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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by LilGirlLya

  1. "10 piece chicken nugget and-" Luna stopped, realizing she was giving what would have been her order from a time where she was at least two feet taller. "Um..actually, I guess the kid's meal is OK too."
  2. "Oh well that's nice, you two are going to love it here. Do you want a sticker little one?" Luna shook her head. What she wanted most was to get some time to herself to fully process all that was happening. "Aww, she's shy." The cashier teased, "that's OK, you can get it next time." She happily said as she finished ringing them all up. Stuck in the seat she could only sit by and let herself get wheeled out of the store and back to the car. Once there she was lifted into and locked in her car seat. She could only wait passively in her restraints for her mother to finish loading the car.
  3. "OK," Luna sighed. It was a disappointing but not unexpected outcome given the mess she'd made in the doctor's office, though Luna hoped that was just a product of the regression process and not indicative of her new bodies bladder control. Luna was concerned though with how much little kid stuff her mother was getting and wondered how much of a say over her new life she'd actually have. Probably more than a normal toddler but that was a pretty low bar to get over. The clothes weren't hideous or cartoonishly frilly but they weren't her. Or maybe they were? Luna's sense of identity had taken a hit over the past few hours. Maybe it might be fun to roll with it? Try something new? "We're still getting something on the way home, right Mom? I'm really hungry and thirsty after.. you know..." she trailed off as they approached the check out line. "Oh, I heard that," the cashier spoke up as she waived them in, "I'm guessing it's some little cuties first day here?"
  4. Zoe nodded up to Martha and took her outstretched hand. The way Martha's hand enveloped hers it would almost be a misstatement to call it 'holding hands'. That implied a something of a mutual grasp, at least it had ever since Zoe had matured and started dating. This was Martha holding her hand. Zoe blushed knowing what this probably looked like but kept her head and tried to project a confident, unphased appearance to very confidently put out the impression she was actually a free little.
  5. Luna groaned, her teenage impudence wandering into toddler whining. "Do you think I could get some new panties too? Just in case?"
  6. "Huh, what?" Luna was jolted back to reality when the cart began moving. "But mooommm," she whined, "I didn't get to pick anything out. That all looks really babyish. Can I please get some clothes that look more normal?" she pouted.
  7. Luna was got off guard and let out a tiny squeak of surprise as Akiza effortlessly put her hands under Luna's armpits and hoisted her into the seat of the cart. The toddler section was close to the front of the building but on the other side from the doors they'd entered through. something seemed off. It wasn't until they were browsing through clothes that it finally hit Luna as to what it was. There were no kids. There were no teenagers. Just parents and their babies or toddlers. It finally clicked for Luna when she spied a crying girl even smaller than she was, crying about how she didn't want to be a baby. Everyone here was like her. She could hardly get her head around it and yet it had to be true. Why else were there no sections for bigger kids? Luna desperately looked around while Akiza browsed the 4T/5T section and no matter where she looked, the oldest kid she could see barely looked like a kindergartner.
  8. Zoe exists the door and starts down the hallway, keeping pace with Martha as the proceed down the labyrinthine corridors, letting Martha take the lead when they entered the bustling square. Zoe made certain to stick close to Martha, each new sight truly drove home how tiny she was here. The square was loud and grounded with giant figures who all towered over Zoe, moving briskly and casually at a pace that probably would have been a run on her comparatively shorter legs. She could hardly even see any of the stores above the fray. "Where to first?" she called up to Martha.
  9. "Oh...well thank you. Really, I do appreciate this. Thanks for being so flexible. Sure, lets get going!"
  10. "Oh, OK sure. I'll only get exactly what's in stock then. Thank you again, I mean, I know this wasn't in your plans and I really do appreciate you going out of your way to help me get all set up. Do I owe you anything or is the scholarship covering it?"
  11. "No Mom, I think I'm OK for a while after, well, you know." Luna blushed. She followed along, quickening her steps to keep up with her now towering mother's longer steps as the entered the store and made for the toddler girls section. With each step she could hear the subtle crinkling of her pull up and hoped that she'd at least have the chance to try at panties soon.
  12. "Oh, yeah let me take a look at those." Zoe skimmed them but really couldn't make heads or tails of it. In her dimension, legalistic writing borrowed mostly from latin and even if you weren't familiar with the language, you picked things up just by living in a society based around that. Here though, it seemed like there had to have been another base, it was similar but just off enough to be indecipherable. There really wasn't anything she could do. Zoe realized she only had two options since she couldn't understand a lot of the jargon. She could either bail and head home and blow off a free ride scholarship or she could trust her former teacher and the sponsor the university picked out for her. She took a deep breath and signed where she was told to.
  13. "Oh great, yeah, I have to admit. We hear a lot of horror stories back home. It sounds like this is common enough that there are plans for it so what sorts of paper work do we need to look at?"
  14. Zoe nodded and made a beeline for the bathroom. She was surprised to find it looking so, well, infantile. It looked like a slightly sized up version of something you'd find in a preschool. Zoe brushed the unpleasant connotations aside as she sat on the small toilet. Even for her size it was a bit shorter than normal and after a few minutes, discomfort started to build in her legs. She wondered if it was just the angle of the seat? After all, it must be hard to construct infrastructure for a population of littles that could vary pretty widely in size. Still, eventually she was able to go a little even if it resulted in some achy legs. Zoe hurried back to Martha after giving her hands a wash in a too tall sink. "Thanks for that Martha, gotta say I'm not a huge fan of the bathrooms here. What do we need to talk about? Me coming through little?"
  15. "OK, Mom." Luna reluctantly agreed. She wasn't thrilled about the diapers but in her state there wasn't a lot she could do about it. She had no way to tell if the flood that had gushed out of her only minutes prior was just a product of an extreme loss of body mass or was somehow indicative of what she might expect out of her new body going forward. Until she knew more, she would just suck it up about being forced to wear any protection until she knew if she actually needed it or not. Given how wildly her reality had shifted, not even potty training could be taken for granted anymore. Luna until they arrived at the clothing store.
  16. "Alright mom," Luna agreed, letting herself get strapped in. The five point harness felt weird between her legs and compressed her pull up snugly against her new body. She could still hardly believe the changes that had occurred within the last hour. It felt so wildly different, alien and unknown and yet just right. "Could we get dinner on the way home too? Please? It's been a long day and I don't want to go to the grocery store too!" Luna listened to the ambient sounds of car, the gentle acceleration and the comfy car seat soothing her into a peaceful, contemplative state.
  17. "Of course, take care you two. We'll see you next time little miss needs a pediatric visit." Getting carried in her mothers arms for the first time in as long as she could remember was utterly surreal to Luna. She was so high up! Akiza didn't even seem to be struggling with her in the slightest. It wasn't a new feeling in a technical sense but it such a long forgotten sensation it might as well be. Her body naturally found a position with her little legs wrapped around her mom's waist, her mother's arm supporting her pull-up clad bottom. "So..." Luna started, "are we buying a whole new wardrobe tonight or just a few outfits?"
  18. The triggers in the soothing music went to work on Zoe, gradually working to erode the anxiety and paranoia she might have otherwise felt and replace it with a sense of passivity. In between bouts of humming along and swinging her feat in the oversized chair she would sometimes get up and pace circles around the room. It was less a nervous pacing and more a bored pacing. The amazons were taking for-ever! It was on one of her laps around that the need to go to the bathroom hit her. It came on faster than it normally would which startled her. She returned her seat and sat, crossing her legs rather than swinging them and trying to focus on the music. She thought of asking someone where a toilet was but the only people to ask were the busy amazons in the next room. "Oh hey Martha, no worries. Neither us expected me to come out like this after all! Are we good to go? Do you think we might be able to find a bathroom on the way?"
  19. "OK, thanks Mom. This is...well, it's a lot. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled with 2/3s of those things you just called me. The 'little' one though, I mean, how is this possible? It's just a lot to take in. I'm not actually a baby even if, you know?" Luna gestured to herself. She supposed the deal with her mom was fine. Technically since mom was the one buying all her clothes anyway she did have a veto over anything even before this happened even if said veto was rarely used. "Any other questions before either of you leave?" Dr. Lee asked Akiza and Luna.
  20. "I can pick out my new clothes, right? At least some of them, please?" Luna begged. Her mother was quick to label her clothing as 'goth' and it made Luna roll her eyes every time. She wasn't a goth, she just liked black. It looked nice and it went with everything. There was no convincing Akiza of that though, she saw black boymode hoody and jeans and saw 'goth'. She did feel and pang of loss as her old clothes were unceremoniously dumped into an orange biowaste bin.
  21. As the other littles were gathered one by one, Zoe nervously waited for the Martha to finish conversing with one of the portal agents. She was unsure of what to do, should she go back home? Was there an embassy or something like that to call? Without much information she didn't have any options. She found a seat her sized and plopped herself down into it. "This happens occasionally Ms. We have littles coming through without expecting the change. If this complicates plans or you are unable to care for her then we can contact little services and see about placing her in a facility for new arrivals. You are her sponsor for her time in the dimension though so if you're OK with taking a little, we can process her out into your care. It's not as binding as an adoption but you'd have a lot of the same rights and responsibilities for her care." Zoe waited as patiently as she could. Thankfully the music was soothing. It was a fairly simple melody and she found herself humming along at times. There wasn't anything she could do other than wait. The amazons would all figure something out, she just needed to be patient for them. The toys caught her eye but she dismissed the idea. Maybe for the *actual* littles but there must have been some mistake. She was an adult after all, nothing like some of the stories Ms. Drake had told her about littles in this dimension. Zoe hummed and started to swing her feet in time with the music.
  22. "We can dispose of those clothes unless you'd rather keep them for sentimental reasons," the nurse offered, "once patients under go the treatment, one of the side effects is they tend to end up a bit shorter than average once that belated growth spurt does hit so this little princess probably won't fit in those clothes again!" "What- what happened to me?" Luna looked pleadingly at Akiza and the doctors. "You didn't read the manual did you?" Dr. Lee asked. Luna blushed and averted her eyes before finally giving her head a little shake. Akiza placed her on the floor and went to work helping clean Luna's mess off of the table. "OK you little fibber, so what you told us you agreed to was a process designed to help kiddos like you by regressing them back into children and take advantage of a toddler's incredible capacity to acquire knowledge. Just think about how much little kids learn and how quickly they integrate it all together. Well, now you'll have that capacity for the next few years of your life while you remain a legal dependent of your mommy. Do you know what a polymath is? Well that's you now, and all your other little peers who have gone through the same process!" "But why me? I don't want to be a little kid!" Luna started to pout. "Well, because your mother applied and was accepted of course. We give girls like you a bit of extra consideration. Think of it this way, all of those things you might have wanted to do growing up? All the pretty clothes you might have wanted to wear? You can now. Not only will this let you grow up every bit the girl you are, but by the time you leave school you'll effectively have the equivalent of an ivy league undergraduate education!" It was a lot to take in, just the change in perspective from looking people in the eye to craning her neck up to talk to adults was a significant enough adjustment as to be disorienting. Let alone all of the rest of it. If what the doctor said was true, and from looking down at her pudgy little hands it must be, then what would previously have been some insane science fiction just warped her body into a super smart toddler. With all of what that entailed given the mess Akiza was cleaning. Akiza helped Luna out of her tent like dress and Luna got to look down and her new body for the first time. Her jaw dropped and a huge grin broke out from ear to ear. *It* was gone! This wasn't how she imagined she'd ever lose *it* and was probably the most unorthodox bottom surgery of all time but looking down at herself now gave her euphoria where dysphoria had once reigned. It was true. She was a girl. A little girl but that was almost beside the point with how overjoyed Luna was. Her happiness was so unshakable that she couldn't help but let out a squeal of delight. She jumped into a hug for her mother and let herself get picked up and placed on the newly sanitized table and get put into her new, crinkly, princess pull up.
  23. "You wanted a new start? I'd say this is as good as it gets, huh?" the nurse smirked. "You're doing a wonderful thing Akiza," Dr. Lee said as he prepared to administer the reversal agent, "not only do you get your fresh start but with this procedure and the education she'll receive, you've set Luna up to succeed beyond her wildest dreams. Just remember that when she gets fussy over the next few weeks. Administering now." The third syringe was placed into the line and injected into Luna. Gradually, her body cooled and her squirming stilled. Luna's eye's began to open as she found herself laying sweat soaked in a pile of her old clothes. "ninety ninety," Luna muttered, her thumb falling from her mouth. Just could tell something was different but couldn't instantly place what was going on until she opened her eyes. "Momma?" Luna drowsily slurred, still only half awake "am I still dreaming? You're so big. Are we done?" Where the fifteen year old had previously sat now was a small girl swimming in a now massively oversized shirt. "What's happening? Why are my clothes all big?" Luna muttered trying to sleepily thread her arms through the arm holes. She was barely aware of the warmth spreading around her bottom as a miniature torrent flowed out of her, onto the table and onto the floor. "Did I?" Luna reached down and felt the wet. "Oh my god, I pissed myself." Luna whined through a big yawn.
  24. "Of course Ms. Hoshi, should you like to wait please make yourself comfortable. We can get you shortly before we wake her. We can almost certainly find her a basic outfit to wear as well and simply bill you for it. Parents often find themselves in need so we have plenty who pay it forward and donate a set. I can have a nurse bring in a box of 4 and 5 T clothes and some protection as well. We'll check in occasionally if you'd like to stay with her. Let us know if you need anything." The next hour passed with Luna enduring the changes, growing smaller and smaller. On each visit, the nurse took a measurement and finally, after two measurements of 108 centimeters ten minutes apart, Dr. Lee returned to the room to administer the reversal agent. "Do want to get her all diapered up now or once we bring her back around?"
  25. "Absolutely and a lot of parents do the same. Just remember she's intellectually going to be the same person she was before but emotionally she'll become more childish as her brain rewires itself. The whole Clarke Educational Initiative program has to get her brain back more or less like it was when she was a toddler and keep it that way to facilitate the same kind of rapid knowledge accumulation she'll be capable of. Even starting so late there's no reason to think she won't be ready for some kind of post collegiate education the moment she graduates from the Clarke Island school system in a few years. Big girl smarts with little girl feelings can be confusing and scary for them at first but most kids adjust quickly. Luna assured me she'd read over all the material prior to coming so she should be fine. Will you be wanting to get her some of her new clothing before she wakes up? If so we can leave her under supervision. Of course if you'd like to wait for her and get her input on her new wardrobe that will be fine as well. I trust that the moving assistance funds should cover several outfits and a nursery set up." Luna kicked and squirmed furtively in her sleep, her skin was pink and warm to the touch as the nanites did their work. Sweat dripped from her as heat and body matter were expelled from her slowly shrinking body. Luna let out a small whine of discomfort and her hand instinctively found her mouth. If it weren't for her clothes becoming looser and looser on her, it might look to an observer like a kid having a nightmare.
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