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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by twinkleboo

  1. "Yesss Daddy yesss Daddy meh wuv u verys muchh" As she hugged him so tight not wanting to let go , then she see out the window "Look Daddy Look ICE CREAM I WANNA !! " as she all sudden got really happy and loud..
  2. Lilly looked away as he cleaned her up, feeling so small and lost .
  3. "Ooo Daddy i am ?" But then feels the hugged from her father and her mind thinks of that instead as she hugs back and giggles .
  4. Lilly nods and looks at him like a little innocent girl with tears down her face, and say owh in a high voice when he rubs his cheek, Lilly felt way to ashamed in what happen to even think about escaping, if she thout of it , she coud of jus gone with it not cared and then reached down to his belt grabbed his phone from his blet holder and maybe hit him over the head. But the feeling she was having now was almost lost not knowing what to do looking away into the lights , while suking on her now pacifer.
  5. Cassie rub her eyes tryin to listen to her Daddy "umm so Daddy so i broken ooooo i not good i needs be on rubbish heap" Looking all confuse thinkin her Daddy is going to throw her away, which felt little strange to her..
  6. Ariel pouted at her mother , then a lady appeared and talked to Ariel and Jamie, but then Ariel got scared.."Mummy mummy i not wanna go " Then when she said tour of plane her eyes light up "OMGZ Mummy can we go YAY YAY CAN I GO PLZZ YAY YAY !!" Being really loud to Sarah.
  7. Lilly was so shocked she couldnt believed it, she was crying her eyes out like a baby, still sucking on the pacifer, the pacifer made her feel more comfortable in a stange way. She coundnt under wat had happen, Maybe it ws that disgusting food from before or the big meal she had few days ago, that was waiting to come out, which she felt on the first day but battlei the pain and went but came back even stronger..
  8. As she was carried into the car , she did a small baby action while playing with her toes but didnt know why all she knoew that it felt good. "Daddy Daddy wat whys we not gos hav i somthin on face on me ?" As she thinks somthing on her face, then just then realses that she is wet , and starts crying in the car... "Oh nuu Daddy i sorres i sorees Daddy i i umm i" As she gets all confuse.
  9. Ella was so red in the face she thought she could escape and then being back not just with her mother but carryed by her while still at the checkout, she then struggles to get off her and spits out her pacifer towards her mother," PLeaseeee Mom get off me please get offf me no no no i dont need them get off me pleaseeeeeeeeeeee CAN WE GO NOWWWW !!! " As she moans at her mother
  10. Ally was next door to her sister, and felt bored she would get bored so easly, so she thought as her folks are out and just her annoyning Older sister, who she thinks now can get away with anything decides to turn up her stereo,All way up to almost 100% blaing out her music while texting on her mobile..
  11. FIona says "aww dont u look such a cuite couple now Jamie sweety, why dont u look after Ariel hold hand like a big sister, and both go and sit in the taxi while Sarah I pack and help the driver pack.
  12. Ella then hears the girl at the checkout say and as she does , Ella once her mother lets go of her hand runs for the exit into the mall "Nooooo its not ahh ahh ahha hha " Crying her eyes out, and trying to workout were to go she looking around lost crying and wet...
  13. As he picks her up and carry her like a baby , Lilly coud only think of her being so wet feeling and strugglin to hold what she reaally didnt want to happen, feeling like forever to get to where they were going she fighted and fighted each time the pain grew stronger and stronger...
  14. Cassie walks over as her Father cuddles her she blushes so much and has few little tears.
  15. She couldnt believe it she had just finished wetting herself inside her locked diaper and cover as she looked up at him with the reddish of cheeks and says taking through her pacifier.
  16. Ariel Snuggled her mummy so tight all she coud think bout was how good this felt. Then from her lips softy says through the Pacifier "Mumwee wuv wuu"
  17. she noticed as he walked away
  18. Kimi heard about this new place or undercover place that just open she just turned 19 and was curious about what she had heard and wanted to see what this was all about.
  19. Legs wiggling grunts and noises coming from her "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWVES" Again she tryed to demand it as the pain was so great , and try to hit him away with her mits that did nothing.
  20. "Arghhh lok wafts your dowin towoos meh " As she see him enter and try to shout at him thru the pacifier and then agains say "Yfeess baff room nwos!!" She calls out loud again thru the pacifier.
  21. As she was there shaking so hard and it was starting to cause pain, she was really trying to fight it, she heard Mike knock on the door, and heard him speak to her, as she needed to ask him, but she was to proud to say and didt want to give to him as she tried and tried to hold it but was a loosing battle.
  22. Afters screamin at Mike she was all along again "Sheeesh ummfh" As she swipes her leg kicking the cubes on floor flying, she looked around thinking wat is this , not understanding any of these so called toys. She didnt speak after Mike stuck the pacifer back into her mouth, and strange way and didnt know why she liked it. "Well i choose to suck this im still not baby pifft" As she thinks to herself.
  23. Cassie felt good in her big girl panties but at same time oddly felt unsafe as wat if may happen, but she didnt think to much of it as she was excited to get to the arcade.
  24. Ella looks down and away once at the check out , as she blushes red while pulling dress down and suxin on her pacifier. Hoping it's going to fast as she feels the wetness of her panties .
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