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Nine year-old Kyle Andrews laid almost on his stomach on his bed, his elbows propping him up as he played a street-fighter game on his Sony PlayStation 3 that was sitting on top of his set of dresser drawers along with the 20" flat-panel TV. He was Caucasian, with greenish-blue eyes which watched the screen intently from under greasy reddish-blond bangs as he handled the controller like a pro. He wore slightly baggy denim overalls over a light-weight red sweatshirt and tan socks. The Pampers 7 Cruiser disposable diaper he was wearing completely vanished underneath the overalls. His sneakers were on the floor by his bed. His bed had a light space-travel-themed blanket and matching bedding set covering it. The walls were painted a light blue with white trim. The ceiling light, in the middle of the room, was made of three translucent white balls clustered together on a white mounting plate. The late afternoon sun shone through the large picture window overlooking the back yard, there were a few puffy white clouds visible in the sky. Someone was knocking on the bedroom door, and his mother, thirty-four year old Janice stuck her head in with a sigh, "Kyle, don't forget to return that game to the video store," Kyle looked from the TV, to his mother, groaning, "I'm just about to beat my high score!" Janice came into her son's room and stood there with her hands on her hips, frowning down at her son, who had returned to playing his game. Janice wore a pair of turquoise Capri pants, a white blouse and walking shoes. "You told me at lunch you'd take it back, along with that movie. Nor am I interested in seeing you ring up rental late fees again!" Kyle sighed, sounding exasperated with his mother's pestering as he stood up with a slight crinkle, "Alright, I'll return the game, and the movie!" Janice smiled, "That's a good boy, Kyle. Besides, it's a wonderful day out. Why don't you get some fresh air too?" Kyle nodded uncertainly, stopping the game and ejecting the DVD, and putting it in the rental box it came in, "OK," He'd much rather continue playing the game. Janice nodded, "Do you need to change your diaper before you head out?" Kyle glanced down at the middle of his overalls, which had no fly in them, and shook his head, looking back at Janice, "No, Mom, I'm still comfortable. I think I peed a little while ago, though. Kinda busy with my game," Kyle giggled bashfully. Janice nodded, understanding, then took a slight sniff of the air, "Your not dirty, at least," Kyle shook his head, "Nope," Janice nodded and left the room. Kyle got his sneakers on, and tied his shoelaces. Kyle packed his Disney-Pixar branded backpack with the video game and a rented movie, and got it slung over his shoulders. Then Kyle headed out of his room and headed down to the ground floor and headed outside. Kyle found his metallic dark blue BMX bike resting against the side of the garage with his almost matching bike helmet hung from one of the handlebars. Kyle strapped on his helmet and got on his bike, the seemingly dry diaper's super-absorbent core compressing under his overalls against the firm rubber-foam bike seat. Kyle looked both ways down the driveway and peddled strongly down the driveway, and turned down the sidewalk. Janice waved from the dining room window, happy to see her son outside getting some air and exercise. Kyle came to a stop at the first cross street, where the red hand-shaped "DON'T WALK" symbol was lit, and he put a foot down on the ground to steady his bike. Kyle felt a sudden increase in pressure from his middle, which soon suddenly vanished as warm wetness spread over his privates, then flowing from front to back between his legs. The warm wetness soon disappeared, as the diaper absorbed a full bladder of pee before it cooled. The white person-shaped "WALK" symbol replaced the "DON'T WALK", and Kyle glanced both ways before peddled across the street in the crosswalk. Kyle then turned right at the next corner which was the nearest major street, with stores along both sides. Kyle stopped his bike in front of the rental store and got off his bike, resting it against a bike stand, Kyle squatted by his bike, and got his back pack off and pulled out his bike lock, and started getting it around the bike stand and his bike. A wet fart silently bubbled from his bottom into the damp but previously clean seat of his diaper as he secured his bike to the bike stand, leaving a brown stain there on the inside of the diaper. Once his bike was secure he stood up, getting his back pack over one shoulder and headed into the rental store. There was a two-tone electronic bell then "ding-donged" every time the door opened and closed, and it did it this time as well. The middle aged man behind the counter had a slight paunch under his casual dress shirt and tan pants, and he looked up at the sound of the bell. Kyle nodded, and the man silently smiled with recognition. Kyle stopped at the counter, putting his back pack on it and opened it up and pulled out the rented movie and the video game, "Here are the things I rented, sir," The man nodded, and took each one in turn, and scanned it with a bar-code wand, which beeped each time. Once the returns had been scanned the man nodded, "All set young man, have a look around for something else you'd like to rent," "Thanks," Kyle smiled, and slung his back pack over his shoulder again and headed down one of the aisles. The man nodded and returned to the magazine he had been reading. Kyle sauntered down the aisle then stopped in front of a section showing Disney Pixar movies. Something on the bottom row had caught Kyle's eye, and he squatted down. Kyle gasped, the new "Cars"-derived direct to DVD movie had come out! Kyle pulled out the DVD case and stood up. Just then his bowels cramped, and expelled their contents. Kyle sighed, feeling the now poop-filled seat of his diaper try to sag against the inside of his overalls. Some wetness flowed from his relaxed bottom. He didn't like it, but he knew it was time to head home. Kyle sighed as he quickly returned to the store counter and put his chosen DVD on the counter. The man looked up and nodded, "Found something?" Kyle nodded, trying not to blush, "Yeah. I loved the Cars movies. Mom told me they were making this one…," The man nodded, "Your card?" Kyle nodded, reaching into the backpack, pulling the fresh diaper inside the back pack partway out, then fishing out the video store membership card. The man nodded, taking the card and passing it under the bar-code reader, then scanning the movie box, "There ya go, young man," Kyle put the box in his back pack along with the video rental membership card, nervously stuffing the diaper back in, and hurriedly zipping the bag closed. Kyle then got the back pack on his back and scampered from the store out onto the sidewalk. Kyle looked up and noticed the sun was beginning to set, as he squatted down and started unlocking his bike from the bike stand. Kyle got on his bike, feeling the mess spreading between his legs throughout his diaper. Kyle sniffled, and wiped fresh moisture from his cheek, trying not to cry. He hated it when his bowels did this, especially when he was on his own and away from home. Kyle's chest shuddered as he started peddling homeward. Soon Kyle returned home, and leaped from his bicycle, with it crashing to the driveway. Kyle had become aware of a stickiness that ran down the back of his thighs. Kyle scampered up the front walk and quickly got his door key out of a pocket in his overalls, unable to hold in soft blubbering, and then quickly opened the door, "Mommy!" he wailed. Janice came out of her home office, "Honey? Is something wrong?" Janice came toward her son, then sniffed, and the smell hit her, "Oh, you're messy," Kyle nodded miserably, beginning to to cry openly, "I pooped my Pampers real bad, Mommy," Janice nodded as she came to her son and embraced him tenderly, stroking his back, "It's OK, honey...," Kyle nodded, understanding, "Thank you, Mommy. Can I get cleaned up? Please! The poop went everywhere. My diaper's all gross," Janice nodded, "Of course, Kyle. Head upstairs, and get out your changing pad," Kyle headed for the bottom of the stairs leading to the second floor. Janice watched her son head off toward the upstairs steps, and saw brown stains on both sides of the seat of his overalls and down his legs almost to his knees. Janice gasped and sighed, realizing that Kyle's diaper hadn't been able to contain his messy accident. Kyle heard his mother's gasp, and he stopped, looking back over his shoulder. He almost whined, "Mommy? What's wrong now!?" Janice sighed, "Your diaper leaked in back. When you get upstairs, please take your overalls off for me, big boy," Kyle groaned, and quickly scampered up the stairs, "Shower?" Janice nodded, "Maybe, but first get those dirty overalls off," Kyle disappeared into his bed room, and pulled down the blind on his window and turned on the ceiling light. Janice called, "Call if you need help, Kyle!" Kyle got his shoes off and unbuckled the shoulder straps of his overalls from the bib front. Once the shoulder straps were undone, the overalls fell down. Kyle got his feet out of the overalls and tossed them on the foot of his bed. Kyle then got his change pad out, "Mommy!" Janice came up stairs, and opened her son's bedroom door, getting her first looks at Kyle's bottom, "Here!-Oh, you really could use a shower…," Kyle sighed, and started getting the sweat top off, quickly followed by his undershirt, "OK…," Janice came in, closed the door behind her and went over to her son's bed, "Lay down for me, honey," Kyle sauntered over to his bed and laid back down on the changing pad with a soggy squish, that forced a bit out on the changing pad. Janice came over, having gotten out a fresh diaper, wipes, and baby powder, "Let's get things fixed up," Kyle nodded, and parted his legs. Janice tore the tapes from the front of Kyle's diaper and pulled it open, "Oh, boy... You sure are messy, and soaked, Kyle," Kyle nodded. "So, tell me," Janice started, as she started cleaning her son up, "When did you poop?" "While looking at movies in the rental store...," Kyle said, blushing slightly, now wondering if that had been the wrong thing to do. Janice nodded, bending her son's legs up under his chin, "And then you cycled home?" Kyle nodded, suddenly looking away away from his mother, "Yeah," Janice shook her head, "Did you call me to let me know before you left the store?" Kyle whined, "I think I forget my phone," "Oh, Kyle!" Janice snapped, "You're always supposed to have it with you!" Kyle sniffled, "Sorry, Mommy. I though it was being charged," Janice wasn't really excepting Kyle's explanation, "It was plugged in last night, Kyle. I'm sure it would have been more than ready this afternoon," Janice pulled the diaper out from under Kyle's bum. Kyle rubbed his eye's, looking very sorry for what he'd done, and not done. Janice sighed, thinking what's done is done and that further scolding wasn't going to change much now, "OK, Kyle, shower time," Kyle nodded, and sat up, naked except for socks. Then he pulled his socks off and stood up. Janice nodded, "Off you go. I'll get your Pjs out while your getting all clean," Kyle sighed, but didn't argue as he scampered from his room, heading for the bathroom. Janice got out her son's one-piece flannel footed-pyjamas. The flannel material was a medium-light brown colour, and there was a matching snap-on hood with teddy-bear ears. Soon the shower could be heard running in the bathroom. Janice took a moment and headed out to call through the bathroom door, "Don't forget to clean all of you! Not just your bum and legs, Kyle. Head to toe!" "I know!" Kyle called back. Janice nodded, and returned to her son's room to get things ready for him. Kyle got into the shower, the warm water streaming down over his body, he sighed, enjoying the clean freshness it brought all on its own. Kyle soaped up the wet bath sponge with body wash and started cleaning his bottom and private parts. That made things feel much better, even better than wipes could. Janice, having gotten her son's Pyjamas out, headed down stairs and started getting supper ready. Kyle soon had his middle, bottom, and thighs cleaned up. He then he started on his feet and lower legs, resting into the corner of the shower stall to balance himself. Kyle then started on his arms, chest, and belly. Janice knocked on the bathroom door, then opened it, "Kyle, I've got supper started. Macaroni and cheese with ham bits sound good?" "Yeah!' Kyle cheered, and stuck his head out from behind the shower curtain, "Can we watch the movie I got today?" "Sure we can," Janice nodded, "Washed your hair yet? I left the No-tears stuff in there for you so you can do it yourself," "No," Kyle shook his head, then pulled his head back and looked at the inside corner of the shower, "Oh, I see it. Thanks Mommy," Kyle stuck a soapy arm out, "Just doing my arms now," Janice nodded, "OK, and that's a good boy, be right back," then she left the bathroom. Kyle continued showering, soon starting on his hair. Janice returned to the kitchen, and put the macaroni noodles into the pot of boiling water. Kyle poured some shampoo into his hand and started scrubbing it into his dripping wet hair. Janice came back upstairs and brought the diaper she had left on her son's bed and stuck in on the toilet tank in the bathroom, "Kyle, I brought a fresh diaper for you to put on after your shower," "OK, Mom. I'm almost done," Kyle said. "I left out your one piece pyjamas in your room," "Pyjamas already?" "I told you earlier, Kyle, and it's a school night. You're going straight to bed after your movie. What do you want to drink with your supper? Kyle sighed, as he rinsed the shampoo from his hair, "OK..., Milk please, mom," Janice nodded, and left to get the supper into bowls for her and her son. Kyle got out of the shower and picked up a bath towel and starts drying himself off, starting with his hair, than drying off his middle and bottom. Janice heard the shower stop and she stuck her head in, "Oh, someone looks all nice and clean now...," Kyle blushed, "Thanks, Mommy," Janice nodded, "Suppers ready," Kyle opened the diaper on the closed toilet seat, including unfolding the back, and sat on it. Kyle then powdered his diaper area, and rubbed the powder into his skin. Kyle brought the front of the diaper up between his legs, and unfolded the front, and brought each of the sides forward and snugly taped them closed. "Stand up please, Kyle," Janice came in to the bathroom. Kyle stood up and let his mother make sure his diaper was on right. "You're getting good at putting on your own diaper, Kyle! Such a big boy! That's looking really good," Kyle left the bathroom and headed for his bedroom. Kyle picked up the pyjamas from his bed, and got them open. Kyle smiled, getting his feet through the legs. "Feeling comfy, Kyle?" Kyle nodded, pulling his pyjamas up to cover his bottom, "Yeah, lots better now," Janice smiled, "That's good. Get your PJs on, and come down stairs," Kyle nodded as he got his arms into the Pyjamas and zipped it closed. Then Kyle joined his mother in the upstairs hall. Janice nodded, "Looking good, sweet-heart," Janice held her son close for a second and sniffed his hair, "Nice and clean, too, from head to toe," Kyle smiled, "Thanks, and my PJs are nice and cozy," Janice returned to the kitchen, while Kyle headed for the living room. Kyle got his DVD out of his back pack and got the big TV turned on in the living room. Janice brought a tray with two bowls, two large spoons, and two glasses, one with milk and the other with diet pop, "Sit down, Kyle," Kyle nodded and scampered over to the couch and sat down, while his mother put the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch. Janice got the DVD in the player, and pressed play, then joined her son on the couch. Kyle smiled, "Thanks mommy. Dinner smells good!" Janice nodded, "Eat up, then!" Kyle dug in to his bowl of macaroni with the spoon, and started eating with gusto. His bowel accident had left him feeling really hungry. Janice smiled, "This is a nice movie," Kyle nodded as he sipped his milk, "Uh-huh," Janice soon finished her bowl of macaroni, "Eat up, Ky'," Kyle soon finished his dinner, "That was good, Mommy," Janice smiled, stroking Kyle's back, "I'm glad you liked it. Want to sit in my lap?" Kyle smiled drowsily, "OK," Janice nodded, picking her son up under his arms and lifting him into her lap, "Is that comfy, Ky'?" Kyle nodded, and turned in Janice's lap, snuggling into her. Janice wrapped her arms around him, "Getting even comfier?" Kyle nodded drowsily, "Love you lots, Mommy," Janice cuddled Kyle to her snugly, and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I love you too, honey, lots and lots," Kyle smiled and gave Janice a kiss on the cheek. Janice smiled, "You watching the movie?" Kyle nodded drowsily, and almost on instinct turned his head back to the TV. Janice could sense that her son was running down quickly. Kyle sucked his fingers absentmindedly. Janice waited until the movie came to an end, "Bed time, pumpkin, and we should probably check your diaper before you go to sleep," "OK," Kyle nodded, "Carry? Please?" "Alright," Janice sighed, and picked Kyle up as she stood up, "Arms around my neck, big boy," Kyle rested his head over his mother's shoulder, putting his arms around her neck in a firm hug, and wrapped his legs around her waist. Janice carried her son upstairs, one hand under his slightly squishy bottom, the other on the stair handrail. Kyle's eyes began to droop, and he yawned quietly in his mothers ear "Sleepy, Kyle?" Janice said. Kyle nodded without a word. Janice smiled, and stroked his back as she carried him into his room, turning on the light with the elbow of her free arm, "Almost in bed," Kyle nodded, looking around, seeing that they were in his room. Janice pulled back the covers then gently lay her son down, and got his feet into bed, and tucked him in, "Comfy?" Janice sat down on th eedge of her son's bed. Kyle smiled up at his mother and nodded, "Uh-huh," Janice smiled, giving her son a hug and a kiss on the forehead, "OK, then, sweet dreams," Kyle rolled onto his side, facing the wall, as his mother got up to leave. Janice turned off he room light, and the nightlight by the door came on. Janice almost closed the door as she left the room. ------ Hope people like it! There's potentially more where this came from.
Yes he is now dead. A sad time it is. I will have a signature and Avatar in his honor. The man was well known for many movies, but none like his spot as Brian O'Connor in the movies The fast and the furious. He was on his way to a charity event when he was with his friend in a Porsche GT 2005 and doing donuts and lose control and hit both a tree and poll. They where killed at the scene and stuck while then burned to death,= in the car. The bodies have yet to be Identified, but where confirmed to be those two dead. He was half way to almost done to filming the 7th movie for the F&F movies. He was set to go to Atlanta to do all the heavy parts of him. The bodies where so badly burned, that they need a week or so to get Dental information to get an I.D. on who is who. The Autopsy has been delayed. For those who do not know this is him.