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Everything posted by Alexandra

  1. There is a lot I could say to that but to keep this focused I'll point out you seem to confuse Christianity for all religion most other religions both modern and ancient not only allowed but promoted science and free thinking
  2. I apologise for that I missed that post on your religion and I also apologies if it sounded like I was trying to attack you, I assure you that was not my goal, I was simply stating how that post sounded. That being said I stand by everything else I said and though I thought I made my position queit clear let me try again do think freedom of speech is good, would you be ok if your words were controlled in public to avoid someone saying something offensive to someone else but you can say what you want at home if not then why is religion any different. If you want a more personal anecdote I always say a quick prayer to Athena before a big test in school, not to convert any one or to start a fight but simply because I find comfort in asking my goddess for guidance. And do I deserve to be punished for that we'll don't think so. Also I would disagree with you on schools being about experession vs. Being about education. Its both, studies In psychology have shown that students learn better when they are happy and students are happiest when allowed to express themselfs
  3. I sorry but you sound like an extreamest, humans are blessed with the gift of free thought so even if a religion is the absolute truth its not a garuntee that everyone will see it and its rather mean to say that these religions are intentionally lying. Also, and this is just my opinion, the forbidding of religious expression is just as vile as the forcing of a certain religious belief on someone because really aren't you then by fordiding religous expression then just forcing atheistic beliefs or at the very least secular beliefs on a child if it is the child's choice to wear a cross of gold or to read aloud a norito, shinto prayer, then they shouldn't be punished for that and while you may make the argument of their family s forcing that religion on them I would ask how ca you prove that just because they're young I choose to become pegan when I was 10 years old without any proding from anyone else so you can't just say kids can't find their own beliefs. also Most religions do believe that a god or goddess or the God created all of thoose subject or at least controls them. no by allowing the individual to choose what to believe and wheter to experess thoose beliefs is fair and while thats entirely possible it will happen with or without religion there. And I feel like your confussing all regions for the monotheistic religions what about hinduism, shintoism, buddhism, pantheism they do not forbide or discorage other faiths so your being very blanket in your statements. And again I feel like your being needlessy mean and althuristic here and while I see where your coming from, I really do, the same can be said of athiesm you can't prove that there is no god or gods anymore than anyone can prove there is so to say a persons beliefs are hogwash just because they're aren't infallible is rather cruel don't you think. And its kind of conspiristory-theroy like to say all religions brainwash people and whats wrong with makeing some one feel good, I'll refer you to my first post on page 1 here, is feeling like there is no reward for life in the next really a neccisty in life I don't think so. again I think your being very rude and cruel to religions just because you do not have a belief does not mean you have to attack other beliefs if some uses a religion to justify something morally wrong then fine attack them by all means I'll even help but to say that believing in thing that bring you comfort is wrong and stupid is just mean and rather prejudiciced/hateful on your part
  4. Creationism? where I've never heard of that being taught in any public schools around here.
  5. still seams like any sort of regulation one way or the other is wrong in this case but as I said before thats just my opinion. good to know about the chinese, thanks
  6. I'll read anything interesting but my favorite types of books are mythology and religion, and my favorite author is Rick Riordan the writer the Percy Jackson series, the kane chronicles, and the Heros of Olympus
  7. Thats good but perhapses a little too much in the other direction the forbidding of any personal religious expression until a child is 18 is just as opressing as forcing any one religion on a child, but thats just my opinion. Also isn't Chinese religion all centered around gods and ancestoral worship mind you its been a while since I last read up on chinese faith and maybe that is now a dead religion or something.
  8. One thing as far as I know the only religions that exclusively ban the worship of other faiths is the abrahamic religions
  9. yes religious belief can't be proved but you can at least give your justifications as I did earlier
  10. I can't offer any proof because therre is none but I can offer my justification for my faith, I believe that the gods are one with nature and the forces of the universe like all of the old storys are really alagorie and that the mythicism of the goddly world and the physical world interact like a pair dancing, every sun rise is because the earth rotates but it is also because Helios pulls the sun in his golden charriot its one in the same just differnt ways of looking at the same truth. mind you this is just my own belief which I follow because it brings me comfort and everyone is entitled to there own interpretation of our vast and wonderful world
  11. Section 8 of article 1 "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;" from http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/print_friendly.html?page=constitution_transcript_content.html&title=The%20Constitution%20of%20the%20United%20States%3A%20A%20Transcription
  12. So now your denying history read text book all of things i mentioned did happen and were perpatrated by Christens and also will you please stop calling me Alex call me Alexandra and if you can't do that can you at least call me something better than just Alex like how about Lexi or something
  13. how wrong you continue to be seriously you'd think at your age you'd have found some common sense several people have said that Birth control is for more than just birth control and as for surger your right but birth control could have orevented the cyst period so if its between giving a woman a pill or making her go through an invasive and expensive surgery well I guess you made your choice I just hope people like you are givin maditory viscectomys and no I don't care if you already have children, or grandchildren, or great great grandchildren I'm speaking in hyperbole something you seem to love using yourself. also the other cases are not at all related to a woman having to have a surgory because necassary medicine was denied to her and also Fox news is the most insane right wing extreamest station ever she choose not to appear on their because she didn't want to get railroaded by ass-holes who have a clear agenda and no I don't care to hear about how wrong I am and how unbias and American Fox news is and how I'm a commi pig for going against it so don't bother. and your right right this issue is just a distraction but it was the republicans who dragged this issue into the media spot light to try to make Obama look bad by declaring this was some kind of war on "faith" ha the little any of them know about faith couldn't fit on the tip of one of my arrows, and finally you make christanity sound so very inviting so if she wanted to study in a christen school but also wanted contracption she might as well leave because she's going to burn in hell right?
  14. Jason I agree with you but choose your words more carefully because religions are not dumb in and of themselfs but religious institutions are dumb now that I would agree with
  15. well then I suppose your entitled to your opinion all I know is that I will always feel sypathy for my cousin who killed herself but everyone veiws tradgety differntly so if you've experinced it and thats your honest opinion then ok
  16. oh and btw that is a misnomer on several levels 1. they aren't a child they aren't even a fetus yet but far from a child 2. "surviving" abortion isn't possible either a pregnancy is terminated or it isn't the sibblings of these POTENTIAL children really have no pain from this unless told this is some how a negative thing, they never knew the "child" and wouldn't have noticed the pregnancy unless it was past the legal time limit of abortion. also I'm fairly certain most children share the same blood type as they're parents
  17. I'll say this liljester have you had someone close to you kill themselfs?
  18. yeah no that happens later read a medical journal if you don't believe me or do you think the whole health care profession is full of a bunch of lying commis too. and also its a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body espically if it was forced on her or like Jason brought up if you found out your child would be born with a significant birth defect now I'm not saying you need to abort every child or even that I myself am for abortion but thats not the issue the issue is about personal choice taking away a mother's right to have an abortion is wrong on every level in this supposed free society we live in
  19. I really like this song because I think it points out the real problem, bullies are like mad dogs its just in their nature to attack people but the real people at fault are the people who stand by and do nothing like the old saying goes the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing
  20. yeah I mean how is it fair that I had to buy my own statue of Athena to whorship but the church gets tax exmption
  21. I'm a woman for one for another I don't think I'm smartest one here but compared to you yes I do think I'm smarter and if that makes me sound like a conceited bitch oh well at lest I can tell AlexandrA is a girls name, not the male form Alexander. maybe you should learn to read
  22. KCMO your the name caller and if your not then prove me wrong by calling me Alexandra like I asked you too before or call our president Obama not BHO because wheter good or bad, liked or hated, a president deserves more respect than your showing here. Also I've already said comparing us to Greece is not only irrelavent but honesty offensive and I love how you just completey ignore the fact that birth control is used to treat a lot of serious medical issues for women beyond just contraciption and in fact many more than viagra so really if anything is an unnessecary tax expense its viagra but I don't hear you clamorring to stop paying for that or maybe its because you don't get to use the pill well it thats the case that only makes you a sad little sexist pig
  23. The inquistation, The crusades, anyone of the evanglical eztreamist, the split between protostants and catholics, whos the real bigot why are you so quick to jump down the ariabic religion's thoat take a good long look at your own faith's history. every religion has it's dark hiistory and you'd better believe christanity is no different. oh and at least muslim never burned books to control the common people
  24. really what about rape vitcims huh should they not be allowed to choose to not give birth to they're asslailent's child how about you get knocked up unprepared with no hope or desire to raise a child and we'll see where your opinion on abortion stand seriously its not your body so shut up and stop complaining about paying taxes towards a necissary medical procedure
  25. oh by Athena's great spear really 1st of all I thought you were a guy why would you be buying birth control second thats was 37 years ago right alot has changed especially the economy your comment might as well be a 80 year old saying that the picture show was only a nickle back in his day and third as Sarah just said the pill is for more than just birth controll
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