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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Posts posted by LilKistopher

  1. There's something about this picture (& other pictures like it) that I don't understand. If pictures like these are real & not made up, how is it possible to go into a Big Box Store like Walmart & get away with such things? If I'm not mistaken Walmart in particular at least has greeters at the door, who I would think would've told them that they couldn't go into the store looking like that. But I definitely agree that someone is just attention starved.

    Rockies Fan.

    Unfortunately there are not any laws that would prevent this person if they had indeed strolled into Walmart or anywhere else for that matter, it doesn't fall into indecency as all body parts are covered and legally if the greeter tried to stop them from entering the store, chances are there would be a hell of a civil rights lawsuit started..Remember there are rights that people in this country exploit, sometimes well beyond than what our founders would have considered but this is what the 21st century has developed into unfortunately. I am not sure even in Halloween fun I could or would enter into anywhere looking like that regardless, I am however ballsy enough to go out into public by some peoples standards dressed very babyishly and hell maybe even a little sissyish too, but no matter which gender association chosen, I would always be stylish and tasteful with at least a certain level of discreteness in mind, this is just absolutely cartoonish and clearly unrealistic and a good way of getting your ass kicked out in the parking lot, especially down south where some of those "Good Ole Boys" just don't and wont understand. What I have seen is that some AB\DL's don't realize or understand is that dressing as a baby in public doesn't require you to have to extenuate a huge diaper that was obviously not designed to be truly used as such, or sporting only a onesie with overly bulky diapers. When I go out into public dressed as a "baby", my diapers (I wear for medical need) are concealed under other articles of clothing, just my clothing is all ultimately handicap designed, that have easier access to checking, and or changing soiled or wet diapers either by my self or with the aid of someone else. Almost all my clothing at this point are diaper friendly clothes, from concealers or onesie's which ever you want to call them as, to tearaway pant legs in jeans, slacks, shorts, in addition to wearing diaper covers\plastic pants\rubber pants (to help control any ominous odors), and diaper bag (backpack) on the back of my wheelchair. Sure if ya want to have a pacifier hanging around your neck, by all means, it is harmless enough, but could be enough cause for unnecessary teasing or harassment by others, but then again some folks are into that sort of belittling and or humiliation. But its this sort of picture that puts us AB\DL\Littles\Furries\Etc into bad light with rest of the population, so if this person who is in this picture would be so kind, please stop dressing like that and taking pictures, its giving the rest of us a bad wrap.

  2. For being your first story, it is definately starting to have some real possiblities. Take your time with your plot, with the direction of the characters, and think about what you envision the final outcome to be and write it from your heart, mind, and soul, and I promise you that you will have a wonderfully fun, and exciting story to share with our community. I like what I am seeing so far, and I hope that you continue it until you feel that you have finished it. For a begining chapter, I give it a 9.5 out of a high score of 10. Keep up the writing and who knows you may end up with the Dirty Diaper Award from Daily Diapers....giggles. Huggies and Luvs.

    Baby Kistopher

  3. Princess, you have done it yet again... Bravo... great story, definately twisted, hot, and well written. The only complaint is that it wasnt longer. ;) Merry Christmas... and I hope that your Holidays are filled with love and joy, with friends and or family. If you are going to be traveling this holiday season, be sure you do it safely, and avoid the nuts out there who just don't give a pluck about the safety of others.

  4. Housing laws are very specific and need to be looked at closely, either by yourself, or by a professional lawyer. It doesn't matter which state you are from every state has its own housing laws. Unless you were renting month to month, you better get yourself on the phone and off of DD and dialing your Local City Hall, Housing & Zoning to start with, secondly follow that call up to a Legal Aid or Lawyer. Find anything and everything wrong with the property, inside and out, build your case. Not only can you ultimately sue the PO (Property Owner) for not only the legal fees, but you can also get punitive damages as well. Though if you do decide to sue the PO, also be aware that he or she can not harass you over any legal litigation though most folks in a small town don't adhere to the legal restraints provided in situations such as this. Hope everything works out for you... but get busy and get off of DD and pay attention to what is important right now, and that's keeping a roof over you and your better half's head\s. Huggies and Luvs... you will be in our prayers tonight, wish you all the best with this.

    BabyK and MommyM

  5. You know I could use some plastic pants to cover my diapers to help seal in what I cant keep in. Plastic Pants over diapers also have a impact statement for the one wearing them, and for those who may happen to take notice. If the plastic\rubber pant is printed in nursery prints, it emphasis the baby status and adds to the humiliation factor while also allowing for the diaper worn under the big baby pant could be used to its potential and making the wearer understand the reasons diapers and plastic pants are needed. I personally wear a Small\Medium sized Plastic Pant and diaper, though I like wearing my diapers bulky and very babyish. *blush*

  6. The Bad Baby

    A few days passed and Amber's room was completely babyized down to the final details. Her mother even bought her WAY bigger diapers with designs on them to make her extra cute. Amber was at least pooping out now 1,000 pounds per diaper but her new diaper didn't made it sag too much. She was even starting to secretly liking her poopy diapers now but she didn't want anyone to know, epically her mom. Amber was sleeping in her crib as her diaper was just about done filling up as her mom was working on some papers down in her personal office down stairs. "Oh my! When? Today?! But-…I see…yes sir…ok, goodbye." She sighed and hanged up the phone. "Oh dear…I have to go in to the office but I can't leave Amber alone or she'll just try to get out of her baby punishment…" She sighed again and began to think. "I got it! Amber's going to hate me but I bet she'll have a fun time there!" She got up and walked to her daughter's room. "Amber~! Mama's gotta go today but she knows a place where someone to take care of you sweetie." "Wha…? Like where…? Can't it wait…?" Amber yawned and covered herself with her pink bunny blanket. "No sweetie but if you behave I'll let you feed yourself tonight, sound good?" Amber groans a bit but accepted the deal. "So…where am I going again…?" She yawned once more to get herself up. "You're going to daycare sweetie!" She smiled. "DAYCARE?! NO WAY MA! I'M NOT GOING TO SOME STUPID DAYCARE!" "But sweetie mommy has to go somewhere and you did say-" "I'M NOT GOING TO SOME STUPID DAYCARE! FUCK THAT!" She protested against her mom. "Fine…have it your way…" She gets up and get the wooden paddle. "Five hundred spanking should do it for you young lady." Amber eyes grew huge when her mother gotten out the paddle. "Oh second thought I'll LOVE to go to daycare! They got toys, ABC's, bottles, it's a baby's paradise! I love daycare! Please let me go mommy! Please!" "That what I like to her!" Amber got fed and dressed in one of her pink girly dresses for daycare along with one of her new thicker diapers. Her mother decided a simple white diaper this time. "Now Amber I want you to act nicely to the other babies and be nice to your teachers and ONLY baby talk there, try replacing your words with more "W's" and little kids words too. They'll think you're more cuter that way. Also I packed plenty of diapers for you and a few of your baby toys including your favorite bunny doll. I also told them you're NOT to use the potty at all. If I find out you're a bad girl there I'll put you in diapers for the rest of the year while you're still in school with no pants. Do I make myself clear Amber?" She just nodded. "Good, now hope in the care sweetie or we'll be late and remember I'll pick you up at 3:30 to pick you up." "Ok…but…umm…won't the people there know I'm not a real baby and kick me out?" "Don't worry Amber sweetie, mommy asked a favor of them to let you in, besides could say 'no' to a face like yours?" Her mother smiled at her. Later Amber got in her car seat and went off to daycare. The it was big with everything a kid could want and parents loved. It was big and all the employees were hot woman. All of them had a nice friendly smile and too large breasts. All of them wore pink dresses with white bows in the back and on top of their heads. "Let's see Amber…your teacher is named Ms. Rose. She should be very nice." Normally Amber would say: 'Oh bloody joy! I would love an overly happy big brainless boobed teacher as a friend any day.' Or something like that. They walked by their assigned door and Ms. Rosy jumped out of nowhere and grabbed Amber for a great big welcome hug. "Hello! You must be Amber! It's nice to meet you sweetie! My name is Rosy! We're going to have a great time! Is this your mommy with you sweetie?" Amber just nodded. "Aww! Are you shy little girl? Well everyone's nice here! But before you can come in you must tell me how to say your ABC's for me." She REALLY would like to roll her eyes at her and tell her to piss off but something inside her just went with it, and along what her mother told her on to act childish while she was here. "Ok lady! Me will sing! Me sing good!" "Let's hear it sweetie." Rosy smiled at her. "Q, A, Z, W, S, X, E, D, C, R, F, V, T, G, B, Y, H, N, U, J,M, I, K, O, L, AND P! I song my ABC's next time won't you sing with me!" "Very good Amber! You're so smart!" Rosy patted her head and was let into her daycare room. "All the babies here have plenty of toys to play with, all safe and simple, they get three bottles a day, one in the morning, one before nap time and one before they leave to go home. We carry diapers in all sizes but for your daughter your diapers are needed but that's fine. They get healthy snacks with every meal and you did told me your little girl is WAY too young to feed herself so she'll be hand fed by one of our employs and along with her diaper changes." "Great! I guess I'll leave her with you than, please call me if you need to, ok goodbye now." She handed Rosy the huge diaper bag and kissed Amber on the cheek while giving her stuff bunny doll to comfort her. "Mommy will be back before you know it sweetie pie, be good." "Me will mama! Bye-bye!" With that Amber's mom left. "Ready to play Amber?" She just nodded at Rosy and was taken by the hand and was set on a play blanket with a few childish toys on the floor. "I'll come back once I get you a nice cold bottle of milk sweetie but in the mean time play nicely and be good." She walked off to get a bottle for Amber. "This sucks…" She quietly said to herself as she placed some wooden blocks in the matching holes. Soon after words she saw a rattle just sitting there all alone by its self with no one playing with it. Amber was excited for some reason as her hand had a mind of its own as it slowly was reaching for it. "Ooh…pretty toy…" She picked it up and began shacking it around and around as if it was the best thing in the world. "Having fun sweetie?" Amber jumped a bit and wetted her diaper just a bit from the surprise from Rosy. "Oh I'm sorry sweetie! Did I frighten you?" Amber just shook her head and blush a bit while trying to look tough. "Aww…no pouty faces here little Amber, you should smile more." Rosy pinched her cheek and handed her, her morning bottle. Amber sighed a bit and started to drink up. "Good girl, you're feeding yourself, soon we'll be a grownup be a little lady one day." Amber finished her bottle and finished shaking her rattle as her diaper had 200 pounds of poop in it already but she didn't care anymore really, she just sat in her mush and enjoyed to mess she had made. Only thing is she kinda wanted to make more so decided to wet her diaper on purpose to soften it up a bit. "Ahh…this is nice…" "Enjoying that dirty diaper I see?" Amber jumped again as her diaper exploded with more poop and pee. "My goodness you're a jumpy little girl aren't you? Good thing your mom got you big diapers to use now." She happily smiled at her. "Umm…yeah…" She blushed. "Hmm…I say your diaper now's 600 pounds…your mom said to change you when it reaches 1,000 but right now its nap time and I have to put you in your crib or you might get fussy and we can't have that now can we?" Amber shook her head no. "Well come on now, your crib is all ready for you." Amber tried to get up but quickly fell over backwards and onto her dirty diaper. In her mind she was screaming that is was the grossest thing in her life but at the same time she was highly enjoying it. "Me went boom!" She giggled and wiggled around in her poop. "Aww! Do baby need help walking?" "Nope! Me gots it lady!" Amber surprisingly got on all fours and started crawling to Rosy. "Aww! That's a good girl!" Soon Amber was placed in her crib with another bottle of milk that was extra warm to help her fall asleep. "Goodnight Amber…sweet dreams…" "Night-night lady…me wove daycare…" "I know you do…" She was tucked in and started to close her eyes to go to sleep. Hours passed when Amber was waking up to a very full dirty diaper and for some reason she really wanted to cry but Rosy came back to check up on her before Amber could shed a tear. "Aww! I guess it's time for a diaper change sweetie." She helped her out of her crib and was taken to the changing table that was made just for her. Amber was grateful and hopped on the table. It took about five people to help her change her diaper but while she was getting clean up Amber was enjoying it for once. She loved how the employees were baby talking her and shaking rattles and other small toys that made sounds in her face as her bottom was getting cleaned up and re-diapered. "All done sweetie, you may get up now." "Aww…but that's was lots of fun…can we do it again please?" She sweetly asked with her thumb in her mouth. "Aww! I wish we could sweetie but you need another full diaper from you before we could do it again." Amber tried her hardest to poop again but nothing came out, she faked on looking little disappointed by that. "Don't worry honey bunny, maybe some lunch will make you happy." Amber smiled at the idea and hopped off the table after giving everyone a big hug. But the "fun" finally ended when it was finally 3:30 and Amber's mom stepped in the doorway to pick her up. "Amber! Mommy's back! How was your day?" "Fun mama! But me wanna stay here lots more…" Truthfully she just wanted to get the hell out of there, but she was trying to be as cute as possible until she was out of the building. "We'll come back another time sweetie but right now we have to go so I can make dinner for you." "Ok…bye-bye Ms. Rosy…me had lots of fun…me wove you…" "And I love you too Amber, come visit me next time please." "Me will!" Amber grabbed her mother's hand and ran out as fast as she could with her thick diaper that made it hard to run in. "Slow down Amber! The car isn't going anywhere!" "Me know that! I mean! I know that! But I'M going somewhere! It's called leaving!" She kept on running, seeing the car knowing she was almost there and away from that discussing daycare! "Mom! Hurray! Let's go!" "Keep your diaper on sweetie. Mommy will find the key soon." She starting flipping through her keys. It seems liked forever for Amber as she was starting to fill up her diaper again as she was tugging down her pink dress. "Amber…I was hoping you'll wait a little longer before we got home." "Like it matters mom! Our house is like twenty minutes away!" "Well that what I been trying to tell you sweetheart. Mommy's has to do a few things before we go home." "A FEW THINGS?! LIKE WHAT?!" "Well…I have to go to the store and pick up some groceries and you won't be able to fit in the baby set anymore because your diaper is too thick now so I picked up a baby leach for you to wear while we're there." Amber's jaw dropped. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! IT'S BAD ENOUGH THAT MY DIAPER IS A BIT CHUNCKY IN THE BACK BUT YOU'RE BRING ME OUT IN PUBLIC TO LET EVERYONE SEE?!" "Oh shh Amber honey! No one will recognize you in your cute little baby clothes anyways. Besides you look to cute! People will be jealous of you." "MOM! NO ONE ON EARTH WILL BE "JEALOUS" OF ME!" "WELL FINE THAN! TWO DAYS IN THAT DIAPER FOR YOU YOUNG LADY! I TOLD YOU TO BE GOOD BUT YOU JUST HAD TO PUSH IT! THE ONLY GOOD THING HERE IS THAT IT'S JUST AN EXTRA DAY IN A DIRTY DIAPER AND NOT THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR LIKE IT WAS SUPPOST TO BE!" She snapped at her as Amber's jaw dropped again. "BUT MOM! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" "I WILL AND I JUST DID!" She opened the door and they drove off to the store where everyone kept on staring and giggling at her. "Mom! Can we just go?! People are looking at me weird!" "Just a little longer honey. I'm picking out some baby food for you." Amber just sighed when suddenly two little bratty boys lifted up her dress and started laughing. "See I told you she wears diapers!" "MOM!" Just than the two boy's mother grabs them and pulls them away. "I'm so sorry about this Ms. My boys are just the trouble makers! They didn't mean you lift up your daughter's dress for her special needs." "I DON'T HAVE SPECIAL NEEDS!" Suddenly her diaper fills up to 300 pounds of poop right then and there. Amber ever been so embarrassed in her life, her face turned red, her eyes watered and she felt her whole world spinning as people started pointing and laughing at her. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" She ran out of the store with her messy diaper following right behind her. "AMBER WAIT!"

  7. "Wake up sweetie, we're almost there."

    Clark the gray wolf opened his eyes to find that he was seated in the backseat of a large SUV. He tried to move, but for some reason he couldn't. He felt as if he was strapped into something, but it was no regular seatbelt that constrained him. Looking down, he found that he was in a full-fledged car-seat, and when he looked from side to side he saw how much bigger the actual back seat appeared to him. He then noticed his wardrobe; how he was dressed in a red shirt and overalls with some odd-feeling garment for his underwear. There was also some sort of tag bracelet on his left wrist, but somehow he couldn't read what it said. He turned his attention to the front of the vehicle, where in the driver and passenger seats were seated two older figures. He wasn't even sure how old he was, so he couldn't be sure how old these larger beings were. However, one thing that surprised him was the fact that these figures were human. He was an anthro with dark hazel eyes, but these two humans were acting as his guardians. At least, that's what he thought. To test this theory, he decided to speak to them.


    The female at the wheel of the vehicle responded.

    "Yes, honey. Don't worry, we'll be there soon."

    They really thought they were his parents. And, more importantly, they were about to drop him off somewhere. The question, however, was where? Where were they taking him? With what was going on already, he was scared to find out.

    The SUV soon came to a stop, and the two humans in the front opened their doors to get out. They opened the doors to the backseat, the male unbuckled the car seat the wolf was in, and then the female removed him from it to be placed in her arms. Clark looked up to this human female, observing her apparent youth (she seemed to be in her twenties) and brown hair.

    "It's all going to be okay, honey." She told him. "Just relax."

    The wolf didn't know what to think of the situation, so he just let the woman take him to their destination. As he looked ahead, however, he saw a building at the end of the pathway. It was a seemingly harmless one-story structure constructed of bright stone and brick, but above the door was a big-as-life sign that read two words he did not want to see: "Day Care".

    "I know it's the first time we've had to put you in day care, honey. It must be hard for you, but we'll be back soon to pick you up."

    It was here that Clark decided to struggle. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew he didn't want to be put in a day care center. Before he knew it, though, they were inside and he was being given to the day care lady. By the time he stopped his struggling and looked back up, he was looking to her as she was holding him. Surprisingly, she was human as well.

    "Hey there, little Clark. Don't worry; you're going to be well taken care of here."

    Although she was smiling and gentle with her hold of him, Clark was not comfortable at all with what was going on. He looked back to his supposed parents, almost thinking that they were the lesser evil. He held his arms out for them to take him back, and the female came over.

    "Oh, don't worry sweetheart. We'll be back to pick you up at two."

    The female gently kissed his forehead, and then turned to leave with the male. They went out the door of the day care and back into the SUV, and Clark watched them drive off.

    "Now little one," his new guardian explained as he looked back up to her, "let's go put you with the others."

    Clark was brought by the instructor through a hallway and into the big back room, which was a large indoor playground with all sorts of things for the children to do. That is, he assumed he was a child at this point, given that he's in a day care center. There was also the fact that these human people looking after him were so much larger than he was; he was being practically cradled in this one's arms at the moment. He decided to attract his attention to something not as distressing, so he looked to the other children in the room that were in the same boat he was. He was relieved to find that the children were anthros, just like him. At least there was someone of his kind; he thought up until now that this experience was something like that one episode of The Twilight Zone. But now he will be among his own in pretty much every sense.

    The female instructor then brought him a little further into the room and seated him on the ground in a group of other children.

    "Alright little ones," she said to the group, "this here is little Clark. He's going to stay with us until two o' clock, so play nice."

    Some of the children nodded in response; the ones that looked relatively happy to be here. The majority, however, felt the opposite. Still, the instructor smiled and left them to go into the other room.

    Clark looked around the room once more, noticing the large play equipment and the fact that the ground was surfaced with somewhat cushy material so no one would get hurt from falling. The walls were also painted blue with white, puffy clouds to calm the children who saw them. He knew at least that no one was attempting to hurt him anymore. Apparently, the damage had already been done.

    Two of the other anthro kids came over to see him. One was a white wolf pup with blue eyes dressed in the somewhat normal apparel of shorts and a shirt with some kind of puffy underwear underneath. He seemed about the same age as Clark, if not perhaps several months younger. The other was a red fox kit with brown eyes who was regrettably dressed in a light blue onesie, and this meant that he was undoubtedly wearing some form of diaper underneath it. You could even see some of the diaper; you could tell there was considerable bulk around his waist area and some parts of it were poking out of the onesie's sides. The red fox kit also seemed considerably younger than both of the wolves. One came from each side of Clark, the fox kit from the left and the white pup from the right. The fox kit smiled and waved, while the white wolf just sat there for a moment and observed him. Clark did nothing; he waited to see what they were going to do first before he reacted. Finally, the gray wolf spoke.

    "Clark, is it? I haven't seen you around here before. First time in day care?"

    "Yeah." Clark timidly responded.

    "I'm Joseph, and the fox over there is Reggie. You got a tag bracelet?"

    "Huh? Umm, yeah."

    He assumed they were talking about the bracelet attached to his left wrist, so he extended it to show them. The white wolf named Joseph grabbed his arm and looked at the bracelet. He seemed to be able to read it.

    "Let's see... Clark, gray wolf, age twenty-one...occupation unknown? That's odd, but still. So, they got you too."

    "Huh? Got me what?"

    "Those dang humans," the fox kit blared, sounding considerably younger than them as well, "they're doing this to all of us!"

    "What are they doing? What's going on?"

    "They've been pulling this ever since they discovered us who knows how long ago." The wolf replied. "They discovered how cute we are as babies, so they found a way to regress us and make it some sort of game among their kind. They take us anthros, of course they call us furries, of any age and background, make them little toddlers, feed us and clothe us and play with us until we're drowsy, then drop us off in day cares while they go to work. And they put these bracelets on us so they can tell what we use to be if they somehow ever decide to change us back. It's humiliating!"

    "That's awful! But what did they do with our parents? Why don't they come and rescue us?"

    "Don't you get it? We are the parents! They take all of us and do this so there are barely any left! And the ones that are left don't do anything because they're too afraid of being regressed themselves. No one can help us, so we have no choice but to go along with it."

    "It's not so bad." The fox kit cut in. "They take good care of us while we're like this. It's not like they t'row us in dumpsters or som'ting."

    "Oh poor Reggie," the white pup told Clark, "they've regressed him so much he's been brainwashed."

    "What happened to him?" Clark asked. "He looks so much younger than everyone else."

    "Well, we only have two options here: go along with the humans' little game, or try to escape to freedom. The problem with that though is if you try to escape, and if you get caught in the process, they regress you even more."

    "Golly. By how much?"

    "Everyone starts at two years and six months of age, and you're regressed by a month each time. Poor Reggie's been caught more than twelve times; he's lucky if he's pushing a couple months over one year old."

    "That's awful. Well, what about you?"

    "I'm at about two years old right now. I tried to escape a few times and got caught; realized it wasn't worth it. It's better to just be safe and play along with the activities. You're probably the oldest one of us here right now; don't make the same mistake we did."

    "But I thought you said it's humiliating."

    "It is. But it's even more humiliating if you get even younger. Look at Reggie; they put him in a onesie for God's sake!"

    They looked over to the fox kit, who only blushed and smiled.

    "Get captured enough Clark," Joseph continued, "and you're gonna end up like him. I wouldn't worry though; you seem smart enough. What'd they dress you up in by the way; diapers right?"

    "Uh...I don't know. My underpants do feel a little strange..."

    Clark then felt something tugging on the back of his overalls, and he looked back to find Reggie looking inside to see his underpants.

    "Oh, lucky!" He shouted at the gray wolf. "They put you in twaining pants!"

    "Wow," Joseph giggled, "I guess you found a nice family. I mean, they still think you're potty-trained!"

    After that statement, Josh and Reggie fell on their backs and burst with laughter. Clark felt embarrassed by the fact that he supposedly lost something of such importance. He covered his area with his hands and attempted to defend his claim.

    "What?! No, I can still use the bathroom!"

    "I'm sure you can still use it," Josh replied as he regained his composure, "but I don't think you can hold in your business to make it there. If you haven't lost it yet, you will soon. You just gotta let your body adjust."

    It was then that Clark noticed the human assistant on the other side of the room bring in a few packs of disposable diapers.

    "Oh no!"

    "Don't worry Clark, it's okay that you're not potty-trained. None of us are anymore; we can say that because we've all been reduced to the same level. Heck, we're all in diapers. It's not even your fault anyway."

    Joseph then paused as he caught a strange scent in his nose.

    "Hey...what's that smell?"

    The human assistant, a female yet again, came over to the group of children to check on them.

    "Hello, little ones. How are you doing? Do any of you need a change of pants?"

    She then began to slip her hand down the children's clothes and feel their diapers to make sure. She eventually reached the group of three, and she decided to check Joseph first. She slipped her hand down the back of his pants, and the white pup flinched and tensed himself as she did.

    "Alright Joseph, you're all clean."

    She removed her hand, and Joseph sighed with relief.

    "Well, at least I still have some of my dignity."

    The assistant then decided to check Clark, as she stated to him.

    "So you must be the new guy, hmm? Well, let's see how you're doing."

    The gray pup whimpered as the woman slipped her hand down into his overalls. She felt his underwear, noticed how it differed from the others, and then quickly removed her hand.

    "Oh, my apologies. You're a big boy in training pants. Well then, you just let me know when you need to go potty and I'll lead you there."

    Clark timidly nodded as the woman went over to Reggie. The fox kit looked worried as the assistant felt his diaper and noticed how it gave off a certain heat.

    "Uh oh, Reggie's diaper is warm. Someone made a stinky."

    The woman removed her hand and lifted Reggie up, preparing to take him away.

    "Poor Reggie." Joseph whispered to Clark. "He must now suffer the ultimate humiliation: the diaper change."

    They looked back up to the poor fox kit as he waved back and took a big gulp.

    "Bye guys. Be back soon..."

    The assistant carried Reggie off into the other room, unbuttoning the bottom of his onesie and grabbing a disposable diaper from one of the packs before turning the corner and disappearing. Clark then looked to Joseph, seeking consolation from his one remaining new friend.

    "T-...that's gonna be me in a while, isn't it?"

    "It happens to every one of us at some point. When you've gotta go, you gotta go. There's no point in trying to stop it."

    "Oh, I don't want them to change me! I don't want to soil myself!"

    "Clark, don't worry. You're actually in training pants; you've got the best chance of staying clean out of all of us. Who knows, you might not have to go at all. You just might make it until your new 'parents' come back to pick you up. What time did they tell you?"

    "Two o' clock. That's what my new mama said."

    "Well that's not so bad. It's about nine-thirty now; you've just got to last a bit more than three hours. Think you can do it?"

    "I-...I don't know. I just woke up a little while ago and I was a toddler; I don't know how long I can hold it."

    "Wow, they got you with the amnesia thing too? I am so sorry."

    "They do that a lot too?"

    "Not a whole lot, but every now and then someone wakes up a little kid and doesn't remember a thing. But don't worry; things will start coming back to you. In the meantime, stick with me and I'll teach you the ropes of being a toddler again."

    "Okay, Joseph."

    Clark's stomach then began to rumble, and he began rubbing it to make it stop.

    "Say, are they gonna feed us? I'm getting kinda hungry."

    "Snack time's not going to be for a while. Think you can make it? If not, I know where they're keeping the food. I could try and sneak you something. Of course, I'd risk losing another month, but-."

    "Oh, you don't have to do that Joseph. You've been through enough already. Let me do it; I've got a few more months than you do so it won't be so bad."

    "But Clark, you've got so much more to lose. What about your potty-training?"

    "I'll just be like everybody else. Just show me where the snacks are."

    "Alright, if that's really what you want. Come this way."

    Clark followed Joseph into the big play fort, where they could hide from the assistants and construct a plan.

    "Go down that hallway, and there's a closet behind the first door on your left. Make absolutely sure that none of the assistants catch you, or you can kiss a month of your life goodbye."

    "Got it. I'll be back."

    Clark turned to leave, but Joseph put a hand on the gray pup's shoulder to stop him.

    "Good luck."

    With that, Joseph returned to the group as Clark went down the slide and snuck into the hallway. He looked both ways and watched another assistant, this one a male, go down the hallway and turn the corner. Now was his chance. He saw the door that Joseph told him about, and he crossed the hall to reach up and open the door. There were shelves upon shelves of snacks, mostly consisting of packages of cookies and containers of milk. Whether it was regular milk or baby formula he couldn't be sure, but he was so hungry. He prepared to grab all that he could, but then a shadow began to descend over him. He looked back behind to find an enormous figure was standing over him, and he looked up to see that it was the male assistant. Clark began to step back into the closet in fear.


    The assistant just stood there with his hands folded and a sinister smile on his face while Clark cowered away from him. He finally spoke to interrupt the silence, but it only increased the pup's fear.

    "Well now, it looks like we've got a trouble maker. Have the other kids told you what we do with trouble makers here?"

    Clark continued to cower away and whimper in fear of the man. He'd been caught. He knew that he was probably going to lose a month of his life now, but how was the human going to regress him? He knew that humans had no magic or other special abilities, so the man had to physically do something to him. The male assistant looked up to the shelves of snacks, apparently finding the pup's motive.

    "So, you wanted a snack huh?" He said with a sneer as he pulled out a previously opened bar of chocolate. "Here, I'll give you a snack."

    Clark didn't know what the chocolate was, but he soon found out as the assistant pinned him against the shelves and shoved a square of it in his mouth. It tasted pretty much like any other chocolate he'd tasted, except for the green paste-like filling inside it that nearly made him gag. He had no choice but to swallow the awful stuff, and afterwards the man released him and the pup fell into a seated position on the floor. Clark then began to feel strange. His shirt and overalls became a little loose, and he felt the training pants around his area swell up to double in bulk.

    "There. That'll teach you. Now, let's put you back with the others and-."

    "John!" Another voice shouted.

    The female assistant from before came into the closet, and she was holding a newly changed Reggie.

    "John," she shouted at the male assistant, "what are you doing to this poor little guy!? He's the new boy; it's his first time being away from his parents and he doesn't know any better."

    "It's too late to do anything else about it, Stephanie. I already 'punished' him; it can't be reversed after it's done without reverting him completely."

    "Now why did you go and do that?! He wasn't even trying to run away! The poor thing's just hungry."

    She then went up to Clark, smiled at him and began patting his head to calm him down.

    "There there little one, it's okay. You're just hungry, aren't you? Would you like a cookie?"

    She reached above him and took a few cookies from one of the packages. After doing so, she brought them back down and offered them to Clark.

    "Go on, take them. Don't worry, they won't shrink you."

    Unlike the cruel and wrathful male assistant, Clark trusted this kind woman and therefore accepted the cookies.

    "There you go, sweetie. Now, let's get you back to your buddies. Come on."

    The assistant took Clark's left hand in hers and led him out of the closet. While they were heading back, Reggie looked down to the gray pup in great confusion.

    "Clark? What were you thinking, kid? We told you what they'd do to ya if you tried any'ting stupid."

    "I was hungry." Clark replied timidly, knowing he did something wrong. "And if I didn't do it, Joseph would've. He's already gotten a lot younger, so I went instead to save him from it."

    "Why didn't you try to talk him out of it?"

    "I don't know; I'm sorry..."

    By the time they were done talking, the assistant had brought them back to the group of other kids. She let go of Clark's hand and placed Reggie down on the floor, then she went back into the hallway. Joseph had been waiting for the both of them, and he seemed very concerned for their well-being.

    "Clark, Reggie! Are you guys alright?"

    "Don't look at me!" Reggie snapped. "I just went back thewe for a changing! You talked the new guy into stealing some snacks for ya!"

    "The kid was hungry; I just told him where everything was. It was his idea to go through with it; not mine."

    Joseph then turned his attention to the gray wolf pup, who he assumed was the victim of a recent regression.

    "Clark, kid, are you okay? What'd they do to you?"

    "It was awful, Joseph! He pinned me against the wall and shoved some chocolate down my throat, and...m-...my pants feel weird." Clark stuttered.

    "Oh no..."

    Joseph came up to the pup and looked into his overalls. When he backed up again, he regrettably informed Clark of what had happened.

    "Yep. Well Clark, you got your wish. You're in diapers now; you're two years and five months old."

    "Oh. I figured that's what happened when I felt my training pants puff up. Oh well; I still got a snack."

    "Tell me Clark, which one of them caught you? Was it the woman that brought you back?"

    "No, it wasn't her. It was the guy that caught me."

    "Oh, no wonder you were punished just for wanting snacks! The guy is the worst of them; he'll regress you a month if you just leave this room! What was I thinking to accomplish by sending you that way? Oh Clark, I'm so sorry."

    "It's okay, Joseph. It's just a month; I've got plenty of 'em. It's not that different."

    "As long as you're okay, kid. Just don't scare us like that again."

    Clark then turned his attention to Reggie, who he knew had just been tortured in a different way. He looked down to the bottom of the kit's onesie, where he noticed something different in his new friend's wardrobe.

    "Hey Reggie, what's up with your diaper? It looks twice as big as before; it's poking out a lot more. Did you mess in it again?"

    "What? No, not alweady!"

    "Oh!" Joseph said to quickly attract Clark's eyes, "I completely forgot to tell you about that Clark. You see, there's another thing about the diaper changes here. Every time you're changed by one of the assistants, they fit you up with an even puffier and more absorbent diaper. Have a lot of accidents, and eventually your diaper will be so big and bulky that you won't be able to go anywhere! It helps them because they would no longer have to worry about us escaping."

    "Great, now there's another reason I don't want to get changed. And I just gave up any chances of being potty-trained..."

    "Relax, Clark. You still have a better chance out of all of us at holding it in."

    This statement once again was successful in calming Clark down. The two assistants and the instructor then came back into the room carrying snacks. They placed all the snacks on a low table in the room, then they called out to the children.

    "Alright, little ones. Since we've gotten some 'requests' for an earlier snack time, you guys are going to eat now. We have cookies, milk, grapes, and apple juice. Come and get it."

    The children in the room came swarming to the table in search of snacks, while the three friends remained right where they were sitting. Stephanie, the female assistant that gave Clark the cookies earlier, snagged a juice box and brought it over to the group of three. She knelt down in front of the gray pup and, smiling as she did so, handed him the juice box.

    "I thought you'd want something to wash down your snack. I'm truly sorry about what John did to you, little guy. Are you alright?"

    Clark took a sip of his apple juice, smiled in response to how good it tasted, and nodded to the assistant. Stephanie smiled back and patted his head.

    "As long as you're alright, little guy. That's all we really care about; we just want you to be happy. Well, it'll be naptime soon so finish your snacks. Bye now."

    It was then that she went back to the other children. Joseph and Reggie had watched the whole situation with astonishment.

    "Well," the white wolf told him, "it looks like you've got one of the assistants softening up to you."

    "Is that a good thing or bad?"

    "Well...I don't really know. As long as she's giving you snacks, I guess it's okay."

    "And, umm, about the grown-up humans. Can-...can they understand us?"

    "Kind of; I don't fully understand that either. It's like the first few words or something; everything else is gibberish."

    "Did they understand us when we were older?"

    "I'm pretty sure they did. But...on the other hand..."

    "Hey," Reggie interrupted, "what awe you guys doin' talking when thewe's snacks!?"

    "He's got a point," Joseph agreed, "come on let's go eat some more!"

    The three of them rushed over to the snack table and gorged on what the others had left there. By the time that naptime came around, the three new friends were full and happy. They went to their separate sleeping mats, which they placed right next to their friends', and tucked themselves in.

    "Alright darlings," Stephanie the assistant announced to the children, "it's naptime. We'll wake you all up in an hour to play some more. Have a nice rest."

    The assistant left them as the three new friends curled up in their individual sleeping mats. As they all began to doze off, Clark couldn't believe all of this happened in just his first hour of day care. He had to get through several more before his supposed parents would return, but with his new friends to look after him he knew he'd be alright. The humans weren't necessarily evil, for they were looking after them, but what was their purpose in doing all of this? Unfortunately, the thought slipped his mind as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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  8. Author Unknown: Errors are not my responsiblity....

    I Am A Baby Pants Prisoner Chapter 1

    Moira has asked me (or should I say made) to write this diary. I don't really want to. It is the story of how I've come to be wearing diapers 24 hours a day, seven days a week and it isn't easy for me to tell.

    Moira is my parole officer/companion/jailer. She's the one that

    got me into this mess and makes sure I live up to my end of the

    sentencing program. We get along most of the time. However, when

    she decides to enforce the rules more strictly or wants to punish

    me for some little offense she can make my life hell.

    It all started four months ago when I got busted for hooking. I

    was no street girl, you understand. I was executive class all the

    way and had more than a few $1,000 nights in the best hotels. If you could see me you'd know why.

    I'm blonde, 105 pounds, with good breasts and legs. Clothes look good on me and when I add a pair of my favorite spike pumps, I

    can usually get a man to do anything I desire.

    My best feature is my face. I look even younger than my 24 years

    and I guess that's partly why I was offered the Alternative Sentencing Program.

    Sitting in the prisoner's room on the day of my sentencing, I had no idea what ASP was all about. If I had, I would never have let Moira talk me into it. I was scared of going to prison, even if it was just for two years. I've seen what girls look like after

    being in the joint and I didn't want that to happen to me.

    I guess I was pretty vulnerable and showed it. Moira came up to me, all pretty and efficient in her tailored suit, patent pumps

    and silk blouse and turned on the charm.

    "You're going to get two years, you know," she said sympathetically.

    "So?" I was suspicious.

    I had seen enough of jails not to trust anybody.

    "If I could get you 1 to 3 years of special parole would you be interested?"

    "Sure, what's the catch?"

    More suspicion. Nobody gives anything away for free.

    "I can't tell you the details. It's an experimental pro-gram. You'll have to trust me."

    I didn't like the thought of trusting a stranger but Moira would say nothing more about the program. I only had a few minutes to think about it before the bailiff came for me. I told Moira I would go along with her plan and as I entered the court room she went up to talk to the judge.

    I don't know if that old fart of a judge was in on the deal or not. He sure gave me a funny look, as if he was pitying me my fate. He sentenced me to 1-3 years of parole in the ASP and that

    was the end of it.

    The first time I knew something was funny was when Moira insisted

    on strapping my hands behind my back with a pair of leather cuffs joined by a short length of chain. I was caught off guard.

    "What are these for if I'm on parole?" I asked her sullenly.

    "You're still a prisoner of the court until you begin the program. After your indoctrination you won't be going very far very fast and we'll be able to forget about these."

    "What do you mean by that?" I asked in alarm.

    Moira had nothing more to say. She led me from the court to her private car and helped me get in. Sitting in a car while handcuffed isn't comfortable and I told Moira as much but she didn't even answer.

    As we drove toward the suburbs, I tried to get Moira to talk

    about the program. She flashed me some wicked smiles but wouldn't volunteer anything except that I was the first person to take advantage of the program and that I had better be a model student or it would look bad for her. She got her message across. I may have avoided prison but I hadn't avoided the hassle of being

    someone's petty servant.

    When we turned into the entrance of the State Mental Hospital, I got scared fast.

    "What are we doing here? I'm not crazy!"

    Moira just smiled one of those wicked smiles of which I was already sick telling me to keep quiet and do as I was told.

    They were waiting for us. Moira must have called them before we left the courthouse. There were two burly nurses who looked as if they enjoyed pushing people around to greet us. With my hands behind my back, wearing a mini skirt and spike pumps, I was in no

    condition to give them a hard time.

    They took me to an examining room. My heart stopped cold when I saw the obstetrical examining table fitted out with restraining straps. I never did get used to those damn things and the straps told me that I wasn't going to like what they were going to do to me once they got me all strapped down with my legs held wide apart.

    Despite their advantage in numbers and size, they didn't release my hands before undressing me. My skirt, pantyhose and panties went first. It felt weird to be bare from the waist down. Without a word, they hoisted me onto the table and strapped my legs down tight. By now I was trembling from fear. They loosened the cuffs and had my blouse and bra off before I could even think about resisting. Then they made me lie back so they could fasten my wrists in cuffs attached to the table and pull a wide leather

    band tight across my middle. I couldn't move an inch.

    I demanded to know what the hell was going on but everybody ignored me. Moira had disappeared and the two ape-women

    pre-tended they didn't understand English.

    After a few minutes of my angry monologue, one of them turned to me and said, "Shut up if you know what's good for you. We can make you life hell from here on in if we feel like it."

    I decided to keep quiet. That lasted until I saw what was on the

    tray of instruments she was wheeling toward me. A straight razor,

    a bowl of water, a can of shaving foam and some towels. I moaned loudly in despair and let my body go limp. There were worse things than having your crotch shaved but not too many, or so I thought then. Why did they want my crotch free of hair?

    I once had a client who paid me quite well to keep my twat shaved but it's a different story when someone else is doing it to you against your will. I did my best to keep still but the sound of my own gasps seemed to echo in the room. When it was over, I had this tremendous urge to run my hands over my new nakedness down there but I guessed it was pointless to ask for my hands free.

    They left me alone after that. It must have been an hour or more. There were no clocks in the room but I could see the sun travel acros the window. When the next crew arrived, I knew I was in for something I wouldn't like.

    They were all decked out in surgical garb and they brought a lot of stuff on carts with them. Even though they all wore masks, I was sure that one of them was Moira. Nobody said any-thing to me or to each other. Panic took over and I began to pull against the straps, cussing them all the while. Then some-one put a rubber mask over my mouth and nose and that was the last thing I remember until I woke up.

    The first thing I remember feeling when I came out of the anesthetic, was the awful burning in my bladder. Then I found out I couldn't move my arms or legs. I vaguely remembered the straps on the table.

    It took a while for my head to clear. The room was blurry and spun around a lot. I had a hell of a headache and my muscles were cramped from being in the same position so long. A nurse, wearing a surgical mask leaned over me and said something but I didn't understand. I tried to talk but my mouth was too dry and it tasted like chemicals.

    I don't know how long it took but I finally got my shit together enough to try to find out what they had done to me. I raised my head a little and got the shock of my life.

    My arms and legs were encased in smooth, white plaster casts. Worse, I was wearing a pair of adult size plastic pants. Part of me didn't want to believe it but when I sensed the heat and the padding between my legs, I knew they had me in diapers.

    I must have grunted or something because the nurse came back and told be to relax and be quiet. She gave me a sip of water and that helped a lot. As soon as I lay back down I sensed a trickle of pee begin to run out of me. I froze with the shock of it. I tried to clamp down, to stop the flow, but I had no control. I felt hot water hit the diaper and spread out. It felt awful. I was ashamed. The plastic pants didn't show that anything had happened.

    The nurse had disappeared again. I tried to figure out what they were up to. I felt a little better when I remembered that post-op patients sometimes have temporary bladder control problems but I still wanted to know why they had put me under and why I was in casts to the point I couldn't move.

    By the time Moira turned up, I was most curious and more than a little pissed off. Pee was leaking out of me as if I was a busted radiator and I couldn't do a thing about it. I judged the diaper to be about soaked and yet the thought of asking for "a change" was too humiliating to take seriously.

    She circled me. I realized that I was still on the examining table but there were no straps holding me any more. The casts took care of that function. She wore a very satisfied look. She had a secret to tell and she was going to make me beg for it.

    "Don't you want to know what's happened to you?" she asked coyly.

    "I'm sure you'll get around to telling me in your own sweet time," I said and grunted with the effort of trying to lift an arm encased in plaster.

    It seemed heavier than I expected. Then I noticed the doughnut-like thing around my wrist. A weight. A quick check told me that I wore one on each wrist and ankle. I was helpless. I did my best to hide the shiver of fear that ran down my spine.

    Moira came up to the side of the table and leaned so close that I could smell her perfume and see that her eyeliner needed a touch-up.

    "You're in diapers, Sandy. Just think about that for a moment.You're all bundled up like a baby and helpless to do anything about it."

    I felt my lower lip tremble despite my best efforts at maintaining a tough face. I knew I was in diapers. God how I knew! But, the unspoken questions were, for how long and why?

    "I know," I said quietly, "any idiot can see that."

    Moria started her pacing again. It drove me wild because I couldn't keep her in my field of vision. When you're helpless, you notice these things. I twisted and grunted but the casts and the heavy weights attached to my limbs were very effective in keeping me subdued. All I managed to do was tire myself out.

    "Go ahead, truggle. It won't do you any good."

    I hated Moira for saying that. It was true and the truth hurts. I was losing my cool, and fast.

    "OK, game time is over, you win. What's this all about?"

    I didn't like the sound of my own voice. It was too desperate, too pleading. I was signalling my surrender whether I liked it or not.

    She took her sweet time about answering. I wondered if she knew what "pregnant pause" meant. She made me sweat those seconds before she replied.

    "Oh, it's quite simple really. The Alternative Sentencing Program works on a very basic principle. Rather than lock people like you

    up in a prison as a negative reinforcement against your

    unacceptable behavior, in your case prostitution, we provide a

    more.... intimate form of negative reinforcement."

    She hadn't really come out and said it but a dark suspicion began to form in the back of my mind at the same time as another burst of pee flooded into my diaper (it really bothered me to think of it as my diaper). I was too stunned to offer any comment and

    Moira wasn't going to rush in with the good news. She wanted me

    to beg for it. I did.

    My voice was almost a whisper, not quite what I had intended but

    it got me an answer.

    "What do you mean?"

    "Have you realized what you're wearing?"

    "Yeah, diapers. I've mentioned that, remember?"

    I wasn't sure if I really wanted to hear the rest of what she had to say but part of me was dying of curiosity.

    "Remember your sentence? It's one to three years. That means you

    can count on at least 12 months of pads and plastic pants." She

    leaned close again, "I wonder how many of your `johns' will go

    for this rig!"

    She slapped my plastic panties hard enough to cause another rush

    of hot wet pee. I moaned despite myself.

    She resumed her strutting. I was reminded of a Nazi officer in a

    war movie. It was time to clear up the last obvious point, no

    matter how awful the news.

    "Moira," I said as carefully and rationally as I could, "you

    can't keep me in casts for a year. It would cost as much as a prison cell."

    She paused at the side of the table and began to run her hand

    over the plastic panties. I wondered if she could feel the sodden

    padding underneath. She pressed harder and it began to arouse me.

    I wanted to pull away but my legs were too heavy with the casts

    and weights. I tried to ignore it while I waited for her to drop

    the penny.

    "Don't worry about the casts. They're only for a week or so. Just

    a little appliance to help your indoctrination. No, the real gem

    is the shunt that we placed in your urethra where it joins the


    She let her stroking get harder, knowing full well what she was


    "You're incontinent, Sandy. You have no choice but to wear

    diapers until we decide otherwise. For the next year you'll be

    peeing and probably messing yourself uncontrollably. Now how do

    you like that?"

    I wanted to scream. I had guessed as much a lot earlier but I

    hadn't been willing to admit it to myself. There I was lying on a

    table as helpless as an infant and this woman had just told me I

    was going to be a very big toddler for at least the next year.

    Finally I did scream, and it felt good. At least until the two

    ape-women returned and put a rubber thing in my mouth.

    I used to like to be tied up during sex, just to feel helpless

    for a while. The next four days were like that but different.

    There sure as hell was no fun in it for me.

    I had a private room, thank God. The last thing I needed was some

    horny male psycho taking advantage of me. The hospital wasn't air

    conditioned and it was July. I had nothing to do but lie there

    all day, sweat, think about being in diapers and suffer through

    Moira's cheerful visits.

    Well, I did have some amusement. If you've ever had to wear a

    cast in the summer time you'll know all about the itch. After a

    while it drives you crazy. Between that and trying to get used to

    using diapers for all my eliminations, I was just about ready for

    admission as a regular patient by the time Moira came to take me


    Whoever thought up this crazy scheme knew what they were doing.

    With my arms immobilized and nothing else in the room to distract

    me, I had no choice but to focus on the diapers that were changed

    three times a day and my many other discomforts.

    As far as the nurses were concerned, I was a baby. They refused

    to talk to me no matter what I said to them and generally treated

    me as a newborn infant.

    The morning shift started at 7 AM. Two of them would come in,

    remove my always sodden and sometimes messed diapers and bathe

    me. By the time they had fresh, extra thick, cloth diapers and a

    pair of plastic panties on me, I was sweaty again but it felt

    good anyway. Then one of the aides would feed me my breakfast. I

    liked that because they cranked the head of the bed up and I got

    a different view for a few minutes. They, however, always lowered

    it again at the end of the meal and only by looking down my nose

    could I see Moira as she preached little sermons standing at the

    foot of my bed. After breakfast came the first of the four or

    five super-sized baby bottles of juice. A nurse would put a

    pillow on my chest, shove the big rubber nipple in my mouth and

    prop the bottle against the pillow. I hated the taste but not as

    much as I hated the thought of where that liquid was going to end


    They feed me a big bottle like that about every two hours. The

    result was that I pissed myself constantly, every occasion a

    reminder of my new condition.

    Moira would have done well as an intelligence officer. Each day

    she came in right after breakfast and gave me lots to think about

    after she left. I hated her for it.

    It took her five days to describe just what the ASP was going to

    mean for me during the next 12 to 36 months. The more I heard,

    the more I wished I had chosen prison.

    Because I was the first ASP prisoner (she used that term a lot

    and seemed to like it) Moira and I were going to be living

    together. She assured me that her apartment was big enough and

    that I should give up mine and put my furniture in storage. As it

    turned out, I didn't have any choice. By the time she took me

    home, she had already called the storage company and cancelled my


    Business is business, as Moira likes to say, and it turns out

    that more than a few hospital supply companies were willing to

    donate disposable and cloth diapers, plastic panties and

    restraint items, all for my personal benefit. Moira glowed when

    she told me about one company that was providing a diaper

    restraint belt as a prototype, just for me.

    When I asked her why such a belt would be necessary if I was

    truly incontinent she replied, "Well, dear, we can't have you

    fiddling with yourself, now can we?"

    That bothered me. I was just getting used to the diaper trip, in

    a curious sort of way. I hadn't thought about sex until then. As

    soon as she mentioned it, I got horny. After she told me the

    diapers were to act as a kind of chastity belt, I got desperate

    for some relief. With my arms were useless, my legs too heavy to

    squeeze together and since there was no point in asking anyone to

    do it for me, all I could do was I gritted my teeth and tried to

    ignore the oldest itch of all.

    As I lay there, immobilized and helpless, the one thing I just

    couldn't get used to, was the thought of messing myself. During

    the first couple of days it was easy to hold back. As soon as the

    chart they kept on me failed to report a bowel movement, Moira

    was on my case.

    "It's inevitable, you know," she said with a smirk.

    It was the morning of my third day and I was still hanging on to

    my pride.

    "Moira, it won't compromise your little program to let me use a

    bedpan once in a while."

    "Oh, my dear, but it would."

    She traced her long fingernails over my taut plastic panties. It

    made me horny, all the more because I wanted it so much and yet

    couldn't do a thing to stop her.

    "I told you that the inconvenience, discomfort and embarrassment

    of being in diapers was your therapy."

    Now she was stroking my inner thighs. I wanted desperately to

    close my legs but the casts and weights were too heavy. I was

    beginning to breathe heavily and she noticed, flashed my a cruel

    smile and then continued.

    "Now I can't think of anything more inconvenient, uncomfortable

    and embarrassing than being made to mess yourself, can you?"

    I grunted to stifle a moan of pleasure. The bitch! She was

    deliberately turning me on while she talked about the worst fate

    I could imagine. I looked down at my erect nipples. Moira too was

    giving them a hungry look. I wondered if she was bi or gay.

    Suddenly she snatched her hand away. She had timed it well. A few

    seconds more and I would have had a delicious little orgasm.

    "Well, unless you tell me right now that you're going to be a

    good little girl and get on with business I'll have to tell the

    nurses to give you some encouragement."

    I was frustrated and mad. I told her where to shove the idea and

    get out of my room. To my surprise, she did. As she left, I began

    to wonder what "encouragement" meant.

    I found out soon enough. The two apes came back with a lot of

    equipment. I figured out what they were up to and realization

    caused me to start to scream and struggle, not that it did any

    good. To shut me up, one of them stuck a bottle full of juice

    into my mouth. It had some kind of holding harness that they

    tightened around my head. It was suck or drown, so I started to

    gurgle away while I watched them get on with their thing.

    They stuck two chrome poles into slots at the foot of my bed and

    then ran a couple of canvass straps from the tops of the poles to

    my ankles. A couple of seconds later my legs were being hoisted

    into the air.

    With my legs spread and in the air they had full access to my

    crotch. I had been changed only an hour or so earlier so the

    diaper was still in pretty good shape. I had expected them to

    open the diaper but it turned out differently.

    Another nurse came in with a big enema bag and a long length of

    hose. The nozzle looked strange. It was long and had two

    bulb-like things on it. I got scared. The satisfied looks on

    their faces made it all the worse.

    As usual, they said nothing to me while they greased this monster

    up. Then one of them pulled the crotch of my diapers and plastic

    panties to one side while the other began to push the rubber

    thing up my behind. It hurt like hell and I tried to tell them as

    much. The bottle in my mouth was strapped in tight and the casts

    made sure I wasn't in any position to interfere. I screamed

    against the rubber nipple but all I got for it was another

    mouthful of water. Deeper and deeper it went in until I thought I

    couldn't stand it any more.

    Then they showed me what the bulbs were all about. One of them

    attached an inflation ball, like on a blood pressure cuff, to the

    rubber thing in my rear and began to squeeze. I could feel

    something inflating inside me. It wasn't too bad at first but

    they weren't content with letting it be comfortable. Soon I was

    screaming again. I was sure the damn thing was ripping me apart


    The second balloon had been left outside. As it started to swell,

    I guessed how the damn thing worked. Pretty soon my poor little

    rosebud had a rock hard balloon on either side of it and even I

    was sure that nothing inside me would leave my body until I was


    They attached the hose from the enema bag to the thing in my rear

    and hung the bag up. I could see the clamp that until now had

    kept the solution from leaking out. One of the nurses put her

    hand on it, looked me dead in the eye, winked, and then took the

    clamp off.

    It felt as if Niagara Falls was running up my ass and my body

    tensed up with the impact. It drove me mad. I pulled against the

    casts all I could and screamed into that damned rubber nipple

    but, as usual, I was totally helpless. My strength soon drained

    away and I ended up lying there quietly, making pitiful little

    moaning sounds while the nurses pressed the enema bag to make

    sure I got as much of the solution as possible. When the bag was

    about as empty as it was going to get, they clamped the hose just

    outside the rubber thing, turned on their heels and left the


    I hurt like hell. I looked down at my swollen belly and began to

    cry. I had no idea it could be this bad. It had to be worse than

    messing a diaper.

    Pretty soon the contractions started. Some far off place in my

    tortured brain figured it out. They wouldn't use just plain tap

    water, there would be something in the solution to force my colon

    to hard contractions. The spasms got worse and I was screaming

    again. By now the bottle was empty so at least I had the

    satisfaction of hearing my own protests. Each spasm also caused a

    mini flood in my diapers and I was reminded of what else would

    soon be filling my baby pants.

    I was sobbing loudly and feeling pretty sorry for myself when

    Moira strolled in. I couldn't bear to look at her, to give her

    the satisfaction of seeing me in total defeat. All I could do was

    turn my head away and after she got tired of walking around the

    bed a few times she told me to smarten up or she would have my

    head strapped into place.

    After I had kept eye contact with her for a few seconds she

    reached over and removed the bottle and its harness. It was

    wonderful to have my mouth free again!

    "I'm sorry." I blubbered, "I'll be good from now on. Please make

    them stop it!"

    It wasn't just a ploy. I was really begging for relief.

    "You can't get out of it that easily, Sandy. What good would a

    punishment be if we stopped it as soon as the prisoner repented.

    No. It's important that you learn this lesson well. The nurses

    will be back in about half an hour."

    "Will they change me?" The old specter of messing myself was

    still there. I had to know.

    "I suspect so. Not right away, of course."

    She paused to watch my face and read there my revulsion. "I'll

    see you tomorrow."

    After Moira left, the seconds seemed to drag. The spasms were

    getting worse again. My body was insulted at the liquid invasion

    and wanted the intruder to leave but the double balloons held

    painfully tight. I began to sob again.

    When they finally did come to take care of me, I wasn't sure

    which was going to be worse, being full of fluid or expel-ling it

    and a lot more. I knew that I didn't have a choice and I was

    going to find from personal experience.

    They reached between my legs. Suddenly the inner bulb was

    deflating. They pulled it out while it was still pretty big and

    after rearranging my diaper crotch and panties, stood back to

    admire their handiwork.

    It didn't take long. The next spasm made me explode. I cried out

    with the relief of it. For the next few minutes I lived to expel.

    It was all I could think of and all I cared about. When I was

    finally empty I came down to earth and realized how full my

    diapers were.

    It wasn't really all that bad, I thought. Then each nurse began

    loosening one of the canvass straps that held my ankles high.

    They deliberately lowered my legs slowly. Each degree of the

    change of angle made the cesspool in my diapers shift and spread.

    Slowly the sticky mess oozed out from between my legs and into

    the clean and almost dry parts of the diaper. It made me start to


    "Please, please don't," I begged them through my tears.

    They were enjoying themselves too much to pay attention to me.

    When my legs were back on the bed, they watch with stone faces

    while I cried and pleaded with them. Then they left me alone,

    more alone than I'd ever been before.

    The enema did a lot to kill my spirits. I felt my self-confidence

    draining away as surely as my water flowed into the ever present

    diapers. With no one to talk to besides Moira, I noticed that I

    began to speak more softly, more reverently. Moira controlled my

    comfort. I realized that deep inside and no matter how much I

    hated what she was doing to me, I had to please her.

    By the time the fourth day rolled around, I had begun to define

    my world by the condition of my diapers. My crotch was one of the

    few areas of my body that I could feel and whatever I felt there

    became pretty important.

    Most people divide up their day around meal times. I started

    thinking of the day in terms of diaper changes. I looked forward

    to them for more reasons than just plain comfort. There was the

    sponge bath that went with it and the careful attention to my

    shaven pubis. I was starving for sexual contact and my box had

    become very sensitive to even the slightest touch, so when they

    wiped me there or rubbed in powder I just about swooned. I had

    come to understand why my pubic hair had been shaved. The feel of

    a fresh, clean diaper rubbing up against my soft sex lips was

    almost more than I could bear, especially if the nurse tightened

    the diaper more than usual.

    I messed myself daily but tried to do it just before the diaper

    change at noon. That way, I would not stay in the messy pants

    very long. I did it also because I couldn't stand the thought of

    another enema, not because I ever got used to the filling my own

    diaper. Even then, it was hard work. The body isn't designed to

    relieve itself when laying flat on the back. My buttocks were

    always partly pressed together and this made the whole operation

    that much worse to clean up. I found out later that cleaning me

    up was a punishment for the nurses.

    On the fifth day Moira told me I was to be released into her

    custody later that day. First the casts would have to come off

    and a few other "procedures" performed. I didn't like the sound

    of the last part but the idea of having my limbs back under

    control was wonderful.

    As soon as Moira left, the nurses came in, removed my plastic

    pants and diapers but left a pile of disposable absorbent pads

    under me. Then they departed, leaving me with my crotch fully

    exposed and that made me nervous. I sensed I wasn't going to like

    this one little bit.

    Moira came back with a cute little beautician who carried a

    suspicious looking black case. She couldn't have been more than

    18 and she stopped cold when she saw me.

    "Oh my God!" she gasped, and turned to Moira. "You can't mean


    "Indeed we do. Now, just think about that bonus I promised you

    and get to work. Your customer is incapable of giving you any

    trouble. It may get a little wet but we'll give you rubber


    The beautician took another look at me. I gazed back, too

    embarrassed and curious to say anything. I could see the doubt

    written across her face. I decided that she was going to need

    some help if I was ever going to get out of this place.

    "It's OK," I said, trying to sound reassuring, "I'll try not to

    pee on you but, as you know, I can't help myself very much


    She came up to the bed and put her case down on the mobile table.

    I was curious as hell to know what she was up to and yet part of

    me didn't really want to know at all. I kept telling myself that,

    whatever it was, it was also part of my ticket out of there.

    After she opened the case and I saw the electrolysis equip-maned

    I lost control and went nuts. I started cursing them both and

    struggling against the casts.

    It turned out that I should have kept control of myself. Moira

    called in the two apes who shoved a feeding gag in my mouth and

    then gave me a shot to quiet me down. It did that, all right, but

    did nothing for the pain as this little kid of a girl started

    zapping my pubic hairs, one by one.

    I heard myself give a little grunt of pain every time the

    electric needle touched me. It wasn't that each touch was that

    bad, it was the number of times she had to touch me. She left in

    her wake a carpet of soreness that had my eyes watering in a few


    The beautician stopped and looked up at Moira.

    "I can't do this any more. I'm hurting her and it will only get

    worse when I get to the wet parts."

    Moira had been watching the whole thing with a big smile.

    "Don't you worry yourself about that, honey. This bitch is a

    prisoner and what you're doing is part of her punishment. She

    agreed to this rather than go to prison. Keep going. The law is

    on your side."

    She went back to work and I went back to suffering. By the end of

    it, I had quietly vowed revenge on Moira. Just give me one good


    By the time she finished, my entire crotch felt hot and sore. The

    kid left, looking shaken. Then the apes came back with a couple

    of adult disposable diapers and a pair of plastic panties that

    didn't have snaps. They looked just like real baby pants. They

    slit the plastic backing of one of the diapers and put it inside

    the other diaper before bundling me up. It was a good thing I was

    still gagged, the touch of the diaper on my swollen and sore

    pubis made me scream against the rubber thing in my mouth.

    Then they brought in a young guy who leered at my bare breasts

    and stared at my diapered loins a lot while he cut the casts. As

    soon as each cast was off, Moira released the weight on that

    limb. I tried moving my arms and legs. After five days of forced

    immobility, they were stiff and weak but it felt delicious to

    have my body back.

    Moira helped me up from the bed. My legs were very unsteady and I

    leaned on her while we took a few steps. It was the first time I

    had walked while diapered. The bulk between my legs rubbed

    against my tortured pubis and I started to cry from the pain but

    it was still wonderful to be out of that bed.

    One of the nurses came in and gave me a shot of Adrenalin. That

    helped a lot. Then Moira got my clothes.

    I looked at the blouse and mini skirt I had been wearing the day

    all this started. They looked as if they belonged to someone

    else. By now I knew that my hooking days were over, at least for

    as long as ASP had control of me.

    "Your mini skirt won't fit over the diapers," Moira said while I

    buttoned the blouse with shaky fingers, "so I brought you a

    larger one."

    It turned out to be one of those vinyl types that are sup-posed

    to look like leather. I hated it on sight but was in no mood for

    a fight. I just nodded and picked up my pantyhose. Moira pulled

    them from my hands.

    "You can forget pantyhose as long as you're in diapers. The nylon

    slides down on the plastic panties. We'll get you some garter

    belts later."

    I stepped into the skirt and pulled it up. Moira had guessed the

    size right but it pressed the diapers closer to my body, another

    constant reminder of my condition. I took a few steps. Both the

    disposable diapers and the plastic panties crackled loudly with

    each movement. It shook me up.

    "Moira, I can't go out in public like this! Anybody who gets

    within 10 feet will guess what I'm wearing!"

    She gave me one of her special smiles, "That's not my problem,


    I put on my black spike pumps and tried to get used to the

    height. I was still pretty weak and it took me a while to get the

    hang of it. Moira sat on the bed and looked at me as if I was a

    thoroughbred colt taking her first steps.

    "Let's go," she said finally.

    With a pounding heart, dry throat and burning crotch I took my

    first steps into the outside world as a diapered adult, a

    babypants prisoner.

  9. I hate to sound so critical but is it really that much trouble to capitalize the letter 'i' ? I know not all authors on here are experts on grammar and spelling (myself included) but honestly, its not that difficult to capitalize a letter, right?

    Sound so critical.... I personally only saw just a few incodents where capitalization was over looked, or what ever... But honestly is it that big of a deal you have to make such snide remarks, did you not like this guys story, or are you just looking for something to nit pick about.... I bet your the type of person who would butt fuck a fella and not even give him the curtiousy of giving him a reach around..... or better yet put you would bitch if you were hung with a used rope. As I and hundreds of other people I am sure have enjoy this persons story even if he missed a few capitalizations... cant wait to see some of your writings so I can tear it apart one letter at a time. Sheesh....

  10. DPF had all their cloth diapers supplied by BabyKins, and their plastic pants were supplied by Gary Manufactring in San Deigo CA. As to the question regarding Tommys age, Tommy is no longer with us from my understanding, Tommy was in his late 70s early 80s when he passed, again this is just what I have been told, and dont know the vadility of the information regarding his exact age or mortality status. and DPF was orginally started in the early 1980s and was orginally a BBS (for those who dont know BBS is a Bulltian Board System of which was dialed directly via a modem then modern age Internet came to be) I tried to buy DPF from Tommy in early 2000 and Mark his partner thought he could strong arm the price of the site, business, and inventory, unfortuniately the price they were demanding for DPF was beyond reason and now we all know where that left DPF, in the history books. A pitty, because another AB was willing to pick up where they left off.


  11. I once owned an AB Business many years ago, had a partner who thought it would be cute to take the business and run, litteraly. Anyways, I know this is a rather old posting but hope the information helps.

    First you have to go to your local City Hall, file for a Business License (usually around 45.00).

    Second you have to contact the IRS and request a TIN (Tax Identification Number).

    Third depending on your State, County, and City, laws, you may have to file for a State,County,City TIN.

    Fourth, find manufacturers that make the products you want to sell or make them yourself.

    I know of a few places that sell AB things, but they only sell B2B, no resale or public wholesale.

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