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Posts posted by tris

  1. Today's todo list for Elfking:

    See therapist RE: Mum issues

    Move out of Mum's house.

    Seriously, what ARE you doing? I'm glad your mum is OK with your choices, as not everyone's parents are, but I'm questioning your motives about all this. The way you write about telling your mom is kinda like how someone would write about telling their girlfriend or wife, or, in your case, I'm gonna say partner. "Yayyy, they're OK with the fact that I wear diapers. Now I've just gotta figure out how to get them to change me. ."

    I think I can safely assume that you didn't tell her just to 'come out' -- there's clearly more behind this, your words alluded to it. Sounds sick, but, hey, it's your life. Care to divulge your master plan?

    Good luck, m8.

    • Like 1
  2. This website is part of our public image too, and we should care what we let others see of us

    Oh shit, the epiphany. :bash: Was there a shaft of light and angels vocalizing? It's a Christmas Miracle!

    That's the point I've been trying to drill home, but y'all are too wrapped up in 'freedom of expression' and gender semantics.

    Oh really.

    Yarly. MENSA Scrabble tournaments at 14. Suck it.

    Maybe I should be the one to leave -- I'm not a fan of being associated with Drama Queens and morons.

    #fuckallyall #takingalilbreak

    • Like 1
  3. Huggies Naturally Refreshing with Cucumber and Green Tea wipes are pretty kickass, as are the Pampers Thick wipes. The only downside with the Pampers Thick is that they don't appear to come in refill packs, only the travel-like packs. They come in scented, unscented, and sensitive. Haven't gotten to the scented ones yet, but I hope they are just a thicker version of the Baby Fresh wipes, which I liked for the scent, but, they weren't thick or wet enough to handle any kind of diaper change -

  4. Clarisonic is from the makers of the Sonicare toothbrush. Just like the Sonicare cleans your teeth, it uses sonic vibrations to clean your pores, resulting in clearer, healthier skin. In fact, it's a local product from Pacific Biosciences Labs in Bellevue.

    Look it up and check it out. Totally worthwhile skincare investment! Can be found at Clarisonic dot com, or from major skincare retailers like Sephora.

    • Like 1
  5. Well, you didn't step in, Mischa did. I wish you had said something earlier, because I know you to be the level-headed one of the bunch. :) As I said, this didn't have to get out of control. But it did, it happened, and I'm sorry. I think we all just misunderstood each other.

    @Rain: You're not helping, and we don't need to add to the fracas. You've got a post count less than 10, and haven't even been a member for a year. Sit this one out, okay, buddy?

    • Like 1
  6. +1 to Sarah. That's what we're going for in the playroom, as well.

    A couple of different ideas, though: You could use straight-up wooden dowels, or buy larger pieces and have them lathed at a custom woodworking shop. This would allow you to create some really cool railings.

  7. Wow. I'm inclined to think that the little Connecticut clique is having a rough week, and maybe is just a tad bit aggressive? If one comment/post can get ALL of you this riled up, there's got to be something else going on.

    And having been around for a minute, I recall that much of DW's posts have been TG-related. Are we just supposed to forget that you brought all of this up? We wouldn't have near as much of a TG-friendly environment if it weren't for you.

    But I make one post and suddenly this whole place is TG-UNfriendly?

    I'm not sure where your anger --which is nearing 'militant' status-- is coming from. I'm not the first person who has pointed that out, and I surely won't be the last. If you were truly as self-accepting as you say you are, then mine, or anyone else's words wouldn't cause you to lash out in the manner that you have. But it would appear that I've touched some truths, lest you wouldn't be so bothered.

    But please, if you feel that you must leave -- do so! This Community wasn't originally intended to address TGs and the serious issues and drama that accompany it. But we agreed that it was prudent to allow such topics because this is a discussion board, and that's what we do here.

    The bottom line is this: You started a thread, you asked for feedback, and you got it. There was no implication or guarantee that you were going to like or appreciate the responses.

    • Like 1
  8. So I'm big on skincare, cosmetics, and overall personal care. I've known about these devices for quite some time, as they've been around awhile, but, I've only gotten to use one within the last year.

    My mom's had problem skin for as long as I can remember. Between stress, poor diet, and hormones, she's looked like she's got the skin of a 14 year old for most of my life. I s'pose part of that might be my fault -- having a baby really does change everything!

    So anyway, mom's had a Clarisonic for about a couple of years, and when I come over, I've got my own brush head to use. Pretty neat device, makes the skin feel fucking awesome.

    Fast forward to this holiday season: It's my first year being back in the NW, and she's been SUPER happy to have me around. (Geez, if you had acted like this in '07, I wouldn't have left, bitch!) As a token of her serious appreciation, and because she knows I'm more metrosexual than that . . Uhh. . . Howard. . ?? . . . Politician dude, she got me (and Mommy/gf) one of our own! I let Mommy open gifts early every year because she practically begs, and I cave. Every time. :( Inside the box that was for 'both of us' was the Clarisonic and and a membership cert to Costco! (I was pretty stoked about that, too!)

    So, who else has one of these badboys? Like it? Love it? Hate it?

    • Like 3
  9. you do realize transgender people frequent this site?

    Jesus, what is it with you and the TGs? Who suddenly made you their caped crusader? This thread has NOTHING to do with any specific gender, or the gray areas between them. Again, you're dumb.

    @Shoelessjoe: Fap Fodder is another term for Spank Bank. They seem to think that you're using this thread as a ploy to collect amateur pics of men in diapers, of which, there seems to be no shortage on the internet. If you were trying to score only female pics, you've failed epically. Maybe this contest would go off better on Diaperspace? I'm not accusing that picture collection was your MO here, but it kinda looks that way. . .

    And if I could figure out how to have my pictures resized and not take up the ENTIRE screen when I attach them, I'd submit one or two. A little help, maybe?

    • Like 1
  10. To analogise: Why would you lust after a Chevy when you've got easier access to a Maserati? :biker_h4h:

    For what it's worth, Bambino and Secure both ship VERY discreetly. I can't say that they bill discreetly, though, as the last time I bought a case, the description line on my statement had part of Bambinodiapers.com in it. I do believe that when it cleared, though, it became 'TBHG'. . .

    Also, both of those diapers are great and cost-effective. While I understand that most Italians spare no expense when it comes to things like clothing and fashion, you must also consider form: Buy the diapers that fit properly, you will be much happier!

    Check out some of the European ABDL sites. You have a much better selection of diapers over there than the States do, and many places will ship to Italy.

  11. And think about how great the world would be if all the highway rest stops had posies and daisies, in which you could frolick with your newfound friend, Davy Doubletap?

    It's clear to me that you don't understand, so just leave it. :\

    . . .what's worse is that a board that says it's a support forum can allow someone to write such a bigoted and disrespectful tirade.

    Sometimes Tough Love and Truth are just the support one needs!

    And furthermore, I get numerous positive responses from my 'tirades' each time I lay one down, so there.

    • Like 3
  12. I get where you're coming from, Mary-Ann. I feel the same way when Mommy disciplines or gets mad at me. I feel pretty crummy inside, and I would do ANYTHING to fix it, just to see her smile again.

    To answer your question: Yes, it's needy. Is it a bad thing? No. Being a people-pleaser is far from the worst trait I could think of in a person, but then again, I'm a people-pleaser, too, and I go out of my way to make sure that everybody in my life is not only NOT upset with me, but is pleased enough that they'll do what I want.

    It's all part of the give-and-take game, kiddo! I wouldn't worry about it too much. Embrace your feelings. But, if you find that they're too much for you, then it would be a good time to have a big-girl conversation with your Daddy. Let him know what's going on inside your head --besides, isn't that what Daddies are for?

  13. @Kitten, D_Ranger: Read the part where I said it was freezing cold outside. Everyone was bundled up from head to toe, and any exposed part of the body, no matter who it belonged to, would have been chilly enough to react by covering it up. I maintain that this was an act of exhibition.

    Funny that most of you jumped on the weight issue. Your indignant responses lead me to believe that you too, suffer from a bit of a weight problem; I can understand that you might feel a bit hurt reading those words, as you've likely had them said to you at least once or twice. This was far from the focus of my diatribe, yet many of you chose to take it in that direction.

    hate him for being a creep, not for being overweight.

    This was the focus. But I felt it necessary to expand on his traits that would allow one to make logical inferences about his personality and lifestyle. (Yes, I know I just took a more euphemistic way around saying that I'm judgmental.)

    But we're all judgmental, whether we want to be or not. Our media plays a very significant role in how we decide what's attractive by further magnifying (and often obscuring) the little details of our human condition. Add to this our natural instinct, and you've got what we now call a Stereotype. I hate Metallica, but: Sad But True. This defines how we interact with one another, and in turn, our social structure.

    What I would like to impress is that even when one of us witnesses this kind of image, it's displeasing, and only moreso because we know that we're basically in the same boat. The moral of the story is: don't be that guy.

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  14. Like I said, I knew this wouldn't earn me many friends, and that there would be consequences and casualties.

    Drynot, Tpins: I will reaffirm that I believe that anyone can change, at any time, for any reason. While I won't take this in a personal direction for either of you, will say plainly that, just like everyone else, your present is based on your past and the choices you have made. The good news is that you can steer your future into a more desirable destination, at any time. You must simply choose to do so.

    As far as the weight thing goes -- isn't the obesity rate something like 42%? It's no secret Americans are fat. I agree, the definition could use some tweaking, but 42% is nearly half. Even at a conservative guesstimate, we're still talking 30-something percent -- that's not cool, yo. Bringing it back for a second, I'd like to shout out to my homeboy Lex up there -- I believe it was he that started the 'Drop a diaper size' thread and challenge? That's Proof positive: Your status quo can be changed at any time. You only have to choose.

    Look, what I'm getting at with all of this is that a generation can be an inspiration, an example worthy of note, or it can be a reminder, a note to take heed; to be made example of.

    Being an ABDL can be a burden in one's hand, and an anchor on one's heart and mind. That is why I urge the young people to face their issues head-on, learn themselves, and how they must get along. Be social, build relationships. Play the game, and play it well. You only live once, and the sooner you can start to accept yourself, the sooner others can accept you, and your best life can begin. This comes with all kinds of rewards, not the least of which is not ending up middle-aged, fat, balding, alone, and possibly living in your mother's basement. (Or in a van down by the river!)

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  15. Hm. Not where I saw this going. I fully expected a flamewar to erupt, but I felt it necessary to point this out, depsite the possible consequences. Thanks, gang!

    What sucks is that my first version was alot better, and while I was reviewing and editing, I hit 'backspace' a bunch of times, trying to re-write a quip, and the text box didn't have the focus. Firefox backed up a few pages and I lost my reply. I almost took it as an omen that I shouldn't go through with it, but you can clearly see what I decided.

    It's unfortunate that some individuals must be further oppressed when they're in an already painful situation. For as long as humans have existed, there have been those who did not excel in the social arena; for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which would be visual appeal, or lack thereof. In no way does this mean that those people are no longer worthwhile, but sadly, there are some things that some folks just can't do based upon their social and/or visual status. And I wholeheartedly subscribe to the theory that people can change, at any time, for any reason. After all, we were designed this way; if it's one thing humans do collectively well, it's adapt to survive.

    However, it is still survival of the fittest, sadly, and that means that there will be some casualties. But since our battle is Time, the playing field is equalized by our ability to recognize patterns in our own behavior, and adapt accordingly. To my younger members: This means you.

    Each generation serves as an example to its immediate, and future successors since people have been gathering and communicating. Specifically with our community, those who are taking the leap to find out more about this aspect of themselves, and begin their own personal journey of acceptance, are the future of our collective acceptance into what we know as modern American society.

    Your ability to get to know yourself, and integrate yourself into your environment, as well as find healthy, productive outlets to fulfill the emotional voids in your life will ultimately protect you from a future of ostricism, despair, and loneliness. (and also from getting called out on the internet by some twenty-something punk for looking like a perv.)

    There are two very different futures ahead of you, my friends. Do yourselves, and us all, a huge favor, and be the best person you can be. Address your needs and rectify the situations that hold you back from living your dream. If you don't do it soon, you may be too late. Do everything you can to live the best life, the right life. Take care of yourself, and take care of each other.

    Good night.

    • Like 4
  16. I'll add my experience in this department, since it's relevant.

    Keep it clean is right! Mommy got her first ever yeast infection from me by both of us neglecting to wipe me down before sex. If you've got a female partner and you engage in sexual activity (penetration or otherwise) after being in a wet diaper, make sure you wipe down first!

  17. You're middle aged; pretty hefty and looking like Fatguy-in-a-little-coat. Your chimo glasses are huge and you're balding. Mommy and I are walking behind you at the Tree Lighting Festival, it's about quarter to four. The plaza is crowded. There are more children than adults milling about, and people are pretty much shoulder-to-shoulder, wandering through the displays. I watch as you meander your way through the crowd. I asked Mommy: "Do you see what I see?" I point at the fat patch of pale skin exposed between your too-short jacket and waist 48 khakis.

    I see a ratty pair of underwear. It's got a blue and yellow stripe, some cheapo brand. What is it covering? A just as cheap Depend or store-brand pullup, pulled up above the underwear WAY too high. Clearly you did this with the intent that others might see, though you made it look like an accident. There's no way you can't notice this, it's freezing cold outside, and it's trying to snow.

    I walked around and got just enough of a profile view to see that you weren't a retard; otherwise, I might have let this slide and placed blame on your companion/caregiver for neglecting your appearance, shaming you in public. You're alone, and I can see why.

    But no, you clearly wanted to be noticed. Well Bucko, you got your wish: I noticed you, and so did parents as you walked past their children, sledding down the hill. Was it worth it? Did you get the rush you needed?

    After you're done blowing your load by reliving your afternoon antics, (embellished enough to fulfill your fantasy) I want you to imagine what society would be like if ABDL was as accepted as LGBT. How wonderful the world could be if diapered adults weren't viewed with pity or disgust.

    Now I want you to contemplate what individuals like yourself are doing for our community's image: Fat, balding, ugly, middle-aged man cruising through a crowd of parents and children while his XL pullup is intentionally exposed for all to see. Your ass was a billboard that day, and your marketing department definitely didn't do their research before going to press.

    I hope that you're a lurker here, and you can read this to know that what you did was inappropriate. If you want acceptance and tolerance of our lifestyle, do the revolution a favor and cover your fat ass up.



    [/rant] #Beginflamewar

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  18. I bought some MAM glow ones here (Well, local to the three of us, anway) and I can also confirm that they glow REALLY bright and, depending on the length and intensity of light exposure, can glow in excess of 90mins. The designs are also apparent in the glow, which I also thought was pretty neato.

  19. Tru Dat. We have a non-Tempur Brand memory foam mattress, and we wouldn't trade it for the world! EVERYTHING is better on it (and I mean EVERYTHING) -- not including the best night's sleep you'll ever have, every single night of the week. For those of you who think they're out of your reach --and I feel you on that--- I don't have $800+ to drop on a bed, but IF you could afford a few hundo -- I suggest checking out Overstock dot com. Remember, O ships for cheap -- $2.95, I think? Either way, it was practically free. The mattresses come all rolled up and easy to handle. Like the commercials always say -- they're the most recommended beds of all time, and with very good reason.

    I understand your wife's concern -- My Mommy does the same, and would also be pretty upset if I leaked on our bed. Hey man, enjoy it!

  20. Tris, you need to tell him you are going to report him to the HR department or you boss if he doesn't stop it. That is sexual harassment, man to man or not.

    I'm really not worried about the 'harassment', as I myself put forth some effort to keep the environment sexually charged, to a fair degree. My jokes and comments far exceed the harassment level when compared to his. If anyone's getting reported to HR, I'm sure it'd be me. Besides, what's working if you can't have fun with your coworkers and subordinates?

    He's annoying, at best. My only worry is that he can tell what's up, as he's got himself a new baby, so I'm sure he knows, or by now, can tell the difference between diaper booty and non-diapered booty.


    He's also my right-hand man, I really can't run the show without him. Well, I s'pose I could, as I haven't had him doing a whole lot of extra stuff for me lately, but, still, I like the guy. I'm not going to fire him. As a matter of fact, myself and another team lead in the area are asking our DM to get him a raise because we don't wanna lose him, and he's been applying to my 3rd party vendors. . :(

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