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Posts posted by quabbaby

  1. i'm in a mood to resurrect old threads, and i liked this on. I wear diapers a few times a month. It has nothing to do with binging and purging. there are those who will throw away all their stuff and then a few months later buy a whole bunch, this is binging and purging.

    Then there are those of us, who completely by choice, only wear diapers a few times a month. It sounds like many people only wear a few times a month because of their living situations.

    I choose to wear diapers only a few times for a number of reasons.

    1. i have a job, and friends and a whole life i enjoy participating in that has nothing to do with ab stuff.

    2. well i can be a lil girl and stuff without the need to wear diapers.

    3. if i wore diapers all the diaper i'm pretty sure i would get bored with them eventually, its much more exciting when its a treat, like going to a restaurant, sure you could eat there everyday for a few weeks or months, but eventually you are just going to burn out on it.

    4. its damned expensive buy enough diapers to wear more than a few times a month.

    so with all these new members, are there any out there who chose to wear only a few times a month, not because of their living situation, because that isn'treally much of a choice is it? but just because its what they enjoy?

    I wear depends maxiums with a pair of plastic pants Sundays through Thursdays during the daytime hours since my wife and I work differant shifts. Since she can't tolerate my diapers, I wear when shes not around. I'm very lucky that I can wear for the amount of time that I do have unlike some here that only have a couple of hours to wear. Its tough having a partner thats non accepting of this lifestyle.

  2. Hey Quabbaby, sounds like my life. My wife has been a life-long random wetter, and when we first lived together and the first years we were married, she did use adult diapers & pull-ups. I told her about my diaper and panty wearing interests when we first met, and she laughed about it and treated it as if it was just a "phase" i was going through.

    But after a few years, she decided I liked the diapers more than I liked her, and now refuses to wear any protection, no matter how many times she wets the bed (then has the audacity to tell me to change the sheets later). And to top it off, she totally refuses to let me wear any, and freaks if she catches me looking at the diaper aisle in stores or any websites like this (and she refuses to read the sites herself).

    (Warning, the next sentences may offend people.) She says that people who wear diapers for fun without a "medical need" for them are "sick, perverted freaks" and she tries to link diaper wearing with both being gay and being a pedo. She refuses to read any of the diaper sites to see the posts, and even says any medical/mental professional who supports the AB/DL lifestyles "should have their licenses terminated and be branded as quacks".

    I really feel horrible for you in your situation Artemis. It really sucks when we us ABDLs have the misfortune of being married to spouses that wind up treating us like that. They seem to be ok with it in the begining, and then after we tie the knot, they become our arch enemies. Oh well, prayers be with you. Quabbaby

  3. Yes, I told my first wife, and she didn't know how to take it. It didn't cause the breakup though. I also told a friend when I thought she was looking for a solution to her incontinence. That backfired as well. She almost disavowed any knowledge of me. Wouldn't speak to me for months. Has never brought the subject up ever again. I never let her know that it was anything but an aide that could help her. She did not know I liked wearing them as well. I don't ever talk to anyone about it anymore. It seems to be more taboo to the public than being gay, eventhough a good portion of the older public have continent problems and need diapers. And enjoying wearing them, well forget that. I actually think it can be theraputic to chat about wearing them. I use to think I had to be ashamed of wearing them, because they were a baby product. They're not. They're baby tested, but who better to test a product like this. I'm glad they've paved the way. Anyway, I'm beyond the question.

    Hello Sticks, it just occured to me after reading about your friends response to her wearing diapers that she might have felt that you were belittling or degrading her. Thats maybe why she disowned you for it. I think that if you had mentioned that you yourself had the same problem and wore diapers as a source of protection, her response to you might have been completely differant. Maybe, maybe not, who knows. My wife used to be a bed wetter but never ever wore diapers, plastic pants, or used any rubber sheeting etc, probably because such items would make her feel like a baby. Its purely phycological for some people. I've been an ABDL and have had light to moderate incont. since I was a child. My wife totally hates me in diapers so I wear them in private and keep her from ever seeing me in them. I do agree with you 100% on being theraputic to chat about wearing them. Don't ever again feel ashamed. We're a growing community and theres strength in numbers heehee. Take care, Quabbaby

  4. I was thinking about this for a while, and I felt the need to share. I know I've told a few people here about my luck with not having any problems involving my ABDL side, but there was one incident that boiled my blood.

    It was this past Spring semester at college. I live in a single dorm room while I attend, and all of my roommates and I have an "open door policy", meaning we're on such good terms with each other that we generally leave our dorm room doors open. Think of it as a symbol of our trust for one another.

    Well anyway, my buddy Joe had his girlfriend and her best friend, whom we'll call "Marie" up for the weekend. This girl, to put it lightly, was a fake. She seemed nice at first, but I've got a kind of sixth sense that allows me to see through people. I knew something was up, but I didn't think much of it.

    I'd been talking online with my close friend about some ABDL things, because she knows about it and is cool with it. Anyway, I had to go to class, so I left my computer on and my door open...big mistake.

    You see, while I was gone, "Marie" decided to not only go in my room, but to read my conversation with my friend, thanks to AIM 6's ability to keep messages saved automatically. When I got back from my class, "Marie" and Joe's girlfriend were on their way to the store.

    They asked me if I needed anything, so I said no. They asked again, this time saying things like "food, water, peanut butter, etc." but I still told them no. That's when "Marie" suddenly says, "Diapers?"

    And the shit hit the fan. See, I ignored the comment, but when "Marie" returned, I actually had the guts to tell her that she was no longer allowed in our suite, making sure not to mention anything other than the fact that she'd snuck into my room. Now thankfully she didn't bring up what she'd found, but still. I don't think I've ever gone from completely fine to afraid/enraged in such a short time in my entire life!

    Scary, scary stuff. :(

    Hello Dr_J, I can really sympathize with you on your INVASION OF PRIVACY. Its like now you know who your friends are but unfortunately we all seem to find that out when its too late. Everytime when I'm done chatting or surfing through ABDL sites, I always do the clear all history proceedure. Never Ever Ever !!!!!! Leave your password logged in on anything even if you know the ones your with can be trusted. For yrs. I trained in martial arts and my instructor always pounded it into my brain that you never ever let your guard down regardless if there seems to be little or no threat to your safety. Never forget what happened and never let your guard down EVER!!!! Take care and good luck with your studies. Quabbaby

  5. Same here. I see you are a child of the 50's as well.

    I wear gauze diapers and plastic pants.

    I use fetware pants now because they custom make them for me. Fetware has a heavy duty pant that seems to hold up better than the Comco pants.

    I'm also wearing fetware plastic pants ( the yellow XTs) over a depends maxi (quite wet now) under my work clothes since I'm at work. :D I'm also a child of da 50s redneck db.

  6. B)

    I went fishing down at the beach,it was pretty deserted,and,knowing this'i decided to diaper myself before going,i was wearing thick cotton diapers,with a pair of plastic pants,i slipped on my jean cutoffs,they were really cut off short,anyway'i'm down fishing when another boy came down to also fish,well'unknown to me everytime i sat down,my plastic pants would poke out the bottoms of my shorts,so here i am sitting talking to this other boy,and,all the time i see him looking at my crotch'i figuared maybe i have a live one,and,i don't mean a fish,finally it dawns on me,that he is looking at my plastic pants poking out of my shorts,i got a real kick out of his interest.

    :groupwave: Good for you Cute Baby Ronnie, I've done the same myself. On hot summer days i'll go to a state park and go for a walk or ride my bike just in diapers, plastic pants, and a tee shirt. I've gotten the same response sometimes myself. Some are really cool with it since i get big smiles and a hello especially from the ladies that are out for a walk. Some others give me a look like I'm totally retarded or something hahaaahaa. I still LOVE GOING PUBLIC diapered, but of course in the proper places. I would'nt dare do it at a mall or some place where it just would'nt be appropriate. I've gone public on a beach too. I laid out a big beach towel just in diapers and plastic pants....LOVE IT !!!!! Keep doing what you love to do. :D:whistling::thumbsup:

  7. Ahh.. Cool cool... I was worried there for a second that I'd totally drawn a blank about meeting someone. :D

    No real "link" to explain anything (the forum in my sig that I set up is kinda... uhh... neglected :) ), but, I'll give you the "basics"...

    BostonBabies was a group started way back in the DPF days (even before the internet, and way before I got involved), and parties and events have been held semi-regularly for 20 years or so. I met one of the most active party hosts on one of those "screw it, I'm just going to bite the bullet and go meet some people" nights back in 2005, and once I was over the fact that I wasn't meeting a bunch of wierdos, but rather a pretty cool group of people, we hit it off. I went to a party hosted by TinyTroy (from ABY) shortly after, in Revere, and met the rest of the "regulars", and decided hosting some of my own shindigs would be a cool idea.

    Fast forward 3 years, and I've hosted just under 40 events... Everything from ski trips, dinners out, holiday parties, trips to Six Flags in both MA and NJ, water parks, camping trips, etc., to chill nights at the house just relaxing with friends and a few drinks. Parties have been everything from full-on AB centric events with contests, storytimes, etc., to just some of us (sometimes not even diapered) meeting up for a car show, or a drive in movie or something. In 3 years I've met somewhere around 150 really cool people, and many have become lifetime friends, diapers or not. I'd have to say that the best thing about being a DL is that I've met so many people from different walks of life that I'd never have met if I were "normal". Even though I have a great group of non-abdl friends, it's always cool to meet new people.

    As far as out your way, my good friend Mikey (babimikey004 on ABY) lives out there, and we head out to visit him pretty regularly. We were out a few weekends ago to meet a new dude from N. Adams that came down for the weekend to hang out, and I'll be headed out in a few weeks to spend the weekend helping Mike work on his GTO... Nothing better than guys, diapers, car parts, and beer, hahaha. :D

    As I've said before, I'm game for meeting pretty much anyone, as are a lot of people in the Boston area, and a few even out your way. Only looking for friendship, and I'll pass on axe murderers and such, but aside for that, anything goes.

    Again, if you, or anyone else wants to meet up, just gimme a yell via PM. :)

    Any other questions? :D

    :band: Sounds like alot of fun Jay-in pampers. Your group pics are AWESOME. A happily diapered family of friends is like a piece of heaven on earth heeheehee :D I wish i could participate but its very hard for me to get away. My wife isn't ABDL tolerant so i have to keep it secret. Would though like to meet up with you one day. Would be GREAT to meet others that are like myself.

  8. Hewwo Newroad,

    A big cuddly bear welcome to our world.

    It's very good you told your wife and I'm very glad for your both that she understands and is helping you. I had the same problem telling my wife, I was very afraid she wouldn't understand and everything would come to an abrupt end. However certaing people pushed me in the right direction and gave me the confidence to come clean with her. She's now helping me with my nappy and baby wants and needs to a certain extent (as much as she can accept) but we've still got a long way to go. I have to wear a nappy to be anyway as I suffer with irritable bladder nocturia (basically I'm a bedwetter) and giggle micturition (wet when I laugh too much) which is not good when you're as ticklish as I am, hence my name.

    I hope things keep improving for you and I hope we can chat soon.

    Baby Tickles. :roflmao:

    Hewwwooo too baby tickles. Just had to reply since reading your post here also made my laugh wif delight. :P:lol::roflmao: Me to berry berry ticklish heeheehee I'm also very happy for you too. :thumbsup:

  9. hay there just sign up so ths looks like the place to start im 22 my names matt and im a diaper lover from the uk love the site and diapermates looking forward to meeting loads of people with similar interest to me :) thanks

    :D Hello Matt and welcome to DD. You'll find some real cool folks out here and lots of support as well. Nice to meet you. Beeee happeeee in your nappeeee :roflmao:

  10. Hello,

    I am very new to sharing any of this.. I recently came "clean" to my wife. Instead of being appaled she has taken my hand in hers. After years of hiding myself I have found a lot of love and comfort and understanding that I missed out on. I am now finding myself free to learn where I am going and what this all means. I do have incontenance issues at night due to IBS and lactose problems but am also exploring want as well as need sides of this. I look forward to learning and growing while I am here


    :D Hello Newroad, am very very happy to hear that your this fortunate on your wifes acceptance, love, and support. I want to wish you the best of luck on your new found road. :thumbsup:

  11. I'll ditto the suggestion for plastic or rubber panties and a waterproof pad for your bed. Wet sheets can be fun once in a while, but pretty soon your bed starts to smell like stale pee, and that's no fun. Adult Cloth Diaper Co. Leakmaster pants are a lot like the Gerber panties you may have worn as a kid. Comfortable, effective, fit well over diapers without being too bulky.

    So many people don't "get" how relaxing it can be to sleep through a night without worrying about having to get up to pee. I'm glad you discovered our delightful secret!

    Thank you Tinkles123 for your reply. That is very true what you said. So many people out there can't seem to get past the psycological barrier of wearing diapers even though they still have night wetting problems. My wife is one of them. For yrs. she had wet the bed and gone through many mattresses instead of wearing a good thick diaper and plastic pants. She had overcome the problem before I met her but with me now, she can't bring herself to accept me in diapers :(:crybaby: Its diffecult believe me but I manage. Nothing like a real thick, soft, powdered cloth diaper with a soft pair of plastic pants over them. :thumbsup:

  12. I have a plastic sheet under my bed sheets, so that is not a problem. The problem is keeping my clothes dry, even plastic pants leak after so much pee goes into them. I have, by the way, solved that problem too. I fold up a mdium sized bath towel and use it as an extra absobant booster. No more wet sheets or clothes in the morning. ;):

    :D Yeah, Yeah, Super. Dat solves the problem very well :thumbsup: Did'nt think of dat one heehee. I'll remember it when or if I ever flow heavily at night. For me now its just kinda light during the night so what I use seems to do the trick for now. Hey good luck to you....Alan :D

  13. warefalls oops I meant waterfalls

    :D Hi I M Soaked, i just wanted to help you in suggesting that perhaps a large protective bed pad might be of some use. I have seen them at some differant web site stores for incont. products. Also a pair of rubber or plastic bloomer pants over diapers and pull on plastic pants would probably work better. Fetware.com has the cute printed ones or myprotex.com has them also in a couple of differant colors. I hope this is a help to you. :thumbsup:

  14. I know I Most Certainly Do, I have No Friends in Real Life & I have Given Up trying find any because they all think I can' offer anything just because of My Disability, So Consequently, I Can very easily Become Depressed, but Since I've Worn 24/7 I've Noticed my Depression getting Less & Less. Eventhough I really Wish I could Find a Few Friends in Real Life I guess the Diapers Sort of Fill that Void for Now.

    Rockies Fan

    Go Rockies in '08! :D

    Just be happy being yourself and stay happily diapered Rockies Fan. If people can't accept you for who you are as a human being, than they never would be your REAL friend in the first place. Keep the faith and stay DIAPERED :P

  15. I wear diapers when I am feeling stressed, vulnerable, depressed etc. It makes me feel safer and more secure somehow. Maybe it is something about reverting to childhood when things were easier with no responsibilities etc. Just a thought.

    I think your right on that one Emily. Me too. I always feel so much secure and protected when in my diapers, even though I wear for practical reasons due to a little incont. but for the most part, I just feel so much better in them. I regress alot back to my early childhood when life was soooo much happier and free from all of the stress of todays society. Good hearing from you.

  16. For me, I'd probably want to give it up because I am tired of being hurt all the time in the community and running into the seediest of the seediest in the community. But, part of me tells me not to give it up as something has to be out there for me. I just have cut back on how much I play baby and participate online, because of all the hurt.

    I believe there is a reason for everything, and there has to be a reason for me being ABDL. Sure, I am not as active; but it is a part of me and I am not going to give up because of all the set-backs and the kooks I run into online. Plus, I find I also enjoy a lot of things in my adult life as well as my little side. I like to go out, have some beers with my friends, go to baseball games, football games, and Cavs basketball games in Cleveland. I find also as I got older, the little side needed to be let go of in a way.

    But it is still there, just not as strong as it was years ago. Bout all I do is suck my thumb, and sleep with my blankie and favorite stuffed whale.


    GOOD FOR YOU BabyCris, I'm shocked and saddened that you've been hurt by other ABDLs out here. I guess even in our own community there are the "not so nice people" out there but Just ignore them and beeeee yourself !!!!! I guess I must consider myself a lucky one so far. Its true as you said that as you get older and the stress of todays society grows worse, the need to escape it grows with it as well. Thats the beauty of being ABDL. I wish that the ABDL communitys were around when i was a teenager, life would have been sooo much easier in just knowing that your not alone. I wouldn't give up being ABDL for nothing today. I guess thats about it for now but just be yourself and love it!!!

  17. From what my gf tells me I've tried all my life to accept this Ab side of myself,because of this years past events I have realized what is imortant to me in this life.I am an Adult baby and I am very happy about it.I wouldn't give it up for anything,I am 100% happy being who I am.I am becoming more open about it with the attitude that if you can't accept me this way then don't go away mad just go away.I could be into alot worse things out there,I could be a very differant person,the fact is I'm not.I love life,I love an accept all people and nothings is going to change that."Livin the life I was born to live & givin' it all I got to give"

    Could'nt agree with you more gizzybear and wif you also Pips. There was i time in my life before i found out that i was'nt alone being ABDL that i wanted to rid myself of my deep love of diapers due to the terrible emotional and social impacts that it has brought me over the years past. It was like being at war constantly with myself between being who and what i am, an ABDL who loves and needs diapers, and what is socially accepted as being normal in society whatever the hell that word really means lol. Finding the ABDL community has liberated me. The adult side of me now lives in peace with my inner child and if society can't accept that, then it can go to hell as far as i'm concerned. I would'nt change who and what i am today for the world. I guess thats about it.

  18. Yeh - I tried to make a conscious effort over the weekend and I think I did a descent job. I just want it to become second nature.

    Good for you adriansurley, I've been trying to do the same myself in the warmer months here in New England when I can just wear a tee shirt without a jacket. Their are times though I'll just wear a onsesie if i know I'll be somewhere where I should be discreet and then there are other times when I'm out of town I'll wear a short diaper tee shirt and allow the tops of my diapers and plastic pants to show. For the most part if people do see your diapers, then they'll assume its for medical reasons. NO BIG DEAL!!!!! Be comfortable, be happy, and of course, be yourself. :whistling:

  19. I too am just a DL. Love to wear and wet disposible diapers. I don't have any desire to act like a kid again. Diapers for me at both sexual and stress relief. I get turned on everytime I put a diaper on. I also use them to reduce stress. If I am have a really bad day, I can come home put on a diaper the the day gets a little better. I do love to wear plastic pants over my diapers and have some Onesies. I use these purely as functional items, stoping leaks and hiding them while wearing in public.

    Hi carjock, i'm the same way. I wear disposable diapers and plastic pants over them for extra leak protection and also love wearing onesies sometimes as a functional thing also. The onsies help make the diaper feel a little more snugger against my body which adds to the comfort as well. I do however love nursing on a paci at night when i go to bed just because it helps me totally unwind but its nothing at all sexual. I might be in some ways an AB but for the most part I'm just a stark DL. I have a deep love for those adult baby nursery print plastic pants. They are a huge turnon for me however. I don't know ;) I've sorta stopped trying to analize it and just totally enjoy my diapered lifestyle. I guess thats all for now.

  20. I rather not be chained to any specific name but I rather be called a Diaper lover as it more matches me. I like to wear and use diapers and thats just it. When I get married, If I ask my wife to just put on a diaper (and if I really get lucky poop in it as well) , that's all I want, the acting like a baby part would just be unnecessary.

    I could'nt agree with you more tcc and udontneed2knw. I've been a DL for most of my life and YES occationally I'll use my paci at bedtime or I'll wear a onesie tee shirt just to secure my diapers snugger to my body and prevent bulking but for the most part I wear for some stress and urge incont. reasons as well as the love of em. Diapers and the paci are great stress relievers. :whistling:

  21. I am in SPringfield Mass, maybe we could meet up sometime.

    Hello DiaperBigBoy, I'm Alan and live near Boston. When ever I'm able to get away I love to drive out to the Quabbin Res. and hike around out there. The place is beautiful. If I'm ever out there, perhaps we can meet up somewhere like Belchertown or someplace at your convieniance for lunch. Catch ya later :D

  22. Are those the plastic backed or cloth type? The newer cloth type diapers CVS sells aren't as good as

    the old ones, at least in terms of the "squishy feel" factor. They are quiet though and the tapes stay

    put. I think some of the sizes they still have the plastic ones but I know the XL-super paduper overnight

    ones are cloth now...

    FWIW, I live out near Worcester. Funny how there are AB/DLs just about everywhere. I'm sure

    in reality there are tons that don't even show up on the net, either.


    Good hearing from you Mikey, the ones I was talking about are the cloth ones and have the 4 blue striped tapes. They are very comfy and fit really great and have good absorbancy but do need plastic pants for the extra protection just in case I over due it on their capacity :o I bought a paci from pacifiersRus.com and they sent me a free sample Bambino diaper in which I've been saving for that special occasion when I'll need super super absorbancy but might just try it on to see how it fits and feels. I've heard that their awesome but a case of them are quite expensive. Your located just to the west of me. I've gone through worcester many times on my way out to the Quabbin. Love it out there. Catch ya later Alan

  23. yeah i live in Rowley but go to college in haverhiil and my gf lives in haverhill. Where are u from?

    Hello everyone, I'm Alan from Randolph just south of Boston and would love to meet some cool people in our community. I've just tried out some new disposables that I got at CVS the other night, their the CVS brand day and night absorbancy which fit really great and are super comfortable and I find their more absorbant than others that I've boughten there. I think their even more absorbant than depends maximum. Even if you over do their capacity, the plastic pants prevent leaks :D Babyadam21 I often go by your town on I-95 on my way to N.H. Its nice up there in your area especially Newburyport. Catch ya later :D

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