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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Posts posted by Kalbintion

  1. interesting to say the least! Never would have thought that repeating text could be used in such a manner to create an awesome looking background! I will definitely have this in my desktop rotation for sure. Also, would you be alright if i made modifications to it? (Mainly resizing it to look better on my resolution)

  2. EQ players wore diapers (tho the couple i knew werent abdls), WoW was nothing new, and nor is this. but it is interesting to see more and more cases where ppl are using diapers. however, saddens me the media does look down on these kind of people :/ and i agree with glenndl. i know ive been modding sims to the best of my ability along with resources available to include abdl stuff, but not enough modders are around really

  3. for me it varies.

    if family is home when im sleeping with a diaper on, i dont sleep too well out of fear of being discovered.

    if no one else is home and im diapered, i get some of the best sleep ever :)

    same here, originally, but seeing i go to sleep in the clothes i wore that day i dont really have too much of a fear of being discovered, maybe of leaks if i go to sleep wet.

    I sleep the same, but diapers tend to make me fall asleep quicker, which is the intended goal. It's kind of funny, ever time I wear I wake up in the morning going "What the hell.. oh yeah, I put that on last night."

    same here to some extent, i too fall asleep faster in diapers usually and i sleep better. though i also have a paci in my mouth too

  4. Personally, i always found the Huggies pull-ups to be best overall from a variety of sources. But i do agree that it depends on the build of the person, main recommendation of trying each brand and seeing which one honestly works out the best. Just reassure her that the next set may be better if she doesn't like those ones. Bit of trial and error!

  5. Only flight experience i had was when i went to Germany, no pat downs, however they did wonder a bit on why i had diapers on me and in my luggage but never went further outside of asking me if id tell them why. Well, seeing this was 3 years ago and i was 15 at the time. I suppose such a question would definitely be appropriate haha. No, I didn't answer them and they didn't bother with the matter. Must have not wanted to deal with it all i guess...

    • Like 1
  6. i read most of my news online. what little i do watch on tv is from the daily show and the colbert report. simply because i learn about current news topics there then do my own research reading other news articles elsewhere. gives a much better opinion for myself on what others think and whats actually true. like most english papers, u need 5+ sources confirming the same information :D

  7. my mom, seeing she found out i wear them but not any of the other baby stuff, just called them by their brand name lol. didnt use any special word! Though, i won't expect her to at all. i expect to not be living here either by the end of college with my own place. who cares then, right?

  8. i only added that suggestion repaid because i kno of some ppl, outside of gamers and programmers and other major tech ppl, are getting into the realm of dual monitors. and was offering it because having two browser windows open, one for each monitor, is quite useful. especially when im trying to get help through a game, one screen takes care of the game, the other the walkthrough/faq/guide/etc

  9. imho, using one post and showing all needed quotes and responding to each one directly right after each quote is sufficient enough and doesnt clutter up the page by needing to show your username, display picture, title, buttons, group, posts, joined, and whatever else repeatedly causing slower users to have to load up more data. they have feelings too. but i'll stop, this is getting off topic and in the realm of moderation.

  10. i believe so as well, if you read my edit, literally done seconds after originally posting, you will see that i added that there is a back to top link in the bottom left corner of the page at the very bottom. let alone the 1, 2, and 3 were just suggestions to getting to the top of the page quickly. PRIOR to me knowing of the back to top link in the bottom left corner of the page. and the "also" portion was just a another suggestion on navigating without having to go to the top of the page.

    edit: let me explain how that "back to top" link works by the way. since some people are confused, not necessarily saying on here, on how some of those buttons/links actually work. There is such a thing as title-tagging in html. you can do this by using the following code in HTML:

    <a name="whatever"></a>This is the whatever section

    the name is where the following link comes into play.

    <a href="#whatever">Back to Whatever</a>

    that will tell the current url to append #whatever to the end of it and to find an <a> tag with the name "whatever" and send your browser to it. If you click on the back to top link, you will see that their is a "#top" portion appended to the end of the URL. this means if you were to look into the source code, you would most likely find something of:

    <a name="top"></a>

    and the link to get there

    <a href="#top">To Top</a>

    its possible you wont even find a <a name="top"></a> or anything related to it in the source code! Why? Because most browsers that can not find such tagging in a document (the page your on) will often end up setting it to the top of page (which is why suggestion 2 in my first post will work. it looks for a null name in a <a> tag, which most people dont use nor have a reason to. it just takes up space! [<a name=""></a> over <a></a> ... bytes do add up])

  11. i wish to say that if you go with depends, do not go up or down a size just because you think they may fit better. chances are they won't. i went with small/mediums to begin with because they go to a 40 inch waist. well, im under 42 (41 most likely), and i had issues with the mediums from day one. not because they didnt fit, but because the padding didnt exactly reach the proper areas completely. i stuck with that pack and was able to work out a solution for myself temporarily until they were all gone. and then bought the proper size. i've only had one leak and thats because i used it well beyond its means and i knew it, but its been fitting much nicer and much more comfortably! They're the pull-ups btw. the adjustable ones i havent tested yet but may end up getting those next in the proper sizing to see if theyre better for me to wear than pull-ups (less undressing and redressing)

  12. i wanted to add on: dual monitors (having two monitors connected to the same computer and extending your desktop over to both, either by stretching, having it be seperate, etc) can help as well by having two browsers opened and using google on one of the monitors and typing on the other. instead of having to tab back and forth to make sure spelling is right or what have ya. just a thought!

    off topic: was the triple posting really needed? ;P

  13. Also, if you're using a tabbed browsers seeing as most are now, opening a new tab and asking google can suffice as well (may work faster for those who are used to using their keyboards more than their mouse *coughmecough*)

  14. Theres a couple of ways to get to the top without a return to top button.

    1) Use your mouse and CLICK+DRAG the scrollbar to the top, you can get it to the top in a fairly rapid succession

    2) Click on the URL and go to the very end of it (right arrow key if its highlighted will place you at the end) and enter a '#' then hit enter

    3) Most modern mouse wheels have a button as well, if you click on it you should get a circle shape with 2 or 4 arrows (up, down, left, right. up and down is standard), moving your mouse in teh direction you wish to travel and further you are from the place you clicked will make it go rapidly up or down or left or right of the page until it can go no more

    Also, in the bottom right before the fast reply box there is a drop down menu with a list of all of the boards available for you in that drop down menu, select it and press 'go' this is a very useful feature and it seems often misused or ignored completely

    edit: just found this out. at the VERY BOTTOM LEFT on the IP Board layout scheme (the quick layout scheme selection is just above this) there is indeed a "Back to top" link.

  15. ive never had an issue with cashiers, even this previous time i went to buy some, dropped a coin from the change i was receiving and i bent over to pick it up and i know she saw part of the waist sticking out over my pants, and it was the same brand i was buying. but hey, me and her and a conversation about the weather because she was getting off soon and she didn't really care. you'll be fine sara! though, i also go at 2-3 in the morning when everyone is asleep to pretty much hinder all chances of detection by being known from someone haha

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