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Posts posted by underwhere

  1. This seems like a really wonderful community. I actually found this place because I went searching for a place I could explore this side of myself without too much in the way of badgering as regards the content of things I want to post about my explorations. So far, I've put up a single blog entry describing some very recent thoughts I've had about this aspect of myself. As is often the case, I found it helpful to write it for myself, and I hope others learn a bit about me by reading it. However, this also leads directly to my question.

    I was first a member of another web site which has helped me explore my S&M needs and desires which appear to be a bit astray from the more usual aspects of that scene. I feel like I've so far made some good progress there, but I was also chastised on that web site by the site administrator for posting content which was "not permitted", basically, a poem I had written in my blog about myself making rather explicit references to "my inner child" and some of what I am feeling and needing about that. Ultimately, my poem was removed from my blog there by the site administrator, not once but twice, the second time even after I had specifically clarified in a footnote my actual intent of subject matter and specific meaning as to what I was writing about. I'd like to post that poem here in my blog, but before doing so, I want to be sure that there wouldn't be any objections (specifically, TOS or otherwise) with doing so. Some of the imagery I've used in the poem is a bit graphic and, I suppose, some might construe as even potentially pornographic with references to a child, but as I said, the real point of this poem is that the "child" being described is my "inner child", not a "real child", a point which I believe I made very clear in the poem itself, and which I made even more clear in the footnote I attempted to attach to it the second time around on that other web site. (I can recreate the footnote in its basic form as I did not save that from the other site before it was deleted.)

    What is the sense, from the site administrator and moderators here, as to whether or not this type of content would be welcome here? If it means anything, I've chosen to keep my blog private to the dailydiapers community members only, something which I may alter on a moment-by-moment basis if I wish to share something with somebody who is not a member of this site but which I would normally not change. (I did that tonight, actually, to share my first blog entry with my M'am from that other web site, and have since changed it back.) Given the description of the type of content and the safeguards I have chosen to utilize against potentially prying eyes, would it be okay for me to post a poem like the one I have described in my blog here?

  2. ABs usually seem to seek out a caring relationship, but sometimes, even the best behaved AB misbehaves and needs to be punished. How about a machine which is capable of giving a spanking or other form of chastisement as desired by the "mommy" or "daddy". It would be really important to have lots of adjustable settings though, like severity of spanking or punishment, and length of spanking or punishment, and of course, a large collection of potential punishments, whether it be spanking-related, enemas, suppositories, or perhaps even a purposefully soaking and leaking diaper which, if not changed quickly, would be more likely to cause chafing or diaper rash, or any number of other posibilities. Are there any other potential suggestions for this "punishment machine", or is the idea a bit scary to you all?

  3. I'd also recommend http://www.jumpinjammerz.com which is where I ordered mine from, and the guy that runs the place was very accommodating to me with payment methods. At the time, I had to send a money order because I had no credit cards, and it was much smoother to do so than I imagined it would be. I bought mine a couple of years ago because (believe it or not) my place gets too cold in the summer with the air conditioning. I wear them in the winter too, though. :) Very comfy indeed. :)

  4. Hi there!

    Well, I guess I, too, have decided to take the plunge along this journey, though I know not how far it will take me or how far I want to carry it.

    I'm a 30 year old boy, probably best described as a DL but only because I'm not sure how far I really want to carry myself into AB land. Over the past year or two, I've finally begun exploring this side of me a bit more. I've found a great website which has helped me to explore the S&M/D&S/BDSM side of my needs (I consider myself a switch with significant sub tendencies), but that website has some pretty specific and strict guidelines that anything related to the AB/DL scene is explicitly prohibited. I have found a lovely woman over there who has taken me under her wings and I hope to be able to further my exploration in that area with her in the months to come.

    So I guess the reason I'm here is to explore my AB/DL side a bit more. I hope to meet some nice people here mostly for discussion and chat, although if I find the right "mommy" or perhaps if she finds me, I think I'd like the opportunity to explore that too. However, I'm not looking to rush into things. It has taken me this long to be comfortable with the idea in the first place, and I need to be comfortable with the people I meet online "online" long before I would be willing to ever even consider meeting in person.

    Anyway, its good to be here, and I hope to "meet" many people here.

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