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Posts posted by pterautodidactyl

  1. well i'm diapered all the time, so they do mix. i don't do stuff *i'd* consider all that extreme, but i do like to skateboard sometimes, and i love snowboarding any chance i get. snowboarding and diapers actually mix pretty well. wearing all that gear, it saves so much trouble not having to strip a bunch of that off just to use the toilet.

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  2. i did have one time when i was changing in my friends room when we were having a sleepover a while back, and hadn't locked the door, and her bf came back in unexpectedly. it was a little embarassing, but luckily he already knew about it and everything, and had been around me in little more than a diaper before anyways, so no big deal ultimately.

  3. i don't think they'd be likely to notice, so long as you can take care of the trash discretely.

    however, i would recommend going for some actual diapers. with just underjams i just think you'll likely need to change very often, which will increase the cost in the long run if wearing 24/7, and be inconvenient. especially if untraining to some degree is a goal, thicker is better because you can learn to trust your diapers without being afraid of leaking. leaks will happen, but probably a *lot* more often in what is essentially an adolescent's pullup.

  4. honestly it's not too tough. diapers is really low on basically every vanilla person's hypothesis list. onesies or longer shirts help though, so you don't have your diaper poking out your waistband. partner is more tricky. if you want to keep a secret, best not to wear any time somebody might touch your butt. other than that, i'd say there's not much to do. folks just aren't that observant.

    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

  5. i have definitely had some close shaves, not in terms of someone actually seeing my diapers, but in terms someone seeing direct evidence of them. i live with my dad, and there's been at least once or twice where i've changed in the bathroom, and then forgotten my rolled up old wet diaper on the floor where he could've seen it. but if he's ever deduced my diapered status, he's not said so. so far, the only people that i know know that i wear diapers, know because i let them know.

  6. i am pretty sure i was basically potty trained by two. i remember wishing i could go back to diapers in some of my earliest memories around not long after that age. i think i wore cloth training pants for a little while after that, but my daytime accidents were few and far between, and i didn't wet the bed.

    i'd like to be able to ask family for more accurate data, but i'd feel awkward lol

  7. if you can shimmy out of it, then that works. most diapers aside from cheap drugstore ones seem to have those double tapes, so i usually just undo one of those so i can get it over my hips and then retape it afterwards with no problems. if there's issues with it not re-taping properly though, i've got a roll of cute duck tape i use to fix it.

  8. as your source states it is still excluding Michigan and New Hampshire, factor in what has been counted there so far and it puts trump way ahead in popular vote.

    it looks like it is including NH now. but even if it's not including michigan, donald is only ahead by about 12,000 votes there according to those figures, which is nowhere near enough to make up for the almost 700,000 vote lead Clinton has on him nationally.

  9. Has anyone noticed that a safety pin is the symbol used by the anti-Trump protesters?

    yeah? that was kinda the point. the safety pin thing was originally suggested after brexit, as a subtle way to try and indicate that you're a safe person, that you'd stand up against injustice, in a time when violence towards people of color was on the rise.

    similarly, donald being elected (despite losing the popular vote by a fairly wide margin, not that i'm bitter), has emboldened a lot of white supremacists, homophobes, and anti-semites, nazis, and other bigots in the US. so folks have suggested using the safety pin here as well in the same manner as after brexit. naturally, this is a more popular sentiment among people protesting against the racist windbag that is the president-elect.

    unfortunately, i don't think it'll catch on. the nazis and so forth are already organizing online to also wear them, in an effort to muddy the waters and cause the symbol to be meaningless.

  10. well, there's no denying that i find no discomfort in a quite wet diaper, but i think the main reason i wear until they're at capacity, is because of money. i feel kinda guilty, like i'm being wasteful, if i don't use them to their limit. and it does save money, in the long run, to only need, say, two changes a day, versus three.

  11. i think accident is pretty self explanatory. it's when you wet or mess yourself without meaning to, or when you don't have to make an effort to go. like, i always plan on wetting myself, at some point, but when i find myself wetting and i never made the decision to do so, that's an accident.

  12. spark: personally, i deal with the #2 issue pretty simply. most quality diapers have tapes that give you a second try, so i can just untape one and shimmy it over my hips to use the potty, and then tape it back up, if i need to go when i'm in public or at work or otherwise don't want to deal with a messy diaper.

    if i'm at home alone, i'm much more likely to just use my diapers though. the cleanup is a bother, but you get used to it i guess. and as the cleanup becomes easier and less bothersome, it becomes more tempting to just use my diapers lol. i guess it's kinda grown on me over time.

  13. i've been 24/7 since about the beginning of this year. initially, i was kinda excited about untraining, but i made sure to not have too high of hopes, and gave myself plenty of permission to back out. over time though, i've kinda come to see it as less of a big deal? like being diaper dependent isn't really that big of a life change to me, as it turns out.

    i untrained in basically the same way i initially planned, just with the good ol' "wet whenever" method, nothing fancy there. i did stop putting as much effort in few months ago. my control and capacity had already deteriorated a lot, and so i gave myself more leeway to hold it if need be. idk if it's really slowed me down though. it is not that often that i have to make that choice, nor is it as effective as before when i do. if i don't just have an accident nowadays, the progression from 'noticing' to 'painful desperation' is pretty darn short, but it can at least get me into a better situation sometimes if i am afraid i might leak.

    when i started, i actually had been trying out a bunch of new diapers around that time. i basically found the ones i liked best and stuck with them. i typically wear a northshore lite and a northshore supreme in any given day. at some point i also acquired a few foldable cloth diapers, which i'll wear at night some times. i don't splurge as much on new or fancy abdl diapers as much now, just cause i already have my usual diapers all the time, and because when you're 24/7 and increasingly dependent on them, the cost factor matters more i suppose.

    i don't think my attitude towards discretion has changed much, but my confidence in the unobservantness of random people is much higher. i just don't worry that much any more that someone might notice i'm diapered. i still take reasonable efforts to conceal them, but nothing too upsetting to my life. it is more a secret i don't mention more than a secret i actively hide now, i guess.

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  14. i don't think so, personally. at least not necessarily. i think the important part of self harm is the harm part. if you're doing something with the desire to hurt yourself, that'd be self harm, but most people who're looking to achieve incontinence i don't think are coming at it from the viewpoint that being incontinent is bad and they're bad and so they deserve it. it's like, how cutting oneself could be self harm, or it could be a fun masochistic experience that leaves lasting scars that the cutter finds beautiful. i think in this case, intent, and the emptional impetus behind the act, is what makes it self-harm versus something else.

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