wench her knees apart, exposing her most secret parts to his lustful gaze. Next, she would feel his hot breath on her sex as he savored her aroma, before descending into her abyss. A fantasy, which regretfully faded as her married months past. It became evident that her husband was not going to take the much-desired masterful lead in the bedroom that she so fantasied about. She had then focused on conception with the objective of delivering a distracting bundle of joy. Stepping out of her panties, she saw a fresh glistening stain in the gusset, reflecting her own current ardor. Her eyes rose to meet John’s who was staring at her panties. “You want these?” She smiled, knowing the answer. “My baby-boy is such a pervert,” she teased. Jill inverted the panties and pushed the stain towards John’s lips. “Open up,” she laughed as John obliged. She stretched the material over her finger and inserted deep into his mouth. “Suck,” she ordered. After a few moments, she discarded the panties, stood astride John’s chest while presenting her bottom to his gaze and dropped to her knees. Edging her feet under his arms, she shuffled backwards until she felt his stubble on the sensitive skin of her inner buttocks. She looked over her shoulder. “John baby, Mommy wants you to make love to her bottom, like on that porn site you visited.” John tried not to look at her, he was suffering with a great deal of humiliation and shame. Jill smiled with delight at the terror in his eyes. “Oh yes you will,” she said. “Mommy will be cleaning your bottom from now on, so it is fair that you shall reciprocate somewhat, eh?” With two hands, she reached behind and gripped her buttocks, spreading them as wide as possible, before descending onto her husband’s face. A moment passed before she felt his tongue stroking her anus gently. Jill stroked her clitoris, reaching orgasm within five minutes. She pressed down firmly on John’s face, amused by his frantic struggles for air. His lonely penis in front of her dribbled copiously with pre-cum, such was his excitement. Jill climbed off and knelt beside him. “Does my baby-boy want to cum?” she asked, eyebrows raised. John nodded, a pleasing begging glow in his eyes. “If I Iet you cum, will you obey your mommy in everything that she tells you to do?” “Yes Mommy,” John croaked. “Without question?” “Without question,” John echoed. Jill smiled and swung a leg across John’s torso. “I want you to come inside me, but only when I tell you to cum, ok sweetheart?” John nodded. Jill reached between her thighs and guided John’s hard member to the gate of her pussy. “Remember,” she whispered. “Don’t cum till I tell you too, OK?” John was too delirious to hear to understand as she lowered herself onto his rock hard cock. Jill was filled with a burning glow from his erection, a heat she had never felt before. As she made contact with his pubic bone, his penis pushed hard against the door to her uterus and then pulsed and shuddered. Jill looked down at John’s tightly closed eyes as he emptied his semen into her. Frantic to keep the semen in her as long as possible, she pulled off and lay on her back next to John. “Baby?” She looked into his eyes. “You came too early and Mommy told you to wait?” “I’m sorry,” John whispered. “I couldn’t help it.” Jill tut-tutted and shook her head. “You are such a helpless creature. Such a little baby. Mommy is very disappointed with you.” Jill sat up and looked down at herself. She felt between her legs and presented her cum covered digit to John’s lips. Part 5 As Jill put her cloths on she smiled down at John. “Darling baby-boy, don’t look so worried. I am not cross with you. If you were a responsible adult, I might punish you in some way for weaknesses, but when you tell me “you can’t help it, then I have to realize and understand that you are completely helpless with absolutely no control whatsoever.” Terrified, John stared up at her, wondering where this was leading. Jill bent over and offered John her hand. “Come on, we have the rest of the house to tour, there are so many things that I need to show you, so many new rules for you to remember.” In the hallway, by the front door, Jill pointed at his golf clubs, waiting for his afternoon session later today. “I will move them into the garage, and next week we will sell them on EBay.” John trembled. “Mommy, you can’t..” Jill gripped his wrist and guided his thumb to his mouth. “Suck it Baby, “ she ordered. “I am getting tired of repeating myself. When you are an adult, you can play adult games, but we both know that stage is a long way off.” They moved off up the stairs and into the bedroom. Jill pointed at the wardrobe and the Crest of Drawers. “Darling baby-boy. Mommy chooses what you wear now so there is no need to rummage around there and get clothes out. Wait for Mommy to get clothes out and dress you.” Jill opened a drawer and pulled out a clean pair of jockeys. She held them out to John for him to step into. He meekly allowed her to pull them up into position. Next followed a matching white T-shirt. “There!” Jill exclaimed. “You are dressed for the house. I can now keep a beady eye on the state of your underwear, from both sides.” John removed his thumb from his mouth. “Mommy, I am not going to dirty my pants again, promise you,” he begged. Jill smiled and kissed him. “That is the truest thing you have said all day, well done my darling!” She patted the seat of his jockeys. “But of course, I don’t trust you, and I will be taking appropriate measures to ensure you don’t poop in your jockeys again.” Jill stuck a finger in her mouth and looked at him. “Ahh, that reminds me, have you had your morning poop yet?” Nervously, John shook his head. Jill smiled and held out her hand, pulling him out of the room. “Come then my little soldier, onward to the next room, your new bathroom!” Jill pointed at the toilet. “Baby-boy?” John looked up at her. “You only use that when supervised by Mommy, OK?” John looked confused. “When you need to pee or poop, you must find Mommy, tell her, and she will take you to the potty.” Jill said patiently. “This is so normal for toddler boys, I promise you,” she laughed at the shock on his face. Jill opened her hand and started counting on her fingers. “Bathroom rules, number one, you do not use the potty by yourself. Number two, you do not wipe your own bottom anymore, that is way beyond your current skill level anyway. Number three, You do not shower or take a bath without being supervised by Mommy.” Jill chewed on the end of her index finger. “That’s most of the rules anyway. I am sure I will think up new ones as we go along.” Jill gripped the waistband of his jockeys and yanked them down. Theatrically, she peered into the pants. “Good Boy!” she gushed. “Clever keeping clean for Mommy.” She lifted the toilet seat. “Face the cistern and sit,” she ordered. John baulked at this new humiliation and it earned him a slap on the bottom. He hastened to oblige and gingerly planted his splayed thighs on the cold porcelain. Jill checked that his penis was facing down. “Now my baby-boy can show Mommy what a clever boy he is by doing his Poo-poos and wee-wees in the potty.” She plugged in his electric shaver and ran it over his heavy stubble, firmly moving his head from one side to the other. When she was satisfied with the shave, a quick glance told her he had not done anything in the toilet. With feigned concern, she crouched down and stroked his forehead. “Is my Baby-Boy not well? Maybe he’s a little blocked up?” “It’s so hard to do it in front of you,” John whispered, red in the face. “Can’t I have some privacy?” Jill smiled. “Don’t be silly Baby-Boy, privacy is for adults and I respect that, but respect has to be earned, so does adulthood,” Jill stood and rummaged around in the cabinet. John watched in apprehension as she pulled a surgical glove on and squeezed a dollop of KY jelly onto her fingers. She pressed one hand against his neck. “Lean forward Sweetheart, Mommy is going to stimulate your insides.” She massaged the lubricant over and around his anus before firmly driving her second finger deep into his rectum. “Now I want you to show Mommy what a clever Baby-Boy you are by pushing her ‘bad’ finger out of your bottom. Can you do that for me please Darling?” Jill felt John pushing, trying to expel the foreign invader out and she pushed back, encouraging him to try harder. “Come on,” she urged. After a few more seconds, Jill withdraw her finger quickly, timing John’s bowel cramp to the second. Fascinated, she watched his movement snake out of his body and gather in the bowl below. “Keep pushing Sweetheart, get those nasty poos out of you.” As Jill changed out her surgical glove, she heard John blubbing into his chest. The humiliation was just too hard to handle for the poor boy, she thought. “Tell Mommy what’s wrong, Sweetheart?” Jill asked tenderly, stroking his neck. John wailed. “I don’t want to be a Baby-boy, I want to be a man, a husband!” Jill peeled off a few sheets of toilet paper. “We’ll talk about it after Mommy has cleaned your bottom, OK Darling?” John wiped his tear stained face and nodded. Part 6 Jill guided his thumb back into his mouth helped him back into his jockeys before leading him back into the bedroom. She helped John into slacks and Polo shirt and dangled the car keys in front of him. “Come for a drive with me,” she asked. “I want to pick up some things from work.” John groaned and stamped his foot. “I don’t want to,” he whined. “I get bored there and I don’t like that Marion woman, she always looks down her nose at me.” Jill laughed and tugged at his wrist. “Well, that’s too bad. Marion is my boss and she does not tolerate men very well. After your recent behavior, I can well understand why she should give you the impression that she does not like you.” John started dragging his heels and Jill turned on him savagely with a slap across the face. “Remember the wooden spoon?” John flinched as she waved a finger under his nose. "Make up your mind," Jill said. "The wooden spoon or the car. But in both cases, you will end up in the car, I promise you." Visibly deflated, John shrugged and allowed his wife to lead him to the car. She opened the back door. John rolled his eyes but seated himself in the rear. Jill leant across him, snapping the belt in place. "Be careful," she whispered in his ear. "You are treading on thin ice." The 15 minute journey to the Residential Home for the retired where Jill worked was silent, John apprehensive about his wife's mood. "Mommy," he said, placatory. Jill smiled at him in the rear view mirror. "Yes sweetheart?" "Why are we going to the Home?" "Mommy is going to collect a lot of stuff that Marion wants to throw out but might be useful to Mommy. You, my big strong baby boy are going to help Mommy carry it to the car." John appeared confused. "Stuff? What stuff," he asked. "Well darling, For many years, the Home has used only disposable diapers with residents who suffered from incontinence, and now Marion wants to clear an old store room containing cloth nappies, waterproof pants and other items. I told her I would take them off her hands." John silently absorbed what he'd heard. "Mommy," he asked quietly. "Why do you want diapers and waterproof pants?" Jill looked up at the mirror and smiled at his worried face. "Oh, I hate to see useful items like that go to waste. You never know when you will need them." "But Mommy.. " Jill interrupted him. "Don't worry Mommy with silly questions all the time, Baby. Do you need to use the potty?" John shook his head. Jill lead John through the Admin wing to Marion's office. She looked up from her desk and smiled at her vice principle. "How is the time off going?" Marion asked, completely ignoring John. "Thank you so much for covering for me, I am so sorry it was such short notice." Jill apologized. Marion waved it away. "Don't be silly," she laughed. "We all have domestic crises sometimes. You really did need to focus on yours completely. How's it going?" John cringed, well aware that Jill should have been at work today. Marion and Jill passed a knowing glance at John, whose face had turned a deep crimson. "It's going fine," Jill said. "A few teething problems, but nothing we can't sort out, is there John?" John, like a fish out of water, gulped but nothing came out of his mouth. Marion picked up a bunch of keys from her desk. "Let's go." The store room was in fact an old treatment room with basins and plumbing and already it was half empty with disassembled furniture stacked against one wall. However, what interested Marion and Jill were the metal shelves piled high with boxes marked in sizes. "I suppose you only want the large diapers and liners?" Marion asked. Jill nodded. "Yes, but keep some here. Throw out the other sizes I think." Marion nodded and gathered a large cardboard box which she deposited in John's arms. Marion took the lid off another box and showed Jill the contents. "There are rubber and plastic pants there and quite a few pins." Jill smiled and took the box, stacking it on top of the box John was already holding. Already Marion was holding another box. "Rubber sheeting, aprons, gloves, catheters, restraints, enema bag and syringe." She said, reading the contents list off the side of the box. Again, she added the box to John's growing pile. He was sweating and looking agitated. "Jill, Jill, I need to speak to you. Its urgent." he muttered. His wife ignored him but spoke to Marion with a grin. "I don't answer to that name any more." A quick glance at John enforced her intention to be known as only 'Mommy'. Marion laughed, picking up a bulky plastic bag and passing it to Jill. "I raided the stores: Creams, Lotions, Oils, Powder, safety razors, cotton buds. Rose hip syrup, Milk of Magnesia, Air fresheners, Diuretics and laxatives and of course, suppositories." Delighted, Jill embraced her friend and colleague. "Jill?", John's voice sounded strained from behind the pile of boxes this time but Jill continued to ignore him. Marion pointed at dark stain suddenly appearing on John's light grey slacks. “Seems you have a problem now Jill" Part 7 “I’m sorry Mommy,” John blubbed as Jill buckled him into the rear seat. She had made sure to arrange a rubber sheet beneath his wet trousers to protect the seat upholstery. Jill gave him a placatory smile. “You only have yourself to blame,” she said. “You know I don’t answer to anything but Mommy from you yet you insisted on calling out to me with the name you used to use when you were my big grown up husband. Now you have only yourself to blame. Behaving like a toddler in front of Mommy’s boss and colleagues!” John was miserable. Sitting in the car with damp trousers on, the urine was starting to burn on his thighs and he just wanted to get clean. When they got home, Jill took him into the kitchen and stripped off the trousers and jockeys, leaving him wearing only the Polo shirt. She pointed at ‘his chair’ and quickly made up a dish of poached eggs and toast which she fed him. After she had cleaned away the dishes, she sat opposite John and held his hand. “We have to talk,” she said. “I want you to be honest with me, OK?” John nodded. “Of course.” “Why did you wet your pants?” She asked. John appeared startled. “You were supposed to take me to the toilet? You wouldn’t answer and I was frightened?” Jill sighed. "But that does not answer the question, why did you wet your pants? You are a grown adult with a fully developed bladder. If you wanted, you could have put down those boxes and gone off to find a toilet?" John was silent, his lower lip trembled. "You are sending me a message, aren't you?" She asked softly. "The femdom sites, masturbating into your underpants, the poo stains, now the wetting? What next? Are you going to start wetting the bed?" Jill was surprised when John started sucking his thumb. "Mommy?" he lisped through his thumb. "I love you Mommy, I love you so much and I want to make you happy." "I love you too Baby-Boy, but how do you want to make me happy?" "I want to do everything you say. I want to be a good boy for you, Mommy." Jill squeezed his hand. Does that mean my Baby-Boy wants Mommy to take full control now? I mean," she emphasized. "Absolute full control?" John hesitated for just a short moment before echoing her words. "Absolute full control Mommy" Jill stared him down. "You know that means I will punish you if I am not happy?" she said. "Like that man on the website. Does that excite you knowing I am spanking you?" John nodded. Jill looked surprised. "I would make it hurt, you know? I would use a wooden spoon, or a paddle. Maybe I would buy a crop. I will make you cry?" John's eyes watered over. "I just want to make you happy Mommy." Jill leant over and kissed him then whispered in his ear. "Go upstairs and get in the bath. I will be up shortly." Jill's hand shot out and gripped his erect penis. "Remember the rules? No masturbating, no un-supervised use of the toilet?" John nodded and scurried away. Later that afternoon, John, wearing clean white underwear and freshly shaven, helped Jill move furniture around in the spare bedroom. Jill bagged up the entire bookshelf contents for donation to the Salvation Army and then stacked the shelves with the contents of the boxes, donated by the Residential Home. Together, they stripped the single divan bed and installed the fitted rubber sheet. "John," Jill asked. "You know who all these diapers are for, don't you?" John looked crestfallen. "I suppose they are for me," he acknowledged. Jill reached out and held his hand. "It does not have to be diapers, you know John? I would like to give you one last chance. We can still have the type of relationship that you crave without the diapers?" "How do you mean Mommy?" he asked. Jill hugged him. “Baby-Boy, I enjoy being in control in this relationship. And in some perverse way, I enjoy hurting you and humiliating you. But most of all I enjoy the power I have over you.” Jill dropped her eyes. “Yes,” she whispered in his ear. “I get so turned on and I am wet at the moment, just thinking of it.” Jill delivered a long and deep kiss to her husband, leaving them both breathless. “However, one must put head before heart sometimes and think with a bit of clarity. I still want a baby of my own but if you end up in diapers, it will be 24/7 and you will become my baby too.” She allowed her words to sink in for a few moments. “But that is what you will be; A big adult Baby. No work, no job, no peers. Absolutely no responsibility except to fill your diapers and sit in your stinking mess till grown up Mommy, or Babysitter comes to clean you up and feed you.” Jill tugged at his wrist. “Come with me.." Jill led him through the house to the utility room. She picked up the pail with his soaking soiled underwear and handed it to him. "Your new job, rinsing out your shitty pants.. but it could be, and would be your shitty diapers too." She watched him perform a half hearted effort and got angry, grabbing his ear and twisting it. He wailed out loud. "Do it properly Baby-Boy! Scrub the soiling out of the cloth,” she ordered. “This is your new life. When you become my baby, you will be doing this job everyday, probably while you are wearing poo filled nappies! You will stink constantly of shit, or piss, so with your washing. It is a smell that will follow you around all day Baby Boy. But no one, including me will be rushing around to cater for your comfort. “ “You will not have any friends left, they will all avoid you and treat you with derision. All adults will see you in your diapers, they will watch you being changed, having your poo wiped off your bottom. They will laugh at your penis which will be constantly hard, sending a clear message to all that this is how you get your sick kicks.” Jill released his ear and watched him tackle his dirty underwear with new vigour. "Consider carefully," she warned. "But if you really want that life Baby boy, then I will give it to you, but there will be no going back, you must understand that, don't you?" John nodded assent. Jill softened somewhat and kissed him. “I will take you down that road Darling, make no mistake on that, but I am in dread of what I might become. I am terrified of the devil that you might release in me?” “Mommy,” John looked up. “I don’t want to be in diapers, please don’t make me wear diapers?” Jill hugged him. “But you will still be Mommy’s baby boy, won’t you? John nodded, smiling with her. “Mommy’s baby boy with clean and dry under pants, won’t you?” The next morning, Jill stood at the front door and kissed her husband on his way to work. "Remember John," she warned. "Keep those pants clean or you know what will happen, don’t you?” Part 8 A week now past, John was settling into his new routine in the household. Upon letting himself in the front door after work, he disrobed down to his underwear and went to find his new ‘Mommy’ for his inspection. “I am upstairs in the Nursery Sweetheart,” Jill called. Nervously, he mounted the stairs to the spare bedroom. Jill had been working there since that fateful visit to the Home. Jill put down her paint brush. All the walls now were painted light baby boy blue. John stared in wonderment at the additions she had managed in just a few days. The rubber sheeted mattress had now been covered with sheet and a nursery train scene. The shelves were now full, if not of diapers and plastic pants, adult sized onsie’s and sleep suits. “What do you think of the nursery?” Jill asked. “I know I am not pregnant yet, but it is nice to be ready.” She said breezily. “But Mommy,” John whined. “ I told you I was not going to wear diapers!” Jill laughed and kissed him. “Of course you did, my brave boy,” Jill said. “And as long as you keep your under-pants clean, you won’t be wearing diapers, and you can carry on sleeping in the big bed with Mommy.” Jill waved a finger at his jockeys. John pulled the m down and handed them over. Jill turned the pants inside out and examined them closely. Her eyebrows rose as she fingered a stain on the front of the white pants. “Your pants are damp here, I think it is a urine stain,” Jill said, with a frown etched across her forehead. “Smells like pee,” she added. Jill pushed the underpants into John’s nose. “What do you think, Baby Boy?” John looked visibly shaken. “I must have dribbled,” he whined. “Please Mommy, don’t punish me?” Jill looked at him, suddenly realizing that he wanted to be punished. Almost certainly he deliberately pee’d into his pants. Jill pulled open a drawer and removed a paddle. “You are going to be spanked,” she said. Jill sat on the bed and patted her lap. “Lie across here!” John, with his lip quivering, lay across her lap, resting his forehead on the carpet. She brought the paddle down hard, bringing a scream of shock and pain from John. Again and again, she beat him, alternating the strokes between the buttocks and the thighs. Each strike brought a shout of anguish, and soon there were real tears flowing down his cheeks as the relentless onslaught continued. Jill stopped when she realized he’d had enough. Great sobs rose from deep within him and she drew him into her arms and squeezed him tightly. “There, there,” she consoled. “It is all over my brave Baby Boy. No more spankies.” She held him in her arms for a few minutes while his sobbing ebbed and he sucked on his thumb. Finally, Jill rolled him onto the bed. She picked up a diaper from the shelf. “As it is your first offence I think one night in diapers for you.” Part 9 “No Mommy, No!!” cried John. Jill hushed him with a finger to his lips. “You must be punished for defying me,” she said. “And it is only going to be one night, this time,” she added ominously. Jill folded the terry diaper, soaker and laid a gauze liner down the middle. His penis was swollen, as if in anticipation. She touched it with her fingers, noting the pre-cum bubbling up at the tip. “Does the thought of diaper rash, on top of your already sore bottom excite you,” she asked? John looked ashamed as Jill rubbed the denim material at her groin. “It excites me,” she admitted coyly. Her fingers disappeared down her waistband. She pulled them out glistening. “Sweetheart, I am wet here after your spanking and the thought of you wearing and using diapers sends me wild.” She waved her hand under John’s nose before offering each finger to be licked and cleaned off. “Now, using your diaper,” she thought out loud. Jill opened a packet of suppositories and peeled the foil off one. Donning a examination glove, she lubed the bullet. “Mommy,” John whined. “You will make me poo with one of those! Please No!” “Please Yes!” Jill counter stated. “You were warned to keep your pants clean and you showed you are not adult enough to comply. Therefore you will shit yourself, piss yourself and smell yourself.” She gripped his testicles with her spare hand. “Pull your knees around your ears for Mommy,” she said, smiling as John instantly obliged. Using her second finger, she sent the slippery little pill deep into his bottom. “Up,” she ordered and slid the layette under his bottom. Jill unbuckled her belt and stepped out of her jeans. Her while lacy panties were clearly ‘wet’ and plastered against her vulva as she stood over John’s eager face. Instinctively John’s hand enveloped his hard cock. Jill slapped his wrist away. “Hands over your head,” she ordered. Gripping his wrists, Jill straddled his chest and trapped his arms, edging forward to present her dank lace panties to his mouth. “Suck, Baby,” Jill ordered. She bore down, grinding her pelvic bone against his nose. Initially almost overcome by the strong musky taste, John lapped at the material, and the hot flesh behind. She rasped her sex over his face, directing his busy tongue where she most needed it. A crescendo built inside her as he gnawed at her clitoris. To delay the inevitable, Jill turned, still sitting across his chest, but this time presenting her bottom to his tongue. His untethered cock bobbed frantically around in front of her, pre-cum oozing out in a slow languid stream. Not daring to touch it, she scooped her fingers in the puddle and tasted the hot seminal discharge. She sat heavily down, targeting her lace covered bottom right over his industrious tongue. John’s worked diligently away on the lace and using his now free hands, pulled the panties aside lap away at her back door. Taken only slightly off the boil, Jill bathed in the glow of her hot tongue massage on her anus. After a while, she turned around, her pretty but sweaty face smiling down. “Is Baby Boy ready to cum?” she asked. John nodded furiously. Jill edged forward until she was over his burning penis and deftly guided it into her vagina. Two strokes with a heavy grind down and John exploded within her. She felt the waves of hot cum splatter and expand inside her. Many seconds of silence fell between them as the pleasure retreated into lethargic tiredness and the warm post coital glow of fulfillment. Jill un-mounted and flopped onto the carpet, resting her legs on the edge of the bed. “Mommy?” John spoke, nervous to break the magic silence. “Yes my Darling?” “I need to poo, can I use the potty?” Part 10 “Don’t be silly Darling, of course you can’t use the potty, you are being punished.” Jill stood and smiled down on her submissive husband. Using four safety pins, she had the diaper secured and covered with a pair of plastic pants. “I like these,” she said. “See through, so that everyone can see your lack of control.” Jill smiled as John grimaced with a belly cramp. “Won’t be long now Baby Boy,” Jill helped him into one of the new ‘onsie’s’ that she had acquired mail order. Jill giggled as he farted while she was fastening the snaps at the crotch. Jill held out her hand. “Come downstairs,” she ordered. “I still have use for your cleaning skills.” Meekly, John allowed himself to be led, very conscious of his heavily padded bottom, trapped inside the plastic pants. As he descended the stairs, more flatulence escaped into his diaper. Another cramp and now a belly ache. He paused on the stairs and groaned. “What is it Baby Boy?” Jill asked, knowing all too well that the suppository was doing its job well, and irritating his colon. “I want you to show some self-control. Do not let go until I say, OK?” “Mommy, it hurts,” John grunted, gripping his belly. Jill gently pulled him down and led him into the lounge, pointing at the carpet in front of the sofa. “Sit there,” she ordered. “And stop whining. Still wearing only a top and her now soiled panties, Jill slumped in the sofa and rested her legs on John’s shoulders. She edged forwards, dragging John’s face nearer her crotch at the same time. “Darling, Can you please tell me what condition my panties appear in?” John looked up at her. “They are wet Mommy,” he reported. Jill ran her fingers through his hair. “Yes Darling, but what are they wet with? Have I peed myself or is it your cum that is dribbling out of me?” John blushed, and looked again at the gusset staining. The material was sodden with the viscous clear fluid which could only be the semen he had pumped into her. “Well?” She goaded. “It is my cum Mommy,” John admitted. “So who is going to clean it up?” Jill asked. “Eh?” After a short, awkward pause, John replied. “I will Mommy.” Jill smiled down at him. “Mommy is so happy now that her little Baby Boy is going to clean up all his messes, and not leave it to Mommy any more. All his messes,” she empathized. “Including his shitty diapers and any cum stains he makes in Mommy’s panties.” Jill pressed down on John’s shoulders and lifted her bottom of the sofa. “Take off my panties,” she ordered. John complied and handed them to his Mommy. Jill inverted the garment and folded the wet soiled gusset into a wedge which she offered to John’s mouth. With clear comprehension, John opened his mouth and accepted the ‘treat’, albeit reluctantly. “Suck on the panties, Baby Boy,” ordered Jill. “I want all that cum off them before they go to the wash. After a minute, Jill pulled them out of his mouth. John grimaced and farted loudly into his diaper. “I hope that was just flatulence,” Jill menaced sternly. His brow creased up in pain as he fought a fresh cramp in his belly. “Mommy,” he wailed. “I can’t stop it!!” With a look of total shock on his face, John farted again and noisily defecated into his diaper. Jill felt a real rush, she had just made her husband shit his diaper, the most debased act that she could imagine, and it excited and thrilled her. John buried his face in his hands as he pressed down on his bowels, determined to overcome the irritation of the suppository. “Finished?” Jill asked quietly after some time had passed. John’s tear stained eyes rose to meet her. “Yes Mommy,” he whispered. “I’ve poo’d my diaper Mommy.” Jill waved a hand in front of her face. “I know you have, you dirty Baby Boy; I can smell you.” “I am sorry Mommy,” he sniveled. Jill pressed down with her heels on his back, dragging him forward again. She joined her hands behind his head and pressed his face into her sex. Automatically John’s tongue lapped strongly on her vulva, sending her into fresh waves of ecstasy. Part 11 Jill relented after two hours and decided to change John’s dirty diaper. Originally, she was going to leave him in his mess until bedtime but he was looking quite distressed and did not want him to suffer further. John had not been allowed to lie around and Jill had produced a list of chores to be started on, including mowing the lawn and clipping the hedge. (needless to say he was allowed to wear some baggy shorts over his bulky diaper, but would have looked rather comical had any inquisitive neighbor looked over the fence.) The smell of his dirty diaper also permeated around the house and Jill made a mental note to use rubber pants next time, as they promised to seal better and keep the smell inside. She was conscious of the fact that any one of their families or friends might drop in and the toxic smell might be awkward to explain. She had heated up a couple of pizza’s for their evening meal and had insisted that John was fed by her, as he was being ‘diaper punished’ and therefore had to be treated as a toddler. During the meal, John complained about needing a pee. “Darling Baby Boy,” Jill held out a slice of pizza to his lips. “You are sitting in a messy diaper, so you should have no issues with emptying your bladder as well? Now eat!” She ordered. John went slightly red in the face and concentrated on relieving the pressure. After the meal Jill took John up to the new ‘Nursery’ and covered the bed with a sheet of rubber to act as a changing pad. She could see that he was mortified as she pulled on a pair of examination gloves. “Please Mommy, Let me clean up in the bathroom! “ Jill was having none of it. “Where is the punishment in that?” She asked. “You are in diapers till the morning, and during that time you will be treated like a child.” She opened the snaps at his crotch. “It is right that you feel shame that your wife has to witness your degradation. Look at you, a 29 year old man, allowing his wife to dress him in diapers, in which he willingly shits and pisses like a retard.” She folded back his onsie so that his diaper package was on full view. “Spread those legs,” she ordered. “Uggh, you are revolting!” Jill visibly grimaced as she viewed the cleanup job she had taken on. “Maybe the act of soiling your underpants won’t be so pleasant for you the next time, when you realize what the consequences will be. Now lift your bottom!” Jill pulled the plastic pants down and discarded them in a bucket. The four pins followed and Jill steadied herself as he exposed the full extent of the devastation inside his diaper. “You are pathetic!” Jill gingerly handled his erect penis with thumb and forefinger. “I see my Baby Boy is getting off on this, is that true?” John did not answer, he was too far away in his own shameful space. Jill scraped the muck off his bottom and rinsed the liner in the bathroom. She returned and removed the diaper, dumping the sodden mass into the bucket alongside the liner and plastic pants. John audibly winced as the wet wipes rasped across his raw skin but Jill ignored his distress. Any fidgeting was met with a sharp slap on his thigh. Jill felt a little guilty that she had not used a barrier cream but certainly did not let John know that. Jill left him on the bed to air his skin while she removed the pail and sprayed the room with air freshener. She returned twenty minutes later with a babies feeding bottle, full of warm milk and a nurturing smile painted on her face. “Here, drink this Baby Boy,” she said, holding the teat to his lips. John pouted, and shook his head. “Mommy, I want a normal cup, I don’t want a baby’s bottle,” he spat rebelliously. Jill laughed. “Don’t be silly, Little man, you would spill it, and maybe even break the cup and hurt yourself.” John keep his lips set in a grim line. Jill leant over, with a confident smile on her pretty face and twisted his ear painfully. “If you don’t say thank you Mommy for the lovely Ba-ba, and accept it gratefully, I am going to start beating you up.” John screamed out as she applied a little more tension to his abuse lobe. Shaken, John grabbed the bottle. “Thank you Mommy for the lovely Ba-Ba,” he repeated. Jill shook her head with disappointment. “You will never learn, will you, you foolish boy!” John cowered under her tirade as he frantically sucked on the bottle. Jill opened a large drawer in the cabinet and emptied a bag of Segufix straps and started attaching them to the divan. “Marion said they can’t use these anymore as it interferes with patients rights, but did suggest they might come in use in our new domestic setting. I think she’s right,” Jill added. Jill powdered and creamed John’s diaper area and pinned up his night time diaper. “There! Extra thick as Baby Boy is now going to be in this diaper for the next 12 hours, before Mommy gets him up to go to work.” Jill patted the tight rubber pants in place and checked the waist and leg bands. Next came one of the new sleep suits with hood that Jill zipped up to the chin. “Middle of summer, I think my Baby boy is going to be warm tonight,” she smiled. “Now lie back and put your hands by your ears.” Quickly, each wrist had been secured in the Segufix cuff, closely followed by his ankles. Effectively, he was completely restrained. Jill looked down at him, tapping a finger to her lips. “How about something for your diaper?” John watched horrified as she pulled down a bottle of Castor Oil and a desert spoon from the medicine shelf. “Please Mommy, No!” he cried. “I promise to be good, not that, not again!!” Without replying, Jill filled the spoon to the brim and pulled his head up to meet it. “Open,” she ordered ominously. With great reluctance, John obeyed and cringed at the oily powerful taste. Jill sat beside him and held the bottle to his lips, planting a loving kiss on his forehead. “Darling, because you defied me, you are going to have an uncomfortable night, a poor night’s sleep and a stinky diaper again in the morning. You could have been on Mommy’s lap, being cuddled and fed while she watched TV tonight.” John’s eyes watered over, feeling very sorry for himself. “Now tomorrow, you will get up and wash your dirty diapers. You will then grow up and go to work again. But I am nervous you are going to forget the rules and you are going to upset Mommy again, aren’t you?” John gurgled something behind the teat. “Oh yes you will, as sure a day goes into night,” Jill said. As the bottle emptied, Jill leant over and kissed him on the lips. “Good night my darling Baby Boy, I love you.” Jill turned off the light and closed the door. Part 12 Jill's spirits rose when the announcement screen flashed up the touchdown of John's flight from London, England. The afternoon was hot, with the temperature in the high 80's, that, and the fact that the flight was now running 40 minutes late, had not done anything for her good nature. John had been away on a course for two weeks and she'd missed him terribly. It had not been possible to talk that much on the phone, but they had communicated often in Facebook. She wanted to pick up his 'care' again as soon as possible. 13 days, 12 nights away. She had personally packed his suitcase with 13 pairs of clean white jockey underpants. She had used the Home's device to "mark" each pair with a laundry stamp, so John couldn't cheat, or buy new pairs. Of course, it worried the hell out of her that she had not been 'in control' while he was away and there was no guarantee that he had not been masturbating. Jill was convinced she would know if he was lying, when and if he denied it. Her mind drifted back to that last night he spent in the Nursery, where she had laid down next to him for most of the night, holding him, feeding him, consoling him for his discomfort and drying the tears that flowed in self pity. She left the restraints in place and had really enjoyed the complete and utter 'power' she wielded over him. The next morning, after his diaper change and clean up, he had kissed her passionately, telling her over and over that he loved her more than anything in the world. The announcement board flashed up: 'Bags on Belt' and Jill eagerly scanned the faces of the tired intercontinental travellers streaming out of the arrivals port. They saw each other simultaneously and hurried together to get that first embrace. Jill held him tight for a long time. "I have missed you so much," she whispered in his ear. "Have you missed me?" "I have missed you Mommy," John replied. Jill looked into his eyes. "Did you really miss your 'Mommy', Baby Boy or did you miss your wife? Tell me honestly now?" John appeared sheepish and awkward. "I missed my Mommy, Mommy," he said. Jill smiled and kissed him. "And have you been a good boy while you have been away from your Mommy?" Jill searched deep into his eyes. Was there a slight doubt? Hesitation? "Oh Mommy, I have been so good," John replied. Jill squeezed his hand and steered him in the direction of the car park. "We'll see Darling." Part 13 "I am ready Mommy," John called from upstairs. Jill ascended to the bedroom and found her husband stripped to his underpants, as instructed, with his laundry tidied into neat stacks on the floor. She picked up his shirts, smelt and examined each one. John stood there meekly as she silently went through his laundry. His trousers were examined as well. Jill smiled at him. "Well Darling, you are doing very well at the moment, shall we move onto your knickers?" Nervously, John shuffled around as Jill examined each pair. She put aside most of them and also his pajama bottoms. "Now those," she waved a finger at the pair he was wearing. After stewing in a plane for ten hours, it did not surprise her to see a brown stain in the seat of his Jockeys. He handed them over. "Shall we count up then? One badly pooped pants and 10 pairs with various degrees of brown and pee stains on them." Jill picked up each garment and showed him the transgression. Finally she picked up the pajama pants. "You have disappointed me Baby Boy," she said. "I almost expected the dirty underwear and I will see that you get punished for them tomorrow. But these?" She inverted the pajama pants and an obvious seminal stain shouted its presence at John. He appeared shocked and surprised. "I didn't know, I didn't do. it was an accident," he blurted out. Jill's face darkened, her hand shot out and she grabbed his ear. "Don't treat me like a naive fool, Baby Boy! Were you playing with yourself or did you have some whore in your hotel room?" John looked horrified. "No!" He shouted. "Never!" "OK, then you have been masturbating." Jill stated empathically. "It must have been a nocturnal emission," he said, panicking. Jill laughed. "You are not a 12 year old boy, entering puberty, don't treat me like a fool, and John?" John looked up at her wet eyes. "Don't ever lie to me again." Part 14 Jill led him through to the Nursery and pulled out the large adult sized porcelain potty, placing on the floor. "Sit," she commanded. "I was going to let you use the grown up toilet, but not now.. not with your infantile lack of control and deceit." John, completely humbled, obeyed his wife instantly. She stood over him, with hands on hips. "Pee and Poo please Baby Boy." Jill ordered. "What were you masturbating to John? Did you buy a magazine, or were you just raiding that store of secret fantasies that you have locked away in a corner of your mind?" "Please Jill," he whined. "I'm so ashamed." Jill ruffled his hair. "Ah, that's too bad." Jill said sarcastically. "OK, tell me later, after all, we have all evening for you to come clean with your dirty fantasies. Now hurry up and empty yourself." Jill leant over and whispered in his ear. "You do not want to be lying in your mess again all evening, do you?" That was enough to stimulate him and he loudly voided into the pot. Jill wiped him and then supervised while he emptied the potty into the toilet. Jill folded the single cloth diaper and slid it under his bottom. Once again, John found himself being 'punished' in the nursery bed, his limbs secured safely with the restraints. Wryly, she commented on his erection. "Was it this you were masturbating to John?" She wiped a finger across the tip of his penis. It came away covered with clear viscous pre-cum. She relished the heavy shame in his eyes. "Oh, you will tell me my Darling, I have to know what is pushing all your little buttons, so to speak." She poured some oil onto his burning member and started masturbating him. "Now show Mommy how much you can do. If, like you say, you have not played with yourself, then after nearly two weeks away, I expect.." She did not have time to finish, John shook and spasmed, his hips buckled and semen oozed and dribbled out of his tip to pool in his belly button. Jill frowned darkly. "I see the problem is worse than I imagined it. At best, maybe you performed only once, the evidence lying in your pajamas, but now;" she pointed at the pathetic pool of semen. "I would not be surprised if you had jerked off in the toilet on the flight?" John did not answer, but his guilty eyes told Jill everything. She pinned up the toweled diaper and fitted him with a pair of snap open plastic pants. "You don't have to wet these, just tell Mommy and she will help out, OK?" John nodded, relieved he wasn't required to sleep in a soiled state again. Jill removed all her clothes and stretched out on the bed, cuddling tight against him. She started rubbing his sex through the plastic padding of his diaper while guiding his mouth to her aroused nipple. "I don't want my Baby Boy to be playing with his wee wee at all," she said. "Only Mommy can do that, is that understood?" John nodded, his lips fully engrossed around her aroused nipple. Jill continued to knead his penis through the toweling layers, feeling growing reluctantly under her fingers. “Ah, that’s better. Baby Boy is getting excited as Mommy wants him. Mommy has missed him so much that now she wants all the cummies that are due to her.” Her handling became more urgent and after a considerable period of time, John ejaculated into the soft folds of his nappy. “Clever Baby Boy!” said Jill, condescendingly. She left the room, only to return ten minutes later with a feeding bottle and a Hitachi “Magic Wand” which she plugged into a power outlet next to the head board. Jill smiled down at the worried look on her husband’s face. “Ready Darling Baby Boy for Mommy’s next cummies? You have been away twelve nights and I have had only two climaxes from you.” She lay down next to him and offered the warm milk to his lips. While he suckled Jill turned on the Magic Wand and held it lightly over his groin. “That means,” she continued. “That you owe me ten cummies, and John?” He paused in his nursing and looked nervously up at her. “I want them all tonight, OK?” Part 15 It had been a mainly sleepless night for both of them but also a very uncomfortable night for John. Even now, his sexual equipment was feeling excruciatingly painful as Jill had alternated between the Magic Wand and her hand all night. Even long after he was failing to get firm, Jill kept on the relentless pressure on his penis and balls, despite the tears of pain springing out of John’s eyes. In the end, he had screamed for her to stop, breaking down totally and sobbing how sorry he was and how it would never happen again. “I know Darling, I should never have trusted you with a business trip by yourself. But I promise you,” Jill stated resolutely. “It will never happen again. Trust me, I will never be so naive again to let you be in a position like that again.” Her hand gripped his tortured genitals again. “Please, Please!” John howled out. “Stop Mommy!” “Only one last thing by darling Baby Boy, and then I’ll free you and let you sleep.” She promised. She kissed him, long and hard. “Mommy promises it will be alright, she loves her Baby Boy so much, it hurts, but she must know..” Jill let a short silence hang in the air. “Yes Mommy,” John asked. “Tell me honestly, I mean from the bottom of your heart. What is it that you dream of when you are masturbating?” John gazed up at her, gathering his thoughts at the front of his mind. “You Mommy, I fantasize of you, with you.” After a short pause, Jill looked reproachfully at him. “I dream of wearing the diapers and using them,” he whispered. “I dream of being your Baby Boy forever. I get hard thinking about you changing my diapers and being in complete and total charge of me.” Jill waited while John gathered more thoughts. She was somewhat surprised, but delighted with his candor and honesty. Jill smiled down at him and kissed him. “Thank you Darling,” she said. “You really mean it, you want me to have complete control over you?” Without hesitation, John nodded. “And you promise me always to trust your Mommy, and do exactly what she wants, all the time?” “Yes Mommy,” John whispered throatily. “Make me yours, and I will love you forever.” It was Jill’s turn to turn on the tears now as she released his limbs from the restraints and removed the waterproof pants and the diaper. She felt a little guilty as John’s shriveled penis was a fierce red color. She drizzled on some Baby Lotion and tenderly rubbed it in. Unsteadily, John rose to his feet and sat on the porcelain potty for a pee. After a late breakfast, Jill cleared the table and told John to stay in his place. “Mommy, can I do a poo please?” He looked somewhat strained. “Not yet,” Jill replied. “I want to talk to you. Surely you can hold it for a short time?” John was dressed in his adult clothes, however underneath his jeans he was wearing a pair of pull up trainer pants. “Yes Mommy,” he whispered, completely cowed under her dominance over him. She put a bottle of milk in front of him, and a cup of coffee, pad of paper and pen for herself. “Drink your bottle,” she ordered. “While I write a note to Marion as I won’t be coming to work until after lunch today.” John was too focused on his own problems to be concerned about what Jill was writing. Eventually she finished and sealed the letter in an envelope, handing it to John. “Take this to The Home, and give to Marion,” Jill ordered. “And wait for a reply.” John was sweating now. “Mommy, I think I’ve had an accident!” Jill jumped up and dragged him off to the nursery where his potty was waiting. She pulled down his jeans and training pants and with desperation; John sat and noisily emptied his bowels. However, the damage had been done and he had succeeded in smearing the seat of his training pants with shit. “Finished?” she asked curtly. John sheepishly nodded. “Stand,” Jill ordered. Without wiping, she pulled up the training pants and fastening him back into his trousers. John looked at her shocked and dismayed. “I will clean you up when you are back Darling, now go quickly and take this package with you.” She handed him a brown paper parcel and kissed him. Nervously, John picked up the letter and drove off in the car. Smiling to herself, Jill punched some numbers on her phone. “Marion? Just to update you…” Part 16 and Conclusion. John arrived at The Home, and hurried into reception, well aware of the skin between his buttocks was beginning to smart. Worst of all, he could actually smell himself now. He hoped to be able to deliver the note and parcel nippily and be on his way home. Andii was on reception and she smiled at him. "Hello John, nice to see you." He liked Andii, she was always smiling and so polite. "How can I help you, Your wife is not here at the moment?" "I know," John explained. "I am here to see Marion." Andii spoke on the phone for a moment and then waved in the direction of the admin. Wing. "She's waiting for you." John thanked her, slightly puzzled. As he made off down the corridor, John turned over in his mind how he was going to get out of the office quickly. ‘Good Morning Marion’, he would say politely. ‘I have been asked to deliver this note to you. I won’t take up any more of your time, good bye!’ He would put the parcel down on her desk and then hand her the note. With a smile and a wave, he would retreat from the office and go home. Simple. Then why was he so nervous! Marion’s door was open! Good, he would not have to knock. “Hi,” John bravely threw his head around the corner of her door. Shit! She was having a meeting! Marion and three others were grouped around the conference table in the corner of the office. Marion looked up at him, a frown etched across her forehead; annoyed at being interrupted. He recognized the three other women, all Nurses, colleagues and friends of Jill. “What do you want?” Marion asked, her tone short and abrupt. John boldly marched to the desk and dropped the parcel and letter there. “Sorry to disturb, but these are for you from Jill,” he said. John beat a hasty retreat to the door but was stopped in his tracks by Marion’s fierce bark. “Stop right there!” She ordered, moving to the desk and ripping open the envelope. John was routed to the spot and didn’t notice Pauline, Jill’s head nurse on the men’s wing, go to the office door and close it. She remained there, protecting the exit. The other nurses, casually wondered over and stood next to John. Along with Pauline, he knew Patricia and Jane socially and their husbands. “Dear Marion,” Marion read out aloud. “As my dear friend and colleague, please help me with my dysfunctional Baby Boy husband.” John felt his knees go weak as he started to panic. Sweat almost immediately started beading on his forehead and he could only imagine the color of his face. Frantically, he looked for an escape route, but the nurses, with their gloating smiling faces, had boxed him in completely. “Please open box,” Marion read, and nodded at Jane who ripped open the seal and emptied the contents on the desk. John visibly shrank as his soiled underwear appeared in all their glory across Marion’s desk. Jane, with a look of painted disgust on her face, picked up a pair and exposed the vivid skid marks to all assembled in the room. “How revolting!” commented Pauline. “ Poor, poor Jill having to put up with that.” The others murmured and nodded in assent. Marion continued. “As you can see from the contents of the box, John likes to dirty his pants. This has been going on every since we first started living together and now, I regret to say, I am at the end of my tether with this behavior.” Marion lowered the letter slightly and glared at John. A stony silence fell as Marion picked up on the contents of the letter. “I love John dearly, but I have come to the reluctant decision that he is not going to be my husband, partner, soul-mate anymore, as he cannot, and will not fulfill his part of the responsibilities associated with that position. Last night John admitted to me that he wanted to be my Baby Boy, and give up the role of husband and partner. To prove what I say is true, ask him to suck his thumb.” “Well?” Marion glared at John. He was completely humiliated but complied, timidly putting his thumb in his mouth. The other nurses giggled with Pauline clapping with delight. “So, to that end, I have decided to keep him as my baby, and relieve him of all the responsibilities of adulthood. He will now give up his job and become a full time adult infant. He must now realize that he stands before you in his adult clothes for the last time.” Marion looked at Jane and Patricia. “Well? You better help him out of his adult clothes, hadn’t you?” John was frozen to the spot as two pairs of hands started pulling up his sweater and undoing his shirt buttons. “My dear friend,” Marion continued. “Please help me in this task. His transition to Babyhood must be with complete compliance. As a baby he must have no embarrassment or shame. I will be in later this afternoon, but please start his education and feel free to treat John appropriately as you see fit. Your dearest friend, Jill” Ps. As you have probably noted, he willfully soiled his training pants this morning. I would be grateful if you could find a fitting punishment for this. Marion folded the letter and watched as the nurses pulled down the soiled training pants. Jane grimaced. “No wonder he stinks!” John clenched his eyes shut with the humiliation and sucked harder on his thumb. Marion stood in front of him, pulling his thumb out of his mouth and gripping his chin. “John?” His wet eyes looked up at her. “You now have a choice.” Marion continued. “One, you can pull up your trousers and walk out of here. Or,” she paused, enjoying the power exchange in progress. “Two, you can completely submit to your new status in life, and give up adulthood.” John paled over, completely traumatized. His mouth gaped open, like a goldfish out of water. Marion smiled and whispered. “If you want option two, all you have to do is put your thumb back in your mouth, it is that easy,” she smiled. You could have heard a pin drop in the few moments that followed Marion’s statement. Almost in slow motion, John lifted his thumb to his mouth and started sucking. A loud cheer went up from all the assembled. John was immune to the clapping and laughter, only aware of the distant noise and the tears rolling down his cheeks. “Hello Andii,” Smiled Jill. “Is your new resident here?” Andii grinned back at her and handed over the car keys. “I think Marion has found him a new set. She is waiting for you in John’s new room.” Jill thanked her and moved off to the old storeroom where her and Marion had assembled various items of furniture and fittings last week. Marion and Pauline were there, tidying up as John lay in the cot, feeding from a large bottle of babies milk. His eyes lit up when he saw her. “Mommy,” he cried. “I love you.” Jill dropped the side of the cot, bent over and kissed him. “I love you too, my darling.” Jill looked down at the patterned onsie he was wearing over a thick cloth diaper and plastic pants. Her nose twitched as she detected the scent of a soiled diaper. Marion laughed. “We found a couple of suppositories to help him along with his first punishment diaper. He will stay in it till supper time.” Jill looked slightly uncomfortable and her heart melted as John’s hands gripped her hands almost painfully. “I am sorry Mommy,” he said. “They made me!” He blurted out. “Please Mommy, please take me home?” Gently Jill pushed his hands away and sat on the edge of the bed. “Darling,” she said. “I want you to listen carefully to what I have to say.” Jill stroked his hair. “Mommy loves you, but you can’t be her husband anymore. You will only be her baby from now on.” Jill watched his features absorb this new fact of life. “You will be living here in The Home, looked after by me and all these lovely ladies who also love you very much and want you to be the best Baby Boy in the world. When Mommy finishes work, she will be going home but you will be staying here.” In shock he looked up at her, and then started shaking and getting very agitated. Pauline and Marion immediately secured his limbs in restraint webbing as tears of frustration and sadness rolled down his cheeks. “Don’t worry,” she said, trying to calm him. “You will come home on some weekends and during holiday times and you can be a Mommy’s Baby Boy at home but I will not have the energy to hold down this job and look after two babies.” John stopped sniffing and stared at her. “Yes Darling,” she smiled” “I am pregnant at last and I am so happy. Soon I will have two babies in my life.” John smiled, but tugged at the restraints with frustration. “Mommy?” “Yes Darling?” Jill stroked his brow. “Jill,” he risked the name to prove a point. “We can turn this around. Let me come home as your husband and I will forget all about the diapers and the baby business. Please let me be a husband to you and a father to our new child?” Marion and Pauline held their breath as Jill mopped his sweaty brow. “Husband Darling? You tried that, remember?” Jill’s tone hardened. “You think that if I take you home as my husband, you will not dream of pooping in a diaper when you make love to me? If I take you home, will you save all your seed for me, and me alone?” John’s face collapsed in front of her. “No Darling,” she said. “You will be happier here. I have asked the nice ladies to masturbate you at every nappy change so that you don’t miss that.” Pauline laughed. “Can’t wait,” she said dryly but with a coy smile on her face. “And,” Jill continued. “No more dirty pants. You will now be in diapers all the time, and you will not have to bother about getting to the toilet and wiping your bottom. No Darling, You won’t be a husband to me, nor will you be a father to our child. You will be my special loving Baby Boy.” John broke down and started sobbing. “Please Jill,” he screamed. “Don’t do this to me, let me be your man.” Jill’s brow clouded over and she slapped him across the face. “Stop it!” She shouted, causing Marion and Pauline to jump in surprise. “Remember Peter Reynolds? Yes, your old colleague from your last job. I have been seeing him for the last 4 months.” John’s mouth opened in shock. “He is the father to the child in my belly, not you.” Jill said cruelly. “He is moving in next week as the new man about the house.” Jill instantly regretted the outburst, and she hugged her weeping Baby Boy. “I am so sorry darling, but life had to go on, I had reached the end of my tether.” I still loved John, but not as a husband anymore, not as a lover but as a large overgrown adult baby. I was very firm with him in the beginning, putting him exactly in the place that I wanted him. John’s choices were, and still are simple. He could stay or go. On more than one occasion, I had to offer to pack his suitcase for him. Each time he would dramatically back down and adopt a state of required compliance. As new life grew in my belly, John slowly resigned himself to his new position and status while I developed my home with a new man, Peter at the helm. I encouraged Peter to tease and humiliate John as it would implant the humility that I required from John in the future. John of course knew Peter from his previous life at the office but was deeply humiliated when he met Peter for the first time since he’d been infantilized. After his first week at “The Home”, we returned home for the weekend. John started shaking when he saw Peter’s car parked in the drive. “Ah, that’s better. Baby Boy is getting excited as Mommy wants him. Mommy has missed him so much that now she wants all the cummies that are due to her.” Her handling became more urgent and after a considerable period of time, John ejaculated into the soft folds of his nappy. “Clever Baby Boy!” said Jill, condescendingly. She left the room, only to return ten minutes later with a feeding bottle and a Hitachi “Magic Wand” which she plugged into a power outlet next to the head board. Jill smiled down at the worried look on her husband’s face. “Ready Darling Baby Boy for Mommy’s next cummies? You have been away twelve nights and I have had only two climaxes from you.” She lay down next to him and offered the warm milk to his lips. While he suckled Jill turned on the Magic Wand and held it lightly over his groin. “That means,” she continued. “That you owe me ten cummies, and John?” He paused in his nursing and looked nervously up at her. “I want them all tonight, OK?” Part 15 It had been a mainly sleepless night for both of them but also a very uncomfortable night for John. Even now, his sexual equipment was feeling excruciatingly painful as Jill had alternated between the Magic Wand and her hand all night. Even long after he was failing to get firm, Jill kept on the relentless pressure on his penis and balls, despite the tears of pain springing out of John’s eyes. In the end, he had screamed for her to stop, breaking down totally and sobbing how sorry he was and how it would never happen again. “I know Darling, I should never have trusted you with a business trip by yourself. But I promise you,” Jill stated resolutely. “It will never happen again. Trust me, I will never be so naive again to let you be in a position like that again.” Her hand gripped his tortured genitals again. “Please, Please!” John howled out. “Stop Mommy!” “Only one last thing by darling Baby Boy, and then I’ll free you and let you sleep.” She promised. She kissed him, long and hard. “Mommy promises it will be alright, she loves her Baby Boy so much, it hurts, but she must know..” Jill let a short silence hang in the air. “Yes Mommy,” John asked. “Tell me honestly, I mean from the bottom of your heart. What is it that you dream of when you are masturbating?” John gazed up at her, gathering his thoughts at the front of his mind. “You Mommy, I fantasize of you, with you.” After a short pause, Jill looked reproachfully at him. “I dream of wearing the diapers and using them,” he whispered. “I dream of being your Baby Boy forever. I get hard thinking about you changing my diapers and being in complete and total charge of me.” Jill waited while John gathered more thoughts. She was somewhat surprised, but delighted with his candor and honesty. Jill smiled down at him and kissed him. “Thank you Darling,” she said. “You really mean it, you want me to have complete control over you?” Without hesitation, John nodded. “And you promise me always to trust your Mommy, and do exactly what she wants, all the time?” “Yes Mommy,” John whispered throatily. “Make me yours, and I will love you forever.” It was Jill’s turn to turn on the tears now as she released his limbs from the restraints and removed the waterproof pants and the diaper. She felt a little guilty as John’s shriveled penis was a fierce red color. She drizzled on some Baby Lotion and tenderly rubbed it in. Unsteadily, John rose to his feet and sat on the porcelain potty for a pee. After a late breakfast, Jill cleared the table and told John to stay in his place. “Mommy, can I do a poo please?” He looked somewhat strained. “Not yet,” Jill replied. “I want to talk to you. Surely you can hold it for a short time?” John was dressed in his adult clothes, however underneath his jeans he was wearing a pair of pull up trainer pants. “Yes Mommy,” he whispered, completely cowed under her dominance over him. She put a bottle of milk in front of him, and a cup of coffee, pad of paper and pen for herself. “Drink your bottle,” she ordered. “While I write a note to Marion as I won’t be coming to work until after lunch today.” John was too focused on his own problems to be concerned about what Jill was writing. Eventually she finished and sealed the letter in an envelope, handing it to John. “Take this to The Home, and give to Marion,” Jill ordered. “And wait for a reply.” John was sweating now. “Mommy, I think I’ve had an accident!” Jill jumped up and dragged him off to the nursery where his potty was waiting. She pulled down his jeans and training pants and with desperation; John sat and noisily emptied his bowels. However, the damage had been done and he had succeeded in smearing the seat of his training pants with shit. “Finished?” she asked curtly. John sheepishly nodded. “Stand,” Jill ordered. Without wiping, she pulled up the training pants and fastening him back into his trousers. John looked at her shocked and dismayed. “I will clean you up when you are back Darling, now go quickly and take this package with you.” She handed him a brown paper parcel and kissed him. Nervously, John picked up the letter and drove off in the car. Smiling to herself, Jill punched some numbers on her phone. “Marion? Just to update you…” Part 16 and Conclusion. John arrived at The Home, and hurried into reception, well aware of the skin between his buttocks was beginning to smart. Worst of all, he could actually smell himself now. He hoped to be able to deliver the note and parcel nippily and be on his way home. Andii was on reception and she smiled at him. "Hello John, nice to see you." He liked Andii, she was always smiling and so polite. "How can I help you, Your wife is not here at the moment?" "I know," John explained. "I am here to see Marion." Andii spoke on the phone for a moment and then waved in the direction of the admin. Wing. "She's waiting for you." John thanked her, slightly puzzled. As he made off down the corridor, John turned over in his mind how he was going to get out of the office quickly. ‘Good Morning Marion’, he would say politely. ‘I have been asked to deliver this note to you. I won’t take up any more of your time, good bye!’ He would put the parcel down on her desk and then hand her the note. With a smile and a wave, he would retreat from the office and go home. Simple. Then why was he so nervous! Marion’s door was open! Good, he would not have to knock. “Hi,” John bravely threw his head around the corner of her door. Shit! She was having a meeting! Marion and three others were grouped around the conference table in the corner of the office. Marion looked up at him, a frown etched across her forehead; annoyed at being interrupted. He recognized the three other women, all Nurses, colleagues and friends of Jill. “What do you want?” Marion asked, her tone short and abrupt. John boldly marched to the desk and dropped the parcel and letter there. “Sorry to disturb, but these are for you from Jill,” he said. John beat a hasty retreat to the door but was stopped in his tracks by Marion’s fierce bark. “Stop right there!” She ordered, moving to the desk and ripping open the envelope. John was routed to the spot and didn’t notice Pauline, Jill’s head nurse on the men’s wing, go to the office door and close it. She remained there, protecting the exit. The other nurses, casually wondered over and stood next to John. Along with Pauline, he knew Patricia and Jane socially and their husbands. “Dear Marion,” Marion read out aloud. “As my dear friend and colleague, please help me with my dysfunctional Baby Boy husband.” John felt his knees go weak as he started to panic. Sweat almost immediately started beading on his forehead and he could only imagine the color of his face. Frantically, he looked for an escape route, but the nurses, with their gloating smiling faces, had boxed him in completely. “Please open box,” Marion read, and nodded at Jane who ripped open the seal and emptied the contents on the desk. John visibly shrank as his soiled underwear appeared in all their glory across Marion’s desk. Jane, with a look of painted disgust on her face, picked up a pair and exposed the vivid skid marks to all assembled in the room. “How revolting!” commented Pauline. “ Poor, poor Jill having to put up with that.” The others murmured and nodded in assent. Marion continued. “As you can see from the contents of the box, John likes to dirty his pants. This has been going on every since we first started living together and now, I regret to say, I am at the end of my tether with this behavior.” Marion lowered the letter slightly and glared at John. A stony silence fell as Marion picked up on the contents of the letter. “I love John dearly, but I have come to the reluctant decision that he is not going to be my husband, partner, soul-mate anymore, as he cannot, and will not fulfill his part of the responsibilities associated with that position. Last night John admitted to me that he wanted to be my Baby Boy, and give up the role of husband and partner. To prove what I say is true, ask him to suck his thumb.” “Well?” Marion glared at John. He was completely humiliated but complied, timidly putting his thumb in his mouth. The other nurses giggled with Pauline clapping with delight. “So, to that end, I have decided to keep him as my baby, and relieve him of all the responsibilities of adulthood. He will now give up his job and become a full time adult infant. He must now realize that he stands before you in his adult clothes for the last time.” Marion looked at Jane and Patricia. “Well? You better help him out of his adult clothes, hadn’t you?” John was frozen to the spot as two pairs of hands started pulling up his sweater and undoing his shirt buttons. “My dear friend,” Marion continued. “Please help me in this task. His transition to Babyhood must be with complete compliance. As a baby he must have no embarrassment or shame. I will be in later this afternoon, but please start his education and feel free to treat John appropriately as you see fit. Your dearest friend, Jill” Ps. As you have probably noted, he willfully soiled his training pants this morning. I would be grateful if you could find a fitting punishment for this. Marion folded the letter and watched as the nurses pulled down the soiled training pants. Jane grimaced. “No wonder he stinks!” John clenched his eyes shut with the humiliation and sucked harder on his thumb. Marion stood in front of him, pulling his thumb out of his mouth and gripping his chin. “John?” His wet eyes looked up at her. “You now have a choice.” Marion continued. “One, you can pull up your trousers and walk out of here. Or,” she paused, enjoying the power exchange in progress. “Two, you can completely submit to your new status in life, and give up adulthood.” John paled over, completely traumatized. His mouth gaped open, like a goldfish out of water. Marion smiled and whispered. “If you want option two, all you have to do is put your thumb back in your mouth, it is that easy,” she smiled. You could have heard a pin drop in the few moments that followed Marion’s statement. Almost in slow motion, John lifted his thumb to his mouth and started sucking. A loud cheer went up from all the assembled. John was immune to the clapping and laughter, only aware of the distant noise and the tears rolling down his cheeks. “Hello Andii,” Smiled Jill. “Is your new resident here?” Andii grinned back at her and handed over the car keys. “I think Marion has found him a new set. She is waiting for you in John’s new room.” Jill thanked her and moved off to the old storeroom where her and Marion had assembled various items of furniture and fittings last week. Marion and Pauline were there, tidying up as John lay in the cot, feeding from a large bottle of babies milk. His eyes lit up when he saw her. “Mommy,” he cried. “I love you.” Jill dropped the side of the cot, bent over and kissed him. “I love you too, my darling.” Jill looked down at the patterned onsie he was wearing over a thick cloth diaper and plastic pants. Her nose twitched as she detected the scent of a soiled diaper. Marion laughed. “We found a couple of suppositories to help him along with his first punishment diaper. He will stay in it till supper time.” Jill looked slightly uncomfortable and her heart melted as John’s hands gripped her hands almost painfully. “I am sorry Mommy,” he said. “They made me!” He blurted out. “Please Mommy, please take me home?” Gently Jill pushed his hands away and sat on the edge of the bed. “Darling,” she said. “I want you to listen carefully to what I have to say.” Jill stroked his hair. “Mommy loves you, but you can’t be her husband anymore. You will only be her baby from now on.” Jill watched his features absorb this new fact of life. “You will be living here in The Home, looked after by me and all these lovely ladies who also love you very much and want you to be the best Baby Boy in the world. When Mommy finishes work, she will be going home but you will be staying here.” In shock he looked up at her, and then started shaking and getting very agitated. Pauline and Marion immediately secured his limbs in restraint webbing as tears of frustration and sadness rolled down his cheeks. “Don’t worry,” she said, trying to calm him. “You will come home on some weekends and during holiday times and you can be a Mommy’s Baby Boy at home but I will not have the energy to hold down this job and look after two babies.” John stopped sniffing and stared at her. “Yes Darling,” she smiled” “I am pregnant at last and I am so happy. Soon I will have two babies in my life.” John smiled, but tugged at the restraints with frustration. “Mommy?” “Yes Darling?” Jill stroked his brow. “Jill,” he risked the name to prove a point. “We can turn this around. Let me come home as your husband and I will forget all about the diapers and the baby business. Please let me be a husband to you and a father to our new child?” Marion and Pauline held their breath as Jill mopped his sweaty brow. “Husband Darling? You tried that, remember?” Jill’s tone hardened. “You think that if I take you home as my husband, you will not dream of pooping in a diaper when you make love to me? If I take you home, will you save all your seed for me, and me alone?” John’s face collapsed in front of her. “No Darling,” she said. “You will be happier here. I have asked the nice ladies to masturbate you at every nappy change so that you don’t miss that.” Pauline laughed. “Can’t wait,” she said dryly but with a coy smile on her face. “And,” Jill continued. “No more dirty pants. You will now be in diapers all the time, and you will not have to bother about getting to the toilet and wiping your bottom. No Darling, You won’t be a husband to me, nor will you be a father to our child. You will be my special loving Baby Boy.” John broke down and started sobbing. “Please Jill,” he screamed. “Don’t do this to me, let me be your man.” Jill’s brow clouded over and she slapped him across the face. “Stop it!” She shouted, causing Marion and Pauline to jump in surprise. “Remember Peter Reynolds? Yes, your old colleague from your last job. I have been seeing him for the last 4 months.” John’s mouth opened in shock. “He is the father to the child in my belly, not you.” Jill said cruelly. “He is moving in next week as the new man about the house.” Jill instantly regretted the outburst, and she hugged her weeping Baby Boy. “I am so sorry darling, but life had to go on, I had reached the end of my tether.” I still loved John, but not as a husband anymore, not as a lover but as a large overgrown adult baby. I was very firm with him in the beginning, putting him exactly in the place that I wanted him. John’s choices were, and still are simple. He could stay or go. On more than one occasion, I had to offer to pack his suitcase for him. Each time he would dramatically back down and adopt a state of required compliance. As new life grew in my belly, John slowly resigned himself to his new position and status while I developed my home with a new man, Peter at the helm. I encouraged Peter to tease and humiliate John as it would implant the humility that I required from John in the future. John of course knew Peter from his previous life at the office but was deeply humiliated when he met Peter for the first time since he’d been infantilized. After his first week at “The Home”, we returned home for the weekend. John started shaking when he saw Peter’s car parked in the drive.
  19. I recently ordered a CB3000.
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