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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by diaperlad

  1. Had a father's day cookout today. I think I ate too much because my stomach is hurting.

  2. Anyone tried "aww soo cute" diapers yet?

  3. Low on diapers again...dang it!

    1. redneck diaper boy

      redneck diaper boy

      Get some cloth diapers and you can wash and re-use them.

  4. Going to bed early...working out my body exercising and having a job working makes me really tired.

  5. Thinking about wearing a diaper to work...noo I better not. Actually wait. I should. awww. I should just wear one!

  6. Is that a bulge I see in his pants...Is he wearing a diaper?
  7. Had a long day at work. Tired, ready to eat something, and go to bed. Don't even feel like wearing a diaper.

  8. Went Kayaking at the lake today. Got sunburned. My UVA sunblock didn't work quite well. Anyway I had fun.

  9. Going to wear a diaper to work tomorrow. Kinda of excited.

  10. Went to work wearing a diaper. Had an interesting day.

  11. Had my first day at work today. Tomorrow is my second day and I'm already thinking about going to work diapered. I think I can get away with it.

  12. I have to work out in the sun today. It's so damm hot. I'm not looking forward to this.

  13. Feeling like crap. Damm allergies!

  14. I'm 5"6 in height, and my weight is around 198-200lbs. I waist size is 30". I can fit
  15. So I received my sample packs from bambinodiapers yesterday in Med and Lg. I've been excersing soo much I guess I lost alot of weight. The large felt like it was just suddenly too large. I'm happy though. I'm gradually switching back to mediums.

  16. Waiting for the UPS to come to my door with my diapers I've ordered. I'm excited! I'm getting all white Binaco diapers from bambino diapers dot com.

  17. I think for me it was sixth grade. I've always been a diaperlover through out elementary. Secretly wearing diapers to
  18. My birthday is tomorrow. I'll be 32. At the same time I ordered some diapers from bambino diapers dot com. I'm excited! I haven't worn a diaper for almost a year now.

  19. I just like to add. I'm Native American. I don't know if I'm the first? I haven't crossed another AB/DL who is N.M. too. When I first discovered other AB/DL's. I realized we come from all walks of life. Which is cool. I'm glad it's not just one race thing, sex, culture, etc, or else I think it would be different.
  20. About to download some music from itunes. Found out I'm getting my sample packs I ordered on Wednesday the 29th. Right on my birthday. I'll be 32. I think I'm more elated about getting my diapers than my birthday. I haven't worn any diapers for almost a year now. I look forward to being diapered Wednesday.

  21. Just ordered some sample packs from bambinodiapers. It has free shipping. I had to turn ABuniverse away. They don't have free shipping. Going to have to wait on some Abena's I wanted to try as a sample pack. No matter what I still happy with my order.

  22. looking for a job. No money, income. Had to order some free samples online. Can't wait for my first job.

  23. From AZcentral.com (news). Man accused of stealing adult diapers! Caught my attention. Had to read the news.

  24. Looking for a job/work. I hope to buy me some diapers in the near future.

  25. I haven't worn a diaper for almost a year now. I'm going crazy.

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