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Everything posted by tidit45

  1. Yes and yes please love it so far
  2. tidit45

    A race to 13

    "Hey now little one no reason to yell and lie to me." I pick you up and bring you into your room and place you on the changing table with a plop. As I lay you down and strap you down I coo at you. "By the way my name is Amber I'm your baby sitter for the next few days. Now can little mary tell me how old she is while I clean her up?"
  3. tidit45

    A race to 13

    The young baby sitter stifles a giggle watching little Mary move around like a potty training toddler. "Looks like your still working on your potty training huh little mary?"
  4. Kendra couldn't take it anymore once her mother had her dressed she waited until she looked away and kendra bolted off the bed and quickly ran into the room to check on her big sister. Once in there she was shocked leana wasnt throwing a tantrum or already made younger or worse.
  5. I set you on the ground and pull the frilly dress over your head quickly so not to give you time to do anything funny. "Aw dont you look precious!" Putting the pacifier back in Reis mouth
  6. tidit45

    A race to 13

    "Now that's no way to great someone new in your home little one. Now what's wrong, smells like you've either gone poopy or you need to. I'll be honest not sure where your potty is baby." I say smiling at you holding your hands to your rear and trying to walk
  7. "Ok me sorry mama." I say knowing I should just give up but it's hard
  8. "Moma cant I have real food? I know I'm a 'baby' but im still really 11..." I say hoping you dont get upset by me saying that
  9. "Those girls must have been exhausted. But they cant sleep all day I gotta go wake them up." Gina says before going up to the toddler nursery she fixed a bottle of warm formula for Belle and a sippy cup of water for Jane.
  10. tidit45

    A race to 13

    The new babysitter was downstairs reading what looked like an ancient book, when she heard the distressed call of a child up stairs. I thought of what Anne said and figured the little girl shes watching woke up wet. "This will be fun." Says the girl before standing up and walking up the stairs. As she got to the top of the stairs she could see a small girl maybe age 8 at the most shifting around in the hallway. The tall 23 year old brunette was soon standing at the top on of the stairs and soon was standing right behind the small child tapping her on the shoulder.
  11. "Please no more milk for now mama me want food." I look at you with pleasing eyes
  12. I check us into the preschool and get you to the changing room. Once your up on the changing table I replaced your thumb with a pacifier. As I began to change you I sigh. "4 years old in preschool and still in diapers and has a pacifier... I guess some babies need more time to grow up. No big girl school for you next year huh?"
  13. Edith parks the car and quickly gets her self and Alyssa out of the car. "Phew that's a stinky baby!" I say carrying you into the preschool
  14. Jane hopes her youngest was behaving for the baby sitter. But quickly got her youngest to the bedroom and started to dress her on her bed. The whole time she was cooing at her baby girl talking baby talk to her about being a big 6 year old. Kendra wasn't really paying attention she was thinking about what that witch said and now she was worried about her big sister. She wondered if leana would have one of her famous tantrums and upset the witch, kendra could only hope her sister wasn't too young to be saved.
  15. Once the pullup was on the small girl I go about dressing her. Ella awed at how cute the little girl looked before holding her up to a mirror as she did her hair in pigtails
  16. Gina turned on the baby monitor and awes at how cute the two little girls are. I go about setting up the playpen in the livingroom room as well as getting the highchair to the dinning room table while the girls sleep.
  17. I feel a rumbling in my tummy I yell out "mommy! Me hungry!" Quickly covering my mouth not meaning to sound so little
  18. tidit45

    A race to 13

    Anne set down the sleeping Mary on the toddler bed tucking her in as she did so Mary started sucking her thumb. Anne let out a small quiet awe, before pulling the side up on the bed and leaving the room with only a night light on. Anne was up most of the night packing and checking on the sleeping Mary. At about 5am she came to check on Mary again kissing her on the head. She could smell that the little girl at least farted and just hope there wasn't any poo in her panties, she knew the bed would probably be wet. She whispered a goodbye baby see you later as she exited the room to great the babysitter. She told the babysitter where the phone number info was, and about Mary's accidents. Before rushing out to the waiting taxi
  19. (This is good) Edith looked shocked at her daughter then giggled "Aw baby make potty in her diaper? Ok baby I'll change you when we get inside." Edith says pulling up to the building. What alyssa didnt know was her mommy was under Melissa's hypnosis as well and believed her daughter was an unpotty trained 4 year old
  20. Gina smiled "ok then", she picked up Jane and placed her on the changing table and quickly replaced her panties with a thick diaper like her sisters. Her shorts now looked more like a diaper cover as Gina placed her in the crib next to her baby sister. Gina covered them up and placed a pacifier in Belle's mouth before turning off the lights and exiting the room.
  21. Jane agreed "that works for me, thank you so much. My poor Leana shes a good girl just has accidents and tantrums still. I'll take kendra and get her dressed, once you two are set meet us down stairs and we can head out." Jane says kissing Leana on the head and picking up little kendra. Kendra was very nervous for her sister, "Carfuw sissy!" She cried be hind her pacifier
  22. I giggle. "No your not you barely even a preteen." Ella pulls wipes, powder, a thick pair of pullups and a frilly dress out of the bag along with the pacifier. I one motion Rei was on her back on the towel with the pacifier getting put in her mouth, getting wiped, powdered and having her pullups slipped down her legs
  23. Gina got the bigger of the two sisters dressed quickly. "Jane do I need to know anything about you or you baby sister? Once you both up from your naps I need info or something to help me help you both. Also 2 questions and I know they'll be somewhat embarrassing for you being a big girl but do you need any protection for your nap? And would you like to nap in the crib with your baby sister?"
  24. I wake up in my crib an hour later not sure what's going on until I realize I'm out of the dream. I look around "I'm in my crib I forgot i was taking a nap after having some of mommy's milk...ugh what's happening to me? School is going to be hard when I'm going to have to block out all this baby stuff. I just wanted a bra like my friends now they will really know I'm the baby of the group." I cringe and sigh leaning back in my crib feeling my diaper surprised to find it dry the way things have been going. I lay there thinking about everything calmly suckling on my thumb
  25. Kendra heard her sister crying and wanted to see what was going on. "Sissy in trouble? What's gowing on?" She asked Cecelia wiggling around. Jane saw the spot and understood why the girl hadn't been cheering up. "Awe baby I'm sorry! Let's go get you changed and cleaned up. You should have let mommy know you needed to go that badly like a big girl. Maybe you aren't ready for the potty Jane says carrying the 10 year old back into the bedroom where Cecelia was pulling kendras thick pullups up her legs. "Someone made a mess for us to clean up I dont know what I should do about this one and what to do about her outfit its ruined." Jane said half defeated
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