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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Posts posted by Wayz2PlzU

  1. Wow, am I the only one who does the top tapes first? lol. I always have. Even when I bought my first pack of adult diapers it recommended to do the bottom tapes first, but I've always found it easier to put on and place just right, if you do the top tapes first.

    Nope. I do the same thing. I do the top tapes first. The bottom always seems harder to start.

  2. Assuming the diapers are disposable, I'm curious if it matters whether an AB or DL has their diaper put on with the top tapes first or the bottom?

    I always start mine with the top, but being a single male DL probably has a lot to do with it. And being partially blind probably doesn't help either. Any thoughts about the subject? Good? Bad? Constructive feedback only please!

    ~Diapered Birdie 2013

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

  3. Sorry. I already had someone email me their Addy and I'll be sending them next week. Sorry about that!

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

    Sorry, I was totally not even half awake when I answered that.

    ~The Diapered Birdie 2013

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

  4. One is large, and one is medium. Both do not fit so I could stand to be rid of them. If you're in Colorado or elsewhere, I can send them. It will be sent under a false name (for my protection, no pun intended), but I offer them to anyone who has wanted to try Bambino but didn't want to pay shipping.

    Send me an email at wayz2plzu@gmail.com if you are interested. Thanks!

    Diapered Birdie 2013

  5. I have looked at singles groups, but most of which are religious based "Christian Singles", etc. *shrugs* I'm sure something would come up where I could not go. And we're going into Winter months where I'll be out of the house much less than I am now.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

  6. I don't know if they make any plush dolls of those characters or not- (or, well, I just googled Family guy plush doll lois and found one some on ebay). My suggestion would be to buy the plush dolls, if they make them, then depending upon how big the dolls are, find diapers for them. To find right-sized diapers, you can always check in the toy departments of stores to see if there are any close-sized baby dolls, or sometimes boxed sets of baby clothes will have diapers included. Or check ebay for baby doll diapers. Or you could make them cloth diapers yourself, and, depending on your sewing skills, make them plastic panties as well. (and if you don't sew, hey, sounds like a great time to learn and try something new :3 ).

    Another option, if you can not find any plushy doll of the characters you want, you can always go to someplace like deviant art and commission someone. This is a pricier option, and I would also recommend really searching around for a reliable person, maybe ask them for a few customer referrals from some of their previous customers so you can get a feel for their customer satisfaction. And make sure they have plenty of samples of previous works.

    Good luck in your hunt! :3

    Thanks for the tips. I'll have to look around for that. :-)

  7. I've been scouring the interwebs for a plush doll of either Francine Smith (American Dad) ever since she mentioned picking up some Huggies from Target from "Best Little Horror House in Langley Falls", and Lois Griffin (Family Guy). I have this fetish of seeing adult aged animated in diapers, but I know they'd never market those, so my best option (and alternative) would be to get plush dolls of both. Any ideas? Drawings perhaps? I've already got a great shot of Turanga Leela wearing a diaper in the "Futurama" episode "Game of Tones", but I have to admit it'd be nice to have a plush doll of Leela with changeable diapers. I know, it's weird! What can I say? I'm a weird guy. Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated.

  8. I'll just address one part of this to keep things simple. In the 'third analysis' you simply say " I like you. You've always been nice to me even when I wasn't in the best of moods and I appreciate that. I'd like to get to know you better, say dinner or a movie or something. I'm open to whatever you like to do. What do you say?" :D You should be able to tell from the first response if you are on their 'absolutely not ever' list :( In which case you smile anyway and drop it. They may (as DP said) be testing you to see if you're truly interested in them or just another HG who needs sex :o In which case you keep at it until either A- you see that you're on the list I mentioned, or B- you get a date, or C- you get tired of trying or find someone else.

  9. Yes, any fantasy can lead to unrealistic expectations- if you let that happen <_< And therein is where problems can arise, especially among those whose thought process and self-control are not doing well :screwy: But for most of us, we can keep fantasy and reality separated enough to know that one is not the other, and to not have one adversely affect the other :thumbsup: Sadly, most of those who have a problem doing this also have a problem in seeing that they are like this, which perpetuates their problem. Since you are questioning this in yourself, you are aware of it, so I'd venture to say that you are not going to have much of a problem with it, and that seems to show that with you, things are how they should be B)

  10. I see a couple of problems here. You bring "the advice goddess" from my local weekly paper to mind.

    First, your mother seems to be joined to your hip. This is to some degree inevitable, as it sounds like you aren't able to drive a car, but no sane woman wants a romantic relationship with both you and your mother.

    Second, being in a relationship is very disruptive. This is a fact of life.

    Third, you will probably need to date more than one woman to find the right one. The right one for you involves an honest, respectful relationship, in which you have agreed not to mistreat each other. Sex will come, but it is not the largest part of the relationship. There is also a high likelihood that one of you will need significantly more sex than the other, and you will need to work out an acceptable compromise.

    Fourth, the pharmacy girl is probably telling you a white lie. Start showing up without your mother in tow, and hand her a card with your name and phone number on it. The white lie is something of a test, a way to find out if you are serious or not. And be sensitive..remember her employer pays her to take care of all of the customers, not just you. can you be quick at her counter if she is busy?

  11. Careful there. Acting on fantasies to make them more real or come true isn't a problem. It is the crossing of boundaries in that process that is the problem. If the OP wants to fantasize about his old flame, and purchases things that remind him of her, thats not a moral problem. It might be a pragmatic problem, in that it means he is not doing what he needs to make himself attractive to whatever person might be his next partner, or that person might be turned off, or he isn't desensitizing himself so he is comfortable.

    As another example, think of all the ABs who put on diapers and other silly clothes to make themselves more like babies. Do we see those enactments of fantasies as bad? No, because real children, who might be harmed by this, are not involved and the ABs are aware of and consent to what they do.

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