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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by babygirl2016

  1. “daddy I always try my best to be a good girl. I promise. I really do.” renee hummed along to the songs in the car and stayed close to daddy as they walked in the store. she picked out pink pacifiers with butterflies on them. she didn’t really know which diapers she wanted. “daddy which ones? the pink ones or the ones with the bears?”
  2. renee was content as her belly got full. she was in a great mood and tapped her feet on the chair while she waited for daddy. “oh yes daddy! that will be fun. but what stores are we going to? like big adult stuffs or baby stuffs!? what if I get new dresses and a new dolly! or maybe I can get a book so I can practice and be just like you daddy!”
  3. she was still fussy but she did feel a lot better now that she was changed and dressed. she decided to try and feed herself. she did ok with the first few bites but then she got frustrated and started making a mess. she pushed the bowl away. “daddy you do it now please? it’s too messy!”
  4. she didnt really fully wake up, but she heard daddy’s voice and felt the bottle go into her mouth. it didn’t take long before she was asleep again. cookie snuggled up to renee once wes got out of the bed. she woke up a little bit when daddy picked her up but she was not happy when he sat her down in her high chair in a full diaper. “I no want it!!” she picked up the oatmeal and spilled it on the floor on purpose. she then wet herself again so much she leaked. that made her even more upset. “DADDDYYYY LET ME OUT!!!!” she kicked and cried as loud as she could. she was feeling way more little and really upset.
  5. “well that’s ok. i’ll pack some just in case you get bored on the drive after your audition.” she walked off and grabbed some toys and the tablet, she figured zuri might want them later. when she came back down the hallway she saw zuri pooping. “well it’s a good thing you’re in diapers. did you even try to hold it this time? I didnt hear you ask for help.” she got the supplies she needed and gently got zuri all changed. “see all better, nice and clean. looks like you really do need diapers. you can’t be pooping that much in a pull up.” she helped zuri up to her feet and put her pants back on. “ok it’s time to get going so we’re not late.” she grabbed the bag of toys, some extra drinks and snacks, and of course Zuri.
  6. she didn’t listen too well and didn’t respond as she continued to jump on the bed. but by the time daddy got back she was out of breath and tired. she saw the bottle of formula and clapped her hands. it was becoming much more of a comfort for her lately. she finished about half of her bottle and she was asleep. she stayed snuggled up to daddy most of the night occasionally rolling onto her belly but keeping her arm across his chest. Eventually cookie woke up jumping in the bed and whining. renee was having a bad dream and cookie was trying to let daddy know.
  7. brianna set the table with a plastic plate with dividers and a sippy cup for zuri. she made herself a sandwich. right before she was about to sit down zuri came up and gave her a hug. “oh that’s so sweet of you little one. you’re welcome im always here. yes ive looked at two different places. just need your help picking them out. we can go and take a look at a property about 20 minutes away after your audition ok?” they finished eating and brianna was very pleased to see zuri picking up after herself. she wiped zuris face and cleaned up her own plate. “let me just make sure I grab you a few toys to keep you occupied. or do you want your tablet?”
  8. “it’s ok honey, I was just trying to let you sleep so you can be fully rested and kill your audition!” she said cheerfully as noticed zuris tummy growling. “yeah I can make you something before we head out. is chicken nuggets ok? I can make those pretty fast. also let me know if you use the potty so we can get you changed when we get there.” she walked off as she saw zuri playing her guitar and put some crown chicken nuggets in the air fryer.
  9. renee blushed at the comment. she knew it was quite a bit of poop. she was completely relaxed and didn’t say much as she was changed. she did love the bunny pjs they were comfy and cozy. she rubbed her eyes and ran to daddy’s room jumping on his bed. “daddy I wanna play wif you!” she grabbed a pillow and jumped around squealing.
  10. “awww daddy noooo! I not!!” once daddy picked her up it was game over. she couldn’t hold it anymore and the bouncing made her giggle more and totally lose control. when daddy carried her she grunted and let the rest come out. why did this feel so humiliating but so freeing? she couldn’t figure out why it was somewhat comforting. knowing she didn’t really have much to worry about. it didn’t take long till she was done, she was truly done before daddy ever got to the nursery. “daddy I all done now!” she raised her arms up and pouted waiting to be changed. once he mentioned a bath she got excited again. “yayy daddy I love baths!” she clapped her hands as she saw the toys and bubbles. once she was in the tub she relaxed as she made the boat carry her barbie’s to one end of the tub to the other.
  11. “that sounds like a great idea sweet heart” she pulled out and headed home. she heard the whimpering and saw zuri sucking her thumb. she knew things would get better, it just took some time. once they pulled in she picked up zuri as carefully as she could and took her into the house and laid her down on the couch. while zuri was content she grabbed an outfit that wouldn’t show her diaper at all. when she came back she noticed zuri wetting herself. she waited till it seemed as though zuri was finished and gently started to change her.
  12. (you’re totally fine. I get it) she cheered up when daddy tickled her. that made her feel much better. she climbed up on his lap and laid down getting comfy. she drank the formula and watched the concert. she fidgeted a lot her tummy was hurting. she just got comfy why did she have to go potty now!!! she kept squirming and clenching as much as she could.
  13. she was really shocked when Zuri gave her a hug. maybe she was finally growing on the girl after all. “that sounds like a great plan but if you want to audition you might not want your diaper to be so revealing sweetheart. did you already forget your in diapers? aww how cute it doesn’t even bother you anymore?” she teased zuri a little. this was the fun part. she chuckled as she buckled Zuri into the back seat. before she stepped back to shut the door she ruffled her hair and kisssed the little girls forehead and hoped things would get better. she closed the door and went to get into the drivers seat. she waited to get an answer from zuri before pulling out.
  14. brianna stayed calm and collected holding zuris hand throughout the whole ordeal. she was pissed. she couldn’t believe he would do that to zuri. brianna knew better than to snap back, instead she flipped him off before the screen cut off. she knew zuri had went to the bathroom she could smell it. “hey sweetie I know this is hard, it’s ok you don’t have to deal with him anymore and we will get you changed and in some comfy pjs before we leave. does that sound good?” she thanked the lawyer and made sure zuris dad was out of the building before they went to the bathroom. Brianna made sure to go in the family restroom. she let zuri cry into her shoulder for a bit until she was ready to be changed. She changed zuri gently and tried to give her some tickles on her tummy. “oh see, there’s a little bit of a smile on my girl” she chuckled as she finished diapering her up. once again she added a booster, powder and taped the plain white diaper shut. “I know this one isn’t as fun but the rest of the diapers should be here later today or tomorrow, now how about we get you into your pjs and then we can do whatever you want.” she helped zuri get into a two piece set that was dark purple with skulls. “ok all done, now what would you like to do sweet heart?” she said as she walked zuri out to the car.
  15. “that’s great we are so excited to start this journey and we will take good care of you guys. I will contact you next week to give you the dates. see you guys soon.” laura walked out and called her who she needed too on her way home. renee was getting a tad frustrated. “YES DADDY I WANT TO DO IT!” she couldn’t understand why he was pushing so hard. she knew she was losing a lot of her ability to make decisions but this was one she was 100 percent on. she put her hands in her lap and let him led down at her feet. she felt like she was doing something wrong.
  16. Laura sat patiently with a stuffed animal for renee to have sitting on the couch next to her. “wes, you know normally I wouldn't show up unannounced but I wasn’t sure how things have been going, and the phone call ending so abruptly worried me. also, this is one of those things that require a timely response, you know how book tours are.” renee looked down she didn’t remember who laura was. was she important? why can’t she remember much from that night? she hated this part of it the most. she fidgeted a little in daddy’s lap while she thought about her answer. “daddy I can be a big girl. I wanna do it! pleaseeee!” she beamed up at wes and smiled.
  17. “it’s for your protection. i’m not sure how long we will be out and I dont want to have to change you too much. you’ll be ok and you look cute!” brianna beaned as she saw the dress Zuri returned in. she watched as Zuri struggled a little to out her shoes on. Brianna put Zuri in the back with a sippy cup of juice and a tablet. she got settled and started the 20 minute drive to the courthouse. once they arrived brianna got the paperwork and opened the door for Zuri she held her hand and took a deep breath as they walked in. “these people are here to help you, everything will be ok.” they walked up to the front desk “yes I have an appointment to file a restraining order against her father.” they took the information necessary and led them into a mediation room. a lawyer came in and greeted them. the lawyer spoke in a soft but reassuring tone “first of all I am sorry we are meeting under these circumstances. I know how difficult it can be for families to have to make this decision. so let’s go over the evidence and we will have her father join us for a conference call. Zuri, since the restraining order is against you I will need you to provide that the information on these documents are correct.”
  18. “hmmmm so you truly do need diapers now. that’s ok, all little girls become dependent at some point. good job asking for a change. from now on, if you realize you went in your diaper you can come to me and we can get you all clean ok?” she tickled Zuri a bit before she untaped her diaper and cleaned her up. she powdered her and put in a booster before she taped up the pink diaper with music notes on it. “ok now we need to get you ready to go to the courthouse. no jeans are allowed, and you have a few dresses so I think it’s best you choose one of those. you’ll look so pretty!”
  19. laura walked in and noticed renee. she smiled at her and sat down on the couch. “i’m here because I have a huge business opportunity for you. the people love your books on your daughter and we would love to discuss going on a book tour.” renee tried to protest getting her diaper changed in front of laura but daddy didn’t listen. she pouted the whole time and when daddy was done she got up and went to a corner of the room and hid with her blankie. she didn’t like strangers.
  20. “ok we can make that work sweetheart.” Brianna cleaned up from breakfast and swept up zuris mess. once she went to the living room she could see the little girl laying on her stomach writing something. “hmmmm well how about you do both? country songs with a rock beat. I think that would be pretty cool” she got closer and looked down at zuris diaper. “Zuri? did you go potty on yourself? that diaper is bigger than it was when I put it on you.” she crouched down to her level so she could make eye contact with Zuri. Brianna waited for a response but didn’t get one. she cleared her throat. “little girl, did you go potty in your diaper?”
  21. “nooooo daddy I wanna cuddle wif you and make you allll better!” renee set impatiently waiting for daddy to get back. She heard him throw up and got sad for him. “cookie go check on daddy pleaseeeee” she patted cookies head and she headed outside and not too much longer they came back in. Once daddy was settled she went over to the bed and curled up laying daddy’s head on her tummy as she played with his hair. “even daddy’s need extra attention sometimes. right daddy?” she didn’t get a response as he was already asleep. Renee watched cinderella but she got bored about halfway through. luckily the remote wasn’t too far away and she was able to put on taylor swifts concert movie. she stayed quiet only humming to the songs, eventually she fell asleep too. Renee groaned as she woke up to daddy’s phone ringing. she didn’t want to wake him so she answered. “hello?” said renee in a shy voice. The woman on the other end of the phone asked for wes. Renee wasn’t sure what to say “ummmm he’s very sick right now and he’s sleeping. bye bye.” she hung up immediately and set the phone back down and closed her eyes. About 30 minutes went by and there was someone knocking at the door.
  22. “Zuri, from what i’ve seen I don’t think it will. besides this is fairly easy. we don’t even have to look at him. just go sign the paperwork and leave. but you need to be on your BEST behavior because we will be around very important people.” she watched Zuri rinse her plate and leave the kitchen. “i’m glad you have that money, that’s great. that will help out a lot. yes, the voice? where are the auditions at? I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try out.”
  23. she didn’t like that. at all. she whined the entire time she was getting changed. When she was placed in her playpen she cried big tears, ones that daddy wouldn’t see. she wanted to be a big girl. but she wanted to cuddle with daddy. she knew he didn’t feel good but she didn’t think he would do that. cookie laid outside of the playpen and renee laid down with her blankie putting her thumb in her mouth and closed her eyes. she didn’t even wanna watch the tv.
  24. brianna sighed as she sat down to eat. She made sure zuri was comfortable before answering her question. “Zuri he may be your dad, but he’s not being a good person to you. he has treated you poorly and you need to be protected. however, you are an adult and if you really don’t want to do this, we don’t have too Zuri.” she really was conflicted but she really disliked her dad. She ate most of her plate and saw how messy Zuri was. Brianna chuckled when she got up from her chair. “well looks like someone is a messy eater huh?”
  25. Renee stirred awake just enough to hear daddy go to the bathroom and throw up. she sprawled out on the couch and cuddled up with her blanky. she reached for daddy to come cuddle with her when she got her bottle. she tried her best to be a big girl and comfort him by rubbing his hair with one hand and holding her bottle with the other. she knew he didn’t feel good, and she wanted to do her best to help. “daddy, what if I be in panties today so you don’t have to change me! we can just stay in the living room and cuddle!” she thought it was a great plan, she smiled big as she giggled.
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