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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Princess Ophelia

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Everything posted by Princess Ophelia

  1. Olivia was much too old, 25, to be trick or treating. But she just couldn't resist this year,
  2. May wakes up with a huge head ache from drinking. She slowly sits up aND feels disgusting squish all over her butt. She gasps snd looks down to only see a baby blanket and footie pjs.
  3. May starts to fart and then mess a lot. More than expected! Yet she sleeps so soundly and peacefully despite the rude mess from get back side
  4. "It's just with a diaper it might look. ..babyish," she blushes a little
  5. Jasmine holds his hand and happily walks around the mall first. She picks out clothing that is cute and will look really adorable with her diaper.
  6. "A question? Sure thing big boss!" She laughs and rests on the couch. Her head feels light and her chest is warm. "As long as it's not hard, you can ask!:
  7. "Are you-" she hiccups in the middle of her sentence. "Sure?" She asks and hiccups again giggling. "Ohh yeah we are so drunk! " she laughs loudly but really she's the only stupid drunk one. "I'd really like to stay the night with you! I'd LOVE it!" She corrects herself
  8. "Well...i dont live too far...I am always a phone call or text away!" She optimistically chimes. May thanks Haley for the wine and drinks it all. She feels very drunk after having the glass. "Maaan! This wine is the best! " she slurs her words and hiccups. May has always been the light weight of the company. Her small frame doesnt help that. "Oh my goooood!" She gasps too dramatically. "It's way late...like it's..." she takes a while trying to read the time. It's past 11 pm at this point.
  9. "I'm sure this is really rough on you...well....if it's worth anything I'm here for you," she smiles.
  10. "Wow you took cooking classes? That explains the five star restaurant food!" She laughs a little "And really? You wanted to know more about me?" She feels her cheeks blush and her heart beat but reminds herself to comfort Haley. She's very lonely.
  11. "Wow your home is so lovely!" May comments politely. May sits at the dining room table. "I hope you don't mind if I start drinking wine," she smiles and helps herself to the glass that was on the table
  12. May makes sure Haley has nothing to do that night and she even finished early so she can go home and get ready.
  13. "Of course!" May tried not to sound too excited. Haley and her have never done anything outside of work before unless with a group.
  14. (Yes! ThanKS! !) "Hi boss, I got your favourite," she smiles and carries in a tray of coffee and also a biscuit from the cafeteria. "I hope you aren't too busy! It sure is early though. Make sure you have breakfast, " she small talks hoping Haley isn't taking it too hard.
  15. May quietly knocks on the door of her boss. Being the secretary of the head boss of the company, it was her duty to make sure she is ok. Recently her boss had a miscarriage and has not taken it well, their spouse has left them alone and childless, May thought that she would pop in to hand a coffee to her boss and brighten their day.
  16. "Your butt looks so huge," she laughs and snacks it liking how soft it is. "And these are gonna be my outfit? Alright," she laughs a little.
  17. "I only have white, " she shows hI'm her boring collection of white adult diapers. Her clothes in her xloset are also quite boring
  18. "Well I like you in just that out fit, a diaper and Tee. But since it's your birthday you can dress me in anything you'd like!"
  19. "Youre right," she waddles slightly to change into a long skirt. "I've only double diapered if I'm sick horribly and can't do anything at all, bedridden....other than that i never double diaper! "
  20. "Well I haven't ever seen a point of cute diapers. But perhaps I should look online...." she thinks and nods "And maybe I should double up," she grabs an extra one and hands it to him to be changed
  21. She laughs at the odd sensation but she has to admit it doesn't feel bad. "It's crinkly...but nice I guess. I'd never guess you like this kind of thing Jay, " she teases and inspects the diaper
  22. "Not plain ones? I've never really thought about it. These are just regular adult ones. "
  23. "Yes, and somehow it really really suits you!" She smiles and squishea his butt and feels the padding. She takes off her leggings and lays down.
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