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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Little Baby Becca

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Album Comments posted by Little Baby Becca

    On 6/11/2024 at 2:14 PM, Dragonzmew said:

    Hi what is your Instagram or YouTube handle

    Neither, but you can see 1000's of pictures of my tween girl wardrobe on my 2 Flickr pages... May need a Flickr account to see some of the pictures, I have them marked as moderate so some poor girl looking for training bras doesn't accidentally find my pictures😉

    If you visit please let me know what you think.

    Becca's Flickr 1

    Becca's Flickr 2

    On 6/11/2024 at 2:18 PM, Dragonzmew said:

    I love Thomas can't wait to move out on my own to get Thomas track


    On 9/10/2022 at 12:48 PM, sc7738 said:

    Aww thats so cute i really like the pics with your dress and your diaper showing. can i ask how much do you weigh? I want to see if maybe they would fit me....

    Thank you for your kind words. As to my weight, I think you would be surprised how much I actually weigh. What is important to to fitting in real baby diapers is waist, mine is 32" but that alone wont guarantee fitting in them. Most important is, as my wife says " I have no ass, no hips and skinny thighs":02_EmoticonsHDcom:

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    5 hours ago, tommyneedsdiapers90 said:

    Holy smokes I miss those old dragonfly goodnights!

    They are my favorites, I still have some, but wear them sparingly.

    3 hours ago, HansBrawn said:

    Love the look of real baby diapers. I have a 32 inch waist. Could I fit into them. The problem seem to be the attaching. Which diaper has the longest stretch.

    Welcome to the community.

    Most of my big boy pants are 32" waist. But as my wife likes to remind me, the reason I can can wear baby diapers is the fact that "I have skinny thighs and no arse".  I don't put them on myself, my wife only lets me put on my own pull-ups. But she always pre-stretches them before slipping them under me and always pays extra attention to the velcro tabs by rubbing her fingernail before declaring me "all diapered". If you wear them just remember they are meant for a toddlers bladder. I can get 2 slow wettings without leaks so long as I'm not overly active...:baby_smiley3: 

    On 7/31/2020 at 6:12 AM, triggernum2 said:

    very cute. do you need plastic pants over the top to stop leaks?? 

    I shouldn't need plastic pants because when I'm wearing these I'm expected to make it to the potty?. If I wet these more than a little dribble I will be back in Pampers...:girl_happy:

    9 hours ago, Pampersbb said:

    Love these 

    and what's not to love. In my opinion, these are the perfect diaper. They are pink, cute prints and plastic! The only problem is they haven't been made since the 90's and I'll eventually run out :crying-baby-smiley-emoticon:

    On 7/21/2020 at 4:36 PM, Alwayswetboy said:

    Hi. I'm very new to the whole thing but I've been wearing diapers since I was a kid.  I was always afraid to join anything . Now I'm taking my first baby steps into all this. I really like your pics and I'm just wondering how I can actually fit in to a Pampers diaper when I have a 32 inch waist.  Or how can I make a bigger Pampers version. I really like your pics and your diapers look amazing. 

    Hi and welcome. Thank you for the kind words about my diapers and pictures. I think most people would be surprised that I can fit into actual Pampers and real kids pull-ups. My wife was just as surprised and she was the one who first put me in them. I have been a crossdresser since forever and got stuck in the teen/tween fashions. Almost all of my clothes come from the girls dept. including my panties, training bras, camis and nighties. My wife lets me indulge in my dressing and even buys me stuff when she sees it on sale. One time I commented on a cute "little girls style" dress and said I would love to try that. One thing led to another and a few weeks later she surprised me with a similar dress (the red one in my photos). Anyway, that evening while showering she laid out my new dress for me to try and instead of my usual panties she had bought a pack of girls Goodnites and told me if I am wearing a baby dress I should be diapered too. I loved the dress and wearing the pull-up and things progressed from there. Currently our play time is split between Little Baby Becca and Tween girl Becca.

    If you saw me in person, dressed as an adult, you would never guess I can fit into off the rack tween girls clothes and most definitely never real baby diapers or 5T Easy-ups. My wife teases me that I can only fit in the diapers because "I have skinny thighs and no ass". Surprise surprise, most of my adult pants are a 32" waist. You have to remember that these diapers are designed for babies with a much smaller bladder so they will never hold more than one or two small slow wettings and even then can leak easily. Since I'm not allowed to put on my own Pampers I can only tell you that my wife always pre-stretches the sides and holds the first side closed while fastening the other side and rubs the Velcro with her fingernail.

    Go buy yourself a small package of Pampers Cruisers size 7 and give it a try, unless you have large thighs.  If they don't fit you can use them as stuffers in other diapers or consider donating the rest to a local diaper bank. Whenever we buy a package of diapers for our fun and games we always buy a second and donate it to our local diaper bank.

    Let me know how you do, and have fun...

    Giggles and Smiles Always,

    Little Baby Becca

    P.S. If you are interested in seeing my tween girls clothes let me know and I will give you a link (almost 2000 pictures)

    8 hours ago, foreverdl said:

    Hey , cool pic's

    I am mostly DL, I play around with some of the Goodnights I can fix. XL but tight, I am jealous of how well they fit you.

    My wife is not into it.

    what size are the pampers?

    I have enjoyed your pic's

    Thanks for visiting my page. My Pampers are Cruisers size 7. My training pants pull-ups/easy-ups are 4T.

    3 hours ago, baby704 said:

    yes I do and what brand is the high chair

    It is a Fisher Price. It is even older than the playpen, It belonged to my niece and she is turning 31 this July. When they were done with it they gave it to us, my boys used it and then it went into the attic. Now my nieces baby uses it when they visit, and I get to use it too...

    On 3/11/2020 at 12:11 AM, baby704 said:

    I use mine for the kids

    Well, we do to when they visit. Did you ever consider climbing in yours? I hadn't thought about it until my wife suggested it. The funny thing is she doesn't know I can fit in the high chair and use it when I'm home alone. I'm hoping she suggests that too. Maybe I will give a few hints next time I'm in the playpen...

    23 hours ago, baby704 said:

    so guess u use it also

    Only when my wife and I are playing and the youngins aren't around. She was the one who made me get in it the first time. Now when I'm bad I have to lay down in it till she lets me out. I have to be careful, because if I break it I will have to replace it.

    On 3/9/2020 at 10:10 AM, baby704 said:

    what brand of playpen is that


    I think it is Graco. I will have to check tomorrow to be sure. It is about 26years old, We bought it for our first child. It was in the attic and we brought it down for my nieces baby when they visit. Lucky for me we have an extra room to keep it for now instead of going back to the attic.

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